t DR. LIMDY'S SARSAPARILLA UltboD riLLH, EMIOULD receive aprcfercncooverall Pills now in existence: r'irst Because they are composed of Vegetnbls extracta, froo from minerals; and may bo taken at nil times with perfect safety by young and old, with out restraint from occupation, tcmpcrato living, or fear of taking cold. i Second Because, they me composed of such n .licinal extracts, as have been employed by. all the most celebrated and respectable Fhysiciahsjfor nv a ih n n century vast, in purifying the Blood nnd Animal liuid of the body. f Third Becauso they may be employed asa mild or active purgative, according to the quantity taken, and thir operation will not be attended with griping of tho bo.vels, sickness nt tho stomach, urostre'inii of the system, ice, os aro produced by -Ollii,. pills. fourth Bjeausc they possess a combined action, ot possessed by any other pills, mixture or prepar ation whatever. Their, first elfcct is in correcting all impurities with which tho blood and fluids of tho body may be ullctcd, ami by tncir gently opera' tivo effect, removing bucU impurities from the sys tern. Viftlt Because they are the terror of Quacks and Impostors, for most persons are obliged to take tho Srsaparilla Dlood Pills, after taking their vile ?a! destruc,ivo nostrums, to counteract and prevent their mischievons and baneful cllects. Sixth- -B2CUUS0 they are tho only pills in which Physicians have sufficient conOdence to recommend to their patients, and employ in their practice, as they know they are Anti Quack, Anti Mensural, Anti Eillious as well as a good and safe purgative nd liurifif r of the Blood and Animal i luids fcif.entu and last But not the least important, be because they ro prepared by a regular Apothe cary und Phsieian, attest J uy Drs. Physic, Hor ner, Chapman, Dewces, James, Gibson, J aclison, Cxe, Hare, &c, &c, which alone is sufficient la entitle them to great confidence. Oitifun'- and Recommendations from Physi cians and ethers accompany the directions around each box. rjPrice Twenty FiveCcnts a BoxJSk Prepared onlf1,ande51d Wholesale and Retail at Dr.jjjIDY'S'Health Emporium, No. 191 North Second st.,n few doors below Vine street, Philadel phia, also, sold by J. Gilbert & Co., North Third street above Vine, G.'S. Clemens, do 3d do do Woodst. J. It. Smith & Co. do 2d do next the Red Lion, and all respectable Wholesale and Retail T)a. in PMli.t1nii'i They are also sold by: J, F.' Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, J. V. Bohrer, do do W.Ebcrman I.itiz. I. W. Oakly, Reading. J. B, Moier, Allcntawn. . Pomp. Easton. . And the principal Merchants and Drugists in the Vnncd States. Far sale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg by D. a. TU1J1AS, Agent Bloomsburg July, 13, 1839. U COMMUNIC Vl'ION. How few they aro that happen to be afflicted with Coughs or Cold3 pay attention to them, ilowmany tnousanusirom such neglect shorten their days, and. hasten their fi nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil dren, and thus form tho foundation for Consump tion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their wn children to the grave, having died from some affections of the Breat and Lungs, which wcie ncg. lected in their first stages, Coughsand Colds, whether existing among young or old, ought at all times be attended to early, ai.d riot suffered to continuo any length of time, for the Lungs once nfiected.disease soon mokes rapid stiides, ending in the most fatal of all disease, namely Con sumption. Dn. BECHTER'S PULMONARY PRESER VATIVE far Coughs, Colds, Catanhs, Influenzas, Shortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in the Breast or 'Side, all affection of tho Breast and Lungs, and arrert of approachinsg Consumption, is the most popular medicine used throughout all Ger many is bccoiiimg equally popular in tho United mutes, and has established for tuelf a reputation not possessed by any other medicine for the samo c'a."; of disease?. (See ccitificatcs and recommen dations from Parents, Physicians, and others, accom- paning the directions.) It is a preparation pcrlcct Iv safo and harmless, pleasant to the taste, and may be riven to the youngest infant. It is warranted free from mercury and the minerals, auu is a prepar. afion.f a rczular Apothecary and Physician, nltes- ted byDf?,Physic, Chapman, Gibson, Jackson, Horner, DeweessCoxe, James, &c. a circumstance -i ... , .,f It Br. N. T, Luidv. Proarwtor of tho above mcdi cine, cunliduuly i'ecommenuit to all, and assures m mojt iioitivelv that it is anTtnvaluablo medicine and would not himself recommend it, but for it, kr.swn ollicacv. ' Prouared oiilv and for galeWhoMilo and Retail at Dr. LEIDV'S Health EmporlrfST No. 191 North I Sfcmd atreet a few doors belovrfvjine street, Phila- adelnhia also, sold bv J. Oilgcrt & Co., North Thi-d'ttreet abov oVine G. 8 Clenions, do 3d if?; do Wcqj1 st J. It. Smit'i Sc Co. do 2d do nt tho Hod iiion, and ny an reepecumo u iioiaaio anu reiai. UruggMts in i Uilaalpliia. They are sold by: J. V Long, Lancaster, Pwinylvama. J. W. Rohrer, do do, W. Bbcr man Litiz. .1, V. 0dslev. Reading. For sale'at tho Health Emporium Bloomjburg ly 1). H. TOHIAS, Agont, ' DR. PIIELPH S Compound Tomato Entirely Vcg'iabU, A new and invaluable Medicine for all d Sit TO aiLsiftg from impuntuw ol the blood moibj tiun f the liver and sloinacli. AM, for calomel, a a cbathsrtie m Ins,, ai These popular pill combining a ni discnv TOM A irttl AlkaUAe aabatance eiuacui ir TO PLANT, with c.Ucr vegei nit lanced Nvhleh hav been found to modify its ef- fecU, are believed to be the beat live and Ca- tkartio Mojicma ever discoven Far ordinary family nliyHUley aro 11111 ' vtcallv approved, as thft Jiffllfever ofTereil. A-Jnll atscourtt of thllMft5iro, and mi ni C rb us uertificaUia .Jfmrn physicians and othr-, ses'impany ech box, J uHt received aniFfov t t!io naw yto-j by J' MUYER, Jl-ent. Auiji 17. UflMUl a tfbstitute 4 Of! bullous em ma andfilffuso a. .am i1he iiESuniiitfftoft 0, "V . ,! ,, so ir &u Oil j ii ia. JfiliLiJLiSS. JQlxniA Pohoativk, tho Matcui-ess (priced) Maxative, or any other pills or compound before he public, ns certified to by Physicians and others Let none, condemn them until thry hao tried thcin, and then wo are certain they will not. It is now a settled point with all who have used tho Vegetable Persian Pills that they arc pre-emi nently tho best and most efficacious Family Medi cine that lias vet been used in America. If every lamuy could becomo acquainted with their cover eign power over disease, they would keep them und be prepared witli a suio remedy to apply on tho lira appcaranco of disease, and then how much distress would be avoided and money saved, as well as tho lives of thousands who arc hunicd out of time by neglecting disease m its first staged, or by not being in possession of a remedy which they can place de pendence upon. The Resurrection, or Persian Pills. Tho name of these pills orginatcd from the cir cumstance of tho medicine being found only in the ccmetarics of Persia. This vcictablo production being of a peculiar kind, led to cxpciiinent, as to ita medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a cen tury it became an established medicine for the dis eases of thnt country. The extract of this singu lar production was introduced into sumo parts of Europe- in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated 1'hjpicians 111 curing Certain diseases, where nil oth er medicine ha3 been used in vain. Early in the yea? 1792, the extract was combined wkh a certain vegetable mcdicino imported lrom Dura Daca, 111 the East Indies, and formed into Pills. Tho admir able effect of this compound upon tho human sys tem, led physiicana and families into its general use. Their long established character their umver- sal and healing virtues, tho detergent and cleansing qualities of their specific action upon tho glandular part ot tho system, are such as will sustain their re putation and general use in the American Repub lic. CERTIFICATES I certify that I have, by way of experiment, used tho Hygean, and most of the various kinds of Pills, in my practice, which have homo tho highest repute in the public estimation, that have been ollered lor salo in this vicinity for the last fivo yeats, including tho'so called tho Resurrection or Persam Pills; and the public may resit assured that nono among the whole catalogue has answered a better purpose, 38 an easy and cuzctual remedy, than the ticsurrcction or I'ereian I ills, in most cases ot disease. ClIARLrS IliCKVS, M. B. Rochester, N. Y. Sept. SI, 1837. TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. Chao & Co. Gents. Hearing much said about tho extraordinary effects of tho Resurrection or rereiau rills, upon those about to become mothers, wo were induced to make a trial of them. My wife was at that timo tho mother of fivo children, and had sulleied the most tedious and ex rruciatinj pains during and after her confinement of each, bho hail tried every means and taken much medicine, but found little or no relief. She commenced taking the Persian J'ills about three months before her confinement flier health being vi ry poor about this length of timo previous) and in a short timo sho was enabled by their use to attend to the cares ot a mother to liar lamuy until her con finement. At the timo fehe commenced taking the Persian Pills, and for several weeks pi ovious, she was afflicted with a diy hard cough, and frequent sevcie crampa, which tho use ot the J'lIIs entirely removed before using half a box. It is with the greatest confidence that we ndviso all those about to become mothers to make uso ot tho Persian rills, All those that have taken them in our neighbor hood have got along in the same easy manner, and aro about the house in t few days. There does not appear to be half the danger of other dangers setting in alter continemcnt, where theso fills are taken. Wo unitedly sny.Iet nono neglect taking them, for they are in tho reach ot tho poor us well as the rich Wc are truly thanlilul thattliercis a remedy which females can easily procure which tends to lessen the world of Gtillrnng, which many of them have to bear, and perhaps save the lives ot thousandswhichwoui olhcrwiso be lost. Rochoster, May 14, 183S: corner of Callidonian square, Edinburg btrcct; for further particulars sco subscribers. S. Robeiits, ASS O. KuilKIlTS RociiESTKn, Sept. 21. 1330, Messrs. E. Chase Co. I think it my duty to let you know what a great euro your Pills have performed on me I had lecn sick Rbout 7 years about SJ years and a hall con fined to my bod. I hud been given over as incurable with Consumption, by twelve physicians of the first (.landing; my lungs wero seriously affected; I had 3 ulcers gather and breuk; my cough was dry and harsh mort of tho time; my liver was much swollen and my stomach very dyspeptic. 1 had clnl1 ., ilvci nnd night sweat, nccoinpanicd with extreme iriita bloness of lho nervous system, and other difficulties which I forbear to mention. Alter I was given over, I tried almost all medicine which wero advcitised. but to no .advantage, until I tried your Vcgctabl Persian Pills, I begun to gain in a short time after I commenced taking thorn; and, to bo brief, bcluie I took 3 boxes, I was able to lide out and to take con siderable exercise, and at this time I enjoy good health, and am able to do good day's work. If any noe wishes a more particular history of my suffer ings, he may call on mc, at tho corner of Alain und Clinton-streets, Rochcstor. RUBY ADAMS. TiTS Otrnisi Tho undersigned hereby ctrtify, '(hat we aro tho Parents of two children who have been afflicted with fits more or less from their infan cy, and that wo have spared no pains or oxpense in endeavoring to oiiect a cure, but without any bene ficial affect, until hearing of the Resurrection or Per sian Pills, w.hen four Itoies wero immediately procuiuJ, and before three boxos were taken, the fiu had abated in lrenuency, and eveiy sym torn much improved, and now wc are happy to state that our childien by the Use of the Persian Pills, with the blessing of God, aro entirely cured, and have no syintoin or appcaranco ot fits, will find n the Persian rills a sure and perlcct cure. JOHN & MARTHA JOHNSONt Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1837. The above pills may be had of the following a, gents John Moyer, Bloomsburg; H. Miller, Bur wick; J. Cooper & Sons, Hazelton; O, Hertnsn, Ktipeyvovrn; John Sharp!, Cattawissu; Lyman bholex, Danville, fitra Tun Ir, agent for ho Rtalo of Pennsylva nia Wdni'? at K Jir.tcr Ni , to whom all orders can be address, it "TheUfcof-thtjicsltsitiifc iW,; saith the scripturcs.t-Lev'tiktia e. xvn VII. R. LEIDY'S BLOOD FILLS, Whal letter than ccripluro testimony can wo hav oof tho lie of tho flesh depending upon the condition oi the blood 1 If impure or diseased, the (lcs'i must of coureo bo diseased thereby, nnd tho whole sys tem partake of such disease. If the doctrine be true, and thero is not a doubl of it (for it is a ftct acree ded to by all, that tho ecriptures, arc true beyond a doubt,) then it behooves us to guard against the consequences of such impurities, and thus prcscrvo tho flesh healthy. If the flesh bo healthy, ccnstl tutin,g as it does the principal portion of the human yody then must the whole body bo healthy. In vegetables onbj can. wc findthemedicinc where by all impurities of the blood may be removed. iJDWards ol ono hundred years expenenco oi ino most celebrated, the wisest and bet-t physicians havo proved ceitain vegetables to possess purifjiug prop erties. Theso vegetables will not hrro be nani'-d, nd Bi.Lcidv withes to remunerate himself, and prrllt by tho long, laborious, and costly experiments necessary to bo made, that the active principles of thoi-e vegetables might be retracted and reuuecu 10 uch form as makes them easy, sale and pleasant to be taken. These ve zetablcs arc contained in the justly cel ebrated Blood Pills, manufaiitured only by Dr. N. Loidy, a regular Druggist snd Vhyician, attcutcd by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Jacksor , Horner, Gibson Dewces, James, Hare, cox, &c. The above Pilli may bo employed as a mild or active purgative. 1 heir nction is easy, and may be employed by all persons under all circumstances. They will at all times be found serviceable when the least sickness is present. They require no change of diet, restraint from occupation, or fear of taking cold from their use. They arc daily presenb- d by numerous physicians; certificates of the fact accompany the directions. They are tho most oflec- tivo purifier ot the blood and other Hums oi the Hu man botly ever discovered. Persons having once used, will ever after, os occasion may acquire, have resourse to them. Price Twenty Five Cents a box. Sold by all respectable Drufgists nnd Mcrchanst throughout tho Union, and in this city only at Dr. Leidy s Health hmponum, second street be low Vine. J. R. Smith & Co.'s 2d st. near the Red Lion. J. Gilbert & Co.'s 3d abovo Vine. C. Clemens' North 3d abovo Wood. F.Klott's 2d and Callow hill. For tale at tho Health Emporium Bloomsburg by D. S. TOBIAS Agent. uioomsburg July, ia, ibay. ii. HEREAS, the hoaorable ELLIS LEWIS President of tho Comts of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, and Court of Common Pleas, and Orphan s Court.m the eighth Judicial District, composed of the counties of Northumberland, Union, (Jolumbia and Lycoming ; and tho lion. William Dosvlsox and Ueoiioe jYIack. Usquires, as sociate Judges in Columbia county, have issued their precept bearing date tho 23d day of April in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty, and to mo directed forholding Ji Court Of Uueranil 1 erimner anu trr?i- eat Jail UellVCru, General Wuarlcr Sessions of the Peace. Common ... tw TvAtvi rr.t v. : t, ,,,, nr r'nimi,in . tho third Monday of August next, (being tho l?ti t. wjtit t ...it.., iu w.f.uui.,j v. w..,. n day) and to continue two week. ttO J luli is Iheretvre urcliii given to tho Uor oner, tho Justices of the Peace, and Constubloa of the said County of Columbia, that they bo then and thero in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in the jorcnoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions and other remembrances to uo thoso things which to their offices appertain to bo done. And thoso that arc bound by recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that aro or may be in the jail of said county of Columbia, arc to bo then and thare tj prosecute against them as shall bo just. Jurors aro requested to bo punctual in their attendance, a grecably to their notices, Dated nf Danville, tho 10th day of April in tho year of our Lord one thousand, eight huiv dred and forty and iu the 05th year of tho independence of the United slates of Amer ica. WILT TA KITCHEN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Danville, , April 10th 1810. 3 LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in lho Post Ofiico at Bloomsburg at the end of the qnnrtnr ending on the 30th day ol June, 1840. Acnmon w nson Asiiton Julia Arlher Robert Beers George Cornelihon Isaac Clinton William Doebler Charles . t IHativillc T.lias Matis Levis H. 2 MWIath Michael Miller George Newhard Solomon Newton A. E. Ohl Sarah DriebellasElins& Isaac Palmer Daniel Emmons Andrew 2 Pursel John Ehert John Pine John YV. l'ltiramer Richard Roach John Stetier Mary Stroup'Heriiy Ship man Jacob Smith Daniel Frederick Edward Fry John Grotz John Gallagher James Hamilton Rev. W.' Ililboin Thomas Ililbert Lucetta Holmes Charles Harris Jarob Howcr John Haffa John Jaenhy. George W. Konia Marcea Kolchner Neomi 2 Leidy Jacob London James Myers Jossa Shoemaker Edward Shier Christiana Thomas Charles Tntton G. S. Tnrwilliger Abraham wells Israiil sen. Waller I). J. Wright Mary Young Abraham Jacoby Oliver A. Jackson M'Faddnn B. RUPERT. P. M. Those inquiring; for any of the above let ters will plcaio say it 13 advertised. l nercoy pronounce uakau kiul; a LIAR, and shall continue to do so, until she proves the truth of the slory wiiich she has circulated defaming the character of myself and family. ilOSES EDGAR. Eipytown, July 25, 1810. 4 trtftitit rpiic j ttn.. jin.T.s ANT) PIIK- l i , m.j ... - ...... - - - IX HITTER fiaro excellent lamuy Medicines. Tho proprietor o'f those Medicines cannot too deep ly impress upon tho public mind tho high impor tanceof un early or timely allcnlioii to sound health. There aro very many hit his community who do not appreciate good health, until Bttaikcd by some violent disease, when they think they must immedi ately send for a physician, and in consequence, they are perhaps confined to their beds, foi weeks, or even month". Almost every one is liahlo to be unwell at times, and by neglect of proper treatment of them selves, on such occasions, it is very often the caso that a severe attack of disease is the consequence. Such results mav bo easily avoided, and should be; nnd it is in a great measure the object of Mr. MOF FAT, that his publication should rontinunlly re mind such persons of their dungcr. Tho following etters co to show that the Life Pills and Phcnix Bitters arc not only excellent family medicines, but that they will, in vrry many instances, supercede tho necessity of calling a phisician. The principal ofllce is at 375 Broadway, where thousands of sim ilar letters to Mr. Moffat, may bo examined. Tho follo'vinir letter was received from a ocntlo- man who, a few months since, purchased somo of the Life Medicines for tho use or hia lamily, and a few of his friends : Napoli, N. Y., July 27, 1838. Mr. W.B, Moffit Dear sir The Life Tills end Phenix Bitters surpass every mcdicino I have been acquainted with. In every instance where it has been used, a bencht lias heen derived, and every person is satisfied. Ono man, troubled withascrof ulcus humor, has been all but raised frCm the dead. Another person, a femajo who has been unable to leave her room for the last two years, lias been re stored to health. Another troubled wilhsoro throat for more than a year, und also a burning sensatian in her stomach and bowls, was completely cured by three doses of your Pilb. Another, troubled with h sevcro nervous affection, attend with dyspepsia and continued head-ache, and was so reduced as to bo unable to leave her bed, was, by tho use of one box of PilU and bottle of Bitters, so far restored as to bo able to attend to her domestic concerns. And lastly, a' i acquaintance of mine, has by the U6C of a bottle of Biltersand twoboxesof Tills, lcen made a perfectly sound and healthy man. He had been laboring under a complication of diseases for the last five years. I could mention numerous olhcr instances, but these are sufficient to show the effects of the mrdicino unona lew of my neighbors and friends. Your obedient servant, Ornrs Thaciifii. The following is part of a letter written by a gen tleman in the country to his brother in this city, from whom ho had received a box of Lffo Pills and Phcnix Bitters: Thompsomillc, Conn., June 2C, 1838. Dear Brother I embrace the present opportunity of writing you a few lines. I received the Life Tills and Thcnix Bitters Von sent mo lor which 1 can never thank you enough, iu they have proved. I hope, a perlcct cure to me. 1 had tor two years been troubled with a severe pam in my side, 1 niv plied to nil the doctors in this neighborhood, but got no relief until I took tho Pills and Bitters you sent me. Since I have taken them I haTe been as well as ever I was in my life. V ours allcctionatcly, DAVtn ftlcliir.r. The follow ing is a copy of a letter from Terrc Haute Indiana Mr. AV. B. Moffiit Dear Sir I vrrntn von a few daj.3 eiaco ElatIngi briefly) lho quantity of wfo p;n, and I'henix Uiltcrf, I should want the coming sea- b0- v 'n i accepted the agency ot this niedi- c,no m Ju.n'J. 'ist! ("8" r app 'canon was I acpnmn.'inipd hv ilnriimfntu. nflpntliif fhf crrpnt Tvn, .fit f .1.!, medicine. 1 T hid no njmert.iinn that It I n , i .,. . . ivuuiii cnum ino uebcripiion given oi n, oraivc sucu general satisfaction as' tho experiment of a few months has proved. I can only say that all who havo used it bear testimony of its great value ami efficiency. I know of no instance where it has been thought in tho slightest uogreo injurious, and, even thoso who are afflicted beyond hope of cure. bear testimony of its salutary influence upon their general health. Thr great and increasing demand for this articlo is lho best assurance of its usefulness, and 1 would not wish to bo without it for a single day. Respectfully, yours, J. I'. Kio. 1 ho following is a copy of a letter from a lady in kast i.ymc, uonnectieul, to .Mr. Moflat s agent: liast Lyme, Conn., May Gth, 1839. Mr. Bradford Kir - In rcprard to Dr. VV. B. Mof. nt's Life Pills and Phcnix Bitters, I can truly say from c.peiience, they aro the lost mcdicino I have any knowledge of. Incredible cs it may appear, I havo for eight months scarcely been able to walk a- cross a room, one month coulJ not feed myself, had tho attendance ot thobertol physician lor months, once and twice a day havo taken Patent Medicine as far as directions would permit. Also, a celebra ted Doctor's prescriptions, all of which has been a cour.