1 '' ' -i - rt the Spiritof Democracy. Emails GO THE HOUNDS." tif$?6u'f that tho Banks and their Whig ics'arokho cause of Ihero being so littles eclolntha country, just hoar what Dan- Yobslor, said in 1810, tlicn lend it to mrVlnpneiglibors : " WhylMiavo wo so 3mall an amount of ecieJTcnlation I Certainly the o.nly a5PtulDcC8tisQ wo t!o not require mo:c. wiiuvolUiu to require us presence, aim w dl,'"reimuu)Ut wo voluntarily banish it by nuaiiumni ui biuau uauu nuius, 111 ostrotitliu stales, tnc uanus issue notes IinvTotio:.iinaliims, down even to a sin- b dSUJTK How is it possible, under such fdpfire, to retain specie in ciroula niLAjl experience shows it to be possi ih'rKo paper will take llio place of gold ulOTrw. Tho evil then, is the issu ijorsrnall notes by Slsto banks. Of os8'!'riote3, that i3 to nay, of notes under 3,vtWarflount how incirculalion is ioubt 3sgjfrl 0.000,000. Can these notes immediately supplied by specie c-irculu-qr?offci(lal amount. Tlio subject is a reotJcmoSis it is connected with the safety .iUTstaialitv of the currency, and it will islifygerious reflection on tho means of iicornpusning u. n is ior oiner taleSiuJffollow the good oxamplo of thoso llicflnSvc piohibited iliom and the work ont?8 W.c must hone that all notes tin- ajraaviDo entirely wituurawn iroin ctrcu itrd jejpoltsvillc Emporium gives tho fol jwjhjccouiH ol a phenomena in bchuyl-tli-'ly that is worthy of notice and ex mmajloii. If coal mountains are liable to iljjjf 'GTSjf the coul as it lays embedded in heroine, will if ouco on fire, continue to rfrnVeat care should be taken by thoso njlin mining, as it must in must Tfuatiotis be next to impossible to cxtiu- mm 1IE BURNING MOUNTAIN. tslpoalminc, which we have frequent- lsticcu, and winch took lire about ogli eerjtuorilhs since, continues burning with eif8wed,force. There aie now three dis natralers, varying in diameter from thir-yAtevcnty-five feel, snd each at a depth f,frotjjjl5 lo 25 feel below the surface. -I'jjffflioal emanating from tho enters i3 c:: bP'SbS intense?, from which issue immense 'olnojes of smoke, and the smell of oulpher isjanyjthing but agreeable. Tho rumbling nois.ugyould mako a visiter think of earth quakesj' and his examinations would coh3e queltljy bo made with a very careful step. Wteivjegctalion for a great diManee round bsJ9m completely deslroyod: and its sear ;uappcaranco gives a desolate, and adds to tlfoltcrrifie.characterof the work of destruc We cannot conjecture when the (ird .valRlon. or how it may bo nuenched bv elmaiiagoment ol tho proprietors; but it is injextt-inrilinary phenomenon and as such slw-gJLwurlh a visit from the scientific and . ctirjOuB. HARD CIDER. TvRpese, at a meeting recently held in fteMVXMitrai l'lesoytcriail ciiurcli, Broome dtrorffifriow Yoik, oloqucntly remarked : llijSu' yesterday I saw a virtuous widow MjSher agonized over the body of her rmysnn, not yet verged into manhood, ljrought to her peaceful home, drank, md Knjjhb first lime, and made 30 at a political njfctjhg to which curiosity had led him. Birjufnm not indifferent to party feeling; I loolhavo my preferences, and stronc ones xm i uau rainer every political party jvcreirmitiruatcd lo-morrow, tliau tliat the SMii and aged matrons of our country Bnoam uo hroujht down to their graves in Eorrinv tiy tre ruins ol their sons, m their IrstPntrodndion to public life." e leavo our reailors each to make his 1 I . i cut on the above. 'Wo have no fear h a party's success, in a land of reli- ti mural intalhgeuue. Tin excellent toast. ffihe. fallowing senlimpnt accompanied ellsiter of tho ilon. Elli3 Lkwih m Hip iPjmrtpratV committeo of airnnsemcut for tiBMlif7iti.'2 the G4ih unnivorsarv.of our n.i. jiarind 'pendeuce. It has reference to lMM,er.tiou of tho Coiloal Suit'uo in Phil- Hi ii to rominemoralu tlio services of t!-er of his Counlrv :Pot. Emnuri. m un mnnr. VAsrn-3T0N anil Axtiiracitz llLOlM? 1 ho r no did morn than any other ill rsiii.irf our Iiideneiulunr.H t!:ti rn.i'-D than any other erticle. will as- io maintain it. It fa right Ihat ono aAii.iio tlio likeness of tho other. hat n common monument should tuato them togothor. . . ! fads for Huchelors.0( 160 con- l the Ooniifiriicut Slate Prison. 10-1 Tpver maiiicj; and of the reiduo, 11 Ml their wives and 22 had parted mcir wives when tho crimes worn i'rd which carried them to Prison. 3g ony;n (out of 100) who at the (' i'i"ir f.il!, remained within the influ- m ui" conjugal relation. mi ! vi uiu wiiiiiu numuer, ma were iperate, 7H sold liquors, 02 loft their on ffundfr 21 years ol age, 70 visited hnu- J,.i;i lame, iiz had been wulors and 12 aeon Boldicrs. Colored Wffflpownjul Jungtae.X firo engine to luamirkcJ by forty men, was recently bu,lt iihlirdiidun. I; Ci'mhmiea one hnndred and wity galioiis of water per minute 5 mi co mm 9Mm RlOtrtra "Hard Cider" is tho most appropriate 1 motto for the federal fcclfo'ns,- It is "a per fect cmblom of all their arguments being made by "grinding" and "pressure." Wo regret to learn, says tho Chicago Democrat, from the best of whig authori ty, tliat Martin Van Huron has'comc out decidedly against the present administra tion. The Philadelphia North American says: Tlio shin Henry sailed from this port on Wcdneseuy for London, with a cargo of thirty-three thousand seven hundred and fifty bushels ofOats. Wo believe this is the first large shipment of oats made from thiii country to England, if not absolutely thu first shipment of any extent. In addi tion to tho above, she carried out 1,000 bushels of corn and 70 hogsheads of tobac co. Neapolitan Indemnity. Wo understand that tho 7th instalment Uuo from tho Go vernhicirt of Naples has been promptly paid and is now on its way fium Havre lo this cotintiy, in gold. 1 no "Kkystonu comes to us in an en tire new dress an evidence that the demo cracy know how to patronize an indepen dent advocate of their principles, Connundnim such a good'un Why was Eve when walking with her first born son in her arms, like a modern dandy? Dyoaive it up: Uecause she carried a Cain. From ths U. S. Gazette, Tuesday, July 27. ANOTHER RIOT IN KENSINGTON. Tlio workingtnen apain yesterday morn iug aliRmpied to prosecuto the work on the proposed itno of the Philadelphia and I ren ton Railroad, and again were deterred by a number of persons, principally women, who had assembled about tho spot. This wan about ten o'clock in the morning, and it hav ing keen found impossiblo to proceed their labors wr.ro euspsnded, and the company had to ask from the authorities tho aid of thu police. The officers, abotit 109 in number, started Tor the spot, and when the)' arrived at Ken sington numbered about 1 10. Under their surveillance, tho workmen proceeded; but were soon distuibed by ihe populace, opposed to tho Road when they were repulsed by the Police, who took 15 or 18 of the rioters prisoners, but, an attack having oeen mane upon tnem, they were only able to retain 8 men and one woman. In this melee, six or soven of tho police were much injured, and two. Messrs. Dai zcll and Taylor wcro seriously. An attack upon the Police, made bv a- bout 500 men, followed, in which the offi cers stood their ground, and mrtde sovera arietta. Shortly after tho mob rcttiinctl fu rinusly to the attack, anu urovo tho rolice from ihe ground. Alter that tne poiico uiu not appear over the boundary line between tho Northern Li bertios and Kensington; the workmen did qot resume, and quiet was re3tored for tho remainder of tho afternootu The excitement wa3 so intense in tho District, that Die Reportors found it next to impossible to gather exact particulars; but the following is submitted aa a pretty accu rate "list ol the wounded. ' Thomas Jackson, grocer, in Front above Phoenix, hurt severely ekull supposed lo uetractureti a ptisioner in nJoyamensinff Prison. Ilonry O'NVill, remonstrated with one of tho oHicers against his troatment of Jackson when he was struck, and fulled to the gruuud by ono of tho deputy, sheriffs. John Daly, in the general melee, was hit try tlio mace ol ono ol tho officers, or a piv. ing stone, which cut through tho hat , in Aiding a serious wound upon hie head. Mia. Fratev, a principal among the wo men, who incited the men to opposition, is a'o much hurt, but not seriouuly. She, wilh Jackion, has tlie best attendance in .loyamenjiug Prison. Tim prisoners were conducted thereto in the prison van, by officer Dlanoy of (lie General Sessions, UIOT AND FIRE JA8T NIGHT. Last night, shortly after dark, tho mob again began to assemble on the lino of the ruilroudijSlfiLtJie first demonstration of nt lack wif fljPtm nhpiiso of onterlainment, calldd Rmd "Quarter," on the wePtniJo of Front above 1aken streoi, in which iwcntyiak of the Poiico were about to sup, lh.y twymg becn-ri thij" watch there since IDs comtttQitcqment of the riot. About, a tliouspnd -hten, composed me pariy4 winch assaiuul.it. .and the in woll8rj, qvernwed by iBe number of .the 11101) JinaUO. a-OUlt'lC .rIT6nt. J in ironn.-nl popilaeu enU;ri.d, and abouttalf-past nlrte, the 'flames which hud been communicated to the buitdiiijif burst, forth, anil tho.wholb cdifico wasboiUnno ptais of flames The building was toiully consumed.Iand at the hour of wriiiug this (onuoyloiikf'vag naught but a shapeless heap of ruins. Tlio neighborhood was quiet at. the. lime ths writer loft. It is duo lo tho Firemen tu say that thoy have not exerted themselves wilh such olheiency to" save the buildings in tho vicinity einco Iho burning of the Pennsylvania Hall. 1 On. Tuesday, neveral of ihe rioters were brought beforo iho court. Two were tried, Penetcnliary for seven years, tho oihex ten Mo In Hemlock township, on Wodncsdav last, by tho Kov. G. C. Drake, Mr. JOHN KRESLNR, of Bloom township, to Miss RACHEL EMMET, daughter of xMr. A loxandcr Emmet. MARRIED On the 28th or July by tho Rev. William J. Eyer, Mr. GEORGE FENSTEMACIIER, of Roaring Creek, to Miss LYDIA GENSEL, of Oattawis sa. OBITUARY- DIED In Hemlock township, on Tues day last, Mrs. II ART MAN, aged about 80, wife of Mr. Philip Harlman. MP 3t 9 OL TO THE r.LEUTORS . OF COLyMMA COUNTY. Ftlloio Citizens : Being solicited by a number of my friends throughot the coun ty, I again place my name beforo tho pub lic as a candidate for the Office of SHERIFF,, and most respectfully solicit your suffrages JOHN FRUIT, iladison, July 24, 1810. WE aro authorized lo annouco MICHAEL FORNWALD of Cattawissa. as a candidate for tho office or SHERIFF of Columbia county,. at the approaching e- iection.' July 18, 18-tO'. WE are authorised to announco Col. MICHAEL R. 1IOWER of Roaring Creek, as a candidate for of Columbia county at the approaching Oc tober Election. ' TO THU ELECTORS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Fellow Citizens : At tho solicitation of many friends in various parts of the county, I hereby offer myself as a candidate fur thu office of at th o ensuing General Elecliou, and re spectfully solicit your voto3 and interest for the office. If elected, I pledgo myself to perform the duties of tho oflice with fidelity and Iminanily. . . JES3E SHANNON. Bloorasburg, July 20, 1840. TO THE ELECTORS COUNTY. OF COLUMBIA THE undersigned, at the Golicitation of a number of his Iricnds, presents himself to the citizens ol Uolumbia county, as a candidate for tho oflice of SHERIFF and solicits tlieir suffrages. DANIEL WOODSIDE. July 31, 1810. To ihe BiSccSors of Columbia I ho Subscribers oflerc himself lo the Electors of Columbia county as a candidato ior SHERIFF at tho approaching election, and solicit their votc3. bhould lie be elected he pledges himself to perform the duties of tho oflice with lidelitv and correctness. MURRY M ANVIL. Juno 13, 1810. WE aro authorized lo announce Col. ANDREW IKELER' of Grotnwood, as a candidate for tho offico of of Columbia county, at tlie approaching E lection. Mr. of fFtbb Ploajo annou nee tho namo JOHN GROVER, of ilifllin, us a cjndi'dato for the office of county OOMMISSIOKEB, at the October election, and oblige a DEMOCRAT- OF A7IFFLIN. A SCHOOL TEACHER in the JJloo lie Bloomslntrg Academy. One to tnkglchnrgo of ihe" Englis! intorRtlljchQcl, will meet com .pcteilS h de- with ggonenurageiiioTjt ypon application to the Soh5p1. Committee. 