The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 24, 1840, Image 2

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    if-nn lcirfrorUleL wiredurnnig'for-l
ii .v wlieu a waVBn llic part or, tlieir1
mar leron oppressors v i 1 1 1 - England or
I' will nimble th'om to reap1 tlio fruits
if 'm ired vengeance."
Ia not tins the vengeance of iniutialilc
nml never d ing haired to tlic Democracy T
Dops it not bieuthe the concentrated venom
of Hill nml mittcnies against the Demo
oru'V, tin; "miijority" of this people of llie
l':it'ed Stales, tluiir policy, nml their prim
rides? Yet this is the language of the
Mrs or cle; ilio of the 'IVy lord.-",
n'l'li whom Mr, Webster was affiliated ilur
i.. ' 'its May in Etulaml; at wlms'e palneifs
i i i'ip roilolry he was domesticated, and
Wh-re he fared sumptuously every day.
Aid this very man is now parading 'the
ou'itry aa r democrat of the pure Jtfftr
sn.xm school. Recking as he id from the
stew a of rani; iiriflorrar.y. and clothed with
every attribute of an tip-t.iri member of thai
presumptuous liibe, hi1 in now on hi wav
to insiH die people of Virginia by the ejehi
t i cm f his bvftorriKy. lie u going to
mli'tiU'ii ilin SiMiih, with whose most dan
pp 'i.u? and deadly enemies hit has made
common pause, lioth at home and abroad.
Sr i ii the csiimaliou in which he and hi-
fiipn at Richmond hold lite fflitie ami
intelligence of the p'uizhiii of that ancient
nml renowned Commonwealth, that he tin
been invited to come among them to smi
in defending their interests; enforcing their
principles, ami enlightening their under
snndini's. Fresh from the "World's
Cvxoznlion of Abolitionists'' from a num.
miinton with the represented fanaticism of
llie world, arrayed ng.iiii'1 llio well-being
cH'l good name of the poonlo of the Smith,
ho has the nnparalelled eflYoniPty to thrust
himself among the hearths ami firesides
which it 13 the great object of his speeches
n'nl hi" policv to drench in blood ! The
force of impudence rail -go no farther, and
so wc leav.e him to tlio hospitalities of Old
"Virginia. GloHe.
D'-n with the lono fnen administra
liiti; I nm ruined. Mv eastern laud, my
western lands, my Chicago, Newark, Ban
gor, Long Island, and Iron Mountain lots,
tire not worth a farthin'". Curse this ad
nttiiHtratiiiti I promised to pay only S9G
000 fur thai acre of land over to Lung I
la id, which at the rale I intended to sell,
would have pii I me a profit of 51.000.
Curse this adiiiiii'stratioii no one will buv
Itiv I mil. and I luve failed'l pay bill
five m ms on the dollar. Down with Van
B I'Ptl. we shall never h ive better limes
11 i d he is nut nut of office. Il is folderol
f ir these loco fup.os to say that all the wealth
c ' i'ib country conies from iho piodueei;
tV banks make the we-dth they give ne
tivit.' to enterprise, Had it not been for
Ivi k, .hat acre of land I promised t,o pay
SJiOOO for on Long Island, would' hive
r.ud now lids' corWrlt Irllifrtnistrathm has
I r. light il down to thai price. Old Farmer
Sd.iimry savs that i; all he will give for it
fir a Turnip yard, Oh ! had il not been
for 1 1 1 u l administration, there would have
Ven a city on i. at this lime. Down with
don c"iwv, 1 say. Give us Harrison and
Bpco'aii.'ig times.
Tins is the cry of tint class of individu
als who rule these destines of the federal
p-rty ai ihis time. Tbey entered -widely
into speculations ni all liiinls promised to
pay as miuiy thousand dollars for a lot of
land, which was not worth as many cents.
