The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 17, 1840, Image 4

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    K '.-. jamrf ,y,-hJ akoj
IN URSANQE of tho .direation and
injunction of an Act of tho General Assem
bly of this Commonwealth, passed the 2d
day of February, A. D. 1830,
do kerefey give no-
:no, that un flection will bo held by the
citizens qualified to vote fur members of the
General Asscnibly, at the several election
vitstricls in tho county of .Columbia, on
Friday the 30A day of October next,
(''is being the fifth Friday preceding tho
first Wednesday in December,) at which
4;mo and places will o elected THIRTY
'SRSOJNS, as Electors of a President and
"ice Preatdentof the United States.
Tho several Judges, Inspectors and
Clerks,' who shall attend the olection for
Members of the General Assembly, imme
diate preceding this oloction, shall attend
and perform tbc liko duties at the said Elec
tion of Electors, and be subject to the like
penalties for neglect 01 mlseonditctj as they,
ore liable to at the election of" the Members
of the General Assembly.
WM. KITCHEM, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Dnnvijlc, ?
October 2, 1840. $ "
The Election will bo held at tho .qathe
' 'places in the several districts, as the gener
al election, and the same laws' and regula
tions relating to voters govern tho one, as
govern the other, and that every person may
have them at hand, we annex them.
Blocm township, at ihc house K Charles Doeb-
1. ; in Bloomsburg.
Brier Creek township, at tho town house in Ber
wick, Catawissa township, ntiho house now occupied
'ay David Clark, in tho town of Catawissa.
Derry towiship, (a soparalo election di-triet) at
ho houso of Jacob Roidolin said'lownidiip.
HRshin3 Creek township at tho houso of Daniel
Zjoler, in said township. , -
Greenwood township, at tho houso now occupisd
y Joseph Lemon.
Hemlock township, at tho houso pf John Sl'Rcy
nolds. in said township.
Jackaon township, at the houeo of Joshua Savage,
in said township.
Liberty township, at the house of Henry Gibson,
in said township.
Ijiraotono township, (a separate election district) at
the Union School house in said township.
llahoning township, at tho Court Houso in Dan
ville. Mifflin township, at the Iionso of John Keller, jr.
in "said township.
Madison township, at tho house of Jeremiah
Welliver, in Jcraeytown. '
Mount l'leasaut township, at tho house of Fred
erick Miller in said township.
Montour township, at tho houss of Leonard Laz
arts, in said township.
Sugarloaf township, at lho house of Ezekiel Cole,
;n siid township. '
Roaring Creole township,at tho house of John
Yeager, in said township.
Orange township, at the house of I. C. Johnson,
in the town of Orangeville.
Tho District Composed of that part of Mifflin
township, laid off for a new township, to bo called
Puxtou,' which by an act of Assembly, passed tho
first day of April, 183G, was establish into a sola
rs to election district at the house of Adam Micheal
in the said district. -
Valley township, at tho hou30 of David Grey,
in said township.
" That every parson, except justices of the peace,
who shall hold any office or appointment of profit
or trust under the government of tho United States,
or of this Stato, or of any city or incorporated dis
tiict, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise,
a subordinate officer or agent,' who is, or shall bo
employed under the legislative, executive orjudicia-
ry department of this State, or of tho United Statos,
or o! any city or incorporated district, and also.that
every member of Congress, and of lho State Legis
! fvre, and of tho select or common council of any
c v, or commissioners of any incorporated District,
ij by Jaw, incapable of holding or exercising at tho
t v.ifi time tho office or appointment of Judge, In
,. -ctor, or Clerk, of an election of thia Common
wealth, and that no inspector, Judge, or other Officer
o. any such election, shall b.Oj eligible to any office
ti La then vutc 1 for."
nd the sutd Act of Assembly, entitled " an Act
r.'atiuj to the cleeltons of this Uooinionwpalth,"
j. . dJuly 2d, lb39, further provides as follows, (o
" That tlio Inspectors and Judges chosen as aforc
: shall meet at tho respective places appointed
" hoidins th." !' tion in the District to which
thoy reapa 'ive'y belong, before nine o'clock in the
i. o. .iing of tho Second Tuesday of October in each
1 cerv rer., and each of said inspectors shall an-
nt oaa cleik, who shall bo a qualified voter of
- dutri. t.
