The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 25, 1840, Image 3

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'"thotii without 'teati "
SJfttVllIKlV, JTULVM, 18-10.
, 'i.MFok Vicn Prhsident,
fe&gi.AUKrM of Indiana, ? Scnatorial
OHOSUai jiurnii, oi Lei.iwaiu, 3
't CotrJohn Thompson I 12 Frcdciick
2,.Bcrijamin Mifflin
'Frederick Stoevcr
3 ftrnlflt. Smith
4 Johii'F. Stcinman
Merlry Myers
5 DafiicliJacoby
G JesseJohnson
8, GfoSchristman
0 Wm?ShGcncr
tl HenryiLogan
Kt Charles M'Ohire
U J. M. Gcmmell
15 G. M. Hollenback
10 Leonard 7'foutz
17 John Hotlonjr.
18 William 2'hiWon
10 John Morrison
20 Weslly Frost
21 Benj. AnJerpon
22 William Wilkins
23 A. K. Wright
21 John Findlcy
25 Stephen UailovV
TliCjBerwick Conservator publishes the
tof SfnaTo'r Tappa
extract from a speech
' 'iTlie price of labor is entirely too high
Tho.'Eaaorer in tins emintry can afiord to
wprtffrqr eleven pence a day ; and iho hard
moneyjsyslem will bring down wpges to
that's'iira. Wheat will also come down to
sixteejy cents a bushel, and evory thing else
in proportion. This ia the best tariff yon
(can,Iiayp,and the only one that can enable m
to compete with England. The Sub-lreas
Bry ylij effect both objects it will putdow
he Uanlis, and bring ft ages and every
Idngtmc down."
ere somewhat surprised to see this
u-i , . ....
asf.weinau nopeu ueuer
thlncs from that
quarter,-. than the publication of a slanderous
t unities, wpicu, u appears 10 us, uicy inua
. .r'f"L t. -. ..- .1
hayejUnown was L'a forgrry, as Mr. Tap
Tia'n'Qfofilllinn'rrrl tnn!nl nf llin npnilinfnpna
Hof tliDremarks had been published in most
ofvholemocratic papers in the country.
;Anujwo now think when it is brought to
eir7nplic8 that they will have the cando
llanil; niai;naiiimitv at least, to say that i
aiuhenttcity has been denied by Mr. Tap
Painter says he has reason to believe that
Hwsw ua instead of the full grown whig
boysXwho attempted to blow up the hicko
tli&tiilic at the timu he penned the
'wiicl?that there was not a woid of truth
jmHjffand, also that he knew, at least to h
ownjiatisfaclion who woro the actors in th
Bceneftwe might be induced to contradict
.insjfifaUohood; but as it is, wo shall perm
JljimiTtQv breath the putrid air of a base slan
ifdcrerjwhich now surrounds him without ad
I'dmgiany other gass to li is already too com-
butiblc composition.
lgrcss adjourned on Tuesday last.
icat Nullifier ileDuffio a man of
the' mop powerfull talents and whoso nppo-
taitionSto General Jackson was perhaps,
fflectivo than any other has written
gyeryjlsevcro lettor against Harrison, which
Siliojfollowin'' extract may serve to show.
tflfconcnr fully in your opposition to the e-
BeclJnn of Gone'ral Harrison. If there wero
pjnimijir objections to his election, thoauda-
rciOS anil ilUllhinT uusition be linn nsentnnil
fo'f, rdWs,ng to disclose his opinions to the
ppopo on subjects of vital importanro to
Jjjto'hi.cst office in their gift, and the
fyqWirr mnromerv ot log cabins and beer
bnrrlft. whir1! ti'nnltl iliQtrriinn thn ni-itiaj nC
TO-t,t den; -goguo, by which his uomi-
Inatjogr has been heralded lorth oven by the
jugjiesti 01 ins partisans, would Uo quite
iSPneiUBivo witn 1110. i consider all tins a
gfoMand contemptuous inault to the people
Withe United Stales: and if a weak, super-
HhrtllNtfil aIi! miti tiflnlt. flpelitnln nf nnili.
' Iftcatiohs to sustain the dignity, or perform
I'liQWuties of the oiuco, could be elected
President under surh nusniccs. I should
frfiMUfir it fi rnnrnnnli In nnr nninmnn rnnn
To the Electors. 0 Columbia County. 1
At the cameat solicitation of a lare num
ber of my friends, who are well acquainted
with my situation and circumstances, I have
permitted my name to bo brought before the
public as a candidate for the office of Sheriff
f Columbia county, and having done so,
I now respectfully solicit your support. I
am aware that almost every individual who
present himself to the public for an office
as, or at least thinks he has, strong
claims upon his friends, for their support,
and whether those claiinshire real or uurcal,
ho will endeavor to urge them. Knowing
this, it is with reluctance that I now attempt
to give the reasons which I think should be
sufficient to draw around me my numerous
friends who have known me in active polit
ical life for the last twenty years but thd
duties I owe to myself and to my family,
ever ome niy scruples, and compel me for
ward to the unpleasant Usk. I commenc
ed active life with slender means, thouch
with a stout heart and sttonff hands, and
through industry and economy I had accu
muiaie a small property, with a growing
family, and I looked forward with pride to
the day, when I flattered myself I should
be placed beyond the reach ' of want, and
ve secured to myself a comfortable living.
But in an hour when least expected, ray
bright hopes wero, in a measure, blasted
by the fell destroyer fire. Three years
since having commenced the business of
a carpenter and cabinet maker, and having
procured the necessary tools and u large
quantity of slock, I was defeated in my cal
culations by having my shop, tools, and
stock on hand entirely consumed bv fire.
by which I last about $1400. I was con
sequently for a tunc, flung out of business,
engulphed in a debt which still hangs heavy
on my shoulders, and which, if I am una
bio soon to relieve myself from, will bear
me down. Of my political or moral char
acler, it becomes mo not to speak, they are
well known to the publicjsjcrterally. Of my
ability to perform the duties of the office
thoso who are acquainted with me are the
best judges, Under these circumstances
I throw myself before the public, and asli
of them, a kind thought, if not of action
towards enabling me to bo placed in a situ
ation tnat 1 may relieve mysell lrom my
present embarrassments whilo I faithfully
serve them Should I be so fortunate as to
be elected, I pledge myself that no exertion
on my part shall bo spared to perform th
duties of the officio to the satisfaction of tits
public, so that all who sustain me either by
their influenco or votes, will have iho con
Eolation of reflecting, that whilo they have
enabled me to relieve myself from my mis
fortunes, their confidence has not been mis
Roaring Creek, July 25, 1810.
Wo regret to see any disposition on tho
part of a lew individuals in Uanvillo to in
leifero in local questions here, particularly
When tho democratic part of that county
have trouble enough with similar difiicu
tics at home. As to any change having ta
ken place in tho time of cariving tho mail
from Philadelphia to Reading it is all a mis
take lor it is now. carried in conlormity
with tho original contract. Lint now an
chnngo in carrying tho mails from Phi
deinhia, Reading, or Pottsvills, could affect
the citizens of Danville or Cattawissa, we
aro at a less to imagine: because they are
such an industrious and enterprising pcopl
that they believe in and practice the motto
ol our vencraWIo prolotypo
" Early to bed, and eirly to rise,
Mafces a man hcalty.wcalthy and wise;'
and consequently whether tho mails arnv
at one o'clock in the morning.oryiueo'cloc
in the morninjr. wo should presume an im
material matter to them, unless a peculia
correspondence wero'kept up between thi
'Water Power" and "Steam Power" of
what they term "tho great Iron region of
These remarks are net alone induced by
an acquaintance with tho names of the indi
viduals who have petitioned for an altera
tion, nor by tho ariiclo in the last "Danville
Intelligencer;" but from a knowledge of
the operations which have been zealously
attempted at Washington City by one, who
lends all his official influence to aid the Fe
deral party here in putting down John
Wiiavek, Esq. against whom ho has con
coived a personal dislike, or otherwise ho
would not employ the means ho does, nor
apply the epithet of "a pot contractor."
Tho Intelligencer speaks of complaints in
"tho Susquehanna country." Wo aro sur
prised at this particularly when it ema
nates from a Deputy Post Master one who
should know that no change has been
7nade, and who is certainly aware that all
mails at Danville, Cattawissa, Bloomsburj,
Berwick, &c. aro carried on the route from
Northumberland to Wilkesbarre, and that
the stages in which they are conveyed north
do not roach even Danvill until U or 12
'clock in the rnorninfreach'day. The In-
telligencer also, alleges lhat,"our member of
Congress (T)oct. Peftikinis expected to do
ins utmost to nave tno matter adiustod."
tid requests that " Members from districts
not interested, will refrain from improper
interference." We can only say, that so
far, Dr, Petrikin, through a connexion with
Lewis Audenried, the agent of the Anti-bet-paying
lino, and a notorious Federalist.who
was beat in this county last fall by 900 ma
jority, when the federal candidato for pro
thonotary, pid by some management with
the aristocratic managers of the Reading
Rail Road, has made arrangements to suit
his venomous palate; and that the combined
nlluenco of l'eueralism and Treachery are
now "glorytying in tho hope that thoy
have accomplished tho first step towards
sacrificing their hated "pet contractor."
liut they will linu themselves deceived as
heretofore, and we should rather prognosti
cate a sactifice of themselves, particularly
when an occasion oilers in which the dem
ocrats 01 acnuyiKiu may ho called upon to
express their sentiments at tho ballot-box.
vo will not say who has less interest, as a
Congressional representative, than Doct.
Pctrikm 111 this question; but if the Renrc
sentatives from this district, Berks and
Northumberland have no nore interest in
hub rouie man juoct, rottiKin, mat at once
we agree that we are no more a conttactor
on the Cattavissa rail road, in partnership
with sundry distinguished federalists, than
the gentleman who claims so extensive a
jurisdiction over tho route, and who, in
conjunction with tho federal party, exerci
sc3 so much ingenious malice to put down
a firm and unflinching advocate of demo
cratic measures and democratic candidates,
Pottsville Emporiumi
Appointment by the Governor.
Col. A. V. Parsons, of Lycoming coun
ty, to tho President Judge of the Judicial
district composed of the counties of Dau
plan, Lebanon and Schuylkill, m room of
lion. James fll. Porter, tcsisncd.
IN pursuanco of a Resolution of the
Board of Committee, of the Bloomsburg
Academy, passed at a meeting held on xtloti
day tno autn mst. a meeting ol the citizens
of Uloomsburg and vicinity interested
tho schools kept in said Academy, will bo
held in tho Academy on Wednesday eve
niug next, at half past seven oclock, for the
purpose ol taking into consideration, mat
lers and things relating to the schools.
Also, in pursuance of a resolution passed
at tno same time, Nullum is hereby giv
en mat a competent
S wanled immediately to take chargo of
satu schools;
THOS. PAINTER, President,
J. RAMSEYT-iyecrcfary;"
The Union Camp Meeting of tho Corth
umberland and Danville Circuits, will be
held on tho ground of Mr. Davis, in Lime
stone; about four miles from Washington
ville, on tho Milton road, and seven miles
from Milton to commence August 28.
Tho grovo is delightful and tho Water good
and convenient. Those who desire to gut,
and do good, can, by tho blessing of th
great head of the Church on that occasion
July 17, 1840.
Notice to Assessors.
THE Assessors of tho several Town
ships and lioroughs of Columbia county
aro required by the following seclion of tho
late election law to post up an alphabetical
list 01 tno taxabtos ot your borough or
township. You will thereforo put up on
list at the place of holding your general E
lection in October next, and comply with
tho said following section of said law.
Section 59. It shall bo tho duty of sai
assessors, on or before the first day of Au
gust, in each year, to cause at least one copy
of the said alphabetical list of tho taxable
inhabitants to bo posted up at tho place
where any coming election is to bo held
snd at such other places within such ward
uisirict or townsnip, as Iho commissioners
of said county may think necessary, to af
ford to the inhabitants thoreof an opportu
nity of freely examining the same, and thov
shall further keep copies of tho said returns
in their oiuco or possession subject at al
reasonable tims3, to thn inpftion of any
person, wiinout charge and shall at anv timo
tun days boforo the election, on tho aiiplica
tion of any person claiming to be assessed
within their proper ward, district or town
shirJ, or claiming a right to vote therein as
being between the ago of twenty one and
twenty-two years, and having resided in tho
stato one year, cnler the name of such per
son upon tho said return. The said asses
sors, on the ninth day preceding the second
Tuesday of OctoW, in each year, shall
sign and certify the return of tho taxable
inhabitants and qualified voters residing
within their respective wards, districts and
townships, and deliver the same to tho coun
ty Commissioners, to bo by them hold and
handed over, without addition, or alteration,
to tho inspectors of the tho lime
required by law.
Witness our hands at Danville Jul' 17,
3 P
Fellow Citizens : Bcine solicited bv a
number of my friends throughot tho coun
ty, I again place my name before the pub
lic as a candidate for the Office of
and most respectfully solicit your suffrages.
Afadison, July 21, 1810.
WE are authorized to anhouco
of Cattawissa. as a candidate for tho office
of Columbia county, at tho approaching e
lection. July 18, 1340.
WE are authorised to announce
of Roaring Creek, as a candidate for
of Columbia county at the approaching Oc
tober Election.
To the Eicclovs of Columbia
Tho Subscribers offers liimsplf in itm
Electors of Columbia county as a candidato
at the approaching election, arid solicit their
votes. Should he be elected he pledges
himself to perform the duties of the offico
wnii iiueiuy anu correctness.
June 13, 1840.
Mr. IVebbVlczw announce the name
of itfifflin,
as a candidate for the office of
at the October election, and oblige a
I hereby pronounce SARAH RICE
lilAK, and shall continue to do so, until
sho proves the truth of the storygwhich
she has circulated defaming the character
ot myself and family.
Espytown, July 25, 1840,
Wo publish tho REGISTER'S Notico
below gratuitously, that the centre portion
of tho county may not be entirely excluded
from a knowledge of the business of that
olricc, as some, even m this section may
be interestsd,
1U all legatees, creditors and other per
sons inieiesicu in ine estates ol the respeo
uve uecenucnts anu minors, that the admin
istration accounts of tho aaid estates have
been filed in the Office of the Register of
tne county ot uolumbia, and will be pro
scnlfd lor conhrmalion and allowance to
tho Orphan'3 Court, to be hold al Danville,
in and lor tho county aforesaid, on Tucs
day, tho ISth of August next, at 2 o'clock
1. i no accoui 01 vanian itees, adminis-
trator of tho estate of Jane Recs, lato of
Hemlock township, dececsod.
2. Third supplementary account of Jo
seph IVirkendall, anting administrator ot th
cstato of Powell Grover, lato of Mifllin
township, dec d.
3. The act-ount of Elijah Crawford, Ex
ecuior 01 ins iasi win anu testament ol ja
cob Crawford, lato of Liberty township
uec u
4. Tho account of Collin Cameron, ex
editor of the last will and testament of Oath
a rine Cameron, late of Mahoning township
dec d.
5. The n?count of Evan Evans, admin
istrator of tho estate of Samuel Mears, late
of Rearing creek, township, dee'd
0. First supplementary account of John
Ilower and Jacob Hower. executors of the
last will and testament of Michael Ilower,
late of Cattawissa township, dee'd
7. Tho account of John Peiii?, ariminis
trator of the estalo of Mary Ojwald, late of
Roaring creek township, dee'd
8. Tho account of John Douty and James
McMahan, executors of Henjamin Cruz
luto of of Liberty township, deo'd
PHILIP B1LLMEYER, licgistcr.
Reoisteu s Officii, Danville,
July 10, 1840.
THAT I have applied to the Judges of
the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia'
county for tho benefit of tho insolvent laws
of the Commonwealth, and that they have
appointed Monday, tho 17ih day of August,
next for the heating of me and my credi
tors, when and where you can attend if you
think proper.
July 4, 1840.
fFill be exhibited in Bloomsburg for one
day only the 307t day of July.
Mr, S. II. Nichols, proprietor of this es
tablishment, in offering his unparalleled list
of attraction to tho public with an assurnnco
that the strictest attcnton is paid to charac
terise tho selection of amusement, he will
produce with his extensive and beautiful
stud of Horses and very numerous compa-
r : . 1 T7 it 1.1
tist, including ouch a combination of talents
as has novcr on any occasion been presen
ted to an American audiente. Tho enter
tainments he will brins forward are marked,
by a variety of novelties and splendor of
activity unsurpassed in this country,logelh
er with tho whole interior arrangements
being fillod up and embelliscd in such a de
gree- ot style and convenience as to render,
it the most maguificientand ganlecl place of
amusemcnti J o, enhance still more, tho
above proprietor has engaged the celebrated
BOSTON BAND, defying all competition,
under the direction of Mr. hutvard Kendall;
who stands without a rival in the world m
his profession, and on entering each city or
village, will lead tho tram ot new and ele
gant carriage3,sixteen in number with moun
ted horse3 decorated in a superior style,
each team wearing a plated chime of beds,
together with other immense outlays, in or
der to produce every thing in the strictest
observance of perfection.
Doors open at half past onej 1 Al. per-"
formance to commence at 2.
Atmittance to Box 50 cents Pitt 25 cents;
July IB, 1840.
ALL persons indebted for postage must
chalk up immediately and not give me any
moro trouble collecting, as I trust but for ac
cQmmodallon, not for profiti
Bloomburg July 11, 1840:
All Collectors who have not settled their
Duplicates for 1839 or for previous years;
must be prepared to ballance them at Au
gust Court, as no longer lenity can be giv
en. Tho Collectors for 1840, will also bear
in mind, that they are requird by their
warrants to r ppear at August Court, anil
havo such abatements made as is necessary
By order of the Commissioners.
L. B. RUPERT, Treasurer.
N. B. All persons owing taxes on un
seated land can pay them to John N. Wil
son, of Danville, who is authorized to re
ceive them.
L. B. RUPERT, Treasurer
WHEREAS, tho honorable ELLIS LEWIS
President of the Courts of Oyer and Ter
miner and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter
Sr scions of tho Peace, and Court of Common Pleas,
and Orphan's Court, in tho eighth Judicial District,
composed of tho counties of IS orthumhcrland, Union,
Columbia and Lycoming ; and tho Hon. William
Do.yai.S3V and GEonoB Mack, Esquires, oa Judges in Columbia county, hate issued
their precept bearing date tho 23d day of April
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and forty, and to mc directed for holding
A Court of Oyer and Terminer and G n
eal Jail Delivery, General Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, Common
Pleas, and Orphan's Court,
IN DAN I LLC, in the county of Columbia, on
tho third Monday of August next, (being the 17th
day) and to continue two week.
NOTICE is therefore hereby given to tho Cor
oner, the Justices of tho Pence, and Constables of
tho said Comity of Columbia, that they bo then and
thcro in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in tho
jorenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions
ami other remembrances to do thoso things which
to their oflices appertain to bo dono. - And those
that aro hound by recognizances to prosecute
against tho prisoners that aro or may he in tho jail
of said county of Columbia, aio to bo then and tlioro
to prorccuto against them as shall bo just. Jurors
are requested to bo punctual in their attendance, a
greeably to their notices;
Dated at Danville, tho 10th day of April in
tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hun-,
drcd and forty and in the C5th year of
the independence of the Umlcd States of Amer
ica, WILLIA KITCHEN, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Offico, Danville, ?
April 10th 1840. 5
Ijloomsburg academy
The nttxt session ol this institution under
Mr, C. P. Waller, will commence on Mon
day, August third. The course will, as
formerly, embrace a Classical, Mathemati
cal and English Education. Thoso wishing
o avail themselves of the advantages of a
small school, will do well ia apply soon ni
the number is limited.
July 18th, liJ40. ,