And now because they cannot find as great
fools as they had been, to pnichase of them
at an advance, they charged their failure to
the administration. It is comfortable for
tue speculator to have something to charge
Jus mad schemes to every thing he finds
Jn the wrong but himself; and when it is
pontly hinted to him that he might iiavo
given loo much for his whistle, he is" at
ntu-c in n passion mid declares it is no such
t'.i ir the administration is the cause of it
How many men we daily see, that witjiin
f . tears have failed, and cannot pay five
r . s i.i a dollar of their liabilities, charg
Ji;r their failure to the democratic adminu
triitonof the government. Can gtivern
n cnt stop a man fiom euteiing into husi
licss engagements ? If it could, and il was
r. pirt of the duty of the President lo an
"s a guardian over the action of the people
of ihts country, (he government then would
bo elnrgeable with the foolish acts of the Until lliat is llie rase the
rest whera it on
( ',f i ij oi irioie utio wanw to gni null
ia moment, and do not calculate file'
pio mdiiy of a failure of their greedy
You are now called to battle against the
which federalisni has reared iuoiir coun'rj
since the nmitdiiioii of Govenimeri. For
year. you have been spenjily curtailing tne
power f the hydra-liemled liiotisler winch
has oppoed von. Nothing is now woo
VERANCE utpmilrutc tliene mcmins of
the. Ilcpnlihc mill tin 'tee institutions. In
your hatuls rests lite issue on your lir-n-uess
and patriotism nZimw depends. Lei
us borrow the language of an able cmite in
porarv ; "remember that more ever in
the darkest hour of adverMiv, it is Ihe part
of the TttrjE D km or; rat to liglu for Ihe glory
ol his i.aii-e ami tiiaiuiain a linn ci".liileuce
in its ultimate triumph over all ohstai les
Pioiul a.'istoctcrats, venal monopolies. epos
line crowds and di-speiate debtors ma bam!
together iti reckless warfare igaiiif i our free
system of government, vel we should ucv
er "ill-siiair of ihe Republic I' Hut always
bear in mind the aduiouilory maxim thai
' the price, of liberty is eternal vigilance."
The freedom we enjoy W abuodandy, wor
thy of ihe best efforts ami the greatest ai;
rillees ive can make in its defence. Let
then, every individual democrat resolve to
act it the great contest now waging be- and Iheenemies of our lib'i nii'
if the rvstill depeilded on Ins Single vote f
3,i' itors,
.! i nmst
V. hen. is the honest man who does not
""0 ihe enormous fraud rejnrted to, by the
jl.i ish V'hi( party ir. 1838, to defeat the
li Mii irrats ? Look ill Ingersoll's District,
fi'io 3ilj the seal ol'elieuting and wrong,
whuligavea fraudulent majority of over
Li,0 to Navlor in '38,so proven by the facts
- i! t district has given Mr. Itigersoll in
. rkciioa, n majority of 1700 ! Lonk
' 'LiJerstowii, Adams county, which, with
' u'i"y three hiindrod laxables, gave u Uri-
i whig majority of over 1100 that
i-.s'rict now gives but 100 for tlio oppo?i
1 n!
ru.emeni thsi snmo men rocommend
i - o;i to vote for Harrison, who was iiom
, d onh) through their iiifliienee !
'!' ,ny luvu been tried and found guilty of
' . r'ands upon the Hallot-bos. Can you
. n ihcm --JIIagkitm.
A si'iiple and frugal Goverunieni, eon
fined within strict en iS'itutioil il limiU.
No Public Debt, either by the General
Government or by Stales.except for objects
of urgent iieccsfiiy.
No assumption by the fieneral Govern
ment of ihe debts already contracted by the
No extensive systrtn ol internal improve
ment, either by the General Guvcrnment or
by Stales.
A roustilulional harrier against improvi
dem loans.
Tie-' hoilfsl payment of our debts, and
the acrcd preservation of the public, faith.
A gradual leturn from an excessive Credit
S stem.
No cuiiiiectioii between Government and
U inking Corporations.
No grants ol'exclusivp. charters, by spe
cial legis'atmu lo the Halii'is.
No connection betvjeen Church and
No proscription for honest opinions.
Fostering aid lo Public. Education.
No repeal of Natura'r.vitiou Laws.
Df.3ioci!Ats, remembiT that vou fight, for
Tr. Damncrats light
;ot tlic
for the preservation
constitulinii federalists to deMrov
lit by incor)m-alfd wealth, a U. S. bank
of millions, and a privileged- aristocracy to
rule over you wiih oppression bud inso
lence. Democrats fight for equal laws and exact
justice to all men federalists or the. piivi
leged few, and freedom fur' the rich and
wel!-bu(ti," and coi responding oppression
to the mass who labor.
Damocrats remember these thing.'), mid
go to the pulls like your forefathcis in 1800
ami all will he well.
Remember diMiiocrats.that on iho 30lh of
October, our country calls your aid. Come
up lo the rescue ! !
The Election of Ingersnll. over McMi
chael, (wli.j has llius inci with the fate ol
all tumors) in iho Third Congressional
District, by the immense majority of I GU0.
was i.elehrjted by thu Democrats of this ci
ty, on Wednesday evening, after the news
was confirmed, by firing One Hundred
Guns! The of good old Penelope
boomed ovei the city, and carried iho glad
tidings abroad that,
'Truth emitted la earth will rise aain!
Tlie eteriWI years of God are her's ;
But error, wounilud, writhed in pain,
And Jicj aiuiJ her v.-orbhijipori:."
I.tin. Intel,
Datnei Vvcbsu-r i choking John Davis, in
his slander about .lames Buchanan
"Low JIages."Mr. Websler, in his
speeu.i at Saratoga, Now York, thus'iuils
10 the eiiu.iter ihe Ikimi slander projiagaled
ailtl set alloat by John Dans, in ibu Senate
ol the United States, in which he ehaiged
.Mr, Uuci'ianau with being in favor ol a re
duction of hu wages ol labor. In alluding
lo the subject Mr. V. say: think injttH
tiee lias been done lo a iStnutar Jrum
PeimsyU'Jnia, who has been mmlu to bear
a Jargu hure of the responsibility of sugges
ting tucli a pulley."
, Is He or in He Not CliisOain ? Mav
our couuiry he cursed with war, pestilence
and famine, ra.her than a military chieftain
be elected President. Henry Clay,
Pray tell uu what is General Harrison ?
Wo puuso lor n reply.
Federal Principles, h is a part of
wisdom to found government on property."
Daniel Webster.
"Labor is a commodity, bought and sold
liko mcrcltandizo iu tlio market-" John
The slraniboit Swiftstiri, says the Al
bany Advertiser of Tuesday last, left our
city about eleitn b'c 'm I; yesterday morn
ing, having in low scveial barats ml boats
for New York. When in the lictnu of
Casilctou.aud about MX or eight miles Irom
this city, the builcr of the boat exploded.
When the coiifiisinu caused by llie explo
sion hail subsided, it was 1'otuid that seteu
persons employed on the bout had been
more or lexs injured. An account of the
disaster had reached the i it in the c'ottrb
ol the alteruuoii, hut il was uol until the
Swiftsute tame up in tow of the Troy', about
seven o'clock, thai the whole was known.
The bout was brought to thu dock at the
foot of Lj dins street, where ei cry aid, med
ical and otherwise, in the power of man lo
ties low, was rendered the unfortunate iudi-
Our informant says that with ooa ex
cnpiioti, (the son of IIaeiis,lhe engineer.)
thu boilies of the suU'erers presented sui h
an appeal anee that their nearest friends
u on Id uol be able lo recognize them. Al
the time of writing tins article one man
was dead, and our iiiforin.,ut says thai
the engineer could not possibly survive an
We have ilol been able lo ascertain with
accmacv what caused the explosion.
Six o'clock this morning. 55ut one,
now survives the unlorltm.ile calamity, and
of him all hopes of existruce fur half an
hour are abandoned. Mr. llivens died a
hotilO o'clock last night, Graves died about
1 o'clock this morning, Juhn Kearney died
in the course ol the uigit, George While
died about 5 o'clock this morning, llenry
Y ales will no ilnulil be ueau belure our pa
per goes lo press.
