The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 19, 1840, Image 4

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PHERKAS, by an net of tho General Assem
bly ol llio Coromvealtli of Penusv Ira
ni, entitled " Anattrtilating to tlic elections of this
Commonwealth, passed tho 2d dav of July, A. 1).
1839," it is made tho duty of the Sheriff of every
county to givo public notice of such election to bo
holdcii, ami tomako known in such notlco whnl of-liccr.-
iro lo lw plcoled : Therefore,
liigh Sheriff of the county of Columbia, no make
knuwv hy this advertisement to tho Electors of said
county nt Columbia, that n
oneral Election
will he held in the raid county, on Tuesday tho 13th
nay ot Uctobcr next, nt tho several districts thereof
as, lollows, to wit :
Bloom township, at the house of Charlca Docb
Icr, in Uloomsburg.
Drier Creek tev.nship, at the town houso in Ber
wick. Calawissa township, at the house now occupied
by David Ulark, in tho town of Uatawissn.
Dcrry township, (a separate election district) at
llio uousc ot .men l Hcidclin saul townsliip.
Fishing Creek township, at tho houso of Daniel
Peeler, in said township.
Greenwood township, at tho houso now occupied
hy Joseph Lemon.
Hemlock township, at the houso of John M'Rey-
nolds, in salu township.
jacicson lownsnip, at tho homo ol Joshua lavage,
in said township.
Liber ty township, at the houso of Henry Gibson,
in said township.
Limestone township, (a separate election district) at
the Union .School houso in said township.
Mahoning township, at tho Court Houso in Dan
ville. Mifflin township, at the house of John Keller, jr.
in said township.
Madison township, at the house of Jeremiah
Wdlivor, in Jcrwytnwn.
Mount Pleasant township, at tho heusc of Fred
crick Miller in said townsliip.
Montour township, at the houso of Leonard Laz
arus, in said township.
Sugarloaf township, at the houso of Ezckiel Cole,
in. said township.
Roaring Lrcck township,at the. house of John
Ycager, in said township.
Orango township, at tho house of I, C. Johnson,
in tho town of OrangcriUc.
The District Composed of that part of Mifllin
township, laid off for a new township, to be called
" 'iixtou,' which hy an act of Assembly, passed tho
first day of April, 183C, was establish into n sepa
rate election district at the houso of Adam Michcal
in the said district.
Valley township, at tho houso of David Grey,
in said township.
At which time and place arc to bo elected hy.tlic
frpemcn of tho county of Columbia,
for member of Congress,
for member of Scnato of tho Commonwealth of
for member of tho Houso of Representatives of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
for Commissioner.
for county Treasurer.
for county Auditor.
for Sheriff.
for Coroner.
In pursuance of an Act of the General Asscm
Wy of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, cnti
tied "An act relating to tho elections of this Com
monwealth,," passed the 2d day of July A. D. 1S3U.
Notice is hereby Given,
The general "election to he opened between the
hours of 8 and 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, and shall
continue without interruption or adjournment unlil
7 o'clock in the cvcnins.whea tho polls shall bo closod.
Tho scvctal inspectors and Judges elected on tho
3d Friday in March last, in pursuance of tho 3d
Section of tho act of tho 2d of July, 1839, will hold
the general election on tho 2d Tuesday of October
"That every person, except justices of the peace.
