v ... i v. uk u u. tti n. m; v. i v A Hickory Po1.fr iM'dMfltiylnrti raiifctfnVE y60fH!; -lAP8 MoWNED.' Jail Saturday lasiot the Inms'o of. ;Wm, The Ppjllajwl a'niMJtliy Advert!;, of Wednesday ovening, announces thu painful inielligenrt ota melancholy actiiucnt.wiiich '.".'.IaATEB'. '."iijacrs at work, 1. 1 wind" threatened in ihe last JjUelUgeiiccr . as commented. Tlio old di SSimz rj r l -viii and Best ' have again 1 i' " UiUcri's, against the ticket, i- i " ' nut l isluned to suit thorn. l'ilhliint-t l of nil parti of the. county had a cun:' I'. in i:t; formation, instead of 4b e ire. and it meat bu broken up, oven if ilialDfiQpfntle p-tr'.y was destroyed there- Kv To effort their object, MruMahan of Liberty Iijh in un coaxed to permit himself o used bj them as a tool. -. Ifaviiii hia name beforo the" public, they, no v' u;' i)!y assert tl)nt they have no kenes of his rluction, but eunnnrt him to tSfeak do . ii TIeadley, and of eouro the pijhnln Di niocratie ticket, Will tho De ilwwr.try of the county permit it. 'Wo think Ilfcotr, In our next wo shall speak morn plain ft' riipannoiiiKomontnf James McMahan's nemo in another column, is done at the re quest of .1 i:ep'i Dale, John Clark and Jo eopli Ilcci, of Liberty. 'Straws show which yay the wind blows, lirnbtonk in Washington. Several hUn- ditil Democrat sttended.iwd partook of .ari excellent dinner prepared by Wm. Tim brook. After the 'raising of the polo the aisenibloge-wae addressed in an eloquent manner-by J. Q. Montgomery and S. F. Headley. fJlllsome of Mir federal neighbor! answer the follouting plaii questions? A great deal is said by the newspapers in the regular service of the Banks ami na bobs, about the sub-treasury reducing the wages of labor they say it will "make the rich richer and the nour poorer.'' Now here is a question we should like amatsing ' well to see answered by sonte of these yeu- cioced soldier; : If the Independent Trensuj-y' wijl 'make tho rich richer' why do all thu 'purse proud-, nabobs and aristocrats oppose it?; They arc not usually found Voting money out of their own pockets. Now here u a chance for federal ingen uity. Answer the question "lohxgs. or edy nothing more about the Independent Treasury making the "ncA richer.'" Will you toe the mark, and ' make this matter plain so that we loco focos can understand it, or will you, like General Harrison re man mitni. Erie Observer. EBE-NEZER W. STURDKVANT, Esq. is life candidate frfr (jitrigrW on tho People's Tiifkot, in Lumne. WEMOCX.l TI'J CONGRESSIONAL CONFEREE MEETING. JFhe Conferees from Luzerne and CoUim- counties met at tho public house of P. :ely in Berwick, on Tuesday the 15th st,for t'to p'irp'iso of putting in nomination Fcandid.li ; for Congress, to bo supported who Democratic party of the lflili Cou jgressionsl District, composed of tho cotin- C diim'ia and Luze'rnc; F resent, Gfisflrgo P. ft vie and Samuel fhyloi, frnra uzcrno coin.'.", and Ooorge Smith and M. fl JnrL on, f un Columbia. On motion,, CJlrl) i & 1'EELE. of L2crne rotio was c V tl to no u tiair, ana uwrg' mull, t J-'i im'iia, appomieo aecreiary flff-mouon f" i'un?l fSnylor, Esq r, -:ja:,;in a. jSJBJnWy-rorp t. gjVil'.CoJa,rJ, AWocratic candidate for wendrdrl0m ihta District. tnenolr '-Tii.it this ennfercneo has tho ..ii : iU.. rt...Ai Sggrilvand purity of MAltTI.V VAN a..d itlCUARD M. JOHNSON. th'f. erratic candidates for President oteured in that harbor the previous afternoon which east a deep t;lopm over the