The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 20, 1840, Image 4

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    smxjv jzEAsoms why
SHOULD receive a preference over nil Pills now
in existence
First Because they ore composed of Vcgctablo
'extracts, frco from inincralej nnd may lie taken at
Ultimo with pcifcct safety liv vounsandold, widi-
'out restraint from occupation, temperate Hilig, or
'fear of taking cold.
Second LSecauso thoy nro composed nf such
medicinal extracts, as have heen ciimlovcd bv all
tho im celebrated and respectable Physicians for
more than a century pist, in purifying tho Blood
"end Animal fluid of the body,
Third Because thoy may bo employed as a
wild or active purgative, according to the quantity, uud their operation 'will not be attended with
griping of tho bowels, sickness at tho stomach,
prostration of tho system, dec, ns are produced by
,'lhcr pills.
Fourth Bciauso they possess n combined action,
rot pose ed by any other pill, mWtutc or prepar
ation whatever. Their first effect is in correcting
oil lmpurilUa with which tho blood and UuiJs of
tho body may be uff-ctcJ, and by their gently opera
tive effect, removing such impurities from tho sys
tem. Fifth Because they arc tho terror of Quacks
nd Impostors, for moat persons are obliged to take
tho Sirsaparilla Blood Pills, after taking their vile
nd ue;truc,ive nostrums, to counteract and prevent
their io'nchievoiis and baneful effects.
Sixth Uecauso they are the only pills in which
Physicians have sufiikicnt confidenco to recommend
to fhsir ptieut3, and employ in their practice, as
they know they are Anti Quack, Anti Mcrcural.
Anti IViIIIoui as well as a good and safe purgative
tnd purifier of tho Blood and Animal Fluids.
Sevcu'.h and last But not the least important,
bo because they are prepared by a regular Apothe
cary mi J Phtsu-ian, attested oy Drs. Physic, Hor
ner, Cbapnin, Dewces, James, Gibson, Jackson,
Cote, Hare, &c, &c, which nlonc is sufficient to
entitle thm to great confiflciice.
Ccrtificotes and Recommendations from Fhysi
c'mu and others accompany tha directions around
each box.
tCpPrice Twenty Five Cents a UoxJX
Preoarcd only and sold Wholesale and Retail at
.Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 101 North
Second st.,n few ilaors below Vino street, Philadel
phia, ako, sold by
J. Gilbert & Co., North Third street above Vine.
G. S. Clomcna, do 3d do do Wood st.
J. II. Smith & Co. do 2d do next tho Bed
Lion, and nil respectable Wholesale and Kctail
Druggist's in Philadelphia.
They are also sold by:
J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J. Y. Bohrcr, do do
W. Ebcrman Litiz,
J. W. OaUIy, Reading.
J. B. Mnicr, Allcutown.
P. Pomp, Easton.
And the principal Merchants and Drugists in the
Uniied States.
For sale at tho Health Emporium Bloomsburg
V D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloomsburg July, 13, 1339. 11.
COMMUNICATION. How few they are that
liappcn to bo atllictrd with Coughs or Colds
pay attention ta-iliom. Mna mins-thousandifrom.
sucu neglect snorion mcir uays, una uusiuu mi-iru-nal
dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil
dren, and thus form tho foundation for Consump
tion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their
own children to the grave, having died from somo
affections of tho lireatnnd Lungs, which were neg
lected in their first stages.
Cougiuand Colds, whether existing among young
or old, ought at ali limea be attended to early, and
not sulIVred to continue any length of time, fur the
Lungs ouco afn!:tcd,dUcasosoon makes rapid ctrides,
ending in the most fatal of all diseases, namely Con
VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Cntauhs, Influenzas,
Shortness of Breath, Whoopinj Cough, Pain in
.tho Breast or Side, all affection of tho Breast and
Lungs, and arrest of approachinsg Consumption, is
the nnt ponl ir medicine used throughout all Gcr
many i3 becoming ciiually popular in tho United
States, and hu established for itself a reputation
not pow.scd by any other medicine for tho same
cla33 of diseases. See certificates and recommen
dations from Pewits, Physicians, and others, accom
paning the directions.) It is a preparation perfect
ly safo an J harmless, pleasant to the taste, and may
lie given tu tho youngest infant. It is warranted
free from mercury and the minerals, nnd is a prepar
ation of a regular Apothecary and Physician, atlei
'tcd by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Gibson. Jackson,
Homer, Daweea, Coxc, James, tec. a circumstance
nlonc sullic'cnt to induce n trial of it
Dr. N. 31. Lidy, Proprietor of the above mcdi
me, confidently recommends it to nil, and ats'ires
all most positively that it is an iiivaluablo medicine
and would not himself recommend it, but for it,
known efficacy.
Prepared only and for saleWlnlesalcnnd Ratail at
Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North
Socond street a few doors below Vine street, Phil
adelphia also, sold by
J. Gilbert & Co., North Thi-J street a'.ov oVine
C, S Clemens, do 3d da do Woo,' st
J. K. Smith & Co. do 2d ds next the lied
Won, and by all respectable Wholcsalu and retail
Druggist in I'hiladclphia.
They arc eold by:
J, F Long, Jjaneaslcr, Pennsylvania.
J. V. Rohrer, do do.
W, Eberman Litiz.
J. W. Oakley, Heading.
For sale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg
by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Compound Tomato
Entirely Vegetable,
A new and invaluable MeJicino far all dieseascs
arising from impurities of tho blood morbid secre
tion of the )iver anJ stomach, Also, a substitute
for calomel, as acli2thartioiu Fevers and all Lillious
Thesa popular pills combining a newly discov
ered Alkaline sulistanco extracted from tho TO.MA
TO PLANT, with other vegetable snbstancoa
which have boon found to modify and diffuse its ef
facts, ar hi llcved to bs the liost Alterative and Ca
thartic iilft'lirino ever discovered.
For ordinary family physic they aro uni
versally npprnvcd, ns the liest ever offiired.
A full account of this Mrdiciro, and nu
merotia ncrtificales from physicians and
other, accompany eat-h box.
Just received and for sale at the new
Dwg Siore by J- MOYER, Agent.
lug. t7.
fNwsnioiiTo TnElttoEAXiBnisnETn'n.EvAs
Inhiax Pl-iioativx, tho MiTCiarss (priced
Sanative, or anv other tiills or compound befor)
he public, as certified to by Physicians onuNithcrac
Let none condemn them until they have tried
them, and then we are certain they will not,
Ilia now a settled point with nil who have Used
the Vegetable Persian Pills that they are pre-emi
nently thcbcKt and most eiucacious Family ftlcui
cine that has yet been used in America. If every
family could become acquainted with thoir Sovcr
ricn uowtf over disease, thev would keen them and
be prepared with a sure remedy la apply on tho firs
appearance of disease, and then how much distress
would be avoided and money saved, as well ns the
lives of thousands who arc hunied cut of time by
reglcrting disease in its unit stages, or by not being
in possession of a remedy which tncy can placo uc
pcndcucc upon.
The licsurrcction, or Persian Pilh.
Tho name of these pills orrinatcd from the cir
cumstance of tho incdicino being found only in tho
ccmctarics of Portia. This ecctnblo production
being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to
ita medicinal qualities and virtues. J 11 nail a cru
lury it became an established medicine for the dis
cases of that country. The extract of this smsu-1
iarproduction was introduced into somo parts of Eu
ropo in the year 1783, and used by many'celebrated
l'nysicians 111 curing certain uncages, where all oili
er medicine lua been used in vain. Early in the
year 179.2, the extract was combined with a certain
vegetable medicine imported from Dura Unci, in
the East Indies, and formed into Pills. The admir
able effect of thi" compound upon the human sys
tem, led physiicatu nnd families into its general
Use. Their long established character their univer
sal and healing virH.c.1, the detergent and cleansing
qualities of their specific action upon the glandular
part of tho system, nro such aj will sustain their re
putation and general use in tho American Repub
I certify that I have, by way of experiment, used
tho Hygean, and most of tho rarious kinds ol Pills,
in my practice, which havo Lome tho highest repute
in tho public estimation, that have been offered lor
sale in this vicinity for the lift live yeats, including
thoso called the Resurrection or Pcrsain Pills; and
the public may rest assured that none among the
whole catalogue has answered a better purpose, as
an easy and effectual remedy, thm tho Resuircction
or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease.
Ciiaulks Backus, M. D.
Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 31, 1837.
Messrs. E. CIimo & Co. Gents. Hearing
much said about tho extraordinary effects of the
Resurrection or .Persian i'ilh, upon thoso about to
become mothers, v. e were induced to make a trial of
them. Jly wife was at that time tho mother of live
children, and had suffeied the most tedious and ex
cruciating paiiu during and after her confinement
of each. She had tried every means and taken
much medicine, but found littio or no relief. She
commrmccu taKirrg-iitc-j-CTMi,.- i'im -v.-,- .u
months before her confinement (her health being ve
ry poor about this length ot time previous) and in a
bhort tiino sho was enabled by their uso to attend to
tho cares of a mother to bar family until her con
finement. At tho tiniD sho commenced taking the
i'crsian Pills, and for scverol weeks pi evious, sho
was afflicted with a d'y hard cough, and frequent
scveie cramps, which tho uso of the I'WU entirely
removed before usin-; half a boy. It ij with the
greatest confidenco that wc ndviso all those about to
bcctimo mothers to mako ue of tho Persian Pills.
Alt those I hat have taken thum in our neighbor
hood have got along in the same easy manner, and
are about the hnuso in a few days, l'hcro docs not
appear to bo half the danger of other dangers setting
in alter runhnerncnt, where these I ills aro taken. -Wo
unitedly' say.lrt none neglect taking them, for
they are in tho reach of the poor 11s well as tho rich.
Wo nr truly lliauklul that there is a remedy which
females ran easily procuns which tends f lessen tho
world of sufli-riiis, which many of them have to bear,
andpcihaps save the lives of thousands which would
otherwiso be lost.
Rochester, May M, 1838; comer of Callidonian
squaic, Edinburg street; far further particulars sec
S. RocsnTs,
Ash 0. nosuiiTS.
RocntsTxn, Sept, 21, 1830.
Messrs. E. Chaie &' Co.
I think it my duty to let you know what a great
euro your Pills ltao pcr.Srir.ed on me I had been
sick about 7 years - about S vears and a half con
fined to my bed. I had been given over us incurable,
with Consumption, by twelve physicians of the llnt
standing; my lungs were seriously affected; I had
3 ulcers gather and break; my cough wns dry end
harsh most of tho time; my liver was much swollen,
and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever.
and night sweat, accompanied with extreme in ita -
lileness of the nervous system, and other difficulties
which I forbear to mention. After I was riven over,
I tried almost all medicine; which were advertised,
but to no ndfantaio, until I tried your Vcst-tablo
Persian Pills. I began 10 gain in a short time after
I commenced takinj them; and, to bo brief, before I
too'.; 3 boxes, I was ablo to tide out and to take con
siderable csercise, nnd at this timo I enjoy good
health, and am able to do good day's work. If any
noo wishes n more parlicular history of my suffer
ings, no may can on mo, at tho corner of Alain and
Clinton-streets, Rochester.
Fits Cunr.n Tho undersigned hereby certify,
that we aro tho Parents of two children who have
cecn afflicted with fits more or lesjfrom their infan
cy, and that wc havo spared no pains or expense in
endeavoring to effect a cure, but without any bene
ficiul effect, un(il hearing of tho Resurrection or Per
ian Pill, when four boxis were immediately
procured, and before thrca boxes were taken, tho
liU had abated in frequency, nnd eveiy gym
lorn much improved, and now wo aro happy to
t tutu that our rhildjcn by tho uso of tho Persian
Pills, with tho blessing of God, aro entirely cured,
and havo no ey in torn cr appearance of fits, will find
11 tho Persian Pills 0 cure and perfect cure.
Canton N. . Dec. 10, 1837.
The abovo pills may bo had of tho following a
gcnt3 John Moyer, Bloomsburg; II. Miller, Her
wick; J. Cooper & Hons, llaielton; C. Hortinan,
Espcytown; John Sharpies, Cattawissi; Lyman
Sholes, Danville.
Ezra Tsylor, agent for J10 Blato of Pennsylva
nia residiinr at Rochester N. Y, to whom all orders
can bo addressed
Thilicof'thflcsh Win the oW,''
faith the crip(rcs. -i-LevhicuB e. xvli
JJlban scripture testimony can wc have of the
ite of tho flesh depending upon tho condition of
tho blood 1 If impure or diseased, tho ilesli tnuf t
of course be diseased thereby, and the whole sys
tem partako of such tlUrasc. If the t'octriuc be true,
and tlicro is not a iioum 01 v. iur 11 is 11 unf
iled to bv nil. that tho scrii.tures, 01c truo Levond a
douM.l (hen it behooves us to aunril rgainsi 111c
conccqucmes of sUch impurities, and thus preserve-
the, flmli healthy. II the iictli Le cranny, crnfii
uroved ceitaln vecctables to possess piirifyinij proii-
crlies. These vegetables will nut hero be mimed,
and 111. Lcidy wishes to remunerate himself, nnd
profit by the long, laborious, and costly experiments
necessary to bo made, that tho actho principles of
those vegetables might be retracted and reduced to
Bueh farm as makes them ca-.y, safo and pleasant to
bo taken.
Thoso vegetables arc contained in tho justly cel
ebrated Blood Pills, manufmturcd only by Dr. N.
Leidy, 0 regular Druggist and Physician, attested
by Drs. Phytic, Chapman, lacksoi , Horner, Gibson
Dewces, James, Hare, Cox, Izc.
The above Pills may bo employed ns a mild or
octitc purgative. Their action is easy, and may bo
rmnlovcd liv all persons under all circumstances.
They "will at all times bo found serviceable when
tho leatt sickness is present. They rcquiio 110
change of die , restraint from occupation, or ftnr of
taking cold from their use. They arc uaily prcscrili
cd by numerous physicians; certificates of tho fact
accompany the directions. They ate the mcst afflic
tive purifier of the blood and ether fluids of the hu
man boJy ever discovered. Persons having once
used, will ever aftei, as occasion may acquire, have
rcsourso to them.
Twenth Five Cents a box.
Sold by nil respectable Druggists and Mcrchanst
throughout the Union, uiul in tin? cilv only ut
D. I.cidy's Health Emporium, iSeccnd street be
low Vine.
J. R. Smith & Co.'a 2d st. near tho Red Lion.
J. Gilbert & Co.'sSd abovo Vine.
C. Clemens' North 3d above Wood.
F.KIett's 2.1 and Onllowhill.
For talc at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg
by U. 8. TOBIAS Agent.
JJIoomsuurg July, 13, 1839.
Remaining in the Post Office at Bloomsburg
at Hie t'liu ui the quarter ending on the
3 1st day of ilZaich, 1810.
Healifr Christian Moore John
Middleman Valentino M'iMurtrio Margaret
Mnrnctt John
Maker Malanglon
Moon Men.
Caby Jacob
Evert Peter
Echcrt Jacob
Fulmer Daniel
X'xjyTKSUr J. .Im
Gilmore Andrew
Oiger Solomon
Hcnrie Polly
Henric Mary
Hardy Mrs.
Herring Christ.
Ilaivey Marhcrs
Hartman Thomas Vv.
Moyer Angelina
Nimgesser Jacob
Ncwhard Solomon
Philips Rebecca
Philips Ann
Roan Samuel
Rees Thomas'
Oturir Juntrplt
Snyder Daniel 2
Slates William
Seller' Christina
Shannon Jcsso
Springer Man
Squire Ebin
Townsend Sampson
wren i nomas 2
Ink Einry
Jacnhy John
Kahler Esq.
Kaffuian Moses
Lilly George
Melerk Andrew
Jackalvin John
jiy'Luuiriilin Charles
1oyer Wont. M.
i1il"lcr Peter
Vahlfurih Dnct. T. R
Wctzler Elizabeth
Webb Joshua 2
Wipe Joseph
Wran Gorg
Wulliver Jacob
Yoke Sebastian
Yost George
Robinson William 2
Jan. I, 18-10.
Those inquiring for any of the above let
ters will please say it i3 advertised.
fnt- u a. e a u i ii'
ra"tf7! 8llllM.'rihcr inl'nrnm thn nnhlip
S ta. uj r . -
thai he has just completed a now es
tablishment, at the MIoomfehurirMasin.
Col. Co. Pa. on tho North Mranc.h Canal
for BUILDING all kinds and descriptions,
Faclio'c, Freight and
Cur Boats,
covered or uncovered, of any length or size,
on the shortest notice and of the best of
ICpHo is also prepared for REPAIR
ING MOATS of all kinds.
All orders will he thankfully received and
punctually attended to on tho shortest no
tice possible to complete them.
Feb. 22 1040 Gl-13
Tho Advocate, Wilkcsbarrc, and Spy
Columbia, will please publish tho abovo 0
limes anti forward their bills to this oflico
forpaj mcnt.
Canal Scats For Sale.
SEVERAL new Canal final?, built tho last sea
son, for sale. Enqulro as above.
FRO.V tho Subscriber two last fall boar
Pigs. Who evor will give information
whore they may bo found shall he rensona
bly rewarded. DANIEL GROSS.
Bloomsburg, April 4, 1810.
tutin.g as it does the principal portion 01 inonumaii ".. ... j -
redy the'u must the whole body bo hcnl.hy. nd It s in great .ncas.ue tl.o, -cc t of Mr. MOF- FAT, that his pubh tlon should tonlinunlly
by all impurities ot the blood may ba removed.- m.nduch persons of 1 icir d ngcr. J he M ow ng
L pward, of one hundred yl-.irs experience of the lcltrrt ro to show that the LiIp ill, and Phe h.X
' -.1.1 1 .. n..,i k,i ..i...!,i.,, tm. B Iters arc not exifllonl family, bul
,rnrtrri rWhriTTn'rt'Ti ntjnfifra
KIX BITTERS arc excellent family Medicines.
Tho proprietor of these Medicines cannot too deep
ly impress upon the public mind tho high impor
tance of an early or timely attention to sound health.
There arc very many in. his community who do
not appreciate goid health, until attacked by some
violent disease, ,kcn Ihey think Ihey must immedi
ately send lor a physician, nnd in row? cqucncc, they
arc perhaps confined to their bntsfei wicks, ur even
months. Almobt every one is liablo to be unwell at
times, nnd by neglect of proper treatment of Ihciu
selves, 011 ktich occasions, it is very oftrn tho case
that n BCverc uttncl: ol discsse j the cnii'cqiirncc,
that tVv '"ill. in very many inflame, nupercede
the necessity of Callhii n phisidaii, The principal
office is nt 375 Iitoumvav, whcrcthousaiida of sim
ilar !Urs to Mr. Moffjt, may be cammed.
The following letter wiu received from a gentle
man who, a few mumbi tlncc, purchased eoiiib of
Ihe LlTo Medicines for tha ue of his fu.nily, and n
few of his friends:
Napoli,N. Y Julv 27, 18.
Mr. VV. B. Moffat Dcnr sir The Life Pills nnd
Phcnix Bitters curpaia evecy medicine I h.e been
acquainted with. In every in6tunco where it has
been used, 11 benefit hns been derived, and every
person is cntiofied. Ono man, troubled u ith a scrof
ulous humor, been ail but raised Iroin tiio dead.
