&efc'W JlE.XSfKYS WVV DR. I.EIDY'S AIlSAPAllILLA BLOOD PILLS, HOULD receive a preference overall l'illa now in existence: First Because they are composed of Vegetable extracts. frea from minerals; and may be taken at nil time with perfect safety by young and old, with out restraint from occupation, temperate living, or fear of taking cold. Second Because they are composed of such Ynedicimt! extracts, as have been employed by all most celebrated and respectable Phyeicians for more than a century past, in purifying the Wood find Animal fluid of the body. Third Because they may be employed as a wild or aetive purgative, according to the quantity taken, and ticir operation will not be attended w ilh griping of the bowels, -sickness at the stomach, prostration r-f the system, ice, as are produced by other pills. Fourth Because they possess a combined action, not possessed by any other pills, mixture or prcpar a. wi whatever. Their first efl'ect is in correcting all i,. lurities with which the blood and fluids of thtl body may be afl'cted, and by their gently opera' tive effect, removing such impurities from the sys tern. Fifth Because they are the terror of Quacks and Imposters, for most persons are obliged to takn tho Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, after taking their vile and flesttuc.ivo nostrums, to counteract and prevent their ralschievons and baneful effects. Sixth Because they are tho only pills in which PhysWana have sufficient confidence to recommend to their patients, and employ in their practice, as they know they aro Anli Quack, Anti Mercural, Anti Billious as well as n good and safe purgative and purifier of the Blood and Animal rimus. Seventh and last But not tho least important be because they are prepared by a regular Apothc- cary and Physician, attested oy Drs. Physic, Hor ner, Chapman, Dewccs, James, Gibson, Jackson, Coxe, Haro, &c, &c, which alono is sufficient to entitle them to great confidence. Certificates and Recommendations from Physi cians and others accompany tho directions around each bos. fCfPrice Twenty Five Cents a Prepared enly and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. 1.EIDVS Health Limponum, SSo. isi worm Second st.,a lew doors below Vine street, rniiaael phia, also, sold by J. Gilbert & Co., North Third street above Vine. G. S. Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st. J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next the Bed Lion, and all respectable Wholesale and Retail JJruggbt'a in Philadelphia. They are also sold by: J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Bohrcr, do do W. DUerman J.itiz. 3. W. Oakly, Reading. J. B. Mozor, Allcntown. P. Pomp, Easton. And the principal Merchants and Drugists In the Ijniied States. For eale at tho Health Emporium Bloonuburg by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1833. 11. jOIOMMOMCVnON. How few they are that xi J happen to bo afflicted with Coughs ot Colds pay attention to them. How many thousands from uch noglect shorten their days, and hasten their fi nal disselution. Parents neglect them in their chil dren, and thus form the foundation for Consump tion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their wn children to the grave, having died from some affections of the Breat and Lungs, which weie neg lected in their first stages. Cousin and Colds, whether existing among young sr Jd, ought at all times be attended to early, and suffered to continue any length of time, for tho Lungs onco affecled,disease soon makes rapid strides, ending in the most fatal of all diseases, namely Con sumption. Dn. BECHTER'S PULMONARY PRESER VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catairhs, Influenzas, Shortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in Jthe Breast or Side, all affection of the Breast and Lungs, and arrest of approaching Consumption, is the most popular medicine ul throughout all Ger many is becoming equally popular in tho United States, and has established for ltrelf a reputation not possessed by any other'medicine for the same class of diseases. (See certificates and recommcn iitions from'Paronts, Physicians, and others, accom paning the directions.) It i3 a preparation perfect ly safe and harmless, pleasant to the taste, and may be civen to the younercst infant. It is warranted freo from mercury and tho minerals, and is a prepar