ft THE COMJMHIA DEMOCRAT. "ravTB without; rzm " ISCaCBXSSGSSBBnB 3 S.1TIRV.1V, jt.v; o, ipio. iPRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. 1840. For Phesident, MARTIN VAN BUREN. Fon Vice Pmisidrkt, NUCHA Rl) M. JOHNSON. ANIl Tlin CONSTITUTIONAL TREASURY. ELECTORAL TICKET. Bfi - 1 . If JArS ULAltKC. Ol lIHliailll, I -. . ' 1 - ocnatonai (AVISO. U. IjEII'RK. oi ieiawiirt;, j 11 Col. John Thompson 12 Frederick Smilh VI Charles M'Cluro 14 J. M. Gcmmcll 15 G. M. Hollcnback 16 Leonard 'foul; 17 John llortonjr. 18 William Philson IS John Morrison 20 Westly Frost 21 Uenj. Anderson 23 William Wilkhis 23 A. K. Wright 24 John Findlcy 25 Stephen Barlow 13 lleniamm Allium Frederick fStwvcr (8 Nm. H. Smith 4 Juhn I'. Steinuian John Dowlin Henry Myers E5 Daniel Jacnhy 16 Jesso Johnson 7 Jacob Ablo 8 Go. Ohristman 9 Wm. Shsenor HO Henry Dehuff 11 Hemylogan DBHOCK-AT W Safest A Democratic. Meeting will tie lield at Ittie house of Mr. Seiples in tlin townslu l&f Oraneoville on tlio 1 1th day of Juuc 11310, at I o'clock, P. M. JI.2AT. ir The remnitu of Henry Fowler, who mysteriously disappeared from his fathers hotts, near Berwick, last October, were lately found on Summer Hill, about two ImHos from hia resilience. It appears that tlio committed suicide, by shooting himself with a pistol, one being found discharged Itiear him. He was no doubt in a state of mcntat derangement. What is there remarkable in the Regis- Iter roan talking about "Loafers!" Man- kind naturally talk about their own occupa tion. Nothing disturbs tho whigs so much, as iho raising of a liberty pole, especially if jits hickory. Be quiet gentleman and tal;o (it easy. The people are yet friond of lib- I erty and liberty pules, and you cannot per- auade them to rut them up to build log cab- , ins of. It will bo perceived, by a notice in to days paper that a Democratic meeting is to bo heldal Orangeville on Thursday the,llth mat. We understand that one object of the meeting is to make anangement3 for a ' -oounty democratic 4th of July celebration, 'to be held near the wire of the countv. We hope that a largo number will be pres ent. Democrats should bo up and doing, and rally round the emblem of their prin ciples, the treu of liberty. Pinegrave Coal.- -The Advocate, pub lished at Havre deGrace.says a 'boatload of coal from the Pinegrove Region, arrived at tho Basin of the Tide Water Canal, on Fri day last. Tho coal is of excellent quality, and we doubt not will meet with ready sale at profitable prices. Wb are pleased to see that our Pinegrove 'friend, have opened then basinets, by this commodious route." The whig Log Cabin finlie at Berwick, last Saturday, wo understand was every thing but cheering to the prospects of the Harrison cause in this county. No cnthii iasm pervaded their ranks, but all appear ed disheartened and in dispoudenny, the leaders raising now and then, a feeble huz- xa which was as feebly responded to by tho anon and boys present. It was in fact a complete failure, neithet exciting respect for their candidate or their cause. The total military force in Ireland on the 8th of April, amounted to 14,780 men! LEGISLATURE. The only Snntters ofrpublic interest we find. In tho proecednigs.'of the Senate, for Uie past week were tho report by bill of Mr. Brown, in relation to a board of Pub lic Works. The provisions of which are;. one person to bo president, to be appointed by the Governor and a practical engineor one to be appointed by the Senate and one by the House, for three years respectively; aud on Tuesday, May 20, a debate upon the reference of the Improvement bill, as it passed the house, which was finally laid on tho table and ordered to be printed. On Wednesday it was not reached, but in an ticipation of it, many private bills were ma tared. In the House, on Wednesday, a rcsolu tiou for the final adjournment on the 2d of Juno, was submitted by Mr Fooel, and laid on the