The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 27, 1840, Image 3

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Von President,
Fort Viob Pubsidknt,
RICHARD M. JOilZikwxx.
fe. - ..j. t...i: . .
EaiULAnKC, 01 inn -n.., f Sellalor aT
JO Li.trcii, ol Delaware,
12 Frederick Smith
lil Charles M'Cluro
14 J. M. CJrmmell
16 G. M. Ilollenbacs
CaiMo'.ln Thompson
mmjll. 1 itli
Hertry.Myo 8
el Jacoliy
Mcnfy Dfhuff
llcmy Lojjan
10 Loo'nard iYoutz
17 John llortonir.
19 Williian J'hilson
18 John Morrison-
20 Weatly Frost
21 Benj. Anilwin
CJ William Wilklna
23 A. K. Wright
24 John Findley
25 Stephen Barlow
The While House The Now York
Journal of Commerce gives Iho following
account of this cdllic'o nnil its furniture.
The president's hotiso was built in '07.
John Adams was at its first occupant; lio
received $14,000 for furniture. Mr. JefTci
son, in 5iis eight years received 829,000;
Air. Madison, during '.lis two terms receiv
ed 926,000 more. The furniture in the
iiouso, when it was destroyed by tho Brit
ish in 1814. had thus cost $71,000. When
Mr. Alonroe took possession of it. S30.000
were nppropriated lor furniture and nearly
all the furntturo was procured from r ranee
Mr. John Quincy Adams reqoiVed and ex
pended $45,000 more for ' fvtiitule. Mr.
Van Buren has received only 23,000 in
his first term; and of the preseilf-nppropria-tion,
only $700 is for furniture, and that for
an ante-room, where porsons calling on tho
President can havo a chance to sit down
while they aro waiting to sco him. Not
withstanding all theao. expenses, tho house
is not furnished in a stylo commensurate
with its extent and uses, and tho hospitality
which the people expect from the man who
occupies their house. It- was staieu in con
gress that many privatB mansions at the
uoilli are better furnished in respect to their
intent and purposes; and that a house in
Washington, opposition to the presidents,
is also much better furnished.
Important Casta. Tho arguments of
Couiisul on mi)liun,in seven suits instituted
against the United Slates Bank, upon their
notes, to show cause why judgments should
not be rendered in favor of the Planliff's for
want of sufficient affidavits of defence, were
commenced yesterday in the District Court
fur this City and County; and will be con
tinued to-d.iv- The aggregate- amount of
the clulms in these suits exceeds $100,000.
hslLadifs nf Bloomsburg will hold a
Tirtyho Ball Room of Mr. Enoch IIow-
Jho 4th day of. July next, for one
evening only. A largo assortment
Plqable, and ornamental articles, pre-
teSBKith judgement and table, through the
of the LadieuW this place, will-be
or sale.
nsbnrg, Juno 27, 1810.
ilsnfabscenes of the editor must be an
for any errors that may bo found in
Ilislespccted that several distinguished
fiirian will be rrccnt from the neigh-
Sngffounlies', at the democratic celebra-
lield in this place on Saturday
ii several auurqsscs may uc cxpcci-
. . . i I
e hod3 to sre a frenemt aucnuanuu
g ra
democracy of the county.
tflaircccting of the Committee hf ar
gcjncnts, appointed at Orangevillo, to
KWW'ingeincnl3 for the county (lemo-Ucicelcbr-Atinn,
at Bloomsburg, on the 4th
pffj'iiiy 1810, held at Bloomsburg, Juno
fflt't 7 That tho celebration b,e held
jjftmbuso of Daniel Snyder, and that he
SnrSTIhe dinner.
VlSpkcd Thatran invitation bo given to
empcratlc brcthcrn of o neighboring
sSto attend and ioin with ns in tho
JmS of the day.
Paoto" I That the Revolutionary sol
fsjufnhis, and tho neighboring counties
trmtou to attend ni guests
ZwftivZ That Henry Webb bo tho
rshaU of the day, with power to appoint
That Charle3 Kahlcr, Esq.
Webb bo a committee to pro
attendanre of tho Hloomeburg
mMtd Thai 0. D. Letb, Valentino
millS. Moars, Jeddiah Irish, H. Webb,
filler and C, Doobler bo a comnultee
rwie toist3.
ped That tho procession bo ftjrm-
R' clock, A. M. ami proceed to ihe
Tflthc iVl'.very of tho oration.
id That C. Kahler, D. Snvder,
Vffi hed
Kentucky. Wo have further cheering
intelligence' from ihis noblo and pattijiic
Stale. Tho Ohio Statesman contains a let
i sr fmiii Louisville, which says that Mr.
Il.vllem, late SpeaKcr of iho House of Rep
resentatives, atlU tllO 11011. UCll. naruun,
have oth caitio out openl;' in ''avor of
Martin Van Buren. These two gentlemen
together with Capt'. Daniel ami Mr. R. N.
Wickiiilejiavo been among the tx'ost prom
inent whig of Kentucky. Before the clee-
i nn inL-r. ninco. riarnson will navu j.uuu iu
.i him rnviTfi.'ico but tha lnteresletl owee
iceker. Pktiwrger.
The Baltimore Sun states that oi Satur
day night, as a stranger from the cotintty-
was carrying a basket tillou Willi botticti ci
der, which ho was taking from his employ
er, Mr. Walsh, to a customer, when pussing
through the Marsh Mrkot ho heard a sud
den report, as of a pislol, and at the samo
time felt a blow liehinu the ear. i no man
dropped basket aud eidor( and fled to his
home, which was not far distant, under the
full belief that he had boon wayla'd and
I shot at by robbers. Aghast with fright, he
1 i t i ii-.i.. . 1 r .. jnn.n. ., .. .1
ueggeu ins lanuiauy iu buuu iui u um.iv. .mu
a priest, for ho had been ratlrdeied by some
scoundrels in thu market house, and he was
a dead man. Tho good lady put oh her
specs, and closely examined his head, but
could perceive no wound or tho sign of any
thing Btrango, except a strong smell nf ci
der on his arm. This solved tho mystery,
and with some persuasion tho man was in-
dueed to relurri to tho spot where ho had
been killod, atid there he beheld his basket
and hollies all safe save one, the cork of
which had popped out and struck him un
der the ear.
Killing a liobber. Tho Nov York
Planet says that some few days ago, " a
stranger of elcganl address, and announcing
his name a3 Armstrong, presented himself
at the farm house of Col. Wm. Andrevs,in
Esex, Mass., and demanded hospitality on
account of Jit3 carriage having broken
down. Ho was cordially received, invited
to take a seat at tho dinner table and was
ultimately lodged iu the best bed chamber
for the night. Some time after the Colonel
was in bud ho was surprised by the entrance
into his chamber of his distinguished guest,
Willi a pistul iu his hand, with which he
threatened to murder tho Colonel if ho did
not deliver up they key of his money box
Aftet a parley, the Col. got up, and led the
intruder to his secretary, which ho opened
and displayed a drawer full of cash. Upon
this tho robber transferred the p'i3toI to his
left hand, in order to leave the right at lib
erty to grasp the treasure. This move
ment was watched by the Colonel, who
instantly wrenched tho weapon from the
weaker hend, und laid the lliief dead at his
MISTAKE. I Two childten were killed by a (lash of
1 lightning near Lynchburg, Va. Three boj s
I IL'ttrn AfflinL' rlnWtl hV' tlm flhi ll hill rtVih i-iPM
Tho rovenue at iho port3 of New York
anc Baltimore, has decreased to a largo a
mount. Cheap Enough. Tho rato of passage
in the best steamers, from St. Louis to
Pittsburg, is now but fourteen dollars,
Tho distance is about thirteen hundred
More Colonials. A suit has beeri decid
ed in Louisville emancipating 300 to 400
claves, tho property of the late Mrs. Reed,
in order to send them to Libeiia.
Whiskey vs. Matrimony. In Ireland it
seems that marriages have decreased fully
a third in all the districts in which the tec
total system has been introduced.
"What would you take," said n chap
yesterday to a waggish friend ; i"Vhst
would you take to read tho speeches which
have been delivered in Congress during the
last winter 1"
"What would I take ?" responded the
"I'd take about two years." Pic,
. notice.
W.HIjtflEAS, in pursuance ef an arstof
the, (ileral Assembly of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, an attachment hailt
been granted by the subscriber, ono of the
Justices of the peace in and for the County
t Uoliimbia, at the mstanca of a certain
James Masters, of iho township of Green
wood, and county aforesaid, against a cer
tain Thomas Parker, of tho township of
Greenwood, and county aforesaid, whereon
ecrtinn goods, and chaltles, and effects of
the said 1 nomas rather have been attached
nd are' now in the cuslody of Jacob Evens
and Benjamin Kves, of iho township of
breenwoodt until they shall be disposed of
ccoruinc to Jaw. I his is thcrefute to rive
nolieo to the creditors of the said Thomas
Parker, to appear on Monday the 6th day
of July next, at 10 o'clock A. M. at tho
louse of Joseph Lemmou, iu Greenwood,
then nnd there to discover and make proof
their demands agreeably to the directions of
the said ael.
JOHN ROBINS, Justice of the Teuci.
June ism, ta-iu.
Elizabeth Whfttingham, of Brosley, who
had mairied thie huibands, and had a
large family of children, sent her (laughter
Marv, a fmo girl, 13 years old, to bed on
Tuesday evening.aml finding that tho child
had not gone to bleepfshe chid her for lying
awake. In The course of tho night the
child was waked out of her sleep by her
mother cutting Iter throat with a razor.
The girl got away from, her mother, who
caMlUJwyiJaifiiitlsiKV3ai,red to sliangle,
herwithaBn5btt,'saving,i'Y)u must die!
you must die !" She conhived
gut into the street and call for assistance,
aud when the people went into the moth
er's, house, tha miserable cveaturo was
found with her head nearly sevvrad from
her shouldtrs, and sho expired aimast im
mediately. An inquest wan held unou the
body of the deceased, and a verdict of insan
ity returned. She had been ill with tyhns
fever. Salopian Jour.
Tho following suppose- re
fers to a law of Mississippi forbidding rue
sale of ardent spirits in less measure thaw a
77ic Gallon old lellow in
Rankin county, latoly made tho following
a. -gument against the law. "I'm agin it,
b. 'causc suppose a man's got two dollars
and he wants simo sugar and coffee for
his wife and children. Now ho' can't buy
Ies3 than a gallon of whiskey, and thai
costs two dollars. Well, .what's his wifo
and children, to do for pugar and collec !"
We look on this-aa conclusive. icksburg
Whig' r mm
A Boston horse a 0 year old gelding be
longing to Mr R. Demon travelled 103
mile3 between sunrise and sunsot.on Thurs
day last, over a hilly road, beforo a car
riage, which, with the ridor, weighed 470
lbs an achievement for a purse of500.
vi. i ii,l I',,,,!. M i'rrlnr!;'rl Hotel
iirl r. U. Dtai iwu iiui.i
(Cambridge,) at 30 tn, past 4. A. M. and
drove lo waiuiam anu uai: vlu M"t
1 hour 35 m. took breakfast, and then
drove to Amherst (N. I!.) and back, (87
miles,) in all 103 miles, arriving at the Ho
tel &t 14 m. before 7 P. M. amidst the
rlieers of some 4 or 500 people, having 38
minutes lo spare. The stop on the rond
oeeupied over threa hours. Tho horse was
nut in the Isast distressed, and appeared ca
pable of performing much more had he be- n
pushed. He had not been trained for the
u.rr;.rmatifA. tlii road was rough, and the
iimmnmntar stood at 01' in iho shade.
Motion Daily Mv;
fii-cr, W. II. Pelrikip, Wm. S-.yder,
Gltb see Iho auove resolutions oatriou
effect, and tnako oilier arrangements as
thought necessary.
inr )! usiaware eouuiy, y name,
i ion, rm-entivjoinpn ine &i'iai
nmf nut
Stmul niieht. A fashionable lady of
mors show than substance, residing in Nas
tin it ttAt. Nisw York, kielv went into a
the Bowerv. and after busy
iiig tho clerk for nearly two hours, purohas
rlasinsle spool of thread. Sho thought
it mo vul2r, however, lo carry it home,
iil h have it nent. INo sooner
1...1 .!. Ufi tlm atoie than a hand-rart wiw
1 1 m siiv ...
Se itndercil era of the looseel i..d. Vweured, t It spool deposited in it, tiKen
Fri t a..r.. . ,.r ih n iv. nui b am tii the door o ner ipioiiw. "
in his hoiike. wbietl induced his
ivo it, and he afterwords took ars-
.Albany Ale. Tho Albany brewers pros
ecuted E. C. Delavan, for saying that their
beer was made from vile, filthy water, ta
ken from stagnant pools, gullets aud ditch
es, in which were dead animsb, and in
which the water was often green tJn the sur
face, and of tho thickness of cream, and
laid tho damages at 3300,000. Hd proved
the fact, and obtained a verdict in his favor.
Wo tmderstaud that tho ease is lo be fully
reported and published.
The Gtand Jury of Philadelphia Crim
inal Court, acted on 400 bills at their recent
session y '
A duel in Texas recently took plaeo bo
tween Col. Wells and Captain Reed; both
wero killed, and it is to be proimmed, both
In the South, wheat 13 selling at 50 cents
per ou'ihcl,
Wood, who killed his daughter in Phila
delphia and who was acquitted on the plea
of insaniiv.has been liberated from confine
mcot, because) it is said that ho has nolo
enwa to his senses. This getting crazy
when crime and punishment hang oeran
individual and getting sano when danger
has blown over.and passion subsidcd.should
bo narrovly ecan'rf as a dangerous precedent.
Tlio War Department has resolved that
no married man shall bavo an appointment
in the Armv. None but tho biave deserve
the fair; but tho Government says they
shant have 'em.
A superstitious ami ignorant man told his
Minister that ho had seen a ghost by the
church yard wall. What did it look like ?
aked tho priest. It was shaped like an Ass,
said iho man. Go home, replied the other,
you have been frightened at your own !
Wo have great trouble in our house, said
a hen por.ked husband, My wife is afraid
that she'll die, and I'm afraid that sho .wont.
liottom of the Ocean. ll is an old say
ing, but unlike most old sayings, not a very
truo one, that tho sea has no bottom. It
seems that Capt. Ross, has demonstrated
that it has a bottom, for ho has lately ob
tained soundings in the middle of tho Atlan
tic, wilh a lino of 2500 fathoms (about three
miles.) Wo never heard of such a sound
ing line before, but wo have no reason to
doubt tho possibility that such an one might
ho prepared, and that it might effect tho ob-
jeol Oi lie prepttriiimo.
MARRIED On the 23il inst. bv the
Rev. William J. Eyer, Mr. CYRUS FRY,
of this place, to Misn OLAlllbaA AU
BIT, of Bloom "township.
By the Rev. D. S. Tobias, on tho 18th
insi. Mr. ADAM ROTH of Mouuipleas-
ont township, to Miss ELIZABETH E
VANS of Bloom.
By tho same, on the 25lh inst. Mr. JO
MATHERN, of Mahoning.
By the same, on tho same day.Mr. MAR
tin Deel, to Misa SALLY STROHM, of
In Bloomsburg on Thu.sday, last by the
Rev. G. C. Drake, Mr. PillLlf J
WELTS of PainicJ i.on N. Y. to Miss
DELILAH SMITH of Madison township
THE Subscriber informs the public that
he luw taLen the well known
lately occupied by Daniel Gross, in Blopms
burff, Columbia county, and solicits a share
of public patronage. His BAR and LAK
DER will always be supplied with tho best
and having good stabling and attentive host
lers, he llattcrs himselt that ho shall beabl
to give satisfaction to all who may call on
Bloomsburg, April 11, 1S40.
his thro j ).
upon ilw ide-valk (llr the fwhion if n ton
of coal, for which sho ws ob)iged to fork
over 25 cents, cartage morey.
PreiiJent Sarue,l Uoostuih, of Texes,
ken to himself a .vrife 'lor the tinru
Tho publication of tho "Ex-tea Gton"will
edmmenco early in I.Iay, and bo continued sii
monlh. Tho lirst number will contain tho pro-
cocilmrs ot tne Democratic Convention to IjO licld
in Baltimore the first week in May, to nominate
candidates for President and Vico Piojidsnt of tho
United Status,
For 1 copy $1
V G copies 6
it 12 to
" 35 " SO
And In proprotion for n, ciealir nurnlwr;
Payments may be tjansmilted by mill, t oar risk.
poilaee paid. I ne notes ol atit ineorporateu ban
in the United Slate, rurrent in the section of couu
try whero a subacrlber roidoe, will be received.
lint when subecribeis can tirocnic the notes
banks in the Northern and Middle States, they wiil
nieacc fenil tuem.
(TTiN'o at ten I toil will it paid to any order ur'
las tlie mor,(y accompanies it. The low price far
which wtputtlMi inupaprr, preciuaet creait to
any person far it. 'i'h-refore i: U not worth while
fur any persmi to send an ordor to us, not accompa
nied bv-tlio money.
To imiirc ell ihe numboH, subscription should be
hero by the lotti May, at Urtae4i.
WanhinRion City, 16th April, 1840.
Orangtville, Columbia County, Pa,
THE subscriber informi the public, that
he has taken the above well known stand
lately kept by Samuel Richer, nnd invito
his friends ami the public generally ttj giv
him a call. His
shall at all times he supplied with the beet
and choicest of Liquors, and his
wilh all the choicest of the soason.
Witli good attention in the house, aud at
tentive hustlers, and gnod' elaeliitjf, hopes to
merit and receive a ehaia of nublio patronage.
YOU are hereby commanded lo meel in
Bloomsburg, on Saturday, Iho 4th day i.f
July next, at precisely 10 o'clock in tho
lorenoon, lor Military exercise and drill,
arms and accoutrements in good order.
By order of
June 13, 1840.
Phis company aro ordered to meet at
Charles DocbWs in Bloomsburg on Satur
day the 4lh of July next, at 10 o'clock A.
M. tor military excrciso and drill. Tho
B!uomsbi.rg Band are inquired lo attend.
By order ol iho Uaptain.
Juno 13; 1840.
To ilia Electors oT CoIaiaSiJoi
The Subscribers offers himself lo tho
Electors of Columbia county as a candidate
at the approaching election, and solicit their
votes, bhoulu he be elected lie pledirei
himself to perform iho duties of the
wttn fidelity and correctness
June 13, 1S40.
and SUMMONS for sale at .thistoffice.
1 ' '''$c. '
From tho pasture of the subscriber, on
the 7th inst. a two years old grey MARE
COLT, legs rather light colored. Sho is
supposed to have gone west, ns tho last 1
heard of her was in Mount Pleasant town
ship. Any person who will- givo informa
tion where she may be found, shall be rea
sonably rewarded.
Fishing Creek, June 13 1840.
IS hereby given, that on lhc"30lli day of
May, 1840, George Nungesscr, jun. bought
of Jacob Nungesscr, at Public Vendue, one
Bureau, one Sled, two Horses, Harness,
Waggon and Box, one Culling box and
knife, and one Saddle, .ud that pn tho
same day , Jacob Nungesscr sold to Samuel
Creasy, at Public Vendue, one Table, two
Swarms of bcs, one Harrow, 20 acres of
Rye, and 3 acres of Wheat in the ground.
Juno G, 1810.
LL nerwins are hereby cautioned acj'm't r'ir-
chasing or in any manner UUitirana'.cizr.iiU)t
of n promUiry T'oto, given by the, t-ub'iri' r to
Isiiuh Klrfie. of Mount Pleasant townilb. i.V. n.-
bia county, fur the sum of bovrn dollars e.'.. i ly
cents, payable on or ubout the ISth of Ootc Ler ; . t.
Haid note was fraud uluntly obtained oiW I um ''. cr.
fore dehmnincd not to pay ft unless co:r.;:.IXJ ly
Sugar Loaf tawnship, May, 30 140.
For Sale.
THE subscriber has fursalea CANAL EC T
of about 00 totis burthen has been i.
oueyear,.aad would be sold on reasonable tc:,n3 3
to price and payments, or would take pay hi
Coal or hi freightin j produce to Uallimoio or I .:
adelphia. Address the subscriber.
m. Mcdowell.
McDowell's Mills, (Illoow,) Ool. co. Marth
The Wilkesharre RepuUiean Faimer v. ill f. -3
publish the nbjye tUrpo times, and forv. a.d ihtu
bill to this office.
April 11, 1840.
r f
fWIJE subscriber intending te close his a
H in Trloonwburg and movo out of town, on tV..
flrstdajf of Arm calls upon all perron jndcbi i J j
Wtn to earns wWd aul eloae iMr. acoouuU bi 1 e
that ttaic or Uiey wlH bt left whh . Justice to i . e
aoOfhg to law. HEUBE BOMHOV.
March 81, 1810.