The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 25, 1840, Image 4

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    si: v:i" JSiitstt.yLt u vxi;
'(tHOULD receive ft preference Overall l'Tlls hoto
in existence?
First Uccauso they are composed of Vegetable
"oxtrarls, freo from minerals; null may be taken tit
nil times witlV perfect safety by young and old, with
out restraint from occupation, temperate living, or
lenrof taking Cold.
Second Because they arc composed of such
medicinal extracts, as have brcn employed by all
tho most celebrated and respectable Physicians for
jnoro than a century past, in purifying the lllood
rind Animal (luid of the body.
Third Because they may bo employed as o
mild or aetivd purgative, according to tho quantity
taken, and their operation will not bo attended with
(piping of tho bowels, sickness at tho stomach,
prostration of tho system, &c, as arc produced by
other pills.
Fourth Because they possess a combined action,
not possessed by any other pills, mixtwo or prepar
ation whatever. Their first cll'ect is in correcting
nil impurities with which tho blood and fluids of
the body may be affcted,and by their gently opera
tive effect, removing such impuritica from tho sys
tem. Fifth Because they ore the terror of Quacks
and Impostors, for most persons arc obliged to tako
tho Sarsaparilla Blood I'ills, alter taking their vi!o
nd drsttuc,ivo nostrums, to counteract and prevent
their m'tschiovons and baneful effects.
Sixth Because they arc the only pills in which
Physicians have sufficient confidence to recommend
to their patients, and employ in their practice, as
they know they aro Anti Quack, Anti Mcrcural,
Anti Billious as well as a good and safe purgative
and purifier of tho Blood and Animal Fluids.
Seventh and last But not the least important,
be because they are prepared by a regular Apothe
cary and Physician, attested oy Drs. Physic, Hor
ner, Chapman, Dewecs, James, Gibson, Jackson,
Coxe, Hare, &c, &c., which alono is sufficient to
entitle them to great confidence.
Certificates and Kecommendations from Physi
cians and others accompany the directions around
'each box.
fcCpPrtce Twenty Five Cents a BoxJDl
Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at
i)r. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North
Second st., a few doors below Vine street, Philadel
phia, also, sold bv
J. Gilbert & Co,, North Third street above Vino.
G. S. Clemens, do 3d do do Woodct.
J. K. Smith & Co. do 2d do next tho Red
Lion, and all respectable Wholesale and Retail
Druggist's in Philadelphia.
They are also sold by!
J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J. W.Rohrcr. do do
Vf. Eberrann Litiz.
J. W. Oakly, Heading.
Ji B. Mozer, Allentown.
P. Pomp, Easton.
And the principal Merchants and Druglsts in the
tJnilcd States.
For sale ut the Health Emporium Bloomsburg
by I). S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloomsburg July, 13, 1830. 11.
OMMUNIC VTION. How few they aro tlmt
happen to bo afflicted with Coughs or Colds
pay attention to them. How many thousands troin
Euch neglect shorten their days, nnd hasten their fi
nal di-jsolution. Parents neglect them in their chil
dren, and thus form tho foundation for Consump
tion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their
twn children to tho grave, having died from some
tffection3 of the B reat and Lungs, which wcie neg
lected in their first stages.
Coughs and Colds, whether existing among young
or old, ought at all times bo attended to early, and
not sufftred to continue any length of time, for tho
I.ungsonco affecled.dujeasosoon makes rapid strides,
ending in, the most fatal of all diseases, namely Con
VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catairh-, Influenzas,
Shortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in
tho Breast or c3ide, all affection of tho Breast and
Lungs, and arrest of approaches'.; Consumption, it
tho moot popular medicine used throughout oil Ger
many h becoming equally popular in the United
States, anil has established for itself a reputation
not possessed by any other medicine for the same
clas.? of diseases. (Bee certificates and recommen
dations from Parents, Physicians, and others, occom
psning the directions.) It b a preparation perfect
ly safe and harmless, pleasant to tho taste, and may
he given to tho youngest infant. It is warranted
freo from mercury and tho minerals, and is a prepar
ation of a rcjular Apothecary and Physician, attes
ted by Drs, Physic, Chapman, Gibson, Jackson,
Horner, Dewecs, Coxe, James, &c. n circumstance
alone sufficient to induce a trial of it
Dr. N. II. Laidy, Proprietor of the above medi
cine, confidently recommends it to all, and assures
oil most positively that it is an invaluable medicine
mill would not himself recommend it, but for it,
known efficacy.