We ought not to omit staling the atten
tions hestuw-d upnii the inilortunate suffer
ers by llie lady passer uers of the Trov.
when the Swifisurc was lowed up to this
city. Assisted by ihe chambermaids of that
boat, they did all thai lay iu tlieir power to
.die vhru their sullWiugs.
From the Albany Evening Journal.
I beg leave to submit a hasty account
of die calamity on hoard the steamboat
S.i iftsiire yesterday, oil' Castletun, at 2
o'clock P. M.
. Near Van Wie's Point the gasket oivene
ol llie hand-hold plates burst out, to slop
which occupied i lie engineer several nun
uies. During this limu the water was often
tried by the engineer und fireman in my
presence, and i.ivariably showed a full
'anon afier the engineer stopped the leak,
I went into the lircrooni, and inquired
about the water. It was again tiied, and
as before produced a full low cock; I ihcn
said to the fireman, you will smm have a
full head on, as Mr. Havens lias stopped
the lpak, . . . . ,
t-..,,r rirr-trtrvraru 10 rooi; minor a
eloop that was likely to crow,d us in a nar
row channel, and as snon as she altered
her course, I pased to the tipper deck,
and sioud over the boiler when it hurst.
I think thai not more than eight or leu
mimiics elaspsd idler the leak" was stop
ped Imf.ire the explosion look pi ice. No
nie.un escaped from the safety walvr, and
the engine was milking some foerieen or
fifteen involutions, indicating a low of
The engineer, his son, and five men,
were severely scalded. Mr. Havens,
(the engineer.) and Robert Gravis, Dan
iel and George While, firemen,
are dead, llenry Yates, fireman, and John
Coimcv, deck-hand, are daiigcioutly scald
ed. Mr. Haven's son is not dangerously
I have not lime.amid scenes of great dis
tress, to give further particulars-
In New York, Mr. Davidson.a member
of the Virginia hnr.proposej to give lectures
on the subject of navigaiing the air. Mr.
I)., iu a card to the public, slates that he is
"the author of. and engaged in, gelling up a
project which has for its object the irans
portation of the mails through die air by
land ami gen at the speed of 100 miles an
hour.' Notwithstanding it seems ridicu
lous just now lo suppose that such a thing
as a modeol travelling comfortably and rap",
idly through ihe air possible, weato strong,
ly inclined to believe thai it will eventualfy
bo effected. Abstractly considered, the
navigation of the Aliunde by steam, affords
quite as many difficulties, and was at one
tune, ai.d that not long ago, considered by
a philosopher, reluhu'ted for his knowledge
iu mechanical science, as much impossible,
as the feat or navigating iho air. As to tlio
speed of 100 miles an hour, we have been
informed by several! tcronauts, that
it can bo accomplished not enly with ease,
but without exciting in the traveller even an
unpleasant sensation.
Negro 7?ru3.-Ou Saturday aS, sever
al negroes belonging to Mr. Grepn's plan,
laiimi in Anne Arundel couiiiv.Md.. refused
to obey ihe overseer.atid threatened to mui
derMr. CPs, family. Tim police were
summoned, ami meanwhile thB negroes
armed themselves with scytbes and clubs.
Tho officer received a severe wound from a
srylhe. Tho whites wero obliged lo fly;
the negroes pursued them, and thev were
saved only by the fleetuess of their'ltoraes.
1 ho negroes, with ma rxceptiou.harc been
arrested. Multimote Sun,
,. . Spread it from Maine to Gcorpa!--Tltat
if every Democ'ratio Voter In the U
niled Stales g,t'es"id the polls , ami easts his
vote, our Ihsiingiiised President', iMariln
Van IJuieii. uilt he ic-elecled by a much
Inreer umjoiily than he received iu 1830.
It is onlv ihto'tigh apathy that the democrat
ic partv can he delcated. Arouse then lit
v.ile mid y ten, nml let no man, howexer
humble, slay tit Imnie I ! " Pol lire on tho
back of every deuiiicralic terrapin." March
lo the pulls, iiot singly nml aluue. but in hat
talluli anil regiments, nay by armies I Come
one ! ('ome vll I !
Coaic as the mountain wind comca In Its path,
When the tempest bath roused it from elicp,
Come as the oceaii-wave come in its wrath,
When the storm-spirit frowns on the deep."
ALL persons haing claims or any de
mand, whatsoever, against Ihe subscribers,
are requested to come forward before the
lOlh ol November for settlement.
At firiilge No. 1, on the Catlawiasa Rail
The Selllemcnts will he made by Theo
dore Wcls, iu Cattawissa, or Thomas .El
lis and B. P. Frick, at the Hail Road
S., F. & Co.
ON Thursday night, thu 8th insl. frnm
the sub.-priher, near Mr. Malon Hicks, in
Brier Creel; a dark bnhvii Horse, II or 13
years n i . about 10 bands high, witn a
white star iu his forehead and a scar on bis
hip. Who eier will give infotmalion to the
subsciiber, where he mav be found, or re-
thru him to Mr. Nieclv's tavern iu Berwick,
or lo N. S. Premiss, Bluumsburg, shall be
liberallv reward.
Plymouth, Lnz. eo. Oct. 17, 1810.
Berwick Sentinel please publish the above
llttee weeks.
Inform their friends and cuntomcrs, that
they have removed their shop into the build
ing next door to the office of Ihe Columhi:
Democrat, nearly opposite Si. Paul's Church
Main-street, where they will al all times be
ready lo receive orders for culling and mak
ing all kinds of garments, and- they assure
ihe public thai ali work entrusted to them,
shall be done in a fashionable ami workman
like manner.
N. B. Particular attention paid to cut
Bhiomsburg, Oct. 10, 1840.
Several School Teachers arc wanted in
Bloomsbiirg. Teachers, well qualified and
well recommended will receive gund wages.
Schools to commence aboui dm first of No
vember next. Application to be made to
the Directors.
Oct. 10. 1010.
TTE Subscriber would respectfully informs his
friends and tlio puUic generally, that lie con
linucs to cany on tho business of manulactuiing
of almost every variety of pattern and (hush; and
i .... ,.u -m uunm 10 turunsr any article in wou-J
lliat may bo ordered. He will also attend U
in all their branches; nnd respectfully solicits a con
tinimnce of public favor. 'i'uruiu; shop on Mar
ket street, neaily opposite tho I'riiuiiu ofltco of ibc
Columbia County HesUtcr-fiuUliIng hop on tho
mam street neatly opposiiu George Weaver's More
Hloomsburg beptember 10, 1810.
Remaining in the Post Office at Bloomsbiirg
at the end of the quarter ending on ihe
30th ol September, 1840.
Bacon Sepiemious Love George W.
Ilelz John
Bouiboy Posawell
Barton Isaac
Chrisiman Lavilta
Coal Elisha
Dawson Margarett
Davis David M.
Mensh Sabina
MeReynnlds Mr.
Memigh Richard
Melech Daniel
Old CatliMriti'u"'
Old John a' 1
Plieffor T. II.
Uobiiison John
- """""..Il .'Ollll
Driesbiieh George W. Robjnspn M,,ry
' .'. II I.llllll Intonl.
V 'vin
Emmons Andrew
Everheart James
Foibes Nathau
Good John
Gorlon JLicub
Hardy Arthur
Hogland William B.
-Ilartman Thoma.i
Jameson Daniel
James Ileniy
Jacnhy John
Kelehner Neoint
Kitchen Tboroas
Knurr Georgo
Loudon James
Lynn John
Itosmus William
Kiyht William
Rupett William
Swaby Frederick
Squire E. 4
Snyder Sally Anna
Siller Crisiiatia
Sloan William
Siellgr Calhcrino
Seigler Georgo
Snyder Dimiel
Townsend Samsnn2
'J'liompson William
'J'liorutou Sarah
Winner Samuel
Wyc'iefl Susan
THE Subscribers respeelfully anno'inco
to their friends and the public generally,
thai they have received a-iil me now open
ing, a splendid and extensive assortment of
rail & Winter Goods,
which with ;l slock on hand, embraces n
variety ol seasonable Merchandize for iho
acrommodaiioo of town and County.
