The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 25, 1840, Image 1
m mm m I ,1 i Ma 1 li i4 i fit I havo sworn upon tho. Altar of Cod, eternal Uostlllty to cvCry form of Tyranny over the Mlud of Man."--'fj,omas Jefferson. PRINTD AND PUBLISHED BY IT. WEBB. kVoStUJiC BV. BLOOBISISTUIU, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATUEBAY, JUIiY 25, 1840. IVniEiber SC. P lit i OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, ptositu fir, Paul's Ciiuncit, Main-st !3EiHSE25EH2IH mi mi n r mCOLUMUM DEMOCRAT will be 'published every Saturday morning, at ,tmtifVO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly m advance, or l wo Hollars rsi. ,r ..'it.;.. it.. frWiffiaubscriplion will be taken for a shorter ' JjeriW ian six months nor any discon m'i'iinuance permitted, until all arrearages Ware discharged. '(' tyDVER TISEMENTS not exceeding a V 'jf!7tM'rc be conspicuously inserted at tit-Sync Dollar for the first three insertions, mP11 Twenty-five cents for every subsc $$Ment nserlion. ICT liberal discount 'jjjnadc to those, who advertise by the year. W LETTERS addressed on btisiticss, must -be post paid. Sf, THE COW BOYS. i5 aSBr H r au mailer uucp unu uuiiatiuua 4W"... . . . 1 . 1 I 44- P'ull of peril and adventurous spirit." i . mn in t vpnmrr nprinn irriiii mi: i:iim- S. . . ... . l r .1.- -Wf,"w b 1 roencement of tho year 1770 to tho close of y dfi8f was an eventful time for the infant Re SsLwTOiSlic. They had declared their indepond once, nail iiuuwn uh mo juk ui uuium, and tho time had now arrived when, in the o'rds of a patriot, ' it was to be seen whether America had virtue enough to he free or not." The vear '78 was particular Tytdistinguishcd for the evacuation of Phil aueipuia uy lliu uriuaii, iui ecvcui uinuaui engagements in the " tented field" which ITfV . . i . .t - ; . !- .1.- i-r.. i..;n:n..i ane ana uncying msiro upon mo Amenrau arms, and for the multifarious bands of pre fatory ruffians who infested the forests in Ahe vicinity of Now York, Philadelphia, arid the "neutral ground." They were composed of. renegade ..t0rie3f, and .yillaius' &(t all descriptions, principally native Amer icans. They wera tierce savages, alike in tUc'r manner of living and mode of warfare, and, indeed, verifying the assertion of the poet, that " He that loves not His country, loves nothing." It was a balmy motning in Juno : the sun BJlOne Wlltl intense uriiuani-y, unu ins umu- HT ..i t ! 1 1 . i t.: i jing rays reflected upon some parts of the armor of a solitary equestrian, who was wending his way from West Chester to .Fjiiladclphia. His horso might have seen better days as well as himself both appear '$trjaded and worn with toil. Tho former Cwas a black and noble-looking animal, re the appearance of his, which stood otft in bold relief, and " boro testimony am ple" of his meagre and stinted fare. His rider was a man whoso demeanor stamped Sum at onco as one of tho " bravo sons of Kberty." A certain expression about the friouth, the bold and fearless glance of a lack eye, and tho uoblo contour of his form, spoke of one of tho " bravest of the lavo" when deed of danger wa3 nigh. His hostlers contained a pair of pistols hich were the only arms visible. A mil itary coat, rather worn, and a tough foraging p, completed his warlike accoutrements An air of determined bravery was blended With a hutnorish expression which linger- about his visage, and upon all this, "middle use Had slightly pressed her signet sage." 'Jove 1" exclaimed he, " hero is old 15a Sker's they told mo of at Chester," and, spurring his Rosinante, ho soon dismoun ,"lteU at the door of a miserable inn, and giv- Kog his noble beast into the caro of an atteivl faiU, he mado his way to the interior of the uweiuug. The landlord was alone. Our adventnr- griknew him for a staunch Whig and grcc tied him accordingly. Well, Baker," said he, " is there any news stirring ?" xv one ot consequence, sir. Are vou going to tho city J" Yes. What is tho distance,?" About five miles by tie district .'road, m" ' But what, pray ?" (V Why, the Cow-Boys are as thick ns dekberries. A band of twenty robbed two men yesterday, andonly hat Monday there was a man tnutdercd outright." The man stepped to tho window and mused anxiously. " Baker," observed he, at last,' I have been told that you are hon est, and 1 am pay-master in tho army, and with mc I havo several thousand dollars. To go through tho forest you speak of, as I am now, were an act of consummate folly. Can you rig mo with a poor horse, and a countryman's dress, with a wig and Qua kcrhatJ" Yes, Major, I have the vorv thines. If you'll come this way, I'll show you." In a few minutes Maj. Burton returned, having undergone a complete metamorpho sis. A pair of homespun breeches, drab coat, and broad brimmed beaver, had super ceded his military equipage, every trace of which had disappeared, and his soldier-like bearing had given place to the demure and quiet deportment of the honest Quaker. Albeit, his bold eye flashed occasionally from under the broad brim of his upper in. tegument, atid sadly belied the sad suffer ing disposition which it became him to as sume. The money as carefully deposited i.i a pair of saddle bags, which were thrown across the saddle, and Maj. Burton ruoun tod. " Good morning, Baker," said Burton, " take good care of my beast." " I will," shouted the worthy landlord, " and luck bo with you." Tho Major rode on in silence, am', thus communed with himself : This is indeed a virtue of necessity, to be compelled to ride this sorry jade. It was a transforma tion with a vengeance, and no ono would then have recognized any but tho honest Quaker. lie had proceded into the forest about a mile, and was turning a short angle in the, road, ,w lien he, was commanded, in a sten torian voice, to stand !" But two men were near him, and theso two were as vil lainous looking beings as one would wish to look upon. Squalid wretchedness was depicted upon every feature, and in a voice, rendered hollow by misery, they demanded his money. Alas ! my friends," said our worthy Quaker, "1 hate but litlc, which I will bestow upon thee if thou demand it. But, friend," (to the, ono who had his hand upon the bridle) " release my beast, and fear not that I shall attempt to escape thee. Why dost thou pursue this course, ruining both body and that immortal part which dicth not 1 I would that vo cleavo upon tome honest calling and if ye will imbrue thy hands in the blood of thy fellow man, join the forces of your country, and " Look here '." shouted one of llism, you infernal hypocrite ! stop your lingo give us your money, andcurso your preach ing." Tho Quaker fumbled first in ono pocket, and then the other, and producing soma change, ho handed it out to them in silence. They eyed the paltry sum with looks in which sharao and wrath struggled for mas tery. " Three fips and four coppers I begone!" and bestowing two or three kicks upon the old horso which meiely started him into a gallop, they dashed through tho " tangled waste of underwood," nnd wero soon be yond the ken of the honest Quaker, alias Mai. Button, of the Continental army. He sobered his animal into a patient trot, more benomin? his sarb, and " whistling as ho went for want of thought," ho soon en tered tho city in safety, and with his com rades in arm3 had many a hearty laugh on his adventure with tho Cow-Doys. The Rochester Democrat says the crop of wheat in western New York, is two weeks more forward than it was last year, and some days moro than for a number of years past, and that tho prospect of an a- bundant crop was never more haltering. The wheat harvest of Wisconsin i3 unu tfiiully promising. From the Adventures of Valentin Vox. A VENTRILOQUIST TREATING HIS FRIENDS TO A SERENADE OF CATS. Thero happened to be only four bed rooms in tho liotucj the best of course was occupied by Miss Madonna, tho second by Plumplec, the third by Mr. Beagle, and the fourth by' the servant, aud that iu which Mr, Beiigle slept was a double bedded room, and Valcntno had, therefore, to mako his selection between tho spare bed and the sofa. Of course the former was preferred, and as preference seemed highly satisfacto ry to Mr. Beagle himself they passed the remainder of the evening very pleasantly together, and in due time retired. Valentine, on having the bed pointed out to him, darted between the sheets in tho space of a minute, for as Mr. Jonas Beagle facetiously observed, he had but to shake himself, and overy thing camo off! whsn as he did not by any means feel drowsy at the time ho fancied that he might as well amuse his companion for an hour or so as not. He therefore, turned the thing seriously over in his mind, while Mr. Beaglo was quietly undressing, being anxious for that gentleman to extinguish the light before he commenced operations. Now for .t beautiful night's rest," obscr ved Mr. Jonas Beagle to himself as ho nut out tho light with a tranquil mind, and turn ed in with great deal of comfort. "Mew 1 mew !" cried Valentine softly throwing his voice under the bed of Mr. Beagle. "Hish curse that cat I" cried Mr. Bea gle,"wo must have you out at all events, my lady." And Mr. Beaglo at once slipped out of bed and having opened the doo cried 'hish !' ajrain emphatically, and threw his breeches towards the spot as an aduTt onal inducement for the cat to "stand not on the order of her going,' when Mr. Val entitle repealed the cry, and made it appear to proceed from tho stairs Mr. Beaglo than ked heaven she was crone, closed tho door and very carefully groped his way again in to bed, "Mew 1 mew ! mew !" cried Valon tine, just as Mr. Beagle had again comfort ably composed himself. . "What I aro you there still madam!" en quired that gontleman in a highly sarcastic tone, "I tho't vou had been turned out ma dam. Do you hear this witch of a cat ?' ho continued, addressing Valentine witli the view of conferring upon him the honorable office of Tyler for the lime being; but Val chtino replied with' a deep heavy snore, and began to mew again with additional cmpha sis. " Well, I don't havo a treat every is Irue; but if this isn't one, why I'm out o my reckoning, that's all !" observed Mr, Jonas Beagle, slipping again out of bed: I don't much like to handle you my lady, bnt if I did, I'd of courso give you physic I and he "hished 1" again with consumato vi olence and continued lo "hish" until Val cntinc scratched the bod-post sharply, a feat which inspired Mr. Beaglo with the con viction of its being tho disturber of In peace in tho net of decamping, when h threw tho pillow very energetically towards tho door which he closod, and then return cd to his bed in triumph. I he moment however, lie had comfortably tucked him self up again he missed the pillow ho had converted into an instrument of vengeance and that was an article without which he could not oven hope to go to sleep, he had of course to turn out again to fetch it. "How many moro times, I wonder," he observed to himself, "shall I havo to ' got out of this blessed bed to-night 1 Exerciso is certainly a comfort, and very conducive to health; but such exercise as this; why where have you got V ho added, address ing tho pillow.which with all the sweeping action of his feet lie was some time unable to find "Oh, here you aro, sir, aro you 1 and ho picked up tho object of his search and gavo it several sovero blows in the bel ly; when having reinstated himself between the sheets, he exclaimed in a aubdued tone, Well, let's try again 1" Now, Mrs Jonas Beaglo was a man who1 prided himself especially upon the evenness of his temper. His boust was that nothing could put him tn a passion, md if he had less than most of his co temporaries lo vex him, he had certainly been able, in tho ab senco of all cause for irritation, to preserve his equanimity. As a perfect natural mat ter, of course, ho invariably attributed the absence of such cause to the innato amia bility of his disposition; and marvelled that men, men of sense and discernment, should so far forget what was justly expected of them, as reasonable beings, as lo sutler tiiem selves to be lortuved by excitement, inas much albeit as human nature and difficul ties arc aro inseparable, human nature is sufficiently potent not only to battle with those difficulties, but overcome them, If Mr. Jonas Beagle had to contend against many of the ills flesh and blood is heir, lo lie, in all probability, would Itavs acted like the majority of his fellow men; but as he had met with very fow, and those few had not been of a very furious complexion, he could afford to be deeply philosophical on the subject, and felt himself competent, of course, to frame laws by which tho tem pers of men in tho aggiegate should be go verned, Ho did, however, feel when he violently smote the pillow, that tho little eb ulition partook somewhat of the natuio of passion, and just commenced reproaching himself for having indulged in that little eb ulition, when Valentine cried, "mcyow ! pit ! meyow i" "Hallo," exclaimed Mr. Jonas Beagle" "here again!" "Mew 1" said Valetltinein a somewhat higher key. "What! another come to contiibuto to the harmony of the !" v 4 ,;,'Mcyow mcyow !" cried 'Valentino a key still higher. "Well, how many more of you 1" en quired Mr. Beagle, "you will bo able to get up a concert by and-bye; and Valentine be gan to spit and swear with great felicity. "Swear away you beauties," cried Mr. Jonas Beagle, as he listened to this voiley of feline oaths; "I only wish that I was not so much afiaid of you for your sakes. At it arain 1 Well, this is a blessiiiff. Don't you hear these devils of cats!" ha criad, anxious not to have all the fun to himself; but Valentine recommenced snoring very loudly. "'.Veil, this is particularly pleas ant," he continued, as he sat up in bed. Don't you hear ? What a comfort it is to be able to sleep soundly;" which remarka bio observation was doubtless provoked by the no less remarkable fact that tho spitting and swearing became more and more despe rate, "What's to be done 1" he enquired very pointedly. "What's to bo done," my breeches are right in tho midst of them all. I can't get out now they'd tear the flesh ofl" my legs; and that fellow there sleeps liko a lop. Hallo ! do you mean to sa you don't hear those cat3, how thcy'ro f?oin? it!" Valentine certainly meant to say no such thing, for tho whole of the lime that he was not engaged in mc yowing and spitting, ho was dcligently oc cupied in snoring which had a very good effect, and served to fill up tho intervals ex ceedingly well, At length the patience of Mr. Jonas Bea glo began lo ovaporalc, for the hostile ani mals continued to battle apparently with great desperation; ho therefore throw a pil low with grcst violenco into tho bed of his companion, and shouted so loudly that Val entine, finding that it would be perfect non sense to pretend to sleep any longer, began to yawn very naturally, and theu to cry out "who's there?" "'Tis I," shouted Jonas Beaglo. "Don't you hear thoso witches of cats t" "Hist," cried Valentino, "why there aro two of thorn !" "Two !" said Mr. Boagle, "moro liko two-and-twenty ! I've turned out a dozen myself. There's a swarm, a whole colony of them here, and I know no more about striking a light than a fool.1' "Oh, never mind,' said Valentine: 'let'd go lo sleep, they'll be quiet by and bye." "It's all very fino to say.let's go to sleep but whos to do it?" cried Beagle, emphati cally. "Curse the cats I I wish there watn't a cat under heaven, I do with all my soul ! They're such spiteful vermin too, when they happen lo be put out,and there'1 one of them in a passion. I know her by her spitting,and confound hor ! I wish from tho bottom of my heart it was the very last spit she had in her." While Mr. Jettas Beaglo was indulging" in these highly appropriate observations. Valentino was laboring with great energy in the production of the various bitter cries which are peculiarly characteristic to the feline race; and for a man who possessed but a slight knowledge of the grammatical construction of the language of that race, it it must, in justice be said, that ho develop' cd a degree of that fluency, which did hint great credit. Ho purred, and timed, and cried and swore, and spit, until the perspU ratiou oozed from every pore, and mads the sheets as wet as if they had been'dampi ed for tho mangle.' "What on cailh are we to do inquir3 cd Plumplee, 'I myself have a horror for cats." "Tho samo lo mo, and many of e'm!'"1 observed Mr. .Beagle, 'let's wake thai young fellow, perhaps he don t mind them." "Hollo !' cticd Plumplee. "Hallo !" shouted Beagle; but as neither could make any impression upon Valentinej and as both were afraid to get off the shake him, thoy proceeded to roll up iho blankets and sheets into balls and to pelt hihi with infinite zeal. "Who's there? What's the matter ?' cried Valentine, at length, in tlm coolest tone imaginable, although his exertions had mado him sweat liko a tinker "For hoaven's sake, my dear young friend," said Mr. Plumplee, " do assist us in turning these cats out. "Cats! Where are they? cried Valentine. Hish 1" " Oh, that's of no uso wiats"cr. I havd tried the hising business myself. All the. iiishing in the world won't do.- They must bo beaten out; you're not afraid of thera ard you ?" " Afraid of them; afraid of a fow cats !" exclaimed Valentino, with the assumption of some considerable magnanimity, "Wherd ate they?" "Under my bed,' replied tieagle. " There's a bravo fellow. Bread their bles sed necks !" And Valentine leaped out of" bed, and after striking at tho imaginary animals very furiously with the bolster, hei hissed with violence and scratched across the grain of the boards in humblo imitation, of those domestic creatures scampering out of tho room when ho rushed to the door and proceeded to make a very forlorn raey owing die gradually away at thti bottom ot the stairs. " Thank heaven ! thCy are all gdnc at last !" cried Mr. Beagle, " wo shall be abld to get a little rest now, I suppose;" and af ter very minutely surveying every cornet1 of tho room in which it was possible for ono of them to havo lingered, ho lighted his candle, bade Plumplee good night, and begged him to go immediately to Miss Ma- donna, who had been calling for an cxplan-1 ation very anxiously below Twenty-six years ago, and only one small building was to be seen in Buffaloi whicli now contains moro than twenty thousand inhabitants. It is said that American bank stock and canal and railway shares are held in Great Britain to tho extent of nearly $300,00(V 000, lhwarc, Notes are about on the flank of Maryland, ot Baltimore, and tho Susque hanna Bridge Banking Company, Neither" of thera ate worth any thing. I