The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 14, 1840, Image 4

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SAESAPA lltr T A nrnin TirTT..
JHUUI.D receive a preference overall l'illa now
J in existence:
t-'irst Became thrv
Hi! .? ' frT "lJ?,J 4 may taken al
all times with perfect .rifely by young and old, with
out TMt'aim from oecUpatiorti'teiiipcrato UvinV, r
... . v turn luit-u m such
medicinal enrstts, a$ have been employed l.v all
"' anu respectable l'nysicians for
more than a century past, in purifying the lllood
and Animal lluid of flir 1,1,.
Thiid Becnuiie they may he employed as n
....... . yurgauvo, according to the quantity
token, ana their ODerntinn will i.n .h,u,i ,s,i.
Briping of the bowels, sickness at tbo stomach,
lro3irauon pt me system, &c ra aro produced bv
other nills. '
Fourth Becauso they possess a combined action,
puwesBeu uy any ouu,r p111S) mixture or prepar
ation whatever. Their firi pirn-i i
all impurities with which the blood and fluids of
mo uuuy may no uu-cteti.nnd by their gently opera
tive eflcct, removing such impurities froih the sys
tcm. '
Fifth BecaUse they aro the lerror of Quacks
and Impostors, for most persons aro obliged to take
the arsaparilla Blood PiUs, after taking their vilo
uu uvoicuv,mi; nostrums, in counteract anil prevent
their mischievous and baneful eft'ects.
Sixth Becauso they are the only pills in which
Physicians have sufficient confidence to recommend
to their patients, and employ in their practice, as
they know they aro Anti Quack, Ami Mcrcural.
Anti Billious as well as a good and safe purgative
and purifier of tho Blood and Animal Fluids.
Seventh and last But not the least important,
bo becauso they arc prepared by a regular Apothe
cary and Phvsician, attested Dy Dre. Physic, Hor
ner, Chapman, Devvees, James, Gibson, Jackson,
Coxe, Hare, &c, &c, which alone is bulficient to
entitle them to great confidence.
Certificates and Recommendations from Physi
cians and others accompany tho directions around
each box.
iCT Price twenty Five Cents a BoxJb
Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at
Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 101 North
Second st,,a few doors below Vine street, Philadel
phia, also, sold by
J. Gilbert & Co., North Tilird street above Vine.
G.S, Clemens, do Od do do Wood st.
J, R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next the Red
Lion, and all rcspcctablo VVholcsalo and Retail
Druggist's in Philadelphia.
They aro atao sold by:
J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J. W. Rohrer, do do
W. Eberman Litiz.
3. W. Oakly, Reading.
J. B. Mozer, Allentown.
P. Pomp, Easton.
, And tho principal Merchants and Drugists in tho
Uhiied States.
For sale at tho Health Emporium Bloomsburg
D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloomsburg July, 13, 1830. 11.
OMMUNICVriON. How few they are that
happen to bo afflicted with Coughs or Colds
pay attention to them. How many thousands from
such neglect shorten their days, and hasten their fi
nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil
dren, and thus form tho foundation for Consump
tion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their
own children to tllo grave, having died from some
affections of tho Brcat and Lungs, which wcie ncg
Jectcd in their first stagtsj
Coughs and Colds, whether existing omongyoung j
or oi(i, ougut at all times bo attended to early, anil
not snflireilto continue any length of time, for tho
jntrgSTmceafl'ected.dlseascsoon makes rapid strides,
ending in tho most fatal of all diseases, namely Con
VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catarrhs, Influenzas,
Shortness of Breath,' Whooping Cough, Pain in
the Breast or Side, all affection of tho Breast and
Lungs, and arrest of approachinsg Consumption, is
tho most popular mediciuo used throughout all Ger
many is becoming equally popular in the United
States, and has established for itself a reputation
not possessed by any other medicine for the same
class of diseases. (Seo certificates and recommen
dations from Parents, Physicians, and others, accom
paning the directions.) U is a preparation perfect
ly safe and harmless, pleasant to tho taste, and may
ho given to tho youngest infant. It is warranted
free from mercury and the minerals, and is a prepar
ation of a regular Apothecary and Physician, attes
ted by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Gibson, Jackson,
Horner, JJewccs, Coxe, James, &c. a circumstanco
ulone sufficient to induce a trial of it
Dr. N. 11. Leidy, Proprietor of tho above medi
cine, confidently recommends it to all, nnd assures
oil most positively that it is an invaluablp medicine
and would not himself recommend it, but for it,
known efficacy.
Prepared only and for saloWholesalo and Retail at
Br. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 10 J North
Sorond street a few doors below Vino street, Phil
adelphia also, gold by
J. Gilgert & Co., NoithThi-d street above Vine
G. S Clemens, do 3d do do Wooi1 st
J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next tho Ited
Lion, and by all respectable1 Wholesale! .and retail
1.-.. : . . .. : 1 1 1 t 11 i i
They aro sold by:
J. F Long, Lanoastcr, Pennsylvania
J. W. Rohrer, do do.
W. Eberman Litiz.
J. W. Oakley, Roadinz.
For sale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg
oy u. H.-iuuiAH, Agent.
rRY respectfully informs his friends and the
nublic. that he has nlwnVflnn haml n tho T.l
kui.v oianie in uioomsutirg, Ior tno purpoe Of Hire
or Exehnngc, a variety of
Morses, SuBk'ies, (Rigs,
tvhich he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for
the accommodation of customers.
He has also made arrangement for carrying pas-s.-n;ers
from Bloomsburg to Muncy, and from
Blooinsburg to Buckalows on tho Uwego turnpike.
Leaves Bloomsburg for Muncy every Saturday
ut 7 o'clock in the morning and arrive at Muncy
the same evening. Leave Muncy evocy Saturday
morning at 8 o'clock and arrive at Bloomsburg the
tame evening.
Leaves Bloomsburg ovary Wednesday morning
for iluckalews and return the same day.
Personal application can bo made at his residence,
when every means will be used to render ontiro sat
isfaction to thoto who may give him a call,
Bloomsfcurg, March, 38, 1840,- 49,
. O. II it, , - . -
QJqpfcnioh to Tiib-HTOEAs.BnAirhr.Tii'svAS
9lSmAX PcnoATive, tho Matciiiiss (jmccij)
Saxative, ornny other pills or compound before
tho public, 09 certified to by Physicians and Others
Let non condemn them until they lmvo tried
them, and then wo are certain they will not.
It is now a settled point with all who have used
the Vegetable Persian Pills that they are pre-eminently
the best and most clliracious Family Medi
cine thjit has yet been used in America. If every
family could brcomo acquainted with thru- Rover
elgn power over disease, they would keep tliem nnd
bcpropaied wilh a sure remedy to apply on the firs
appearance 'of disease, and then how much distress
would be avoided and money Kavetl, rts well as the
lives of thousands who arc hurried out of lime by
neglecting disease in its first stages, or by ivgidicing
in posxossion of a remedy which thoy can pliilto de
pendence upon.
The JRcsurrccl'ion, or Persian Pills.
Tho nama of these pills orgitintcd from tho cir
cumstanco of tho medicine being found only in the
ccmetarie of Persia. This vegetable prodtiotion
being of a poculiar kind, led to experiments as to
ita inedlciunl mi.llillna nnA t;irtna Tn n
I . .11 null u ten-
tury it became an established medicino for the dis
eases of that country.' Tho extract of this singii-
i.u iHuuiituuii was introduced into some parts 01 JJu
rope in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated
Physicians in curing certain diseases, uhero all oth
er medicine has been used in vain, Early in the
year 1702, tho extract Was combined with a cortuin
iuuiu iiiL-iticinu iiiijHiricu irom uura uaca, in
tho East Indira, nml fnrmnl inM Pill 'I'l.i. .l,. r
, .......... .iiuumnii-
ablo eUect of tins compound upon tho human nys-
imi, iuu mysiicnns anu iuiiii les into Is wiim-nl
sal and healing virtues, tho detergent and cleansing
juaiuu-a ui uiuir Bjii'ciiic action upon llio glandular
putation and general use in tho American Rcpub-
I certify that I have, hv
the llvcrcaii. nnd most of thn
jn my practice, which have borne the highest repute
in uiu (iiiunc esumaiion, mat liavo Iicen ottered for
sale in this vicinity for tho last livo years, including
those called tho Resurrection nr Pcrsnin Tillo. ,!
the public jnay rebl assured that none among the
H iiuio catalogue nas answered a uctter purpose, as
an easy and ctrectual remedy, than the Resurrection
ur i crsian i ius, in most cases ot disease.
CiiA)tLi:s Backus, M. D.
Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837.
Messrs. -E. Chaso- & Co Gents'. Heannir
mucn saiu auout 1110 extraordinary cllccts of the
Resurrection or Persian i'ills, upon those about to
becomo mothers, we were induced to inaka a trial of
them, My wifo was at that tune the mother of five
children, and had suffered tho most tedious and ex
cruciating pains during and after her confinement
of each. She had tried every means nnd taken
much medicine, but found little or no relief. She
commenced taking the .Persian Pills about three
months before her confinement (her health being ve
ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a
short timo she was enabled by their use to attend to
tho cares of a mother to h.-r family until her con.
fincmcnt. At tho time die commenced taking the
Persian Pills, and for several weeks pi evious, she
was altlictcu wim n iiiy hard cough, and frequent
BOveio cramps, which the use of the Pills entirely
removed before using half a box. It is with the
grcat06t confidence that wo advise allthoso about to
becomo mothers to mnko use of tho Pen-inn Pills.
All those that have taken them in our neighbor
hood have got along in thu same easy manner, and
aro about the house in a few days. There does not
appear to be half tho danger of other dangers setting
in after confinement, where theso Pills aie token.
We unitedly' say.let none neglect taking them, for
they aro in the reach of tho poor as well as tho rich.
Wo aro truly thankful that there is a remedy which
females can easily procuro which tends to lessen the
world of suffering, which many of them havo to bear,
und perhaps save the lives of thousands which would
otherwise bo lost.
Rochester, May 14, 1838; corner of Callidonian
square, Edinburg street; for further particulars see
S. RonunTS,
Asn O. KunmiTs.
RociiKSTCii, Sept. 2-1, 183G.
Messrs. E. Chase Co.
I think it my duty to let you know what a great
cure your Pills have performed on me I had been
sick about 7 yours about 2 years nnd a half con
fined to my bed. I had been givon over ns incurable,
with Consumption, by twelve physicians of the first
standing; my lungs were seriously aftectedj-I had
3 ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and
harsh mot of tho time; my liver was much swollen,
and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever,
and night sweat, accompanied with oxtrcme irritn
blonoss of the nervous system, and other difficulties
which I forbear to mention. After I was given ovor,
I tried almost all medicines which wore advertised,
but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable
Persian Pills. I began to gain in a short time after
I commenced taking them; and, to be brief, before I
took 3 boxes, I was able to riilo out and to take con
siderable exercise, nnd at this timo I enjoy good
health, and am able to do good day's work. If any
noo wishes a moro particular history of my suffer
ings, he may call oi me, at tho corner of Main and
Cltutou-strocw, Rochester.
Fits CuriKn The undersigned hereby certify,
that we aro the Parents of two children who havo
ueen nHlictcd with hta moro or less from thoir infan
cy, and that wo havo spared no pains or oxpense in
endeavoring to ofl'ect a cure, but without any bene
ficial oft'ect, uu jil hearing of the Resurrection or Per
sian PilU, when four boxes wcro immediately
procuied, and before threo boxes were taken, tho
fitd ,had .abated in frequency, and eveiy sym.
torn much improved, pnd now wo nro happy to
state that our children by tho uso of the IVreian
Pills, with the blessing of God, aro entirely cured,
and have no symtom or appearance of fits, will find
n the Persian Pills a sure Iind'perfect cure.
Canton N. Y. Deo. 10, 1837.
Tho abovQ pilU may bo had of tho followinc a
genii John Moycr. Bloomsburg; H. Miller, Ber
wick; J. Cooper & Sons, Hazolton; C. Hprtman
Espeytown; John Sharplose, Cattawissa; Lyman
Sholeti, Danville.
Bzrn Taylor, nircrit for ho Statu of Pcnnsvlva
nia.rosiding at' Rochester N. Yf fowliom all orders
oaa bo ddretisd, '
HERE AS, thchonornbto ELLIS LEWIS
President of tho Courts of Over nnd Ter
miner and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter
Sessions of tho Pence, and Court of Common Pleas,
and Orphan s Court, in the eighth Judicial District,
composed of the counties of Norllnnnbcrlaiul, Union,
Columbia and Lycoming ; and the lion. Willi m
Dovalsom and Gkohbe Mack Rsnuirei, as
sociate judges In Columbia county, have issued
their precept bearing date the 27th day of August
in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred
and lortv, And to mo directed lor holding
A Court of Oyer and Terminer ami G n
eal Jail Delivery, General Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, Common
Pleas, and Orphan's Court,
IN DAN ILLE, in the county of Columbia, on
ihe nurd AlOnilay ot iov. noxt, (being the lOtti
day) and to continue two week.
NOTICE ie therefore herein eivci to the Cor
oner, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables of
the said County of Columbia, that they bo then and
there in Iheir proper persons, at ten o'clock, in tho
loronoon ol said day, with their records, inquisitions
and other remembrances to do thoso things which
to their ofiiecs appcitaiu to be done. And thoso
that tiro bound by recognizances to prosecute
against tho prisoners that arc or may bo in the jail
of said county of Columbia, arc to bo then and there
to pro ecute against them ns shall be just. Jurors
nro requcstod punctual in their attendance, a-
grcenlily to their notices.
Baled nt Danville, tho lCth dny of October, in
tho year of our Lord ono thousand cicht hun
dred and forty and in the G5lh year of
tho independence ot tho um'cu btates ol Amer
ciicriu s umce, j;anvillo,
Oct. 10th 1810.
Celebrated Vegetable Jlntibilious Pills,
Are effecting some of tho most astonishing nnd
wonderful euros that have over been known. Tho
town and county arc filled with their praise. Tho
Palace and Poor house aliko echo with their vir
tues. In all climates tkry still retain their wonder
ful virtues,
Eexlracl from n letter written by Dr.
Francis liogart, of Providence, 'it. I,
Dee. 7, 1808.
" Powers' Pills arc an excellent nperiment and
cathartic, medicine, those cfl'ccls being produced by
the dhTercncc of the quantity taken, and arc deci
dcdlo superior to Leo's, Brandrcth's Morrison's
Extract from a letter by Hopkins, of Bail'
zor, Maine. Jan. 9. 1838.
" They are a peculiarly mild, yet efficient purga
tivn mpflirinp. nnrl nmilnfn l!ttln if :..:.... r
nausea, 1 have prescribed them with much success
in sick headaches and slight billious fevers."
Extract from a letter by Dr. Joseph Wil
liams, of JJurllngllam, I t. Juhi 0,
" I cordiallyjrccommcd Peter's Peters' Pills as a
mildly cflective, andjii no case dancerous family
mi'dic'nc. They arc peculiarly intluential in cos
tivencss and all the usual diseases of tho dicestivo
Extra of a lettcrfrom Dr. Edward Smith,
of Montreal, U. C, Sept. 89 183G.
" I never l:nmv n rtnU ,nim,t tnnii;n;.n i, t
could put the slightest confidence in but Br. Peters'
Vegetable Pills, which uro ically n valuable discov
ery. I have no hesitation in having it known that
I use thpni pvtr'nuii'Mi. in t.i-n.. .'on rn. n ......
- ..... ... jhuhiiu, iui an lum-
plaints, (and thoy aro not a few,) which havo their
ouuiiu m uiu luqiuniy l uic UlOOd.