" hi -dsc tho person who shall havo rocclvcd tho
rerun 5 highest number of vole for judfe shall
rut attend on tho Say of any election, tho per
p m who shall have received the second highest nuai
Vr of votes forjudge at the next preceding election,
i,h ill act as a judge in his place, and in case
h p.-con who shall have received the highest num
l i of vote-, fir inspector shill not attend, the per
ron elected a Judjo shall appointaii inspector in his
j.l and in case tho person olocted a Judge sliall
u l ttand, thou ti.o infcpcctorwhorecrivfdtho high
s' number ot vjtes, lull appoint a judge in his
, ace; and if any vacancy shall continue in the
, j ud for the space of ono hour after tho time fixed
, !.uv for the opening of the cle lion, the qualified
v .. u of the township, ward or district, for which
. ,h officer t.'uj11 luve been elected, present at tho
' i i of ele ' shall eleci ono of their number to
" It shallbe ti !.:ty of said i),--irn respective
1 t3 rtteiul t i.. ' j'lace of ho' ., ig ccrv general,
i.if.'or lowns'iip election, dei i.i tho wliolc time
elvtign i ki pt op-.n, for tL.' purjiose of yiing
in1 t 'it.ttmi l,. the innpectoi ai i j, vhc.i cd
' 1 n, in I-! iion to the right of bi y j'eraon asti-ss-cd
r,; them to vote ut bUch eloclion, of siuh other
jnjtier in relation to tho assessment of voters as
clu said innpei lors or judge, or either of thorn, shall
fjcin time ta time require.
" Ko per-on shall he permitted to vote at any o-"-".ion
as aforChBid, other than a white ficvman of
t r a'o of I vrntv ma years or more, v, h'i shall have
r . Vd inll'i stato at least one year, and in Hecftn
' .-met win if hr otU rii to vote st least t.jn days in -r-3v:ete)y
precrdmg cudi election, and within two
years paid a stato or county tax, shall have
been assessed ot least ten days before tho election.
Hut n citizen of the'Unitrd States, wlio had previ
ously been a quulified voter of this f.tnt and rt Hiov
cd thf refiDia and returned, and who nhall have rc--sided
in tho election distiict, and paid taxes as afore
tald, shall tin entitled to voto after reesiding in this
slato sit mdnths. l'rovidod, That the white free
men, ciliiens of the Uidttil States, between tho
ogos df twenly-ono and twcnty-tfcp and having re
sided in this Mate ono year nd n the election dis
trict terf days oi aforesa'd, bIijII he entnlcd to vote,
although thoy shall not havo paid taxes.
"No person (.hall bo admitted to voto hoso name
is Hot contained in the list cf taxable inhabitants
furnished by the commi&sioncis as aforesaid, unli'ic,
firsts He pioduces a receipt for tho paymcnt,Wilh
,irt two years, of a stato or county tax nsursTd a
greenbly to tho constitution, and give satisfactory
evidence either on his own oath or affirmation of
another, that ho has paid such 'a tax, or on a fail
ure to produce a receipt, shall make oath to the pay
ment thereof, or Second : If he claim a right to
vote by being an doctor between the ages of twenty-one
and twenty-two years, ho sIibII depose on
oath or affirmation, that he has resided in tho state
at Ioasfc ofio year next befote his application, and
make such proof of residence in tho district ui is
required by this act; and that ho cues verily I c
lieve from the accounts given him tlit ho is of the
age aforesaid and gives such other cvidcn'-i (is is
required by this act, whereupon tho name of th"
person so admitted to vote shall bo insortcd in the
alphabetical list by lho inspectors and a note-ii.o-lo
opposite thereto by writing tho word " tax," if ho
shall bo admitted to vote by Reason of having paid
a tax, or- the word " age,'' if he UuriKlgt bdmitte.l
Id'voto oh account of his age, andtK-Mthcr ce
the reason of such voto shall be cn1lAt!4.t to tha
clerks, who shall tnako tho liko rtElbs n tho li-t o.'
voters kopt by them. '
In all cases where thonapsoef tho porson o'.
to vote is not found on tho list furnished b,,- tho
commissioners and assessor, or his right to" vote
whether fouifd thereon or not, is objected to by any
qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of tho inspec
tors to oxamino such person on oath as to his mini
ificatfons, and if he claims to have resided within
the slate for one year or more, his oath shall he
sufficient proof thereof, but lip shall irjako proof by
at least ono competclit witness, who shall ho quali
fied elector, that he has resided within the district
for ton daya next immediately preceding said
election, and shall also himself swear that his bona
fido residence, in pursuance of his lawful calling, is
within tho district, and that he did not reroovo into
said district for tho ptrrposo of. voting therein.
13 very person qualified as aforesaid, amUvho shall
make duo proof, if required of his residence and
payment of taxes, as aforesaid, bhallbo admitted to
voto in the township,' ward or dlitrict in which he
shall roside.
If any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent
any officers of an election under this act from hold
ing such .election, or use or threaten any violence
to any tuch officer, or sliall interrupt or improperly
interfere with him in the execution of his duty, or
shall block up, orattcrnpt to block up the window
or avenue to any Window where tho samo may bo
holdcn, or shall riotously disturb tho peace at such
election, or shall use or practice any intimidation,
throats, force, Brviolsnco, with design to influence
unduly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him
from voting, or to restrain tho freedom of choico,
such person on conviction shall bo fined in any sum
not exceeding five hundred dollars, and bo impris
oned for any thno not less than ono or more than
twclvo months. And if it shall bo shown to the
court where the trial of such offence shall bo had,
that tho person so offending was not a resident of
tho city, ward, district, or township wcro lho said
ol&nco was committed, and not entitled to vote
therein, then, on conviction, lie shall bo sentenced
to pay a fino of not less than ono hundred nor moro
than one thousand dollars, and bo imprisoned
not less than six months nor moro than two
It any person or persons shall mako any bet oi
wager upon the result of any election within this
commonwealth, or shall oiler to mako any such bet
or wager, cither by verbal proclamation thereof, or
by any wiittenor printed advertisements, challenge
or invito any person or persons to make such bet
or wager, upon conviction thereof ho or they shall
forfeit and pay three times tho amount so bet, or
offered to bo bet.
If any person, not by law qualifisd,
shall fraudulently voto at any election with
in this commonwealth, or being otherwise
qualified, shall vote out of his proper dis
trict, Or if any person knowing tho want of
such qualification shall aid or procure such
person to vote, the persons so offending,'
shall on conviction, be liiukl in any sum
not exceeding two hundred dollars, nud be
imprisoned for any term not exceeding three
"If any person shall voto at moro than
onc.elcction district, or otherwise fraudu
lently voto more tltdn once on tho satno day
or shall fraudulently fold and deliver to tho
inspector two tickets together with the in
tent to illegally vote, or shall procure anoth
er so to do, ho or they so offending, shall
on con-jclion be fined in any sum nut less
than fifty nor more than five hundred dol
lars, and bo imprisoned for any term -not
loss than three nor moro than twelve
"If any person not qualified to voto in
this commonwealth ngreeable to law, (except
the sons of qualified citizens) shall appear
at any placo of election for the. purpose of
issuing tickots, or of influencing the citizens
qualified lo vote, he" shall, on conviction,
lorfeit and pay any sum not exceeding one
hundred dollars for every such offencu, and
bo imprisoned for any term not exceeding
three, months."
And by the 4tli Section of tho act of IGth April,
1840, it is enacted," That tho Ifith section of thoact
as passed July Id 1839, entitled an act relatiag to
the election of this commmvealth, sliall not ba so
construed as to prevent any militia officer, or borough
officer, ftom serving as Judge, lnspoctor,or Clerk at
anygeneral oi especial olection in this commonwealth.
THE Subscribe! wishos to hiro a Jour
neyman Cooper, lo whom good wages mid
steady employment will be given.
An apprentice to (he Coopering businers
is wnled immediately. A smart active tad
will rcceivo good encouragement upon dp
plication to. WILLIAM KELLY. '
Bloomsburg, October 3, 1810.
SI Trenton to TiinIIvo)!AJi,DnixiiiTii's,EvT
JJSIkdiah I'uaoATivs, tho.MATciit.rV Cpricetl)
KAffATiva, or any other pills or cempeiinil before
ihcriUblV, as certified to by Physicians hnd ethers
Lg jione condemn theni until they hao tried
tlipriirta'dl then we are certain they w ill Vint.
It is now o settled point with nil vvhphave U3ttl
the Vegetable reviun I'illi that they arc pre-eminently
the best and most efficacious Family Medi
l ine that has j4t been used in America. If overy
family could Dfcomo Vqmlfntcd with their Sovcr
elgn powor ovefdiseaso, they would keep them and
bo prepared withawro remedy to apply on the firs
appenranoe of disease Mtd then how much distress
would bo avoided and lheney saved,' as well as the
lives of thousand wHO' are hurried out of time by
neglecting diae.iso in it first stages, or by not being
in possession of a remedy wlilclt thy cait placo de
pendence, upon.
The Resurrection, or Persian Pills.
Tho namo of those pills orginalcd from thMSr-
cumstance of tho medicine bcina fdund onlv in Ihc
wemetarlas of I'criaa. This vegetable. ,produetftm
bch' of a peculiar vkind, led U expentmints as to
Ita medicinal qualities an J virtuo. In Halt a, cen
tury it became an established in: ' ?ins for (he di
asf t of that country. The cj-tr. ct of this stliBU,
Iar production was introduced iruo somo parts of fib,
ropo in the year 1?S3, oud v r J by maay celebrated
l'liytiicians in euri.ig certain i"scase3, where all oth
er mtdiclno has !.een wed in Vain. Early in' the
yeflr 1709. tho "tirat was combined with a certain
vr jfable medicine imported- from Dura Baca, in
the East Indies, and formed into Pills. Tho admir
able effect cf this compouiTd upon the human "sys
tem, led pbysiicaus and families into its general
uso. Their long established character their univer
sal and healing virtues, tho detergent and cleansing
qualities of their specific action upon tho glandular
parr, of tho system, arosuch as will sustain Ittfelr re
putation and goneral use in tho American Itepub
I certify that I havo, by way of osperiment, used
Uio Hygean, and most of tho various kinds ot Pills,
in my practice, whicbii borne the highest repute
in the public cstimatiOTffhat havo been effercd for
sale in tbiS vicinity for the last livo ycats, including
those called tho,Kcsvirrcclion or Persain Fills; and
the public may rest assured that none um'orig tho
whole catalogue has answered a better purpdse, rta
an easy and effectual remody, than tho IJesurrectiou
or Persian Pills, in most cases pf disease. '
Ciunias IJ ickvs, M. I).
. Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837;
Messrs. E. Cliao & Co. Gents. Hearing'
much said about tho extraordinary effects of tho
Resurrection or Porjian i'ills, upon thofo about to
become mothers, wo wcro induced to make a trial of
them. My .wif Was at that time tho mother of fivo
children, and had suffered the mo3t tedious and ex
cruciating pains during and after her. confinement
of each, fitio had tried every means srtd taken'
much medicine, but found little or no relief. Sho
commenced taking the J'crsian J'ills about llirco
mouths before her confinement (her health being ve
ry poor about this length of time prcvioiw) and in a
short tiino she was enabled by their use to attend to
tho cares of a mother to h;r family until her con
finement. At the lime she commenced tojting die;
y'crsinn I'ills, and for several weeks ruevious.'sfie"
was afflicted with a diy hard cough, and frequent
soveio cramps, which tho uso of tho Pills ondrcly
removed boforo using half a box. It is with tho
greatest confidence tuat wo advise all those about to
become mothers to mako use of the Peruan Pills.
All those that havo taken them in mtr neighbor
hood havo-got -Jong in the samo easy manner, and
aro about the houso in a few days. There docs not
appear to bo half tho danger of other dangers setting
in alter conlinomcnt, wucrc tnoso fills are taken.
Wc unitedly' aay.let none neglect taking them, for
they aro in tho reach of tho poor ns well tho rich.
Wc are truly thankful that there is n remedy which
females can oasily procure which tonds to lessen tho
world of sufiering, which many of them hav o to bear,
and perhaps save tho lives of thousands which would
otherwise be lost.
Rochester, May M, 1838: corner of Callidonian
square, Edinburg slrest; for further particulars bco
subscribers. " .
8, Ron cuts,
AnjtO. Roberts.
- KnciiESTpn, Sept. 24, 1830.
Messrs. E. Chase 8, Co.
I think it my duty to let yoh know what a great
euro your Pills havo performed on me I had been
tick about 7 years about 2 years and a half con
fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurable,
with Consumption, by twelve physicians of tho first
standing; my lungs were seriously affected; I had
3 ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and
harsh most of the time; my liver was much swollen,
and my stomach v cry dyspeptic. I had chills, fev or.
and night swoat, accompanied with oxtremo iriita-
blenese ot tlio nervous Bystem, and otlioi difficulties
which I forbear to mention. After I was given over,
I tried almost all niedicinca which wore udvoitised.
but to no advantage, until J tried your Vegetable
Persian Pills. I began to gain in a short time aftor
l commenced taking them; and, to be brief, before I
took 3 boxes, I was able to ride out and to tako con
siderable oxercise, and at this time I enjoy good
health, and am able to'do good day's woik. If any
noo wishes a more particular liaslory of mv suffer
ings, he may cell on me, at the corner of Alain and
Clinton-tlrceui, Rochester.
Fits (Imitin. Tim t.Ml... .i!r..
that we ape tho Parents of two children who have
iwn iifTtfotitd tuith dti mtBe lad. rrn. :..
... r n .. 4 1 1 1 a t wa lifava anri4 ..a . n I .
xj , m.m ... -t..vv i.u j.-..,, ui g.vpeuag in
eudp4vorhig to cjlbct core, but without any bene
ficial effect, uiiil hearing of tho Resurrection or Per
sian Pills, when four hojrig vvero iuifflediately
procured, ami before three boxes were taken, tho
ft, I. ml f., rM.... 1
.. ,. ... ..v.juiwt, mm every syni-
tom much improved, and now wo are lappy to
state that our chikben by the use ,of the l'cnian
Pills, with the blessing of God, an entirely cured,
and have no symtom or appearni of fit, will find
n the Persian I'ills a sure wi perfect cure.
Canton N. Y. Dec. 1Q..1837.
The fthnVA Tlilla ,nv 1,a t.a.1 if T, rn 1
ffieiltll -JfMln Mnvur. ntnnrtlalinr, IT Mill . T .
wick; J. Cooper & Hons, Haz-'ltun; C, ilortman
r- . li l i i . . .
u-i'njwniii "wu (juarpies, aitawtssa; jivman
Shol, Danville. '
Bivra Taylor, a;rert for he &tto qf Iirtsylva
nia,reidln at Rochoater N. Y, to whom all ordor
ORE than fix millions of Itoscs oi in
eelebr!ed pills have been sold in the I ni-
ib.I Si.if,i otm .tniuirv 183?.
Hundred iuidthousands bles the dnv they be
came acquaiilted with Pctors' Vegetable pills, which,
meprlsequcnoeof their extraordinary gom'.iufi.haVe
(.ttnined a popularity unprecedented in the historv
of medLine.
WTitn takeh according to the dirortinni arcom
puiijiiig them, they are highly benelUiiul in the
priventloi) and cure of bilious fever, fever and a
guc, dyspepsia, liver .complaints, tick hetiJ-ache,
BUlidice, us-lhina, rheumatism, enlargement of the
Kpleen) piles, colic, female obsliuttiont.,", lieattbum
futrod-'tOTguc, nausea, disle.islon of the stomach'
and tawcls. incipient diurrhfca, flatulence, habitual
ostiveiiMS, loss of appetite, blotched or shallow
conipleviop. and in all ccscs ot tor oral tnc bow
els', where a csthttfo or an aperient is needed.-
Thi'V aro exceedingly mild in their onciation, pro
ducing neither naiuea, griping, nop debility, and m.
consequent of their ANTUBILIOUfi IJXJAI.I-,
TIKS, arc the be..t of ail remedies m s.carlet fever,
fever and ague, bilious fever, and alldisfases which
have their origin in acctimula tion of lllLE,: in a
word Dr. i'ctcrs' pills arc the great bilious antidote,
and with 'a supply of thorn afl bilious affections can
be kept nt a d'staucr.
Those who have sulli-red and are weary of sufler
ing from these destaoj ing complaints, will find in
.Peters' Ycgotable pill's a remedy at onco cortain and
immcdiato in its effect. In
' . , PYSl'KPSIA
They stand unrivalled. Many have been cured in
a few weeks, after having suffered under this dread
ui complstat for years.
The vVftrtd Is vastly out of tunc,
And seems bfVond correction;
- But I'voa spejljhat very soon v.,
Will make it all .perfection:
Will soon expel disease end pain,
So nono shall be afflicted;
And then shall cine all i!s aW'm,
To which nion aro addieftd. ,
O would you know tills) scourgp f'illf, ' '
So various and so plorious !
They oxe the VEGETABLE PILLS ' ;
Qb'ETERS, so vlcforiott '
OMHjbey are those pills of pride,
Bn all the world aro praising, .
roSrpvfer did the gods p'ovido
A med'chic so amazing.
Tho' Spleen or Chol'ra rack yOu threugh,
With this you need not fear them'; '
If Gout afflict, and Colic "too!
A box of top will clear them:
And if yqur liver's out of tunc;
If.wildjour head is nchiflg; -If
jiundlee dies you like the moan;
Oroguc octs you sliakng; '
Ifgriin dyspepsia thins your, chyle;
" If devils blue are grinding;' . ,
If you arc plagued with gripe or bile,
Or fevers loose or binding;
0 tell no doctor of your (US,
Nor trust to baths or lancing;
But face tho rogues with PEtEHS' PIIXS
And noon you'll send them prancing. .
Thesn valuable pills aro Superior to Loc's.Bran
dreth's, Moffett's, Evans, Hunts, the Persian or hi
fuel to any other pill over lnought before the public.
One 25 Cent nox will prove their virtue in
this county, as their surprising virtues are establish
ed all over the United States, Canada, Texas, Mex
ico ami tha .Vt'osl Indies.
(Cj'E"a"i'"e for Peter's Vcgetoblo Art! Billious
pills.rn Thoy can bo obtained ofD. S. Tobias
and J. R. Mover, Bloomsburg. Wm. Biddlo & Co.
Danville, and at all tho principle stores in the state.
ERY respectfully informs his friends and the
nubile, that he hn nlnrnvf nn hntt.l nl Ida T.;
very Stable in Bloomsburg, foi' tho purpose of Hire
w, AJAvu-jwige, u vaiieiy or-
BfioFscs, uliitcK, Gigs,
which ho will foci graliftr l to keep in readiness for
tho accommodation of customors.
He has aleo made arrangements for carrying pas
sengers from Bloomsburg to Muucy, and from
Blootusburoj to Buckulews on tho Owcgo turnpike.
Leaves Bloomsburg for Muncy every Saturday
at 7 o'clock ill tho mornim? nrvivo n, , ,....
the same cvennig. Leave Muncy every Baturday
morning at 8 o'clock and arrive at Bloomsbnrg the
buhiu evening.
Lenves Bloomsburg every Wednesday morning
for Buckulews and letnrn lb
Tersonal application can be made at his residence,
jvneii uvery means win ueusou to render entire sat
isfactiou lo those who may give him a call.
Bloomsburg, March 28, 1840. ' 48,
So So
WOULD respectfully inform his fricndi
and the nuhlic ffcnerulk-.fhnt lm Ima m,,.
ed hia shop into his dwelling a few doora
auuvu uiuuoiei Kept oy u, iiowel, and
nearly opposite thu dwelling of Charles
iviuor, wnere no may always bo found rca
dy to mako un all irarmcntn inirnoir.,1 in i.;.
w t , o ,u ,i,n
enro, with neutuces and ilnnntnli. 'i'i,t,r.,i
for past favors, to such as have encouraged
nun iiuroiuiorc, auu uy slltct attnnliou to
business, hopoa still to mcijt a latger share
in puuuu patronage, a goou lit insured
all cases.
N. I). All kinds of country produco tnkon
in osohauge fqr work. And tho needful
never retuscu,
llloomsburg, April 11, 1810.
JL lrs of administration on the above oatate
un.uieen grameuto the subscriber, residina;
Mount Pleaonl tnunli( ri.,t.....i.: ' .
1 herefore all persons indebted to the estate of said
deceasid,are requested to make Immediate payment
.. iwiuis vyiii jfrniuTii mem,
luuiu.i iramiil, Ug, , lbiu. ot,
iUOiilA) fe-ene a p.ele.tiice ever all Pil'iniw
in exisfence:
I irf Jiciau-e they ."-e rnmpo"-'' i C '. -iIi'Ip
exliai'ts. fae liom mrieial'; ami i..'.. I e t .' . .
all limes with pci'cet rufety'i; jnli (
out fcfltrainl from occupati m teiupeuto Innnj, (
tear of taking cidd.
fforortd Because they are composed of . i,
mciili extracts, as havo been employed I v n'l
the most ft lobratod nuJ respectable 1 h ti, i,ii
more than a'contory past, iYi puriTjing" the i.iLCl
and Animal fluid of tht body.
Aiiira uecause nicy may rmjin;, ci j
mikl or active puig.itive, nccorditi? to tin ! v
taken, and their operation will not be v, r i tho bowels, sicknens at lho t-imn, i;
pHfetration of tlis system, OiCy ft aic piodui.i 1 iy
other pills. '
V,1...,.!, l'.n,,.d lllav nAa.dH n nn.r,'.. n .rF.iJT.
not nnirs:Cil bv nnv other tiilln. nii.xlu.i uriiSatr.
..h. ...... . , u,Al,JltfWjV
i . - - , -..,-
ation whatever. Their fnt etiect is in c
11 impurities with v.'tuch t!io blood ai.d C " ; cf
'he tiody may bo ntl"Cteil, ouu tiy then gi i.t! , o , i.:.
nve effect, removing such impurities lium tha
l'ifth dlcceUse1 iwy are tho. terror of Qv i
uid Imposters, for most persons are oblia. d to i,', i
Uio Hnrsaparilla Blood Pills, alter taking their vv
mil destruclvo rtoutrums, to cpnr.teract and i rivLi.!
their mischievous and baneful effects.
Sixth Because they are the only rill.i in wbi, h
rhysiciaris have sutrn,icnt conQdenco to rccn,i,u,,.ll(j
to their patients, and employ in their fiecii'-n
they know they are Anti CJua.k, Atiti Jicnerrl,
Ami Billious s well ns a good and safe lasiino
and purifier of Uio lil' od ojid Anirri1 1'lr.i Is.
Seventh and lant But not tho lean iir).uriinr,
be because they arc prepared by a regular Apc'l.c-
cary and l'livtician, ntteotcu oy llrs. rtiy ie. l.r.r.
ner, Chapman, Den eci, James, Gibson. .' 'c ' -on,
Coxe, Hare, &c, &e., v.lucJi alone is tj
entitle them to great confidence.
Certificates and Recommendations from I , . i.
cians and' others accompany tho directions arouiid
Price Twenty Five Cents a PciraJ
I'ifcpated only and sold Wholerale and Ret ', -,t
Dr, J,ElDY'e Health Emporium, No. 191 ;.:,
Secoid st., a few doors bolow Vino sticct,,.!.
pma, tlao, sold by
J. tRilheft oc Uo., XSOWi J turd street a'ip-.e mo. Clemens, do 3d do doVv.'t.
J. II. Smith & Co. dj 2d do ncs 'i - . i.d
Lion, aad all respectable Wholesale and l.t'.aij
Druggk's in Philadelphia,
Tlie;l aro also sold by: ' ;
J. Y, Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J. i. liohrer, do '.do'
W. 1 bcrman Litix.
J. W flakly, Reading. '
J, B. Mozer, Allentown.