Prepared only and for saleWholaale and Retail at
Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 10 1 North
Bocond street a few doors below V.ino street, Phil
adelphia also, sold by
J. Gilgert Sc Co., North Thi-J street abov oVino
G. S Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st
. J, R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next (lie ltrd
Lion, and by all resectable Wholcsalo and retail
Druggists in rhiladelphia.
They arc sold by:
J. F- Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania,
.1. W. Rohrer, do do.
"W. Eborman Litiz.
J. W. Oakley, Rending-.
For wlo at tho lloahh Emporium Bloomsburg
y !. TUJJIAS, Agent,
Compound Tomato
Entirely Vegetable,
A new and jnvaluaHe .Medicine for all dirscascs
arising from impurities of tho blood morbid secre.
tion of the liver and stomach. Also, a substitute
for calomel, as a chatlurtic in Fevers and all bil.'ious
These popular pills combining a newly disco
ered Alkaline substance extracted from thf TOM A
1 O PLAN I , with other vegetable snbtancos
which hare been found to modify and diffuse its cf-
IwcU, are lieiievMt w be the best Alterative and Ca
thsirtie Modicine ever discovered.
For ordinary family physic they arc tint
veral!y approved, as the best over offerod.
A full account of this JUedictr.e, and nu
rnorous certificates from physicians and
Diners, accompany each box.
-i ust received anti lor sale at the now
Drug Store by J- MOYEH, rfgtnt,
Augt IV.
HftEKftESURftCTI02f Oft,
urrntpn-ro ths fatnsAft.BiufciiKTu's.ErAJf
3'!tDIAN 1'unoATtvs, tho Matchless (priced)
Saxati ve, pr tiny other pills or compound before
ho public, as certified to by Physicians nnd others
Let nond condemn them until they have tried
them, and then wo aro certain they will not.
It is now n settled point with all who havo used
tho Vegetable Persian Pills that they aro pre-eminently
tho best and most efficacious Family Medi
cine that has yet been used in America, if every
family could brcomo acquainted with their Sover
cigu power oyer disease, they would keen them and
bo prepared with a sure remedy to apply on tho firs
appearance ot disease, and tncil now much distress
would bo avoided and money saved, as well as tho
uvea ol thousands who arc hurried put of time by
neglecting dise.iso in its first stages, or by not being
in possession of a remedy which they can placo de
pendence upon.
The Resurrection, ot Persian Pills.
Tho name of these pills orginatcd from thd cir
cumstance of tho medicine being found only in the
cemetaries of Persia. This vegetable production
being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to
ita medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a cen
tury it became an established mcdicino for tho dis
eases of that country. Tho extract of this singu
lar production was introduced into some parts of Eu
rope in tho year 1783, and used by many celebrated
Physicians in curing certain diseases, whero all oth
er medicine has been used in vain. Early in tho
year 17'J, the extract was combined with .a certain
vcgetablo medicine imported from Dura Bada, in
tho East Indies, and formed into Pills. Tho udmir
ablo effect of this compound upon tho human sys-
, 1.1 ... ; 1 e ! .. ... .
ieui, itn uygucaii3 ana i amines imo lis general
use. Their long established character their univer
sal and healing virtues, tho detergent and cleansing
qualities of their specific action tipou the glandular
part ot tho system, are such as will sustain their re.
putation and general use in the American Repub
I certify that I have, by way of experiment, used
tho Hygean, and most of the various kinds ol Pills,
in my practice, winch have borne the highest repute
in the public estimation, that havo been offered for
salo in this vicinity for the last five yeais, including
those called tho Resurrection or Pcrsaln Pills; and
the public may rest assured that none among the
whole catalogue has answered a better purpose, uj
an easy and ellectual remedy, than tho Kcsurrectlori
or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease.
Chaulks Backus, M. D.
Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837.
Messrs. E. Chiso & Co. Gents. Hearm
much said about tho extraordinary effects of the
Resurrection or Persian J'ills, upon those obout to
beenmo mothers, wo were induced to mako a trial of
them. My wife was at that tinto the mother of livo
children, and hail mule led the most tedious and cx
eructating pains during and after her confinement
of each, Who had tried every means and taken
much medicine, but found liftlo or no relief. She
commenced luldng the .Persian i'ills nbolit three
months beforo her confinement (her health beinqr ve
ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a
short timo sha was enabled by their use to attend to
the cares of a mother to iur family until her con
finement. At the tiins tho commenced taking the
Persian Villi, and for several weeks pi cvious, she
was afflicted with a diy hard cough, nnd frequent
sevcie cramps, which tho use of the Pills entirely
removed ucloro using halt a box. It is vith the
greatest confidence that we adviso ell those about to
become mothers to mako use of tho Persian Pills.
All those that have taken them in our neighbor
hood have got along in tho same easy manner, and
aro about the houso in a few days. I'hcro does not
appear to bo half the danger of other dangers setting
in itftcr confinement, whero these Pills arc taken.
e unitedly' say.lct none nculect taking them, for
thoy are in tho reach of tho poor n3 well as tho rich.
Wo arc truly thanklul that there is a remedy which
females can easily procure) which tends to lessen the
world ot sullenng, which many of them havo to bear,
and perhaps savo tho lives of thousands which would
otherwise be lost.
Rochester, May 14, 1838; corner of CallidOnian
square, Edinburg street; for further particulars sec
S. Ro amirs,
Axx Q. IJoiiEim).
RociiESTin, Gent, 21. 1835.
Messrs. E. Chase & Co'.
I think it my duty to let you know what a creat
euro your Pills have performed on me I hud boen
sick about 7 years about 2 years ami a half con
fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurable,
with Consumption, by twelve physicians of tho first
standing; my lunga wore seriously affected; I had
3 ulcers gather and.break; my cough was dry und
harsh most of the lime; my liver was murh swollen,
and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fovcr,
and night sweat, accompanied with extreme iriita-
oieneu ot tho nervous Bystem, and othei difficulties
which I forbear to mention. After I was given over.
I tried almost all medicines which were advertised.
but to no advantage, until I tried your Vogetable
t'erslaii 1'ius. I bogan to gain m a short time after
I commenced taking them; and, to bo brief, beforo I
took 3 boxos, I was alio to ride out and to tako con
siderable exercise, and at this timo I cniov coed
health, and am ablo to do good day's wnk. If any
noc wUhos a more particular history of my suffer
ings, he may call on me, at tho corner of Alain and
Clinton-streets, Kochoster.
- Fits Cunrm Tho undersigned hereby certify,
that we aro the Parents of two children who lmve
ien alllieteil with fits moroor loss from their infen
cy, and that wo havo spared no pains or cxnense in
endeavoring to effect a cure, but without any bene
ficial effect, untii hearing of tho Itosurreetion or Pe r
tiun Pills, when four boxes wero immediately
procured, and before three boxos were taken, the
lita nau mmum in irequoncy, and eveiy sym
torn much improved, and now we are happy to
trtate that our childjen by the use cf tho Persian
Pills, with tho blessing of God, are entiroly cured,
and have no symtoin or appearance of fits, will find
n the l'crsian trills a sure anil perfect cure,
Canton N. Y. Dec.10, 1837.
mt. 1 til . - 1 - , m. a
i lie auove pin may ue u&tj oi the loliowina a-
gents John Moyer, Ulootnsburg; H. Miller, IJer
wick; J. Cooper A Sons, Hazelton; U. Hortmon
Uipeytown; John Sharpless, Oattunisjaj Lyman
onoicg, jjanviue.
Ezra Taylor, agent for ho Stato of Ponnsvlva
nia residing at Rochef tcr N. Y. to whom all orders
cm be addressed
Tlul'iteof 'th'msh is in the VoatlJ I
so mith Hit striptures.hiiicui cV xvii'
than scrmturo testimony can wo havo ot tho
ilo of tho flesh depending upon tho condition of
tho blOod 1 If impure or diseased, tho flesh must
of courso bo diseased thereby, and tho whole sys
tem pattako of such disease. If the doctrilio bo true,
and thcro is not a doubt of it (for it is a fact acceo-
ded to by nil, that tho scriptures, ore true beyond a
doubt,) then it behooves us to guard against tho
consequences of shell impurities, and thus preserve
the flesh healthy. If tho llcbh bo healthy, const!
tulin,g as it does tho principal portion of the human
rody then must the whole body be healthy.
In vegetables onlt ctti wo find tho mcdicino where
by all impurities of tho blood may bo removed.
Lpwards of ono hundred years cxpcricnco of tho
moit celebrated, tho wisest and best physicians havo
proved certain vegetables to possess purifying prop
erties, These vegetables will not hero bo named,
and Dr, Lcidy wishes to remunerate himself, and
profit by the long, laborious, and costly experiments
nceossdry to bo made, that the active principles of
those vegetables might bo retracted and reduced to
such form as makes them easy, safe and pleasant to
be taken.
Thr.30 vegetables aro contained in the justly cel
ebrated Blood Pills, manufanturcd only by Dr. N.
Leidy, a regular Diuggist and Physician, attested
by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Jacksoi , Horner, Gibson
Dewees, James, Hare, Cox, &c.
The ubovp Pills may bo employed a3 a mild or
active purgative. Their action is easy, and may bo
employed by all persotu under all circumstances.
They will at all times bo found serviceable, when
tho least sickness is present. They require no
change of diet, restraint from occupation, or fear of
taking cold from their use. Thoy arc duily prescrib
ed by numerous physicians; certificates of tho fact
accompany the directions. They ore tho most affec
tive purifier of the blood and other fluids of the hu
man body ever discovered, l'crsons having once
used, will ever aftct, as occasion may acquire, have
resourto to them.
Price Twenty Five Cents a box.
Sold by all respectable Druggists and Mcrchanst
throughout tho Union, and in this city only at
Dr. Lcidy's Health Emporium, Second street be
low Vine.
J. R. Smith & Co.'s 2d st. near the Red Lion.
J. Gilbert & Co.'s 3d abovo Vino.
C, Clemens' North 3d abovo Wood.
F.KIctt's 2d and Callowhill.
For cale at tho Health Emporium Bloomsburg
by D. S. TOBIAS Agent.
Bloomsburg July, 13, 1830. 11.
SSES subscriber informs the public
that ho has just completed a new es
tablishment, at the Iiloomsbunrllasin,
Col, Co. Pa. on the North Branch Canal
for BUILDING all kinds and. descriptions,
Packet, Freight and
covered or uncovered, of any length or size,
on the shortest nolico and of tho best of
fC7Hc is also piepared for REPAIR
ING BOATS of all kinds.
All orders will be thankfully received and
punctually attended to on the shortest no
tice possible to complete them.
Feb. 22 1840 Ot-13
Tho Advocate, Wilkcsbarro, nnd Spy
Columbia, will please publish tho "above 0
times and forward their bills lo this office
for payment.
GanaS Boats For Sale.
SHVERAL new Canal Boats, built the last sea
son, lor sale, inquire as above.
Remaining in the Post Office atBlootnsburc
at the end of the quarter ending on the
30th dav'of June,
Achmon Wilson
Manvillo Elias
Maus Lewis II, 2
IMWlalh Michael
Miller George
Newhard Solomon
Newton A. E.
Ashton Julia
Arther Robert
Beers Gcorgo
Cornelison Isaac
Clinton William
Docbler Charles
Old Sarah
Dricbcllas Elias & Isaac Palmer Daniel
Emmons Andrew 2 Purscl John
Ebcrt John
Pine John W.
Plumtner Richard
Rouch John
Stctlcr Mary
Slroup Hcniy
Shipman Jacob
Smith Daniel
Shoemaker Edward
Sitler Christiana
Thomas Charles
Tutton G. S.
Frederick Edward
Fry John
Crolz John
Gallagher James
Hamilton Rev. W.
H'llbotn Thomas
Uilbcrt Lucetta
Holmes Charles
Harris Jacob
Howcr John
Hafft John
Jacoby George V.
Konia Marcca
Kclchnor Ncomi 2
Leidy Jacob
London Jamos
Myers Jesse
Tarwilliger Abraham
Wells Israel sen.
Waller D. J.
W right Mary
Young Abraham
Jacoby Oliver A.
Jackson M'Fadden
Thoso inquiring for any of tho above let
ters will please say it 13 advertised.
FROA" the Subscriber two last fall boar
rigs. Who over will ctve information
whero they may bo found shall bo reasona
bly rowarclcil. DANIEL GROSS.
Bloomsburg, April 4, 1840.
KlX BITTER Saw excellent family Medicines.