Another person, n female who has been Unable to
leave her room for the !a3t two years, has been re
stored to health. Another troubled with soro throat
for more thai! a year, and also a burning sensatiaiii
in I crFlomach and bowls, was completely cured by
thrco do-cs of your FiIIf. Anotlur, trouneu with
n severe nervous affection, attend with dvspercia and
continued hend-ache, and was so reduced as to 10
unable to Icavo her bed, was, by the urc of ono box
of Pills and bottle of Bitters, so far rcctorcd ns to
be able to attend to her domestic concerns. And
lastly, 1111 acquaintance of mine, has by the uso of
.1 bottle of Bittcrsnnd twoboxrsof Tills, been mado
a perfectly sound and health? man. He had been
laboring under a complication of diccasrs for iho
last five yar3. I could mention numerous other
instances, but these are sufficient to show Iho effects
of tho medicine upon a lew of my neighbors and
menus. our obedient servant,
Crnr-t Tntcacn.
Tho following U part of a lclter written by a ccn
tlrmun in the country to his brother in this city,
from whom ho had received a box of Life Pills and
PhenW Bitteis:
Thomnstsnvillc, Conn., Juno 20, 1838
Dear Brother I embrace the present opportunity
of writing you a few lines. I received the Life
Pills end Phcnix Hitters you sent me. for which I
can never thank yon enough, they hive proved.
I hope, a perfect cure to me. I had for two years
been troubled with a severe nam in my side, i up'
plied to ull the doctors in this neighborhood, but got
no relief until I took tho Pills and Hitters you sent
me. Sinco I havo taken them I have been as well
as ever I was in my life.
Yours aflectioiatcly, David McQitt.
Tho following is a copy of a letter from Terre
Haute Indiana:
Mr. W. B. Moffat Dear Sir I wrote you a few
days tinco stating, briefly, the quantity of Life Pills
md rncnucuilters, I should want the coming sea'
son. When I accented tho nscnev of this Itedi.
cine in June hst, (ulthough your application was
nccompniiied by documents, attesting the great ben
efit of this medicine, I hid no espectaiion that it
iMjuiu ituui iuu ucstiiuuiignuioi 11, or give sucn
general satisfaction as tho experiment of a few
months has proved. I can only say tha all who
have used it bear testimony of its great value and
clheicncy. I know of no instanco where it has
been thought in the shchtest deirreo injurious, and
oven those who arc afflicted beyond hope of cure,
bear testimony of its salutary inflticnco upon their
general health. The great and increasing demand
for this articlo is Iho best assurance of its usefulness,
ami 1 woutu not wish to Lo without it for n single
day. Hopcrtfully, yout?, J. P. Kind.
i he following is a copy cf a letter from a hdy in
East Lyme, Connecticut, to Mr. MoffAt's ogenl:
I.asi Lyme, Conn., May Cth, 1833
Mr. Bradford Sir In regard to Dr. W. B. Mof
at's Life Pills nnd Phcnix Bitters, I can truly say
from opcrieiiic, they are tho best medicine I have
any knowledge of. Incredible as it may appear, I
have for eight months scarcely been ol la to walk 11-
cr)33 aroom, one month could not feed mjsclf, had
uie attendance 01 the best ol 1 hyficians fur months,
onco and twice n dny have taken Patent Medicine
11s far as titrations would permit. Mso, n celebra
ted Doctor's prescriptions, nil of which has been a
coun-e of tho grcilet pertcvoranco I was cai able
of. Yit I l;avo icceived im more than present re
lief; to ghc 11 similitude ol my sufl'ciingr, is indes
cribable. Yet I will write tho svmtoms of mv dis
ease, r or ten years I havo Buffeted with a ncrvou
nllivtion in my head and face; a plarc as larv; as a
hand in the left sido of my back, connecting the
t-hmuilenlcscribcd; n sensation of soreness, frequent
ly becamo a cold ns if lite had departed. In July,
1839, in ronerquenro i.f overdoing, takinz a hurt!
cold, 1 was seized with a numbness in tho" syMem
faintneso, fljtulenry, pain in thy head, voracious ap.
petite, and at tunes dehcient appetite, gloat Iost of
muscular power.painm tho leltsidc.also In the shoul.