table. Tho Tax bill came up in or dcr. Mr. Snowdon's amendment to repeal the so called Resumption bill, and require the banks to resume on tho 1st day of Oc tober, was pending. Messrs. Church, He- gins, Crabb, and Hopkins, opposed it. Mr. Snowden defended it. Mr. Hegins (of Northd.,) moved the previous question lost Yeas 40 Nays 43. After debate, the previous question was again moved and sustained, Yeas 47 Naya 42 when the main question was put and the bill rejected, Yeas 42 Nays 47. The Bank bill, camo up, Mr. Snow den moved iho previous question on 1, which was sustained. W hen 4 was un der consideration, Mr. duns roso to op pose it. The previous question was called, Yeas G4, Nays 34 and then the section passed 5. Mr. Hegins, (of North'd.) moved to strike out and insert a Tax bill. While the subject was under consideration, the Honse adjourned. The Sen'ate. were occupied May 28, in the discussion of the bill for the better reg ulation of the militia, which was postpon ed, and on the Lancaster Loan Company bill. The latter elicited a warm debate, continuing to the hour of adjournment with out a question. In the House, tho adjournment resolu tion was postponed. The tax bill cmc up in order. Mr. Hinchman proposed an a mendment levying a tax of ono mill on a dollar.on real property porsonal two mills. Mr. Snowden moved to postpone lost. Mr. Hamlin moved to stay collections until 1841 agreed to. Mr. Coolbaugh to strike out real estate, rejected yeas 27, nays 03. Mr. Baily, to strikeout bank, stock, and insert bank capital lost. The first proposition then oaino up and was defeated as follows : Yeas 45, Neys 47. The whole bill was afterwards rfjcclr.d, with all its various amendments before the house adjourned. Monument to Washington. Mr. W, Strickland, architect, proposes in tho United States Gazette, lhat an equestrian statue of Washington should be erected in Washing ton Square, on the corner stone laid by La Fayette, the statue to be constructed of An thracile Coal Iron of this State. Mr. S, alleges lhat this project is entirely feasible, as castings weighing upwards of ten tons have already been mado by our ingenious fellow citizen Mr. Merrick. The Hon. Jubez W. Huntington, (Whig) has been elected U. S. Senator by the Le gislature of Connecticut, to (ill tho place of the late Mi. Belts. ftS"S3E5StK3aiS Successful Experiment. Yesterday af ternoon, a rather singular experiment was mado Hy a man. approximating to the age of sixty, of raising a canal boat which was sunk ir. October last, in the river Delaware, near Vine street wharf. In the first instance he hauled a floop immediately over the sunken boat, at low water, and thon ground ed several boat honks; by these iio decen ded to the boat, a depth of about thirty five feet, and eufceeded in fastening several chains around and to it. So soon as the tide rises he expects the sloop to wise the sbnken vessel with it; and tt is in this man nor that he oxpects to convey it lo a place of safety. The gentleman went to a great deal of pains. His powers of staying un tlm wamr aie siirnrisin?rlv ereat. In our presence he remained under the surface from six to ten minutes. Before descending he stuffed cotton into his ears and nostrils. Ho is pronounced to be one of the best swimmers who visits this port. Philadel phia Ledger of Wednesday. .Li;M!iiiLM,.tlKjl The nmount of lolls received on all the N. York Canals, from the 7lh to tho 14th of May, was $53,000, BRUTAL MURDER, John Rox, a man of gigantic stature and will y n 1 great muscular strefyrthwsm iu. the bar of Wtn. Gunn's Tavern,! the corner ot rront , and MaRter street, on Thursday evening. I In tho same bar was a catmtn, ot me name , , i, .... ot uernaru urownmg, a man o. uro. Browning said sotaelhing which irri- tatod Rox, when the latter struck Brown- inr rcpeatedlr with his fist. One of the u-. ,ii.ii iimi,.Un,,nni.nninlr. . . . , . t, . Hox then eeizeu