counte nances of her eitizfni; Five young ladies between the ases of eleven and nighteen, suddenly, unexpectedly, in a moment te it were, launched into eternity. The Adver tiser .gives the following particular: The Bannar,alwys considered one of tho 'safest snd best boats belonging to the city, lelt the wharf early in the afternoon, to visit ihe three ships romjiosTng the s'quandrou whifdi left us yesterday. -Tit irigate, we believe, had aMi vjsueu, ana a sail was prnposed in the harbor. At three o'clnck the ISjiinet hud viiitetl Hog Island, and those on board hd landed. Al half past three the boat was making way for the city and Wtx.-n about one hundred rods from the Island, a white rqtiall as it is called aiiui'k the too ef the sail boat, .Which was not perceived or tell by tlmse on oOaru,.ex cepi in the cap&izirrg of the boat. The Banner went down stern foremost, Iravlog the bows abova water. There were nine persons on board five yontig-ladies in tho cuddy, another young lady in the stern svnu was saved two limit) anil a l;ui lilieen or sixteen years of age. The young ladies in the cuddy were dtuwned, and seemingly death was but the work l' an indtant. Tile persons saved, placed luonuelves on board the tender to tho Banner. Tho first assis tance came from thoac on boird thu Water Lilly, a strong, safe, ami excellent boat, belonging to Mr. Samuel . Davis. There, were six persons on board Ihe Water Lilly Captain Howes, of the Stsamor Bangor, Messrs. Samuel, Stephen, and 3ohn Y. Da vo, Dr. Barret, and ('apt. W.JI. Dwinal. Capt. D. was i.1 the helm when tht; Banner ami her perilous rondiiinn was discover bv tlie aid of a L'lasi. Tho Water Lilly made wsy for the Bau- tier with ail possible despatch, but tuu cits lance as so groat that some Kjimites pass cd, before she came alone -side. The ten der, with the survivors, was near by, but all on boaid seeminsly stusilied with (right. The Sad story wa somi 1IJ, and every ef fort was mad,1, for the speedy lescuu of tho bodies in ihe cuduV of the Banner. The lirst attempt made was to taw the boat a. shore. Tltii could not be done, an olfott was then mado lo rane the boat. The efiurt waa tinriially saccf ssful, and four bodies we a taken from the cuddv aud niafttil'j; l. j .i.- i; t :t t .. .1U-J -Trtwr sunk oo;,ru tiic JitMl.i.iuJrF- .. , i i ii I n wo (..loci, J llttlU bHi.U new purchates, Tho fifth budv .was re ires tcli -:;.-!!. idnt, and that we Will Qi'.s them our cordial sup- MMort tt. tffied 'y th 'csolu- i Th.it we approve moat lior.rti- if i!f e. ur-t and iho -adinuiiatralion of .gIP j'.. PORTER, our present o::cel CGuv .ujr,.ind particuUrly ofhis efforts Wffevi . of Ba ik rtfurm, and hia steady SMDmt of the iotercat of Northern Pmn. '"' -u we pledge ourselves to inntion this dav wade, f 1 j' these proceedings he officers, ami published in-all rKratmuuvtlo - tiers of this district. GL). P. STEELE, PfVtv U3fcr? f.'i.-.i'h, Secretary. Wf:J r ai:vi'i F. jfeatlleu. In snswsr TOrai.it 1 1 1 I. ti Cl H oin democralio friends iwPolu' i1 ia . the Potlsville Ewponuin f. efc an onlv a. sure them that we will give Mr Ilc idley upwards of 000 majority in pcBUVi:;t!l county, for Senator, at flue next !l5io-i. T ii.i al! lurlies mav talv noon c,'.im.tr'. Ilcarlrenderiiig Calamity. Tho Kip ley Telegraph sa8: " Ve understand that a poor women, living in Adams coun ty, Iilitiois, lost three childton a few day: ago under the- following circumstances : Slio went to a small creek near her dwel ling ty do some washing, taking tho three children with her. During ihe foro part oi the day, her children becoming hungiy, she sent the itvo oldc&t to the house to procure some eggs out of a hen's nc3t under the floor of the building. They nut reluming, (having been absent two hour.) the went to seek ihcin, leaving the third at the creek Imagine tho poor nintiier'3 distress when she came lo ttio house, on finding her two children deie. They had bee raitles.v.iji.-:. Mg Me through the top of i " - - ...w...... fiiB .1 ilv '1i.fl ... .... ..I IT T . r i ' ,1 ..iiu iiiu juoi ui liio ycuHK lauiss, uv immcmaiy reiurueu 10 ir.s creeti, liteless as tho rest,was olaced with her intending to gel her other child, and go for kindred assoeiate?,but a few momtint3 since neighbors; but, dreadful to relate, when she ?'lve aiul llaIT.v on t!ic "ck or tlte Watrr reached the creek, her third child had cmnt V '. " " , . ,ea we P,aceu l,8?lue i earn oinor. sou inn aiiKMni. i. i,.-.nir.ri ... ..... J t" ".""1 the heart-tending contrast of a brief half hour, w need not prwure rtir readers Every effort was made by Dr, Barret to restore Hie lo the apparently dead, but m vain, and so suiliien was the work of tho Wo learn thai Guorge W. Docker, who was committed (o goal in this county soiiio days since on the charge of having poison ing hm child, has been discharged from pris on, in consequence of die Physicians hav ing deeidetl that no poison could be discov ed. The Cincinnati 0 hroni.de stiles that a party of thiity persofta.of the Mormon feet, reached that city last week, from England, on their wxiy to the head quarters of the Mormons su Nauvoo, HI. In this country, there are about 2800 at Nauvoo, HI. and about li, 000 in Lee county, on the opposite side of ihe Mississippi. They have chur ches in Quim-y, Springfield, Jacksonville, aud various other parts of Illinois. aNaMaiMn Pile Miners' Journal slates that notwith standing the great depression of business gtneraily, in lets than one year from the result of the (list successful experiment in thii country, seven Anthracite Furnaces ;itc already in blast, and 10 or 12 others in progress. The Lycoming Gazette ha1, passed from tho hands of 0. D. Eldred.and ts now con ducted by a new proprietor, C. W. Filch. Humble Massacre. By an arrival at New Orleans of the schooner Atrevida,freni Oampeachy dates have been received up to the 13th ot AiiffBst. Ihe New Urleans Beo save : "It seems from all that v have been able to ascertain from the captain f the Atievida, that a party of ihe Central ist army, who 1 1 ad heen obliged to leave the city, had afterwards received reinforcements, and had marched towards Tobasco, which they hud succeded in recaptur and taking advantage of the ftcblenesa of their enemies, who were suffering fiom sickness, had been guilty of cruelties of the most revolting nature. .Nothing was spar ed; all the inhabitawtB who pronounced themsclvi'B m favor of Ihe federalists were masacred without ('inunction, and their property pillaged and devastated. MA8TUF AU. MOBtYo TE 8obcribo( would resfceetrallV Informs h!s friends and tho public nengralto. tlidtlio con. limtes to cary on the botiness of manuftetutlnrj CHAIRS AND SET TEES, of almost every variety of pattern and finish; and that ho will attend to turning any article in wood that may bo ordeicJ. He will aUo attend to HQtTS53 & ORNAMENT Al. PAIKT2NG-, in all tlieir branchesysnd resjicctfttUy solicits ft oon tinuaiico of public iavor. Torniuj shop on Mar ket sifter, nearly opposite the Printing office o f thu Columbia County Kejfister finishing ahop on tho main street nearly opposite George Weaver's store, UENiAMta HAGfiNBUCH. Blobmsburg 8i)teraber 19, 1840. in and was drowned. LOOK AT THIS PICTURE OF THE - FEDERAL CANDIDATE. The following portrait of the certificate Mll debtroyer, that even tho jewels which a Cttmv Meettne. The u. 