1 1 , THOS. PAINTER, President. J. RamSey,! Secretary. " Of all kind; Also BUTTER anil WOOD received in payment for papers at BliOBMSBURG ACADEMY- Tho noxt session of ill is institution under Mr; C. P. Waller, will commence on Mon day, August third. The course will, as formerly, embrace a Classical, Mathemati cal and English Education. Tlioto wishing o avail themselves of the advantages of a small school, will do well to apply soon as tlie number is limited. July 18lh, 1840. The Union Camp Meeting of the North umberland and Danville Circuits, will be held on tho ground of Mr. Davi3, in Lime stone; about fodr miles from Washington villo, on tho Milton road, and seven miles from Milton to commenco August 28. 1 ho grovo is delightful and the water good and convenient. Those who desire to get, and do good, can, by tho blessing of the great head of the Church on that occasion; G. BEKKSTUESSER. July 17, 1810. ALL persons indebted fur postage must chalk up immediately and not give mo any moro trouble collecting, as I trust out for Ac commodation, not for profit. BARNARD RUPERT. Bloombtug July 11, 1810. TO COLLECTORS. All Collector who have not settled their Duplicates for 1830 or for previous yean, must bo prepared to ballaiico them at Au gust Court, as no longer lenity can be giv en. Tho Collectors for 1810, will also bear in mind, that they aru requird by their warrants to f ppear at August Court, and havo such abatements made as is necessary. By order of the Commissioners. li. u. uuriMti , Treasurer N. B. All persons owing taxes on un seated land can pay them lo John N. Wil son, of Danville, who is authorized to re ceive thcmi L. B. RUPERT, Treasurer miotics to Assessors, THE Assessors of the soveval Town shins and Borourh of Columbia county aro required by the following secliou of thu lale election law to post up an alphabetical list ol tho taxablos ot your borough or township. You will therefore put up one list at tho place of holding your general E lection in Oclnbar next, and comply with tho said following section of oaid law. Section 58. It shall bo the duly of said assessors, on or before the first day of Au gust, in each year, to cause at least ono copy of the said alphabetical list of the taxable inhabitants to bo posted up at tho place where any cnmiiig-election is- y be held, and at such other places within surh ward, district or township, as tho commissioners of said county may think necessary, to af ford to tho inhabitants thereof "an opportu nity of freely examining the same, and they shall further keep copies of the said returns in their offii;o or 'pessrssion subject at all reasor.ablu times, to tho inspection of any person, without charge and shall at any time, ten days before the election, on thetpplica (ion of any person claiming lo be assessed within their proper ward, district or town ship, or claiming a right to volo therein as being between tho age of twenty ono and twenly-two years, and having resided in tho state one year, enter tho name of such per son upon ihe said return. The said asses sors, on the ninth day preceding ihe second Tuesday of OctoVer, in each year, shall 3ign and certify tho return of the taxable inhabitants and qualified voters residing within their respeciivo wards, districts and townships, and deliver the same lo the coun ty Commissioners, lo be by them held-and handed over without addition or alteration, to the inspectors of the elections at the time required by law. Witness our hands at Danville July 17, 1840. JOSEPH BROBST, JOHN M'HENRY, JOHN DEITRICn, Commissioners. For trial at August Term- 1810. Hannah M'Cord and Marv Reese vs Vani ah Rease. Thomas Shore vs Henry Riltenhpuso. Ludig Lieht vo George Muchler.' Daniel Mostcller vs George Loiigenbergsr, ot al, Joseph Cavinee vs Isaac Musgrove, adinr. of Aaron Mtugrove. Jacob Gelling vs Peler Miller. Thomss Alrtorohe'sd vs John F: Manvillo. Samuel Parker vs William Donaldson. Christian A. Brobst vs Samuel Brobst. Iwuiah Shu'rnaii vs Daniel Ciistubat)er,8tal. D. 5. Montgomery's Exec'rs va William Montgomery. Jacob Waggsnor vs D. W. IVl'Cormick. Mahoninar township vs Thomas Hays and Henry Sanders. Leonard Stounhten v Patrick Plead. David Davis, Sen. vs David Rohm, etal. Andrew M'Reynolds ot cl vs Aimer Mooro, ct al. April 22, 1810. Tho Court ordered iho civil list to be ready the first day of the sec ond weok of noxt term. J. EYERLY, Proth'i. JUSTICE BLANK EXECUTIONS and SUMMONS for sale at this office, Wo publish tho REGISTER'S Noticf below gratuitously, that tho centre porfiorl of the county muy not bo entirely excluded from u knowledge of iho business of that office, as some, even in this section may be interested. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TO all legatees, creditors and .other per sons interested in tho estates of the respec tive decendeuts and minors, that the admin istration accounts of the naid estates havo been filed in tho Offire of the Rcgidtcr of the county of Columbia, and will ho pre sented for confirmation and allowance to the Orphan'3 Court, to be held at Danville, in and for tho county aforesaid, on Tues, day, tho 18lh of Augit3t next, at 2 o'clock,' P. .M. 1. Tho accout of Vaniah Rees, adminis trator of tho estate of Jano, itces, lalu of Hemlock township, dececscd; 2. Third supplementary accotlnt of Jo seph Kirkendnll, acting administrator ol tho estate of Powell Grover, lato of Mifflin township, dee'd. J. 1 he account of Elijah Crawford, Ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Ja cob Crawford, late of Liberty townshim dee'd 4. The account of Collin Cameron, ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Cath n rine,Camcron, lato of Mahoning township, dec u. 5. The aicount of Evan Evans, admin istrator of tho estate of Samuel Mears. latd of Roaring creek, township, dee'd. , 0. l-irst supplementary account of John Ilowcr and Jacob Hower, executors of tho last will and testament of Michael Ilowcr, late of Cattawissa township,-deo'd 7. Tho account of John Ptllig, adminis-. trator Of the estate of Mary Oswald, lata of Roaring creek township, dee'dt 8. Tho account of John Dotily and James McMahan, cxecutofa of Benjamin CritsS, lato ol of Liberty township, dee'd PHILIP BiLLMEYER, Register. Register;? Ofi-icd, Danville, j July 10, 1810. ILast of Graml J'cjvos.'s For August Term 1710. Rloom Cyjus Barlon.Mathow M'Dow ell, Thomas Painter. , Caltnwissa Jeremiah Boon, Maybeny Gearhart, John Sharplcss, Theodore Wells' Berry Hugh Walson. Fuldng Creel: John Allegar. Greenwood Jonathan Lemon. Hemlock Gcorgo Styers. Jackson Elijah Robbins. Liberty John Wilson. Mahoning David Blue, Valentino Bcslj Cornelius Cornelison,John Mourer,Sam uel Ynrks. Madison Richard Demdtt; John Fruit, John Moore. Mon tcr John H. Quick. Roaring Creek James A. Fox. . Orange Emanuel Lazarus. IA$t of Traverse Jurors For the first week of August Term 1 8-10 Brier Creek Josiali Evans, Gilbert Fowler, John Eesler, Andrew Freas, John Hess, Willian Stall. Bloom Peter Biggs, George Crestler, Philip Eyer, Archibald Henry, Jacob Mel ieh. Solomon Netvhard. Cattawissa Reuben Starnbqch. Berry Simonton Clark, Philip Seidle. Grccnieood Iram Derr, Andrew Ikeler, Joseph Robbins. Jackson Samuel MeHcnry. Liberty John Hopper, Benjamin Ka nouae, Robert Simonlon, John Trego. Limestone David Davis, Samuel Oaks. Mahoning Titos. Benfield.Thos. Clark, Aiicheai banders. Madison Henry Crawford, John Man ning, Gieeu Pegg.'John Welliver. - IX. .,,... II,..,... XV I n " uiamiui xicuijr Cl IIIJUII, VJCOrO , i W.illite. JudeA Mifflin John (! rover, Henry Miller, scen0 Gornelius Rittcnhftusc. mado Mount Pleasant -Lawrence Good; Johri tUig Jones. Orange William Fcisler, Isaac Kline. lioaritig Creek Anthony Dengler, Samuel- Hampton, Daniel Koller, Abraham Mench. Sugarloaf -Joshua Brink, Thomas Gib bons, Philip Kriohbaum. Jcirors lev the Sccoattl week. Brier Creek Jes3o Bowman. Bloom John Groiz, Charles Hafijn bach, Win. Neal, Daniel Melton, Cattawissa Samuel Brady, Milton Boon. Berry David Cox, Thomas Cary, Rob ert McKec. Fishing Creek James E3gcr, John Stucker. Greenwood David Achenback, Jacob Evan-. 7ff(iocf-.Petcr .Appleman, Matthias" Apploman, John Bniglor. Zttori George Billmeyer. Mahoning Martin M'AHister, John R Moore. . Madison Thomas A. Funston, James Girton, William Holdren, William John son, Peter Shullz. , Mifflh-Uenry Ilarngcro, Isaiah Long aberfferOa.iiel Maustnller. Moiiht Pleasdnt James Patterson. Orange John Aehenbach. Raaring Creek Aaron Berninger, John? Yeager, John Huges, Lovi Johnson. Sugarloaf John Hess; Eltas Belli? ra th o ife