The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 12, 1840, Image 3
Uo procure their oro, "Wo shall advert to illio subject again herejfier, as wo have leis- Vtro. If i&'jwcssam aw luzerne county. By a lntt;r from Wilkcsbarrc, wo learn that the democratic Convention of Luzenro Mouaty, was held in Kindlon on Tuesday last, and pliced in nominatoti llic followin? &r Cw;resa Bcnj. A. Bidlack. i, (;! H. 13. Wright, Andre-v Cort- WHjjIlt. WProlhtnoary'Daci. A. Bedford. iiij ir v i ruin' I 1111 1 nnt v :nni). ' tviaki 3 T" J b t Samuel Saylor. A democratic convention wan to liavc uuuii neivi ;u r.iij. i a. un i nur.uiav lasi. Tho whig- cry out a hundred guns for ermont causa vy olio has elected fur !SS"a""K"-'""-""Sa "Straws show which way tho wind n nws pan ic miG u. ncifMiunr. nil now. juiiviuuitivi ivj uunriiiitiii imh.ii.i- 1NG. At a joint moating of tho Conferees from inn pnn nttno ni un mn i nxci rti'miviuiii. convennu ai me riuu nc nousr oi l-cicr iv inn in ivirrtf innrnRtnn.nn l llnsflnv innl. inn nim "nmvAT.nsnM r.rr V. ...LtJUUU.I U. W.U '.' I. II U 1 1 I I I f - Kill, ejecretar cs. On motion of Samuel Htintzinger, the creneniiaia m inn srvnrai unn ernpd wnrn produced, lrom which it annoarcd that the llUid WUIUUIUiili Al.ijJ( 11111 JUrUliaAIKEUlii in t. .limn i'.iiir-ir nun iiiiniidn ii n fi v rtiiu omiii vi!kiii iiuii. kJ-LiiiNB i-i. i 'h i nr. On motion uf Hon. S. N. P.d-ncr,it was MAJOR SAMUEL F. IIEADLEY, Inn tlcmnnratin nannulnln Irnm fhn rvtnnhn earn District in wo Benaicoi i'ant!3Yivania. craerv oi i no sain jjibuici ;i3 woriuv oi meir ku fin mi :u ire curiiiiiir tneui on. Jlesolvcd That (ho straight-forward oiiurn lii niiiiL 1111 t iiii uu Riiii nnmiHii i(i nur i-uriii;ii sunn oil lur rL'.e-mv Resolved That we feel increased confi- er nr. in r iw il.ii i ijli nuiiiiij i vjiv- fpemj . r i - 1 vhmfi 1 1 Iiip mnr ortrl mnrilrtrAf thf nine Until i iiiit r 1 1 Tit ci i una nnnn it nim in inr nun. nvi u.i wiiii siirn xirriiiii iioii'.jr in uiiiiarii. nnn anvaninnrn. m if i m imiiz":ii nr 11112 nnm- Resolved That, in common with the 1 ail the passage of the INDEPENDENT A .IV ft. J U1L J l J J-J IIS U lllUllaTKtU I -J k. 1 T croiccteil. ami moat admiral) v ca cu atcil to innntri no. noftn uiiirnrnirr Resolved That theso proceedings be W. DONALDSON, Prcs't. Iff. T T 1 I f ULbiVllMIIVVI GEN. JACKSON. v rf 1 1 in.L ..It P. .... 4U v w vw , H, - - ml i i ft . t.-I i r i. t I .1 If 1 !.. i ill inip TPiiriit'iL iiiiuiH'Tii in ii i :i 1 1 in li h. ir i " i J'J visit, received Ins cueais witb . i .... : t, .:r. I rilH. I 1 II V HIIKU 11 11 IV IUA lilt 1 11IV eturned l tho Ilermitado on l'riuay. I'cnnsyivaman, Gen. Harrison lfas not resigned yet. .'COLUMBIA. COUNTY. The proceedings of tho Delegate Con vention in another colu-nn wilt show that tho Democrats of Columbia county have nominated a ticket, and we can asstiro our friends that it is n strong one. Mr. Head lt;y is a lawyer by profession, but ha long since discontinued practice, and paid atten tion to the manufacture of iron, in- Conner lion with his mercantile husfues's'. Wo will give him a Imlping hand in Schuylkill, and wo know ho will provo both an r.Hs and cllicicnt representative in the Senate. Our old friend Snyder, will this time have his wishes gratiliedj and no bettor choice could havo bten made than Fkuit for Sher itY and Rupert for Treasurer. It a a good ticket a sjrong ticket and wo feel satis fied it will receive the unanimous support ef tho now harmonized party of the "Star of the North." Poltsville Emporium. The "Star of the North." In rongrat ulatiug the sterling Democracy of Cwlumbia county, upon ihtfir judicious seleetior. of Maj. IIeadlky as the candidate for Senatoi we bnt reitcraie the spontaneous feelings of his numerous friends throughout tho stale. Mr. Ilcadlcy is known as the inflexible de mocrat: the unyielding advocate of tho peo ple's rights as guaranteed by tho constitu tion and as tho ardent and uncompromising disciple of tho immortal Jefferson. An ac complished ocholar and a ready and elo quent debater, his election will secure an a blo and desirable acquisition to the r.oblo band of democrats in tho Senate, to whom tho people may confidently look as the guar dians of the sacred palladium of their-liberties, the constitution. From the high character of the confeicos appointed in Columbia and Schuylkill, we have no doubt but that Mr. Ilcidluy's nomi nation will bo unhesitatingly confirmed.and his election ensured by an overwhelming majority. The nomination of Col. SnYDnn for tlie Assembly, is also a judicious nomina tion, and will ro doubt prove popular. Magician. The Census. The taking of the census will develnpo many curious facts. In Queens County, the Marshal discoveted a perfect Albino. Itwnsau active child of three years old, whoso parents wtro ne groes. The child was perfectly white, had tho pink shade bltio eyes of this class of beings, with hair white and crisped like wool. In a single ward in the city of New York the returns of the present census comprise no less than 901 vvhito persons, over 20 years cf ae, who can neither read nor write. Robert McConoly of Huntingdon county ha3 been convicted of tho murder of his mother-in-law, Kosanna Brown, his sister-i in-law, Elizabeth Brown and his Wollieis-in-law, John Brown, George Brown, David Brown, and Jacob Browiand sentenced to be hung. GOV. LINCOLN'S SPEECH. In adverting to this speech, the editor of tho National Gazette, a leading Philadelphia Whig paper judiciously remarks: " Mr. Lincoln's speech animadverting on Mr. Oglo is very Revere. IT IS A SAT ISFACTORY VINDICATION OF THE PRESIDENT FROM ANY BLAME THAT MAY HE ATTACHED TO HIM FOR PEnH0N.1L EXTRAVA GANCE." THE PRESIDENT'S HOUSE. From Mr. Lincoln's speech it will bo teen that tho following are the appropria tions, made by Congress to tho President's House successively, since tho erection of that mansion : John Adams' Administratian Thomas Jefferson's " $14,000 20.000 J.imea Madison's James Alonroo'a Jolin Q. Adams' Androw Jackson's Martin Van Uuren's 28.000 50,000 20,000 :io,ooo 20,000 So much for Ogle's charge againtt the present administration of I'xlravaganco. Governor Lincoln, who is a Harrison man, says that Ogle charges all the Presidents "0 havo had. except General Washington, with being THIEVES 1 THE GAME CONFESSED. Dawson of the Datrnit Advertiser, (ten the Evening Journal of Monday,) after ciowin;' over glorious triumphs in Illinois, add : "The foregoing arc all from ?r',ig sources, and nia! in aoif co'srs berxag. gcratcd. At ait, evknth thky should iuT too uiI'mcitly hulikd or;. After tho inforiuatiou in tho flsbt part of tho paragraph, the caution was wholly un necessary. "Any administration but this 1" as the. old woman said when she lay shaking witn fever and oguo. r Xlraordinary phuj upon i.--Charlcs X, x king of FiaiiCRjW'as xtravagantly xtoll cd, but is xceedingly xecrated. He xhibi tod xtraordinary xcellonce in xigency, ho was xcmplary in xternalH, but xtrinsic on xaminalioiij he xutie under xhortalion, rirome in xcitcmcnt, and xtraordinary ju xtemporo xpression. He was xpitriat'ed for liis xcesses.and to xpiate his xtravaganco xisted and xpircd in xilc. THE W1NNEBAGOES. Wo tee by the St. Louis New Era.oftho I81I1, that information lias been received at JerTeraun Barracks, that the Winnebagoes lum again returned to their old homes on the cast side of the Mississippi. In consc quelicu, the proper uflieci1 has ordered six companies of the 8ih regiment, now at the Barracks, to repair to tho territory in ques tiou.for tho purposo of compelling the indi ans'to leave it. Tho troops will move as soon as possible. saiaasmermit! Speedy Jii3tice. William Lacy was ar rested at UiitTilo on Wednesday evuulti" last, just before sun down, for robl)iu an itinerant trinket nedlcr of iewclrv. Oiii!ib following morning ho was imluted, and uy t3 o'clock, I . M. convicted .uul sentenced i( Auburn Tor 5 years the highest term which the statnio prescribes. At the same time George Henderson was iWud guilty of passing couuter.eit ihoiirv, and seute.iced to Auburn for 5 years. GETTING CONVINCED. Tho Now York Journal of Coinuiercc,(r whig paper) says that Mr. Biddle h.-u "caused the ruin of -MORE BU SUN ESS MEN than have hemi overthrown by ALL other causej for tho last twenty years." Dreuilful Occident. Just as our paper was going to pros wt Irnrned that the Pow der Mill, near St. Glmr, owned by Messrs. F'ock and Sbclizer was Wo-vn up killing one person, whosa naino ,u lmt-e not Icjrn ed, and severely injunmj anoihor. We have no furtlier particulars i'ottsville Jour. The vote of Union count.', Illinois, was 018 democrat!, u 15 feds, tliii is the right Union. Gen. Hard Cider is kicked out" of tho enmity common schools ate plenty in that quauer. rr 1 . t naru ctuer Hurrahs. It was a savin of ueau -vvin, tlial little soulcd people are like narrow necked bottles; the less they have in mem trie mine noise ihoy mak 'e in 111 pouring out. MARRIED By tho Rev. D. S. Tobias, we lum 111st. vjr. UhARLES SEII 1U1( M. I) ... ....... wij .UIUJJU OL D. of Noriliampton county, r'INA BUSS, of Col. co. Miss LOV to By the samo on the same day, Mr.JON ATI! AN KKEUTZ, to Miss HANNAH MILLER, both of Danville. Will be a Volunteer candidate to repre sent the counties of Columbia and Schuyl kill, in the Senate of Pennsylvania. Cattawissa, Sept. 12, 1840. Will be a Volunleor candidate to reorn sent Columbia county in the Legislature of rennsyivania. Cattawissa, Sept, 12, IBiO. Inform? the public tlmlhehasrcturr.cil toUIoom. luirg.aftt'r an abonco tinea January last, and can bo found at tho Hotel uf Daniel Snjdcr, where ho nill bi nt all limes ready to attcml to pnticnta who aro atllictcd with Hheumatic pair.- in the limbs or body. Uloomsburg Sept. C, 1840. 1 18 IIES WAIJLS "JUST received from tho Colilirook Nail Works 9l made fionv thu DANVILLE OltE, and will bo sold to tlinio who buy to .ell asain very cheap fur OAS1I, to closo tlio sales. WILLIAM DONALDSON. Danville, Aug. 14, 1810. TO THE ELECTOKS 01' COLUJIBIA COUNTY. . Fellow Citizens : At tho rolicitation of many friend- in various parts of the county, I hereby offer myself as a candidato for the offico of SHMKIFF at tho cnsuiiiL' General Electiou, and re spectfully solicit your votes and interest for the office. If elected, I pledge myself to perform the duties of tho office with fidelity and humanity. JESSE SHANNON. Bloomfburg, July 29, .1810. The Seiiiiind md Cnt.ervalot, Berwick, pnbl'Ji the above till election. Wc are authorised to announce JOHN HAZLET as a volunteer candidate for M3JJEiB at the approaching election, E'ccach SiSicunir.ljsKi Uocsoi-, From Heading, T6 THE ELECTOIIS OP COLUMBIA COUNTY. Fellow Citizens .'Being solicited by a number of my friends throughot tho coun ty, I again place my naiiio before the pub lic as a candidate for the Offico of and most respectfully solicit yeur suffrages. JOHN FRUIT. Aadison, July 24, 1840. GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. YraTHEREAS, by un act of tho General Awcm yig bly of tho Commonwealth of Vcnnsylva hia, entitled " An act rtlaling to the elections of this Commonwealth, paascd tho 2d day of July, A. D. 18;)!)," it ii inado tho duty of tho Sheriff of every county to r;ivc public notice of such election to lie holdon, and to make known in such notice what of ficers are to be elected : Therefore, I, WILLIAM KITCHEN, High Sheriff of the county cf Columbia, J10 jiakd kvow.v by this advc-tHcment to tho Electorsof sold county of Columbia, that a Cfeneral Election will bo held in tho FoiJ county, on Turwlay the lath d.y of October at tho several dutricU thereof as follows, to wit: Bloom lowmliip, at tlu houso of Charles Docb ler, in liloonifcburg. Brier Creek township, at the town house in Ber wick. C.itaw!3--a township, at tho house now occupied by David Clark, in tho town of Cutuwisaa. Derry towiirkip, (a separate election district) at tho houso of Jacob Scidil i'i siid township, Fishing; Creek township, at the liou-iu of Danisl Peeler, in siiid tonlnp. GrecnpooJ tovtuhip, utlho houso now occujiicd by Juseph Lcimirj. Hemlock township, at the house of John M'Key ncldi, in sjid tiiwnship, Jackson township, at tho houso of Joshua Savage, in said to.viifliiii. Liberty to nship, at the houso of Henry Gibson, in said timndiip. Limcotin town-hip, (a separate election district) at the Union School ho.iso iu fiaid towtii.hip. Alnhoning township, at the Court House in Dan ville. Mifflin tovnifV'p, at the lion.-e of John Keller, jr. in s.iid township. Madion township, at tho house of Jeremiah Wcllhcr, in Jerseytoywn. Mount l'leasant township, at the house of Fred erick Miller in caiii township. Montour township, at tho house of Leonard Laz arus, in said township. Knjr ailoaf tow nship, at tho houso of Etekiel Cole, in said township. Koaring Creek township,at tho house of John Y'-ngcr, in said township. Uian'jo township, at tho,hou-o of I. C. Johnson, in tho town of Untic-cviUc. Tho Ditrict Composed of that part of Mifllin township, laid oil' for a new township, to bo called " '.txtou,' which by an act of Assembly, passed tho first day of April, 103&, was establish into a s.iim- rato election district at the house of Adam Michciil 111 the caul district. Valley township, at tho house of in eaid township. At which time and place are to bo elected byjtho freemen, of the county of Columbia, for member of Congress, ONE I'rJrJSON for member- of Scnuto of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ONE PERSON for member of tho Hou90 of Representatives of the i.omrnomvcaltn ot rennsylvnmu. ONE PERSON for Commissioner. ONE PERSON for county Treasurer. ONE PERSON for eounlv Auditor. ONE PERSON for Sheriff. ONE PERSON for Coroner. In pursuance of an Act of tho General Assem bly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, cuti tied "An act relating to tho elections of this Com monwealth,," passed tho Sd day of July A.D.1S30. Notice is hereby Given, "That every person, except jusu.-es of tho peace, who shall hold any office or appointment cf profit or trust under tho government of tho United Stite3, or of this State, or of any city or incorporated dis trict, whi'tlicr a commi.isio.ioJ oflicer or otherwise, u subordinate ofTu er or agent, who is, or shall bo employed under tho legislative, executive or judicij. ry department of this Siutc, or of the United Statos, or ot any city or incorporated dU.iict, and al;o, every member of Congr.'ts, and"of tho Slate LrgU lalurc, and qf tho select or comir.04 council of any city, or commissioners of any incorporated District, is by Itw, ineapablo of holding or uxercising at tho samo timo tlio ollico or appointment of Judge, In spertor, or Clerk, of an election of this Common wealth, and that no inspector, Judge or other officer ol any tut 11 clu-nou, shall be Hiaililo to any olhcc to 113 tiim vetea lur. And iho said Act of Assembly, entitled " un Act mating t.i the chvtions of this Commonwealth," passed July 2d, IS'J'J, further provides us followr, to wit : " That tho Inspectors and Judges chosen as afore said, shall meet at tho respective places appointed for holding llu Election in the" District to which they respectively belong, before nine oVlock in tho morning of tho Second Tuosday of October in each und every year,' and each of ojiu insprclura shall Hj. point 0110 clerk, who shall be a qualified otcr of such district. " In oa! the person who shall have received tho second highest number of votes fir judo shall not attend o l'ie day of any election, the per son who shall havo received tlu highest nu.n ber of votes for judgi nt tho next preceding election, shall act as a judge in his place, and in case tho person who shall havo tcccivcd tho highebt num ber of votes for inspector shill not attend, tho per son elected a Judgo shall appoint an inspector in his place; and in caso tho peraon elected a Judgo shall net intend, then tho inspector who roceiwd tho high est number ol otes, ehall appoint a judge in his place; anil if nny vacancy shall continue in tho board for the space of 0110 hour after tho timo lived by law for tho openingof tho election, tho qualified voters of tho township, vird or district, fur which pucli officer bhull have been elected, present at tho placo of election, shall elcci one of their number, to fill such vacancy. " It shall bo tho duty of said ns-essors respective ly, to attend at tho place of holding every general, peclil, or lownalup election, during, the whole timo' e&id election is kept open, fir llo purpo-e of glvinfl informttion to the inspertors and juu-. hm V Ied on,inroItiontith-rfhKf ' sd by them to vote t ujli ihxjtki ,' of mvh rthm matlrrs in lelntion to tbs j)smet1t o voteis -a tho id iriiectors or jadg.-, or either of them, thall lrom tims to timo en iret "No person shall bo permitted to voto at any c lection ai oforcreid, other than a white freeman of tlio ago of twcnty-nr.c years or mora, who shall have reaided mlhu state nt least one yea. , aiulin election district where ho offern to vote at least teui'-" ;m mcdialoly preceding such election, and wit-ii'n tv-o years paid n state "or county tax, which shall huvo been assessed at least ten days before the election. But a titizen of the, United States, -who hail prcv' ously been a qualified voter of this stale, and rr., nv cd then from and returned, and wN, "ifll h;i' r r sided in Iho election district.aud piudtc"-i ifve snid. shall lm onlitl-.-d to voto after rccsiding u tbi state six months. Provided, That the whiu f -men. citizens of the United ftitip, bitv-.r;. i,. ages of twenty-one and twenty-two nnd having n. siuod in this state one -.ear and in tho elretbii dr tritt ten days ns aforesa'd, shall in witulcd to v? e, oltbough they Rhnll not Imvu iiud taxes. No person shall be admitted to vste wlio-- ua, :.o is not nmtaincil in the list of taxabmiii.ub.tM 1 furnished by the commjisioners as aforesaid, u:i!-, r irst: He ptoduccs a icceipt for the naVmeht.willi 111 two years, of u btuto or county cij aaos.-l . grceably to the constitution, and civo Eatisla. iui f cv,druce either on hi own oai u. ufiirin "'1--.. ol another, that bo lias paid fuch a tar, or on .1 i:i uro to produce a receipt, s'uull msUo oalh to tho ptiv. incut thereof, or Second i If ho claim a right tu vrilc by being mi doctor between the r.ges of t c:i-ty-rjiio mid twenl).t,vo jutrs, ho shall depom t oath or aflirmation, that ho has raided iu the stain at feast one year next l efom his applirclK-.i, ai.d make sucii proof of residence in tho district ui i,i rtijaired by this act; mid that hn does verily bc Iievo from tho accounts given him that lie is of tho ago aforesaid and givos such other evidence cs in icrjuired by this act, whereupon tho name of tho person so admitted to vote shall he inserted in thn alphabetical list by the inspectors ui .1 a r.cte rr.nd opposite thorn.) by writing tho word "tax," it ho shall bo aui.' to voo by reason of having jai. a tax, or tha word ugc," if he shall br admitted to vote on account of his age, and in either casd the rc.uou cf buch voto shall bo called out to tho clerks, who shall make the iiko notc3 in the list of voters kept, by therm In all .."ies w--ro tho name of thu f orsan claim ing to vote is not found 011 the list furnished by . cou.missionei 1 ami esscssor, or bis riht to veto whether found thereon or not, is obj-cled In by any qualilit-d citizen, it shall he tho duty of the inspec tors to examine such person 0:1 oath as to his ifications, and if he claims to havo reside wi.iuii thoslato for one v car 01 r.iirr, LI. oath shall be sufficient proof thereof, but lit1 shall make proof by at least one competent witness, who shall be quali fied elector, that ho has resided within thotliMtict for ton days next immeJiateiy iirccoi'iiig said election, and shall also himself uwear that his bona tide residence, in pursuant of his lawful colling, U within the district, and that he did not remove intd said district for the purporo of voting therein. Every porson qualified as aforesaid, and who .hall mako duo prosf, if required of his residence and payment of taxes, as aforesaid, shall ho admitted tu vote in tho township, ward or distiict iu which he shali reside. If any person slnll prevent or attempt to prevent any officers of an election under this act from h ' ing such election, or uso or tV.r."t'ii a-.y violcnco to any suchofiiccr, or shall interrept or iim-iopeily interfere with him in the excrution of his duty, or shall block up, or attempt to block up the wimW or avenue to any wir.doW whore the samo may li Iioldcn, or shall riotously disturb tho peace at such election, or shall uso or praclico any intimidation, thrats, foico, orviolcncr, -vlth'dnrlgn to Influence unduly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him' from voting, or to restrain the frew'rTii of ch.i'cr such peison on conviction shnll be'lyiml In ar.y -uai not exceeding five hundred dobars, and b& iuij" 1 oncd for any timo not lens than one or more tb.111 twelve mo...:.,.. And if it shall be shown to ti.n court where the trial ufsivh off-. .cc ell '11 be ha ' thattlie pc-ison so w.i-net a lc&iJent 01 the city, ward, district, or township wnc 'he offenco was committed, and not fi.litled to vof. therein, then, on conviction, he i hall bo scntencc-u to pay a fine of not less than ou; Lunuidd nor nioio than one thoiUand dollars, and bo imprisoned not less than six months nor in;.-o llun two years. Ifaiiyperpon or pSrsons shall mako liny bet 01 wager upon tho result of nny 'election with'n this commonwealth, or bhall olilr to make rttiy suth "n ' or wager, cither by verbal proclamation li"tnl. o by "ny written or piiiUcdaueitiai a.t.r.ta rh-ilenj,. or invito any pcTfon or persons to moke su-h ' et or wager, upon convictio 1 thereof he or the jiid py thrco tiaxcs the amou it o ' . rsfl'ereil to be bU If any person, not sy law qtiklim-u. shall fraudulently vols at any election witu 111 this commonwealth, or liuius; uthervvini qualified, shall vole cut uf hi? nroucr ili; tri t, or if any pBrson knowing tho viar.t el such-qualification shall aid or procure fucIi person to vote, the persons so offendini-. shall on conviction, bo fined in nny su:. not exceeding two hundred dollars, and imprisoned for any term not exceeding thn months. "If any porson shall vets at msro tliar. one election duiriw, or othcrui o frau lenily voi more than onca on tlio aainu tiny or shall fraudulently fold and deliver to tl.a intptiutor two tickcta together with tho in tent to illr'ally voto, or -hall procure a..i!ili-' er so to do, he or they so offending, on con-iction be fined in any susi not los than fii'ty nor more than fivo huntlrotl lars, and' ho tnipriso'ifd far nny lerm" vol less than three nor mnro' than twlvo niOBtils. "If any person nnt (pi-lificd to voto iu ibis commonwealth sj'.sc.V.o is law,(exv.,ei the to;.i f qualified citizens) sh-,11 r ;- -nt anv' pl.i'ie of election for the purna-o r" issuing tickets, or of influencing the citizen qualified to vote, he shall, on convicti.111, forfeit and pay any mini not exceeding O''. hundred dollars for every such offence, c- ! bo imprisoned for any term not exceeding thrco months." The Judges are to mako their returns faf the county 01 uoiuinuia, at 1110 uourt House iu Danvillo on Friday tho lGitt Uay of October. A. D. 1840. GobTsave the Commonwealth. WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sk'JJ? Sheriff's Ofli-e, Danville, ? Sent. 6, 1850 5