-o of the greatrtt perseverance I wa3 capable oi. xcl 1 havo received no more than present re lief; to givo a similitude of my fcufl'eringr is indes-1 cribable. Yet I will write the symtoms cf my dis ease. I'or ten years I havo suffeicd ith'a nervous iifl'cctijii in my head a"d faiqji place ns large as a hand iu tho left side of myfiack, connecting tho sboulderdrscribcdjnsensation of borBnews, frequent ly became as cold as it tile had depatted. In July, 1839, iu consrquence of overdoing, taking a hard cold, I was seized with a numbness in the system. faniincss, llatuleutj, pain in the head, voracious ap petite, and at times deficient appetite, groat loss of muscular powcr.painin the left sido.also in the shoul der and arm to tho greater PMent, palpitation of the heart, great dutress m the back, gnuwing in the stomach when empty, pressure after nieah, amount ing almobt to suffocation, stricture across the breast, sore throat; also n tickling, attended with aconvul sivecough, spitting of puiulent matter, night sweats, cold feet and hands, foetid breath, imtiveness, piles, iom ui nii-niury, anecuou oi sight and hearing, diz iness, deafness, the mind became desponding, olhcr disagreeables not mentioned, which caused trrcat weakness, &c. I happily, and can truly say, that by the blessing of Heaven, and tho restorative proper ties of the Life Pills and Phenix Bitters, I am re stored to health, which no other medicine could do. x ours, &c. Isabolla A. Rogers. EaU Lyme, Conn. For additional particulars of tho abovo medicines seeMoliut') liood Samaritan," a copy of which accompanies the medicines; a copy can be obtained of the different Agents who have the medicines for sale. French, Gorman, and Spanish direciions can bo obtained on application at lliu offiico, 375 Broad way. All post paid letters will rrceivo immediate atten tion. Prepared and sold by William 1). Moffat, 375 ..j , .v iiiiBniiu-uutiion mado o iuo.se who purcnase to soli again Aficnts. 1 lie I. lie Med in i in mm- i, the principal duggists in evory town throughout the Life Pills and Phenix Bitters; and o sure that afac smile of John Moffat's signature is upon the label f -p v-' ",' bj"crs or ,10x r Pi" I'or sale at Iowa J Health Lmpnrium. lllnnm.hu iiRiiiEfi iKuouBfnn i'Roors icftE.W AitrhVAL pttoto r;, yoiu pnTEIlV VEGETABLE PIUx Ollii than six million ol t.c - oftl crlebruto pills have boon f old in the IU led atates since January 1HW5. Hundreds and thousands bless the i! ;v tbov It came neouaihted with Peters' V caet.-.Me y '!,.uti;.' in cons Kiucnco oi tncir extraordinary (.'"ounrisJmi attained n popularity unprecedented iu lho hitler. ot medicine. wiicii lanen accoruing to tno direci'na accent panying them, they aro highly benefmid n the, prevention and euro of bilious fever, levtr nn, t. gue, dyspepsia, liver complain' . '!t lu-ad-arlie. nundice, nrtlmia, rheumatism, enlarge m nt i,r ''4 spleen, piles, colic, female obMrurlbms, li""'ijurt furred tongue, nausea, distension of the nloraiA and bowels, incipient diarrhea, fliitnlencc, haUi-i) costivenesH, loss ot appetite, ti!"tcicd or iballn. complexion, and in nil cases of torpor of die Ui els, where, n catharfc or an apt ncnt it, iitcilcl- x ncy are oxccciiiugiy mnu in incir operation, im ducine neither nausea, griping, nor id ility, nuj coiipcnucnco of their ATNTI-UILIOUS OlAlJ 1 1Kb, aro the best ol all remedies in flatlet fvl fever and ague, bilious fever, nnd oil diseases whi,' have their origin in sccumulo lion of BILE : ia word Dr. 1 cters pills arc the ?rut li ioih auliilr i . -.i. - ... c .1 n i -t: ( anu wnii u supply ui incni uu uiwuub .tuL-cuonic, be kept nt a distar.ee. HKAU-ACHK, SICK AiD jNBP.VOfS. Those who have suffered and nre v c try of ing from these destioying comidriuts, will find J cters Vegetable puis a remedy at once certain immediate iu its effect. In DYSPEPSIA They stand ur.rivnllcd. Many have been cured n few weeks, after having suffered under this ui ul complaint for years. The world Is vastly out of tune, And seems beyond correction; But I've a spell, that very soon Will mnko it all pcifectien: Will soon expel dispose end pain, So none shall bo afllh trd; , 'And then thall cure all ills amain, To which men aio uddicu d. O would you know this scourge of ilU, So various and so gloriouw ! They nre tho VEGETABLD PILLS Of PETERS, so victorious. O yes, they aro thoso pills of pride, Which all the world ur pi u uig, For never did the gods piovido A med'eine to amazing. Tho' Spleen or Chol'rarark vou througi, With this you need not four them; If Gout afflict, and Colic ton, A.Ikjx or too will clear thcin: And if your liver's out of tune; If wild your head is aching; If jaundice dips you like tho moon; Or ague fcts you shak ng; If grim dyspepsia thins your chyle; If devils blue are grinding; If you are plagued with gripo or bile, Or fevers loose or binding; O tell no doctor of your ills, Nor trust to baths or Inncinr': But face tho rogues with PETF.P.S' Pill And soon you II send thcin prancing. There valuable pills are Superior to LceVJj drelh's, Moflett t, Lvnns, Hunts, the Per lai fact to any other pill ever bioupht before tlx One 25 Cont Box will prove their writ this county, as their surprising virtue inror . cd all over the Unilcd States, Canadas, T ' ico and ihe West Indies. nTT1 Enquire for Peter's Vcsetablo Anti II pills.Tj) Thry can be obtained cf D. 18 and J. Jt. Mover, Ulaotnsl'urff, Vm. liiclJ!' Danville, and at all tho principle ttorcs in t'i CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE! THAT I havo applied to the Jui'i the Court of Common Pleas of Co- county for tho benefit of the iiisolvcni-'l of the Commonwealth, and that thry appointed Monday, the 17lh day of Ai! next lor the heating of me anil my i torB.wlien and where you can attendi think proper. SEDOEWICK WEI'I ABRAHAM STEARNE! MOSES EUGil July 4, 1840. LIVERY f. ANU W EciiArrGE. u BUY respectfully informs hisfrirni -public, that ho has alwaVMi.i bm-l. very Stablo in Bloomsburg, fonhepurp. i or Exchange, a vaikty of Efforscs, Sulkies, GS WAGONS, AND .SLEIUP which he will feel gratified to keep in rr- Llho accommodation of cusloinere. He hu also made arran!,remc:its for t-'"l eengcrs from Bloombur to Munrv, Bloomsburg to Buckalevvs on the Owe ' Leaves Bloomsburg for Muney evei at 7 o'clock in tho mw rii . d nil' ' tho same evening. Leave Muney "ve' morning at 8 o'clock and anivo ut Liu same evening. Leavoii ninonihburn; r-1 V Uei'm for Uuckalews snd icturn ibc fame di-- Personal applii ati' n ( an ! c nude at 1j. when every means will be n(H n 1 isfaction to thoie who iu iv a;ie linn n 1 ' NUAH a. 1'- Bloomsburg, March 20, IS 10. So IE0 ' WOULD respectfully infurm n: ami the public generally. Iliat ne p ed hirf hlum in(n his 1 w f 1 1 i :i f a I'J abore iheillolcl keDl bv E. If"'-' nearly onnosite tho dwellin.T of Kaler, where he may always be ti dy to make up all guinicnta intriik rarp. with iirnlncu -ind dnn..tch. (l , v. . - - . for pan favors, to such as have j inm horelolore. And by strict si' hllRlnnua. tifinnu clill in mnrit a ISI of nnhlii-! nnlrnnnirn. A irtiod (it " . r , all nasna. N. 11. AU kinds ofcountry p: in exchanra for work. And b:s never reftt-ed. Uioomsburg, April 11, M TO X V