tier and arm to tho greatest extent, nahiitalion n
tho limit, great diMress in tho back, gnawing in tho
stomach when empty, prcmiro oflcrnieals, amount,
ing almost to suffocation, strieturo across Iho bicast,
sore throat: also a tickling, attended with a convnl
five cough, spitting of puiulcnt matter, nizktswciw.
cold fect and hands, foetid breath, costivencss, piles,
loss of memory, affection of sight nnd hearing, diz
inoss, deafness, tho mind becamo desponding, other
disagreeables not mentioned, which caused great
weakness, cVr. I happily, and can truly say, that by
theblP3..!ng of Heaven, and tho restorative proper
ties of tho Lifo Pills and Phenix Bitters, I nm re-
stored to health, which no other medicine could do
l ours, ecc.
Isabella A. Bogcrs. East Lyme, Conn
For additional particulars cf tho above medirinea
scnMoiTat's "Good Kamaritan," a copy of whit h
accompanies th medicines; a copy can bo obtained
of the different Agents who have tho medicines for
French, German, and Spanish directions can bo
otiiamca on application at tho cihlcc, 375 Broad
All post paidlcttors will nccivo immediate alien
Prepared nnd sold by William B. Moffat,
Broadway New ork. A libenl reduction m
those who purchaso to sell again.
mil modo '
Agents. l'ho Life Medicines may also be hado
the principal duggUta in every town throughout tho
I'nited Plates on 1 tho Canadas. Atk for MmTiU'11
Life Pills and Phcnix Bitter; and bo suro that n f 13
simile of John Moffat's signature is upon tho label
of each bottle of bitters or box of pills. For salo
at Tobis'i Health Emporium, Biosnuliurg.
.CiREAi AttRtVAL tfftOii N. YOtUf,
BJTOUE thim r'ts millions cf boxes of thesj
Jli. celebrated pills have been sold in the L'rii.
ted Miles since January lS?0,
Hundreds and luousntnls bless tho day thfy U,
crme aequamtid with lMcr' cKctaWc pIlU, whicli,
in consequence of their extraordinary EoiiL'ne,lmvo
nnaincu a popularity unprecedented in tho historr
01 luciiicir.c.
When t.-'fii according to tho directions accorm
panjlnfi Uicm. they arc highly bcnifiicisl in !w
prixentioh nnd euro of bilious fever fever nnd u
guc, dypcp?ia, liver ccrnp'jinU tick 1: a.l.ndu, .
jnuudirc, nslhma. ihrinimtitin, tnlftr; t of flrf'
Hplreti, 1 ill's, colic, fclnat" obMructions, heartburn)
futrrd tongue, nausea, distension cf the rtct nh I
and bowels, Incipient diarrhea, flatulence, lirJutual I
coslivenets, loss ol" I'Mietile, blot.-l'.-d or ! nllmrf 3
complexion, 6ml In all cases of (nrpnr of the lowt
cl, where a cathart'c or nn nnt-rient Isneedcl-j
They are exceedingly mild in llldr npfrnllon, pro i
dUciilg neither nausea, griping, nor debility, ntul ii I
consequence 01 mcir ah J l-llll.lUl,H liUALI, vl
I IL1I5, nro the bci-tof all rclncdiei in scarlet fevpr ?
fever nnd ncl:r, I ilious fcvei . i.r,d nil ttuca l. tvl-.ii-li ''
haVc iIk't pccumuhtlon of BM.Ei in i J
word Dr. J'clers- pills uicllic cliat I1I11.1:; cnlidctri 1.
and with a supply of theui all bilious affections U
be kept nt u d;,
Those who have suffered nnd am wcirv of ttifipw
ing from theso dcsUoying complaints, ill find ii
.Peters' Vcetnblo pill? a remedy ut onco certain and
immediate in its cfl'cct. In
They eland unrivalled. Many have L-coh cured la
n few weeks, having suffered under this drcJ.
ul complaint for years.
Tho world Is Vastly out of tunc,
And seems bpyond corrclirjn;
But I'vea spell, that very soon
Vill mako it all perfection:
Will socu tipcl disease vm pain,
So nopo shall bo ufiliclcd;
And thrn shall euro all ills amain,
To which men arc addicted.
O would yru know this scourge of ills,
So various and so rlorius ?
They rrc il.c VECL'PAHLE PILLS'
Of 7'ETEKS, so virtoris'js.
Oycf. Ihey nro thoto pills of pride,
Which oil tho VTorbl aro praising,
For new did thegeds p'ovido
A tsed'eino to amazing.
Tho' Spleen or Chol'ra rack you through,
With this you nctd hot fear them;
If Gout nfflict, and Colic too,
A box or too will ciear thrm:
And if your !irr's out of hjiicj
If wild your head is aching;
If jaundice dies you liko the u.oon;
Or ague sets you shtik ng;
If srimdvi-pijpcin thins your chyle;
If deviia blue aro grinding;
If you nre plagued with grij'.o or Lila,
Or fevers loose or binding;
O tell no doctor of your ills,
Nor trust to baths or lcncin
But face the rogues willi PRTEBS' PILU
And soon you'll tend them prancing.
These valuahlo pills arc Suncrlor lo Lcc'e.Bra
drcth's, Moflilt's, Evans, Hur.U, li e i'ermn oris;
lact to any other pill ever brought before tho pulli
who .0 i,ciii jox iviu prove tncr virtue
this county, ns their surprising virtues are e;taMih
cd all over the United States, Canadas, Texas, Mci
ico ana 1110 west Indies.
frj-Lnquirofor 'tier's Vcgc!ablo Anti BillW Ihey can bo obtained of I). H. 'Po'.r
and J. K. Mover. BloomBhurc. Wm. lli.l.lln A: Ci
Danville, and tit ull iho principle stores in tho stttJ
THIS is to certilv. thai I havo hired IA
Silvanus Stephens the follnv.inrr propcrljf
ono bay Ware, and one while Horse, orl
two Horso Waggon, also one soil of Ittud
ncss anil peanntlortwo Horses', dittins mrl
pleasure, of which the publiu will plersi
iniiu notice.
Sngarlocf, iJarch 28, 1810.
'VaTEuY respectfully informs his friends am!
y public, that he has alwny s on hand, at .lie I
very f-ublo 111 lllotsii-burg, forthcpurpcieof h
or Exclnngc, u vuiicly of
wacons, Ar;n sleighs, m
which ho will feel gratified to keep in rcadinsf;fi
tho net ommodation of customers. ,VJ
He has also mcde nrrangemcnts for rnrryinc p,'fl
cjrngeM fiotn Blooinfbin-g to Mupcy, iv (r:M
Dloomsburg lo Buckaleivs on Iho Onepo lurnilj
Leaves ljlooinslurg for Munry cveiy PatuiAji
nt 7 o'clock in tho lnorninf nnd airivo at '--n'B
tho tamo evening. Lenvo Muncy cvtvy SdlurJ'Sa
morning at 8 o'clock and arrivo at UlocmLurs iM
samo evening. 9,
Leaves Bloomsburg evcy Wednesday raonifcCS
for Buckalews and return the samo day. $
Pertonal application can bo made at iifs rcfidfr.."'
when every menus will lis uted to render entire! t
bfaction to thoso who may give him n call.
Bloomsburg, March S3, 18-10. ' 43.
WOULD rcsncctfullv inform iiisfrieh'At
anu 1110 piiDiic gencrally.tliat lie has renu1
cd his simp inlo his dwelling a few doc
nuove tnciUolel Ucpt bv E. Ilowel, r
nrarly opnosilo iho dwellinf? of Char!'
ICalcr, uhoro he may always bo found i
oy 10 mai:s tip all carmenls intrusted to 1
care, with neatness and despatch. Thab")
lor past lavors, to such as have enroling
htm herelolorc. Andbysliict atlonlioti
business, hopes still to mciit a laiger sli:
of public patronage. A good fit insured
all cases,
N. I), AM kinds of country produce tal
in exehange for work. And the ncedii
never refused.
Bloomsburg, April 11, 1840.