S.ITUnV.tV, OCTOBER. 2 1, .1610. I RESIDENTIAL ELECTION 1840. FOK PrUSIDKNT, BIAItTia VAN BUREN. Fort Vioh Prksidiint, RICHARD SI. JOHNSON. AND 7liC CONSTITUTIONAL TREASURY. ELECTORAL TICKET. Jam ; Clamch, of Indiana, ? Senatoria Gr.o. G. Lr.ipr.u, nl Delaware, $ 1 George V. bmlck 2 Ueiij.1111111 Mifflin , FhmL'in-!, .""1'ifvcr 3 Vim. II. Smith 4 J dm I Sleintnati J ih.i DrmTiu lli.iry Myc.-s '5 Darnel J.ieoby 0 Jroo Johnson 7 Jacob Aliln 8 O.'o. CUrLtman 9 Win. Sli .cuer 12 Frederick Smiih 13 CliarloM'Cluro 14 J. M. Gcmmcll 15 G. M. Hollcnback 1G Leonard i'foulz 17 Jolin Hortonjr. 18 Vill'r.m I'HUm IS John Morrison 20 Wcslly I'roat 21 13cnj. Anderson 22 William Wilkins 23 A. K. 'riqiit 21 John Findley Stephen Harlow 10 Henry Dchull' 11 Hcmy Logan CONSECRATION. Tho "Or.mgcville Union Church" will" be consecrated on Saturday, tho 31st of October inst. and meetings will de continu ed for two or three days. Preaching may be expected from Clergymen of diUVrenl persuasions, in both English and German. Citizens generally are invited to attend. The papers in (he 'county are requested to copy this notice. OrwiL'fivillu Oct. 3, 1810. IHtLSlDEXTIAL ELECTION. Let every ilemocral remember, that next Fridy, the 30ih, is the day, when the gieat battle is to be fought for the presidency tho day whtrhisto decide whether Van liuicn, democrat, and equal rights is to triumph or whether wo are tobe govern ed by the federal, abolit on anti-masonic bank sit i ti planter party for the next four veins. Ew-iy democrat every well wisher to Ins country eery patr.ot should tepair to the pulls ou tli.it day. and cast his vote for tile Van Biirun Electors. Let no man s'...y nl homo, or idlovv-his neighbor to do bo. All slioii'd resolve to spend thai day for liis own and his country's good. Como, then, one and all, und let the cry be that of tho gallant Croghim, at the batilo of fort Steveiiion " Wo can beat them, and by heavens we will." E'RHSAY NEXT, T the Plfe0 Democrats to your post, well armed and equipped for election duty, and with a de termined spirit to maintain the liberty of youi country, by sustaining tho democratic parly, and yuitrown true interest. Come, then, one and all, ui'd fight the battles of y our reti'iiry, pcacebly at tho ballot box, before ii is too late. If tho Federalists a gai.i get the upper hand, in our national af fair, we must expect the tcvival of the A lien and Sedition laws, a National Hank, und the continuation of shin plasters, ami the destruction of nil tho dearest rights of free men. To the Polls, Wo were extremely sorry that we were unable to attend the Hit kory Pole raising, at Orange tile, on Tuesday last. Wo un derstand from those that were present, lSat it was a tremendous gathering of the de mocracy of the " Star of the North," more than a thousand people being present. Tito meeting was ably imd eloquently addressed liy A. B. Didlack, our own Congress mem ber elect, und S. F. Ileadley, our Stale Sen ator. Enthusiasm prevailed of the right kin I, such as always animates democrats when engaged in the glorious ajtd righteous cause of ptoteciing ihe rights of the people, gainst the encroachments of the federal a ristorraiic faction, which is now, as in for mer times, at i"ar with JeflVrsouiau princi ples and measiiies. Tho company separa ted at an early hour, with a firm delei initia tion to attend the noils on Fiiday next, and p. ..1 flihii- I'niiic fur tlif, V:in llnrmi TCIeet iri. ol ticket with tint fullest assurance of giving t at least 1700 majority in the county. There will bo a great lull in tins price of hard cider immediately after tlia next election, The Van Biirch Electoral Ticket can be had upon application to this office. VOTE EARLY. Como early to the polls, mid get your tickets, ;iml vote them Immediately. This is importutiti that yen inny be ready to urye others to the polls. Amerira aspects eve ry man to do his duty, ou Friday next. JSH2! THE POLLS CLOSE At 7 o'clock .in the evening. No man should wait until the last hour. ltEftlEMUEIt, Democrats, that ONE VOTE hiaj change the election. Morton was elected Governor of Massachusetts, by a majority of one vole, and one vote may make, the President. Remember, then the impor tance of one vote, REMEMBER, Demeerals, thai yon are voting ngaiiut the same party that sustained the black oockade war Jy voting the VAN BUREN Electoiial ticket, REMEMBER,- That you arc voting for the enemies to demociaey, and the Iriends of a United Banks, incorporations, and other monopo lies, when you vote ihe Harrison cleiluriul ticket. Remember the old ami never falsified auago .is goes rennsyicama, so goes the Union." And remember, loo, that it is only coming out, us we can come out, thai we can save the Republic from disgrace. A last word to you fellow-freemen of gluri ous Columbia cour.ty 1 Are yon all awake to Ibis great struggle? Are you all teady 1 You aided in saving Pennsylvania Irom ru in in 1833, and then believed that no more portentous danger could ever threaten our fair laud than thai which you assisted to a vert. But die present is a Ihouiand timej more important tven than that period and calls for your votes, and yuur ener gies, ivilh much more rtuion then then! THE DAY OF BATTLE COMES, Democrats are you on tho watch-tower? Ate you vigilant are you active you untiring ? -are Republicans! A great battle is to be fought the enemies' scouts are upon our lines they watch to ensnare. Fellow Laborers 1 Learn wisdom from your enemy uc on tlie aleit organize pn-paie for ihe iuvadci triumph. Soldiers of the cause ! Arm for llic con test deljy not cavil not but arm AUM 1 1 and to the conflict ! rnends ol bqual Umhts I Yield not your own by the gift ol God cling lo it lijl.t for ii die lor it 1 Couuiiymeu one, all 1 The foe is up on us his spies are upon our camp ihe timid arc lo be disma) ed, tho merccuar) bournil I cj, up ur anil stand to voui arms till the last armed foe has fallen 1 REMEMBER, That every Abolitionist, Antimason, Black-Cockade Federal and United Stales Bank man, h in favor of Harrison, and re member, too, that these are the men to gov eru, if Harrison is elected. THE ELECTION. Returns have been received I'rnni the c lections throughout the slate, und lite result has certainly disappointed the expectations of both democrats and federalists. Thu next delegation in Congress will be 15 Democrats to 13 whigs. The Suuatc will be 15 democrats to IS whigs, as classed by the llarrisburg Repor ter. Tho House ol Repicsentativcs, as classed by (he same paper stand 50 to 50 giving the whigs a majority on joint ballot of three. Tlie popular vote shows a democratic majoiity of about 10,000. In our next wo will give a list of the members elect of Congress, and of ilia Sen ate and House of Representatives of this Elate. " Democratic whigs" oh what a uamo as opposite to truth as it would hu to call them " di'inuciatio federalists," and yet wo seo tho federal pipers giving ibis uamo to their party. Democratic vlii3 1 Possum up a gum tree." Every democrat should go (o tho polls on tho COtli inst. Youi country calls, At an election in the cily of Baltimore on the 1 9th inst, Samuel Brady, democrat, was elected Mayor, over his opponent, S. 0. Lr-akeu, whig, by a inujority of 232. The democrats have also elected a majority ol the council. BROTHERS IN THE DEMOCRATIC FA IT 111 Jlre iriti all ready for Hit contest?, ARE YOU READY, to vote in favor of thai samu glorious party which lor more than forty years, in civic and military strug gle?, litis ctuod by tlie counirv 1 ARE YOU READY to vote againsl the Pany which) from the commencement of iho Government up to this time, has been distinguished by a hatred of every thing Democratic liy opposing good measures, and by defending bad ones 1 Lei your answer be bv voting in favor of the Vilu Buren Elecioria' ticket. Jledtt.'VUv O'luzcoviu Herald a lead ing anti-slavery journal s.n s "The design and hopo of abolitinnbtsisn far as politicd action is concerned, are lo obtain the control of the ballot box to wield the political power of ihe nation.'' This they have ellecled in Vermont, and partially in Maine, Does not the South eee what Harrison is leading them to? wraiW1IWWi PLAIN TRUTHS. lie who voles for William Henry Ilarri Sim (or President, indirectly votes lor Dan id Webster- and Henry Clay, who will if the Federalists triumph.diiect for four years the drBtii.ii's of this republic. He who votes for William Henry ilarri' sou votes for the establishment of a United Siatcj Hank, with an increased capital, and for a national debt, by tin; assumption of moru than $200,000,000 Stale Stocks a favorite and cherished measure of both Webster's and Clay's. Ho who voles for William Henry Harri son votes for a restriction of the eleetWe franchise, by properly qualification, hicIi restriction having OconMouily supported by Gen. Harrison and a majority of the parly who have chosen him as iheir leader. He who votes fur William Henry Harri son votes for men wlfo will take from tho people, (or their own appointed and respon sible ngenti:,) the public money which has been drawn I'nnrt their pockets by tax, anil place it. in a bank, or oatiku to bo loaned out lo speculators and stock gamblers. He who voles for General Win. Harrison being a naturalized citizen, votes for a man, and for a partv who are opposed to the ve ry law that created him a voter1 Satcca Observer. A SHORT EXHORTATION. Dr.MOCKATIC BKUTHfcinN 1 The approaching Piesidential Election is of the utmost importance to von as De jiockats and as FREEMEN. It is an nccaMun when you will he called upon to decide, whether the good old doctrine of Democracy (.ball siiU prevail, or whether you will substitute for it the outrageous doctrines of John Adams . and Alexander Hamilton, as caisp.ikd out by -Gen. Harri son, the Federal Bank candidate for tin: Presidency. On the 30th of Oetubcr next. ihe contest will be slrictly between JcfFcr soman Democracy and Hamiltniiiau Fed eralism a battle for ascendency between TRUE I! E PUBLIC A MS. M, and the corrupt apologists of a RUTHLESS DES POTISM 1 Dr.MocR.vno BnnTitnr.N ! There never was known, since the days of Thomar Jefferson, such a contest as the present. Wo solemnly adjtiro every true Demociat to bo ACTIVE and VIGI LANT. The Old Enemy is abroad in every direction he has converted the holy temple, where prayers were offered by the "chosen of Israel," to iheir Cieatnr, into a den of REVELRY and VICE ! The Bank Aristocrat, whose yocaliou has been to crush the poor man into the dust, lias thrown off his costly garments, and substi tuted in lieu thereof, robes made of "coon skins" and for what? Why. fellow Dem ocrats, lo win tho voicu of INTELLI GENT FREEMEN! ! DlISlOCIUTIO BnUTIIKKN ! Your country calls upon you to v'tid'catc her character from the foul nsperaions ol Federalism 1 Yea, the spirits of those brave soldiers, who, from tho short-sight ed and imbecile, conduct of Gen. Harrison, were slaughtered a,t "Tu'pi-.caxoi:," call upon you to vindicate your country's fame! Then to your tents, O Israel ! Rolling Ball. EXAMINE YOUR TICKET. It will take but one moment to rea'd them over nml sen that nil are right. Tlie Van" Buren ti'cl.i t is he.itled with tho names of James Clarko abd George G. Leiper.. Be sure you arj right atiJ then go ahead. TVie IJrUhh Tl-'liigi of this Country, and the Tories of finglandl During the Whig meeting, in New York the other day, the Ship England, In the employ of the Barings, hung out thu Ihg, "ENGLAND EXPECTS EVERY MAN TO DO HIS DUTY" convejiiiK to the Whigs an order Ibal must bu fulfilled ' ' When the news hail reached New York that Maine had gono against Mr. Van Bu ren tho passengers on the British Queen, t'u'ti going ,,nvn ihe River. GAVE THREE CHEERS FOR MAINE 1 As the offir.iiil returns or tha election in this county was published only in a piri of our edition last week, we have placed them on our (irst page this week. WATCH ME CitOOK MAKER, SBILSXSESiSJB-iffifiv&a )PD In the Store formerly occupied by 'John lurliiutn. TUfi Sutnrriher, In m the city of New Yotk, would inform ihe public, tli.it he low located himself in the almvo named place, wheiu he will attend to tho REPAIRING dP CLOCKS .INI) WATCHES of every ileM-ription, such as Musical Repcuing Watches, Chronom eters, ll.il-iisoii's Escapement, Duplex, Lu pine, Double ciowu wheel escapement, Patent Levers, llor zontal. Virguel, Alarm and Plain Walehes. ALSO. Brass and Wooden Clocks Rupailed. and CLOCKS AND WATCIIKS TOR KALE. From strict attention to business, and Ii'i3 long practical expel ionee hu itopes to merit a share of public pattonajre. JAMES COCKS. ". Ocl.tii, 18-iO. Not having ally orders lo publish the Register's Notice, we again publish them without FEE OR REWARD, that the centre portion of the county may not be wholly excluded from a knowledge of the official business of thai office, as we know that several of our subscribers arc interes ted in the settlement of the estates mention ed, notwithstanding- the Register appears to think otherwise, by publishing them only in the papers at the two extremes of the county. TO till legatees, creditors and oilier per sons lineiestcil in llle estates ol t)n; resper live decedents ami minors, tliil the admin istration ar counts of the s ud e.taies have been filed in the Oflieu of life Register of the county of Columbia, and will be presen ted for confirmation and allowance lo the Orphan's Court, to be held at Danville in and for the county aforesaid, on Tuesday, the 17th day of November next, at 2 o'clock, P. M 1st. Account of Joseph Dean and James McDowell, Executors of the last will and testament of Willt.-itn McDowell, lato ol Limestone township, dee'd 2.1. Account of Daniel Fowler, Adminis trator de bonis nun of the estate of David Fowler, jr. late of Btiar creek township, dee.'d 3d. Account of James Girton, Adminis trator of tho estate of Esau Girton, lau of Hemlock township, dec d, 1th. Account ol Esau Girton, Adminis trator of the estate of Ann Dcrr, late' ol Madison township, dee'd. 5it. Supplementary account of Reuben Blue, one of the Executor of the last will and testament of l'eiet Blue, late of Mahoning township, dec d. O.h. Account ol Juntos Me.Ciacknn, ad ministrator of the estate of Georgo S. Sear les, late of Liberty township, dee'd. Till. Account id' Joseph Pjxioii, ttc.ing Executor of tho last will and testament of Joliit Clark, lato of Catiawissa township, dee'd. Sili. Supplementary account of Martin Billuieyer, and Georgo Bdlmeyer, Execu tors ol the Inst will and tegument of An diew Billinoyer, late of Liberty township, dee'd. PHILIP BILLMEYER, Register. Kcijtsli'r s Utllco, IJ.iuulle, October 10, 1 81 J. Boot, alien SSoyer, Fi'cssch itliesuianlisna IDocfior, From Heading, Informs tho public that lie lias returned to Bloom- liur.at'ter an ab.oncc since January Ut, und can t'O found ut tlio Hotel of Daniel Snyder, where be will hi at all times ready to attend to patients who uro alQieted wuii Rheumatic pains in thclimti or luo'y ujoomsuurs sept. 0, lsiu, PRjOPOSAIiS WILL be received by the Commission, ers of Columbia county, at the House of O. W. Al'bol, at UltmmMnirir. nn il .1,1, day of November, between thu hours of 10 it 1 I i t I... ... mm a o cimck mr Mincing n i,rjtgP over Little Fishiln; creek, nl or n-,M.,l;..i.'. Saw-nnll, of Ihe following dcjcrlpiimi : i nu nuiiiiiienis oi ii teci nuovc low Water mark; wing- walls ou each side 40 feet with a curve the superstructure is lobe n wood en arch bridire 100 feet snan! tin- u-nrk mnti. ship and niHierials to he in confounity with me nnope across r isuing ereoK,at tlie mouili of Huntingdon cretk. ALSO One at Barber's Ford, across Chilijrjus qile, to be a truss Bridge 50 feet Jung, abut ments 5 tent high from low-water tnark; wing-walls en t'uclt side 15 feet long with ;t curve. And AciAiff, On the 3d day day of November next, be twreti 10 and 1 o'clock, at the House of I saac C. Johnson, Innkeeper, in Orange ille, the Coinmissioncts will recc vc proposals lot Building two Biidsies on Green creek. One at ur near llayman's mill, in Green wood township, to be 35 feet long abtit inenis 0 feel high from low water mark v ing-widls on ihe east side S'-J feel long ant oil the west side 25 feet long-ntl be a truss bridge. And thu other, at or. near John Covenhoveti's division lino of Klines; lo bd GO feet long--abutineiits Q feet ,jjr, fmni low water-mark wing-walb to be on each side 25 feet long, with a edrve, to bb a b'racd Bridge. .TOSlCPli BRODSf, JOHN DIETERICH. w . Commisniont'rs. October 10, 1810. lltiHCAh, tiiehonoroMe UJ.US LEWIS President of the Courts of Over mid TV.- miner mid General Jail Delivery, Cmnt of Quarter Sfs-ioiii of the I'eace, and Coml of Common Dean, nnd Orphan's Court, in the eighth Judicial District, composed of lire counties of iortlniinbcr!und,.LYbli, Columbia nr.d I.jrrn.iiiK ; ri.d ll e I ci:. A unit DovAib'ix nuJ GEonnr. M.h.k Esquires, as socintc Judges in Cojutiiiiin county, have issued their precept bearing d.ite llle 27lb day of Auiust in Uio year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ami forty, and to me directed for holding A Conrl of Oyer und Tmninv and G ;t. eul Jldl Delivery, General Quarter Keisions of tfu: Peace, Common Pleas, und Orphan' 's Court, IX DAN II. LK, in tho county bf Columbiai orl tho third Mondiv of Nov. net, (beins the lGth duy) and to continue two week. A UTICE in thmfirt hereby given to the Cor oner, tho Jutticrs of the Peace, and Constables of the said County of Columbia, that they be then ana there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in tho forenoon of said day, with their l ecords, inquisitions ami other remembrances to do those things which to iheir olllce-j appertain lo be done. And tlioeo th.it aic bound liy recognizances to prosecute n.iinst tho prisoners that arc or may be in the jail of said county of Columbia, are to l e then and thero to pro cculo .iKainst them ns shall be just. Jurors arc icquested to be punctual in their attendance, a Rrecably to their notices. Dated at Danville, the lGth day of October( irt tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and forty nnd in the 65th year of tho independence of tho Um'.cd States of Amer ica. WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff. 1 onerin s umce, uanvmc, Oct. ICih 1840. For November Term 18-10. Briercrer'c Henry Deitcrich, Jonathan Erk, h.iiah Salmon. Ctitlawissu- Ira Fox, George Mears. Dcrry Aid lloldrcn, John McGonagle. Fishing creek Chiristian Ash, Thumaa Robbtii3. Greemrood Elijah G. Rickets. Hemlacl: Peter Leidy. Liberty John Clark, James Straw bridge. Limestone John Fulton. Jadion Samuel Kisner. Mahoning Charles Barnes. Mnntmr Jacob Rishel. Mifjlhi William Mcsitiger, Ilircm Rey nolds, Win. Womb. Homing crcik Silas Johnson, Win. Myers. SugaroafVcter Appleman, John Da vis. For November Term 1840. Ihier creek John Conner, Sen. Wra. Hoffman, John Knorr, Samuel Millard. ISloom Charles Heflley, George Heid ly, Jacob Kellei, Pettr Mtnch. Cuttawiisa Win. Burd, Casper Hart man. Lloyd Thomas. Demi Jacob Bhldle, Griffith Davis, John Gray, Jas. C. Sprout. Hemlock James Everell,Dcnnis Pursel, Adam Siroup. Jarknon Ehenerer Keelcr. Liberty Joseph Deen, James McMai linn. Limeilonc Daniel Follmer. MjtUeuriuUn Bojer, jr. liatali fiar ton. Mit'mning Henry Yorkr. Mffi'.n Abiah'im Ludwb.fi Philip Seh eppeuheiser, Christian Shtimaii, Chris. tiau Wolf. MadUon Ulrieh Mills, Eliaha Smith, Jacob Sheep, DanM Welliver. Iharing cref'c Samuel Horn, Garutittl Mears, Elijuh Youuui,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers