The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 25, 1840, Image 2

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In pursuance of a public notice a Demo
cratic meeting was held at tlio Court House
on Monday evening the 13th inst. It was
one of the Urgent meetings ever held in tho
county, and besides tho greal number of our
citizens that attended, there were a large
concourse of strangers present. The meet-
incr was organized by the appointment of
Col. Wm. Shuart and Stephen Pierce,
Esq. Vice Presidents, and E. L. Fuller and
Edward Elwell, Secretaries.
Mr. Wilmot then addressed tho meeting
for a short time, and stated, the object of it
to be an interchange ol sentiment upon the
ereat political contest which was near at
hand, and of hearing the views of distin
euished strangers then in attendance for
whom he savo way.
Mr. Fleming from Lycoming was then
called out bv a spontaneous cry from every
nail of the house, and took tho floor amid
loud and repeated cheering. Ho spoke for
an half an hour or more with great force
and eloquence. He held up to view the
present federal party maddened in the hope
of triumph, and exulting in the prospect of
another " reign ot terror. tie proveu
clearlv Gen. Harrison to have favored, and
been identified with the federal party of
'08 and a warm supporter of tho Adminis
tratiou of the elder Adams that on his re
turu from Washington in 1779, to Cmcin
nalti, he wore en his hat that badgo of Fed
eralism, a black, cockade." Mr. Flem
ing was very happy throughout the whole
of his remarks, and if any other evidence
was wanting to prove their force and ability
than the frequent expressions of applause
with which he was greeted, it could be
found in the excited and angry countenances
of the whig that were present.
When Mr. Fleming closed his remarks,
Jill. Packer was brought upon tho stand
by one spontaneous shout of the audience;
It is in vain for us to attempt to give any
thing like a description of Mr. Packor'B
speech. It was one of thoso efforts which
stamp the man and place him in the first
rank of popular speakers. Its power was
foil and acknowledged by every individual
in the house, and the Intervals of breathless
silence which followed tho shouts of ap
plause, showed with what intense interest
every word that fell from tho speaker, was
received. For nearly an hour did Mr.
Packer hold his audience spell bound, and
when he closed, there went up loud and con
tinued cheers of approbation. Take it all
in all, it was one of the best, if not the ve
ry best political speechfc that we ever heard
.addressed to a popular assembly.
Towanda Banner and Democrat.
We extract from an Alabama paper m au
thorized annunciation of the reasons which
have induced Colonel Kino to waive tho
nomination of his State fot the Vice Presi
dency. Tho motives of his State in mak
ing the nomination are properly appreciated
and its wishes best complied with, in acting
upon the sentiments announced in the arti
cle we quote. To produce schism in tho
Republican ranks was not the object of Ala- presenting her long-tried represen
tative for the Vico Presidency. The pur
pose was to present a name upon which
the whole Democracy might unite, if, for
any causa, tho present incumbent should
not be brought before the people for re
election. In such a contingency, Alabama
might well have presented her oldest Sena
tor for the station to which, in tho absence
of the Vje President, he is called with
such unanimity by the body ocr which
ho presides with such ability and approba
tion. Globe.
From the Tuscaloosa (Ala.) Flag of (ho Union.
When tho friends of Colonel King pre
sented his name for tho Vice Presidency, it
was generally believed that Col. Johnson
would decline a re-election. Several dis
tinguished gentlemen were spoken of for
the situation, and among them Col. King
occupied a very prominent position. His
long and faithful public service his un
wavering support of Democratic piinciplos
his great moral worth, and peculiar qual
ifications for the discharge of the duties of
the station, strongly recommended him to
the Democracy of the Union. In this state
of things tho late Democratic Convention of
Alabama presented the name ot this distin
guished Senator as a suitablo candidate for
the second othce of the Kepublic, subject
however, to the decision of tho Nation
al Convention. That convention having
decided against making any nomination.we
feel nidified in sayifci that neither Col.
King, nor his friends, will throw the sligh
test obstacle in the wav to prevent a har
monious action of tho whole Democratic
party in this important election. With
the hope of producing this desirable result,
WB have this day withdrawn tho name of
Colonel Kinsr from lbs head of our columns
and substituted the real hero of the Thames
the gallant Cnl. Richard M. Johnson, of
Kentucky. In doing this we have not act
ed without authority wo should not havo
ceased our support of him, whom we stil!
believe to be the choice of the people of Al
abama, had we not been better satisfied that
they will make that sacrifice of their par
tialities, which tho good of the whole re
nuires. The withdrawal of Messrs. For
sylh, Polkj and King, leaves Col. Johnson
the only candidate in the hold.
Another cui? A'ifiARB1 6T-
DER." ' .
Among the most talented and influential
of the Georgia Delegation in Congress is
the Hon. E. J. Black. Ho was elected as
a Whig, but is a man of integrity and prin
ciple, and henco has found it impossible to
pin his faith to tho virtues ol a cuter barrel
or a coon-skm. In an interesting letter to
his constituents he renounces Harrisonism
and its train of gull-traps most emphatically
and avows his preference for Martin Van
Buren. vo have not loom tor his entire
letter, but extract that portion in which Mr.
Black refers to Harrison s vote in lavor ol
white slavery:
"This, then, is tho way in which uen.
Harrison would disposo of a white man,
whose misfortunes may have rendered him
unable to pay a fine and costs of suit im
posed on him for assault and battery, or for
any other violation of the penal code.
When he was Governor of lnuiana.he gave
his official sanction to a law of the same
character, passed by the legislature of that
territory. If ho is elected President, and
Congress should pass an act in accordance
with the above, to sell a defendant for the
fine and costs of suit imposed by a judgo
of a district or circuit court of the United
States, ho would be bound, by his recorded
vote, to sanction and give it the force of
law. Valucingmy privileges as a, white
man, and prepared to defend them to the
last extremity, I cannot, by tho remotest
indirection, tolerate a principlo so abhorent
to my feelings and destructive ol my
This is tho man, fellow-citizens of all
parties, whom the Hatrisburg convention
recommends to you to receive "with some
thing akin to generous confidence 1"
know you to bo high minded and generous;
but I havo yet to learn that your generosity
is to be tested by your willingness to sup
port a man, who deliberately voted to sell
a white man into servitude to raise money
to discharge a fine and costs of suit."
Wo have more than once accused tho en
position of duplicity, of manifesting in their
public acts a very considerable share ot no
iilical versatility, and wo think too that these
accusations have not been offered without
sufficient proof.
It is a Tippecanoe Almanac, embellished
with numerous beautiful engravings (for
these money men spare no expense to ac
complish their ends) in which the benevo
lent actions of tho "old general" are exhib
ited in such a manner as to gain the
favorablo opinion of all men or classes of
Of course no one pretends to believe the
stories, they arc too regular and methodical
for that, , j, . -
In one place we find him represented as
'doing the benevolent' to a 'poor negro.'
That ia intended for the abolitionist, and is
well got up. In another place ho is reliev
ing the wants of a 'young Irishman and his
interesting wife.' This is for the sons of
tho emerald isla and may have some effect
on their honest unsuspecting hearts. Here
he is represented as giving his blanket to a
British officer. That's for the imported or
transported John Bulls, And in another
place he is shown off in tho act of relieving
the necessities of an old Dutchman. Here
wo have him gring his horse to n meiho-
dist minister, and then we are reminded of
his gift of "cold buckwheat cakes" to a
presbyteiian clergyman. So it runs on
holding out tho appropriate bait to each
sect and people. Will they bite, think you
Messrs. Whigs ? Lehigh Bulletin.
The New York Journal of Commerce
gives the following a account of this edifice
and Us furniture. Alio President s house
was built in '00. John Adams was its first
:upant; he receivee 14,000 dollars for
furniture. Mr. his eight years
received dollars; Mr. Madison, du
ring his two terms received 28,000 dollars
mure. 1 he fnrmture in tho house, when
it was destroyed by the Biitish in 1814,had
thus cost 71,000. When Mr, Monre took
possession of it, 50,000 dollars were appro
priated lor lurninirc and nearly all the fur
niture was procured from France. Mr
John Quincy Adams received 05,000 dol
lars additional. Uenoral Jackson received
and expended 45,000 dol'rs more for furni
ture. Mr. Van Buren has received only
zj.uuu dollars in his ursl term; and of tho
present appropriation, only vuu dollars is
for furniture, and that for an ante-room.
where persons calling on the President can
have a chance to eit down while they ara
watting to see hnn. Notwithstanding all
these expenses, the house is not furnished
in a style commensurate with its extent and
uses, and the hospitality which the people
expect from the man who occupies their
house. Jt was stated in congress that ma
ny private mansions at the north are better
furnished in respect to their intent and
purposes; and that a house in Washington
opposite to the president's, is also much
better furnished.
Jl Change, The Jeflergenian Repnbli
can published al Charlottesville, Virginia
which has been advocating the whig cause
finding its subscription list dwindling dovn
to almost nothing, has changed proprie
tors, aud will hereafter support the Demo
cratic cause.
Destruction of property and Loss of
Jjfe! Wo have been favored with tho per
usal of a letter, written at Shrewsbury,
York county, Pennsylvania, on the evening
of the 8lh insU, to a gentleman of this city,
from which we learn that a most ttemen
dous storm occurred there on that evening,
causing great destruction of property, per
sonal iniurv, and loss of life. It commenc
ed about half past eight o'clock, with rain
and a high wind, blowing with the lorco oi
a hurricane from the south-west. In a few
minutes the whole town was thrown into
confudon and uproar; and horror and con
sternation took possession of every breast.
nearly every houso in tho place was sub
merged, and a number entirely destroyed.
The roofs of many were blown off, and the
street presented a most deplorable scene of
ruin. On tho main street the houses were
unroofed. Tho Methodist meeting house
has been destroyed. In ono of the back
streets, a dwelling house was entirely
thrown down, burying two families under
the ruins those of Mr. B. Gruvell and of
Mr. Neller. Mrs. Gtevell was kilted, Mr.
G. dangerously hurt, and several of his
children 60 severely injuied that it was not
expected they could survive. All tho build
ings on an alley, with the exception of two,
to the extent of two squares, havo been
prostrated. The barn and stable of the wri
ter of the letter, Isaac Collins, Esq., were
blown down and scattered about the lot; his
carriage was bioken into pieces under tho
ruins, and his colleague, name not given,
had a horse killed. The account is but
partial, as at the time, and under (the cir
cumstances, it was impossible) for Mr. C,
to ascertain tho full extent and all the par
ticulars of the devastation, which the next
morning would reveal. Even while he was
yet writing ho could hear the groans and
shrieks of his neighbors, mingled with the
roar of the elements, that were sweepln
their property to destruction, and putting
their lives in peril. This visitation which,
had it come in tho day-time, would have
been sufficiently disastrous, must have been
eminently horrible and heart-rendering, oc-
curing as it did in tho night, the darkness
increasing the confusion, and rendering the
preservation of person and property the
more difficult. It is to be feared that the
full revelation of the next morning will
show a great addition to the amount of dam
age given above. Baltimore Sun.
The Ginral's Speech. The following
paragraph from the Charleston Mercury, is
as correct as it is piquant :
1 he speech delivered by Harrison al
Fort Meigs show the wisdom of tho friends
who corked him up, to keep until after the
election. A more wretched and vulgar
piece of drivelling egotism, and point-no-
point cooing for popularity, could hardly
have been invented as a burlesque 1 It is a
regular Dogberry affair. The whigs had
better stablo him again, before the people
get the lull measure ol his cars, Gag him!
and cover him up in a lion's skin, and stick
to "hard cider." Even that is better than
milk and water. If Harrison is allowed to
mix the two, whiggery will be hint in tho
owels, besides, having mania a portw
Shut him up! bhutup! it won I do !
As you were ! Steady ! Fctticoat ! Dukss!
GUIDES to tho front ! Maiuc Time 1
JJoncsiu jaxtra. l he watch that was
tolen on Friday last by some pickpocket
from the person ol the Hon. It. Al. John
son, at Temperance Hall, singularly enough
returned to him yesterday morning. I ho
gentleman who returned it i" highly respec
table, and savs it was placed in his hands
to return by one who confessed ho had sto-
on it, but was not aware of the distinguish
ed and honorable character of ihe ono he
had robbed, and expressed great contrition
for the act. Phil. Spir. limes.
We find the following list of a prophetic
arrangement ol the Cabinet, should Gen,
Harrison be elected;
Wm. H. Harrison, President of tho U. S.
John Tyler,
Vice President.
Daniel Webster,
N. Biddlo,
Secretary of Stale.
Sec. of the Treasury-
W. C. Preston,
Sec, of War.
Sec. of the Navy.
L. Southard,
Thomas Eewing,
J. J. Critterden,
ro Piaster Ueneral
Attorney General.
Henry Clay,
ilinisler to England
This supposition is made in a Whig pa
per in tne jjisiuci ui vioiumuin, naru by a
majority of the persons therein named. It
is truly a mingling of blue spirits and grey
But where is Pennsylvania 1 Poor Penn
sylvania, with her Penroso, Dinkey Sie-
vens. is. iic. Sic, and poor Henry Clay
who has fought their battles, who has held
their fag ends of parties togother, is Heated
with insult and injury. Not only is he
cheated out of the nomination for President
but is made to swallow an appointment to
visit foreign courts in his old days. After
fighting and tugging foryears,he is shuffled
oil as a useless appendage.
Singular Suicide. The York rPa1
Press of Monday, says: 'On Monday last,
Dr. II. M, M'Clellan, coroner, held an
inquest on the body of William Shultz in
Windsor township, who hung himself
while in a slate of intoxication, and made
his wife hold the candle while he perform
eu the act.' An obedient wife truly
From the GreensWrg Arguii ,
Those who think worth while referring
to volume third of "the National Portrait
Gallery, published under the superinten
dence of tho Ameiican Academy of the
Fino arts," will there find a portrait and
historical notice of Major General .Quthur
St. Clair, in which it i3 staled that he died
"nt Laurel Hill, nettt Philadelphia."
Notwithstanding the high authority under
which this statement is made, it is never
theless a mistake, which wo think worthy
of correction, as every Incident in the life of
the brave, but unfortunate subject ot this
notiee,is worthy to be rescued as well from
error, as oblivion.
Afier having spent tho doclming years of
his one honorable and uselul lile in unavail
ing demands upon Ins country, for the sat
isfaction of what were then, and arc still,
believed by many to be just claims, his last
days embittered by disappointment and
poverty, General at. Ulair, departed this
life, at his residence on Uhcsnut Judge m
this county. In our "village church yard,"
and in view irom the snot where mat is
written, a neat stone monument is reared,
some fifteen feet in height, surmounted by
an Urn. Ihe traveller who may be attrac
ted by its appearance, will find upon it the
following inscription.
the earthly remains of Mnior General
ARTHUR ST. CLAIR, are deposited be
neatii this humble monument, which is er
ected to supply the place of rt nobler one
due from his country. He died August
31st, 1818, in tho 8 lilt year of his
Although that country in whoso service
he toiled and expended so much, and, al
though unfortunate, he possessed the confi
dence and esteem of Washington himself,
which was never undeservedly given al
though that country permitted him to "?o
unto hi3 long Home, his old age unsolacud
by her generosity or her justice, there were
yet those who respected his memory, and
wouiu not permit tne wnu glass to grow
and wither upon his grave as an unknown
and neglected spot. On tho opposito side
of tho shaft of the monument may be found
the following words i
" 1 his btono is erected over tho bones
of their depaitcd Brother, by the members
of tho masonic society resident in this vi
we have wriiten this notice, that thoso of
his countrymen, who yet cherish and re
spect his memory, may learn (if they do not
already know) where to find the grave of
the departed (soldier,
American Women. Do
me second part ot Ilia great work, pays a
warm tribute to the worth of country wo
men. Ho thus concludes his remarks :
"As for myself, I do not hesitate to avow
that, althougfi the women of the United
otates are continea within the narrow cir
cle of domestic life, and their situation is, in
some respects, ono of extreme dependence,
i nave no wncre Hcen women occupying a
loftier position : (that is, of moral influ
ence,! anu u i wero askeu, now mat l nm
drawing to the close of this work, in which
1 have spoken of so many important things
.done by the Americans, to what the singu-
ar prosperity and growing strength of that
people ought mainly to be attiibulcd, I
snouiu reply to me superiorly oj their
women. '
Charles Cist, Esq., who h engrged in
taking the census at Cincinnati, says: "I
found a lady, at the age of 29, had 14 chil
dren, the oldest being born on her 14lh
birth uav s And another a case more
remarkable in which her son stood by her
side within a few months as old as sho was
when married, and the mother not" yet 20.
Consequently the mother was about 13
when married.
rhero is a shocking account in the N.
Y. Signal, in which tho petty despot who
governs Ispahan, is described as cruel al
most beyond belief. A favorite mode of
punishment with this tyrant, is to cage up
criminals doomed to expiate their offences
with lile, and when two or three hundred
are thus collected, to build a "groaning
tower as it is called a horrid edihee, com
posed of alternate layers of stone and hu-
man bodies, l'irst a foundation of stono is
placed upon the ground, and then u layer
oi live men and women are placed upon
theso, and if wo understand the operation
rightly, covered with lima and mortar. On
these are placed another series of stones,
welt cemented, and then again comes the
shrieking victims of an almost unheard of
cruelty; and thus the workmen proceed un
til tho tower is finished. One of theso now
stands at a gate of the city. A traveller
who writes from there recently, says, that
another collection of criminals is making.
and in a short time another "groaning tow-
er" will go up. Humanity shrinks from
tne nornbio picture.
Late from the Pacific Tho Journal of
uomincrco lias letters from Panama to the
20th May. War had been declared by Pe
ru against Bolivia, and the rebellion iu the
province or I'aato, (one of tho Southern
Provinces of New Grenada) had broken
out afresh. To add to the troubles of ihn
times, the small pox was raging there; aad
aiso in tne isinmus, to an alarming extent.
The London Standard, (a Tory arct)
tf ntams a paragraph, which we aunnr
merely for producing a greater dei'rrc ,,'r
harmony and a greater attachment to the
Union, among tho various sections nfiU
confederacy i
"I ho dismemberment of tho Northern
and Southern Slates of the American Union
is, as it would uppear, an evcnl morn rapid
ly approaching than any monarchist has
ventured to predict. We have tho authori
ty of the noble lord, the Secretary for the
Colonies, for declaring that the discussion
of the slavery question must, if it be hotly
contested, issue in tho destruction of th'n
For trial at August Term 1810.
Hannah M'Cord and Mary Reese vs Vani
ah Uecsc.
Thomas Shore vs Henry Rillenhouse.
JjUdwig Ijieht vs benrge Muohler.
Daniel Mosteller vs George Longenborger
ot al.
Joseph Cavinoc vs Isaac Musgrovc, adrar.
of Aaron Musgrove.
Jacob Gelling vs Peter Miller.
Thomas Moorehcad vs John F. Manville,
Samuel Parker vs William Donaldson.
Christian A. Brobst vs Samuel Brobst.
Isaiah Shuman vs Daniel Ciutenbadertal.
D. S. Montgomery's Excc'rs vs Williim
Jacob Waggoner vs D. W. M'Cormick.
Mahoning township vs Thomas Hays and
Henry Sanders.
Leonard Stoughten vs Patrick Flood.
David Davis, Sen. vs David Rohm, et al.
Andrew M'Reynolds et al vs Abnor Moore,
et al,
April 22, 1840, The Court ordered the
civil list to be ready tho first day of tho sec
ond week of next term.
J. EYERLY, ProllC y.
jLisl of raml Jurors
For August Term 1740.
Bloom Cyrus Barton, Malhow M'Dow-
ell, Thomas Painter.
Caltawissa Jeremiah Boon, Mavberiy
Genrhart, John Sharpless, Theodora Wells,
jjcrry nugu watson.
Fishing CrcctcJahn Allegar.
Greenwood Jonathan Lemon.
Hemloch fieorgn Styers.
Jackson Elijah Ttobbins.
Lib'erty John Wilson.
Mahoning David Blue, Valentino Best,
Cornelius CorncIison.John Mourcr.Saai-
ucl Yorks.
Madison Richard Demolt. John Fruit,
John Moore.
ilonter John II. Quick.
Boaring Creek James A. Fox.
Orange Emanuel Lazarus.
IList oi'Ti'aTcrsc Jurova
For the first meek of August Term 1 840.
Brier Creek Josiah Evans, Gilbert
Fowler, John Fester, Andrew Freas, Jdhn
Hess, Willian Stall.
Bloom Peter Biggs, George Crosller,
Philip Eycr, Archibald Henry, Jacob Mel
ich, Solomon Newhard.
Catlaioissa Reuben Slambach.
Berry Simonton Clark, Philip Seidle.
Greenwood Iram Derr, Andrew Ikcler,
Joseph Robbins.
Jackson Samuel McIIenry.
Liberty John Hopper, BcnUmin Ka-
nouse, Robeit Simonton, John Trego.
Amiesone David Davis, Samuel O.txs.
Mahoning Thos. BcnfiQld.Thos.Clark,
Michcal Sanders
Madison Henry Crawford, John Man
ning, Urccn I'tgg, John Welliver.
Monteur Henry Wcrtman, Gcorgo
Mifflin John Grovcr, Henry .Miller,
Gorncljus Ritlenhnusc.
Mount Plsasanl Lawrence Good, Jphn JJ
Orange-William Feistcr, Isaac Kline,
Boaring Creek Anthony Denrler, Saiii'
uel Hampton, Daniel Keller. Abraham
Sugarloaf Joshua Brink, Thomas Gib
bons, Philip Krichbaum.
Jurors lor lie Scco:td wccli.
Brier Creek Jesse Bowman.
Bloom John Grolz, Charles Ilagcn-
bach, Wm. Neal, Daniel Molieh.
Caltawissa Samuel Brady, Milton
Berry David Cox, Thomas Cary, Rob
ert McKee.
Fishing Creek James Eager, John
Greenwood David Achenback, Jacob
Hemlock Pclcr Appleman, Maltliias
Appleman, John Brugler.
JAberty George Billmoycr.
Mahoning Martin M'Allisler, John B-
Madison Thomas A. Funston, JamC
Girton, William Holdreu, William John
son, Peter Shullz.
Mifflin-Henrv Harricere, Isaiah Long-
aberger, Da.iiel Mausteller.
Mount Pleasant James Patterson.
Orange John Achcnharh.
Boaring Creek Aaron Berninger, Jobs
Yoager, John Huges, Levi Johnson.
ougartonj John Hess; Ehas uen.
and SUMMONS for sale at this office,