by that faltlifutpftljlktWhlin.whMO be- halfllt) nmv tiddressed the UoiivenTun. llu ntiknuwludged he had been disappointed ho acknowledged that lie had fcllsmue little sting of mortification, when the result of the committee's deliberation was known ( htm; that had pawed off. Wo have met here, said Air. B. for the publio good, aud our own indHdual feel ings must give way when that can be serv ed. After offering tho letter of his distin guished friend and fellow-citizen, ho would say that if there was one individual present who, like him, felt disappointed, lot him lay it aside. That man Is not lost to this country. Hid whole life hat been spent fdr its good, and he will not abandon tho party to which he bolongs, because they had "not thought ptoper to make him thoir chief. Ho believed that that individual was tho choice of tho American paoplo for the second high offico iu tho Government, and let his fiiomls then go home, proclaim his worth, and. as he has beaten Ilia politi cal opponent before under similar circum stances, he can do it again. We know aid Mr. B- that ha has strong claims on his countrymen.' lie has strong claims in the hearts of tho American people ef the la boring class iu which was to be found the Democracy of the country. Ho was born in that class, raised among, and was liter ally among them. Born in Kenlusky at tho most eventful perio I of her history, iu the midst of the Indian wars, he received at his birth that eusrgy of character which has accompanied him thruugh life none but tho brave went to that Slats at that period. It was then no place for cowards; it was the habitation only of the brave, alid it was a rnong them ho caught that indomitable spir it and those generous feelings which have to much endeared him Iu his country men. , I know; said Mr. B. that he is but a man and that, for a moment; he may fetl the sting of disappointment, butl know him well, and I know that nothing but the sting of death will separate him from tho party with which he bus acted through life. I preiont, said ho, the letter of Colonel John son, and in doing so, I am convinced that if there is an unkind feeling in this house it will disappear. Wo are engaged in a com mon causa for the good of tho country; let not that cause be paralyzed by the slightest diviiidn among oursolves. MY: U. then han ded tho letter to the chir, and it was read as follows; Cm or Wasiiixoto.v, April 25, 1810. GentmjjikN : the near approach of the National Democratic Convention in Balli 'more, on the fiih of May, induces me to ad dress you. The oqject of that meeting is to nominata candidates for tho next election of President nntl Vico President of the United States. In relation to ths Presidrn ey, I am haprry to find it is universally un derstood, that theie will he no division. The leading and only point, in which any discussion is anticipated, is that of the Vice Presidency. From tho situation in which I sm now placed, it gaema to be proper that my senti ments and views should be ' definitively h known. The first question will be, wheth er we ionveuuon win go inio me numina "tien. On this point, it is said, thero will be a i difference of opinion. Whether tho Con- I "vention shall make a nomination, or leave it to each State to make its own selection,! ( wish my friends to understand distinctly that that will be n matter with which I am , not to interfere. 1 will be perfectly satisfi ed with the eoureo the Convention shall a-. ,rdopt; and, in any fivent, must beg of them i not to suflnr any feelings of partiality for I' 508 to eiulamrnr llifi nrinfinlnn wliinh wn re united in sustaining. My flentiment lias ever been, that inn .Republic no citizen lias any claims upon he people to electinn for any ofiice, irrespi clivo of the benefit and advantage resuliii j to themselves- All offioes ought to be fo the good of the peo ple, and not for tho i icumbenls. If special .eervieei ever merit a iecial rewards, those rewards should bo pi 'en in any other way 4han that which wmi il endanger the great .fundamental principles of liberty. To regard a highly responsible elceliv ofiice, as a rowartl fo past services, is to regard tho eleotivo franchise as forestalled 1y tho claim of jur lice;and ili therefore re .ynignnnt to Republican principle. If such ieraim may ba urged i'p favor of any other, on any occasion, I am conscions that ray fumble services merit nothing boyond what hey have a' ready received. So far as past -jarvfees have idicitciOthe principles of the an, they will ba reg itded as a pledge for pis future course; am beyond this, thoy ought not to he consitered, especially in re lation to myself. There rests no obligation on the part of my friends to me. Tiie debt of gratitude, it ever existed, has been more than paid. l the obligation thatfremains, is from ma .tojhem, Tho confidence which they have .manifested, and the kindness shown to me, havo imposed an obligation of gratitude iu y bosom, which I eari never cancel, $'hcro is at this time, a great interest at jStaue it is the support of tho principles rin which wo united, and upon which the juovemmeni lias long hecn administered. Those principles havo been my guide for jiriore than thirty-five years, during which jtimq I have been continually afloat upon the .tempestuous sea of political life. They aro much more dear to me than my own el evation or that of any other person. I de site all of my friends in the Conven tion to regatd their preservation as infinite ly mora important than the qtlaiifiicati'on or any private friendship.- '... I havo not solicited a re-nnmlrlrttion, hoi shall I declino it. I am, as I ever havo been, in tho hand. of friends and fellow-cl-tizens. It is no less my pleasure than it is my duty to mako the avowal, that 1 wish to be entirely at their disposal, and shall be perfectly content with their award. If, in their opinion the great principles for which we contend, will be more likely to bo secur ed by the nee of my name, they will uto it; if, in their opinion, another selection will be moro likely to ensure success, they will make another selection. If, in their opinion to mako no nomination of a Vice President, and leavo the selection to the pleasure and preference ofthe Republicans of the several Statas.will give most strength to our friends, tho Convention will take that course; and In either event, I shall con tinue to act with perfect integrity to those principles, and to tho friends with whom I havo hitherto acted in sustaining them. In assuming this position, I do not wish to be understood as declaring myaolf insonsible In the honors which arise Irom public confi dence. 1 can regaid the man but a mtsan thiope, who is perfectly indifferent to the applause or tho censure of his fellow men. It is n quality to which I make no preten sion. Next to my own conscience, the many testimonials which I- havo received of the approbation of rny fellow-citizens, is the richest reward for my past seivices to which my ambition ever aspired; and this feeling has been the priuciplo cause, for some years past, of ray continuance in pub lic life. It is also my greatest consolation that in my present hituation, while it has. been my constant effort to discharge its re sponsible duties with fidelity, I have so far succeeded, at least, as to have avoided cen sure. I have heard of no disposition to make a different selection, on the ground that these duties are not satisfactory per formed. But, dearer than all these consid erations, are tliomnctpet involved in the approaching election. They ought to be sustained; without regard to any individual partialities or feelings; and, under this con viction, 1 hope my frionds will feel a perfect freedom of action in tho Covention. It is with sentiments such as I havo ex pressed, and under an earnest desire that the labors ofthe Convontion may tend to the advancement and success of our cher ished principles -n tho pending contest, that I have felt constrained to address to you this hasty letter. You will, of course, fed at perfect liberty to make such use of it as shall, in your judgments, be calculated to promnto harmuuy in the Convention, and give strength to our cause throughout our beloved country. Most respectfully, Your friend and fellow-citizen. IUI. M. JOHNSON. The honorable Linn Boyd, and the honora ble William O. Butler, members of Con gress from Kentucky, and Delegato to the Baltimore Convention. After a debase, in which Messrs. Ash mead of Pa. Bredin, Mcdary of Ohio, Howard of Indiana, Smith of Indiana, Mer chant of Pa. Clay of Alabama, McCain Smith of Maine, Grundy, Thompson of Miss, took part, the second resolution of the Committee was unanimously adopted, Tho business of the Convention having been thus gone through with, tbo Conven tion was severally addressed by Mr.Thomp son of New Jersey, Messrs. Nelson, Stod dard, and Preston of Maryland, Anderson of Tennessee, Smith of Maine, Kauffmnn of Ohio, Brown, and Thompson of Missis sippi. The Convention adjourned sine die. A Prophecy. The Taunton Democrat publishes n letter from a geutlemhn now at Washington, in which tho following predic tion is made i - "Mr. Van Buren will receive a larger e lectorial vote than was ever given in a con tested election, snd Harrison will get he smallest opposition voto that the federalists have cast since they run Pinckney against Madison. Put by this lotter and refer to it in march next, and see how it will then coulparo with results." To tljose slow of belief we say with the writer War the prediction in mind and see if it be not verified. From the St, Louis Gazette, S3d ult. Removal of the fVirincbagocs. We ob servr that the Minor's Free PresB states that the Winnchagoes will remove to the' tract, allotted to them, west of tho Mississippi, about tho 20th of May. Attbat time Gen. Atkinson is expectod to bo at Prairio du Chien, and will order a detachment of dra goons from Fort Leavenworth, and three companies of infantry from Fort Snelling, whirh, together with tho troops garrisoued at Forts Crawford and Winnebago, amoun ting in all -to about six hundred men, will bo all regular force. Mr. Lowry, the Indian agent will assemble chief? at Prairie du Chien, or some other suilablo points by tho 20th of May. In case the Indians refuse to remove peaceably, Gov. Dodge, if necessa ry, will reinforce the regulars with militia. We learn from the New Orlears Siin.that Mrs. Gaini's.the wife of General Gaines.has succeeded in tho prosocution of her claims to an immense amouut of property, four mil lions of dollars in value, as one ofthe heirs ofthe late Daniel Clark. Tho United Stales Court bus given judgment in her fa vor jf4A it X ' THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. "TJIOTII WITIIOCT TKAn SJtTVJtDJIV, JZ.1V 10, 1840. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 1840. For President, MARTIN" VAN BUREN. Fori Vice President, RICHARJ) M. JOHNSON. AND TUB CONSTITUTIONAL TREASURY; ELECTORAL TICKET. James Clarke, of Indiana, ? on,.;r Geo. G. Lkiper, of Detaware, 5 Se0 1 Col. John Thompson 2 Benjamin Mifflin Froderick Stoevcr 3 M m. H. Smith 4 John F. Stcinmon John Dowlin Henry Myers G Daniel Jacoby 6 Jesse Johnson 7 Jacob Able 8 Goo. Christraan 9 Wm. Shocncr 10 Henry DehufT 1 1 Henry Logan 12 Frederick Smith 13 Charles M'Cluro 14 J. M.Geinmell 15 G. M. Hollcnback 1G Leonard J'foutz 17 .John llortonjr. 18 William Philson 18 John Morrison 20 Westty Frost 21 Benj. Anderson 22 William Wilkins 23 A. K. Wright 24 John Findloy 25 StcphonjBarlovr Our last numbor (52) completed two years of our proprietorshipof this paper. Many havo boen punctual in their pay ments, but we have yet several hundred dollars due us for papers, adveitising and job work, which must bo settled, to enable us to satisfy the pressing demands against us. We wish that all our subscribers would remember, that although tho sum due from oach is email, yet from tuah small sums we have to meet large ones. Como then, one and all, and square up, and let us go cheer ly on our journey. The National Dornocratio Convention for nominating candidates for President and Vico Prcsidont metal Balthnoro on. tho Oth inst. It will be aeon by its proceedings which we publish iu to days paper, that 21 states were represented, and that the Con vention was harmonious in its action, which augers well for tho success of tho Dem ocratic causa next fall. Tho Whig Baltimore National Conven tion which took place on the 4th inst., was any thing but a civil meeting. It was one continued sceno fcof noise rioting from Sat urday Wednesday. Every one, from high to low, appeared determined to out do tho others in huzzaing & drinking " hardcidcr.' Thus much for the " all decency party." An old Democratic friend handod us a fow days' since, tho following paraphrase of the eong of Darny leave the girls alone," with a rcquer for us publication. It is so applicable to the presan conrse of ho whigs that we cannot" declino complying with his wishes. A WHIG SONGfo an old Tune. Dcn.08 let tho bants alone, Demos let the banks alone, Demos let the banks alonfl, And. let them quiet crash. Whigs must cry the panic on, v Wliijs must cry the panic on, Whigs must cry the panic on, And we'll make tho cash. BERKS COUNTY BANK. The Philadelphia Gazette says We un derstand that the notes of this Institution, about which thero has lately been soma dif ficulty, are now received in deposit at the Bank of Ponn Township.