The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 20, 1840, Image 1
ft ma I Iisto sworn upon tho Altar of Cod, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." xhoui4 JcOcrGom PRINT!) AND PUBLISHED BY II. WEBB. Volume HV. BliOOMSBURG, COEUMBaA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1840. Itmuber 8. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, OrrouTK St, Paul's Cmmcn, Main-st (Tht COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be -! O-1 7 tl puuiisucu Lvvry uuiuruuy morning, Ttt u J(Jjj.iJ(ci per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars jwty Coils, if not paid within the year. 2Vo subsrription will betaken for a shorter ptrioti than six montus; nor any aiscon tvwancc permitted, until all arrearages are discharged. vtf D Villi TI SEME NTS not exceeding a square will he conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nscrtion. HO0" liberal discount vwle to those, who aivertise by the year. LETJ'EIiS addressed on business, 7iiust be post paid. SELECTED. .3 vnc.j.n. A dream camo o'er mo while I slept Far from my native home, Night's balmy breath had o'er mo crept As I was wont to roam, ' In tho clear moon-beam's mellow light, And watch tho fiies above, liaising my though la in pure delight To homes. of bliss and love. There is an hour lo tho Ions heart Within its Jeep recess, When I can JJ;cl itself apart From sensual happiness, . That it can feast on scenes gone by Upon its hopes that grew So fondly bright, and so, high, Atld were so ardent too. Melhonght that while alone I strayed Thus wandering back to days, When hope was bright, there came arrayed With beauty in the rays Of the fair moon a lovely form; Her brow was wreathed with light, Ilor steps were grace and cveiy charm Arose bofuro my sight. Mildly she spoke " why art thou sad ! Youth is the hour of joy Why is thy brow in sorrow clad T Shall nought thy peace destroy ? I know thy fancie griefs, they are But trifles heed them not They're lighter than tho empty air, Let each ono be forgot." " I'vo watched thy heart each hopo that sprung From its imaginings, While fondly to each ono it clung By all its tendercsti springs, Jfalure to tlico was loveliness, And then thy heart wa3 gay, Heaven in kindness oeemed to bless, And strew with flowers thy way." And I havo marked when one by ono Those fjneicd hopes grew weak, Till withered all, thy heart begun Its loneliness to seek, .But it is folly thus to wasto Tho bloom of youth away; "The cup of bliss thou may'sl yet taste, Aud brighter scenes survey. tCall back thy hopes, awako thy smila That beamed onco on thy brow, There still in life are joys c'ven while Deceitful phantom glow, iiife has a thousand halcyon charms, And light pours on them all, Whcro tenderness tho bosom warms, And decks its coronal." JMy angel monitor had ceased, Ami left mo wandering still, When morning's glory in the East Shono on tho cloud-capped-hill, Sly heart awoke, and waitelh now Another for its own, Seek yo who will for joys that flow From your own hearts alono. QSCAR. ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE. "A short tiino since, a curious circum stance occurred in ono of tho largest towns f the 'far west,' which although it did not immediately find its way into the papers, caused no littlo sensation among the good eoplo who inhabit that section ol the coun try in which tho sccno was enacted. Somewhere about a year ago, a person laving tho outward appearance of a gentle- msn, suddenly appeared without previous notice, and opened a dry good store, with tho avowed intention of settling permanent- y in tho town. Who he was no one knew but giving out that ho was a native of England, he so conducted himself as ta win in a short lime the respect and esteem of 11 who made his acquaintance. His age was about thirty-five years, his manners polished, and ho daily showed evident to kens of scholarship, and within a keen ob servation of men and manners, But it was not with his own sex alone that ho was known and respected ? his easy bearing, handsome person, also a portion of tho gilt of gallantry made him a favorite with ladies and very soon he was quite as intimate with the most tespectablc fatuiliis as if ho had been acquainted for years. Among those whom ho visited was the family of a retired flour merchant, whose only daughter, a lady of 18, by her charms and graceful appearance, soon captivated the heart of the dry goods dealer to such aif extent, that after a month's acquaintance he made proposals lo change her name from Miss to Mrs, - , and ho was accepted. It seems, however, that the young lady acting up to the ptinciplo