"DEMOCRATIC CKLK1J11ATI0N. ORANGE VI LLE . DEMUVll.'ii ill mhl.iixsu. ' At a very largo and enthusiastic Demo- tcratio meeting, held at the house or G. Sei pHSin Orangcville, Thursday, June 11th 840, On motion of L. L. Tate, E. G. RICK- ETS was called to the Chuir, John JiA- zaiius, John AciENiiAcn.VAi.ENTiNn Br.sT, ASnCiiAiaKS DouiiLuit.wcro appointed, Viiio Presidents, and I). M. 'Montgomery and M. A, J. Driltain, Secretaries. &f he object of this meeting having been fsfaled, V. Best introduced preamble and res olutions, which, after considerable discus' fsion, and several amendments, were adopt Bed as follows : Whereas As free citizens of the Uni- States, we have' at all times a right to ssemble and give an expression of our po litical sentiments, And wiiukuvs, the hos tile attitude of the Fedeialists in this coun ty, of every name and grade, indicate to al', that the approaching political contest is to Sis carried to extremes- lhat an amalgama- ion of antimasons, abolitionists, modern whigs, who are the decsendents ol rcvolu- fuonary lories, bankers, bank dependents, 1 and unprincipled speculators, is now agreed 'upon, by those who have ever opposed tiie .democratic principles, upon which our free 'institutions are founded. And -whereas, jftrTe signs of tho times clearly show that our ijjoppouen'.s, in order to elect their favorite candidate, Gen, Harrison, intend torasoit Wtojall the low and contemptible means that jbloatcd aristocracy and corrupt Banking fTnsiituiions can bring into rcquuitirn. iTIiBroforc bo it ' wffijResolqcd That the coming dontcst for th'j election of President and Vice Presi 'jfnt of the United Slates, is of vital impoi aTS!icc to the American people, as it is a con '.'ftelt between the advocates of equal and pop- Mar riglits and those who would curtail tho ' Jnghts of the people. WBtRisolved That the working men of thia country tho farmors, mechanics and labor jjffSra aro the bono and sinew of the nation tour safeguard in peace, and our bulwark BJuvwar; who constitue the substantttl wealth ftfj (he-nation and whoso honest assiduity rVf.i . n , i . r ; inline prouuee oi i-auor, sustains uio nriuci- pie of social order. ?esot)Cfr-That we believo the present embarrassments of our monetary affairs, lai been brought about by the expansion .(and contraction of the Banks, shaving, over- 'ftra'dinii, and speculating. 'Resolved That the efforts of the feder to charge tho pernicious effects of IV. r r. iiM i-i iv nnn.nlinnu Imnn nil lnmn. jalic Aumisirauon, mem mo ui8approoa' oton of every honorable man. wBliesolvcd That tho cause of Daraocra- eyt undor whoso banner we aro proud to Ijftfarrayod, is the catino of our country, and Jjfjtho political equality of mankind; and lhat wo will never caaso to be democrats jtahilo the land boars a plant, or the sea rolls a wave." ')fl 'Resolved That tho Hartford Gonvcn- Hion Tories, dandies and spcoulators, of tho Inderal party, will find it an up-hill busi jness, in trying to quell tho people by sing ing" songs, drinking hard eider, and building lojjtcabiiis. 'Resolved That in Martin VanBuron.we trecoirnizo the nnlighlcned and able states nun, the faithful public servant, the unbend !nof lonii ined. and constant democrat, and ,'thejuniforni champion of his country's lion- 'orand her peopW right? tfktt'esolved That we continue to have tho 'rrjbst unqualified confidence in his nilminis- ' tration. anil we pledge ourselves to use all famand honorable means to secure his re-e .lecnon. Resolved That wc consider Richard M. JofSwon, the choice of Pennsylvania for ViceMresident,and that, by i-o-electinjj him, wo will be rewarding a man who, by tho manyfscars upon his body, needs no corlifi- fcalo to prove his bravery and worth. ffletolvcd That in Martin Van Burcn, .iV -.VVrccngni'o tho very man fur the times; ,;lie,keeps nothing hid from tho people; ho pursues no timid, winding, or time-serving ij'pajlcy; he acts plainly and boldly, and re Hiesvilh confidence upon popular virtuo and KntJlTigence. Amidst every difficulty m Rllufh ho is placed by tho opposition, he B-almlv carries out tho