V. I'mnp, Easton.
And the principal Merchants and Dmgists In tha
ITnued tates.
For'sale at lho IlcalUi Emporium Bloom'liurg
by J 1). S. TOBIAS,
BWemsbnrg July, 13, 1839,- - 11.
C1MMUNIC ATION.i howfow"theyare that
happen to-be ufflicted with Coughs tr I'olib
pay : tlention to them. How many thoiifn. m.iCI
snhneglect shoitrn their days, and hapten tl ..rfi.
nal ijissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil
dren', and thus form the foundation for ( nr,i," -;-
lidrl, and hundreds of parents annually follow i'..T
owrfchildren Uj the grave, hiving iliod lif in f ciro
affections of the Breat and Lunga, w hich v. Cit. uj
lected in their first stages.
Coughs and Cold.t, whether cxistirg amon your;
ur old, ought at all times be attended lo eaily, jlA
not sulfired to conluiuevny length of tiino, for :!,o
Lunssonco affectedaliseosesoon makes rapid s'.iiilfs,
ending in the moot fatal of all diseases, namely t on
VA'VIVE for CougliB, Colds, Cntai rh, I',
ShorUiess of Breath, Whooping Coufh, I'aiu in
the Breast or ?ido, all affection of the Brea'iaml
Lungs, and arrest of approaehinsg Con -w ,t c r. ij
the most popular medicine ucd throuj.hntit till f:rr'
many is becoming equally popular in the ( l.Itcd
A'tates, and bat, established lor lUelf a r pii! 'den
not possessed by any other uicilicino for tho i.amo
rlass of diseases. (See certificates imd,
dationsfrom Parepts, Physicians, and oth. is, cecom
paning tbo directions.) It is a prepaiatioii peitrct
ly safe and liarndess, pleasant to the taste, and may
be given tn tho youngest infant. It U warrentid
frvfrom mercury gfld the minerals, ard i" a pie; p.r
alien of a regular Apothecary and I'livshian, ftas
led by Drs. Physic, Clmpmanu.tfn. Jarl.-on,
Homer, Dewees, Coxe, James, fe'ycumstanco
alononfficient to Induce a trial ofHt
Dr. N. IJ. Lcidy, Proprietor of the above mcdi
cmo, confidently reromiaends it to all. and cfsurcs
all niost positively that.itis an invalutlle n.rdicino
and wonid no himself recommend it, but for it,
known cfiicaey.
Prepared only andTor aaloYVholesale and Retail nt
Dr. LEIDY'8 Health Emporium, No. 191 North
oocond street a few doors below Vino street, Phil
adelphia also, nold by .
J. Gilbert & Co., NurUtThl-d street above Vino
G.S Oientenj, do 8d do doWooiHt
-. r J. H. Smith Co. do 2d do next the Hrd
Lion, and by all rcspectabje Wholosalof and retail
Pruggists'ln l-ldladelphia. 1
They, are sold by:
' w n,?' I""CMter. Pennsylvania.
J. W.Rnhrcr, do j0
V.Eberlnntl Litiz,
J. W. Oakley, Reading,
ror sale at die Health Emporium Bloomsburg
2 TOBIAS, Agent.
AI, I, persons arecnutioueil njgeinst trust
niiffi'8 any cnnfillnco In JACOB
KAlUbSLY .stage driver, alias, a cooper,
formerly of Narriitown. Said Crossly
viny left Dnniillo without payin hi
boprdinff, tailoring and all other bills for
which he could obtain credit, not forgetting
his washer wotnun, this notice is given, thai
others may not bo defrauded by him.
Lmomsburg, Aug. 15, 1840.
lapors at Notrislown and PotUville,
would snhiurve tho cuuso of jufe'Uea bv pub
lislitng the above. J ' '
In the Bloomsburg Academy. One com
paten1, to take citato of the English de
partment of said Si'honl, will meet with
Rood onoouragBinent upon pplieaiinlo tho
SuhooJ Committee,
THOS; PAINTER', President,
J. Kamsev, Secretary,