ir ifctiiocrhtfc C'cSebyalSoai. Tlio G 1 tit Anniversary of. American Indc- ncmlcriRC was celebrated in tills place by rtliB democracy of Columbia county with )ts usual demonstnttletift ol reeling or grat udo lo tlio fathers of their countrv, '1'he ay was ushered in by the firing of a Na rial Salute. Iiiarly in the morning the Kleuiocrats began to arrive, and before 11 o'- lofk our villago was literally crowded with io ri-"io and sinew of tlio " Star of the forth,"' About 10 o'clock, n hickory 'olr, np'vnrds of 100 feet in height was rai-cu i.i nor oi tnu Hotel ol iJaiiicl Snv- uVr, ('' ! ! i.n'lers for the company) upon vt k-!i . . 1 1 listed a National Flag, with lln' mm liiitiun " Van Duron and Johnson" ffconspic : ntsly placed upon it. Upon tlio lajr i i: vnifr at its destined height, and snreadi i ' out lis graceful foals t tlio action ief tlio gcntlo breeze, it was saluted with a illseharge from the Artillery, the Blooms biirg Hand playing Hail Columbia accom Ipanied by tho cherw f thu mu titud t. At ll. .. .. r l l p-., ti u jji uuvsauui wua luriuuu una ifrrhed down Maine street and back to the Grove, whereabout four hundred sat down to a sumptuous repast, preparod by Dan let Snyilor, After the removal of the cloth, tho e"in;niiv organized by appointm: ISAAC KLINE, Esq. President, SEBAS iJIAN HOWElt, and Colftl. MoDOW LL. Vfo Presidents, OWEN D. LEIB, id RICHARD FRUIT, Secretaries, I'ho Declaration of Independence having mreail iy Uoct. Uwcn 1J. l,eib, the fol itng toasts were drank, accompanied with jsio Irom tlio excellent Uloomsburg Hand, discharge ol cannon, and tho hearty leers of tho company. KU'JULAIl TOATS. II. 'I'ne day wo celebrate. 'I. Tho memory of the signers of the idnrntion of Independence. 13. The Presidnnt of the United States. The Governor of Pennsylvania. 5. Tho Army and Navy. J lie memory of Gourde Washington .Undrew Jacl;ion. Democrat of '08. Jwhose Bteps we delight to tread j. Martin f an Huron An apt pupil of "fjreaicBtanU tiest" ol tearhrrs ). Richard HI. Johnson Tho Warrior I Statesman. He carries tho'V-Bitifiimtes" fihi3 bravery on his body, and reiiuires SBoVhur testimonials of his statesmanship an me r;corus oi ins countrv. Phe Principles of Dtmocraeu jc safeguard to the rights and liberties of 5i). 11. The Sub'TreaVtnJ The ncnnlu nra jjermined to have agent's who uro rcspon- ue io inemscivcs, only. 7ic Volunteers and Militia Thov rcui tno people and ot eourso the nco- la's best protectors against foreign or do ur iocs 'fits Fair Tho truest and best of De- prats lovers of all mankind. s iac Kline, President of tho day. Mai- i mi mircn a democrat who lias been and not found wantincr. Sebastian Ilcwcr limin Van Dnren. hard M. Johnson and the Sub Treasu ry M. McDowell. The last Legislature. pir proceedings indicate a lovu of self than their constituents. wen D. Loib. Thereat, or iron iirte- .of Columbia county Too iinori;iiii jjie lost sight ofin the struggle between er and steam. BByH. Webb. Governor Porter. Penn-wn-iia has found in him a so.i who. is Ihy of her high place in the confedera By L. B. Rupert. The Revolutionary jyi!th s on the ground. May thoy long be reitieiutieretl us tiuo soldiers. By .Tnmcs Cameron, of Lancaster. Da- I. I'orler A democrat who has been He has met tho crisis and raised frrcJit, and protected tho interests of trrasuio. Geo. W. Woodward. 'I'he ballot It is but a little box, but it will prove SlMocilario cimnrh nasi fall to coffin nil Hi !4MSRM wf "'I tho whiu-i. G. iiiekela. Our TCnwln. Mv ii TJlflSflC wave over any but our fathers, and me of tho brave. Nicholas Kindt. The Vice President United States. The dauntless sul- e esseriencod and Inmost statesman. TfrainVin'' of tho IJrititdi and Indians Imv- rd to kill him, tho federalism tried in vain, and have with drawn their v in despair. until Gros3. May tho sons of lib- iii ! a lesson to Hritish whiti at te U election that will last tht-m for years to come. uculi U. Mover. Tlio Farmare and ics. j no cnioi stay ol c.umuuiut- 'llm!S8nil the subsiantial tuonort of our MMnB-strent'th and Indenniidetico. avid I!inhel. Lufayette, tho tlistin- I clnmpinnnf Amerioau liliortv. Iii smWy v'Ui bo cratefully icnullueled in thu iu m ho aided to plant the " tjhir in I uuiiniT," Win. Snyder. Agriculture The U-..;-ty ill Ilia tliiou ol spB.-ulaiinn, .1 i'i Kinyou. Whteaorv i-Tfl i linn. -m. Whijfgery of '.10 full of u'i;i ilifsnolioni. Jnliu Di'iiriuh. Cultmbia GiunJy. ( ;jrisp'fiiy he as unbounded as her I fl - HTI'Dti. Bv. Uhodeii' Corporotious a 1 cursd' rfniMiicaii I'livcrnmenl. Lrt every crat aid ia sweeping them from our ny lmniw Kunbrl. ,T ia mnrried L5fl e fif tll6e iJ'nitaiLStaiCB.- .May they nevor forgef tlmt they will bst'prnmote their own individual happines, by contributing all in their power for the happines of thoir much beloved huskaiids. May the rule work both ways. By Jram Derr. The day wo celebrate Sacred to the memory of overy freemen. May the Star of the North be tho brighest in tho Pennsylvania luminary at the ap proaching election. By Henry Kissel. The signers of the Declaration of Independence. While they rest in the silent tomb.millions liavo this day met to commemorate their glorious deeds. Dy Win, J. Ikeler. May tho nresent systcm.of education, of this commonwealth, oo one ot tno principle arms of light and liberty of the Keystone State. Dy V Dcst. The Democrats of Colum bia. Good and intelligent, patriotic and in dependent; to obtain their approbation for political integrity, 13 glory enough lor any man. Charles Connor. Our worthy Govern or, David R. Porter. Democracy is proud rf her choice Long may ho be called the second Snyder of Pennsylvania. Jesse Coleman. Let Harrison and Ty lor, the hard cider candidal share tho same fate that Ritner did in 1838. John Achonbatich.-' Harrison and Ty Inr. May they be drinking hard cider whilst Martin Van Buren and R. M. John son are governing tho United States. Thomas Vanderslice. Let Harrison men drink hard cider and raise log cabins, whilst tho democrats will elect Martin Van Buren aad Richard M. Johnson. II. Webb. Ovid E. Johnson, Attorney General of Pennsylvania. Like all great men, he has met tho bitter opposition of tho federal parly. With his talents and virtues, he is beyond the reach of envy. Barnard Rupvrt. Amos Kendal, the late Post Master General. Talented and effi cient in office, and 111 the npacity of Editor of the Estra Globe, foremost in the field in vindication and defence of tlio people's rights. In due season lis will receive his reward. John Knotr. Everr freeman rnclii in consider well what came to pass in tho year 177t. Stewart Pearcc. The Star Spangled Banner. May she bo seen waving in her splendor wherever an advatagoous com nirree prevails. C. F. Mann. Log cabins, and hard ci der. Whig political capital No go. J. M'Fadden. Martin Van Buren, Rich ard M. Johnsor. and David R. Porter true disciples ot ancient democracy. Poor men, with them at tho head of govcrnaient, can enjoy peace, liberty and the pursuit of hap piness, without the fear of Alien and Sedi tion laws, or being sold into slavery, or of a Uuck-shot war. May the truy, prmciples of ftvpilblicaifismi be perpefutteU ashing as grass grows or water runs. W. Harder. His excellency David R. Poller, tho champion of democracy, and the favorite son of Pennsylvania. HigSiar honors await him. " Jacob Biedicnuin. M.iriin Van Buren and Rictiard M. Jolinson, will be triumph antly elected next November over Harrison ani Tyler, the British' whig and lory candi dates. Peter Snyder. Log cabins. The whigs will requir: something more than these gull traps to induce the poor to support Harri son who voted to sell white men to slavery to pay costs. Win. II. Pottikin. Washington's fare well address. May its precepts ever be remembered and adhered 10 by the people of the United States. G. V. Morris. Tho donioeraey of Pennsylvania will vote fur 110 man who will net let them know Ins principles. Thev want 110 abolitionist for President. G. W. Mason. Andrew Jackson, tho prido of the. American people. Lonr may he live to enjoy the benefit arising to the United Status, by thu adoption of those principles for which ho contended, both in the field and in the cabinet.' D. N. Kawnover. Tfie Canal Commis sioners, and Canal officers of the North Branch Canal will not bo caught napping in tho dog days by puffed up British wldgi. Stephen Baldy. General Simon 'Cam eron, a self-mai:o iniii,and a corroct impres sion from JelTersonian Democracy. May hit bo called by the democratic parly, to the highest station in tho gift of the people of 1110 ivey-sionu Miale, Andrew AlcClure. a Revolutionary sol lier. The youiur and risins veneration of Colnmbiti county. May they never forget the wrvicea of their futhera of '70. II. Webb Tlio rising generation. When they can foriret tho services of the soldiers of the revolmiun, they will no Ion i'er doservo the happiness of 'breathing the air of freedom. Jacob Rishel. The Army and Navy. Their fame having been built nn the humil iation of Gteat Britain, it rests on a solid fouudalion. C. I). Hutz. Harrison may ho be wash- oil up Salt Rivor next fall amidst thu expir ing groans of the federal Caulon. Pater lleighnian. Federal motto Los cabins, nigger songs and plenty hatd cider Jtlny no do'iiocrat ever be gulled by he pedlars of such stuffinr, Cel. Neal MeOay. R. M. Jolinson fflne of tho noblest sons of Kentucky. Thu !(crvice8 ho has rendered in the field and in. tho cabinet, will not bo forgotten by the democracy of Clumbia county. iatsribver. " , .1 ' - diir.fteedom'u causa will be Sustained By. freeman's sons, who ne'r forget, What they througli ptoyidonce have gain'd By Washington and La Fayette. M. Fomwald. Martin Van Buren. Non-committal in every thing but that which advances tho causo of democracy. John McRoynolds. Governor Porter. His. special message was just the kind of paper the tunes required. Iram Derr. Van Buren and Johnson America's talented sons. May the tin bought democracy of tho United Slates replace them, where they ought to be, at the head of the republic. With such mate rials we have a sure guarantee of tho con tinuance of our free inslutions. Margornm Moars. David It. Porter, Governor of Pennsylvania His firmness, honesty, and talents have endeared him to the people. They requiro his services for a second term. Peter Kline. R. M. Johnson and Maj. Croghan, who fought the battles of the Thames and Fort Stephenson against Gen eral Harrison's orders and wish. Lewis Moascl. Van Buren and Liberty, Harrison and Slavery. Jonathan Farnsworth. This day Pat riots rejoice in its glory tories, like bats, are blinded by its brilliantcy. Cel. Matthew McDowell. The Volun teers and ililitia of tho United States Our country's sure defence in time of danger. Jacob Eyer. Bloomsburg, tho contra of the Iron Ore Region of Columbia cuunty, and with tho superior water powers sur rounding it, must ere long, Lccenic the cen tre of attraction. Isaac C. Jolinson. Tho best material ovsr selected, Was the brave Major Crojjbau, Who Tort Sandusky protected; In spite ol his Gcuerul's cowardly seul lie stood to the chalk And defended tho whole. M. M'Dowell, David R. Porter, the bold, talented, honest man, and able execu tive. Like old Jackson, the people vill in sist on his serving them a second term. Jacob Eyer. May our next Legislator consult the interest of their constituents, as well as their own bo more diligent in their duty than the present, anil not extend that asked for lenity and indulgence lo those who censure the administration of doing wrong, by granting them. Henry Crawford. David R. Porter. lie has sustained the credit of the state the people will sustain him. II. Webb. Our democratic Mothers. All will exclaim with the venerable Mother who was asked for yonder hickory pole " you may have it for a democratic celebra tion, but we build no log cabins here. Win. J. Ikclei. The Presidential Man sion. May it never be polluted with the black flac of abolitionism, the blue flag of JIyforpnv1fljUipnisin,.or,.tho rcpottieoat uu ui nuiu uiuuiiam. By the Company. Our host and host- eis. The bountiful table which we have this day purtakon deserves eur thanks and gratitude. About six o'clock, tho company separa ted, for their homes, without having a single incident occur lo mar the pleasures of the uay. THE BL00.1SBURG BAND. The Committee of arrangements of the democratic celebration owe this Band thci thanks for their generous manner iu which they volunteered the services for the day, It is now less than a year since this Band was organized, and we venturo to say that few even elder associations can excel them in the skill and taste with which they play Indued, it was remarked by a distinguished gentleman present, that he had never heard " Yankee Doodle" played better. Wo sin cerely hopo that tho citizens of this placs will encourage them onward iu their march of improvement, that they may continue to be what they now uro, a credit to them selves and to the villago in which they re side. Log Cabin Fare Federal Whiggery, says tho Pennsylvatiian in 'its ludicrous at tempts lo assume a popular manner, and to descend and take the pc'opjo by the hand, talks much about " log cabin fare." It will bo been however , from tho subjoined, that their notions on this subject aio about as on lightened as the ideas of the French ptin cess, who on hearing that the people of Paris wero starving for want oi bread, ask ed why they did not eat cakesshe would, rather than starve. Iu a Boston paper of the 20th of June, yv-e find an invitation to a great Harrison Jubilee, to be held in South Boston, on the 4th of July, at which a morning collation" was to be served up, consisting of the following articles, which are designated as log cabin fare." ' Cold ham and tongue! do., s'altpetered beef; do. boenf a lamod; do. veal and lamb; sandwiches, bread and butter; crackers and cheese, Red Cinnn; iced lemon ade." The Now. York Evening Post says that this brings to mind the story of a pamperd scion of royalty, who being told of the hardships of a military life, exclaimed, " Who cares for hardships I Give mo a cold fowl and a bottle of claret, and I con get on any where," " The' People' of the United , SliloS. Way thoy ever remember, that to preserve their liberties, they must do their own vot ing and their own fighting," Wm. II. Harrison. Tho People of tho United States. They will over remember, that lo preserve their liberties, thoy must hare a President, who can do his own thinking, pn his own writ ing JJcrks County, in Pennsylvania, may bo truly called the Nazareth of Loco'Focoism of tho Union- What is the county good for any how ? L03 Cabin Mv Good for, do you ask ? Why it is good for four thousand fitie hundred majority for Van Buren. " You'll find no change in mo," aa the counterfeit dollar said to the soap-lock. "Tho "Straight-out Harrisonian" of the 5th June, published at Columbus, holds the following language, it being tl.o concluding paragnph of a long cditoiral artielo in fa vor nf a National Bank : "But the banks, as they now stand, re quire an institution to keep them vi,hiii proper bounds as lo their issues of bank notes: so far as experience goes, nothing will do it but A NATIONAL BANK." The Federal faction are becoming sensi ble that disgrace is fastening on them, from tho secret and crooked policy which they have adopted They have theroforo, by way of assuming an appearance of bold frankmss, established a print which they call the "STRAIGHT-OUT IIARRiSO NIAN 1 !" This organ proves ils sense of the mischief of the non-committal coming straight-out for a National Bank. Concealment on this subject was indeed al most ludicious, when the cashiered Bank and its partizans were pouring out hundreds of thousands of dollars in electioneering appliances, to gain, with tho re-election of Harrison, a new national charter. Globe, Tiutnlij seventh Congress. Tho elec tion of three representatives to the next Con gress, takes place in Louisiana on tho Oth of July ensuing. Illinois elects three mem bers on the 3d of Auguut. Vermont five members on tho 1st of September. Maine eight members, September 14th. Georgia nine members, October 5th. Pennsylvania twenty-eight members, and Ohio nineteen members, on the 13tli of October. New' York aiid New Jersey elect in Novem ber. .MARRIED In this place on the even ing of tho fourth of July last, by the Rev G- 0- Drake, Afr, TIIOAfAS RIG HARDS, to iljss PEGGY", daughter of ilr- Henrv James, all of Bleomsburg. By the Rev- D. J. Waller, on Thursday 2d inst, Mr- ABRAHAMS -11TH to Miss DEBORAH PE I TIT, both of Mfiliu township. OBITUARY- DIED In this village, on Wednesday evening last, Mts, itA It Y CATHARINE LILLY, aged 80. Her descendants are G children! 33 grand-children, and G5 great granu-ctnldrcu WE are authorised to announco Col. MICHAEL R. IipWER of Roaring Creek, as a candidate for SHERIFF of Columbia county at the approaching Oc tober Election. $100 REWARD. WHEREAS, Valentine Best, Editor of the Danvillo Intelligencer, has recently auempiea 10 injure my reputation uy pub lishing iu his papor t'to mast slanderous falsehoods against my character. And whereas, ho has in a recent number of his paper enueavoreqt to itau me in tho dark, by insinuating that I had " misapplied funds collected to build hbuses fur public wor ship !" And as his shtnder has made food lor kindred spirits with Ins own, I therefore givo notice that tho above sum ol ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will bo paid to Valentino Best or any other person who will put tho charge in a tangible form and establish it by creditable testimony, either agaiusi myseii or any 01 my uniiiy con nections. ir- .. f... , I will allow Mr. Best a reasonable lenefh of time in which to attend to this matter; but should he fail to do se, he will stand before the public convicted of one of the basest of crimes, pnd I will then bo prepar ed lo dispose of him in a different manner. JOHN BOWMAN. Berwick, JulyjB 1840. JUSTICE BLANK EXECUTIONS and SUMMONS for sale at this office. . ALL' persons indebted for postage must chalk up immediately and not give me any moro troublo collecting, as I trust out for-a& commodation, not for profit. BARNARD RUPERT. Bloombtirg July 11, 1840. S70TECES TO COLLECTORS. All Collectors who luivo not sef.led their Duplicates for 1830 or tor previous years( must bo prepared to ball nice them at Au gust Court, as no longer lenity can bo giv en. The Collectors for 1840, will also bear in mind, that they are requird by their warrants to rppear at August Court, and have such abatements made1 as is necessary. By order, of tho Commissioners. L. B. RUPERT, Treasurer. N, B. All persons owing taxes on un seated land can pay them to John- N. Wil son, of Danville, who is authorized to re cciye them. L. B. RUPERT, Treasurer. CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE, THAT I have applied lo the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county for the benefit of tho insolvent lawd of tho Commonwealth, and that they havo" appointed Monday, tho 17lh day of August next for the hearing of me and ray credit tors.when and where you can attend if you think proper. SEDGEWICK WELLS. ABRAHAM STEARNER. July 4, 1840. NOTICE. WHEREAS, jn pursuance of an act of tho tieneral Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, an attachment hath been granted by the subscriber, one of tho Justices of t(io peace in and for the county of Columbia, at the instance of a certain James Masters, of the township of Green- wooil, and county atorcsaid, against a cer tain Thomas Parker, of tho township of Greenwood, and county aforesaid, whereon certian goods, and olialtles, and effects of tho said Thomas Parker have been attached and are now in tho custody of Jacob Evens and Benjamin Eves, of the township of Greenwood, until they shall bo disposed of according to law. This is therefore to givo notice to the creditors of the said Thomas Parker, to appear on Monday the Oth day of July next, at 10 o'clock A. M. at fha house of Joseph Lemmon, in Grcenwoad, then and there to discover and make proof their demands agreeably to the directions of the said act. JOHN ROBINS, Justice of the Peace. June 18th, 1840., To he Electors or Columbia county. Tho Subscribers offers himself lo the1 Elcctots of Columbia county as a candidate for SHERIFF at the approaching election, and solicit thoir votes. Should he bo elected he pledges himself to perform the duties of the officO with fidelity and correctness. MURRY M ANVIL. June 13, 1840. From tho pasture of the subscriber, on tlio 7th inst. a two years old grey MARE COLT, legs rather light colored. Sho is supposed to have gone west, as tho last I heard of her was in Mount Pleasant town ship. Any person who will givs informa tion where she may be found, shall be rea-i sonably rewarded. THOMAS J. HUTCHINSON Fishing Creek, Juno 13 1810. NOTICE IS hereby given, that on tha'30fh day of May, 1840, Georgo Nunsesscr, iun. bought of Jacob Nungesser.'at Public Vendue, 011a Bureau, ono Sled, two Horses, Harness, Waggon and Box, Ane Cutting box and knite, and one Saddle. And that on tha samo day, Jacob Nungcssersold to Samuel Creasy, at Public Vendue, ono Tabic, two Swarms of bwes. ono Harrow, 20 acres of Rye, and 3 aero3 of Wheat in the irround. June G, 1840. CAUTION, ALL persons are hereby cautioned against pur-i chitsinjoriii auy manner talfinirau argument 01 a promixarjr Note, given by tho subscriber to Isaiah Kline, of Moui;t Pleaeant towneliip, i'oIun til county, for tlio sum of seven dollars und fifty ccntit, payable 011 or ubout tlio 15th of October next. bald note was traiHlutemlyobtained and I am there fore determined not, . ID pay it unless compelled by law. - JAMES HESS. Sugar Loaf township, Slay, 30 1810. 'Ptirww a vr Afi'n frrvriir t FW'HEh, IJ In 11 flmtlay of HE xulwcribet- intending to clote kis busincua llloomslnirg; itnu liuirn out oftoun, on tlio Jay of Aiiuil, rails upon all rersoin indebted to him to come forward und elosa their uicunU btf.n-a time, or lliey tvlll bi lift wiili a j i-iu-e to -.title ttcroxlni to law. 1,1., li'wj:EO, MuU!M, into, A.