ation of a' regular Apothecary and Physician, attes ted by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Gibson. Jackson, Horner Deweos, Coxe, James, &c. a circumstanco alone suflicient to induce a trial ot it Dr. N. U. Leidy, Proprietor of the above mcdi. cine, confidently rccommonds it to all, and assures ,i . .1... :. v.,.l:-i.. 11 jnOSL iJUBlllVeiy lUilt His ait tmamauiu iiifutiutu nd would not himself recommend it, but for it, known efficacy. Prepared only and for saleWholosalo and Retail at Dr. LEIDY'S Hoalth Emporium, No. 191 North ! Socond street a few doors below Vino street, Phua- adclnhia also, cold by J. Gilgert & Co., North Thi-d street abovo Vino Q. S Clemens, do 3d do do Woot' ht J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next tho Ited Lion, and by all respectablo Wholesale! and retail -Druggists in Philadelphia. They aro sold by: J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Rohrer, do do. W.Ebcrman Litiz. J. W, Oakley, Rendinc. For sal at tho Heallh Emporium Bloomsburg ky 1). H. TOUIAK, Agent. DR. rilELPIl'S Compound Tomato Entirely VegeiabU, A new and Invaluable Medicino for all dieseasea arisins from impurities of the blood morbid secre tion f the liver and stomach. Also, a substitute fr calomel, as a ebf thartic in Fevers and all billious diseases. These popular pills combining a newly discov rri Alkaline subtanco extracted fm tho TOM A TO PLANT, with other vegetable snUtances wkich have been found to rosdify and diifuso its of fsets, are beli'ved to be tho beet AlVerativo and Ca thartic ?idicin e.er disovered. Far ordin.ry family physic they aro uni versally approved, as the best ever offered. A lull account ol tins Medicine, anu nu nierous certificates from physicians and others, aocompny each box. Just received and lor sale at tlio now Prujc Store by J MOVER, Agent. THE RESURRECTION OR, PBUS5A1 PILLS. gSnrEMon to TiinllTnKAirjBnisDKTii'sjEvAN PunoATiTE, tho Matchless (priced) Saxativk, or any other pilU or compound beforo the public, as ccrlilicd to liy l'liysicians ana others Let nono condemn them until they have tried theni, and then wo are certain thoy will not. It is now a Bettlcd point with all who have used the Vcgetablo Persian Pills that they aro pre-emj-nenlly the best and most efficacious Family Medi cine that has yet been used in America. If cvci y lamily could lircomo acquainted with their cover elgn power over disease, they would keep them and bo prepared with a suroreintdy to apply on the firs appearance of disease, and then how much distress would be avoided and money caved, as well as tho Iics of thotisonds who aro hurried out of thno by neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not being in possession of a remedy which they can place de pendence upon. The liesurreclion, or Persian Pills. The name of these pills orginated from the cir cumstance of tho medicine being found only in tho ccmetarirs of Persia. This vegetable, production being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to ita medicine 1 qualities and virtues. In half a cen tury it became an established medicine for the dis eases of that country. The extract of this lingu lar production was introduced into some parts of Eu rope in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated Physicians in curing certain diseases, where ull oth er medicine ha3 been used in vain. Early in tho year 1792, the extract was combined with a certain vegetable medicine imported from Dura Baca, in the East Indies, and formed into Pills. Tho admir able effect of this compound upon the human sys tem, led physiicans and families into its general use. Their long established character their univer sal and healing virtues, the detergent and cleansing qualities of their specific action upon the glandular part of tho system, are such as will sustain their re putation and general use in the American Repub lic. CERTIFICATES. I certify that I have, by way ol experiment, iired tho Hygean, and most of the rarious kinds ol Pills, in my practice, which have borno the highest repute in thu public estimation, that have been offered for Balo in this vicinity for tho last rive years, including those called the Resurrection or Persain Pills; and the public may rest assured that nonu among tho whole catalogue has answered a belter purpose, as an easy and effectual remedy, than the Resurrection