W ' il .11 .' I I .......... . ..I M. MVmBKMS I hovo iworn upon tho Altar of lod, eternal Hostility to every form or Tyranny over tho "-"-Thorn. Jefferson. PRINTD AND PUBLISHED BY II. WEBB. Rlf TtiJSlBUiaG. COIjlfflffiBIA OITHTY, FA. SABPURBAY, JUIiTf 4, 1340. Number SO FICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, KpMoarri: St. Paul's Cnuncir, Majn-st. f. nnrTTATl!r.7 TiP.MOCRJlT will he muhlishcd every Saturday morning, at jm T T IDS niv nn-ntim. navauic r marly in advance, or Two Dollars fn;s. if not nuid within the year. ..t.t.-j-:M .; hrinhrn for a shorter riff.Xrl 1 1 1 1 Lit 1 1 IUIH- v v . KieriofI fan uwnf ft , nor ni rfweon- .., ,-), tmiii an urretirusca .. ritsrhtirireUm UVItRTlSEMENTN not executing snilate win or. chii'"."v y 1. .if... lii i.in iit.l Likii.it .i.aui..""' 'L(IC siuuui iu -- , rand i wciu i-jtu ."" , Lu . .'... ,-Tn i7rr discount .noo mlm mhcrlisc bv the yean nTERS audressea on uhii """ post jmttZ. 'Mi J iuf 10 mm THE LONDON APPRENTICE. feaOM MASTER HUMPHUEY'S CLOCK. By No-.. 'In the sixteenth century, and in tlic reign f Qucon Elizabeth of glorious memory, glboil many of her golden days am rusiou with blooil)thcre lived in tho city of London i bold young' prentice, who loved hie mas- ' ilniiirhter. There wero no uouo; wwi- tlie walls a sreat many 'prentices in the . i . T 1. ..r nna amo conaition, uiu i npcai. ui u.njr id his name was Hugh Graham. This Hugh wa3 apprenticed to an honest owyer who dwelt iu the ward of Uheypo, nd was rumored to possess great wealth tumor was nuilo as infalliblo in those days ,s at the present time, but it happened then now. to be sometimes right by acoiucni. stumbled unon the truth when it gave the 4 n.Hontr mini of tnnnov. .wllis Uade ad been a profitable one in the time of jng Henry, the Eiglh, who encourageu nphsh archory to the utmost, and no nau r. nr.Mo.it nnrl iliscrCOl. TIlUS it CalHU wUII .ww... " n nass that Mistiess Alice, his only daugh r. is the richest heiress in all his wealthy ward. Young Hugh had olien maintained ith staff and cudgel that she was the tho handsomest. To do him justice I believe she was. If he could have pained the heart of pret tv Mistress Alice bv knocking this convic ftioninto stubborn people's heads, Hugh iwnuld have had no cause to tear. lSut (though the Uowyor's daughter smiled in secret to hoar ol his doughty uoeu lor nor sake, and though her lillle waiting woman Tenoned all her smiles (and many more) to .i (Hugh, and though he was at a vastexpenso in kisses and small coin to recompenco lier idolhy, ho mado no progress m his love. o duist not whisporto Mistress Alice savo sure encouragement, and that she novor gavo him. A glance of hor dark eye as 6he sat at the door, on summer's evening after prayer time, while he and the. neigh boring 'prentices exercised themselves in the street with blunted sworu and buckler, Would fire Hugh's blond so that iiunu could fjtand before him; but then she glanced at a . . .... . . i i rothers finite as kinuiy as on mm, nnu wjic.u (was tho use of Bracking crown's if Mistress fAlice smiled upon the cracked as well as on Ithe craeUcr I Still Hugh went on, and loved hor more 'nnd more. He thought of her all day, and rpamcd of her all mailt lonr. He treas nrrd no evcrv word and had a palpitation ... 4 - if tho heart whenovcr he heard her loot- iens on tho stairs or her voice in an adjoin ling room. To him.the old Uowyer s House 'was haunted bv an anstel: there was on 'ichautmcnt in the air and space m which she 'moved. It would hro been a miracle to Hugh if flowers had sprung upfront the rush BlrcXvn floors beneath the tread of the lovely Mistress Alice. Never did 'prentice long to distinguish himself in tho eyes of his lady-love so ar- .xlontlvas Hush. Sometimes he pictured f to himself the house taking fire by night, mini nn. wueii an uiuw ndun 111 iwu, twuu.t through the flamo and smoke and bearing fon : Iter from the ruitis in hia arms. At other limes he thought of a rising of fierco reb els, an ntlack upon the city, a strong ussault upon tho IJowyer's house in particular) and ho falling on tho threshhold piereed witn numberless wounds in defence of Mistres.3 AIIpr. If hn could onlv enact torao pfo- digy of valor, do somo wonderful deod anUv let her know that she had inspired i.t, he thought he coulddio contented. . Sometimes tho Bowyer and his daughter would po out to supper with a worthy citi zen at the fashionable hour.flrsix o'clock, unit mi kiip.1i ocL-asions llu''h wcarinsr his blue 'prentice cloak as gallantly as 'pren tice might, would attend with a lantern and his trusty club to escort them home. These were the brightest moments of his lite. To hold the light while Mistress Alico pick ed her Btens. to touch her hand uj he help ed her over broken ways, to have her lean ing on his arm it sometimes even camo to that this was happiness iudeed 1 When the nights were fair, Hugh follow ed in the rear, his eyes riveted on the grace ful figure of the Bowyer's daughter as sue and the old man moved on before him. be they threaded tho narrow winding streets of the city, now passing beneath tho ovei hang cables of old wooden houses whenco creaking signs projected into streets, BHd now emerging from somo dark nnd frown ing gateway into tho clear moonlight. At such times, or when the shouts of strag gling brawlers met her ear, tho Bowyer's daughter vould look timidly back at Hugh beseeching him to draw nearer; and then hew ho grasped his club ami longed to do battle with a dozen rufllew, for the lovo of Mistress Alice 1 The old Bowvcr was in tho habit of lending money on interest to the gallants of the Court.and thus it happened that ma ny n richly-dressed gentleman dismounted at his door. More waving plumes and gal lant steeds, indeed, wero seen at the Bow yer's house, and who embroidfirod silks and velvets snaikled in his dark shop and dark er private closest than at any merchant's iu tho city. In those times no less than m the present it would soem that the richest looking cavaliers often wanted money the most. Of these glittering clients there was one who always camo alone. He was always nobly mounted, and having no attendant cavo his horse in charco ts Hugh while he D ... and the Bowyer were closeted within. Once as he sprung into the saddle Mistress Alice was seated at nn upper window, and beforo she could withdraw he had doited his jewelled cap nnd kissed his hand. Hugh watched him caracoling down the street, and burnt with indijnalion. But how much dcepor was tho glow that red dened in his cheeks when raising his eyes to the casement ho saw that Alice watched the stranger too ! Ho came a'ain and ofton each time array ed more gaily than before, and still tho lit- tie casement showed him Mistress Alice. At length ono heavy day, she fled from home. It had cost her n hard struggle, mr all her old father's gifts wore strewn about her chamber as if she had parted from them ono by one and knew that tho time must come when theso tokens of his love wouiu wring her heart yet she was gooo. She left a letter commending her poor fiiiher to the eare of Hugh, and wishing ho might he happier than he could ever havo been with her, for ho deserved tho love 01 a better and purer heart than she had to be slow. Tho old man's frgivenos3 (she said) she had no power to risk.butshe pray ed God to bless him and so ended with a blot upon the paper whero her te.rs had fal len .. . At first the old man's wrath was kindled, and ho carried his wrong to tho Queen s throne itself; but thoro was no redress ne loarnt at Court, for his daughter had been cenveyed abroad. This afterwards appoar ml to 'be the truth, sh there came from Franre, after an interval of several years, a lulter in her hand. It was written in trem blinc characters, and almost illegible. Lit tle could be made out save that she olten thought of home and her old dear pleasant IswaUowed up by a Royal Proclamation, in ily by a quar ter of au inch, three standard feet in length. 'J"- i " Royal proclamations usually lake their room and that she had dreamt her father wMoh'hc'r majesty, strongly censoring the " , , .... i , i , ... .,RS i c ..r was neau ana nan noi oicssco ner anu mai practice, oicanng ivbj; opai'isii m her heart was breaking. prepasterousuength (as being a bullying and The poor old Bowyer lingered on, novor swaggerlngwiitom, tending to bloodshed ..n.,.t. TT..n.U iA i.tt lila etrrrtt Vic l.n 1 unit r.itM trml lnri1pr nnm mnnrlpft tVlnt nn n OUUUllU VU . .W ...lit j.UMIIUIIMMI WW ...... ...... knew now that ho had loTtd his daughter particular day thereyi named, certain grave .,.1 tl.ni ...nn il.n ti.lv lint- (list hminil him i'iti7"nn nil null! rnnalr in tho nitv trntss. and uuu til. ' " .- wut; "' .-. .... - i . o to earth. It broke nt length, and he died, there, iu public, break nlfjraplors worn or bequeathing his old 'prentico his . trade and carried by perwiiaiclaimingjidmisslon, that .... . . . . . . .1.1 kTU- n nn wp.ri 1 1. and solemn v cuarcinf? it m. oxcecucu. irionm :wero -oni with his last breath to revengo his child if ever he whs had worked her misery croEs prl hia nnlli in Ufa iisain. j 0 ... . T?.n iUm limn nt A line's fiirM. Ihn till, pnnnn. pi llin nnli ir 1 wnhnor nnvcr ca much Jt 1 If 1.1 111U .11.11 V. ....WWW . . I ) I wWH.MW,.w. ....... " " - ing ground, the fields, lh fencing-cchool, On tho appointed day two citizens of high the summer evening sporti, knew Hugh no repute took up their stations at cich of the Tin rni. in rrrfnt ninnnrn nnil re. I nr.itps. attended bv n IiartV of the citv fllard: v .www .v. " - ....... t) . . 1 J - J V pute among the citizens, bit ho was never the main body to enforce tho Queen's will o..n in miln nml nnrnr mnnlnil in their and lake custody of all such rebels fif any riWvi. W.....W, " " " .) . - ' - - u T ... .-,. I . i . m . i r. n nml I n. ni.l.l t.m.n fl.n l0mnritv in (tiervtfft itnnrl lUVwllvO VI ICJlUlllJM. Jl.fV, llUltlJUC,UIIU UO (Ulgll. (l..w ...w ..U.UHIJ .w ui.m.w generous, he was loved by all. Ho was a f.w to boar tho standard measures and in- pitied too by thoso who knew his slory;and .trumcnts for reducing all unlawful sword- . .....A en mmr. itint tvtnn h xvnW.ptl hlnilna in lltn nrf.an.rih'.d ditnensians. In IIIUBU Ml... aJ UIUIIJI . " . . . " a.w . i . . uimmuw " . . . along tho streets alone at disk, even tho pursuance of these arrangements, MaBter . i . .1 , t i t .1 . . T ...I rude common people Qoiieuuieir cap3, anu i urauarn anu anoincr woro pou si uuu minelcd n rouh air of symtathy with their Gate, on the hill before Saiut Paul's. u respect. A pretty numerous company were gath- One uight in May it wai her birthnight Crsd together at this spot, foi, besides tho and twenty years siuco oho had left her officers in attendance to enforce tho procla- t 1 1 .. l. -.. I. n ... .. . ,l.n rnnm din 4 1 .. .. ...nn t.Ml.r nrnlVrl nf In l had hallowed in his boyish days. He was ers-on of various degrees, who raised from now a gray-haired map, though still in tho time to time such shouts and cries as the prime of life. Old thoughts had borne circumstance called forth. A spruce youug him company for many hours, and the courtier was tho first who approached; ne ii..n,iiBr had (rr:iiliinllv uat nuitG dark. nnsshRflthcd a weanon of burnished steel when he was roused by a lew knocking at that shone and glistened in the sun, and . Itii. . i ... . .. . 1. . .iT.nrt the outsr door. nanueu u wun uie newen uir m mu w.-ii He hastened down, and opening it, saw who, finding it exactly three feet- long, ro hv thn lirht of a lamn which he had seized turned it with a bow. Thereupon tho gal- in the way, a female figure crouching in lant raised his hat and crying,"God save the tho portal. It hurried swiftly past him.and for changed that gleam of what her knees with and shamo be- frlided un tho stairs. He looked out pursuers. There were none inUight, Ho was incliucd to tHink it a vision of his own brain when suddenly a vague sus picion of tho truth flashed upon his mind. He barred the door and hastened wildly back. Yo3, there she was there in the chamber ho had quitted, ithcro in her old innocent, happy home, none but ho could trace on she had bten there upon her hands clasped in agon; fore her burning face. "My God, my God!" )sho cried, "now strike me dead 1 ThougHI have brought death and shame aud sorroy on this roof oh, let mc dio at homo in nercy!" Tliero vas no tear upon her f.ce thon.but she trembled and glanced mind tho cham ber. Every thing wa3 in tl.e old place, Her bed looked as if sho had risen from it but that morning. The sight of these fa miliar objects marking the dear remem- branco in which sho had been held, and tho hliirht he had brought unon herself was , moro lhan the woman's better naturo that had carried her there, could bear, Sho wept and fell upon the ground. A rumor was spread about, in a few days time; that tho Bowyer's cruel daughter had come home, and that Master Hugh Graham had given her lodging in his house. It was ru-nored too that lie had resigned her fortune, iu order that she might bestow it in acts of chantv, and that ho had vowed to guard her in her solitude.butthat they wero neer to see each other moro. 1 hose ru mors greatly incensed all virtnou3 wives and daughters in tho ward, especially when they appeared to recoivo somo corrobora tion from tho circumstance of Master Gra ham taking up his abado iu another tene ment hard by. Tho estimation iu which he was held, however, forbade any ques tioning on the subject, and as the Bowyer's house was close shut up, and nobody camo forth when public shows and festivities were in progress, or to flaunt in tho public walks or to buy now fashions at tho mercer's booths, all tho woll-conducted females a greed among themselves that (hero could be no woman there. These reports had scarcely died away when the wonder of oyery good citizen, mala and female, was uttorly absorbed anJ Queen" passed on amidst the plaudits of the mob. Then came another a better cour tier .still who wore a blade but two feet long, whereat the .people laughed, much to tho disparagement of his honor's dignity. Then camo third, a Bturdy old officer of the army, girded with a rapier n least a foot and a half beyond her Majesty's pleasurejat him thov raised a eroat shout and most of the spectators (but especially those who wero armorers or cullers) laughed very heartily at tho breakage which would ensue. But they were disappointed; for the old campaigner, cooly unbuckling his sword and bidding his servant carry it home again passed through unarmed, to tho great indig nation of all tho spectators. They relieved themselves in some degree by hooing a tal blustering fellow with a prodigious weapon who stopped short in coming in sight ot tho preparations, and after n little consideration turned bacft cain; but all this time no rapi ho.t liion hrnL-i-n slihoimh it was hL'li v v a w noon, nnd all cavaliers of any quality or ap nnnrnnnfi worn latins? their way towards Saint Paul's churchyard. During theso proceedings Master Urs ham had stood apart.strictly confining him e.ir m ihn ilniv imDOscd unon him, add BW.. ' J 1 . taking little heed of anything beyond. He stepped forward now as a richly dress cd centleman on foot, followed by n sin irlo ntmndnnt. wnstecn advancin.T up the fa. .... , - hill. Ao this narson drew nearer, the crowd stopped their clamor and bent forward with eager looks. Master Graham standing n lono in tho gateway, and the stranger com ing slowly towards him, they seemed, as it were, set face to face. The noblemen (for he looked one) had a haughty and disdain ful air, which bespoko the slight estimation iu which he hold tho citizen. Tho citizen, on the other hand, preserved tho resolute bearing of ono who was not to bs frowned down or daunted, and who cared vory littlo for any nobility but that of worth and man hood. It was,perhap-,somo consciousness on tho part of each, of theso feelings in tho other, that infused a more stern expression into their regards as they camo closer to gether. "Your rapier, worthy Sir!" At tho instant that he pronoucod theso words, Graham started, and falling back some paces, laid his hand upon his dagger n his belt. " Yotl are the man whoso hdrse I used to hold before the Bowyer's door t Yoii aro tho lean I Speak 1" " Out, you 'prentice bound 1" cried th. other. " You are he 1 1 know you well l" cried Graham. " Let no man be step belwcn ua two, or I shall bo his murderer." With that he drew his dagger and rushed in upon him. Ho slrancer iad drawn his weanon frord tho scabbard ready for the scrutiny, beforo a word wa3 spoken, lie made a thrust st his assailant, but tha dagger which Gra hum clutched in his left hand being the dirk in uso at that time for parrying such blows, promptly turned the point aside Thoy closed. The dagger fell rattling upon the" ground, and Graham wresting his adversa ry'a uwoid from his grasp, plunged it through hia heart. As ho drew it out it snapped in two, leaving a fragment in tho dead roan's body, All this passed so swiftly that tho bvrihm- dersloeked on without an effort to interfere; but the malt was no sooner down than an Uproar broko forth which rent tho nir. -t The attendant rushing throu.gh the gate pro claimed that his master a ncbleman, had been set upon and slain by a citizen; tho word quickly spread from mouth to mouthj Saint Paul's cathedral and every hook-shop, ordinary, nnd smokmg-liouse m the church yard poured out it3 stream of cavaliers and their followers, who mingling together in a, dense tumultuous body, struggled sword iri hand, towards tho npot. With equal impetuosity and stimulating each other in loud cries and shouts, the cit izen md common people took the quarrel on their side, and encircling Master Gra ham a hundred deep, forced him from tho gate. In vain ho waved the broken sword above his head, crying that ha would die on Londou's threshold fer their sacK?J homes. They bore him on, end ever keeping him in the midst so that no man could attack him, fought their way into tho city. The clash of swords and roar of voices. the dust and heat and pressure, the tramp ling under foot of men, the distracted looks and shrieks of women at tho windows a- bovo as they recognized their relatives of lovers in the crowd, tho rapid tolling of a- larrn bells, tho furious rage and passion of the scene, were fearful. Those who, be ing on the outskirts of each crowd could use their weapons with effect, fought des perately .while those behind maddened with, baffled rage struck at each other over tho heads of those before them, and crushed their own fellows. Wherever the broken sword was seen above the people's heads, towards that spot the cavaliers made a new rush. Every ono of these charge- was marked by sudden gaps in the throng whero men were trodden down, but as fast as they wero made, tho tide swept over them and slill the multitude pressed oil again; a con fused msss of swords, clubs, staves, bro ken plumes, fragments of rich cloaks and doublets, and angry Heeding faces, all mix ed up together in inexlrinable disorder. Tho desisn of the people was to forco Master Graham to tako refuge in his dwell ing, and to defend it until tho authorities could interfere or they could gain time for parley. But either from ignorances or in tho confusion of the niomont, they utopped at his old house which was so closely shut. Somo time was lo3t in beating tho doors open and passing him to the front. About a score of the boldest of the party threw themselves into the torrent while this was being done, and reaching tho doer at tho same moment vith himself, cut him off from his defenders, "I never will turn in such righlesus c'aasd so help me Heaven!" cried Graham in 4 voice that at last made itself heard.and con fronting lhcta as he spoke, "Least of all will I turn upon this threshold which owes its desolation to such men as yc. I giro no quarter, and I will have none. Strike 1" For a moment they stood at boy At thai moment a shot from an unseen hand ap parently fired by soma pirton who had
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