The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 14, 1840, Image 3

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    An honest "admission. -The Boston 1
Times, a neillral paper, after imparlaiHy ro
nioW'nU Naylor'a pseutlo election to
ConBress 'he clmrgcs as to fraud in said
election, and tha examination of a commit-'
tee into the same,-Mr. Naylor's declension
to run again, and tho lalo triumphant elec
tion of Mr. lngcrsoll, arrives at die follow
ing conclusion '
" Tho only natural inferoncc, therefore,
from his refusal to stand another contest,
was, that ho felt no confidence in the valid
ity of his claim to a seat in Congress, in
other word, that ho was satisfied a fraud
has been committed, and did not wish to
stand in a situation wliero the odium of it
would fall upon his ahouldc'ra. And when,
upon this strong circumstantial evidence,
camo the still stronger evidence of the bal-
i . I - t I, -MAnait nlnnlmn tt lint ilnhrn.
JUt - - - I 1
. iudiced man could withstand such an airay
J j, - 4 XT - ... . . . ...
Ot testimony I uo venture iu sayj nui
one. The evidence, to nur mind, is strong
' as proofs of holy writ."
NetO Alloys oF Metals. A curioits and
valuablo discovery has just been mado in
tho alloy of metals. A manufacturer of
Paris has invented a composition much
less oxidablo than silver, and which will
not melt at less than a heat treble that
which silver will bear; the cost of it is less
than -Id an ounce. Another improvement
13 in s(col; an Englishman, at Brussels has
discovered a mode of casting iron so l'ia it
flows from tho furnace pure steel, hotter
than the best cast steel in England, and al
most equal to that which has the
process of beating. The cost of this alcel
is only a farthing per pound greater than
that of cast iron. Mining Journal.
At a Democratic festival which recently
took place m a neighboring State, tho fol
lowing excellent toasts were given. Pithy
and nointcd, i may bo truly said, in this in
stance, that "brevity is tho soul of wit;"
"Tho only shares that pay a sure divi
dend plough shares."
'Woman she spoils us with an apple,
but atoned for the wrong, by forming a
"The liberty treo we should be careful,
whilo wo p.'uck lie fruit, not to" break the
We have always considered it an unerring
sign of innato vulgarity when we hdar ladies
take particular pains to impress us with an
idea ol their ignorance ot alt domestic mat
ters, save sewing lace or weaving a net to
encase their delicato hands. Ladies by
some curious kind of hocus-pocus, have got
it into their heads that the best way to catch
a husband is to show him how profoundly
capable they arc of dome nothing for his
comfort. Frightning a piano into fits or
murdering tho king's Frenchiinay be a good
bait for certain kind of fish, but they must
bo of that small kind usunlly found in very
shallow waters. The surest way to secure
u good husband is to cultivalo those accom
plishmeiils calculated to make a good wife.
Tho Philadelphia '.-Spirit of tho Times,"
bays that M. Graham the proprietor of the
Casket, has purchased of Air. liurton, "The
Gentleman's Magazine" and will issue ear
ly in December, Hie two in one, under the
title of "Graham s Magazine," (Ihc Oas
kct and Gentleman's united) materially im
proved in typographical appearance, and
embellishments. A fine array of contribu
tors is thus secured by the junction, and as
the editors of both will conduct tho work
under the new arrangement, a Magazine of
no ordinary attractions may bo confidently
Glass Cloth. The most ingenious n
vention of weaving glass with silk is pro
ceeding with great success. The patterns
wove in Europe aro beautiful in tho extreme,
and have induced many ol the nobility to
select them for curtains and other ornamen
tal furniture.
fortification of Paris. .Louis Phillip
pe recently laid the foundation stone of the
additional fortification of Paiis, and the
peasantry men and women, ate at work con
slantly upon them. Louis seems determin
cd to have Paris, if not France, safe from
Ins enemies.
Sacrifice of Life. la August last, H
M. S. Lily, while cruisinc in the Mozam
binue channel, fell in with a slaver and drove
her ashore. Of her cargo, consisting of
550 ne'Tocs. 200 Were drowned, and tho re
maindcr were taken on board the Eily, and
conveyed to Maritius.
In 1743.Ttiswich,beans were ordered to be
used in voting: the while denoting yea, the
black nay. From this originated, we pre
sume, tho old phrase, You don't know
beans," as no ope was allowed to voe who
did not know a white bean from a black
A Sensible Little Uoi. filend
Mr. C itwiiiht, tin celebrated tlon'iit, tool
his sun hi, month ii'pacted by th
ab!.' -. t, .. !.' with wonderful eeleiitv, re
moved on "i the boy's first teeth. Up
on the bov oiviuff out with surprise, and
little pain, Cartwrightsaid, " Nevermind
Johnny, your teeth will come again."