the unteniuiaie isrowning iu nra iuiini iiu u,b ...11. ...... - - i force on the cround, whero he lay for a . ....I I ,.bm lnm will, nil lllD I short time, and then expired; Rox was immediately secured and taken-before Al- . . . derman Wark, ot Kensington, vrno com- milled him for trial. Rex, it will be in the recollection of our readers, killed an Irish man of the name of Patrick Kelly, some short time back I For this offence he was convicted and sentenced to two years im prisonment in the Eastern renuentiatyi Having served about six months of his time,. through tho mlluencc ot his menus ne oardoned bv Gov. Porter. Alderman Clark held an inquest on tho body, .when the jury returned a verdict that the deceas- eu came to ins ueam oy uiowg iiuutieu vj Johnuox.-w wromae. Sympathy. On Friday the 8lh of May, thcledeial.stsoliNew i omnia a ceieora- uon, anu me uriiisn vcbscis iuiny in mi stream, savs the Sun, hoisted their colors in honor of the occasion. Advertising. A fortune can bo mado by advertising. Youug men commencing bitsinoss should look well to advertising. I'he small sum required is nothing compar ed to the iinmonso valuo of the extensive circulation of the advertisements. Settler and Pennon, A farm connected with the House of In duslry, at South Boston, contains thirty a cres. The produce of tho farm for the last yeai amounted to 05,237 91, being equal to $170 tho acre. Two eminent English lawrers havo do:i drd that atturnies aro not liable to serve on juries. tECSC25TSZ59) Tho Baltimoro American slates that iwentv-six. boats, laden with the produce of the interior arrived at the canal basiu at Havre-degrace on the 24th ult. sssssasaaasajt A Gettysburg paper boasts of a stalk of rye tne growiu oi mat neigiiDornuou,iriiiuii measured eight feet in height. BRITISH TYRANNY. Thi antriifnnrv warn bv which Great Britain has subjugated the hundred millions of India,and the ... despotism with which sne rtucs ana starves mem, mai ci mci chant princes may roll in splendor and lap thomselves in voluptuousness, have a voice which tho whole thickness ol the gtooe cannot keen out of our ears. "A more beautiful country." says a urotner ciergy man recently of tliis city, "than that from Guddalore lo Tanjoro, (in iMattras; cannot possibly be imagined, i ho dense popuia iion and rich soil five their energies iu each other, and produce a scene ofsurpass- liie loveliness. Hut the taxes ami oilier causes keej down the laborers to a state below that of our Southern slaves." "lurn vour eves backward." savs a speaker of their own. no lonirer aso than last 'Oepiem . - . . ber.t "Turn your eyes backwards lo the scenes of the past year, in wan me mio the North-west provices ot the uengai pre stdoiicy, and I will show you the bleaching skeletons of live hundred tnousauti numan beings who perished of hunger in the space ol a lew short months, xes uien oi nun- - . . - r j r i ger in what has been justly called the gtan- ary or tho world, i he air, lor mues, was poisoned with the eflluvia emitted from the putrefying bodies of the dead. Tho riyers were choked wilh the corpses thrown into their channels. Mothers cast their little ones beneath the rolling waves because they would not ace them draw their last gasp and foci them stiffen in their arms." Jack als and vultures rpproached and fattened upon the bodies of men, women and chil dren, befora life was, extinct. Madness, disease, despair stalked abroad, and no hu man power present to arrest their pro gress." And this occurred in British India, in the reign of Victoria the first. Nor was tha event extraordinary or unforseen. Far from it. Eighteen hundred thirty-five wit nessed a famine in the Northern provinces. Eighteen hundred thirty-three beheld one in iho Eastern. Eighteen hundred twenty two saw one in tho Deccan. They have continued to increase in frequency and ex tent under our sway, for more than half a century. Under "the Administration of Lord Clivo, rt (amine jn the Bengal provin ces swept off three millions I and, at that time, tho British speculators in India had their granaries fulsd to repletion will com. Horrid monopoly of the necessaries of life 1 Three millions died, while there was food A enough and to spare locked up in ths store "n.seB ?! ,ine r,cn- 1 0 in "orlor tt i tit urhtnli farm nra nnt tUA unnn trt rm. kard the last dreadful carnage, (that of the last year.) we are made acquainted by the returns of the custom house, with the fact " .,. - "i" '" ' lower parts of Bengal as would have fed tha half raillioa who pjt,ied,for a wholeyear" vt this awful onDresslon.and theie dtsola. ting famines must go on, that England may ori a nunurea minions oi dollars every xom ner nunurea minions ol llintlooss and poppies must crow, instead of wheat. lat a, her . moulh B,10 may force L... ... .1.- . I I 1 ft! ner upuim upon wiu mreu nunurcu minions of the Chinese; while some ono solitary marshman, perhaps, is translating the Bible !H ' . ""s wsauju millions to accept the rshfrion of a nation lhal gtandg roaly at this mornent.to destior one half of them by war.that it may destroy tno other hall y poison I Rev. H. Malconj. Seo Thompson's Lectures at Manchester, pn 58, b'J. Kev, j. nurpont. --MriiipT'"-'iiiHHMtri)v,H,-'tiij IS'S'ESIBSS'nAtT'a MABRIED-By the Rev D S. Tobias, from llunlington( t0 Mi LENAI1 ANN JjOJNG of oidletown Bv the same on the 4th inst. Mr. ISAAC WEBB, to Miss HANNAH HALL both of Orangeville In IIemlock townsllipi on Thursday morning last, by the Kev. U. U. Drake, Mr, SYLVESTER PURSEL, to Miss MARY ANN' daughter f Mr. Alexander Emmet, all ot mat townsnip NOTICE IS hereby given, that on the 30th day of Alav, 1H4U, Ueorgo INungesser, jun. bought of Jacob Nungejser, at Public Vendue, ono Bureau, one Sled, two Horses, Harness, Wa?on aud Box, one Cutting box and knife, nnd one Saddle. And that on the same (lav, Jacob Nungcsser sold to Samuel Creasy, at Public Vendue, ono Table, two Swarms of btes; one Harrow, 20 acres of Rye, and 3 acres of Wheat in the ground. June U, 1H1U. CAUTION. LI, persons arc hereby cautioned against pur chasing or in any manner taking an assignment ot' atpromisary Note, given by the subscriber to Isaiah Kline, ol .Mount Pleasant township, Uolun. bia county, for tho sum of seven dollars and fifty cents, payable on or about tho 15th of October next, Said note wa9 fraudulently obtained and I am there- I fore determined not to pay it unless compelled by law. JAMES HE S3. Sugar Loaf township, May, 30 1840. CATAli BOAT For Sale. I B of about 50. tons burthen has been in use ITBTHtTP I,..- fAATAT. one year, and would be sold on reasonable terms as to price and payments, or would take pay in Stono onn Trco or 1 h,l- el phi Al. AIC1JU WttliLi. McDowell's Mills, (Rloom,) Col. co. March 14. The Wilkesr-arre Republican Farmer will please publish tho above three times, and forward their bill to this office. HE Subscriber would irspectfully inform the public generally, that he has purchased the TlrirL- Hmiffl nn tho corner of the Market snuare in the town of Bloomsburg, late the estate of Henry i n. , uiger, deceased, TO WHICH HE HAS REMOVED HIS and thus permanently, as he hopes, established him self in business in this place. Ho has on hand a neat and general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, Hardware, fcucciiswarc, Sec. &c. which he offers for to sell at very reasonable rates, for cash or county produce and intends shortly to add to his general assortment, by new supplies from the Uity. He tenders his thanks for tho liberal encourage' raent he has received since his establishment in Uloombnrg, and respectfully solicits a continuance of public favor. JOHN HORTMAN, Bloomsburg, April 11, 1840. 50 6t WATS wm IPJBHSraHBIB 8 GRATE" Of all kinds. Also BUTTER and WOOD received in paymant for papers at this ofiico. IIF. Subscriber respectfully informs the puliU Hint he his taken the large and commodious Tavern Stand, formc'rljr lie-it by William Robiton (ri Blocmiburgj that lie Is fitting it out In good sty lcj and Intcndstd spare no pains, in endca-oting to render it in all re spects, a comfortable house of entertainment for travellers nnd cuests, who may favor him with a call. His toider will always be cupplicdwith the best productions of the market, and his bar with choice nines and liquors. The stables are ample for the accommodation of lame number of hones, and careful Ostlers will always he in attendance; 'i he Subscriber, uy a strict attention to business, and careful attention to the cdmibrt of guests, hopes to merit and obtain a share of public patronage. GEORGE W, , Bloomsbdrg May 5th 1840i PRIME PlCKisfeg, For sale, or in smaller Quantities. CarJ" den Seeds from a POTATOE down to a MUSTARD SEED. Also. Two MALLS, with IRON and WOODEN, WEDGES besides a few Cabbage Heads ! ELI THORNTON. Hemlock township, April 4. PROS'ECTUS FOR ffHE EXTRA GLOBEi Tho publication of tho "Extra Globs" will commence early in May, and bo continued sir' months. The first number will contain the pro-; ceedings of the Democratic Convention to be held in UalUmore the first week in Mov, to noimnaM candidates for President and Vice President of th? United States. TERMSi For 1 copy . " d copies - ii jo i, io " 25 " 20 And in proprotion for a greater number; Pay menta may be Uansmittcd by mail, at our rislcr postage paid. Tho notes of any incorporated bank in me unmu oiaics, currcni in mo eccuon oi coun try where a subscriber resides, will he received.-. Hut when subscribels can procuie the notC3 ot banks in tho Northern and Middle States, they will please send them. tfjTJS'o atttntiori ioillLepaid lo any order un less the moncti accomjiankait. The low nrice for which vie publish this paper, precludes credit lo any person Jor tt. I heretore it is not worth whu Tot any person to send on order to. Us, not accompa nied by Uie money. To insure all Uie numbers, subscription should M here by the 15th May ntzt, at farthest. tiijAiit & lurt.s. Washington City, IGUi April, 1840; THINK. AND ACT QUICK f FPnilE subscriber intending to close his businesi M in Tlloomsburg and move out of town, on ths first day of Apail,calls upon all persons indebted W him to come forward and close their accounts befora that time, or they will be left with a justice to settl Recording to law. REUBEN BOMBOY. March 21, 1840. S?IXBM0 MOUSE. THE Subscriber informs the publit theX he has taken the well kuown STAND lately occupied by Daniel Gro3S, in Bloom' burg, Columbia county, and solicits a aharA of public patronage. His BAR and LAR-1 UbK will always bo supplied with tho best. and having good stabling nnd attentive host lers, he flatters himself that he shall ba abla to give satisfaction to all who may call on hum E. IIOWEL. Bloomsbiirg, April il; 1840. LAITDLORD, Orangebille, Columbia County, Pa. THE) subscriber inform? the public, that he has taken the above well known stand lately kept by Samuel Richer, and invite. t j 'i Li: ti . nis inenos ami me puunc geuurauy vt giv him a call. His is A& shall at all times be supplied with ths btftt and choicest of Liquorsj and his With all the choicest delicaces ofthe season1 With good attention in the house, and tU tentive hostlers, and good stabliiig, hopes t merit and receivo a share of publid patron a0' GEORGE SEIPLE. April li, i840 STresh Garden &eeds. THE subscriber has just received a sup ply of Fresh Garden Seeds, from the United Society of Shakers in the state of New York, Which are considered the best and. cheapest offered to tho public. JOHN R, MOYER. March 21, Sometime last winter, near Bloomsburg Basin, a Los Chain. The finder shall be reasonably rewarded by giving information to this office where it may be found
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers