The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 08, 1840, Image 3

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    !rf.nJR.flV, AUGUST 8, 1810.
afflw Fon Vick President,
iAMCaiCr.Aititr:. of Imliniin.
GecKO. IiUii'cii, of Delaware
. fin . I . ii i
1 vypisjomi i nompton
2 BJainin Miilliu
i Fjodiiriclf "tot -a
3iWffiSH. Smith
4 Jolfifr. Stcinman
12 Frederick Smith
13 Jliarles M'Ciure
14 .1. M C-'mniell
15 Ci. M. Hollcuback
10 Leonard I'foutr.
17 John Hortonjr.
'18 William J'hilsJn
18 John Morrison
20 Wesily Frost
21 Keuj. Anderson
22 William Wilkins
21) A. K. Wriyht
84 John Findluy
25 Stephen Dalow
John Dowlm
Henry Myers
6 Darnel Jacoby
G Jesso Johnson
7 JacobyAblo
8 Goo't'ehristman
0 Wm'AShorncr
10 Hbilry'Dehuli'
11 Honry.Logim
tCTjVc are requested by geiillc
manyto five notice, that a meeting will be
lielddtMio houso of Enoch Howell, in
Bloomsburg, on Saturday the 15th of Ah
guti;jn at two o'clock, P. M. of all pcr
sonjorable to the. interest of the middle
nuppQr towuships, to consult upon and
adorucii measures as shall conduce to
fjJjyiJre authorised to announce DAN
IErjiSrfeDER, as a candidate for AS
SEMBDY at the approaching election.
Aio authorised to announce LEON
ARD RUPERT, as a candidate fOr
TREASURER for Columbia countv at the
approaching election.
fcwlpro requested to mention that AIJA
pMu'OUNG of Sugarloaf, will boaean
ridatofe'I'REASURER of the Columbia
iOtihtyiaflthc October election.
jrjiOiabsenro of the Editor, in attendance
W-?juca!,U:r Convention, must be an
osoftp the little man, why wo do not
Wseekjreply to the five columns of slang
Riangn his last paper. In our next wo
Wljendeavor 0 do him justice, and show
he trucMreasuns of his late basu and unprin
lplei 'attacks upon tho ptivato charanter of
idiyidiJals. In the mean lime, however,
jo coriaSsuro him, that the tiiui: is cone
; whenlandei and vituperation, is a pass
art'tq,;oflice, with the citizens of Oulum
la.county. ' 'Wfc? CoMMUNIOATIBKS.
Mr'ejb.Ks tho time drsws nigh,
henwpfr'are to electa Senator from this
atrictandias Columbia county is entitled
lhe';candidale by the usages of tho paj
, it isYjiipily pioper that names of indi
iualsi jwjjo are thought worthy of that
gh staliOjii should now be brought bufore
B public What their meiits may be fairy
nvassellMwiili theso viewu, I request
I ltbortyof presenting through your col
ons, llionamo of our demorraiie friend
AAC KLINE, Esq. as a candidate for
nalor.ijMr. Kline is too well known in the
trictjfnii$taniich, firm, and tried friend
equaljrlg(its to require any eitlngiuin
ra insure him a heaity support
nro their advocates.
Wrj I believe it is n conceded
lay allfthat Columbia county is enti
tJiB.'iiext Senator from this district,
diicrcfora, f nominating a candi
itjvtllidevolc on us. I havo hcaid sev-
games' mentioned, many of wJinni I
WJUhMullv support, hut none more
n&Slftm Doct. OWEN D- LEII), of
'k lie is a ynuim man of talents,
democrat, and his location is a sure
10 will sustain tho true interest
Question to 5ny professed Minister of the
Dops tho doctrine of Universal Salvation
and holiness lead to sin and immorality;
and what reason or evidence have you to
believe it does ?
lhj one in pursuit after truth.
For tho purpose or doing all in our pow
er to aid in tho dissemination of Democrat
ic principles, ami exposing tho hypocrisy
of the power-seekiiig party, which claims
for its candidate Wm. Hlnuy Harrison,
wo propose jf publish the State Capitol Oa
zetlo until after tho Presidential election,
upon tho following conditions :
For a single copy, $ 37J
0 copies, 2 00
10 do., 5 00
31 do. 10 00
75 do. 20 00
Democratic editors throughout the Slate,
will confer a favor by giving tho above a
brief novice, which, at any ti-ne, wo will
cheerfully reciprocate.
A freshet occurred at Washington city on
Thursday of last weeK, which destroyed
property to the amount of 940,000. So
violent was the storm which accompanied it
that large trees were torn up by the roots,
and laid prostrate. A number of houses
were washed away by the flood of waters,
which continued to pour down in torrents
fur four hours, and several individuals bare
ly escaped with theii lives. Part of the
south wall of the President's houso was
washed away. Fences were piled up by
the wind, as though they had been placed
so intentionally, and ike crops in tiie vicini
ty, have sustained serious injury. Wo
have been informed that so violent and de
structive a storm has never before occurred
in the city of Washington, within the re
collection of its oldest inhabitants. Slate
Cap. Gaz.
Pending Ilailroad Co. Wo neglected
to notice yesterday the complaint of a ftiend,
that on Saturday last the Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad Co. refused to receive
their own notes 111 payment for passasro o
ver their own road. What can notes be
worth, that the very corporation which of
fers them will not accent 1 If considered
worthless by those who know best their
value, in wnat light should they be consid
ered by the people 1 Spirit of the Times
Jl Speculation. The New York Planet
states tliat a lot ot loutteen acr3 of land ly
inn iust north of the villace of Poui'hltoRn
sie, changed hands during the speculation
nuiiDie 01 iu.tb, and in the conrse of the es
timates tint linon it. became nlaslereil with
mortiraires to the tuno of nnp. hmnlretl nml
ten thousand dollan! The ownership of
11 nnaiiy devolved upon the State ol India-
auction on the Gth met., when it was bid
oil for six thousand dollars!
Important to Merchants. The Supreme
Court of Massachusetts has decided that a
note ol bond is payable in any portion of
the day on which it lulls due, and the holder
need not await the expiration ot the usual
oaitK Hour to havo it protested.
Beyond a " Certain !&:." The Depu
ty u. Cj. Marshal, employed in taking the
census of the fifth ward, in New York, re
ports that there is residing in Duane street,
an old lady 1 12 yeais and O'momhs of ago.
The old hdy still retains possession of ail
her luculties, both mental and physical, to
a truly remarkable degree.
Dr. Dyott. The creditor of this indi
vidual, who has obtained so much nolorie
tyas"Ae free bunker" of Philadelphia,
are making an clTjjrt to procure his pardon.
l tie reason unsigned uy them lor this move
incut, is a belief that if he is libciated, his
debts will bo liquidated.
Great Britain possesses 8-10 Steamboats,
ol various powers, ol a force in all of 04,
700 horses, in addition to 70 steamers be
longing to the Royal Navy.
A Valuable Cargo, Tho steamboat
New England recently arrived at Chicago
with fifty singlrt ladies, assorted ages, des
tined for the Rock River Maiket. They
ate generally taken up aud married within
u week after arrival.
Execution. Five negroes, concernrd
in the murder of Mr. Alex. Atkinson, were
executed on the Uih instant, on tho planta
tion of the deceased, near l!riiuswiclc,(Geor)J
where the murder was committed.
The Illinois Fiee Trader states that the
whral rropg are much injured in dillerent
sections of that Slate, by the rust and
Not Likely to Starve, The inspection
of flour in Baliimnrn last week, amounted
to 0,223 hands. Tho stock on hand, of
all descriptions, is about 12,000 barrets.
The inspections for 1840, thus fir, amount
to A 10,M 1 barrels and 11,052 half bar
rels. Hard Times. Five hundred dollars per
month is paid to the chief cook at the U. S.
Hotel, Saratoga Springs.
Hard Cider. -'Why, .dear me, Mr.
Longswallow, said a lady, 'how can you
drink down a wSolc quart of that dreadful
hard cider nt a single draught ? As snon as
the man could breathe', he replied, 'I beg
pardon, madam, but upon my soul it was
so hard cotdd'nt bite it off.
The hard cider newspaper aro called
" barrel organs," by their opponents.
CARRIED By Jacob Shipman Esq.
on the 31st lilt. Mr. JOHN FOX to Miss
Ftlloiu Citizens .-Being solicited by a
number of my friends thwughot the coun
ty, I again plaeo my name before the pub
lie as a candidate for the Office of
and most respeotfully solicit your suffrages.
iladison, July 21, 1810.
WE are authorized to annotico
of Cattawissa. as a candidate for the office
of Columbia county, at the approaching e
Icctiou. July 18, 1840.
WE are authorised to announce
of Roaring Creek, as a candidate for
of Columbia oounty at the approaching Oc
tober Election.
Fellow Citizens : At tho solicitation of
many friends in various parts of the county,
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for tlio
oflico of
at the ensuing General Electiou, and re
spectfully solicit your vote3 and interest for
the office. If elected, I pledge myself to
perform the duties of tho sflico'witli fidelity
and humanity.
Bloomeburg, July 29, 1810.
THE undersigned, at the solicitation of
a number of his friends, presents himself
to the citizens of Columbia county, as a
candidate for tho office of
and solicits their sufirages.
July 31, 1810.
To Ike Electors of Columbia
The Subscribers offers himself to the
Electors of Columbia county as a candidate
at the approaching election, and solicit their
votes, bhotild he bo elected he pledges
liimielf to perform tho duties of tho office
with fidelity and correctness.
June 13, 1810.
WE nro authorized to announco
of Greenwood, as a candidate for tho office
of Columbia county, at the approaching E
lection. Mr. fl 'ebb Pleaso announco the name
of Jifilin, as a candidate for the office of
at the October election, and obligo a
In the Bloomsbuiff Academy. Ono com
petent to take charge of the English de
partment of said School, will meet with
good oncouragoment upon application to tho
School Committee.
THOS. PAINTER, President.
J. Ramsuv, Secretary.
Of all Mink. Also BIITTF.Ti nn.l
WOOD roccived in navment for nannrs nt
this ofiice,
litooaiSTWiif; academy-
1 he next sc ion of this institution under
Mr. C. P. Waller, will commence on Mon
day;. August third. Tho course will, as
formerly, embrace a Classical, Mathemati
cal rind English Education. Those wishing
0 avail themselves of tho advantages ' of a
small school, will do well ta apply goon as
the number is limited.
July 18th, 1840.
The Union Camp Meeting of the North
umberland and Danville Circuits, will be
held on tho ground of Mr. Davis, in Lime
stone; about four miles from Wnshington
ville, on tho Milton road, and seven miles
from Milton to commence August 28.
The grove is delightful and the water good
and convenient. Those who desire to get,
and do good, can, by tho blessing of the
great head of tho Church on that occasion.
July 17, 1840.
ALL persons indebted for postage must
chalk up immediately and not give ma any
more trouble collecting, as I trust out for ac
commodation, not for profit.
Bloomburg July 11, 1840.
All Collectors who have not settled their
Duplicates for 1839 or for previous years',
must be prepared to ballauco them at Au
gust Court, as no longer lenity can be giv
en. The Collectors for 1840, will also bear
in mind, that they are require! by their
warrants to f ppcar 'at August Court, and
have such abatements made as is necessary.
By order of the Commifsioners.
L. B. RUPERT, Treasurer.
N, B. All nersons owintr laxus nn nn.
seated land can pay them to John N. Wil-
r i-v mi i .
bon, oi uanvme, wuo is authorized to re
ceive them.
L. B. RUPERT, Treasurer
Notice to Assessors.
THE. Assessors of the several Town
ships ami Boroughs of Columbia county
are required by tho following section of the
late election law to post up an alphabetical
list of tho taxablos of your borough or
township. You will therefora put up one
list at the place of holding your general E
lection in October next, and comply with
the said following section of said law.
Section 58. It shall be tho duty of said
assessors, on or before the first day of Au
gust, in each year, to cause at least one copy
of the said alphabetical list of the taxable
inhabitants to bo posted up at the place
where any coining election is to be held,
and at such other places within such ward,
district or township, as the commissioners
ot said county may think necessary, to af
ford to the inhabitants thereof an opportu
nity of freely examining tho same, aud thev
shall further keep copies of the said returns
in their office or i'possession subject at nil
reasonable times, to the inspection of any
pcrson.wiinoutcnargeaiid shall at anr tune,
ten days beforo the election, on tho applica
tion of any person claiming to be assessed
within their proper ward, district or town
ship, or claiming a right to vote therein as
being between the ago of twenty one and
twenty-two years, and having resided in the
state ono year, enter the name of such per
son upon the said return. The said asses
sors, on the ninth day preceding the second
Tuesday of October, in each year, shall
sign and certify the return of tho taxable
inhabitants aud qualified voters residing
wiiiuu incir respective warns, uisiricis anu
townships, and deliver the same to the coun
ty Commissioners, to be by them held and
handed over, without addition or alteration,
to the inspectors of the elections at the time
required by law.
Witness our hands at Danville July 17,
For trial at August Term 1840.
Hannah M'Cord and Marv Reese vs Vani-
ah Reese.
Thomas Shore vs Henry Rittenhnnse.
Lud'ig Licht vs George Muchler.
Daniel Mosteller vs Georgo Longenberger,
et al.
Joseph Cavinee vs Isaac Musgrove, adnir.
r k t .
oi .'iiiron musgrove.
Jacob Gelling vs Peter Miller.
Thomas Moorehead vs John F. Manvills.
Samuel Parker vs William Donaldson.
Christian A. Brobst vs Samuel Brobst.
Isaiah Shuman vs Daniel al.
D. S. Montgomery's Exec'rs vs William
Jacob Waggoner vs D. W. M'Cormick.
Mahoning township vs Thoma3 Hays aud
Henry Sanders.
Leonard Stouirhten vs Patrick FI"od.
David Davis, Sen. vs David Rohm, etal.
Andrew M'Reynolds et al vs Abner Moore,
ct al.
April 22, 1810, The Court ordered the
civil list to bo readv tho first dav of tho sec
ond week of next term.
J. EYERLY, Proth'y.
and SUMMONS for sale at this office,
Republish the REGISTER'S N'ol'ftO
below gratuitously, that tho" centre portiort
of the county may not bb entirely excluded
from a knowledgo of the business of that
office, as some, even in this section may
be interested..
TO all legatees, creditnrq nnrl nilm..
sons interested in tile estates of the respec-
...v, m.vviiui.uis mm minors, mat me admin
istration accounts of the aaid estates havo
been filed in the Office of the Register of
the county of Columbia, and will bo pre
sented for confirmation and allowance id
the Orphan's Court, to be held at Danvills,
in and for tho county aforesaid, on Tues,
day, the 18th or Augtiit next, at 2 o'clock
P. M.
1. The accout of Vaniah Rees, adminis
trator of tho estate of Jane Rees, late of
Hemlock township, deceased.
2' ! supplementary account of Jo
seph Kirkendall, acting administrator ol thd
estate of Powell Grovor, late of Mifflin
township, dee'd.
