The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 29, 1840, Image 3

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    1 f t
J.V.W '',' JHUXTJ.Vtl.
Iiiliylit 10 yive gentlemen the Whole
allies, es-
ji'ecIttHytfvyJicn ihnae tides appear to give
tlicillfflpiiu'li pleasunyand renders them
'ofsuTMfllii importance in their own estima
tion!! bSJuiosu attached to iho name of this
geilMi do liini and more particularly
gflCwffp ttiey havo no quality, either of the
iienuomliuart. to recommend ilium as w the
fcaitjmli lliu individual in question, Vc
wffro when wo miv il MIH iriltf I lliat tun
pl''ing the prejudices o!" sonic, and
lerlinpft tlie.,!Cwtiin o others in I n fa
vyof', Avr ,llat ',c '11,s i0' friends even
( MtdUyW-Mrue that ho mi z lit have had
mor'agisSs true, if he had used the inlln
fcncoWjph a portion of the democracy of
'lIllB'UJStriut u.ive him to wield, without eon
l'iu(llninfiie baser ras3iuns of the heart. and
'fliotinllowetl his nets out of Connress to he
IV .vfiSSSSSi1 v P""ul a"(1 "'"'hlciiiplililo
AQtlWIisrrcvcngc. Hums this ban been
lUOgrnins principle Which lias controll
... tlnliliilM nciiuua in relation to transactions
PIsw ,lia u0llstit,,0'3 KU immediately
i 'tfnterapjed, it cannot be expected that his
; .'i,,'Wlavo "'"eased in number? since lie
f, lUnn l! In rrili.friaj llifm..!. n r...i.
' COlilHi'xjbn of circumstances but rather, it
Wutll(,Btrange, surpassing strange in
tlredi'they bad not measurably decreas
ed' v.'.o should havo supposed, the
,fietltlejna'n himself might baxp reasonably
ymUlrmtcd from (bo deicnnined hostility
wtilultljie has invariably manifested since
"WlllrolccUpn, to every imlividual in U3 dis
lrlrt'wlAwas bo unforiUKate as to be found
tiVtn'-gpjKjptng his nomination, or who
WOUlfiMofbow the Imeo and kiss the roil
(hut Jtrtotp liim. Uude r the.-e circuinsiau-
CC,ijtJtes -Appear, that he niu.t have
011 ' exP,lat l,le scarred backs and been-
V- lodj3youml il,(liclstl by bim, while n:id
Uha Influence of the fiendish feelings which
I, 19
1 13
tiom I liayjj$6jcoiislanly predominated in hiu
e!' lifcaaliftgainst manv or those who had bo-
frQ j'1'3 warmest friends, would some
day Mmher rise tip in judgement agiinst
llltiirflljTappears, however, that his mind
jj.j.jVttMtitirely absorbed with bis darling
TemgjOf.rcrcic, that when the truth of
flEasT" l10Pular'1' w'a' ''"'tight home to
himjEaiivillc, on Tuesday, the 18th bv
tllOvrtbn of a resolution ofiVred in his
;fevhr1fim it fell unon bim like a clap of
tiiuridur and be was ready to nrv out "oh.
nave me7my fnemb, or I sink." Under
tbo tnlillcilcp of lliii A'plinir lin ',,,,,,1
"' rjlatpito couched in the mom indecom
rntld. 'taceful langungn, ngaiust scvural
IHomlentlemeu in tbij county and
ohti,WPprtions of the sitate,throateiiin.j anni
liiltttjmgfflynhe executive, anil a part of the
.t.. 'P(?j.lg&nd judicial department, of nur
.uj f.t&ibiSiHii nl, and, ?ianlu not, gentle
tin JOttdflSn our humblo nclf U riifoaidcil
A from jty as a "Vagabond," Ye, ihis
rat- itt!
,n,t ' mlm " "i"'S"'-B
ror.wnriJatiii!uinpromisiiig, uucorruptiblc
timgtmfy denouneos in onn fell su op,
tlio'atapibniuisiratioti, the attorney genor-
ni,;a cai)Uicniiimiei,K)iiar, auu sumo tialt a
isArivfltfTbo moat rcsncrlililn mpmlifra nf
iDjitemocatie party ol tins rountv aa un-
'.QRlljylqffthe '1!,"1C f men, and a plaeo in
1til..A,iu',:,i.. i,i r... ...i.... j ttt...
prsrthone or two individuals .bad the .. . - . .-
!? "rvxM "P050 1110 '"irouuciion inio a
ncci hi
l up exprossly for another and a
iobc, a resolution prating blhi
lie? and tlcruimi in calling for
nays, and tbo previous oves-
or subjouu of debate in Cnn-
t the same lime, he was plai;
n Porno dozens of drro'ocrntic
in 'ii diitnet, to gratify a
ce, and cuhtiiiliitiiu', in some
icomproniiing Fudvraliats.
more particulrlyto the man
, however, at tbo outiot, wc
a t'u'siio of falieho:id$, iniprcp-
dauder and abuse, and we cull
eiuleinon present at the iihhi-
s those acquainted wiih the
ja gdiiilemcn traduced lo beat
ymjiUionV (as it is not our intention lo
iirouh ali bis attacks upon the
jhhn 'named, as tbuy aro amply
iileferid thomsolves if they think
I we arc authorized by John G.
, Kq. to gay, that the charges
him of what he should have
it'oepil Jaclison, tbo "I'.irm-
banics," it of havinjj "lidiculnd
jiigqriitie nartv generally, is uuequiv.
f j!e;iiO(1. and coubl nnlv
gmgugendi red in a dilcmperrd and
RVfdlTraa'iiri'.i.j:!. ror the wjM of isomr.
a co
nd umk
ud PcxialTffflfri
er- fo, tMf veMn
01 ersonaUMIl
ra- g3Htali2niaf
1,0 'H!MS
mm aracu
ttiingbetier to' gratify hi reeling. .The
Doctor assert that a pMnloit or the offieers
were of ilje lyjpotitlon. Tliis' wan not the
fact, as all who know tbo men will testify.
The president of the miietiug, in partioular
iaas a warm friend or bis. His insinuations
in regard to the character of some of tbo
committee, a alike unfounded.
After the announcement or tbo committee
by '.hc chair, public notice was givcn.or tbo
time and place of ibeir meeting and all
were invited to attend. No particular in
vitation was given 01 expected to bo given,
nor ct'c is on like occasions, but all attend
ed who thought propsr. In committeo.res
olutions wero introdured by different mem
bers, adopted, and the chairman directed to
report. At this juncture a member remar
ked that a resolution ought to bu added in
favor or- JJoctor I'eirikiu, but produced
none. The committee thought ofhern-isc,
and adjnuined.fierthe n.purt w.ns adop
ted bjMho meeting; and while a motion Air
the publication r the proceedings was pen
ding, the same gentleman, who ppnko of the
resolutions in committee, introduced a writ
ten resolution handed to hint by another
person and moved Ha adoption. Hu goon
discovered, however, ihat it would be voted
down, and he adopted the old tnaxiins that
"discretion is the belter part or valor," and
that be who runs away, livos to fight anoth-
day," withdrew it. This is tba history or
the ro3olution. And for ibis iho meeting,
composed of several hundred democrats, a
majority of whom wero his immediate
neighbors, are denounced as any thing, bat
honest and honorable men. And ho does
not stop here. Ho anatbemetiscs Gov.
Porter, the attorney general ind one or thn
canal commissioners, as if they, an bund
red niilcs.distant, wcio the instigator of a
measure adopted by the democracy of Co
lumbia comity, at a momenta warning.
Hut who is this consistant, long tried,
and self devoted democrat? Let us en
quire. The firt that is known of him as a
political aspirant, was in the days- of Wm,
Findly, applying for an office and icai dis
appointed. The next wo bear of him ia in
opposition to the re-clveiion of Gov. Find
ley, advocating tbo election of Ilicsler tbo
federal candidate. Ileister succeeded and the
Doctor obtained an ofiice.thronh the basest
nf mevmR' by trcaclierr and Ihe botravinir
of confidence. lie was hired to go to Harris-
burg to obtain an appointinont for a poor and
decrippod friend bo turned traitor, abused
and slandered bim, and got the office for
himself. Ho next supported Grc-'i', the
federal candidate in opposition to Sbultz.
and, as every apostate should do. lost bit
office, upon the election of Shultz. IIo
nest turns bis attention to hid own coiintv
to measure bis popularity here. 15v trick-
cry and deception ho succeeded in getting
the nomination Tor assembly, but wa.i de
feated by a largo majority, by a volunteer
candidate. The next year the result was
the same. IIo iheit succeeded in m-Kiiir
o t,
himselfappointed Post .Master at Dan
villo. Four years since a member of Congress
wao to beeltctcd from this district. Ho
waa ajaiu an aspirant. Rut be and Valen
tine Deal had ben at war, because their,
interest clashed.and he must be conciliated.
What was lo be done. The lJ83t Master
ship was offered as a bonus, and accepted
the banns of matrimony pronounced, and
these ii';i brothers went into ihe action
with their sleeves rolled up.and their " ron- thrown to the devil." Ha succeed
l:1 by a small majority, but by whatbaso ami
itn?reuitai)!e means u known to all. And if
there is ono political sin of ours, that will
rife up in judgement against u at the great
day, iu that of having assisted to place him
in a station which be has disgraced. Two
years since, he -'was again a candidate, and
as an cvidenco of hi popularity in the coun
ty, ha received SG'J vote.1 Jessi than Gov.
Porter and 101 less than .Msj. Ci.'i, who
was a candidate on the saoio ticket for the
legit-lator. In Mahoning, the township in
ivlnnli ilif nml !f:i!. drill t-AKiili-a. tint! u-!irn
thuy are both known, he received 43 voles J
less than Uot. i us is his popularity at
home. And what is bis position now ?
live: since tbo election of our present wor
thy democratic. Gov. Jhuid If. Potter, ho
has been his most outrageous villifier,
both iu public and private, and for no other
reason, than because Gov. Porter would
nofhflar to him, in his appointment of Ca
mil ( .iiiiitltfinlniinra 'I'litu -ihncn lin b.u
racts,' with ttie still further knowledge fhal,
ho was enrsirig $e whole domoctalic party,
while he was courting favor with the feder
alists, that tbo rpsolutipn rei'erred.too was
deservedly ecouicii out of the meeting.
This is the man who is arrogating to him
seir tbo right of dictating to the democracy
ol Columbia counly a man who is, at this
day heart and soul with the Whigs, iu their
opposition lo the re-eieclion of David II.
Porter, and who is now, and has been for a
year past, endeavoring to dovide and dis
iran the democratic party of this county,
that he may gratjfy the bsso feeling which
bu has hugged to Jiis bosom with as much
tenacity as he dOos bis life Revenge by
defealing'tho re-election of Gov. Porter.
8b I what a democrat ! 1 !
Wo learn by an Extra issupd by tbo hou.
duel, david petiikin, dated at Danville, the
-Mill inst., that "the hand of aihViion has
been laid heavily" upon ibis ga-at cham
pion oj democracy and disinterested patri
ot, and that be has endured "a week of in-
lorise.tiouiiy sutlcnng." Ob ! what a les
son to the world is this. Called at any
time, iu any country, to view tbo sufforincs
of even the most humble individual, in nain
lul, but when we see, in the vicissitude" and
dealings of Providence, one, like the great
objector, whoso voice but late in the coun
cils of a great republic, was accustomed to
" cut off every thing," confined for a whole
week to his room, ii- melanchotly in the ex
treme. But wo forbear dwelling upon this
mournfully painful subject. Wo wish not
to excite a nation to tears, nor give unneces
sary pain, and if we have now, led by our
own feelings, moved your bvmpaiby, sup
press that hearing bosom, and dry your fal
.ling tears, for this c,eat, good, mild, ami
able, honest, man. All, is not vet lost
The Doctor is not dead. True, lie savs tba
hand of afiliction has been ' laid heavily
"PI" b, but h ,naJ' onlv be 11,8 cfl"t
ot bis ilkesbarre meeting, or eatiV too
much rorn.and his extra intimates that he js
likely to recover And if the old proverb.lbat
cioss men are true we think
he will yet bo spared as a living monument
of some kind for tho people. He promi
ses, " ir it docs please Providence" to per
mil him " once more to bo able to wield his
bis pen," mark the characteristic exoras-
sinn " to wield his pen," that ho will lake
occasion to address you frequently. Oh !
how checriiiff the nrosnHni. niWon'mi,i, nr.
lliction, to see Ihe dark clouds which at first
nung so heavily over pox politieal horizon,
thus beginning to disperse, and the bright
tier, n n..., . ..C .1... t ,
j..ui.v..,i ui iiiu wix'ior s intellectual ravs,
shining through them, to enlighten ourpa'ih,
and show us, poor benighted democrats, tho
truth in its puriiy. To teach us how to
act. When wo should hold our county
meeting, "halrcsolutions wo should pass.
Who wo should support for oflice, and how
we should puff the Doctor, and every other
matter of important.
On Saturday inornintr UBt n niitt.i i...i
three months o d. nl Rnnr.i v n-i.. r
iicuiiuufc, uicii very suuuenlv. in conse
quence of the child" being buried that day
... i..,viM.i Miu i-auirr, anu ins leaving
tho county tho night following suspicion
arose, that all was not right. The body of
tho child was taken up, an inquisition held,
and a board of physicians, pronounced tho
existence of poison in iho stonjach. Ver
dict of Jury accordingly. A warrant has
been issued against Decker.
The trial or Solomon Hower, upon e
charge or killing a man by the name or Isin Roaringcrock, soino monihs since,
came on for trial, at Danville last week.
Vordii-t or Jury, mansljughiRr. Howcr
was si'OtPtl.ied to '2 voara i-nnriiinnivni in
the Penitentiary.
Two attcmniB have racamlv bpr-n mmln
at highwoy robbery in Union 'county, Pa.
e rai was sucrossfot, and $1,500 were
taken from llie nillaed
ond aitempt waa fiustrajcd by the progenia-
lm,i T t ... 1. .1 'it
..i v.. jioiui luiriirus mo roDoers.
T.oweli, now numbers ncarlv 21,000 in
habitant; and wo hazard nothing iu saying
that there is not a toifn tfr city in the wUtld
of an equal number onnhabitants, where
there is less vice arid - immorality than in
this largo manufacturing city orLowell;or
where more is done for the promotion of
great moral principles.tEmpcrance and eood
order. Mercaliile Journal.
General Holdfast Gen. Harrison has
not rcsiovifii lus Clerkship in Hamilton
county, (Ohio) YET If be is of
being elected President, why don't he re-
We are authorized to announce the name
or Danville, as a candidato for
or Columbia the October election.
.Ausfuai 20, 1840.
We ais requested to announce
or licrwick, as a candidato for the
from this Senatorial District.
We are requested to announce
of IJioomsbuig, as a candidate for tho
from this Senatorial District.
We are requested to announce
Coi. aiathew Mcdowell
or Dlooni township, as a candidate for the
from this Sonatoiial District.
WE aro authorised to announce
as a candidato fnr
at the approaching election.
We are requested to announce
.of Orange, as a candidate for
at the coming election.
We ate authorised to announce
as a candidate for
for Columbia county at tye approaching,
Wore requested fo annouh'ci
or Derry. as a candidate for the office of
of Columbia county, at the approaching
lection. b
Aug. 15; 1810.
Vo ar'6 huihorised to aimonnco
of Derry, as a candidato for the office of
or Columbia county at the approaching Oc
tober Election. vfa
Aug. 15, 1840.
. ' We aro authorised to announce
of Cattawissa, as a candidate fof the ofiicrf
for Columbia county, at tho October Elec
tion. Aug. 15, 1810.
Wo arc authorised to announce
as a candidate for tho office of
for Columbia county, at the Qctobef Elec
Aug. 15, 1840.
Fellow Citizens Being solicited by a
number of my friends tbroughot the coun
ty, I again place my name before the pub
lic, as a candidate for the Office of
and most respectfully solicit your suffrages
ATadison, July 24, 1810;
We aro requested lo mention that
of Sugarloaf will bo a candidate for
or Columbia county at the October
Wo arc requested to announce
as n candidato for.
at the approaching election.
Wo are authorised lo annonuco
or Mifflin, as a candidato for the office of
at iho October Election.
Ai-g. 15, 1810.
Prniso tho fineness of a dav when it is
ended; a woman (vinn you "have become
thoroughly acquainted with her; a sword
when you havo proved iij a maiden whon
he if. married; lbs ice when you have
rrnssHt! ii; and n newspaper when you havo
read ami paid for it.
nal Commissioners, Ibis abuse lie has
continued even up to the present time, not
withstanding the resolution that was unan
imously passed at the late Lancaster Con
veniion recommending Gov. Porter for re
nomin lion
MARRIED By th Rev.D.S. Tobias,
on the Oib Inst. JOHN NEW HARD, to
Mis SALLY ANN EVANS, both or
Bloom townshin.
Fit' lliR Kdnln im lli 1 Ii). 1T IOUW
RICHARDS of Northumberland county, to
burg. By the sarno on tho 27th Mr. WILL
SECHLER both of Danville.
On tho 20th inst bv tho Rov. William J.
Evtw, Mr. HIRAM SMITH to Miss RE
BECCA HOFFMAN both or Danville.
Mr. Webb Please announce the name
of jlifflin, as a candidate for the office nf
at the October election, aruj oblige a
Wo aro requested to announce
of Mifflin township as a candidate for
at tbo approaching election.
Please announce the nsrae or
of Mifflin township, a a candidate for
COUNTY nnAlMlss!rnvi?T u- :..
an excellent mechanic, and understands the
nature ol stono and wood work well, and
no doubt, if elected, will fill the office with
.1 Democrat voter of Mifflin township.
WE nre authorized toannouce
of Cattawissa. as a candidate for the ofiicd
of Columbia county, at ihe approaching of
July 18, 1840.
WE are authorised lo anii'ounce
of Roaring Creek, as a candidate for
of Columbia county at the approaching Oc
tober Election.
DIED Yc-terlay, Friday, in this town,
rsrwtjfai? m hti'pit .i r. ., ,
a ' - - uuuivuu .it, . ii, avu uai, 9UII
It was a knowledge of IhesejofMr. Henry Smith,
fUST received from tho Colebroolc Nail Works
maitn fmm llio nATVVIT.FE ni!n ,.,:n
bo sold to those who buy to sell again Tory cheap
for (JASIT. to rloaft thnnthlfl.
Danvillo, Aug. 14, 1810.
THE ESTATE OF JACOB ail.ueceased.
TajOTWn IS HEREBY dlVEN, that T.ct
lJ tcr of administration on the abore ejstato
unvn lrrn frrnntif! In llin eiiKc.rlu,i. ,oaM;nm i..
Mount Pleasant township, Colunitia county.
Therefore all persons indebted to tbo estato of said
and all those having rlanns will present them.
iviuiMJIJ, in.Kl.tiH; Aamr,
Mount rieacant, Aug. 52, 1840.- 01.
Fellow Citizens : At tho. solicitation of
many friends in various parts of the counly,
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for thtf
offico or
at tbo ensuing General Election, and re-
speciitiuy solicit your votes anu interest for
the office. Tf ftlantnil. T nlpilrrn mvcoir i
perform the duties of iho office with fidelity
aim uumaniiy.
Illoomsburg, July 29, 1840.
The Sentinel and Conservator. Berwick.-
publish the above till election.
THE undcrsiirnerl. nt (tin KnlfeilitiAn nf
3 number of his friends, nrsscnln lirmolf
to the citizens of Columbia county, a H
candidate for tho offico or
and solicits their suffrages.
July 31, 1810.
To the JSEecioi'ti oi' CoSsnnWa
The -Subscribers offers himself to the
Eloctois of Columbia county as a candidato'
at the approaching election, and solicit their
votes. Should he bo elected he pledijcs
himself to perforin tho duties of tho ofiica
with fidelity and correctness.
June I a, 1810.
Wo are authorised to announce
as a candidate for the office of
of Columbia. county, at the approaching
Aug. 15, 1810.
WE are authorized to announce
of Greenwood, as a candidate for the office
of Columbia counly, at tho approaching E