who shall hold any office or appointment of profit
or trust under the government ot tho Lmted states,
or of this State, or of anv cilv or incorporated dis
trict, whelhor a ci-iimissioncd officer or otherwise,
a subordinate 'officer or agent, who is, or shall bo
cmnlovii" under the IccislatWc, executive or ludic'm-
denarl mentof this State, or of tho United Stales,
or ot any city or incorporated district, and also,lhat
every member df Congress, and of tho State Legis-
litw m.d of tho select or common council of any
city, or commissioners of any incorporated District,
is by law, incapable of holding or exercising at tho
imc time the otlice or appointment oi .iuu, in-.-pector,
or Clork, of an election of this Common
wealth, and that no inspector, Judge, or other officer
of any such election, shall Lo eligible lo any office
to ho then voted for,"
And tho said Act of Assembly, entitled nn Act
rlating to the elections of this Commonwealth,"
passed July 3d, 1839, further provides as follows, to
wit :
" That tho Insjicctore and Judges chosen as afore
said, shall meet at the respective places appointed
for holding the Election in the District to which
they rojpectively belong, before nino o'clock in tho
rooming of the Second Tuesday of October in oach
&nd every year, an J each of said inspectors hhall ap
point one olork, who shall be a qualified voter of
uch district.
" In case the person who shall have received tho
vrond hinhost number of vote for judge shall
not attend on the day of any election, the pep
nan who shall hayc received the wcond highest Hunt-
iKM-.of votes forjudgiat tlio next preceding election,
Bhall act as a iudsre in his place, and in- caso
the pcreon who shall have received the highest nunv
cr of vote Jor inspector snail not iiucne, mo per
son elected a Judge shall appoint an inajwetor in his
place; and in cose the person elected a Judge shall
not attend, than ihe imqicctor who rcccjwd tho high
est number of votes, wall appoint a judge in his
places uiul if any vacancy thall continue in tho
loor: for the space of one liour after the titti" fixed
by law for the opening of the election, Ihe qualified
votois of tho townhip, ward or district, for which oMeer ahall have lieen elected, present at tho
jilaco of elfldion, wall eleci ora of their numbor to
fill such vacaney,
" It shell be the duty of said assessors respective
ly, to attend t the place of holing every general,
f pcrial, or township election, during the whole time
aid election ia keja open, Ht tho pwp0 of Vy'nH
information lo the ) ic-tu.- .tmi judge, when eal
led on, in relation t'J t.i.- right ol any lioraon aaaaa
rd by tliem lo vut- ;.t such election, of such other
matter in iehuub tn tho asoi ..-moot of voters aa
tji? aid iwpsUorg or judge, or either of them, ahall
fiorn tuno to time require,
"No person shall ha pencilled to vote at any c-
lection as aforesaid, other than a white freeman of
the iipe of twenty-one years or more, who Miall hate
resided in this state at least one y cm, and in election
district where ho oilers to vote at least ten days im
mediately preceding such election, and within two
years paid n state or county tax, which shall lravc
been amrraed at least ten days before the election.
But' a cithten of the United Stales, who had previ
ously been a qualified voter of this state, and remov
ed therefrom and returned, and who shall have re
sided in tho election district, olid paid taxes as afore
said, Anil bo entitled to vote after rccsiding in this
stuto six months. Provided, That the white free
men, citizens of tho United Slates, between the
ages of twenty-one and twenty-two and having re
sided in this stale one year and in the election dis
trict ten days as aforesa'd, shall be entitled to vote,
although they fhnll not have paid taxes.
No person shall be admitted to vote whoso name
is not contained in the list of taxable inhabitants
furnished by the commissioners as aforesaid, unless,
First! He pioduccs a receipt fur the pnyment,vvilh
ill two yoars, of a state or county tav. assessed o
grccably to tho constitution, and give satisfactory
evidenco cither on his own oath or ofiirmntion of
another, that ho has paid such a tax, or on a fail
ure to produco a receipt, ihall make oath to llio pay
ment thereof, or Second : If ho claim n right to
vote by being nn elector between the ages of twen-ly-ono
and twenty-two jonrs, ho shall depose on
oath or affirmation, thil'hc has resided in tho stato
nt least one year next bofoic his application, and
make such proof of residence in tho district as is
required by this act; and that he does crily be
lieve from the accounts given him that he is of tho
ago aforesaid and gives such other evidence as is
required hy this act, whereupon tho name of the
person so admitted to vote shall bo inserted in the
alphabetical list by Ihe inspectors and a note made
opposilo thereto by writing tho word " tax," if ho
shall be admitted to vote by reason of having paid
a tax, or the word " age," if he shall be admitted
to vote on account of his ngc. and in either case
tho reason of such vote shall be called out to the
clerks, who shall mako the like notes in the list of
voters kept by them.
in all cases where tho name of the person claim
ing heroic is not found on tho list furnished by the
commissioners and assessor, or his right to vote
whether found thereon or not, is objected to by any
qualified citizen, it (.hall ho tho duty of tho inspec
tors to examine such person on oath as to his qual
ifications, and if ho claims to have resided within
tho slato for one year or more, his oath shall be
sufficient proof thereof, but he shall mako proof by
at least one competent witness, who shall bo quali
fied elector, that ho has resided within the district
for ten days noxt immediately preceding said
election, and shall alto himself swear that his bona
fide residence, in pursuance of his lawful calling, is
within tho diUrict, and that he did not remove into
said district for tho pufposo of voting therein.
Every person qualified as aforeaaid. and who shall
mako duo proof, if required of his residence und
payment ol taxes, ns alorcsaid, fchall bo admitted to
voto in tho township, ward or district in which ho
shall reside.
If any person Stall r.nvcnl or attcmnt In nrevent
any officers of an election unilCrmw c -jjj
ing such election, or use or threaten any violence"
to any smch officer, or shall interrupt or improperly
mlerlcro with him in the execution ol ins uuiy, or
shall blsck up, or attempt to block up the window
or avenue to any window where the may be
holdcn, or shall riotously disturb the pcaco at sucn
election, or shall use or practice any intimidation,
threats, lorcc, or violence, wan design to lnuucnco
unduly or overawe any ulector, or to prevent him
from votinc, or to restrain the freedom of choico,
such person on conviction shall be fined in any sum
not exceeding live hundred dollars, and no impris.
oncd for any time not les than one or more than
twelve months. And if it shall bo shown to the
court where the trial of such offence shall bo had,
that the ncrson so offendim; was not a resident of
tho-city, ward, district, or township were tho said
offenco was committed, and not entitled to voto
therein, then, on conviction, ho shall be sentenced
o pay a fine of not less than one hundred nor more
than one thousand dollars, and ho imprisoned
not less than six months nor more than two
It any person or persons shall mane any net oi
wager upon the result of any election within this
commonwealth, or shall oiler to jnaUo any such bet
or wager, either by verbal proclamation thereof, or
by any written or printed advertisements, cluilengo
or invito any person or persons to mako such bet
or wager, upon conviction thereof he or luy shall
forfeit and pay thico times tho amount so bet, or
offered tq be lict. .
If any person, not by law qualified,
ulvall fraudulently voto at any election with,
in this commonwealth, or bein otherwise
qualified, shall vole out of his proper dis
trict, or if any person knowing the want of
such qualification shall aid or procuro such
person to vote, the persons so oflVndipjj,
Blijill on conviction, ho tineil in any sum
not exceeding livo hundred dollars, and be
imprisoned for any term not exceeding three
"If any person shall vote at moro llian
one election district, or otherwise fraudu
lently voto moro than once on tho same day
or shall fraudulently fold and deliver to tho
inspector two ticuet.s together with the in
tent lo illegally vote, or shall procure anotli
or so to do, ho or they so ofl'endiiiL', shall
on con-iciion be fined in any sum notices
than fifty nar moru than five hundred dol
lars, and be imprisoned for any term not
less than three nor more than twelve
"If any person not qualihcu to vole in
this commonwealth agreeable to lavv,(cxcopt
the sons at qualilied citizens; shall appear
at any place of election for the purpose of
issuing tickets, or of influencing the citizens
nualiiied to vote, lie shall, on conviction
lorfeil and pay any sum not exceeding one
hundred dollars for every such offence, and
bo imprisoned for any term not exceeding
three months.