policy of his Admin Ratation, redeems every pledge to his polit- loalfiriends, and smiles at tho vindietivoncas offijia political foes. To such a man, wo fetske prido and plcasuro in pledging our cor- fliaVaupport. Res'olvnl-tiM the clamors of the 'ene mies of Democracy about tho extravagant expenditursa of tho present administration, are got up with a view to deceive the unwa ry but this outcry of the federalists, that the Administration is ruining tho country, is but a repitition of the unfohndod clamors raised by thorn against every democratic administration since tho days of Jefferson while our country is, all tho time, growing in riches, tho public debt paid off, national and privato faith unbroken; our flag, ptjblic servants, and institutions respoclod in every clime; every thing presenting a lovely pic ture of smiling content and happy prosper ity, oxcept the waitings of disappointed fed eral factionists. Resolved That tho assertion of the fed eralists in this county, that the present Ad ministration havo attempted to reduce tho WJgcs of the laboring portion of our popu lation to 12j cents per day, is as destitute of trglll 33 the famous letter to John Biuns, in 1828, assuring tho author of tho. Coffin hand bills that the bone and sinew of the democracy of this county wero for John Quincy Adams, and against General Jack son. Resolved That wc .will oppose tho elec tion of Gun. Harrison, tho Federal candi date, to the Presidency, because ho voted in tho Senate of Ohio, to acll white mon into slavery, for debt ; Because ho says, in one of his own lct- tsrs, that he joined, in early life, an abolition societv, in Richmond, and that he is still an abolitionist. Because he is in favor of an odious pro perly quanucaiion, to entitle n man to lite rijrht of suffrage, and while Governor of Indiana, signed a law by which every cili zen was Compelled to own . fifty acres of land, to enjoy the right of voting ; Because ho held office tinder John Ad ams, and supported the infamous Alien and Sedition laws ; Because John Quincy Adams said, " that of all the boggars for offico under hi administration, Win. II. Harrison was tho most troublesome, and tho most importu nate ;" Because Gen. Harrison moanly endea vored, m every manner, to injure Gen Jackson, from tho limo of Jackson's ap pointraents as Comniander-in-Ohinf-of tiip army, until the expiration of his late Prcsi dontial term ; Bjcauso lie voted for John Adamsi, and late, for John Quincy Adams, in preference lo tho hero of New Orleans ; Because he is in favor of a National Bank. Because ho has sufiVred three federalists in Cincinnati!, lo take charge of him, as an idiot ; Because he is the candidate of the party that attempted to prevent tho inauguration of Gorernor Poiter,in ordor to prolong the second "reign of tarrorj" Because, he is the candidate of tho same party, who marched armed men, with buck shot and ball, into Harrisburg, by command of a condemned Federal Govornur, and at tempted to make representatives logislatn at the point of the bayonet and at tho cannon's mouth. Because he is the candidate of the same parly, who failed lo frighten Democrats with buckshot and ball, and aro now endea voring to cajole them with log cabins aud hard cider. And because, finally, he is the candidate of tho same party who condemn tho people, i!cny their supremacy, hats democracy, and go for favored interests, and privileged classos. On motion of II. Webb, it was Resolved That wo hoartly approve of the Sub-Treasury System, as being the on ly sifo and proper modo of collecting and disbursing the public monies. On motion it was Resolved That wo view with prido and pleasure, the courso of our Delegate, in the United Stales Senate, Messrs. Bucha nan and Sturgeon, and have tho former in view for the succession. ResolvedThai this meeting view with approbation, the fearless, honest, and inde pendent course of David Petrikin, in tho Congpcss of the United States. On motion of L. L. Tate, it was Resolved That this meeting entertain tho most unlimited confidenco in the patri' otiam, talents, and ftrmncss of Governor David R. Porter, and beliove that Pennsyl vania never had a mora talented, honest and efficient Chief Magistrate. On motion of M. S. Mears. tho follow ing proamblo and resolutions wero adopted. Whereas, the Democratic Central btato Commitleo, of, Pennsylvania, in pupjitaiice of a resolution of the 4th of March Conven tion, have recommended tho holding of a Democratic Young Men's Convention, iu tho CITY of LANCASTER, on tho FIFTH of AUGUST next. Therefore, Resolved That wo haatlily approve of the measure, and deem it expe dient that the Democracy of tho"Stat of the North" bo boldly represented in said Con vention. Resolved That tho following Young men be, and aro hereby appointed delegates to said Convention from tho county of Co lumbia, viz : Levi L. Tate, L; B. Rupert, Geo. Mason, M. S. Mears, Henry Webb, W. A. Brittain, B. K. Rhodes, John Ruch, Jer emiah Colp, Samuel Knor, V. Best, W. S. Davis, John S. Folmer, John Edgar, John Doalc, Philip Billmyer, S. F. Ileadley.Wm. II. Petrikin, M. W. Jackson, Irani Derr, Peter Wagner, Jaceb Eyer, D. Kotine, D. W. Montgomery, Casper Rawn, Washing ton Harder, Win. Snyder, E. Lazarus, M. S. Rishel, John S. Wilson, Isaac Welsh, Philip Troy, Ely Kline, Fisher Hortrian, Reuben Knittlc, Jesse CoIeman.E. G. Rick ets. John M' Henry, Neal M'Cay, W. R. Gearheart, John G, Thompson, John Ha ley, Sewell Gibbs, Charles Conner, S. S. Wilson, Honry Baldy, James Cousart, Ja cob Biddlo, John Waples, Alfred Howcl, James M'Cormick, Richard Fruit, Samuel Betz, 0. D. Leib, Samuel Creasy, Hiram Kline, Patrick Flood, Jesse Sholes, Abra ham Scchler, Thomas Brandon, Daniel Reynolds, Isaiah Thornton, John M. Maus, Benj. S. Wolverton, Enos Miller, Daniel Frazicr, Joseph Fulton, Wra. C Johnson, Samuel Boudman, Samuel B. Wilson and Paul Lcidy, with power to increase thoir number. On motion of It. "Wobb, seconded by M. S. Mears, the following prcample and resolutions wero ai'.optodi THicrcas In order trt sustain the cause of democracy at tho ensuing Presidential election, by fecuring the election of our favorite candidates, we should unite in all honorable measures calculated to effect this object and as the lth of July is a day ev er sacred to tho cause of the richls of man we should be'advanerrig tho cause winch wo stand pledged, as democrats, to sustain, by celobrating tho day so memorablo in tho history our country, with demonstration of feelings of gratitude to the fathers of our liberty. Therefore, Resolved That we recommond to the democratic citizens of Columbia county to meet at Bloomsburg, on the 4th of July 1810, for the purpose of uniting in a prop cr celebration of tho day. Resolved That a committee of arrange inonts of three from a township, bo appoint' ed to mako the necessary arrangements. Tho following named gentleman wero ap pointed said committee. Bloom Daniel Snyder, Charles Kahler, Solomon Newhanl. Callaivissa M. Fornwald, Owen D. Leib Daniel Knittle. Orange M. S. Mears, Isaac Welch, Po tor Hoichman. Fishing Creek John Lazarus, Thos. J HutchLon, Harman Labor. Crcemvood Irani Derr, Andrew Iveeler, James Dewitt. Madison John Fruit, John Hcndershott Jacob Swisher. Jackson John M'llcnry, jr. James Yo k u in, Lsq. Daniel roust. Sugar LoafJohn M'llonry, sen. Benj Kceler, Petsr Hess. Deny Neal M'Cay, Cornelius Clockner, Jainc3 il Uoimick. Limtstone George Smith, Samuel Oalts Wm. b. Davis, Liberty George Bilincyer, Hugh M'El wrath, UilL'h M Williams. Valley Joseph Maus, Janes Childs, Isaac Blue. Drier Creek John Knorf, W. A. J. Brit aiii, John Workheiser. MiJJlin Samuel Creasy, John Keller, jr. marshal lunity. Paxlon John Mann.Coonrod Bredbender, Adam Michcal. Roaring Creek Paul Roath, Col. Micheal R. Hower, Daniel Keller, Monteur John Dietrich, Jacob Rishel Potor Rupert. Hemlock Thomas Vanderslicc, Rouben Bomboy, Alex. Emmet. Danville. Valentine Host, Wra. Donald son, B. K. Rhodes. Resolved That Henry Webb, Elijah G. Rickets and John G. Montgomery, bo ap pointed a committee to procure an orator for tho day. Resolved That the proceedings of tho meeting bo signed by the officers, and pub lished in the Democratic papers of tho coun ty and of Harrisburg. (Signed by the OJfltm.) The PonnayiraHian says, flic Bank of Delaware has determined to call iu the one, two and threo dollar notes of the old omis sion, and havo authorized Mr. Miller, No. 7G south Third street, to rcdsera them. Tho democracy of Pennsylvania nro be ginning to hbeklo oh their armor for tho con lest; several great gatherings of tho people havo recently taken place in tho western countics.and the tasolution passed by them, breatho ihb purospliit of republicanism. Those who advocate ?. change in Govern ment from a democracy to a something else, which they are afraid to name, will find that the neoplo will liot flubmit Id a change, especially sitch a cliango as tho icueraneis warn to impose upon them. Rc MOcmocrat. MrB. Martha Johonnet. who disd recent ly at Salem, Mass;, has left twenty-thous-and dollars to the Massachusetts Lunutifi Hospital, in trust, for the benefit of noor patients belonging to the County of Essex and an annuity of S200 lo Julia Brace, tho doaf, dumb, and blind girl at Hartford. SZSE2EBSRS&S& Primeval State. A. man stunned him- self on Wednesday, and went into Wash ington Parade Ground, whero he exposed his person to tho gase of the passers by, without oven a fig leaf covering such as our first parents had after their fall. He fas taken to the upper police to be punished for this act, when it was discovered that ha was as crazy as some modern politicians aro afioran office. Ho said he was Adami that the parade cround was the Garden cf Eden. and lhat Adam and Eve went naked among me angcis, aim nc mougnt lie Had as good a right to do so as they. The Edenean dress, so fashionable in the republic of Paradise, not comporting with our laws, tho modern Adam was lockoo up as a lunatic. A'. Y. Sun. "Moiher," said an urchin, one dar in Mav, "how lomr is it before the 4th nf Ju ly!" "Sis weeks from to-morrow," was tho reply. "I'llbedarn'd if I'll wait.'1- savs Boh. "give me my crackers, and I'll ' firo 'cm now. "How long before Old Tip will bo elec ted President! " st the whig roisterers "About dooms-day," responded fato. "Be darn'd if wo'll wait civo us theW oabtn, hard cidor, and jonny cakc.and we'll celebrate now." Uujfato Republican. xv.A. -twc. nr. Tu!ireBner,'6t Wunstorf states that according to his obser vations, tlio metallic luster of the scales o fishes, is due to tho presence of the purest silver, and that the 1200th part of a gram of silver is contained in the scale of a carp. Aftor this, we presume a scaly fellow will be no term of reproach, and fish scales will rise in the public estimation considerably. How the poets will talk about the "silver coated carp, whoso specie-ova sheen," etc ! Wonder if the fish don't deposit thoir scafes in tho banks of some rivers ! Jl Woman with Two Husbands. Rath er a novel incident occurred at Greenfield, Mass. A man who had been absent thirty years, and of whom nothing had been heard by his wife, rather unexpectedly returned lo claim his "bolter half." Supposing him to be dead, his wife, a few years since,mar ricd another man, whom she has since and was still living with at tho time of his re turn. How the parties have settled the af fair is not stated. Old Age. At a lato political meeting ill Madison County, Ohio, George Hemplo man, aged 108, presidod. One of tho vico presidents was 99 years of age, another 81, and a third 79. Thjey were all soldiers of me ucvoiution. A man aged 83, was recently married in Sligo, to a bride aged 78 years. Up words of 7000 casks of butter recently arrived in a single week in London. . The missing Mr. Smith, of tho Pennsyl vania Bank has been heard from. He is at a relative's in Ohio, with his mind impair ed. Emigration lo Canada' Tho number of emigrants arriving at he port of Quebec during the week ending on tlio -Jd inst., was 3,787 in the corresponding period last year the number was 020; increase in favor of 1840, 3,117. Glorious for Fees. The U. S. Court for tho District of Mississippi commenced its session on the Gth inst. There aro 2,100 cases on tho calendar, and 100 lawyers aro in attendance at Jacksonville. Specie Payments. One million one hundred and thirty thousand dollars in spe cie arr'red at Havann&h on tho 10th from Tampico and Vera Cruz by H.B. Mrshipa Linnet and Opossum. Br. Iff. SMRTEZ, Has relumed to Bloomsburg, and will remain ONE WEEK onlv. He can bo found at tho Hotel of CHARLES DOEB LER. June 20. J. OBITUARY DIEDIn this viHago, On Friday the 2th inst. after a protracted illness of Dron. ay in the Chest Mr. ADAM OilL, aced a- l 1 . AO ' O uuui id years. 3SSS32E! MOTICE WHEREAS, in. pursuanco of art act of iho General Aseemblv of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, an attachment hath been granted by tho aubscriber, one of tho Justices of the peace in and for tho eounty of Columbia, at the instanca of a certain JamcS Masters, of tho township of Groen- woou, anu county atoresaid, against a cer tain Thomas Parker, of the township of Greenwood( and county aforesaid, whereon certian gdods, and chaWcS, and effects of the said Thomas Parker have been attached and are now in tho custody of Jacob Evens and Benjamin Eves, of the township of Greenwood, until they shall bo disposed of according'to law. This is therefore td give notice to the creditors of the said Thomaa Parker, to appear on Monday the Oth day of July next; at 10 o'clock A. M. at tho house of Josepn Lenimon, in Greenwood,, then and there to discover and make proof their demands agreeably to the directions of the said act. JOHN ROBINS, Justice of the Peace June latti, ivwt BILOOMSBURG- YOU aro hereby commanded to meet iti Bloomsburg, on Saturday, the 4th day of July next, at precisely 10 o'clock in thd lorcnoon, lor Military exercise and drill) arms aud accoutrements in good Order. iiy order oi , JOHN HAZLET, Capt. Juno 13, 1810, Bioomsfourg Artillery.! This company are ordered to meet at Charles Doeblers in Bloomsburg on Satur day the 4th of July next, at 10 o'clock A4 M. for military uscriise and anil, ine BloomabLrg Band arc lequircd to attend. By order of tho Captain. E. ARMSTRONG, 0. S, June 13, 1840. 'JTo lite Electors of CoIiunMflL couniy. rriw- Kvv.iTiVro -offtTo himself to tlio Electors of Columbia county as a candidate for SilERIFP at the approaching election, and solicit their votes. Should ho be elected he pledges' himself to perform (ho duties of the officd with fidelity and correctness. MURRY MANVIL. June 13, 1840. JUSTICE BLANK .EXECUTIONS' and SUMMONS for sale at this office. From tho pasturo of the subscriber, or the 7th inst. a two years old grey MARE COLT, legs rather light colored. She is supposed to havo gone west, as the last I heard of her was in Mount Pleasant town ship. Any person who will give informa lion where she may be found, shall bo rea sonably rewarded. THOMAS J. HUTCHINSON. Fishing Creek, Juno 13 1810. NOTICE IS hereby given, that on thc"30th day of May, 1840, George Ndngesser, jnn. bought of Jacob Nungesser, at Public Vendue, ono Bureau, ono Sled, two Horses, Harness, Waggon and Bos, ono Cutting box and knife, and ono Saddle. And that on tho samo day, Jacob Nungcsser sold to Samuel Creasy, "at Public Vendue, ono Table, two. Swarms of bi.es, one Harrow, 20 acres of Rye, and 3 acres Of Wheat in tho ground. June 0, 1810. CAUTION. LL persons aro hereby cautioned against pur cliaiii2orinany manner taking an assignment of a'promisary Note, given the rubscrihrr to Isaiah Kline, of Mount Pleasant township, I'oluii.- tia county, for tho um ot roven dollars and lilty cents, payablo onorabouttho 15th of October next. Said note was fraudulently obtained and I am tliera fore dltermined not td pay it unless compelled by hyT' JAMES HESS. Sugar Loaf township; Mry, 30 1810. CAWAI BOAT Poi Sale. THE subscriber has forsaloa CANAL BOAT of about 60 tons burthen has been in uso ono year, and would bo sold on rcas'oriablo tortns a to price and payments, or would tako pay in Stone Coal or in frcig&tins produce to lJaltimoro or i'hil adelnhia. Address tho subscriicr. 1 m. Mcdowell. McDowell's Mills, (Bloom,) Col. co. March U. Tho WilkesVarro Bepublican Farmer will ploasa jiubluh tho above three Umca, and forward their bill t1) dm oHke,