Tho proprietor of thoso Medicines cannot too deep
ly impress upon tho public mind the high impor
tance of on early or timely attention to sound health.
7'hcro aro very many itn his community who do
not appreciate good health, until attacked by some
violent disease, when they think they must immedi
ately send for a physician, and in consequence, they
are perhaps confined to their beds fot weeks, or even
months. Almost every ono is liablo to bo unwell at
times, and by neglect of proper'ticatmcnt of them
selves, on such occasions, it is very often the caso
that a sovfire attack of dieasc is tho consequence.
Such results may he easily avoided, nnd should be;
and it is in a nrcat measure the object of Mr. MOF
FAT, that his publication should continually re
mind such persons of their danger. The following
letters tro tn show that tho Life Pills and Phenix
Bittern ore not only excellent family medicines, but
that they will, in very many instances, supercede
tho necessity of calling a phUician. Tho principal
offico is at 376 Broadway, where thousands of sim
ilar letters to Mr. Moffat, may be examined.
Tho following letter was received from a gentle
man who, u few months since, purchased home of
tho Life Medicines for tho tiso of Ida family, end a
few of his friends :
Napoli, N. Y., July 27, 1838.
Mr. W.B.Moffat Dear Sir The Life Pills and
Phenix Bitters surpass every medicine I havobcen
acquainted with. In every instance whero it has
been used, a benefit has been derived, and every
person is satisfied. One man, troubled with a scrof
ulous humor, has been all but raised from the dead.
Another person, a female who has been unable to
lcavo her room for the Ia3t two years, has been re
stored to health. Another troubled with sore throat
for moro than a year, and also a burning scnsalian
in her stomach and bowls, was completely cured by
thrco doses of your Pills. Another, troubled with
a cevcro nervous affection, attend with dyspepsia and
continued head-ache, and was so reduced as to be
unablo to leave her bed, was, by tho u?e of ono box
of Pills and bottle of Bitters, so far restored as to
be ablo to attend to her domestic concerns. And
lastly, an acquaintance of mine, has by tho use of
e ii!.. i . . i y,.ii i ,
uuuiubui xiiiieisuiiu uvo uoxcsoi mis, oeenmauc
a perfectly sound and healthy man. Ho had been
laboring under a complication of discuses for the
last fivo years. I could mention numerous oilier
instances, but these arc sufficient to chow tho effects
of the medicine Upnna tew of my neighbors and
friends. YoUr obedient servant,
Crnvs Tincujsn.
The following is part of a letter written by a gen
tleman in tho country to his brother in this city,
from whom ho had received a box of Life Pills and
Phcu'ix Bitters:
Thompsonvillc, Conn., Juno SC, 1838.
Dear Brother I embrace the present opportunity
of writing you afewlinon. I received the Life
Pills and Phenix Bitters yon sent me. for which I
can never thank you enough, as they have proved.
I hope, a perfect euro to me. I had for two years
been troubled with a severe pain in my side, I ap
plied to all the doctors in this neighborhood, but got
no relief until I took tho Pills and Bitters you sent
me. Since I have taken them I havo been as well
as ever I wa3 in my life.
Yours affectionately, David McGnr.,
Tho following is a copy of a letter from Terro
Haute Indiana:
Mr. W. B. Moffat Dear Sir I wrote tou a ft
days since stating, brirtly, tho quantity of Life Pills
and Phenix Bitters, I should want tho coming sea
son. When I accepted tho aeenev of this Medi
cine in June list, (although your application was
accompanied by documents, attesting the great ben
efit of this nie'dicinc, I hid no expectaiion that it
would equal the description given of it, orgive such
general satisfaction as tho experiment of a few
months has proved, I can only bay that oil who
have used it bear testimony of its great value and
efficiency. I know of nn instanco whero it has
been thought in tho slightest degree injurious, and,
CNcn those who aro afllictcd beyond hope of cure,
bear testimony of iti salutary infiuenco upon their
general health. The great and increasing demand
for this article is tho best assurance of its usefulness,
ond I would not wish to be without it for a singlo
day. Respectfully, voiits. J. Y. ICisn.
Tho following is a copy of a letter fiom a ladv in
East Lyme, Connecticut, to Jlr. Moffat's agent:
Last Lvmc, Conn., JUav Cth, 1830.
Mi. Bradford Sir-In regard to Dr. W. II. Mof-
at's Life Pills uud Phonix Bitters, I can truly say
from experience, Ihoy are' the host medicino I havo
any knowlrdgo of, Incredible ns it may appear, I
have for eight mouths scarcely been ablo to walk a-
crcs3 a room, ono month could not feed myself, had
tlie altenuanceot tlioucstol physicians for months,
oneo and twice a day havo taken Patent -Mcdicino
as far as directions would permit. Also, a celebra
ted Doctor's prescriptions, all of which has been a
course of the greatest perseverance I was capable
of. Yet I have received no more than present re
lief; to give a similitudo of my sufferings is indes
cribable. Vet I will wrilo tho symtoms of my dis
ease. For ten years I have suffeicd with a nervous
affection in my head and face; a place as large as a
hand in the left side of my back, connecting the
khoulder described; a sensation of sorencts.fieoucnt-
ui-tuuiu ua cum us ii jut' nnu ucpaneu, jn July,
1830, in conscquenco of overdoing, taking a hard
cold, 1 was seized with a numbnows in the system,
fainmoss, flatulency, pain in tho head, voracious nn.
petite, and at times deficient appetite, great Iobs of
muscular power.painin the left side.also inthoshniil.
dcr and arm to the greatest extent, palpitation of
L . .. . , , 1 . .
uiuuudu, giim uituusa in me uacic, gnawing ill the
stomach when empty, pressure after meals, amount
ing almost to suffocation, stricture across the breast,
sore throat; also n tickling, attended with a convnl.
Bive cough, spitting of puiulent matter, ninht
cold fect ond hands, foctd breath, coitiveness, piles.
I... f . ..IV-.! r .1.1. . , . " .. '
u invuioij, iiuuuuoii oi sigiii nnu Hearing, uiz
inoss, deafness, tho mind became desponding, other
uisugrreauies not mentioned, wlncli caused great I
weakness, &c. I happily, and can truly say, that by
the blessing of Heaven, and tho restorativo proper
ties of tho Life Pills nnd Phenix Bitters, I am re
stored to health, which no other medicine could do.
Yours, &c.
Isabella A. Rogers. East Lymo, Conn,
For additional particulars of tho abovo medicines
eeoJIoffit's "Good Samaritan," a copy of which
accompanies the medicines; a copy can bo obtained
of the different Agents who havo tho mcdiciuos for
French, German, ond Spanish directions can be
obtained on application ot the offiicc, 375 Broad
way. All post paid letters will rt ccivo immediate atten
tion. Prepared and sold by William B. Moflkt, 370
Broadway New York. ' A liberal reduction made 'o
thoso whopurchaso to sell again.
Agents. I'he Life Medicines may also bo hadn
tho principal duggists in every town throughout the
United States and the Canada. Ask for Moffst's
Life Pills and Phenix Bittore; and bo sure that a fao
smile of John Moffat's signature is upon the Ubel
of each bottlo of bitters or box of nills. For salo
at Tobia's Health Emporium, Bkaau-burg,
Tai7jOlil3 than six millions of hoxcj of; I
.l.V.W, ceironiieii ius nave ueeu sold in iae
tod rJtatcs since January lb.ij. '
Hundreds and thousands h!r?s Ih" (1;1V tv.
came acquainted with Peters' Vreciablepil!.ftJ
in iunM;quuiii;u ui mui uAiiuurumnry gooUne"
attained a popularity Unprecedented in the h.
of medicine.
AVhcn taken according to tho directions a
paiiying them, they are highly brnef ,
tita.pnnlinli nnll nllfn -. f 1t.tin.tB I....- . .
gue, uyspepsia, uvcr company, tick Ii 2.j
ounuice, nsinma, liicuinaui m, cmar cmr-itc!
spiecn, ines, cone, limine oustreciiom, I ;iti ,
turreu tongue, nausea, i'iiciisn,n cf t he -
and bowels, incipient diariha a, l.-iuiencc, L.
costiveness, loss Of apptlilc, blcr hu or r
complexion, and in all casn cf tr,..0r cf t,ci
J licy are exceedingly mild in Hieir opfrati
cueing nciiucr nausea, griping, nor di'lmil,i
consequence ol tlicir Act J 1-blJ.IQijS (
j ijjis, uro mo uosioi an rcmcotrj lnr-arNt
lever and ague, mlious lever, and alldii-n'sjt j
have their origin m accumulation of jjll.n i
word Dr. i'eters' pills are the preat bilious nr.iJ
ami Willi a supply ot tticiu all bilious nlfe.tiial
bo kept nt a distance.
Thno who have ruffercd and are wciry of r.l
Ing from theso dcstioying complaints, will CcJ
J'ctcrs' Vegetable pills n remedy at once certain J
immediate in its ci.cct. In
They stand unrivalled. Mnny have ln curt-1
a lew weens, alter Having sullcrCil under this & I
ul complaint for years.
Tho woild Is vastly out of tunc,
And sccnis beyond correction;
But I've a spell, that very sooi'i
Will mako it oil perfection:
Will soon csr.El disrate vnd pain(
So none rhall i Ullictrd;
And then shall cute all ills amain,
To which men are addicted.
0 would you know this scourge of ills,
So various and so clorious ?
They or the VEGETABLE 2'ILLS
Of J'ETERS, so victorious.
O yes, they aro thofce pills of pride,
Which all tho world aro praisinc
Tor never did tho gods piovido
A med'eine so amozmg.
Tho' fplecn or Chol'ra rack you throw;!:,
With this you need not fear them;
If Gout afflict, and Colic too,
A box or too will clear them!
And If your liver's out cf tunc
If wild your head is achinr
If jaundice dies you liko the moon;
Or ague sets you s hak ng;
If grim dyspepsia thins your chyle;
If devils blue an- grinding;
If you aro plagued with tjrijio or bilt,
Or fevrra loose or bindiir
O tell no doctor of ycur die,
Nor trust to baths or latif'nr".
But face tho rogues with l'KrKRS' rill
And soon you II tend them prunc.ns.
These valunblo pills are Superior to LcV
dreth's, MolfeltV Evans, Hunt , tho J'cr :.n (I
fact to any other pill ever brought In fare tho p !
One 25 Cent llox will piovo tlicir yiit"
this county, as tboir xurprisins virtuea e.t cl
od all over tho United Statcj, C anadas, Teini.jj
ico ami tho west Indies.
(Xj-Enquiro for J'rtcr'ii Vogctahlo Anti B"I
pillsjj) They can bp obtain d ofP. IV
and J. R, Mover, Bloomi-hurg. Wm. PH-'lc &
Danville, and at all ilia principle stores in tH r i
THIS is to certify, that I havo hirr'f
llvanus btnphctis the following prom
ono bay .lare, and one white Horsf.t
two llorio Waggon, also ono Rett off!
ncss and gearing lor two Horses. umni
pleasure, of which the public will .
take notice.
Sugarloaf, Jarch 28, 1810.
ERY respectfully informs his fiLni. sr'
public, that ho has alwoyson hard, at ir
very Stable in Bloomsburg, for the purpose! I:
or Exchange, a vatlety of
which he will feel gratified to keep in rciu...: '
the accommodation of cuomcr!-..
Ho has nlso made arrangements for canytr
srngers from Bloomsburg to Muncy, ci.J I
Bloomsburg to Buckalcwe cn the Owcf o tc
Leaves Bloomsburg for Muncy every t' '
ct 7 o'clock in tho morning and anvo ati
tho sumo evening. Leave Muncy cn y fat
morning at 8 o'clock and arrive at Bloom 't:
same evening.
Leaves Bloomsburg evey Wcdncr Jay m
for Buckalews and return the dnv.
Personal application can l.c mndn ct h:s rr:I
wncn every means will bo used to rcnilcMn-
islaction to thoso who mnv rrhnliim a f" .
Bloomsburcr. March 2R. 1 fi-10. 1
WOULD respectfully inform hisbV'1
and the public genorally.lhat ho lias rent
ed hid shop into his dwelling a few d'l
auove tliejllotol kept by 15. llowei,
nearly onnosile tho dwelling of Ct"
'Kalcr, where ho mav ahvavs bo fount! :
dy to mako up all garments intrusted
care, with neatness and desnatch, Tlrx
for past favors, to such as have encou.
him heretofore. And by strict atlcrbt;
Utlomnsit. lumen slill In mnril i 1 IITCI
of public patronage, A good f.t Ii
all cases.
N. H. Al kinds of country nrouueef
1" oxclianfro for work. And the BC?
never refused.
Bloomsburg, April 11, 1840.