And hy the 4th Section of the act of ICth April,
1810, it is enacted, "That the 15th section of the act
as passed July Id 1839, entitled un act relating to
ttie election of this comiunwoalth, shall not bo so
construed as to prevent any militia olficer.orboroiiiil
officer, fiom serving as Judge, Inspcttor.or Olcrk at
auvireneral oi capeciul election in this commonwealth
The Judges arc to mako their returns for
the county of Columbia, at tho (Jourt
House in Danville on Fiiday the 10th
of Octobor, A. D. 1810.
God save the Commonwealth.
SheiilT's UJbcu, Uanvllle,
Sent, (i, 1850
CNrrEMori to Tiir.HTor.AX.BnAXiir.Tn's.'nvAX
CIaniAX PuntiATivt, the Matciuitss fnriewn
WixATtvr, or any other pills or compound before
the public, us certified to by Physicians and others
l.ct none condemn them until they have tried
Ihom, and then wo are certain they will not.
Ills now a settled point with nil who have used
tho Vegetable Persian Pills that they arc pre-emi
nently the best nnd most elhcacious Family Mcdi
cine that has yet been used in America. If every
family could become acquainted with their Sover
eign power over disease, they would keep tlicm and
bo prepared with a sute remedy to apply on tlio firs
appearance of disease, and then ho.vv much distress
would bo avoided and money saved, as well ns the
lives of thousands who arc hurried out of lime hy
ncplcctins disease in its first stages, or by not being
if, pusfi-FHiuu ui a remeuy vviucu inuy cuu piacu UC'
pendenco upon.
The Resurrection, or Persian Pills.
The name of these pills orcinatcd from tho cir
curastancc of the medicine being foilnd only ill the
cemetaries of Persia. This vegotnblo production
being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to
itn medicinal qualities and virtues. In half cen
tury it became an established medicine for the dis
eases of that country. The extract of thi3 singu
lar production was introduced into some parts of llu
rope in the year 17S3, and used hy ma'iy celebrated
Physicians in curing certain diseases, where all oth
er medicine has been used in vain. Early in tho
year 17U2, the extract wa) combined with a certain
vegetable medicine imported from Dura Baca, in
tlm East Indies, and formed into Pills. The admir
able effect of this compound upon the human sys
tem, led physiicans and families into its general
use. Their long established character their univer
sal and healing, the detergent nnd cleansing
qualities of their-specific action upon tho glandular
pnrt ol the system, are such as will sustain their re
putation and general use in the American Repub
I certify that I have, hy way ol experiment, used
the Hygcan, and most of tho rarious kinds ol Pills,
in my practice, which have borno the highest repute
in tho public estimation, that have been ottered for
sale in this vicinity for the last five ycais, including
thoso called tho Kcsqrreclion or Persnin Pills; nnd
the public may test assured that nono nuions tho
wholo cataloguo has answered a better purpose, as
an easy ajffl effectual remedy, than Uio Resurrection
or Tcrsian Pills, in most cases of disease.
Cit.inLr.s Backus, M. 1).
Rochester, IS'. V. Sept. SI, 1837.
Messrs. E. Cha,o & Co. Gents, Hearing
much said about the extraordinary effects of the
Resurrection or J'ersian Pill', upon those about to
diem IF" wcrc ''idiiced to make a trial of
children, and hadVufieicirtnHnr.ite jnothcr of live
cruciating pains during and after her confincnmu:
of each. She had tried every means and taken
much medicine, hut found little or no relief. She
cjmmcr.ccd taking tho J'ersian J'ilb about three
months before her confinement (her health being ve
ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a
short time she was enabled by their uso to attend to
the cares of a mother to her family until her con
finement. At the timo she commenced taking the
J'ersian Pills, and for several weeks pi evious, she
was afflicted with a diy hard cough, nnd frequent
scveie cramps, which tho uso ot the fins entirely
removed before using half a box. It is with the
greatest confidenco that wo advise all those about to
become mothers to mako use of tho Persian Pills.
All those that have taken them in our neighbor
hood have trot along in tho same easy manner, and
are uhout the house in n few da3's. There docs not
appear to bo half tho danger of other dangers setting
iu after confinement, where these Pills are taken.
Wo unitedly sov.lct none neglect taking them, for
thev aro in tho reach of tho poor as well as the rich
Wo aro truly thankful that there is a remedy which
females can easily procuro which tcnd3 to lessen tho
orld of suffering, winch many ol them have to ucnr,
and perhaps save the lives of thousands which, would
ithcrwiso no lost.
Rochester, May 14, 183S; corner of Calhdontan
square, Edinburg blreet; for further particulars see
S. RoucnTS,
Ajtj,- O. Hon cuts
Ronir.sTr.n, Sept. 24, 1830
Messrs. E. Chase Co.
I think it my duty to let you know what a great
cure your Pills, have performed on me I had Wen
sick about 7 yoars auout years anil u nail con
fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurable,
with Consumption, by twclvo physicians of the first
standing; my lungs were seriously nfficted; I had
3 ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and
harsh most of the time; my liver was much swollen,
and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever,
and night sweat, accompanied with extreme irnta-
blcnoss oi tho nervous system, and othci dinicultioa
which I forbear to mention. After I was given over,
I tried almost all mcdicinoa which wcro advertised, advantage, until I tried your Vcgctablo
Persian Pills. I began lo gain iu a short timo after
I commenced taking them; and, to bo brief, before I
look 3 boxes, I was nblo to ride out and to tako con
siderable exercise, and at this timo I enjoy good
health, and am nblo to do good duy's woik. If any
noo wishes ft more particular history of my Buffer
ings, hit may call on me, at the comer of Alain and
Clinton-streets, Uocheler.
Fits Cuiit.ii Tho undersigned hereby certify,
that wo aro the Parents of two children who havo
ucen afflicted with fits moro or less from their infun
cy, and that we have spared no pains or expense iu
. ' i .., . ,
cnue avoriug iu meet ;t cure, nut vvinioui any ociic
ficial effect, uiiil hearing of the Insurrection or Per
sian Pills, vv hen four boxes weie immediately
procured, nnd beforo three boxes wcro taken, tho
fits had abated in Ircqucncy, and oveiy sym-
torn much improved, nnd now wo aru happy to
stato that our childjon by tho use of tho Persian
Pills, with the blessing of find, aro entirely cured
and havo no symtoin or appearance of fits, will find
ti tho Persian J UU a sure and perlect cure.
Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1837.
The nliove pills may ho had of the following a
genu John Mpyer, lllpomsbnrg; II, Miller, Ber
wick; J. Cooper & Sons, Ilazeltou; C. llortman
ISspeytQwn; John Shurpla, Cattawiawi; hymiti
bholev, Danville.
Earn Taylor, agent far he Stato of Pennsylva
nia.Tcsidlng at Rochester N, Y. to whom all orders
can bo addicted,
GftEA'r AftniVAL FltOM N. VOttk
ORE than six millions of boxes of these
eelebraed pill s have been sold iu the Uni
tod Stales since January 1835.
Hundreds aiulthousHnds bless the dnv they be
came acquainted with Peters', Vegetable pills, which,
in consequence of their extraordinary goodnesH,havo
nttaincd a popularity unprecedented in the history
ot medicine.
AVlicn taken according to tho directions accom
panying them, they aro highly bencfiicial in tho
prevention nnd cure of bilious fever, fever and a-
gue, dyspepsi.i, liver complaints, sick hea.l-ichc,
nundice, nstlinm, rheumatism, enlargement of tho
spleen, piles, colic, fctnule obstructions, heartburn,
furred tongue, nausea, distension of tho stomach
ondjjowcls, incipient diarrhaa, flatulence, hnbitnn
eostivcuess, loss of appetite, blotched or shnllow
complexion, nmjjn all cases of tcrpor of tho bow
el?, where a cathartic or nn aperient is needed.
i ney aro exceedingly mild m their operation, pro
ducing neither nausea, griping, nor debility, and in
consequence ot their AINTl-IilljlUUS QUALI
TIES, aro tho best of all remedies in scarlet fever,
fever and ague, bilious fever, and all diseases which
uavo ineir origin in accumuia lion oi mill, i in a
word Dr. J'ctcrs' pills are the prcat bilious antidote,
and with a supply ot them all bilious nliections can
bo kept nt a distance.
Thoso who have suffered and are woiry of suffer
in? from theso desUoying complaints, will find in
i'elerH' Vegetable pills a remedy at onco certain and
immcdiato in its effect. In
They stand unrivalled. Many have been cured in
n fiiw weeks, nfter having suffered under this dread
ul complaint for years.
1 he world Is vastly out of tune,
And seems beyond correction;
Cut I'von spell, that very soon
Will mako it all perfection:
Will soon expel disease end pain,
So none shall be afllictcd;
And then shall euro all ills amain,
To which men arc addicted.
O would you know this scourge of ills,
So various and so gIoriou 1
Of J'ETERS, so victorious.
O yes, they ore. those pills of pride,
Which nil the world are praising,
For never did tho gods piovidc
A med'einc so amazing.
Tho' Spleen or Chol'ra rack you through,
Willi this you need uotfear them;
If Gout afflict, .ind Colic too,
A box or too will clear them:
And if your liver's out of tune-,
If wild your head is aching;
If jaundice dies you like the moon;
Or ague sets you shak ng;
If grim dyspepsia thins your chyle;
If devils blue aro grinding;
If you aro plagued with gripo or bile,
Or fevers loose or binding;
O tell no doctor of your ills,
Nor trust to baths or lancinc;
Eut face the rogues with PKTERS' P1XX
- vjjn'U send them prancing.
These valuable nill-Tare m,,.-,
drcth's, Mofl'ett's, Evans, Hunts. thcTTrnai.Ti.J
fact to any other pill ever brought bclore tho public
One 25 Cent Uox will prove mcir virtue in
this county, ns their surprising virtues aro establish
ed all over the United States, Canndas, Texas, Mex
ico and the West Indies.
fTjEnquire for Peter's Vcgctablo And Eilhous They can bo obtained of D. S. Tobias
nnd J. R. Moycr, Dloomshurg, Wm. Riddle & Co.
Danville, andatalliho principlo stores m the state.
VERY respectfully informs his friends and the
public, that ho has alwayson hand, nt tho Li
very Stable in Uloomsburg, for the purpose of Hire
or Exchange, u vaiicty of
E2rst;s, SmJics, Gigs,
which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for
tho accommodation ol customers.
He has also made arrangements for carrying pas
sengers from MoomOmrg to Muncy, nnd from
Uloomsburg to Uuekalctvs on tho Owego turnpike.
Leaves Uloomsburg for Muncy every Saturday
nt 7 o'clock in tho morning anil arrive at Muncy
the same evening. Leave Muncy every Saturday
morning at 8 o'clock and arrive at Uloomsburg tho
saino evening.
Leaves Uloomsburg evey Wednesday morning
for Uuckalcws and return the same day.
Personal application can be made at his residence,
when every means will he mod to render entire sat
isfaction to thoso who may give him a call.
Uloomsburg, March 28, 1810. 48.
WOULD respectfully inform his friends
and the public generally, that he has romov
ed his shop into his dwelling a few doors
above thc.IIotel kept by E. Ilotvel, and
nearly opposite the dwelling ol (Jharles
Kaler, where he may always be found rea
dy to make up all garments intrusted to ins
rare, with neatness and despatch. Thankful
for past favors, to such as havo encouraged
him heretofore. And by strict attention to
business, hopes still to rnciit a laigcr share
of public patronage A good fit insured in
all cases.
N. II, AM hinds of country produce taken
in exchango for work. And tho needful
never refused.
Uloomsburg, April 11, 1840.
Let -
tors of administration on tho above estate
havo been granted lo tho subscriber, residing
Mount rioasant township, Columbia county,
i uereloro all persons indebted to tho estate ot
deceased.aro requested to make immediate payment,
and all those Imving claims will presont them,
Mount I'loasant, Aug. 28, 1810. 6t.
CIIOULIJ reaoivo anrcfciriirnr.,. ' ,.
.'IBt . ail I .
,. ill exiwpnrn; '
1' irst Because they are cnmnoi .-d nf v.. ,
oxtmcM, frce from minerals; and is 'eiil"'
nil timM Vtllll nmf.wt .nrnt.. I . .Si
out restraint Irom occupation, t. m; to lunV
w , - .V. .
Second Uccauso they aro compel of
medicinal extracts, as havo hern employ,, u
tho llloxt rrlnlimti-il nml Hi 1 '
"i nu i iiyrir urn. i
more than n century past, in purifying the l'
nnd Animnl ll!,l f ,1,. 1..1.. ' ' b "le "'
Third Uccauso they may bo employed
....... . ... uiAui ui'T io ic run..
lauCn. and their on,r.itinn will nni I. ..... . . 1
, ............. uu iiueii,.
griping of tho bowc s. i,ii.kiip m ...' 7
prostration of tho system, &c, ns arc woiv'""
I J 111 ID
Fourth Uccauso they po-wo-i a cot-iliinnW
lint nrwAtinjI titr nntr nil... ..ill .
, V '"'ii I.U.Il' IC Ort'tf ,
nlion wlmtnvnr. Tliftir rto : .... f
all impuntios with which th-v blood and flui'-
tho body may bo ulY-cled, nnd by their gently or
tlvo cited, rcinoviug such impuriti i from the ,
Piflli Because they are tlm terror of Q.
and Impostors, for most persons aro obh d t,i '
111,, Knraftmrilln tllo,..l Dill , P,. . '
r .-...-iru uiu-r luKing uu'irt
uid dcstruc.ivo nostrums, to counteract nnd prf;."
1..1.-U iiiieuiut"uii!i uiiu uuncnu cue i,
Sixth Because thev aro the onlv ntlla
Physieiani havo sufficient confidenco to rccoixi
lo their patients, and employ in their practice t
they know they uro Anti Quae',, Anti Mcrcu-
iim oiiiious ns wen as a goou ami pun''
and purifier of tho Blood mid Animal Flni:!.' "
Seventh ami last But not tho lea ,t importu
bo hecatlso they aro prepared by n rrirulur Apot1
cary and Physician, attested ny Drs. Pby :-, Un
ncr, Chapman, Dewees, Jaincs, Gibion, Jnd
Coxc, Hare, &c., etc., which alone is sufiicma
entitle them to great confidence.
Certificates and Recommendations f. ira Vki
cians nnd others accompany tho direction.! arc
each box.
fXZTl rice Iwenhj Five Cents a Boxj
n.n.,.,1 .i.i W1...1. i . .
ui. iiuiui o iiuaiui umponuni, ivo, rji ivori
Second st.,n few doors below inc street, I'hrt'.
phla, also, sold by
J. Gilbert & Co.. North Third street nimrrV:.,
G. S. Clemens, do yd do do cnljt
J. R. Smith cc Co. do ad do next the TA
Lion, and all respectable Wholesale and HklI
Urugjist in Philadelphia.
They aro also sold by:
J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J.Vf. Rohrer. do do
W. Elrcrman Litiz.
J. W. Oakly, Rending.
J. B. Mozcr, Allrmtown.
P. Pomp, Enston.
Anil tho principal Merchants and Drudsls iafe
tinned States.
For salo at tho Health Emporium Bloom.-'.ir,
by. D. S. TOUIAS, Aginl
Dloomshurg July, 13, 18.10. li.
r I I rt I - I I I t. II ; A I'll 1 A. 11 n. tY
1 VI ir . , illllV if IV 1 Li till.- V. j
happen to ho afflicted with Coughs or lc.
pay attention to them. How many thousand fr:c
such neglect bhorten their days, and hasten tli; it
"'.nr-Qhjtion. rarcnts neglect them m thcirf'j
...... ..uimuvqj, u10 loundation lor Icu trr
ovvn children to the Bi-nlsmmually follow f-
muccuoiis oi inn iireat nnd Luna, ,i)r,l froint"
iccieu iu tncir hrst stages. i(t
Coughsand Colds, whether cxtetinTamonT
..r ftl.l ..,!. , ll : , , . . .' "
Lungs onco alll'ctcd,discae soon make i rapid 1r
ending in the mot fatal of all dirca ;cs, narnclj C.
IV.. r.i.'rii'PEnC! tjt-t XT rvM nv 1'Iiran
VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catairhs, Inf.u.-.
Shortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, I::1:
tho Breast or Side, nil affection of tho l!(...t:
Limm. nnd nrrest of nnnroaehinrT Cen uirr"'-
.. . r
mn mncr nnnti Mrmoi im miienH T it rniifri iiiil uu v -
many is becoming equally popular in tlic tr..!-
States, and has established for it. clf a rcrsU.
not possessed by any other nicuino tor w-
cla3S ol diseiues. (beo ccrtihcafsanu n '
dntionsfrom Paronts, Physicians, and other, r.
paning tho dircctionsO It is a preparation -
ly safe and harmless, pleasant to the tu t. anJ c
Iio given tu the youngest uiiant. u is -frco
from mercury and tlio minerals, nnd o "
ation of a regular Apothecnry and PliynnL
led by Drs. rhysic, Chapman, Gi. sn. J
Horner. Dcwces. Coxc. Jamc. &e. a circu.J
nlono sufficient to induco a trial of it
Dr. N. IJ. Lcidy, Proprietor of the abov .
cine, confidently recommends it to all, ami n
nil most positively that it is on invaluable 1K
and would not himself recommend it. b
known cftlencv.
z. : . . . . . . n...
'rnnnrnr nn i nnil In, cilrt Vv linlp-:ltO flnu "
Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, jNo. ia V
Kocond street n few doors below Vino iW i
adelplua also, sold by f
J. Gilgert & Co., North Thi'd street abn-
G. S Clemens, do 3d do do v
T 1 X, - .,.1 ,.nv, t' l,r
.71111111 LX. JU. UU U 11. A'
Lion, and by all respectablo Whulcsalo '-J1
Druggists iu I'biladclphia.
They aro sold hy:
J. F Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J. W. Rohrer, do du.
W. Ehcrman Litiz.
J. Vv". Oakley, Rending.
For sale at tho Health Kmp-K-iem Ph '
by J). t. Tu.'i'VO. i
ALL persons aro caviioned arrains1 1
ing or placing any confidci ce in
CROSSLY, stage driver, airs, a'-''
f'n.rmrrlv nf Tvlmriainvvn J.ilil C''
having loft Danvillo without pVr:, !
, .... .i... l.i v
ooaruing, tailoring and an chut v...
which he could obtain credit, not f
his washer woman, this notice 13 givcn.i
others mav not be defrautlcil by linn.
B'i0omsbur!r. Aticr. 15. 1840.
Papers at Norristown ami l'lt5r
tvoulil sulisorvo tho causo of justice by
lishiug the above.
In tho liloninalinrir Acadcinv. 0n?
petens to take chnro of the Mf
partmcnt of said School, will '
good onnouragomont upon tipplicst'01"-'1
.School Committee.
J., Secretary.