- Congrets. In the Houso of Representa tives on Saturday evening, about 8 o.clock, the appropriation bill was passed yeas 145 nays 15. Common School Libraries, -It appears from the report of superintendent of com mon schoois in Now York, that Circulating Libraries have been formed in 0,001 out of 10;G04 districts in that' state, containing an aggregate of 210,008 volnmea. William McDonald, whig, has been e lecltd in Bedford county, at the special e hztion, in the place of Mr, McElwee, . juvtus jukiiuhuiu, -i ac now xorK Journal of Commerce says :' ' "The. Morus Multicaulis- fever is entirely oven Thir ty thousand of them in gdod order Wero offered by'anction tho other day at twon.ty- five dollars for the whole, but none would it. .1 mi . i a ax iaKo intra, l no lot would nave sold a year ago for some fifteen or twenty thous and dollars. For the past week the eommunilil hat bun agitated with various report of the murder and robbery m the city of Fhila delphia, of Mr. Paul Gtttit,of McEwins- vttle, Fa. Jiut it turm out instead of being murdered he has gone to Texas. A Maine paper states that a body of united ittates troops had entered the dis puted lerrittri). The adjourned session ofthe legislature commenced at Harrisburg, on Tuesday last. Not having received a Harritbnrg paper of this week, we cannot give any of f - ssaisamim'SB Movement of British Troops. The Quebec Gazette, of 29th April, has these paragraphs : Halifax papers of the 18th and St. John, N. B, ofthe 20th were received this morn ing. In addition to the 50th Regiment.tho Apollo brought small detachments of tho 04th, 08th, and B2d regiments. Saint John, April 10th. We learn that two companies of tho 09th Regiment, now in this Garnsoniare to pro ceod to Fredericton, and that more troops are expected here from Halifax. A body of 80 lecruils for tho 3d Infantry, from the depot at New York, passed up the Arkansas river a fortnight sinco, for Fort Gibson, under charge of Lieut. Scott' Tho Mayor of Screamers ille. Va., has been bound over for his appearance at court, inwie sum ol S100, for encouraging an as sa ult and battery. There ts a remarkablo circumstance con nected with tho British Whig candidate for tne l'rsiuency. His biographers make htm out to be just tho age now which ho was when thoy run him as a defeatod candidata in ibdb. Fighting whiggery is much like fighting Indians. They take position behind a lio as the Indian does behind a tree and as thoy are driven from one they retreat to a nother. MARRIED Bv I. TF. Muserave Esq. on the 30th ult. Mr. JOSEPH CRAWFORD Jr. to Miss MARY DRAKE, both of Mount Pletsant. OBITUARY. DIED At the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. George Fry in this place, on Thursday evening last, Mrs. SARAH ACiVOr, widow and relict o tne late Jo seph Lone deceased,aged eighty five years Jour montns, ana Jour days. fTjnilE Subscriber respectfully informs the public JJ that ho has taken tne large and commodious Tavern Stand, formerly kept by William Robtson in Bloomsburg; that ho is fitting it out in goo'lo; snd intends to spare no pains, in endcavorin'-ender it in all re spects, a comfortable house oiW'ntcrtainment for travellers and guests, who may Tuvor him with call. His larder will always b eupplicdwilh tho best productions of the market,tund his bar with choice wines and liquors. Tbo stables aro ample for tho accommodation of a large number of hortce, and careful Ostlers will always be in attendance. The Subscriber, by a strict attention to business, and careful attention to tne comtort ot guests, copes to merit and obtain a share of public patronage. GEORGE W.AflflETT. Bloomsburg May 9th 1840. ' GcRAIN Of all kinds. Also BUTTER and WOOD received in payment for papers at this office. MlhlTAB.'ST NOTICE. THE 1st Battillion of tho 71st Regiment aro notiCcd to meet at Orangevillo on Thursday, tho 21st dav of May noit, and tho Volunteer Com panies attached thereto, to meet at tho same time aqd place. Tho 2d Battallion of the 71st Regiment,, with tho Volunteer Companies attached, will mct at Cattawissa, on Friday, tho 22d day of May. The 1 .. II! ' III ..,V. Tr. with arms and accoutrements in good orJcrat 10 o' clock, A. M. As thero is a prospect ol war, tne uoionei nopes a military snirit will pervade both officers and men, and should their country require it, they will bo rca dy and willing to servo her with promptitude and honor. It is expected that ono or both of tho Generals will bo present. 7 1st Reg. 1st Brig. 8th D. P. M. Courts of anneal will be held on the second Mon day of Juno, forthe 1st Zfatlalllon at Orangeville, and for the 2d flottaiuon a; uoanng vireeic. IMtUBi'ECTUS FOR THE EXTRA Gl.OBH, . Tho , publication of tho " Extha Giui" will comrflence. early in May, and bo ci .tinvitd sir months. Tho first number will contain theprc- cocdiilgs of the Democratic Convention to bo held in Baltimore the first week In May, to nomlnatd candidates for President and Vico President of turf United States, TERMS i For 1 copy fl " 0 copied 0 " 12 " 10 " 25 ' 20 And in proprotion for a groaler hurnbor, Payments may bo transmitted by mail, at our rlsii postage paid. The notes of any incorporated bash in the United estates, current in the section of coun- try whero d Subscriber resides, will bo received. But when subscribers can procura the notes ot banks in tho Northern and Middlo Stales, they will pleaso send thorn. arriw attention will be riaid to aM) brdcrun less the moncv aecomtianieait. The lou) vrlce fur luhidi we publish this paper, precludes credit Ui any person for it. Therefore it is not woith while hi any person to send an order to us, not accompa nied by the money. I o insure all the numbers, subscription should ut here by tho 15th May nCxt, at farlhost. ULMH &. ItlYr.o. Washington City, loth April, 184CK THINK AND ACT QUICK! PIIE subscriber intending to ctoao his business in Rloomsburc and movn out oftown, on the first dav of Armil. calls upon all persons indebted to him to come forward and closo their accounts befortf that time, or they will be left with a justice to eettU according to law. REUBEN BOMBOY, March 21, 1840. PUBLIC HOUSE, THF. Siili.rriher informs the Dublio that he has taken tho well known STAND lately occupied by Daniel Grofl. in Blooms burg, Columbia county, and solicits a slid ol public patronage, ills UAK and I,AK DJbU will always be supplied with the best, and having good stabling and attentive host lers, he flatters himself that he shall bo able to give satisfaction to all who may call oat him. E. HOWEL. Bloomsburg, April 11, I840 HEW LAITDLOED, Orangevilte, Columbia County, Pa. THE subscriber informs the public, th ho has taken tho above well known stand latoly kept by Samuel Richor, and invite his friends and the publio generally to glv BAR shall at all times bo supplied with the boat and choicest of Liquors, and his with all the choicost delicaces of th season, With good attention in the house,, and at-1 tentive hostlers, and geod Etabliig, hopes tot merit and receive a share of publio patron 8S' GEORGE SEIPLE, April 11, 1840. INDEPENDENCE THE celebrated and well brad horso INDEPENDENCE, will bo kopt for ser vice ot the stable of the Subscriber, in Bloomsburg, tho ensuing season, to com mence on the first of April and end on the first day of July next, on moderate terms. INDEPENDENCE, is a beautiful bright Bay, having a black list along his back, and black legs, mane, and tail, He stands lin ing sixteen hands high; and for eyraetry and movement, he can have but very fejwr sit periors on this Continent. His former own er kept him for the turf, on which ha nev er lost a race, for six hundred yards, and a quaitor of a mifo. He is well known in this neighborhood to bo a sure horse; aud his stock of moro value, than that of any other horse that has beon kept in the county for many years past. The Sire of INDEPENDENCE, wai tho celebrated imported horso, Printer, the swiftest horse, at that time, in the United States. His Dam was got by the imported horse Whip! Grand Dam, by the imported horse Quicksilver; all first rate horses; that were fho noblo progenitors of whit is now considered, the best blood, and most valua ble stock in Kentucky. NOAH a. rilENTIS. Bloomsburg, April 7th, 1810. Fresh. Garden Seeds. THE subscriber, has just received a sup ply of Fresh Garden Seeds, from tho United Society of Shakers tn the slate of Nsw York, which are considered the beat and cheapest offered to tho public. JU1UN K. HIWIER. . March 31. 9 sometime lasi wuuvr, uuar uioomsuurg Basin, a ' Xiog Cham. Tho finder shall bo reasonably rowarded by giving information to this office wherj it may bt found. A