'c.i8..nt, iO.) KeRister, nt the squi ays a :uu.:j accident accurred at thf mp .lfiiii4 IilIiI in Ked-stone Oinuit, IfaaSniidkV. mills, in ihin cotintv. Durii. gust on ft .tbatii thu Etorm priHsinr.eJ 'l Ir c3 l.ijmcutatalv rotina Iho an- u'u. A Urge limb was torn frma n ' (r'tn -ili thing twn tents; it fell 5 i . ") ol ii.cn Ptaiitlintf nuisiue oi it , ; , ier,ii were wvereiy injured. h,i lil..ir arms or lega broken! ths 1 ro rf i c man was crushad in. i.H "jft'l.iin, has ainne dletl and lis n-t f:.;i'td to live. Stsvdrel tjra wtro ovr-i.ut by the wind, and the s r i u:T with the vehitlos nttaehed to V. o ..;; irMiilied to learn, amidst the non -.i'tJ i.! 'mi and danger, none of n holJerj or thcit fu'milies auft'creil a-fry. hero, wa3 published in tho Richmoad Whig.the leading federal orguu in Virginia, a short time previens to Harrison's nomina tion. It is to the lif", aud we raeummend it l j the careful per'saal of ihe whiggics, 1 hey will learn in wkat estimation he was held by liia w par4yprevious to his nom ination for the Presidency. "Shall we tlMm turn to Gen. Harrison, who not many years ago, thanked his stars that he had cast his l-u beyond tho Cjiio, and 'out of the reach of Virginia politics and- Virginia negiocs r JJui, mUmi a name ! what is Gru. Harrison, that ha sltauld be President of the United Stales! A hero 1! Another hero;! ! I Pity that Lord Byron hail not thought t-s pot hrn on thu list I A new : '. ; i wei wears to sees saiety again unUfci-the arm oj a Military cnteliain. it this is net his recommendation what is-i t '. Bat for the buttle oi Tippecanoe and the I oamep, tnnn you know , sir, wnat morn there was in the one, and to whom the cre dit of ths ether belongs,) who wadld not aam thought of hiaa for pope as for Pre sident The Queen ef England wiht as well make Lord Wellitigt'on archbishop of Uanterbnrv. Ann why s lie theugitt ot i why drug him fr m ubac-uiiiy ? Why is the thick d irkoess of his tn . d bioken up. ton! the neavy sittmner il his tcultic dis aiUlorned ihe fitiwers ol the vou.ir ladies. dropped from tiiem the moment their bodies were brought to tho light of day. The Water Lily arrived at ttic steamboat Bangor, between six and seven o'clock, where a Coroner's itiquosi was field, and a verdict returned. The parents ami friends were present at this mournful ceremoiu', and received the lifeless remains of children and relative who they had parted with, a few hours before, in the anticipation that they would meet those they loted again, not in i!e cold embraces ef death,' Wit in the !ad welcome of returned kindred and friends. The following wero the names of tho young ladies who were druwned : rraucet Inuraknoi. daughter uf Widew iqgrpham. Adelu.a I hnrstan, dauchlet of Mr. Sam uel Thurston, duiker. Julia Ann MiHiken, dauchtlr of Oant. llll.l k yv . I .viuiiKen, oi me oarK uceata. ; Caiolitfd and Elizabeth Ilslei', daushters ..I'm.. T .1 n.i.. ' w SI A BIG BUSINESS. AGrauiLJuw-!" "orre'f county, Tcnnes -WET, lately presented Geo. Polk, of that State "as a nui3ance,"becaufe ho happened to be a Democrat. These fellows must all of them have been related to tho chap, who after three months attendance at "Free Cjl I 1, . . 01-uuui, one morning "loitoweu a wagou en. The OC Africans of the Ainiatad are now at n estvillc, near Now Haven, where ihey enjoy the opdti air iu perfect health. They nave icarnea is cpeat: our language; some have commenced -writing, and read the Now Iestament. Their affections are warm and lively, particularly towards Africa, to which tnoy long to return. "A fellow feelintr makes us wondrous kind" Elisha Wiitlesev.af Ohio.advocalinif Gen. Harrison's plan of making slaves of poor while men, uttered tl.o -following senti ment. It is the di -tato of benevolenco and hit mainly toSELL A POOR MAN AT iSHERlFF.'S SALE, iato involuntary sor viiude, until he csroed enough to nav the one imposed uy uic court, To Bridge Bmldss. fhe Old Bridge, at Mr. Autcn's Mills, . across Chrlisquaqvo Creek, is so much de cayed as to ba tendered not passable. Tho Commissioners of Columbia county mot and agreed to build a new Bridge, and will enter into Contract with the lowest and best bidders for building a bridge across Chilis- quaquo at or near where the old bridge now stands, on the road from MooresburF to Daniel Snhmeaks.'' It will be let at tho house of Mr, Autens, on the 5th day of October, and is to be of the following- di- u mentions and materials. Stono abutments 19 feet wide at the top of said abutments, to be about 2 feet higher than the old ones- To be 10 ft. thick. The wing walls to be about 15 feet long on tho south side of said bridge, and on tho north 3ido tho wing walls lo be about 25 feet both sides to have a curve. All of which is to be stone of tho largest size and all to be laid iu good lime and sand mortar. The superstructure lo be an arch bridgo to be 80 feet long between tho abutments and 18 feet wide from out to out, with n good shingle roof and well weatherboarded. The plan and specifications can bo seen on tho day of the letting. Tho old bridge will bo olfeied for sale on that day. Propojala will bo received from 12 until 2 oclock of tho same day. JOSEPH BROBST, JOHN MoHENRY, JOHN DIETERICH. Commissioners. Danville, September 17, 1840. FURTHER PARTICULARS OF THE FRUITS OF WHIG ABOLITION. KJCORO IN8JJRBECTION IN ATTAKAPAS. "Just as our paper was snine to rirasa. we have received inhtroiation ih..t an insui- rectiun of negraes has lately taken place ir) the parish of Layfayette; nine of whom have been ext-outed, and forty others art in turhed by ibi unreasonable dawn of glory? prison to be tried. Several while Abolitian Y feat hut the mamlloM uox-ei f Andrew lists are ioaalicaU'd in thi ihfmu. ,r. Jaekson ia disclosed a smet not before fair, 8nd arc new in prison, awaiting their suspected, wbiah, Jo all ucl tva want atv- f tru(." ' ant and h toel,recomtaeml a miluaiy man I m... r. . ,s most hkelv to ca ch the favor f the ser- L8llor3 rtMr(J ' q , iu i WhAKu. V0 ' four hundtt-d negroes had its nbtgniaf hat is he but a man, who, planned an insurr-tcioH in tho parish of with a few ma-ra grama ti nndersiandiiiff, t.,f i,i..u . , . . i " .. mwht have half enaugh to know that he has v7.: : .ii Z u " .r mi iA,y . : ' ... ..... - nisi, must proviuentially a negro ueloug- i . i """""-' : ing to Mr. Mercier, teld hi nmater of tho Who has eanght h.m pp. and besoi.ed h.m circumstance,' and the priur.?a ringleaders, with rtu'wry, to make him the roox. hi ifee , , ni, ' at... ' L'Lv.J, , 'i. arrested, tiiae of whom were sentenced to MARRIED On the lOih inst. by the Rev. William J. Ever, Dr. GEORGE HILL, M. D. of Hu'hsville, Lycoming cotiuty, ra.. to Aius ItAUniSLi HUGHS of Cattawissa. By the Rcr. D. S. Tobias, oil the 17th inst. Mr. WILLIAM MILLER, to Miss ttilA HE1MUACH, both at Menteur townshiji, "PEOPLE'S CANDIDAT3S" JAMES MoMAHAN of Liberty township Columbiti ceunty will oe a cantiidate at tut ensuing general elec lion to represent the diatrjot go m nosed the counties ef Columbia and Schulkill iu tne benate of Pennsylvania. idherty, Sopteraber Il, 1810. JQWM'e. liESSi Win be a.Volnnteer candidate to repro sehTUofiimbia county in the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Catiawissa, Sept. 12, 1840. Boot. Oaheai XMtoyer, Frencia Hhi:nal;si Bocior, Vorjs Reading, Info.-ras the public lhathe has returned to Uloom. nurir.after an aluence tince Januarv lust. found at tho Hotel of Daniel Snvf be at all times ready to attead to palienU who aro afflicted with Khoumtlio pains in the limbs oi body. 3 IVAkly UST received from the Colcbrook Nail Worka ?J made ftomth DANVULLE t)R!, and will bo sold to those Who buv to sell ueraiti verv chean for OA8H, to close the sales. WILWAM DONALDSON. Danville, Aug. 14, 1840, comedy jet (inn go in sleep agaio, like CiiriUopher Sly, and sleep himself so ber, and not wake up the clerk vfthe coun ty court. Last act of Patriotism, A lady how living at Martha's Vineyard, aged abnnt 80 the widow of an officer of the Revolution, has recently wade ftoui fifteen to tfreuty laige and beautiful piwcunliiotw for the Bun ker Hill Fair. Boston Jkmocrat, ' be hung on the 27th ull. Wo hate siuco heard that four white Abolitionists, who in stigated iho negrpeale revolt, Wa been ar rested aud placed in confinement. Southern Patriot. The New OrUans paper contain no particulars of the projected ' imnrrectitui of jjafsyeite. Ten of the iwigross cHgasd in it wore hanged on the S7tn tilt. Jmoile Register, We are requested te snoouaee tke name of ISAAC FAUSNAUGHT, as a volunteer candidate for the office af SHERIFF . of Colombia county, at the coming olection, oepierauer 'ZO, 1840. JOSEFS SROBST AVill he a Volunteer canditlate lo repre sent the counties af Columbia aud Schuyl kill, in the Senate of Pennsylvania. Cattawisea, Sept. 12, 1840. By an advertisement dated January 12, 1889 the subscriber etl'ewd a reward of 10, dollars for tho apprehension of Weorge Will iamson. This is to give notice that I no longer consider myself retpoiuible for the payment of said reward. JACOB BEIDLEMAN. Bloonubtirg, Sept, 19, letO, '0 THE ELECTORS Of - iccDjSrjHA COUNTY, Fellow Citizens :-ki the aolfcjtajion.of many friends in various part of tho "cojunty, I hereby offer myself aa a candidate-for tku office of SHERIFF tit the ensuing General Election, - and rc aeeotfully soficit your votes and interest for the office. If eloctcd, I pledge myself to perform die duties of tho uffice wilh fidulity aud humanity, JESSE SHANNON. Bloemsbiirg. July 28, 1840. The Sentinel and Conservator, Herwiolc, puolish the above till olection. Wc are authorised to anneunec JOHN IIAZLET. as a volunteer candidate for. at the approaching election. TO THE ELECTORS OF COLUMUIA COUNTl'. FtUow Citizens Beinir solioitod by a numhor of niy friend throuifhot the couu- ty, I again place my name before tho pub tic aa a candidate tor the umee oi SHERIFF, and moat reepeotfullv solicit yutir aufrag9, JOHN PBtflT. Afadison, July 24, 1940,