that lt "always" takes two to make a bargain, she had deter mined not to sulTar herself to be bartered off like a nieco of merchandize. A short time previous.likc most other young ladies, she had promised her hand and heart with out consulting her parents, to a young clerk in one of the largest mercantile hous es, and now that tho time hud arrived to lest love, she boldly avowed her choice,and gave her more wealthy suiter a decided re tcction on llio snot. looming (lnunieu, however, he threw out dark hints to tho u vored one of 'pistols and bowie knives,' and bv dint of solicitation enlisted tho pa rents of the lady in his cause, who so readi ly entered his plans laat tho young lady from this moment knew no peace, until be inr wearied with the pertinacity of his ad dress, followed up as they wore at every convenient opportunity, added to the per suasion of her parents, in an unfortuuatc moment she consented to becomo his bride. Tho day which had been fixed upon for the wcdding.was now rapidly approaching, and the nearer it drew the more the young lady was tormented with remorso at the thoughts of how she had treated her form er suiter, whom cho really loved: and as her thoughts were not favorable but directly at varience with thoso which she was now in duty bound lo tolerate, of courso her in tended husband did not rise in her estima tion. In tho mean timo the clerk to whom he plighted her aflVctions, thinking very justily that ho now might hang his 11 Jul up. us another Richmond was in tho field, sold off his goods and chatties, resigned his berth and only wailed to see tho nuptial knot irrevocably tied between his luckier rival and the object of his love, to bid adieu lo civilized lifo and hurry himself to the wild and boundless prairies m tho excite meul of a hunter's life endeavor to forget tho being who had proven falsa to his hopes; but beforo going ho determined to see her once again, accuse her of infidelity and than leave her in tho tormonls of her own mind forever, How agiecably was Ills disappointment when during tho interview, she assured him that sho vas still unchanged, lie pos ccsssd her whole loco, that she cared not a jot for her intended husband, and wliat was a great deal more, sho determined he would never marry him. This wrought a chango in the face of things. Tho young clerk's mind was now filled with renewed hopes, and consigning all his plans for tho fiuurc, his hunting excursions in the pra ries, tho excitement of trapping, towny one who would butthen himself, with them, the two proceeded to lay their heads to gcthcr to do-i3e some means whereby they might balk the calico dealer of his promised bride, and ultimately succeeded in their own plans. The day dawned at last, a beautiful spring morning; tho trees wero just putting forth their spring leaves, the birds were warbling their songs, and every thing seemed to be in happy keeping for a bridal day. The day wore on, and as night scl in. carriages filled with goodly company rolled up to tho houss of tiio pa rents of tho bride, aud having cctthem down rolled away to leavorooni for fresher thin-'s. Among thoso who had assembled to grace the party, the parson of tho young elerk ippearcd, with a fnco upon which a dark melancholy sat expressed. An hour rolled on, during which tho invited giiests had all met, at'd wlnspeis of impatience were be ginning to bo heard, when a murmur ran through the room, succeeded by a deep si lenco a pair of folding doors were thrown open, and the bridal party entered. As the bndp entered, uho raised her eyes wiiicii had been timidly cast down and looked about tho room. A deen scarlet blush spread over her face and neck, oven lo.her temples, told the youug cleik as their eyes met, that she recognized him, then casting them fixedly on tho floor again she signineu to ner iriend trial slio ws ready. A deep silence reigned as tho minister com menced the ceremony, sad it was with a it,,,!.. distraction, that the clerk witnessed its pro gress, until the words wero uttered, Will you lake this man to be your wedded hus band ? and, whilo every breath was held to catch tho answer, the bndu raised her head mid wilh her eyes beaming full upon her true lover answered wilh a low but clear voice, 'No !' Imagine tho consternation and dismay which ensued. Tho young clerk sprang forward aud seized her hand, the hulf-iuariied calico merchant looked the very image of dispair, and in answer to the numbuilees questions poured h by friends-, relations and guests, the bride repeated iier decision, avowing her lover for the young elerk, and declared sho never would marry any oitierr At