3. The account of Elijah Crawford, Bx
ecutor of the last will and testament of Ja
cob Crawford, late of Liberty township
dec d '
4. The account of Collin Cameron, ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of Cnth-i
arine Cameron, latenf ATnhnninr, nni.:.
dee'd. s -0u,r,
5. Tho aieount of Evan Evans, admin-:
istrator of the estafa nf
of Roaring creek, township, dee'd.
u. rirai supplementary account of Johii
Hower and Jacob Hoivpr. nv.miin,. r
last will and testament of Michael Hower
iaie oi cattawissa township, deo'd
7. The account of John Pellig, adminis
trator of the estate of Mary Oswald, late of
ivuniiK i-reeil lownsilip, (tec d.
8. Tho account nf Jnlit, ni.ii;',J.i.
- ...... " .1 , j UIM rfdUlCM
McMahan, executors of Benjamin CritzK
nif. f -r t :i . . . . ... "
lain ui in mucriy townsiiip,- dec d
Recistcu's Omen, Danville, )
July 10, 1840w C
liist of Gj'and Juvofrs
For August Term 1740.
Jiloom Cyrus BartonjMathcw M'Dowi
ell, Thomas Painter.
Cattawissa Jeremiah Boon, Mayberry
Gcarhart, John Sharpies, Theodore Wellsj
Berry Hugh Watson.
Fishing Creek John Allegan
Greenwood Jonathan Lemon;
Hemlock Georgo Styers.
Jackson Elijah Robbing.
Liberty John Wilson.
- Mahoning David Blue, Valentine Best
Cornelius Cornclison.John Mourer.Sam
uel Yorks.
Madison Richard Demolt. Johfi Fruit
John Moore.
Monieur John II. Quick.
Orange Emanuel Lazarus.
last of yrarersc Jurors
For the first week of August Term 1840.3
Brier Creek Josiah Evans, Gilbert
Fowler, John Fester, Andrew Freas, John
Hess, Wilhan Stall.
Bloom Peter Biggs, Gcofga Crestler
Philip Eyer, Archibald Henry, Jacob Mel
ich, Solomon Newhard.
Caltaivissa Reuben Stambach.
Berry Simonton Clark, Philip Seidlc."
Greenwood Iram Derr, Andrew"Ikeler
Joseph Robbins.
Jackson Samuel Mclienry.
Liberty John Hopper Benjamin K.v
nouse, Robert Simonton, Jjklm Trego. an
Limestone .David Davis, Samuel.Oaksf
Mahoning Thos. Benfiekl.Thoi.Clark
Micheal Sanders. "'
Madison Henry Cmwford, John Man-f
ning, Green Pegg, "John Welliver.
Montcur Henry Wcrtman, Gcorca
Willits. U
Mifflin John Groter, Henry- Miller
Cornelius Rittenhnusc.
Mount Pleasant Lawrence Good, John
Orange William Fcister, Isaac. Kline.
Bearing Creek Anthony Denglor, Sam-f
uel Hampton, Daniel Keller, Abraham
Sugarloaf Joshua Brink, Thomas Gib-
bons, Philip Krichbaum.
Jurors tor Hie Second week
Brier Creek Jesso Bowman.
Bloom John Grotz, Charles Haen
bach, Win. Neal, Daniel Mclich.
Cattawissa Samuel Brady, Milton
Berry-David Cox, Thoma3 Cary, Rob
ert AIcKee.
Fishing Creek James Eacrer. John
w(i-wi munis Ik, 1 UA.
Gfecnwood David Achcnback. Jacob
Ihmtoctc Peter Anpleman, Matthias
Apple-man, John Brngler.
Jjioerly Ueorge Billmeycr.
Mahoning Martin M'Alhslcr, John R.-
Moore. -;
Madison Thomas A. Funston. James
Girton, William Holdren, William John
son, PeterSJiullz.
Mifflin- Henry Harrigere, Isaiah Long
iburgur, Da, del Mauatollor.
Mount Pleasant James Patterson.
Orange John .ehenbach.
Roaring Creek Aaron Bernimrer. John
Yeaijer, John Hugos, Jevi Johnson.
bugarloaj John Hess; Elias Bcllis,