Tti.VAVfirnp.v x- nrv nAunTcnv All will rcmomHr the nnmo of Littleton, 7. Tazewell, furmorly United Statesmen of, and more recently Governor of. Vir ginia, as a uisiiugmsiieu ami taieiiicu indi vidual, ah. I azewe It on the a;Jd ot An- t, addressed a Utter to Dr. P. Young of -1 1. 1 1 . !- . uuerijuuiii, m unaui iw suiuc uimiui- made of him rclclive to Presidential c- pninn. in RnnnKincr oi vm mirnn n iti Harrison Mr. I ftzewell rcmurks : 1 In their political course these cenilc- ,vere all associated as members of the Sen- tO 111 tllfl I nl!fM ISt-.ltnO It Ittna mil UHlinn .i:i"- 4,..: ...!.i. i.. i. iii. sions of my difference with Mr. Van llu- on, wore lew anil rarei lint Willi Ueneral larrison, I do not rcmuinher a single iib- eet, involving any question of constitution- o which wo ever concurred.. In speaking of General Harrison he iays : ' ; " In my judgement, Oeneral Harrisonjs jlli physioallv and intellectually incompe tent to pcrlorm the many, varied, arduous, and important duties wltir.h must devolve upon every President ot the United Slates; lliat it is not prudent l expose out country to I ho certain perils wlnoli must await it. should Us destinies ever be eomitted lo a Picsident by accident, in limes of difficulty mid high excitement, and that such a catas trophe is always probable; When one is ele vated to the Presidential chair who has al ready reached tho full term .drdinarily con sidered as the hunt of man s life." In a subsequent part of the letter he makes the following remarks : f I was opposed to Mr. Van Huron when lie was first a candidate for the Vice Pieti donlial chair, nnd my opposition tbhiinwas continued when ho was afterwards a candi date for the station he now holds. Upon teach of these occasions, thero were other Candidates whot as I thought, agreed with my opinions moro exactly, and whom, therefore, I picferrcd. Eulcrtaining such ocntiineiits, 1 have watched his course, since lie came into power, with a a vigilance that might not, perhaps, have been used by me un der olher circumstances. Yel.wiih all this I i. . I ..t.l.,, :.. VlllcllibC,! Ililvu 11U. UCJUU .IU1U til I1UIVU.U Mil glu unconstitutional act that has been dune or proposed by him during his administra tion. The wages or labor. No political falsehood is moro zealously bersevercd in. savs the New York New ura, in iiiuiu uiui.siuuiiMy prumuigaiuw, than that one which chargos the administra tion with aiming to reduce the wages of la bor. The first irun who had tho shameless mendacity to set it afloat, was Senator Da I.' .!..).. I .. ..1 .! vis of Massachusetts, who uttered it from tio desk of that council chamber whichPhe lias too long disgraced. It was deemed at first too barefaced a departure from truth, to mTi' viy further notice than the digni fied rebuke of a distinguished colleague, who said that the author of that libel had " forfeited all claim to the courtesy which is due from ono gentleman to another," but not every stroling Jemagougc, from the great Webster down to the grovelling Coun ty Clerk of our city, make that outrage up on truth the silbjeet of every speech and of every song. Tho outragqnusncss of the lie has prevented such a notico of it as is usually extended to a plausible misrepre sentation. -Confiding as we do, in the in telligence of the people, it has been suppos cdUiat it could not obtain countenance in any quarter, but as lljero arc seme men so ignorant as to Buffer themselves to bo de ceived by it, and as it is propagated by men who, whatever bo thejr character, are occu pants of a dignified position, even that silly falsehood should be subjected to the cere mony of a denial and refutation. Its ori gin in") be thus explained. A few years ago, the popular notion was extensively prevalent that high prices were sure causes of national prosperity. Such was tho stato 'of the public mind when the currency ques tion first began t be agitated. It was tru ly iugtied by the Dank Tarty, at that time, that piiees would bo reduced by the policy tf tho Administration, which aimed to 'cur tail the issues of paper money. Tho op position influence (aided even in our own ranks to soma extent,) succeeded contrary to tlin wishes oMlio Administration, in ex panding the issues of paper money, ami in flating piiccs, until tho grand explosion oc curred in 1837. It wii3 then contended by the friends of the Administration, that if prices were never cxpandea by excessive Dank issues, such explosions could not take place, and in order that the Government might lruvc no agency in producing such ex pansions in future,it was proposed to separ ate the Government from the Hanks entire ly. Hence arose that demagogue story thvt the Government wished to reduce the Wa, ges of Labor, Every man' of common sense must discovery that if the' prico of all the productions of Labor can bo afforded cheap er than other markets can furnish them.that the demand for them will be greatly increas ed; that if tho demand be increased for the produce, the demand for the producer must increase in the same ratio, and thatlncrcaso of demand for labor cannot fail to insure an increased compensation to the laborer. How false then tho charge, how infamously faUo tho assertion that tho Administration aims to reduce the Wages of Labor; and how certain is the policy of the Administra tion lo produce the opposite result! Supposo tho lidiculous charge were true. What a spectacle of disinterested benevolence would our country present; on the one side the wealthy employers of labor urging a policy which would diminish their profits and in crease the Wages of workmen, and on the other tho workmen themselves spurning tho generous offer and contending for a policy which enriches their employers and im poverishes themselves and yet the men who propagate that absurdity, profess to believe in popular intelligence. Truly they must hold it in very high estimation; IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE. The United Service Journal (English publication,) for tho present year, 1810, speaks of the plan of the leaders of the fed eral party in New England, during the last war as below. The writer evidently knows what ho is about, and probably writes from the written evidence in the hands of the Bri tish government : "This was to separate the northern from the southern and western States, to estab lish a limited monarchy in tho above nam ed Slates, placing one of our (British) prin ces of the blood on the throne, and strength ening the new transatlantic kingdom, by an alliance offensive and defensive with Eng land. The treaty of Ghent put a stop to the correspondence, wnich was in active progress on tli s subject, but that comics I'onocncu is 6T1M. i.v lxistanch: and how over improbable, it may appear to Yankee pride, were a war to bre.iU out a'ain be tween us, something snnihr would deetlr before the United Stales wetc two years ol der. The destruction of the public build ings at the nominal seat of tho federal go vernment, it was conceived, would indirectly if not directly, forward the view of the New England separatists, " Wc invite the particulat attention ef the young men of our couniry, lo -tho startling disclosures here made on British authority. TIlO 'COKRliSl'ONDIINCE IS STII.L l.V EXIS TENCE,' it seems, which was then in aciivc progress; and that it should bo carefully treasured up among ihe BrilMt archives, will not surprise those who may recollect the John Henry documents, that were ma ny years ago promulgated. And in Octo ber,' I8M,tho federalists in Connecticut ap pointed delegates for the Hartford Conven tion ! 1 And in less than sixty days more the Hartford Convention assembled, and as its proceedings. wcie with closed doors, we never yet have known all that took place within. On the 10th of December, 18M, five days before the convention met, Daniel Webster, whom tho whigs intended to be Socretary of State, if Gen. Harrison should be Piesidcnt, voted in Congress against an appropriation for rebuilding tho eapitol which it now tuins out, had been destroyed by the British, for tho purpose of forward ing tho schemes of the federal party in New England. And whero was Gen. Hanison during these stirring time's, when Ins coun try was beset by enemies within and with out when the eapitol was smoking in ruins when treason was raising its snaky crest in the north, and a British aimy under the war cry of "Beauty and Booty," were pre paring to storm our batteries at the south? Resigned reposing quietly at North Bend and now the Secrctaiy of the Hartford Con vention, and the parly of which he is the organ, aro rewarding Gen. Hairison with the Presidency for his military services ! ! iV. Haven Reg. countTTmTnations The Democrats of Union county have nominated Capt. John Snyder for Con gress, uud re-uominaicd Di. Isaac Hotit.n stein for the Legislature. The Aniiun some candidates aro James Merrill, Esq. fur Congress,anl Ner Middles worth for as sembly. The Democrats of Erie, Venango, &c. have nominated Aiinoeu Plujiek for Con gress in Allegheny county the Hon. Wil liam Wilkins is tho candidate for Con gress, with II. II. Brotkenridge for hir op ponent. In Dauphin county the Democrats have nominated Valentine Hummel, Sen. for Congress, and Fetterhaff anil David Mum ma, Jr. far Assembly. The Federalists run Dr, Simonton for Congress, and Ben jamin Musser and Samuel 11. Clark for As sembly. Horrible effects of the Sub-Treasury When tho Independent Treasury Bill was passed, wheat was soiling at from 02 cents lo a dallar per busael, in the cities. It now commands readily from a doljar ten, to a dollar sixteen, in Baltimoro. Oh, this horrible Sub-Treasury ? How it is ruining the couniry 1 HARD QUESTION FOR THE FEDS. , Wc find in lhe"iVco Era" the following qucslions'addressrd to the Feds, which will wo think, puzzle them right smartly to answer satisfactorily. Wo hope our Dem ocratic friends will put these questions to the Feds, and insist upon full, fair and ex plicit answers-.:, Why did real-estate, which 1817, $1,500,000, bring only, $000,000 in 1810? Was it the want of a U. S. Bank ? Why Was it that floursold for from 12 to 13 dollars per barrel in 1817, and onlv -llin 1810 I Was it Gen. J.ackaou's "tinker ing with the currency?" Why were our imports sixty millions more than our exports in 1810 ? Was it tho "specie humbug ?" Why were thousands and lens of thous ands thrown outof employment in 1818 and 1819 ? Was it the "Sub-Treasury ?" Why was it that in 1810 and 1817 wild and reckless speculations were engaged in, ami wanton extravagance and luxury the or der of the day Wast it the "want of pa per money ?" Why was it in 1318, '19, '20 a'nd '21, our banks, our merchants and our manu facturers, from Alaino to Georgia, were all involved in common bankruptcy 1 Was it caused by ilie"ailtiiinisliation ofMartiu Van Burcn ?" Vh.y were the exchanges more deranged in 1818, and the three subsequent years, than they were before, or havo been since ? Was it tho "wan; of a great regulator?" COLONEL? JOHNSON; Wherever this bravo veteran and patriot has turned his footsteps, on the call of his fellow citizens, ho has been overwhelmed with the outpourings of affectionate kind ness. It is not hard eider enthusiasm, but a fond feeling which follows the limping 1 gait and mutilated form of the old kind hear I ted soldier, whoi3 endcated to them by his own personal benevolence, as well as devo ted patriotism. How tho IIarrieom men envy him in the luxury of his own secret enjoyment, springing' from the con sciousness of having earned it by hard ser vice and much suffering! Major Barry, ' former Postmaster General, and aid lo Gov. SntLiiv at the battle I of the Thames, has .often said that when he rode from the rear , to see the body of his friend (the Colonel,) ' whom he understood to have been killed, ; he met the soldiers bearing him back lo , where the reserve was stationed in a blan- I ket. Tho blood was flowing from each ! end, tho drip from the middle not being ! sufficient to cany it off. He looked in upon the Colonel thus litterally imbedded in his j own blood, and his face was instantly light- j cd with tile smilo with! which he always salutes his friends -J will not die, Barry, ' (suiu the Oolonci; 1 am mightly cut to pie ces; but I think my vitals have'escaped." From llio Albany Evening Journal. Horrible I)isuster:Fall of the Draw of the Slate street Canal Basin Bridge at Albany. Saturday L'dcnirtg, Jug. 122, 8 o'clock. Our city is the scene of the most dis tressing and calamitous dispensation. At 5 o'clock this afternoon, just as the steam boats were departing for Now York, and when hundreds of people were crossing the bridge over the Canal Basin, the draw broko and precipitated from seventy to cihl-persons, and three or four horses and carts Into Ihe basin ! They fell about twen - ly feet into twelve feet water. Thcstruff- ule for life among the suffcrets was brief! but awful ! Wo shudder 'at the horrible reeollections of it. Hundreds of citizens, 1 Hons, there have been considerable importa with a dozens boats, sprang to the relief of ;tiona by tho President steam-ship, ihe duties llicir drownin!! fellow-ciuzens. At 7 clock 18 dead bodies had been recover ed, This dreadful loss of life was occasioned by the refractory conduct of the insane man who was refusing to go with his keeper. His resistance drew a crowd which block ed up the passage until the mass of people and carts became too heavy for the draw. Officer Hinman. tho moment the draw gave way, was endeavoriug to disperse the crowd. A large number of citizens contin ued their search for the bt dies until dark. Several missing pursons presupposed to be numoerou among the ceid. luedieal gen demon continued their pfTerls lo restore life until hope expired. All their exertions were unavailing. Several bodies were.rccovered within five iniuuUM after the fall, and wo can only ac count for tho abortivenobs of every effort to resuscitate life by supposing thai the per sons lost weie injured by tho fall or woun ded before ihey sunk. Our medical men, among whom we noticed Doctors Coggs wcll. Armsby, Van Olinda, M'Naugliton, Hinckley and Starts wero prompt and unti ring in their eflurts lo restore life. Li two or three instances respiration was slightly afl'ecled, but a'l finally sunk. Tho Mayor, who was early on tho spot, assisted to savo two boys who weie nearly exhaustsd. Effects of the Sub Treasury. The N. Y. Journal of Commerce of Saturday says: " Thero is quite an improvement in the Dry Good business, and for all goods there is an unusual readiness to pay cash. Trade was never so. O. K. One Hibernian inquired of anoth er what O. K. at the head of a Harrison Handbill meant. "Och," replied Pat, 'It means that he is still in the hands of his Quid Kteperst REVOLUTION IN MEXICO." New Orleans, Jug. 11, 1810. By the schoener Emblem, arrived yes terday from Matamoras, the following very important intelligence from Mexico came to hand : Urea, the lately federalist leader, had es caped from prison on the 13th he rotlsrd the people, attacked and captured the city or M cxico, nnd mailo Bustamcntc a prison er. At the lime of the departure of tho extraordinary express which brought this intelligence, '.here Was some fighting goinj on in the centre of the eapitol, and & gener al battle will probably decide which party is to remain master of the city. The following day, the 10th, President Bustamenta was eoI at liberty, &the Central ists wore collecting their force to mako a desperate resistance. Accounts from Matamoras to the 1st inst. mention the arrival of nil express from Tampieo, bringing accounts from the Capi tal to tho 22d ult. at which time Urea had still possession of the palace. Canadian- Heroine Dead, At Lorbl niere, on the 17th July, at the age of 100 years and several months, Charlotte Ouel lel, of the parish of St. Anne, de lit Pocati ere. This young lady was one of the num ber of other young girls of St, Anne, who put on men's apparrel and shouldered the musket to drive out a delaehrscnt of En glish Regulars who were amusing them selves by setting fire lo the barns and dwell ings of the inhabitants of St. Anne during tho siego of Quebec. She and the rest of J her company lircd upon the soldiers, who instantly ueu maKiug temporary barrows in their flight, to rescue their dead who had fallen tinder the fire of these brave Canadian girls. At the age of 100 years, and a few days only before her death, Charlotte Ouel let could not refrain from a hearty laugh at the thought that she was one who made the best shots. She has left two daughters the eldest of whom has been a wife for 55 years, the second has just lost her husband after a happy union of 53 years. Census Anecdote. Mr. Cist, one of the census takers, in a letter to the Editor of the Cincinnati Chronicle, relates tho following dialogue between himself and a married la dy : j "Madam, what age shall I put you down? I (No ditect answer.) How old is your hus band?" "Sixty one." And your eldest son?' 'Twenty seven.' And the next?' 'Tvven'.y-oiic." "And how old do you call yourself?" 'I do not know my ago exactly but it is about thirty 1' 'Did I understand you, madam, that your eldest son was twen ty-seven? "Yes. You must surely, then, bo more than thirty? " "Well, sir (quite snapishly,) I told you about thirty; I can't tell exactly; it may be thirtv-onc r two; but I am positive it is not over that." THE TIDE TURNING. After the Opposition have created every ; possible embarrassment to defeat the Inde pendent treasury, cripple the Administra tion, and operate politically on the people by sullering, the tide has at last turned Tho long resisted act has passed; and at once prices have risen instead of fallen, and trade has re-commenced, as foreigners can now have some confidence in the currency, and in the stability ol business. In order that the public may see one of ; Ike recent changes, wo copy tho following i extract from an opposition organ: Globe "The dry goods market having beer, quite ; exhausted from a long cessation of imporla- on -which will help the Federal Treasurv not a little." Somc'.hing "Dispicious" "Sambo, I devise you to sleep wid one eye open, dese dark nights dare's somethin berry disbi- cious comin !" " What on arth you mean, like? what's do matter, tell us all about cm don't keep poor nirar m dispense. "Wal, do fac is, dat ure Scroub Trea- swnry bill has passed by Washington and Filleuiedelly; and heaint left a spec of skin on do shin of any niggar dis side de souf pole.' He'll be here Ibro long dat's sar- tin den look out for i our olo wool Sam bo 1" "Gosh amighty ! dat aro critter comin here. Don't git dis chile arter dark widout a Spanish knife mine dat, Ike 1" Con neticut Trues. twrsr.'. j iiaaizg A Whig Ch'uf. The following excellent hit is from the Nantucket Islander as well conducted a paper as comes from our Post Office box : "Pa" said a yottng lady to her father, af ter reading a glowing eulogium on General Harrison in a Whig paper 'Pa what kind of a chief aro tho Whigs making of Gen. Harrison?" "Why, a handkercnV', my dear,' answered Pa". Tile Steamboat, James Gibbon, Capt. Thurmor, was blown up on Friday tnorn ing.the 21st iii3t. near Richmond, Va. The captain's wife.and two children and sctvant were dreadfully scalded. One of tho most important female quali ties is sweetness of temper. Heaven did not give to women insinuation and persua sion in order to bo imperious, it did not givo her a 6wcet voice to ba employed in scoldiug, Rumors are afloat that seiicral persMiS were lately robbed in the Pennsvalley Narrows,- in this county, at different times. Iri oidcr, lo remove these rumors wo are au thorized to state mat but the ono robbery was committed, which was that npon Mr. Gorr, that all olher rumors are unfounded in. truth. i-'Union Times. Two f the black soldiers at Waterloo; who ficod upon tho Chesapeake, deserted last Tuesday night, and were re-taken yes terday hear the Falls. One of them at tempted to kill himself with a large knife, rather than bo cariicd back and suffer tho punishment whicl ho knew would be in flicted. Jhiffato Com. Mv. A machine- has been invented in Mary land by winch the farmers there have husk ed and shelled their corn at the rale of twenty-five bushels per hour. Wo aro authoiised to announce SAMUEL ACHENBAtJCH as a candidate for the office of SHEjK.XFE' for Columbia county, at the October Elcc1 lion. Aug. 15, 1840. TO THE ELECTORS OF COLUJIBLV COUNTY. Fellow Citizens : Being solicited by a1 number of my friends throughot the coun- tv, I asain place my name bclorc the pub lic as a candidate fur the Office of and most respectfully solicit your suffrages; JOHN FRUIT. iladison, July 21, 1810; WE are authorised to anriotinco Col. MICHAEL R. HOWER of Roaring Creek, as a candidate for of Columbia county at the approaching Oc-f tober Election. TO THE ELECTORS OP COLUMBIA COUNTY. Fellow Citizens : At the solicitation of many friends in various parts of the county I hereby offer myself as a'candidate for tho office of at tho ensuing General Election, and re spectfully solicit your vote3 and interest (ot the office. If elected, I pledge myself to perform the duties of the office with fidelity and humanity. JESSE SHANNON. Bloomsbtirg, July 29, 1810. The Sentinel and Conservator, Berwick, publish the above till election. TO THE ELECTORS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. THE undersigned, at tho solicitation of a number of his friends, presents himself lo ihe citizens of Columbia county, as a candidate for tho office of SMEIMFF and solicits their suffrages. , , DANIEL WOODSIDE. July 31, 1810. To the EHectoi's of (Columbia comity. The Subscribers offers himself to tho Electots of Columbia county as a candidate for SHERIFF at the approaching election, and solicit their votes. Should ho be elected he pledges himself to perform the duties of the office with fidelity and correctness. MURRY MANVIL. June 13, 1810. Pleaso announce the name of MARSHAL G. 'KINNEY of Mifilin township, as tt candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Ho is an excellent mechanic, and understands tho nature of stone and wood work well, and no doubt, if elected, will fill tho office with fidelity. A Democrat voter of Miff in township. We are authorised to announco JOHN 1IAZLET as a volunteer cajtaiuato tor at the approaching elcctinu. Doct. CaJien Ttloyer, JYench iiuum:iti!im Doctor, From Heading, Informs tho public that ho has rcturneJ to Bloom burp,aftcr an absence since January last, and can bo fount! at tho Hotel of Daniel Snyder, whoro ho will lc at all times ready to attend to patients who ard ufllicted with Rheumatic pains in the limbs or body: Bloorusburg Sept. 5, 1840. - 1 IlJlll liBGS IAIkS JUST received from the Colehrook Nail WorM mado fiornth DANVILLE ORB, and wilt bo sold to those who buy to tell again very cheap' lor CASH, to claso tho Bales. WILLIAM DONALDSONt Dintille, Aug. U, 1.810,