Johnny, with tears in his eyes, inquired
" will they come again before dinner, Mr
Vartwiigbt i"
Prom the Public Ledger.
Gen. Geo. JFashinsrton in want of it
Pen kiiife. In Caldwell's " Life of Gon.
Green," p. 05, thore is a fao timile of the
following curious epistle :
" October 7th, 1779.
" Dear Sir : I have lost and cannot tell
how an old and favorite nenknife. and am
much distreed for want of one if you have
any in your stores, please, send me one
t you navo not, be so good as to get one
mmediately. Perhaps Mr. Bailey could
furnish one. One with two blades I should
prefer, when choice can be had.
1 am, dear sir, your most obedient,
Look out for Counterfeits. We aro in
formed that 5 notes an the Bank of Cam
den, genuine as to the engraving, but with
fictitious signatures are in circulation to a
considerable extent in this city. They are
not properly counterfeits, as the names sign
ed to them, are not the names of the o di
cers of that Dank. It should seem that a
quantity of the engraved notes of the Bank
of Camden, unsigned, have " fallen among
Ucggars on Horseback. In Buenos Ay-
res horses are so plenlilul that beireais
make their round asking alms on horseback,
and do not consider that position as di
minishing in any degree theirs to sympa
thy. Coming Close. It is statciLin St. John
N. B., paper of tho 7th inst., that the Gov
ernment is about to erect barracks at Wood
stock, on tho upper part of the river, St
John twelve miles from a post at present
held by the Americans at llolton.
$1 bills) bearing a close resemblance to
those issued by J. J. Cohen $' Brothers,
of Baltimore are in ciiculatioli. They are
signed bv N. W. Chafee, tho engraving
neatly executed, but are actually good for
Going it Strong. The Baltimorn Clip
per says: it is stated as a lact, that the
West Kirk sessions of Ldinburg,has passed
a lesolution to prevent Sunday funerals !
What next! Why another resolution may
be passed to prevent Sunday dying!
A gentleman at New York, from Will-
iamstown, (Mass.) informs that snow fell
there all bunriav nicht and Monday,' and on
1 uesday morning, the 20lh and 27th ult
ttiere was a depth ot six incites remaining
on the ground. Had none of it melted, he
snpposcs it would have been two feet deep
Sii'Ow. Tho Boston papers state that on
Monday morning, about two o'clock, that
city was visited with a violent snow and
hail etoim, accompanied with heavy thun
der, and vivid and frequent flashes of light
ning. At sunrise, there was an inch of snow
on the ground) and the weather wa3 so cold
through the day, that some of it was visi
ble in the alternoon. In some of the neigh
boring towns, tho storm was even mote vio
lent, the snow covering the ground to tho
depth of two or three inches.
A barn in Stonington was struck by light,
ning during the storm, and consumed, to
gether with several tons of hay, one cow
and farming utensils.
Th? ctorm was very severe in New Bed
ford and Fall River. The thunder was ter
rific, and hail stones, of an unusual size, fell.
In Mansfield and Foxborough, the snow
was two or three inches deep.
The Troy Mail states that there was a
heavy fall of snow in that city and vicinity
on Sunday night.
Snccic. Tho Havre packet Duchess of
Orleans, took out 8320,000 from N. York
on Monday. It is said that $1,700,000
have left New York since the let of Sep
tember. Milk. It is said that a spoonful of horse
radish put into a pan of milk, will preserve
the milk sweet for several days, either in
the open air, or in a cellar, while other milk
will turn sour.
Jlevohtlionar; Incident. During the
Revolutionary War, two brothers, from one
nf the eastern norts, were commanders of
privateers, thoy cruised together, and wore
ominently successful, doing great damage to
the enemy and making money for them
selves. One ovening, being in the latitude
of (ho shoals of Nantucket, not many miles
eastward of thcm,they espied a large British
vessel, having the appearance of a merchant
man, and mado towards her; but to their as
tonishment, found her to bo a frigate in dis
guise. A very high breeze prevailing.thcy
hauled oil in different directions. One only
could be pursued, and tho frigate gained
rapidly Upon him. Finding he could not
run awayi the commanding officer had re
course to stratagem. On a suddemhe haul
ed down every sail, and all hands woro em
ployed with setting poles, as if shoving his
vessel oft" a bank I The people on board
tho frigate amazed at the supposed danger
iliev bad run: and to save themselves from
being greunded.immedialely clawed oil' anil'
left (lie more knowing Yankee "to make
himself scarce," as soon as night rondcred
it prudent far him to hoist sail in a sea two
hundred fathoms deep!
How youth makes its wishes hoped, and
its hopes certainties,
Derivation.: Tho Now York Star tin-!
dertakes to deri-o the words " King Jere
miah" from a encumber; tluu " Cucum
ber gherkin jerkin Jerry King King
Iievenuc of the Church. Tho ' annual
revenue of tho established church in Eng
land, is 24,000,000 and tho value of church
edifices and parsonage houses 05,000,000.
Darnes Convicted. Wm. P. Dames,
who killed A.J. Davis, tho editor of tho St.
Louis Argus, in a political quarrel, has been
tried convicted, and sentenced to twelve
months imprisonment in the pouilentiary.
Census of Baltimore.- Wo learn from
N. Snider, Esq. Marshal, that the census of
the city of Baltimore has been completed,
and that tho total population is 102,590
souls being an increase of 20,805 since
1830. Baltimore Am.
From Mexico. Extract of a letter, dated
Carmon, Laguna do Terminos, Mexico, Oc
tober 1st, 18 to-
" We are entirely separated from the Mex
ican Government, (this Stato of Yucatan)
and carrying oil-hostilities in the next State
of 1 obasco war to the knife I
Should Mexico not admit the foderal form
of government, wo are to do the same as
Texas form a republic apart. There is
not a government soldier in this territory
and our Congress is now soriously legislat
ing upon free immigration of atiangers.
The Texian star is now for the first lime
floating in a Mexican port this one. Day
beloie yesterday, tho steam ship ot war Za
vaia, oi i exas, emereu mis port, and now
lies here equal td the best of friends!"
Hope is the prophet of youth
eyes will always look forward.
MARRIED Bv tho Rev. D. S. Toiias
on the 12lh Inst. Mr. WILLIAM CROS
both of Jcrspytown.
On the 27lh ult. bv tho Rev. Mr. Grim
daughter of Xlai. Daniel Follmcr, all of
Limestone, Columbia county,
WIicat3 Buclivhciil & Corn
'A few Bushels of POTATOES would
also be received-
AS just received from Philadelphia, and open
cd at her
next door to A. Hardey's and nearly opposite
Messrs. Rupert & Barton's, a largo assortment
Silk and Straw Bonnets, Bonnet Silks
and turnings. Ribbons of all kinds,
Ladies Gloves, Mils, Handker
chiefs, Shaivls and Stock
ings, Braids, Cords, La
dies and Childrens
Shoes, Boys Caps
which will bo offered to her friends and the public,
at reasonable prices, for cash or produce.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 14, 1840.
MoSice 'Fo Collectors.
NOTICE is hereby given to all collec
tors who hold duplicates previous to tho
year 1840 and in the arrears on them, to be
prepared to settle them ofF by next court.
Bv ordar of the Commissioners.
' L. B. RUPERT, Treasurer.
Treasurers Office,
Nov. 3, 1840.
Tavern Keepers who have not taken out
their Licence should bear in mind that the
law requires the Treasurer to report to
Court all those who neglect, and the
prosecuting attorney shall indite them for
keeping a tipling House.
L. B. RUPERT, Treasurer.
Treasurers Office,
Nov. 3, 1840.
TTE Subscriber would respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally, that he con
tinues to cariy on tho business of manufacturing
of almost every variety of pattern and finish; and
that bo will attend to turning any article in wood
that may be ordered. Ho will also attend to
in all their branches; and respectfully solicits a con
tinuance of public favor. Turning shop on Mar
ket street, nearly opposi to tho Printing olUco o f tho
Columbia County Register finishing ehop on tho
main street nearly opposite Gcorgo Weaver's store.
DloomBburg September 19, 1810.
' iPA'ar "ff ana ipisiotsbj 8
Of Foreign Merchandise, agreeably to a
certificate of the same furnished mo by tho
Clerk of Quarter Sessions of said county,
designating those who havo taken but and
paid for their licenses;
Peter Buldy, paid
Wm. Donaldson, paid
Wm. Biddlc, & co paid
Wm. McKclvy, & co paid
Daniel L. Smcck, unpaid
J. & J. Bowman, paid
M. W. Jackson, unpaid
W. W. Cook, paid
J. C. Grier, paid
W. F. Reynolds, & co paid
G. B Brown, & co paid
Jonathan Risscll, paid
Rupeit Ss Barton, paid
George Weaver, paid
Ncal McCay, unpaid
Greim & Derr, unpaid
J. Si J. MoCormick, unpaid
Robert McCay, unpaid
Levi Bisel, unpaid
Hugh McWilliam, unpaid
Nathan Sudor, paid
Brown & Creasy, paid
Gcorgo Shuman, paid
Elcazor Brothwell, unpaid
Christian Zimmermon, paid
G. W. Styro, paid
Abraham Miller, paid
Shuman & Riticnhouse, unpaid
Daniel Dresbauch, paid
Jeoso Colman, unpaid
William Faux, unpaid
E. & J. Lazerus, unpaid
John Covenhoven, unpaid
Samuel Parks, unpaid
Mathew McDowol, unpaid
Jacob Mcllick, paid
Charles Bowman, paid
Christian Hartman, unpaid
Cyrus Barton, unpaid
John Hartman, unpaid
Masters & Mathers, unpaid
Rees & Shoemaker, unpaid
Russel Woolever, unpaid
C. A. Brobst, unpaid
Theodore Wells, unpaid
Steven Baldy, paid
J. h J. C. Sharpless, paid
Benjamin Beaver, unpaid
Bowman & Hughes, pa'd
Gilbert Fowler, paid
Anthony Dunglar, unpaid
Jonas Wolf, unpaid
Moses May, unpaid
John Lundy, paid
Vaniuli Rees, unpaid
J. F. Derr. unpaid
L. B. RUPERT Treasurer.
Treasurers Office,
Nov. 7, 1840.
INFORMS his friends and customers that bo has
just received the latest
from PHILADELPHIA, and is now prepared to do
work in tho most fashionable style, and in a work
manlike maimer, at short notice. Ho thanks his
friends for former fcvors, and solicits a continuance
of their custom.
Bloomshurg, Oct. 31. 27 tf.
For November Term 1840.
Brier creek John Conner, Sen. Wm.
Hoffman, John Knorr, Samuel Millard.
Bloom Charles Hcfiley, George Heid
ly, Jacob Kcllei, Peter Mcnch.
Caltawissa Win. Burd, Casper Hart
man, Lloyd Thomas.
Derry Jacob Biddlo, Griffith Davis,
John Gray, Jas. C. Sproul.
Hemlock James Everett, Dennis Purael,
Adam Slroup.
Jackson Ebonezer Keeler.
Liberty Joseph Deen, James McMa
han. Limestone Daniel Follmer.
Monteur John Boycr, jr. Isaiah Bar
ton. Mahoning Henry Yorks
Mifflin Abiaham Ludwig Philip
Schweppenhaiser, Christian Shuman, Chris
tian Wolf.
Madison Ulrich Mills, Elisha Smith,
Jacob Sheep, Daniel Welliver.
Roaring creek Samuel Horn, Samuel
Mears. Elijah Yocum.
For November Term 1840.
Bnercreek Henry Deitericli, Jonathan
Eck, Isaiah Salmon.
Caltawissa Ira Fox, George Mears.
Derry Aid Iloldrcn, John McGouaglc.
Fishing creek Chiruiian Ash, Thomas
Greenwood Elijah G. Rickets.
Hemlock Peter Leidy.
Liberty John Clark, James Straw
bridge, Limestone John Fulton.
Muditon Samuel Kisner.
Mahoning Charles Barnes.
Montntr Jacob Rishel.
Mifflin William Mesingor, Hiram Rey
nolds, Win. Woods.
Roaring creek Silas Johnion, Wm.
Sugarloafllcter Apploman, John Da-viii
ALL persons hninir claims or ahv de
mand, whatsoever, against tho subscribers,
are requested to come forward before, tho
10th of November for settlement.
At Bridge No. 1. on the Caltawissa Riit
Tho.Setllemcnts will be made bv Theo
dore Wells, in Caltawissa, or Thomas Elf
lis and B. P. Frlck", at tho Rail Road
S., F. & Co.
THE Subscribci wishes to hire a Jour?
neyman Cooper, to whom good' Wages and
steady employment will be given.
An apprentice to the Coopering business
is wanted immediately. A smart active lau
win receive goou encouragement upon ap
plication to WILLIAM KELLY.
Bloomsburg' October 3, 18-ld.
cane Yduit couGirunronR hms
TOO LATL3. REMEMBER, delays are danger
ous. Thousand die annually fiom that dreadful dft
caso CONSUMPTION, which might have been
checked at tho commencement, and disappointed of
its prcy.if proper means had been tcsdrtcd to. Tho
very many who havo thus been snatchrd from that
Utatravager, by tho timely use of Dr; SWAYNES
bear tcstamony to this day, annoanrlng tho cures;
tho wonderful cures, performed bv tho use of this'
invaluable medicine. For sale at
Tobias1 Health Emporium Bloomsburg'.
Nov. 7, 1810. 28.
dyspepsia! iByspepsia!
F'mliAr troublesome and pcace-desltojing die
case. Tho usanda and tens of thousands su
fer trom that common and distressing complaint. ;
Dyspepsiais frequently caused by overloading or
distending the stomach by excessive catitig or dunk
ing -indigestible and acrid substances taken intbt
tho stomach, or from long continued conslipatioi! of
tho bowels, rt sedentary life, faar, grief, anxiety, a co
pious draft of cold water, drastic purgative tn'cdi
cines, dj scntcry, miscarriages, intermittent and spasi
modic affections of tho stomach and bowels, irregu
lar meals, lato hours, and too frequent use of spiri
tuous liquors. .
The symptoms of Dyspepsia may bo described
as a want of appetite, or an unnatural or voracious1
one, nausea and sometimes hilimis vomiting, euddcrl
and transient distensions of tho stomach after bat
ing, acid and putrescent cruclions, water brash, paid
in the region df tho stomach, costivencsa, palpitaiiori
of the heart, dizziness and dimness of the sight, dis
turbeb rest, tremors', mental despondency, flatulency
spasms, nervous irritability, dullness, callowness of
complexion, great oppression after eating, languor
and general debility, sick head-ache, &c.
CURE At the head of all remedies stands 2)ri
Harlich's Compound Strengthening Tonic and
German Aperient Pills, which net greatly upon tho
peristaltic motion of tho intestines, thereby produc
ing regularity of tho bowels, at thq samo time im
proving tho functions of tho debiliated organs, thus
invigorating and restoring tho digestive organs to a
healthy action. This medicine seldom fails in pro
ducing relief.
Full and explicit directions accompany tho above
medicine. Likswise n pamphlet which describes'
diseases, the manner of treating, &c. For sale at
ouias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg;
Nov. 7 1840. - S8,
Of the efficacy of Dr. HarlicKs Compound
Strengthening and German Aperieni
Alleghany, Jan. 8, i840.'
To Dr. Harlich's Agent Sir: I wish to statd
for tho benefit of those who may 'bo afflicted, that
Dr. lUni.icii's Pills havo entirely cured mo of
Dyspepsia, of which I havo been afflicted for ma
ny years. I used both kinds, tho Aperient and
Strengthening, and I am constrained to say, that
they aro a valuable discovery, and act upon the sys
tem mildly, but very effectually. I found tho Tonic
Pills to quicken tho circulation and cause a deter
mination to tho surface, and to strengthen tho weak
stomach and increase its powers, Tho Aperient
Pills arc die best cathartic I ever Used. I am con
fide! t all Dyspeptics would do well to make imme
diate trial and ba relieved. Any one can call at my
house and bo satificd of the abovo at pleasure.
N. D. Tho original certificates may bo seen it
tho ollice of tho " Spirit of tho Times." For said
at No. 10, North EIGHTH STREE.
Entirely cured by the use of Dr. O, Pi
Harlich's Compound Strengthening and .
German Aperient Pillst
Mr. Solomon Wilson, of Chester County Pa:;
aflictcd for two years with the above distressing dis
ease of which he had to use his crutches for eighteen
months, his symptoms were excruciating pain in
all his joints, especially in bis hips, shoulders and
ankles, pain increasing towards evening, attended
with heat, Mr. U ilson, wa3 at ouo tiino not ablo
to movo his limbs on account of tho pain being so
great; he being advised by a friend of his to procure
Dr. Harlich'i Pills for which ho sent to tho agent in
West Chester, and procure some; on using tho mcd
icino tho third day, tho pain disappeared and his
strength increasing fabt, and in three weeks was a
bio to attend to his business, which he had not donb
for eighteen months; for the benefit of others afflic
ted, be wishos tboso lines published hat they may
bo relieved, and again enjoy tho pleusurcs of healthy
life. For sale ac
Tobias1 Health Emporium Bloomsburg:
Nov. 7, 1810. 28.
E. HOWELL, o Co.
Inform their friends and customers, hat
they have removed their shop into the build
ing next door to the ufl'u-e of the Columbia
Demoerat.neaily opposite St.PaUl's Churchj
Main-street, whure tliey will ut an limes bo
ready to receive orueis torcuuiug and mak
ing all kinds of garments, and tiier absurd
the publio that all work entrusted to themj
shall he done in a fashionable and workman'
like manner.
N. B, Particular attention paid to cut!
Bloorasburg, Oct. 10j 1810i