The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 27, 1840, Image 1
fiiwi"w. M. it mU tk. "BET TxnsTiwrKT-Tr y. -kr . ... I have sworn upon the Altai- of God, eternal ho<lity io oycry lorra of Tyiaiiuy over the lud ot aian. .ThomM ;crrcr80n. PRINT!) AND PUBLISHED BY H. WEBB', Vofoisiic XV. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, 'oH'osiTt St. I'avL's Cnuncii, M;yin-st. The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday inorning, at TlfO DOLLARS ptr annum, payable half yearly in advance, or f'wd Dollars . J'ij'ty Cents, if not paid within the year. 'JN'i) subscription will betaken for a shdrler period than six m'onths; norVany discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages arc discharged. t ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be cohspicuouslyhiscrlcd at One Dollar for itie fiHt fhrccnscriions) and Twenl q-Jive coil's for every subse quent nsertion. fCTV liberal discount nude io those who advertise by the year. LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. , lVumbbr 9. POETRY. I I a A IIYMX, 1 " Written for the Ladies of Blaomsbitrgy BY rp.ASbIS nUPERT.' Look down from heaven, 0, God above, , Willi kind compassion end with love; Our lieari3 tpvivo with all true gra'ie; For tliou an ail in every place. ,0 may wo at thy throno implead, Through him fot us will intercede; .'For'lhounrt holy, only love, ihou Gud who art our joy above. May v.'C thy goodness always fuel'; In joy, in hope, in woo or weal; Our dins forsake, and always try, To lotu thee Letter in tlie sky. 0 may wo all in heaven conic, For Ilia, is our only home; Thy righteousness and praise extol; 'n uu friend of ours, ot ever.v soul: : V - Thy spirit uulo s impart, To rule in us, in usry heart; , Oh ii",tHcTiVATnm?r- i-m sei " "1! litiUr " 1 (... I f. It urna u-p that ho Ashton was a motchanf, and Frank May I road to wealth a straight, dull turnpike. I will nmnlinnin 'IM,.. .... - .1.1... I .1 0 . . . . '. '!.." '. " A II cjr 1VC1U UU11I WIIHl tile world call ' very fino young mon.' Its (yen Hover look down into the heart. It is tlie prerogative ol one liyc alone to I uunueu Willi dust. Whilo mv i . . . . ino iiiBiug.mvu i uiiuij u uiono io iook. trougit a green lane among in uiu suurui siiringa oi ar.uon : 10 mat livo uiooKs anu sincinr: birds the difference between the tvb characters 'Good bye, to you, F was TCrV t?rPal. frifinrl .'rnii liW. unlrn,,,. Both applied themselves with all diligonce to their respective callings, and hoped to bo rich. .-. . . . .... rranit may resoivi-d that every his and should bo gained, not only .honestly but honorably. As for Charles Aslitori, ho had mh pHe purpose, and that was to acquire woalth tintrahimelled by scruples about ways and menu. 4 1 11 bu a rich man before I dio 1' said he to himself 'one night, as ho was studying his ledger (he onlv linn); in tlin wnrlil 1 1 1 - lie tliotight cntctlaiiiing. lie was untiring in Ins application to business; and if he did not absolutely cllcat( ho made what aro called ' pretty tight bargains.' Ihrd and honest,' was, his maxim which somo think means ' hardly honest. He soon acquired the reputation of a keen, moncy-nrakinu man. But niakir.t! mtiney is not always making friends. At iho end of len year, Mr. Ashtou was a richer man than his fiicnd iMav. but ha surprised to find himself not so mucii re spected, or so happy. He began to think there were tome things money would not buv. IJut I'll see if it won't buy me a wife.' said ha. ' 1 bcliovp its livinr a bachelor thnt makes me so blue I' Now it never occurred to our friend that wife who could be bought, might not bo Li'tirlh tiHvincr. Hut it flwl npnnr infitfill. enough, that whilo ho was about it, he might as well try for a lich one. &) he wunt peeping around among the heirCEses nolli iiisdouut'rig that a young lady win wa3 an heir to a fine fortune, would 'inherit o;ery other fine quality. It was not Ions before in lixfid his aflcctons ? no his thoughts ! on iMiss Jemima Wilkins. the youngest daughter cf Esrjuire Wilkins. It was not the color of Miss Jemima's hair, or the snarklc of her eve. or ilir- r!imnln !h nr enccus, nut attracted our heio's attertiiofl ",'a.V-sAnsil,le friend.'you tie welcome to your books birds and shady lado : I liko the turnpiko best, and don't mind getting a litlie gold dust in. mv evoa. nroviilinir itin met u,,a in my pockets. J riougu Uiarlco opokc so gaily turned away, there was a still small Mav wo in .honor of thy faon, , In spirit always all be one; The same relationship- may in, As he fo thco, and we to him. The richness of thy love may all, l'orrvur taste both great mid small; And nove'r more thy word confound, For graco shall more. than tin abouudi blis The gospel enterprise1, it is, That we may reach that heavenly That nniitf shall eVer.bu undone, That all shall bu in Christ made one. , .r 's'"' luriijimc, i wuii a iittio gate lastenetl by a strinr. Bo where tbeie lire so many driving by, and so ' Jiind the house, at som: distance, rolled the ...u... v ...i: IV wibiUAD UU. IE131 Vnil nifl nnnn.h.Hl . ... . iU Ii.. I .IT.. I If I I ' , ...I. ' . ' ywiIUiKHUUt 11VUI, Willi 1,10 UL.1UUIUI rtrr hnll. ;,l.f L. I. . I ' . murmuring " J , .m.w uu? a Dim Dlljuil VOICO which whispered to his heart and told him Frank was right and ho was wron?. But ox- as mis monitor Had not been listened to when its tones were low. was it to be pocted that jl would bo heard now? Among the poor neighlois who chared Frank'3 kind attentions, was fans! whose pcculiai lonely and desolate condition.gavo her a strong claim to sympathy and kind ness. Tin- widow she was com monly nailed had seen better days; but she had lust her husband, her children, and licr properly. One, after, another, she had laid her little ones in tho grave, till only two re mained, a son and a daughter. All the generous sympathies of Frank's naturi! were moved, when, tho only son was cut down just ns he had reached an age at which his poor mother miglit begin to lean nrinn him. II rncilimt .1... r..u I w .wuwi.ww, in mu Lunulas of his heart, to mako ihis widow his espe cial, care, ana to ao all in Ins power to sup ply the place of her lost son. He was un wearied in his attention!-, and though time was money with him, he gave it freely to provide for her comfori. The widow Oicun had, ds I have said, an only daugh ter, this was all that had been saved from tho wreck, of her earthly happiness. A rich treasure was thi3 daughter at least so thought the widow and so thought an other. . Now I beg the reader not lb call tioa the disinterestedness of Frank' Hons to thu widow; for I do assure path is of interval hind on each side, ornamented hero ind there with a solitary, Graceful elm. Is there a river in the world whose nath is marked with more beautv nml vnr. duro than the Connecticut? Amour? all dwellers on its banks, perhaps there liever Was a lianmnr rniinlc thnn tlin .inn i,.l, j j J- - , " i..u i.vf. on May day, took possession of ilia new couagu.. 'Atlft cn.'ilnM Mna .Tnmim l1.nt i - " ,r Milium bliab was, as she was returning with others from I.- U! ..' .;. . l uiu wcuumg vmii, -poor niary ureen is Mrs. Francis Mav ! I snmmc din will fc j - i ... rnrrv npr hi!iil nrallv IiiitIi nrttt. ' rranii s a tool, as he voico in qii2s- k atten- vnll Ihnl when ho resolved to be a son to her, ho had no a liltral fulfillrngiit. But benev olence sometimes meets with unexpected rewards. THE TWO ROADS TO WEALTH. . ivti..i n finn thiiiiT h is to be rich I' ex claimed Charles Ashmn, as lie passed Ls- mi rn Will.-ina' irreat llbuse. i .: "... ... r....J A tine thing, niuccu, ropiieu uia uihu Frank May, provided ' Provided what I' ' Provided wo can have a few other good ;thing with it.' ' Other good things ! why man, money 'will buy all thu Good things in the world.' isjoi quite,' replied Frank. ' To be sure, 'it will buy some small matters which arc convenient, but there aro things essential 'that it will not buy.' Snrh na vvlfal?' iiitBrruiiloil Ins friend hliililhl liJDIHllfcss. Ulld C ,4 coiuciunce !l Iri ion for life.. Tt was well that ho. quite v . (nr cm? ol mind or person g.M ... .w -., or the voumr lady was scaniuy uuunwou. it... dm iinil tnn thniisand charms in the tihap'd of good round dollars, and that was enough for Asltton. He was tho rich est young man in the Village, and that was enough for Jemima, oo me uargani was struck up in a trice, and no time- lost in moonlight walks and scrcneds, and no money wasted in rides aiid ptcscnts. i i I q ininrflstintj. coun e were marricii aim Look possBssion ot a nieo now house, full of nico now lurniture, anu scmou inoiuseivc down, to got as much comfort as empty heads arid empty hearts, with a full purse, could give. ' Here wo will leave them ia ihc full gldry of the honey moon, to look after our friend, Frank May. Let us see what the lapse ol (., fnr lid liim. Uu was not a whit be- iiinit Asliinn iii activity and industry, and ho reaped tho usual rewards oi prcsom comforts and prospective plenty. Though, as ho told his friend, he meant to acquire Wealth, it was not for his own sake, but for tlid benefit or others. It was good prorif of his sincerity that he did not defer doing godd till tho 'timo shoud arive when he could call himself rich. He know that if he did not form the habit now he would not have tho heart hereafter. He knew, and what ii better, ho felti that no one Miouid live to himself tint even :i young man, just ,,, ;., ilio it-iirlil. who had his lor- isirimijj ii ' :lcar ' lue to build up with hw own hnnun. lie i..r i' n-imn iii l in roncniMim mm uu i ' and Mary Oreen wai) at this Umpnlntttrl'vrP Irj in teen, vears old. 1 sinsrtteS ;ir,oo T. ' ' , V . fA' .tl t 11 i: 1. U LI II . 1 thoui'ht Mr. Aclilnn. 'to marry a ftirl who has'nt a cent in tlm world. But two vcara wrnnirht n nlinnitn in ilu . tj " "U" condition of the parties. Frank and Mary continued on in their, even tenor ho apply ing himself with assiduity to his business, and manairimr with econnmv. . whiln Mv made every thing go like clock-work at home. before, lintii becoming tired of the turnpike with his father-in-law, Esq. Wilkins, enga- gec. in a grand speculation which was to make them both rnillionares. But it failed, and involved both in irretrievable ruin. And then, while mourning ono day on his blighted prospects and tho wreck of his property, he met Frank nut in hU wnrtiinir dress, who had on also a cheerful connte" nance; and when he saw how cteadily he had won his way in public confidence, and to the enjoyment of a respectable compe tence, he said to him Aye, Frank 1 youis was the right road to wealth after all.' people With its holy fire it illuminated tho r f D 'tiuuiusicouagerin tne Union it nuriiietl tlin nnlitirnl , r;" ri '",D"UUU con' sumed tlioso who would fain oxiiiigUish iiB beacon light. , . Agam it siumboreu till the war of 1812 - lllsnirpu llct nnnmtao ...III. ,. trampled wii IiVjiiIi: I minniise U would not be i r.,,ir thiniM tn aiteiitlio ill this life, viz : his . .i '...I.. r... .1 ....... i. ..nitntnc. i nP..l nnl aKiriinnl jvntftirn and the .but I'll tell yod of on nice article which j temporal and spiritual welfare of others . .:it i I r nil itm tiiiinnn fnmilv who came 19, W. Ml . ---j . ii will buv. ' And what in that ?' A wife 1' 'Ah !' replied Frank, that's tho only ar "ticlo in the world which I should rather boj under his influence, either directly or indi rectly. Here was a noblo work; sufiicisnt it,.. WirrtHt hn:irt. and task the highest 'Phis was the crand outline of his schemo of life, and left it, to the finger of Providence to point out daily the partic ular maimer in which it was to be tilled up. Willi ilieB views he stood ready for every !,.,. m.,'!,.. .-mi iliinK- i ,,.r,l .mil ivnrk. He was llbvcr b() II II., IIIBllUll J ft .mi....- I,IIU l.Hll, MM- " - ' - ' . ... i i i;t, .mill ini.!,n in irt mv :!.,..; n innt hi mvn allairs. mat uu cnuiu DU 1 I ll.t I.IWHV . , MM ...w-.. D - --- t """"" ' t k, . Bharu. provided I can do it honestly. ' mil stop to do a good act. v hcit called ' Ah I von will ha ton um'ch hindered 1 upon to leave his work to dn something or with Bcruplei, id nuke any headway) in ,-4 (,00r neighbor, or hand atouiid a siibsaip tho world. My inottu is, Ou ahead, hit or ' (i paper in aid of some benevolent object, ... 11 .i..i. .... .nil f.itiiru. fir uiu 11 .1,,.., I.nv ....ill , t . We.) I Frank, ynu are a man df ludnpeud ent lecl'iuua. bui i'ni afraid you'll n.iur lie a man of independent properly. Wliv, utiurios, lit. jnj8$ y or u sometniug nr w i.iiuibt - And I,' eaid Friink, ' should as lief have , i ,, ,0 did not call it an interruption, but tiothimr to oat but mgiir, as to havu nothing considered it as a branch of his buMiiHSs. " . ... I . . . I ... 1 1. ...I.'.... n.lll tll liim kn ....I. iv I1.1t wealth w villi.; - Here tho friends parted, one to his work Minn, and the other lu ins cntintinj'-room These two young won lived in a till Auiiimi mml m lauih at him. and toll him he had chosen a str.ingo roail to wealth 'Never mind, be lieve one who had -a kinder heart, or more sweet and gentle 1 innors. Though.while her features were at womu uu. she was handsome, but, if thoy were light il feelin?. as they UU UJJ ..II ...w-j,... c. - always were in convcrsauon, yu ..uu... acknowledge (lhero Was beauty theio. And the very best kind of beauty, too- thai which will not lane. 1 111s was ju!,. the sort of beauty to take with Frank. Ho found too, that her' views of duty, of the great end of life, accorded with Ins own. That the alllictions of her family had ma tured her character.and produced a chasten 0.1 .i.wi oimmiPil xnirit. which eminently Lll UllU V.W. - " - - " 7 , - C1...I l.o.. fUr itin pninn.inlonshlD of'OnC llllUU 11. w , . whose great desire was to be good and do good. Ono evening Frank and Mary had been taking a long walk, (it was a bright .moon light evening, of course,) and ihey reached . " . ... 'II .1 .-I. iiitii hnmn Hist na tna vuiapc wucu -uuw .i.w. They stopped before the little gate; which was fastened Willi a siring. 'Mary,' said Fradk, a3 he reached over to undo the string, 'Well,' , '1 have been thinking, Mary hem, here he stdpped.and worked away for sdrae seconds on the siting. It had got into a hnnl Unnt. 1 SUPPOSe. . . , . . I . , , 1. , .. nrnin M havo been iiutiaing, uo otau UBa..., and then ho waited so long, that Mary wondeted what he had boon thinking about, dnd whothor ho would over be dotio think ing. I have been thinking, Mary, that,' as ho had now advanced ohe word further, ho would probably have got out tho wholo sen tence, butjust then widow Green, who had been dining at tho window, and seeing Frank working so long Over tho gate, the bi.i.i nntoiniw nld I.idv must need come Ik I It V UIHUIUM- ' . ( . mil tn son Mulmt tV:i i ho matter with that Atf. nll-in rt ' TNI- M'ipv was left to finish the i u.v s..iii. ...-. . e l ani,lnn..o nffnrilinir lu the dictates Of ItBT mum (Vflindo nr imarrinatious. But Frank look the more satisfactoty method of finish Inir it i n nnllPr How the sentence really ended, may be infHirfld from tho fact that iho next week Frank was bustling about, with an ei.tra glea-n of satisfaction on his fine counte nance, making preparations fur building a house- A light heart makes light work. In an incredible short time lib had finished ono of the prettiest little collages you ever lan.v. Tl was nainted white. Willi "rsen To the Fop!c bi" Feainsylvli nia. fi'emwTvania irk an n mil in vnu u unui oimr v"0 roan to weauu. -- i . , . .. . ... .'... h.tin.1. nmt nnrltuo all around. It stood measures, principips mid candidate ot the flnmnpralin and federal parties, on whiclj you are to pass judgment, at tho apprtfach' 'n.r., nWtinn. This dntv is render mi; kvii." - --- . . ,i ,nu,.inll npc.nssarv. bv the cross aiid unprincipled attempts madp by the .federal r .1 .1 .:n1...fl flirt nionnln. arlV, 10 aeccive anu luniwim ti..." i r liipntinn is not a new one. It has always characterized tho. electioneering manmnvres ot tlie leuerai party ,uuu ever do so, while their meas(ires and.pnn- i . urn! onoosed to the CIPICB uiu uiiik,." ' t, ..i mi nf ill mihhc irood. auvaiiucuiii. u ... i a . Tho federal party has always sought to ;i. ncff.mlp.miv bv vauntini: and inaiuiiini iv iww.. j j t v ii ....... Tin viftnrinq ure all in anticipa .!. :.n.'nn,.ta nf irinmnh before the battle HUU 113 "i'UHW " " 1 . - is fought its council and reflection, after i-r...D,i .li.linnnrhave crowned its efforts utauuv aii , i.-,l ila fnrrnt tn t !6 Winds. &0 anu Buatii-- ... . . ,. , wild it bo now: Thus will its idle and emp IV ''lo cabin" and "hard elder cry, imu in the wailings ol doieal and utter prosuu. "on. r But let not our over-conuuenco ot !.ui.i.i:b prevent us from 'exhibiting to the pnblic.lhe leal nature of the questions involved in the contest. Even success would afford us lit tle gratification, if we did not gain it in de fence of itie ttUih, add of sound political vir tue. We ask not to triumph . because we ..!.,mnu Ktit hnirausn all honest men must desire to seo us triumph, rius ap- noal has ever beart the- snieiu anu uui-mh of democracy it seeks for iloiiung more. What aro tho principles anu iumi" veil in the pending election for Presidwt and ir. .. u-i,inr ..r tlm United States i rre- -:.t.. it,... .'nuiilipd in the election ot UI9CI.) 111"." ... - . T. n n.iieaiLil n Thomas Jettcrson. it was t.....-- mire. uncontanunaieu cui amuuyi. Strict accountability of public officers a simple safe, economical governmu. h . i I. .. .1.:.... ....... Truilprnligm il is just tne same uuiif; has changed its name, its guises, its strata cems a thousand times, but its object has been unchanging-io submit the people, and make the many labor, fjr (he tspcsial benefit of the few. .To tliis.end.have been all its devices, including banks, framoJ ami nut into execution. Its approaches were ' ., i-.ii iii npnnlo diacoveriii!r Hs design hurled its leaders front powerjthey are now covert, but not the less certain and effectu- 1 ((rnicrn of terror" undor the eldnr Adams. He was a bold patriot in mm! U..I MncT r-.tei: nrmo n es aim mis- J l I U,UUI iiiiu.u.i.o - i . .1.1 jtd by bad advisers.he almost subvetted I the National Constitution in four year. I he lilo giving principle, of democracy was call ...1 rVirtii - Tt warmed tho bosoms . of the fla.f hauled ilnivn nml (111 bv the Brittell. nml il 'l.t . joicing.becauso the han,d ihat upheld it wa the hand of a democrat. .Still democracy triumphed ovbr both British and federal foes and gloriously held on in its career. x cucraiism.once more crept into obsciirir IV and be can to invnnt iMrtllpp onh... -r - - . mnuiw ut Urattd, to accomplish what it could ncl ho. by force. Tl'.R rleiMinn nfilm VM.n.. u ... V y Mgo ivuauis, in, conformity to the letter, but in open defii anco oi mo spirit of the coustitulion.aroused me laiien spirits ol the Harlford rionrcntiori tmilnrl. &lln.t .Hnn 1.nt- li mi ...v.. iuu .iicu iriumpu. ilia people indignantly crushed their, hopes e- Ipplnil llm iilitti..i.I. t.. i A" . ...v imiiuiuui rfuiittbuu; anu uxen a bratid on thefoiehead of federalitm, that will never bo efinneil whiln I lMatl and wriilimrr Yd-n n mnnu.t a pent, federalism continued to assail ihia great and good man and his administration,- With ill A mnat flririAfnlia A mutiviuua uakct . iccoruinrr thb representations ol hib nolitirnl rn. - (uuiiiaku1 Mug uujeci was destruction his measures fraught witk ru, in and his friends a Imml nf rnlih. .f ... . -wwf. IIU banditti. Tint ivlnl il, ...,.. ir, " - ,ug 11U.11 1 JmtJI eight years of unprecedented tqil ,and com diet with the most unscrupulqU3 and talant- cu u)ijjusiuuii ever encountereu, lie was corrt pletely victorious he proslrated, wa trust; forever, tho Bank of tho United States i cleansed the governments of corruption,! and left his power ocaceablv in tlm liimlri of his friends. President Van Btiren, " following iti his confidence and support Of tho people, and we (lmiht nnt. will rolnin ifinm 1. ha tn F " wm t IS till kliv democratic terms. . n innl Ml. 11 f ri TfltM mHMMK.. ' t .1. v.uiii,.ii ui a ..r ii4Uiiuiiu, iruiu uiu, a!'PJ?.aUoJjln , state dominion, of federal any body, , fiP0 ySa'tM, ilastiseraentoi a thrc;eyara federal reign. During that jlnfortunato riod, the Bank of tho United States T?as tB; chartered with- unheard oi privileges, against the repeated and almost universal remonstrances -oi ino peppio i.ui.u,.... no foul and rank, that it ' smelled to Heav en," crept into all the departments oC-gov- emment freemen were disiranciusea tot opinions sake favorites .made torumos in few niontlis.ov piunuenuj; wiu jmu.. tions became 'a mockery and a farce tho. v f .1 . : f.t i.fia eifttirrnt In hfk aocree oi iub naiuii w" 7 ' . .1 . t . !; . .iA oimPfl ked to Willi UUWIWHW. - ... . consumate the. downfall of our lerty. For the first time in tne - History ot x -sylvania since ihe revolution, was an armed host seen in our streets, with flags flying. . -iicinninn- swords ilashinEr. anil cannons menacing, not only the safety of, t :tr..ii lint . in which the re- mo very ncgisum" .."-i prescnlatlves of tho sovereign people vtero assembled to legislate for . the public gopd. The invincible spirtioi forsake Pennsylvania, inlhiadar.k.and peril ous crisis. Though Gov. Runer and hi. advisers, were surrounded by a thsusaml armed soldiers, and were seeking to pro cure moro from the geueral government .1 liotn,, tiH-it warm and lll2 courapo aim . . . in thu hearts oi inoic, wuu n to ntalntaiii lUeir rights. Tlieir b bod flow ed witli a cool unrullted course . u they stood firmly ami ieanc.j, miillv waiting for tho isiue, while tho Soy.n,rouded Governor Uitner'e coutuiL board, were trembling with terror, in m iidst of swords, bayonets, and cannons. " . ..... 1 ,,.m. Trnm IllO PCO- mimtilOlieu 10 Huici.1 .,,...,..-. . pie So ri5hts they had basely trampled on and betrayed. . -i -flia Arain was demncracy viuiuuu.w. affrighted federal usurpers skulked from I M broad g... of Jay. They dared tm M wionged una, uni Vy,-- U fuce. Tho calm fori . of hone -ly rircd their very souls. Ihey )nra.w. down their arms, and reureu on tho heads of the neopw. - " Mots to cheat anu ueirauu .... . ... same nature, tnougn bold, was tho recent attempt i ... -Governor of New Jerspy, to foist into Oo- .rress a whole delegation o. iu0u.-, were not duly elected by tho peopP. He wa merely profiting bj Secretary Bur rowes' celebrated order to his politics ad herents, to treat the e eetion B. if "it I ad nnt taken place." no no ..u.n.t p,I" would covet tile iniquity, UIWHM ... - . ana the Uaulu 01 me uonnccucui 'rt A . r , i