Extract of a lettcrfrom Jr. Pue, of Que-
l. r If I n . u J fc
ucc, j. u. murcn u, laay.
" For billious fevers, sick- lipmlnrlin. inrnl.ltt.r -r
the bowels, and enlargement of spleen, Dr. Peters'
i-ius are an excellent medicine."
Extract of a Utter from Dr. Gurncy, of
JHW UllKUUS, j.a. WCl, V, 18J7.
" I havo received much
.... , w ... ... T
especially in jainid co and yellow fever from
uiu ui i i iuis 1-iiis. i presume, that on an av
erage, I prescribe a hundred boxes a month.
Extract of a fetter from Dr. Reynolds, of
Galveston, Texas, Jlpril 5, 1838.
"TllCV are rertiunK. nn nvnllt
medicine, and thero is no quackery about them."
uiiraci oi n letter trom Dr. Prilehard, of Hudson,
N. Y. JunoS, 1830.
"I Was aware ilmt Ur. Piaru r i .
cncmista m live IJnilml St nn,i fl, i .i ...
. il-lk UgBUlLU VUUfc
lie vvould some day (from his intimato knowleege
oi iuo properties ot herbs and drugs) produce nn
cihcient medicine, and I must ncknowlcdge Hint
lino 'nn . ... .
..r . vecwiui! 1-iua nniy rospoiut to my cxpectidions.
I hey nro indeed a superior medicine, nnd leflect
credit nli!;n iinnn ilm 7,,,'c i. ,
m pluUmjiher."
Extract of a letter from Dr. Waincs. of Philadel
phia, Feb. 2, 1838.
"Your pills nro tho mildest in their operations,
and yet most powerful in their ellects, of any that
I have ever met with in a practico of eight and
twenty years. Their action on tho chyle and hence
on. tho impurities of the blood, is evidently wry sur
prHing." ' '
Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott, of Baltimore,
Dec. 17, 1830.
z,.".1 ""J!,!!! ,the ,ki1 l,sbit of Proscribing them
(Peters Pills) and they in nearly all casas, answer
ed my purpose. I havo discaided other medi tines,
some of hem very good ones, in their favor."
Extract from an address delived on the
evening of the Wh May, 1837, before
the Medical Board of New Ynrh. h
Dr. Emerson. See Arcw Fork Medic'ul
neprris, jor 1U37.
' As a body I know that wo have set out face a
gainst the generality of patent medicines, and oxne
nence has taught us that tho great bulk of them aro
mere catch penny trush; but I feci called upon to
make an honorable oxception in favor of the Vcec
tab o Pills of our worthy and skilful fellow laborer
and citizen. Dr. Joseph Priestley Peters, of wh'ch
(in consequenceof their peculicrly nutriuons action
On the blood,) I, and several member of this lion
orablo Society, are nrdent ,atrons.' This friendly
allusion to tho Vegetable Fill, M recf.iv9j wjth J
warui round of splause by all the members prL
A f.esh supply of the valuable Pill. jUst received
and VVtlham.BJddle, Danville. S'
, (rrict 26 mitt pw Box.)
THE Subscribers respectfully announce
lo their friends and the public generally,
that they have received and me now open
ing, a splendid and extensile assortment of
Fall & Winter Goods,
which witli a stock on hand, embraces a
variely of seasonable Merchandises for the
accommodation of town and Uounly.
In the Dry Good line, they havo all the
varieties of course,- fine and superfine
Casimers, Salinelts, Merinoes, Silks Cal
icoes, Taglioni, (anew article,) Muri-
nu, Chincllc and various other kinds of
isliawls,liubanus, iMccs.l.inins, luous
elinedc LuinfMuslini, Veslings, Stocks,
Umbrellas, Lady's Bonnets, Bonnet
Silks, Trimmings; Fur, Cloth and Seal
ikin Caps; Boots amV Shoes, Socks; $-c.
S'C. $'C.
Sugar," Coffee. Teas, Spices, Molasses,
Brandy, Gjn, Rum, Wine, &c. etc. assorted
in price and quality. Hardware, Saddlery,
Iron, Steel, Nails, Stoves, Stove pipe, Tin
Ware, Cedar Ware;
Crockery-Ware, Salt, Fish, Ods, Dye
Stuffs, Paints, fyc. &-t. &c.
and almost evcrv other article that can ho
called for in a country store all of which
having heen carelully selecttd and obtained
at the lowest nrices. will be offered nt nnndl
profits in exchange for cash or country pro
Bloomsburg, Oct, 3, 1810. 23 if.
era fpvri rw 7i7
NOTICE is heteby given, that the
on the North Branch Division of the Penn
sylvania Cnnnl aro now r.aatlv pnmnlolml
and that the water will be let into this Di
On the first day of October next.
EC7Navi!ration. mnv tlinrpfm-o ua
siimcd as soon thereafter as sufficient time
shall have elapsed ior the Canal to fill with
water, and it will not again be interrupted
until closed by the ice
A. U. WARFORD, Engineer.
Canal Office, Northumberland,"
September 25, 1840. 5
THE Subscriber rpsnppirnlli. inr... i.t.
mends and the nuh lm in frnn.r.,i .i.... i.
has now making a patent machino for Weav
nig Coverlids, of E. Miley & Go's, inven
tinii, which he intends to erect about the
iuui uciooer, in ivescopeck Luzerne coun
ty, opposite to Mr. Prk'a 'IV,.,,
he will carrv on the
C.1KPET X COSlt7,m
in all its. various branches. Coverlids wove
without a seam in tho middle. Persons al
v..?ll,lltB,wisiiing patent or common Gov
cr ius wove can send their yarn by stae or
otherwise, either lo Berwick, Columbia
county or to Nescopeck, Luzerne county,
directed to the subscriber. 7
, By mrict attention to his business, and
us desite to please his customers, ho hopes
to receive u liberal share of public patron
age Ilavmtr been engaged in the' ,jyin(,
and weaving business for a number of years"
he assures the public, that tho work entrus!
tedtolura, shall be done in the most dura
b o manner, and ho flatters himself ,ha, i10
shall be abb to give general satisfaction.
. I atent Coverlids made by persons send
ing twenty cuts double white woollen yarn
tho subscriber dying the yarn, finding the
For the accommodation of customers,
yarn w.H he taken at, and the work return
ed to he following places :-Ja,ob Drum
heller s store, Conningham, Luzerue 'conn
ty, John i Sharpless and Co's. store, Catta
wissa, George Shu.nan's store, near Ca a
wia Furnace, D. S. Tobias .('ore, Bloom ,
burg, and John Covenhoven'sstore.Orange
ville, Columbia county.
Persons send yarn will plewo send writ
ten directions, whm ninr. .i vl"
is to ho. ",D wuulen arn
Tile subscriber fimlo 11
chain. DANircr. nnnn , rl
n..h ni.i. .. ....
Blood, Soreness of Throat, Whonpii
Cough, and all Diieases indicative of
those who neglect their COLDS and COl Oil -H
At first you complain of having a Cold, whichk
neglected; after which a evrcness U experienced in
the Bronchia, with a Hacking Cougb, nnd finally
tho disease settles upon the lungs, which the p.uiciit
..... w-.. rv..w.. ... ay Ul lno lloJ .
uiivnueu wiui iiecuc levers anu spilling up of tor.
id blood and mottcr from ulccrs on the1ungt;a pan!
and weight is also experienced at the aiftrdptt
of the lungs; tho functions of tho animal economy
growlanguid; the body becomes dry; the eyes tinlt
deep within their cavities; at length fie pjticnt
pays the debt of nature, when he is fluttcrin;; liiaj.
self with the hopes of a speedy r.ecovery. To oil,
viato all those distressing symptoms " tipate no
Time" in procuring the abovo Invaluable Mcduino
at the very commencement of your Cold nnd
Coughs whereby your health may be secured and
time and money saved.
Not having any orders to publish tho
Register's Notice, we again publish Uiera
without FEE OR REWARD, that tho
centre portion of the county may not be
wholly exctuded from a knowledge of tho
official business nf that office, as we know
that several of our subscribers arc interes
ted in the settlement of the estates mention
ed, notwithstanding the Register appears to
think otherwise, by publishing them only
in the papers at the two extremes of tha
TO all leinitees. rretliinrs nnd il, .
sons interested iihthe estates of t)m respec-
uvi; uci-uuuiiis mm minors, mat tite admin
istration ;CCOI!IH6 nf till! snid nclnlno !,,.
been filed in the Office of the Register of
uiu cuuiiiy oi ooiuniDia, ami will be preseii
ted for confirmation and all nwnnrn In tt.t
Orphan's Oourt, to bo hold at Danville in
.1 r a I. . y ...
aim ior uiu county aioresani, on l ucsday,
the 17th day of November next, at 2 o'clock,
i . m.
1st. Account of Joseph Dean and James
..T1 II T.I 1 M . ....
McDowell, Executors of the last will and
testament of William MePJowcll. lute of
Limestone township, dee'd
2d. Account of Daniel Fmvlrr. Ailminic.
trator do bonis non of the estate of David
Fowler, ir. late nf Hmhi- i.nlr inn-minn
dee'd ' "
3d. Account of James fiirfnn. Adminis
trator of the estate of Esau Girton, late of
Hemlock township, dee'd.
'1th. Account of Esau Girton, Adminis
trator of the estate of Ann Derr, klo of
Madison township, dee'd.
5th, Sttnnlementarv neenunt nf T?nlin
Blue, one of tho Executors of the last
win anu testament of Pelet Blue, late of
Mahoning township, dee'd.
Oih. Account of James Mc.Ciaeken, ad
ministrator of the estate of George S. Sear
les, late of Liberty township, dee'd.
7th. Account of Joseph Paxton, acting
Executor of the last will miff tPRfniHpnt nf
John Clark, late nf flnitw
8tll. Sunnlomentnrv nnennnf nf Mnnltl
Billmeyer, and George Billmeyer, Execu
tors of the last will and testament of An
drew Billiaeyer, laic of Liberty township,
iiciisiei- e umce, Danville,
uciouer 1, 18-10.
Remaining in the Post Office at Bloomsburg
at the end of the quarter ending on tho
30th ol September, 18-10.
Bacon Septetnious Love Georce W.
Betz John Mcnsh Sabina
Baldwin Elizabeth McReynolds Mr.
Bomboy Posawell Menagh Richard
Barton Isaac Melecli Daniel Lavilla Ohl Catharine
Coal Ehsha Olil John 2
Dawson Margarett PfiPffer T. H.
Davis David M. Robinson John
Driesbach George W. Robinson Mary
Davis David Ro,, j
unions Andrew- Rosmus William
h.verheari James Rjgu WiHiam
Foibes Nathau Rupert Wjiam
Good John Swabv Frederick
Gorton Jacob Squiru E ,t
Iaruy Arthur Snyder Sally Anna
"gland WiIIhiii B. Siller Cristiana
Uartman riiomas Sloan William
Jameson Daniel Steller Gatherino
James Ilenty Seigler George
JacobyJohn Snyder Daniel
Kclchner Neomi Townsend Samson 3
Kitchen I homas ' Thompson William
Knorr George Thornton S.irah
-U..UUI. jamea AVinuer Siniuel
Lynn John AVyc'wfT Susan HpnrV
... 13. RUr ERT. P. M.
1 hose inquiring for any or the above faf
tjJrsjviM ptenje say it is advertised.
rtAtrrT0 ' . M"Y "oitEDITdRS."
i V.i U?!,co lllat ' havu aVVtel to I) e Judges
hev 1,11 Con"""ca,tl1 of IWsjIrania, and
beryno,i "I'P"'"' Monday, the icth ofHovern
mSl 0,-Uo,,rt House, in DanviUe,0 hear
ddni tly, c,tlht0s v,he,e ou Mid if you
oaCieio. POT'GU FDLMI5R-
Nescopeck, Oct. 3, 1840.