In the Dry Good line, ihey havo all iho
varieties of course, fiuo a;ld supcilino
Casimers, Salinttts, Mi'rinocs, Silks Cal
icoes. Tuglioni, (n new article.) Mari
na, Chinelle and various other kinds ,f
Shawls, Uibbandt. I.acet.I.inins. Hloin
elincdc Luin.Miulinn, Vts'ings, Stocks,
(Imbrellai, Lady's IJonncts, IJomict
Silks, Trimmings; Fur, Cloth and Seal
iliin Caps; liools and Shoes, Socks, -c.
S-c. fyc.
Sugar, Coff.-e. Teas, Spice, Molasses,
Brandy. Gin, Rum, Wine, &e. Ac assorted
in (Wic and quality. ILirdware, Saddlery,
Iron, Steel, Nails, Stoves, Stove pipe, 'I'm
Wine, Cedar Ware)
Crockery-Wars. Salt, Fish, Oils, Dye,
'Sttijfv, Paints, fye. tyc. $-c.
and idninsi every other article that can bo
called for in :i country store all of which
h-tving been carefully seleptu'l and obtained
at the lowest prices, will be offered at sinad
profits in exchange for cash or country pro
JJnomshiirg, Oct, 3, 1810. 23 if.
WcNm-jn Itnn...
... D. nUl ERT, P. M.
Those inquiring fur any 0f i, ab0V8 u.
ters will jilcaso say it is advertised.
NOTICE is hciehy given, that tho
on ilm Norlh Hnimdi Division of the Peiift.
sylvania Cmnl are now neaily compleied,
and that the water will be lei into this .Di
vision On the first day of October next.
tCNavigaiion, may therefore, be re
sumed us soon thereafter as sufficient lima
shall have elapsed .or the Canal lo fill with
water, and it will not again he inierrtinltd
until closed by ihe ice
n imJ'- SZW?, Engineer.
Canal Office, Northumberland, ?
September 25, 1810. 5
THE Subscriber resper tfidly informs his
rrtends and il,c public in ee(;r;,, ,lilt l0
has now iimking a pamnt marhiue for Wcav
tng Coyer ids, of E. Miley h Co's. inven
ttoit, which he intends to erect about tho
loth October, 111 Neseopeck Luzerne conn
iv, 10 Mr. Peck's Tavern, where
he will rurry 011 the
ami'ET :r coveiscid iw.zvr.ra
in all it, various Coverlids wot a
"ilboui a scam in 1U ,j,l(jQ pL.rsmi9 .
a (..slance.wisbing patent or rnntmun Gov
e" ,u Vna sc'l ilx'iryaru by stage or
o, ei.her to Berwick. -Columbia
S'"r "! Nonnopprk. Luzerne county,
directed lo the subscriber.
By strict aitentioii to his business, and
Please his eusiomers. he hopes
mreceveahberalshare of public pj.r,.
3 J -1 h."neWlin the living
ml business for a numberof vears.
e s. res t!,o public, thai ,l0 Work enlrus.
J 0 h.m, shall L done j ,,0 most dura-
h , II bl,m;r,' 'Jml 16 ni,l,ers 'm-ir that he
1, "r1; ",011vc Beneral sa.isfaeiion.
, 1 .Hem Coveihds made hv persohs seml-
J "b'c"''dyjnB.heyar, f.ndmg iho
vamuill'L ;u;,'",,,l,1"(!a'i"' of eusiomers,
. 'l , !, r"""i .ilnresJCMb Drum-
v J .1 T' 0rn"-Un'"' I"no eouii
; J''nSl.,,r.pMB1H,0o.,. smre.Ca.ta-
Fn nrSU SAH,,,.,,, ,,,,re- 'le' C'-
hZ 5T' ) s-1 olli,,s 8l,,r".
lendS f""1 Vlm Uil1 P,e''so "nd writ-
u.o bo. 1 18 uhal color "l0 wo' y
The eubscribcr finde all k.nd, of carpet
' "copeck, Oct. 0, 1840.