or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease. Chahles Backub, M. D. Rochester, N. V. Sept. 21, 1837. TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. Chase & Co. Gents. Hearing much said about tho extraordinary effects of the Resurrection or Serbian .Pills, upon thoo about to become mothers, wo were induced to miikc a trial of them. My wife was at that timo the mother of fivo children, and had suffered the most tedious and ex cruciating pains during and alter her confinement of each. She had tried every means and taken much medicine, but found little or no relief. She commenced taking the J'ersian i'ills about threo months before her confinement (her health being ve ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a hhort time she was enabled by their use to attend-to the cares of a mother to her family until her con finement. At tho time slio commenced takjng (ho .Persian Pills, and for several weeks pi evious, sho was afflicted with a diy hard cough, Rnd frequent severe cramps, which the use of tlio J ills entirely removed beforo using half a box. It is with tho greatest confidence that wo adviso allthoso about to becomo mothers to make uso of tho Persian Pills. All those that have taken them in our neighbor hood have got along in the same easy manner, and are about tho house in a few days. 1 here does not appear to be half the danger of other dangers betting in alter contmement, wnero tnese t ills are taken. Wo unitedly! saydct none neglect taking them, for they aro in the reach of tho poor as well as the rich. Wc are truly thanklul that there is a remedy winch females can easily procure which tends to lessen tho world of suucnng, which many ot them have to bear, and perhaps save the lives of thousands which would otherwiso be lost. Rochester, May 14, 1838: corner of Callidonian square, Edinburg street; for further particulars tee subscribers. S. Ron hits, Ask O. Romn-rs. Rochester, Sept. 24, 183G. Messrs. E. Chase R- Co. I think it my duty to let yeu know what a great 'euro your PUls have performed on.mc I had been :.i. u...t !.. n ,..l l. .it' I ntbll uulut f ju.io uuvui jrruio (will u tiutt wvtt- fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurable, whh Consumption, by twelve physicians of the first standing; my lungs were seriously affected; I had a ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and harsh most of the time; my liver was much swollen, and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fev cr, and night sweat, accompanied with extreino irnta blcncss of tlio nervous system, and other difficulties which I forbear to mention. Alter 1 was given over, I tried almost all medicines which were advertised, but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable Persian I Ills. 1 began to gain m a short time alter I commenced taking them; and, to be brief, beforo I took 3 boxes, I was able to rido out and to take con siderable exercise, and at this time I enjoy good health, and am able to do good day's work. If any noo wishes a more particular history of my suiter ings, he may call on me, at the corner ef Alain and Clinton-streets, Koclioster. RUBY ADAMS. Fits Ourt.t! Tho undersigned hereby certify, that wo aro tho Parents of two children who have ween afflicted with fits more or less from Ihcir infan cy, and that wo huvo spared no pinB or expense in m : . nv - 1..... ...it! . i enticavunug iu t-uuti u tuic, uui wuuuui any oeite ficial effect, unjtl hearing of tho liesurreclion or Per (.inn PilU, when four boxes were immediately procured, and beforo throe boxea wero taken, tho fits had abated in frequency, and every sym- torn much improved, and now we aro happy to stuto that our children by the use of the Persian Pills, with tho blessing ot Uod, nro cntrrely cured, and have no symtom or appearance of fits, will find n the Persian Pills a sure and perfect cure. JOHN MARTHA JOHN-SONt Canton N. V. Dec. 10, 1837. The abovo pills may be had of the following a- gentfl John Moyer, Bloonwburg; H. Miller, Ber wick; J. Cooper A Sons, Ilazelton; C, Uertman, rjanevtown; John bharploM, Uattamtaa; J,yman rjlmlw, Danville. Eira Taylor. auMit for -lie btalo of Pennsylva nia residing at Rochester N. Y. to whoic. all orders can be addreHed The life of the flesh is in the blood," I so sailh lite scripiurcs.'