this critical moment the sccno was interrupted by tho unecreiuoiiies intrusion uf two men one of whom extend ing n paper advanced to the so distant bnde groom, who betrayed ovident symptoms uf alarm, and clapping him on tho shoulder, arrested him as a forger and fugitive from justice. An explanation ensued, tho calico merchant, in spite of his protestations, was hurried off aud the parents of ths bride joy ed lo think how nearly they had escaped wedding their daughter to misery, gladly consented to receive the young clerk as her husband, and a happier wedding party, wo venture to say, never met. TRUELY ELOQUENT. " Could all tho forms of evil produced by in temperance corao upon in in one hor rid at ray, it would appal tho nation and put an end to the traffic in ardent spirits. If in every dwelling built by blood, Iho stone from tho wall should tho cries which the bloody trafii: extorts, and tho beam out of the timber, should enho therri back, who would build such u houso aud who would dwell in it ? What if in every part of tho dwelling, from tho cellar upwards, through ell the hi l.s and chambers, babblings, and contentions, wen heard day and night ? What if tho cold blood oozed out and stood iu drops upon the walla, and by preterna tural art all tho ghastly skulls and bones of th i Mima destroyed by intemperance should stand upon tho walls, in horrid sculp ture within and without the building, who would read it? What if at eventide at midnight, tho airy forms of msn destroyed by intemperance, wero dimly seen haunt- ing tho distilleries and stores where they teccived their banc following the track of the vessel engaged in the commerce walk ing upon tho water-flitting athwart Iho deck and sending up from the hole within and waves without, groans, and loud laments, and waitings I Who would attend such stotcs who would navigate such vessels ? Oh, wero the sky over our heads, ono great whispering gallery, bringing down about us all the lamentation and woe which in temperance creates, and ths firm earth one sonorous medium of sound, bringing up a round U3 from beneath, the waitings of the damned, whom the commerce in ardent spirits had sent thither; three tremendous icalities assailing our senses, would invig orate our conscience .and give decision to our purpose of reformation- But these c- vils aie as real as if tho slono did cry out of tho wall and the beam answered ill as if day aud night, wailing wum heard in every part of tho dwelling and blood and skeletons were seen on every wall ! as re al as if the ghostly forms of departed vic tims flitted about tho ship as she passed over the billows and showed themselves nightly about tho distilleries, and with un earthly voices screamed in our ears their loud lament. They are a3 real as if the sky over our heads collected and brought down upon us all the notes of sorrow in tho land and tho firm earth should open a passage for the waitings of despair to come up from beneath. Dr. Deether, From iho Kentucky Gazette. CHEERING FROM KENTUCKY. Mr.JSrlito'p: I nercivfl-invourna2er-a. can iipuuuie-in. oecoiuc a canoiuaie iur uie legislature..- Tiieso notices of personal friendship, arc by me duly appreciated; and my only regret is, that I am unablo to re spond afiiimalivety. My private interests at present imperiously demand my undivi ded attention. '' ,.! Here I might close, but from the tenor of this call, it seems that my vote, at the next Presidential election, is the basis upon which " Many Voters" tender to me this invita tion. Reallv, sir, I do not know a human being whose political opinions aie likely, in any degree, to ba nflceti'd by nunc. I have, it is true, watched tho umirrcss of this great controversy, with a heart free from rancor, a sincere disposition to come lo such conclusions as tho dignity and inter ests of the country demand. That these conclusions aro incompatible wilh my re. cent parly relations, I do, most fully and iiifiiim,ti avow. I shall not undertake So discuss the great qucilicr.3 now presented for tho solemn consideration of the American people, and upon tho decisson of which, in my judg. incut, much of the moral and intellectual character of this nation will hereafter de pend. The public mind lias nuthnratively settled tho qtiostion, that there should be a total and unqualified divorce of tho Govern ment from all Baiks, State or National. Tho elections of '38 and 39 left the Picsi- dent in a triumphant niajarity upon the sub. jeet of the currency. Yet, strange to ray ho is now in danger of his election, by the results of Iho Harrisburg Convention and tho combination of alarming elements by which Gen. Harrison whs put in nomina tion. There is something in this past my philosophy. I have thought well of General Harrison, I gave him an ardent and animated support in 1830. I am not now uufiiciidly to him yet, I confess that I lelt a deep degree of humiliation, when it appeared, thai he had suffered thrco men in Cincinnati, In pti, forth that most dishonorable letter to the Oswego Association. The refusal of the Hairisburg Convention to publish to the world the principles by which tho Whigs aro known and characterised as a party, deeply impaired my faith in their political integrity, Tlis assumption of control over Gen. Harrison, by an arogant committee, and icquiescence there in, sadly admonish us that he is unfit to bo the depositary of this high trust, This however, is merely personal, and goes to the personal qualifi cations of" Gen. Harrison for the President cy, No man should bo placed in tho Presl dency, save it be as tho representative of some principlcsi To bestow the office a the reward of either civil or military aer vicee, without regard to the political princi ples tho candidate) is at war with the getiius of this government. Now, sir, I am wholly unable to satisfy myself with regard to Gem Harrison's view touching all the great questions now at is sue before the American people. Mr, Rives in his letter lo the people of Virginia, look the ground, and reasoned witli considerable) plausibility, that Gen. Hairison is opposed to a National Bank. Such, surely) is not his political auitudo before the peoplo of rtonlucky. Upon a question of such vital inleicst the question of the currency that which has so deeply agitated this nation, it is lumen table to think, that a candidate for the Presidency should keep ha opinions io shrouded in mystery, that in one section of the Union, he may be quoted on ono side, arid the reversn in another. Yet. candor compels iho admission, that not only upon this, but upon nearly every subject that civ ters into iho contest, is there a lika degreo of reserve exhibited 1 will not charge Gem Harrison Wilh be ing tinctured, wilh thai political malady s i .1. ;r: f ., which, u iv ever nrm uoiu upon our system diss'ulvSSUnioii, as Surety as tnore now exists a slave population. I will not impute to him this monstrous aim fof which, if he be guilty, no atuuement can la hit in the splendor of his miiitarr deeds,. -ur-ni-nic )iuujr-om.3"V"mKT- r friends, with- Ins consegt, deem it mgni to "make no further declaration of principles for the public eye," then is ho morally rc sponsible for giving countenance lo. this fa natical sect. His conduct docs nio?t 'pain fully contrast with the magnanimous post' lion ch'his opponent the President of tho United States who has alienated many of his Northern friends, by his stem fidelity 10 tue South and West upon this- momentous question. I speak of facts which tho couiv try knows. Parly feeling and inexa-sabla ignoianco may dony lo him ihi3 honotabto meed of plaice, but tho day is not distant when ihe judgment of this nation will bo awarded, unbiased by transitory influences of an excited political struggle. Upon a subjoU of this character, involving so inusli of fetling and pregnant with so much of ca lamity and. wo, I choo-e my etatioit on hit side.who ofiVrs himself, an impassable bar rier to these mad fanatics, rather llan on his side, whose position is at least equivo' cat, and in regard to which ho maintains a mysterious silence With my limited powers of observationi I can sec no triumph lo bs achieved by the election of Gen. Harrison, but the siinplo substitution of one sot of officers for anoth er. This might bo desirable, did itinrulro nothing more. But tha country ought not to bo invoked lo put its trust in Gen. Harri son, when ho is not willing lo put his trust in tho country, but appeals to its 'gctir roua confidence' iu is distinctly avow ed by his accredited committee, In coming lo this conclusion, it gives mo great pain to part wilh those with whom I have been politically associated. I feel deeply indebted to the coutity of Fayetto for Us repeated manifestations of kindness lo me, and havo endeavored ta pay off tho debt by a faithful application of my time and attention to its interests and character, I tni3lt!iat the debt is paidif not very well aware am I, that this annunciation of my conclusions will, perhaps, forerer, put it out of my powei to do so. If, however, the account is balanced, we shall part iu peace. "R. N. WICKLIFFfi. Effect of Drinking. A fellow in this city drank so many cobblers the other uvo nirg that ho woke up in the night end fount! himeolf mending his own thoes J 5