-ucvmms c. v, vii. CTR. LEIDV'fl BLOOD PILLS. What belter JlMhn scripture testimony can wo have of the tie of tho flesh depending upon the condition of tho blood 1 If impure or diseased, the flish must of courso he diseased thereby, and tho whole sys tem partake of such disease. If the doctrine be true, and there is not a doubl of it (for it is a fact nccce ded to by oil, that the Fcriptures, aro true beyond a doubt,) then it behooves us to guurd against the consequences of euch imporitios, und thus prcservo tho flesh healthy. It tlio llcan uc iicaiiny, cc-nsu .utin.g as it does the principal portion of the human yedy then must the whole body bo healthy. In vegetables onl) can wo find the medicine where by all impurities of the blood may bo removed. Upwards of ono hundred years experience of tho most celebrated, thowifost and best physicians have proved certain vegetables to possess purifying prop erties. These vegetable will not hero bo named, and Dr. Leidy withes to remunerate himself, and nrnfii hv ihn lontr. 1 aborioui. and costly experiments necessary to be made, that the active principles of those vegetables might be retracted and reduced to such form as makes them easy, safe and pleasant to be taken. These vegetables aro contained in the justly cel ebrated Blood Pills, mnnufiintured only by Dr. N. Leidy, a regular Druggist and Physician, attested hyDrs. Physic, Chapman, lacksoi , Horner, Gibson ievces. James. Hare, Cox, tScc. The above Pilh may be employed as a mild or active purgative. Their action is easy, and may bo employed by all persons under all circumstances. They will at all times bofouud serviceable when the least sickness is present. They require no change of diet, restraint from occupation, or foar of i.l.:H..A1.irHAlt.n:...n. 'P1.au ori.ttlltrnrr-cftrili. itthlllgtWIU HUill II1UI U3t -J "' """J jitv...... ed bv numerous phvsician;; certificate? of the fact accompany the directions. They are tho most affec tive purifier of tho blood ando flier fluids of tho hu man body ever discovered. Persons having once used, will ever after, as occasion may acquire, have rcsourse to them. Price Twenty Five Cents a box. Sold by oil respectable Druggists and Mcrchanst throughout the Union, and m this city only at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, Second street be low Vine. J. R. Smith & Co.'s 2d st. near the Red Lion. J. Gilbert & Co.'s 3d above Vine. C. Clemens' North 3d above Wood. F. KIctt's 2d and Callowhill. For talo at tho Health Emporium Bloomsburg by D. a. TUU1AS Agent Bloomsburg July, 13, 1839. 11 LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in tlic Post Office at Bloomsburg at the cinl of the qtmrler ending on the 30lli day of June, 1840. Achmoti Wil3on Manvillo Elias Maus Lewis H. '2 Ri'Mallt Michael Miller George Newhard Solomon Newton A. E. Oiil Sarah Ashton Julia Arther Robert Beers Geore CprncHsim Isaac Clinton William Duebler Charles Driebel!asEins& Isaac Palmer Daniel Emmons Androw 2 Pursel John Ebert John Pine John W. Pluraincr Richard Kouch John Sietler Mary Slronp Henry Sliipman Jacob Frederick Edward Fry John Grotz John Gallagher James Hamilton Rev. W. Hilliom Thomas llilbert Lucetta binitli Daniel Shoemaker Edward Siller Christiana Thomas Charles Tuiton G. S. Tarwi1lier Abraham Wells Israel sen. Waller D. J. Wright.Mnry Young Abraham Jacoisy Oliver A. Jackson M'Fadden Holmes Charles Harris Jacob Hovver Joliu Huffs John Jacoby George W. Konta Marcca Kelchner Neomi 2 Leidy Jacob London James Myers Jesse B. RUPERT, P. M. Those inquiring for any of the above let ters will please say it 13 advertised. TO COLLECTORS. All Collectors who have not settled their Duplicates for 1839 or for previous years, must be prepared to oatiaucc tlicm at Au gust Court, as no longer lenity can be giv en. The Collectors for 1840, will also hear in mind, that they aro requird by their warrants to rppear at August Court, and havo such abatements made as is necessary. By order ol the Uommis3ioners. L. B. RUPERT, Trejsurer. N, B. All persons owing taxes on un seated land can pay them to John N. Wil son, of Danville, who is authorized to re ceive them. L. B. RUPERT, Treasurer CAUTION, ALL persons are cntitinned against trust ing or placing any confidince in JACOB CROSSLY, stage driver, alias, a cooper, formerly of Norristown. Said Crossly having left Danville without paying his boarding, tailoring and all other bills for which be could obtain credit, not forgetting his washer woman, this notice is given, that other mav not be defrauded by linn. R. B. CUTHBERT. Bioomsbur?, Aur. 10, 1840. Papsrs at Notristown and Pattsville, would subserve the cause of jusltcoby pub lisamg the aborc. A SCHOOL TEACHER WAITED, In the Bloorasburff Academy. One com petent to take charge of the English de partaitnt of said School, will meet with good encouragement upon application to the bchool Committee. THOS. PAINTER, President. J. Ramsey, Secretary. t4 rUi&l Hull Uiiuuuiu L.ir j iiuntu $ THAT THE LIF1. PILLS AND PHE IS IX BITTER Haro excellent fatuity Medicines. Tlio proprietor of these Medicines cannot too deep ly impress upoii tho public mind the high impor tance of on cjrly or timely attention to sound health. There aro cry many int his community who do . .- Mnmtifin ftvni-iTTnTin-ri hnnnua 1 not upprcciato good health, until attacked by somo violent disease, when they think they must immedi ately nend for a physician, mid in consequence, they ore perhaps confined to their bods for weeks, or even J . . i t! t t i I . .. . months. Aimon every one in ii.iuio 10 uc nnwtu oi times, and by neglect of proper treatment of them selves, on such occasions, it is very often tho caso that a severe atluck ol disease in tho consequence. Such results may be easily avoided, and should be; rind it is in a great measure tho object of Mr. MOF FAT, that his publication bliouid continually re mind such persons oi mcir unngrr. i ne miiowing letters go to show that tho Lifo Pills and Phcnix Bitters aro not only excellent family medicines, but that they will, in very many instanecs, supercede the necessity of calling a phisician. The principal ofiice is ut 375 Broadway, wherethousands of sim ilar letters to Mr. Moffat, may be examined. The followlncr letter was rcceucd from a ccntle- man who, n few months since, purchased some of the Life Medicines lor tho uso of his family, aud a few of his friends : Napoli, N. V., July 27, 1838. Mr. W. B. Modal Denr sir TheLifo Pills and Phcnix Bitters surpass cverv medicine I hau been acquainted with. In every instance where it had been used, n benefit has been derived, rand every person is hatisficd. One man, troubled with a scrof ulous humor, has been nil but raised from the dead. Another person, a female who has been unable to Icavo her room for tho last two years, has been re stored to health. Another troubled with sore throat for more than a year, and also a burning Fensntian in her Btomach mid bowls, w) completely cured by threo doses of your Pills. Another, troubled with a severe nervous affection, attend with dyspepsia and continued head-ache, and was eo teduced as to be unablo to leave her Led, was, by the uso of one box of Pills and bottlo of Bitters, so far restored as to be able to attend to her domestic concerns. And lastly, an acquaintance of mine, has by the use of a bottlo of Bitters and two boxes of rills, been made a perfectly sound and healthy man. Ho had been laboring under a complication of diseases for the last fivo ycar3. I could mention numerous otbor instances, but these aro sufficient to show the effect of the mcdicmo upon a lew of my neighbors and mends, lour obedient servant, Ctjius TiiAcnEn. The following is part of a letter written by a gen tleman in tho country to hi-i brother in this city. from whom ho had received a box of Life Pills and Phcnix Bitters: Thoinpsonvillc, Conn., Juno 26, 18138, Dear Brother I embrace the precnt opportunity of writing you a few lines. I received the Lifo Pills and Phcnix Bitters you suit me, for which I can never thank you enough, 3 they have proved I hope, a perfect cure to me. I had for two years been troubled with a severe nam m my side, I up plied to all the doctors in this neighborhood, but got no'rclief until I tcok tho Pills and Bitters you sent me. Since I have taken them I hare been as well as ever I was iu my life. Yours affectionately, David McGill The following is a copy of a letter from Terre Hjutc Indiana: Mr. W. B. Moffat Dear Sir I wrote you a few days since stating, briefly, tho quantity of Life PilU and f henix Bittern, I should want the coming sea son. When I accepted the agency of this Medi cine in June list, (although your application was accompanied by documents, attesting the rcat ben efit of this medicine,) I lud no expectaiion that it would equal tho dcsciiptiou given of it.orche such general satisfaction as tho experiment of a few months has proved. I can only eay that all who have uei it bear testimony of its great value and efficiency. I know of no instance where it has been thought in tho slightest degreo injurious, and even those who are aftlictrd beyond hope of cure, bear testimony of its salutary influence upon their general health, l he great and increasing demand tor thia article is tho bestacsurancool Us usefulness, and I would not wish to be without it for a single day. Respectfully, j ours, J. F. Kixa. ' Tho lollowing is a copy of a letter from a bdv in .ast L.yme, Connecticut, to Mr. Atollat a agent: liasc Lyme, Conn., May Clh, 1S39 Mr. Bradford Sir - In regard to Dr. W. B. Mof- at's Life Pills and Phenix Hitters, I can truly say irom oxpenence, tney are ttio best medicine I ha any knowledgu ol. Incredible as it may appear, I have lor eight mouths bcarcely been ablo to walk a- cross a room, one month could not feed myself, had the attendance of the best of physicians for months, ouco and twice a day have taken Patent Medicine ai Ur ai directions would permit. Also, a celebra ted Doctor's prescriptions, ull of which lias been a course of the greatest perseverance I was capable ot. i ct I have teccivcd no more than present re lief; to give a similitude of my sufferingt is indes cribable. Yet I will write the symtoms of my dis ease. For ten vcars I have suffered with a nervous affection in my head and face; a placo as large as a hand in the left sidu of my back, connecting the shouldcrdescribcd; a sensation of t-orencss, frequent ly uecarae as cold as it nic had departed. In July; 18'JO, in cencnucnce of ovcrdoins, Ukins a hard cold, 1 w3 prized with a numbness in tho system, laimness, liatutcncy, pam m tue hrjd, voracious ap petite, and at timeu deficient appetite, great Ius of muscular bowcr.painin the leltside.also intheshoul- dcr and arm to the greatest extent, palpitation of the heart, great distreas in tuo back, gnawing in the stomach when, empty, pressure after meals, amount ing almost to sullocation, stricture ncrosa tho breast, sore throat; also a tickling, attended with aeonvul- sivc cough, spitting of purulent matter.night sweats, cold feet and hands foetid breath, costiveness, piles, loss of memory, allcction of sight and hearing, diz- lncss, dealuess, the mind becamo depending, other disagreeables not mentioned, which caused great weakness, ore. l happily, and can tiuly say, that by tho blessing of Heaven, and the restorative proper lies of the Lifo Pills and Pb entx Bittors, I urn re stored to health, which no other medicino could do. Yours, &c. Isabella A. Rogers. Last Lyme, Conn. For additional particulars of tho above mediinoa tee Moffat's " flood Samaritan," a copy of which accompmiicB uiu uiuuicines; a copy can ue obtained of the different Agents who havo the medicines for sale. French, Ocrman, and Spanish directions can to obtained on application at the offilce, 375 Broad way. All post paid letters will receive immediate atten tion. Prepared and sold by William B. Moffat, 375 Broadway New Y ork, A liberal reduction niado Ihoip who purchase to sell uguin. Agents. The Lifo Medicino may also be hado tho principal duggists in every town throughout the United States and the Cunadas. Ak for Mofliit'a Life PilU and Phcnix Bitters; and bo sure ikut afac smile ot John Mortars signature Is upon the label of each bottlo of bituirs r box of pill. For Ie at TobiA i Health Lmponum, Bloomsburg. GREAT AKtUVAL FItOM N. YOlHi ! PETE11U VEGET41U.K nrr.iT J OI1E than six millions of bnxrs r ,i celebrated pills have been sold in the U, i es since January 18.15. m I ted btntes Hundreds and thousands bless the day they came acquainted with Peters' Vegetable pill3,w ' in conecqucncc of their extraordinary coailiicua i, ' attained k popularity unprecedented in the hjstorv of medicine. When taken according to tho directions nccem pnnyihg them, they aro highly hcncfiirijl In 0,. prevention and cure of bilious fever, fever and . gue, dyspepsia, liver complaints, sick IieaJ-ache" aundicc, usthma, rheumatism, enlargement of i10' spleen, piles, colic, fpmalo obstructions, heartburn iuiicu luiiKui-, nauscn, uuicnsion el the stomaib and bowels, incipient diarrhrea, ilatulcncr, habitual costiveness, loss of appetite, bhtchrd or ihAt,v complexion, and m all cases of torpor of ilm t els, where a cathartx or an aperient isncteV'. They are exceedingly niild in their operation, i,' ducing neither nausea, griping, nor debility, nndia consequenco ef their ANTI-BILIOUS QL'ALb TIES, are the best of all remedies in scarlet f- fever and ague, bilious fever, apd alldisrases whufc hare their origin in accumula tion of BILE : ia word Dr. J'clers1" pills arc tho great bilious antidote, and with a supply of them all biliou? affections cae be kept at a d'stancc. IIKAU-AUHL-, SICK AND NERVOUS, Those who have suffered and are wc.v of uf"r ing from theco drstioying complaints, vull find w Peters' Vegetable pills a remedy at onco certain and immediate in Us cllcct. In DTSPJUI'SIA They stand unmallcd. Many have ken curtd in a few weeks, after having Buffered under this drcl ul complaint for years. Tho world Is vastly out of tunc, And seems beyond correction; But I've a spell, that cry soon Will mako it all perfection: Will soon expel disease rnd paia, So none r.hall bo afflicted; And then shall cure all ills amain, To which men are addicted. 0 would you know this scourgo of ills, So various and fo glorious 1 They are the VEGETABLE PILLS Of PETERS, so victorious. O yes, they oro those pills of pride, Which all the world are praising, For never did the gods piovido A rntd'eine so amazing. Tho' Spleen or Chol'rarack you through, With this you nerd not fear theni; If Gout afflict, and Colic toe, A box or loo Hill clear them: And if your liver's out of tunci If wild your head is aching; If jiundica dies you like the moon; Or ague sets yu shaU ng; If grim dyspepsia thins your chyle; If devils blue are grinding; If you are plagued with gripe or bile, Or fevers loeso or binding; O tell no doctor ofyour ills, Nor trust to baths or lancinc; But face the rogues with I'liTflKS' PILLS And soon you 11 send theni prancing. These valuable pills are Superior to Lec's,Tlrarf dreth's, Mofl'elt's, Evans, Hunts, the Persian or ia fjet to any other pill ever biought before the putlit Ono 25 Cent Hox will prove their virtue si this county, as their surprising virtues are establish ed all over tho United States, Cunadas, Texas, Mff ico ond the West Indies. ffjEnquire for Peter's Vegetable Anti Billion pills.C0 They can be obtained of D. S. Tokui and J. R. Mover, Bloomshurg, Wm. Biddlo 5c C. Danville, and at all the principle stores iu the stati BBVW AND EXCHANGE. EI!Y respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has alwayson hand, at the Li very Stable in Bloomsburg, for the purpose of Hire or i'ixchungc, a vauety ot MoVfi&i, Elites, Gigs, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS, which he will feel gratified to keep rti readiness for the accommodation ot customers. Ho has also made arrangements for carrying fa sengers from Bloomsburg to Muncy, mid from Bloomsburg to Buckalews on the Owcgo tuinpiU- Leavcs Bloomsburg for Muncy evrry Saturday at 7 o'clock in tho morning and arm o atMur." tho same evening. Lcavo Muncy every Saturdat morning at 8 o'clock and arrivo at Bloomsburj to same evening. Leaves Bloomsburg every Wednesday mornir.? for Buckaleu3 and return tho bamo day. Personal application can be made at his residenre when every means will be Ufed to rend-, r isfaction to those who mav cive him n call. NOAH S. PKBftTio Bloomsburg, March 28, 18-10. WOULD respectfully inform his friends and the public generally. that ne lias rrruer- ed his shop into his dwelling a lew aw above theHotel kept by E. Howel, ' nearly opposite the dwelling nt inant Kaler, where he may ahvay feu found r dy to mako up all garments intrubled to In rare, with neatness and dtspatch. Thank"-' for past favors, to such as have enrca.. ' him heretofore. And by strict atte .on business, hopes still to met it a larger shjre of public patronage. A good fit insured it all cases. N. 15. Al kinds of country produce tatec in excliansro for work. And tlto neediui never refused. Uloomsburij, April 11, 1840. THE ESTVPE OF JACOB AILJIECEASJ" OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that in ters of administration u the at0 tM tavo 1 een Granted to the subscriber, rrfidiny u Mount Pleasant township, Columbia counij- Therefore oil persons indebted to tho estate ol deceased.uie requested to mako immediate payment and all those having claims will present them WILLIAM J. IKELERi Admr. Mount PleoMiiit, Aug. W, 1810, Ct. Iran
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers