The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 09, 1840, Image 4

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C4HOU1.U fcc'tiVe aprfefercnceoveralt I'ilU now
First Because they ore inmposfed of Vegetable,
cx'tracis, frco froth minerals; and may be tak?rf at
idllimfcl with tfclfect safety hy yoUUgaiftlqJd, with
out restraint from dccUpation, tenipcruW living, or
fear of taking cold
Second Because, they ate composed of mch
medicinal extracts. as hive bccn ririiployed liy all
the; most celebrated and respectable Physicians for
more tltarl ft cenliiry past, ill" purifying the' lllood
ruid AnlnialtluiJ of thl body.
Third Because they may- lv employed as a
mild or aetive purgative, according to the quantity
taken, and their operation will not bo attended with
gripin; of tho liovvels, sickness at the stomach,
prostration of the system, &c., ps are produced Uy
other pille.
Fourth -UccauSo ihcy possess a combined action,
hot Pdsejatd hv any other pills, uiixtuie or prepar
ation wlf-itcvcf. Their first effect is in correcting
all impurities with which the blood and fluids of
me body may be aii-cteu, ami oy ineir genuy opera
tive cflfcet, removing audi Impurities from tho sys-
ft th Because they are Iho terror of Quacks
and trnpostere, for most persons nre obliged to tiike
tho Sarsapirilla Bloo I rills, after taking their vile
and deilrliCiiv'd nostrums, ta counteract and prevent
llielf nilschlcviins and baneful effects.
Sixth Because they are the only pills In which
Physicians tuvo sufficient confidence to recommend
lo their patient, and employ in their practice, as
the know thev are Anti Ouack, Anti MerruMI.
Antl Billious a well as a good and safe purgative
and nurifitrf of the Blood and Annual t luUs.
Seventh and last But not. the least important,
lie' because thcy'are prepared by a regular Apothe
cary arid l'tt Blclan, atteste i oy um. i-nymc, nm
ier. Cliinriun. Diivees James, Gibson, Jackson
Coxe, Hare, &c, &c whi h alone is sufficient to
untitle them to great confidence.
(WiliMtA, ami n.'i-,ll!lmiMlcl.l!iiin3 frOITl PllVsi'
fcian.s and others accompany the directions around
(Much box,
CPPnf. TiceiOy Five Cents a HoxJlft
Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Jletail at
Pr. I.ElDV'o Health Emporium, No. 191 Noilh
Second st.,o few doors below.Vine street, Fhiladeli
ph(a, also", sold hy
J. Gilhert & Cdi, Nortlii Third street above Vine,
O. f t ClVncns. dj 3d do do Wood st,
T. H. S.niih & (jo. do 2d do next the lied
Linn, and nil resnecta'ilc Wholesale and Itctail
Druirgist's in Philadelphia.
They are also sold by';
j. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. - '
J. W.ilohrcr, Jil. do . ,-'
W.Eberrnan ftitix.
J. VV. Oakly, Heading. ' "
J. B. Mozer, Allentowrt; . . -
T, t,- . I.'.,l.,
J . 1 VIM, uuswm -I'll'
And thi principal Merchants arid Drrlgisls irt the
fcjriiied States.
For sale althe llcalth Emporium Blonmsburg
W V. S, TU1J1AB, Agent.
' aiddmsbiifg July, 13, 1839. 1 1.
4(jMM)NIC VTION' How few tbey are that
I ha'nperl to bo afflicted with Coughs or Colds
!.. . . i I r 1 ! 4
sucn ncz cci snoncn ineir uays, mm uaaicu un-n u-
rial dissnlutint. Parents neglect them in their ehil-
!ren. and thus form tho foundation for ('onsunip-
lion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their
own children to tho grave, having died from some
aiJVctior a of the Urcat and liungs, winch wcieneg.
lected in their first etuzes.
Cough? and Colds, whether e listing among young
or old, ought at all times be attended to early, and
not sui&red to continue-any length of tlihe, for the
Lung$onc.o-a!fected,dueie s-jon makes rapid strides,
endmg m the moit fatal of all diseases, namely Uon
VATIVE for Couchs, Colds, Catairhs, Iiiflaenzas,
Shortness ot Breath, Whajping Cough, Pain in
Vie Brejstor 5idc, all ttdectioit of the Breast and
Lungs, and arrtit of approaching Consumption,
tho npst papular medicine used tlirougtiout all uer
rnanv is beeb.nini-eui.illy popular in. the I'nited
States, and has established for inelf a repuUlio.i
not poesscd by any other medicine for the same
class or disease.. (See ccrtiticatcs .tn;t reconuncn
djtionslrom Parent's, Physicians, and others, acTcom
tianina the directions, i It is a preparation perfect
It eafd and harmless, plcawnt. tp the taste, and ma
be (riven to the youngest Lifarit. U is warranted
free fro.n raefcury aild tho minerals, and ia a prepar
Atiaa of a regular Apothecary and Physician, attest
ted by Drs. Physic, ChapHian, Oilfsdn. Jackison
Horner, Dewees, Coxe, .lapies, &f. a circunstance
alene sufficient to induce a trial ot it
Dr. N. 0, LriJy, Proprietor of fie above rrtedi
cine, confidently rerommciids it to all, and assures
all most positively thst iti an invaluable medicine
tind would not himself recommend it, but for it,
known efficacy.
Prepared only and for sale WJi Resale and Retail at
;Df. LEIDV'S Health r.mporitra, No. 191 North
Bocflnd street a few doors below Vino street, Phila,
adclnhia also, sold by
J, Gllgert & Co., North Tlil'd street abiv oVine
i). 8 Clemens, do 3d th, doV'oo.'st
J. R. Smith Sc Co, do SI di next tie
Lion, and by all rcspectabU Wholesale and Si u!l
Druggists in rUiUdelphia.
They ,re dM byi '
J. Y Lonr, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J. W. Rohrer, do doi
W. Eberman Litii,
J. V. Oakley, Readine,
For sa!o at the Health tfoipn'rium Bloomsburg
by U,i o. TOuIAS, Agent,
trrtrttbn Td THr.HTorijr.DttlTrKTn's.EvjtJt's
iSm ah Ponoitirs, tho .MiTcntrf priced
aAxATivK, or any other pills' or comouiid befofo
the public, as certified to by Physicians and others
Let none condemn tlicm until tlicy have tried
tbiim, and then we 'are certain they will not.
It is now a settled point wittl all wild have used
the Vegetable Persian Pills that they art prc-enil-
tiently the licet and most eiticacious f amily aicii-
tille that has yet bcrrt used in America. If evfry
tamily could become acquainted witli Ineir cover
eign -power ovitr disease, they would keep tlieni and,
be prepared wllli a sure remedy to apply on the (irs
ppearance ot Disease, ami then how much distress
would til avoided and jnqnev eaved, as well as the
livei of thousands who are flurried out of time by
ncgltcting disease in its fltst stages, or hy not being
In possession of a remedy Which they can plac"e de
pendence upon, t
The Pesurrcflion, or Pet'siun Pill.
The name of these uills originated frohi the cir
cumstance of the medicine being found only in the
ceiiH'tjrifS of Persia. This vegetable produrtion
being of a peculiat kind, led to experiments as to
ita medicinal qualities and virtues, in halt a cen
tury It became an established medicine for the dis-.
eases of that country. The extract of this siugU'
Ur production was introduced iitto eoihe parts of Eu
rope intlie year' 1783, and used Jy many celebrated
Physic! tii in curin j certain diseases, where all oth
er medicine h been used in vain, l.nrly in the
year 1793, the extract was rninbincd with a ccrt.iin
vegetable medicine iniported from Dura llnca, in
the East firlies, anil formed into Pills, The admir
able etlert.of this compound upni) the human nrs-
tern. led physiicaus and families into its general
u-e.- Their long established character their univer
sal and healing virtues, the detergent and cleansing
qualities of their specific action Upon the gtandular
pirt of the system, are such as will sustain their re
putation and general use in the American Repub
t certify that I have, by" way of experiment, used
the Hygean, and most of the rarious kinds oi Pills,
in my practice, which have borne the highest repute
in the public estimation, that have been offered for
sale in this vicinity for the last live yrais, including
those called the-Resurrection or Pertain Pills; and
the public miiy e.-t assured that none among the
whole catalogue has answeted a be'ttcr purpose, as
an easy and effectual remedy, than the Resurrection
or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease. Backus, M, 1).
Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 18!i7.
. Messrs. E. Chase & Co. Gents:. Hearing
much laid about- the extraordinary rlft-cts of the
Resurrection or Persian Pills, upon those about to
oecome mothers, we were induced to make a trial of
'hem. My wife was at that tunc the 11101116 of five
children, and had xuflfeicd the most tedious and ex
crUcijtiiijf pains during and after her confinement
of each. She ha 1 tried every means and taken
much medicine, hut found little or no relief. She
"tJitmiiiendcu' taking the Person 'ills about three
months before her confinement (her health being ve
ry poor about tins length of tune previous) and in a
short time sha was enabled by their Use to nttelid to
the cares of a mother ta h':f family until her con-
inemcnt. At the tinv, she commenced taking the
Persian Pills, and for several weeks picvIous,shc
was aimcieu wuu a tiy nam cougn, ami iicaucm
se'veio cramps, which the use of the Pills entirely
removed before using half a box. It is with the
greatest confidence that we advise nil those about to
become mothers to make Use Of the Persian Pills.
All those that have taken them tn our neighbor
hood have got along in the same easy manner, and
are about the hou-clii a few days, i'here docs not
appear to be half the danger-of other dangers setting
111 alter ctintuiincnt, where tlicse t ills ate tuken.
We unitedly say.let none neglect taking thetn, for
they arc in the .reach tt the poor us well as' the rich.
We flre truly llrinkful that there is a remedy which
.females can easily procure which tends to lessen the
world of suircnng, w Inch many of them have to bear,
and perhaps save the lives of .thousands which would
otherwise be Iot.
Rochester. May 14. lf38;rorficr of CHllidonian
square, Edinburg street; (or farther particulars see
subscribers. ,
irs O. Roberts,
Sept. 24, 1830.
! i
-h- m
'mow what a (treat
i) mo I had lieen
irs and a half con'
11 over as incurable,
'Mciai'K of the first
ugh was dry and
r was much swollen
Compound Tomato
Entirely Vtgtribt .
A new and invaluable Medicino foi all dlescascs
lining from impurities of the blood morbid secre
tion of the liver and stomach. Also, a substitute
for calomel, a achathartlc in Peters and all billidus
Thttsi) popular pills c4mbinln? a newly dlseov
ere I Alkaline substance extracted from tho TOMA
TO PLAN'Ti with other vegetable substances
which luVrt been found 11 modify artd diffuse its ef
fct'i arc believed to b the best Alterative and Ca
thartic Medicine ever discovered,
For ordinary filthily pltysie jhcy are uui
vpf.ilty approved as heal ovtf oflitfrd.
A full ai'pititnt of Medirii e, and nti
mt'f U9 ciTtincutea froni pliysiciane and
othe s, arompany pacli lit)X
Just riicuived and for Hil at the new
Drug Siore by J MOYi?i Jltnt
Aug. IT,
Messrs: E. Chaxe $i
I think it my duty to
cure yoiirl ills havj perl
sick about 7 years about
fined to my bed. I had bei
with Consumption, by twel
standing; my lungs were nc
3 ulcers gather and break;
harsh most of the time; my
and my slotnach very djsiepFcY I had chills, fever.
nd uight sweat, acwompanied (villi extreme inits
bleness of the nervous system, and other difficulties
which I to mention. After I was given over,
I tried ahnast a' I medicines which were advertised,
lint to ilo advantage, until I tried your Vegetable
Persian Pills, i began 13 gain in a short tlnia after
I commenced taking them; and, to be brief before .1
took 3 boxes, I was able to ride nut and to take con
siderable exercise, and at this, time ( rnj-jy glKxl
health, and am able to do good day's work. If any
noe wishes a more particular histoty of my suffer
lugs, he may call 011 me, at the corner of Main ai.U
Clinton-streets, Hochceter,
Fit drain The undersigned hereby certify,
that we are the Parents of two children who hive
roen afflicted with fiU more dt-less from tlu-ir infan
cy, and that we have spared ho pains or expense in
rndenvorlne to effect 1 cure but without unv bmif.
ficial edl'rtt un(il hearing of the Rrsiirrection'or Per
sian nils, when tour boxes were immediate'y
procured; ahd before three boxes nero taken, the
fiU had abated in frequency, and iveiy stnv
turn much Improved, and now ne are happy to
ktatc that our rhildjeu by the use of the Persian
Pills, with the Messing of God, are entirely cured,
aim iiavo iiu r jrutnmi u, aicutauco III jus, will nnU
tlio J'ersian nils a sure anil perfect cute.
Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1637.
The abovrJ pllli may be had of the following a
gents John Moyer, Bloomsburg; l, Atiller, Ber
wick; J. Cpoper & 80ns. Hazclton; 0. Hortman,
tispeytocvn; John e.harp!cs, Uattantssaj Lyman
dholes, Danville.
Etra Taylor, agert for he Stat of Pennsylva
nia rolding at R hcter N. Y. to whom oil orders
can po tddroeod
R, LEiDY'S niiPOD PILLS What iHSttCt
than ecriuture testimony can .rtchavb of the
ite of the flesh dcpendil-g upon the condition of
the blood l If impure or .diseased, the flesh must '
of courso bo diseased thereby, ami the whole sys-;
tern partake ot such diseate. If the doctrine bo true,
and thcro is ilot a doubt of it (for it is a fact pece-
ded to by nil, that the scriptures, ule tine fcyonil n
doubt,) then it behooves us lb guard against the
consequences of such impurities, and thus preserve !
the flesh hrnllhv. If tho flesh le hfulllix, irtisti '
(u'.in.g as it does the principal portion of the human
ody theit Inii3t the whole body be healthy.
ill vegetables only etc we tind the medicine where
by all impurities tl the blood may be removed.
Upwards of ono hundred years experience of the
mo-a celcbiated, the wisest and best physicians have
proed t.oitalii vegetables to possess purifying prdi-.
crtics. 1 hcic vegetables will not here lie named,
and Di Leuly wishes to rcinunerato himself, and
profit liy the long, laborious, and costly cxperithenta
necessary to be made, that the active principles til'
those vegetables might be rtlractcd and reduced to
6ueh form as makes Ihem easy, safcand-pleusatit to
be tskcih
ThPao vegetables arc contained in the justly eel
bratcd Bluod Pills, niunufautured only -by Dr N.
Lcidv. a recular Diugeist end Physician, attested
by Urs, Physic, Chapman, Jacksdr , Horner, Gibson
Dewcea, James, Hare, Gox, c.
I ke above Pills may lie employed as s mild pr
active purgative. 1 heir action is easy, and may Le
employed by all persons un'der all' circumtanccsi
They will at ull times bp found serviceable, whi-n
the least sickness is present. They 'require' lib
change of die , restraint fropi occipition,.or fear of
biking cold from their use. They aiu daily iirtscrils
cd by numerous physicians; tertificnlcs ot thefiut
accompany the directions. They are the most affec
tive purifier of the bio jd and nthcr fluids of the hu
man body ever discovered l ersous having once
usrd, will ever aftct, as occasion may acquire, have
rrlsburVe to them';
Price Twenty Five Cents a box.
Sold by all respectable Druggies and Merchant
throughout the Union, and ill tliw city only at
Ur. Lcidy s nealtli Liiipnriuui,3econd btrect be
low inc.
J. R. .Smith &, Co.'s 2d st. near the Red Lidfi.
J. Gilbert & Co.'s 3d above Vine.
C, Clcipens' North 3d above Wood.
P.KIctt'sllaud Cullowhill.
For ale at the Health Emporium Blonmsburg
by D. S. TOBIAS Agcht.
Bldorrlsburg July, 13,183a. 11.
Thi? proprietor of these aimt too deep
lv in press upon the public B1I11J the high ilnpoi
t'ance of. an early or timely ntlciilion to sobbd 1 cullh.
rri.H... '..rt mum in this ronimtliiitv ivhn ,!n
not aliprtciatc EOdd liealth, until iilteektd by ton b ",e hiquaintcd with. I'elcrs VfKclablepiIls.which,
ORE than rlx millions of of thesa
celebrated pills have been sold In the Uni
ted Slates pi nee January 1835.
Hundreds mid thousands bless the tlav tlicy bo
Rettiainlng in tlie I'ost Oiii'oti :it Uliii)iitsliurt
at ita end of the quarter ending on the
31st day of .'I.iilIi, 1810.
Itaiiliir Cluisti'jii Moure John
Uiildlenian Valentine MWluttrie iMnroarei
I In rtic ti John
It.iker Alalangton
Unnti Ken.
Uahy Jiioob '
Evert IV11 r
Eidiert J.ieo'i,
Fiilitu r D.miel
I'ry. i"en. John
(iilimne Amlrevy
Uigcr Solomon
Hftirie I'olly,
llfltrif Mary
Hardy Mr,"
llerrriii; (Jlirist.
Harvey Mnrhera
llartiiinn Tliomas V
l It Entry
Jwrnhy J-iha
Kahte'r Enq.
lvaffiiititi :Mofes
Liliy lieoriiu
Alt Ii.'fk Amlruir '
.)in-k:il v in John
jWIrfiiuldin Cimrles
.leer Duct. .).
.lil'ler Keter
Mover Anielitiu
Nnnijfsser J.u-oh
Newhard Hulmiiiin
Philips Relieeeu
I'lnlip.t Anil
Kiiiiii .Siiiniiil
Reesi Tliiiunis
StsiiilVr 'Joseph
h'nder Dnuiel 2
Slates William
Seller Chris ina
SllHIlllOII J, 3(10
Nprinier Mini
Squire EI1111
Townfend Sainpxnn
Wren Thiiniaa 2
Vatiin.rtlt Dun. T. R.
W e.zler Elizahetli
Vei 1, Joshua 'i
Wiee Joseph
AVran Uorg
Yoke S-.liahtian
Yoai (Jeorue
Rohitidon illiatn '
Jan. I,' 18(0.
Those inquiring for any of tliq above let
ters, will please say it U advertised.
THE fuliKeriher infnrms the puhli?
thot he Imk just eonipleled a new fa
tahlinhinent, at iltp Uloonislmru ll.isin,
Col. Co. Pa. on the North Uranrh (.Janal
fur BUILDING nil kinds and deaeiipiions,
intent disease, when they think th'cy must
atcly nend lor n physieiun(aiid iivtbbsequcnce, they
are perhaps conllned tothcii bi-dsfoi wet ks, or even
II onths. Aimo every one is iihuioumio unwell at
times, and y tiegleit of proj er treatment of them
selves, on such occasions, it is very often tho enso
that a Bevrtro atlai k of disease is tho consequence.
Such results iiuy be easily avoided, nnd should be(
abd it is in n great incisure, the object of Air. MOP-I-AT,
that his publication should- continually rrv
mind such persons of their danger. ' The following'
letb rs go to show that the Life Pill and Phenix
Bitters arc lint excellent family tneilitines, but
that they will, In very many instances, supercede
the nccescity of callings phisician. The principal
olllce is at li1o Broadway, where thousands bf slin
liar letter's to Mr.- MolEit, way Im esuniiiit'd.
Tlb following letic'r was received from a gentle
man who a few months fcime, purchased tome of
the Life Mediciiies for the use of his family, and a
few of his fiiends s
Kapoli, N. i, July 27, 1633.
Mr. W. B. Moffat Bear Sir The I.ifc.Pills and
Phenir Bitters surpass every medicino I have been
acquainted with. In every instance whore it has
been used, a benefit has been derived, ami every
cr'oii is sutistieil. One man, Hobbled withaserol
ulnushiitntirhas been all but raised from the dead,
Another person, a female who has been , unable In
leave her room for the last two years; has been re
stored to hciilthi, Another troubled wilhsorcthroat
for more than a year, and also a' burning eenenlian
III her stomach and bowls, was completely cured by
three doe of tiur Pills. Another, troublcd'wilh
a severe nervous a.'feetiou. attend with dyspepsia and
continued head-athe, and was so 1 educed as to bo lent e. her led, was, by the use of one box
of Pills and bottle uf Bitters, so far restored as lo
tic nb!e t) attend to her domestic roilcernJ. - And
bistly, uit acquaintance of mine, has bv the use of
a bottle df Iiittersond twohnxesof Pills, been ulade
a crft'ctly sound and. healthy man. lie hud been
laboring under u complication of diseatcs' for the
!at fi C years. I could ii.ejition inimcroun other
instahecs, lut these Hte fiuifk ion t to show tho cll'ecis
of the medicine uponjt lew of my neighbors and
friendsi Vour obedient ocrvant,
Cmcs Tnlicitin!-
7'he following is part of. a letter Written by a gen
tleman in the country to his brother in, this tity,
from whom he had received a box of Life Pills and
Phcnix Bitters:
'J'hompsonvillc, Conn., June 26, 1SS8.
Dear Brother I embrace the present opportunity
of writing you a few lines, I received the Life
fills mil rhenit Bitters you sent mo for which I
ran never tlmuk,you enough', as they have proved,
I hope, a perfect cine to me. I had for tAo years
been troubled with a s-evrre pain in m side, I aji
plied to all the doctors in this neighborhood, but got
110 relief until I took the Pills and Bitters ynti sent
me. Since I hive tskeu them I havo been, as well
as ever 1 was in my life. .
Vours eflectin atcly, Daviii McGili,
The following is a copy of a letter from Terrc
Haute Indiana 1
Air. W. B. MolTst Dear Sir I wrote you a few
dais since taling, briefly, the quantity of Life Pills
nod I henix Bitters, I should want the coming sea
son. When I accepted the agency of this Medh
cine in Juno -l ist, (although your application was
accompanied hy documents, attesting the great ben
efit of this medicine, I hid no expcctaiioii that it
ould equal llieilcnciiption given of it, or give such
general satisfaction as tho experiment of a few
months has proved. I can only soy that all who
havo used it testimony of its great value and
efficiency, I know of no instanro where it has
been thought in the slightest degree injurious, and,
even tho.c wlio nre.alllicted beyond hojio of cure,
bear testimony of its salutary influcn'co upon tin if
,jei eral 1 ralth. The great and increasing denjand
Or this 1 rticle is the. bet assuranrcof its Usefulness,
tud 1 would not wish toie without it for a single
day. Kespttjful'y, joms, J. P. Kimi.
The following is u eopj- of a letter from a hdy in
Ka Lyme, Copncctlcut, to Mr, MotT-t'H agein:
Hi Lyme, Conn., Mhv Clh. IHtJO,
Mi. Bradford Sir In regard to r)r, W, U. Alof.
at 'a Life Pills'uud Pheuix Bitters, I can truly sav
from experience, they are the let medicine I have
.my knowledge of. Incredible as it may appear, I
have for eiijht months scarcely been able to walk a
cross a room, one month could not feed myself, hsd
the attendance of the best of physicians for months,
once and twice a day have taken Patent Medicine
us fir 11s directions would permit, Vsn, a celebm
ltd Doctor's prescriptions, all of wlrch has been a
course of the greatest perseverance I was fupable
of. Yet 1 have received n" more than present re
lief; (o.giva a similitude of my sullciiugr is indes
cribable. Vet I will write the Bvmtoms of mv ilis-
1 aic. For ten'veirs I have sulfeird with 11 nervous
nlft-cUori in my head and face; a plarc ,os Urge a a
bund in the left side of my luck, connecting tho
shoulderdes'ciibcd;iiKensatiun of soreness, frequent
ly becalno us cold as if life hctf deparle'd. In July,
1 K39, in consequence of overdoing, taking a hard
cold, I was seized with a numbness in t't'io system,
fitininres, flatulency, pain in the head, vornriom ap
petite, and at times deficient appetite, gleat loss' of
muscular power.painin the left sidcalso in fbc shoul
der and arm to the greatest extent, palpitation 01
the heart, great di-trcs 111 the ha)(, gn-iwjng-jn the
stomach when empty, prc.stiro ufterniejls, nmoiitii
ingalmost to suir.icalion, stricture across the breast,
sore, throat; also a tickling, attended with a convul
sive cough, spitting of purulent matter, night sweats,
cold feel aii'd hands. fottd brrath.costivcnciis, pilea,
loss of memory, aflentiou of ughtnnd lrariu, h
in ess. deafness, the mind became desponding, other
iliMgrreablei not mentioned, which caused great
wealness, Ac. I happily, and ran truly say, that by
the Messing of 'Heaven, and the restorntivn prnper
licsof the Life Pills and Phcnix Bitters, Lain. re.
stored to health, which no other medicine could do,
Yours, cVr.
Isabella A. Rogers, East Lyme, Conn.
For additional particulars of the above medicines
see. M dial's "Rood Paranoial)." a copy of whuh
uitaliivd h popularity unprecedented itl the history
01 medicine.
When tokctt hecording lo the directions accom
panying tlicm, they aro highly bcnefilciitl in tho
prevention nnd ciirb of bilious fever, fever and a
guc, dyspepsia, liver complaints, sick lieaj-ochc,
jaundire, nslhfna, ihebnmtishi, enlargement of thd
r-plecn, piles, colic, female bUlruclloim, heaitburii
furred tongue, nausea, (Intension of the stomaclt
and bowels, incipient tlianhara, flatulence, habitvaf,
costivfiiess, loss of Dppctilc, blotched or shallow"
complexion, and )n all cases of tbf()or of the bow
els, where a cuthart'c or nh npetichl is needed. "
They nre exceedingly mild In their operation, prr
duiiitg neither nausea, griping, nor debility, nnd in'
consequence ..f their ANTI-BILIOUS lilfALI
TICS., are the best of nil remedies in sfiarltt fr-vpr
fever nnd ague, I ilinus fever, nnd oil diseases which?
have thc.r origin in nceun,ula linn of lllLE ! In sf
word l)r. '( tt'fs' pills arc the eicat bilicus nnlitlbtcf'
and tvltha supply of them ull bilious iill'cctions can
be Itpt at a d'
Those wdio have sUH'errd and nre wctry of sufferi
ing from these (IcEljbying com) Inints, will find in'
'cters Vegetcble pills a remddy at once certain and"
immediate. 111 its elb-ef. Ill .
Thpv stand unrivnllcd..', Almiy-haVe bceh cured ui
"nfetv weeks, after having euHcrcd under this dreads
ful coinplniiit for jearsi ' ,
Tho world Is vastly out of. tunc,
And seems beyond correitijii;
But I've u spell, Ihut Very.soon
Will make it ull perfection:
Will soon bxpel, disease end painj
So none shall be nlllicled; . . ' , ..
And then bh.ill cure all ills'amaih,
To which men ore addicted,. ;
0 would you know this scourge of illsj
!So. various and so Blnrioils 1 '
: They are the VEOETAHLB PILL3
Of PETEIttS. so victorious.
O yes, they nre those pills of pride,
Which nil tho world arc prauing,
For never did theodap ovlde " ' '''
( A med'einc so amoving, ' ',
Tho' Wplcen or Chrtl'ra rack you through)
With this you need not fear thcin;
If Gout afflict, and Colic too, ' i,
A box ot too will clear them:
And if your liver's out of lurie;. '. ,
If wild your head is aching; ..
If jaundice dies you like the inoon; ' '
Or ague sets yuu ihak ng;
If glim dyspepsia thins youi chyle;
If devils blue are grinding;
If yob tire plagued wilh grije of lyle' ' "
Or fevers loose or liudiiig;
0 tell no dlietor of your ils, '
Nor trust to baths or Innciuc;
But faro the rogues wilh PUTEltS' VltSM
And soon you'll send them prancing.
These valuable pills are Superior (o'Leo's.Bran
drcth's, Aicflttt's, Evans, Hunts, the JJeriu'n or ill
fact to nny other pill ever biought before the public
One 25 Cent Hox will prove their virtus in
this county, as their suiptibiiig virtues nre establish'
cd all over the United States, Canadas, 7 cxas, Mex
ico nnd tho West Indies.
fXj Enquire for Peter's Vegetable 'Anti Billioui
pills.Tr) They can be obtnincd ofl). K. Tobiaa
and J. R. Moyer, Bloomshurg.'Wrli. Biddle &. Co
Uanv;Ilci and at nil iho principle stores in the state
Packs, Trcisht
Car Boats,
e,veipd or unrovpreil, of any length or size.
in tlm sliorU'st notice and of the best of
ICJIIeis also piepared for REPAIR
1NO HOATSofall kind.
All orders will Im thankfully received and
punctually attended in on .the shortest no
lire possible to cotnpletp thein.
Peh, 22 1810 fli-13
lli a,).... . ivni. ..1 .1 c .
1 ne, ,1 iinrouarri". n 1111 nnv 1.. ..... , , . .. . .
, 1 , 1 1 1. . 1 1. 1 , . ncroiui'inncs.i'ir. iiiruitiiJEs, a roi'y cat) Df OblBinetl
(.ohnnhln. Will plettee puhluli llm lihove 0 pf ,he dilfcieut Agents who luvo Hie medicines for
llirir I11IM to Ihla ofla-u sale. .
tunes an I Inrw urd
for pat inent.
Canal Boats For Sale.
SE V Lit AIi new Canal Boats, built the last sea-
Enquire as above.
Mil, for sale,
FnO-17 the Suhirriber Iwo last full hoar
Pit?. Win ever xvill pie tufonridiioii
wherp tliey may ho found shall hp reasons
bly rewarded. DANIEL GROSS,
BlooinsbiKg, April 4, 1810)
THIS it toepiiify. that I hnt'o hirct) to
SiIr:iiiii8 Slepliens the (iilhiwinu property!
onn hay .'larc, nnd one while tlorfp, oni)
tw Horse Waggon, nlso one sett of hnc
utifsi iiiid feariiifrforiw'o Horsea. tltn my
pleasure, of vliieli tlip pttblio will pletsa
tiikc notice.
Sugarlosf, Jarch 28, 1810.
VERY respectfully informs his friends and the
public, he has olwayBon hand, at the Li
very Stable in Bloomsburg, forthc purposo of lliro
or Ezchmgc, avaiietyof
EZorscs, Jiliiies, Gigs,
which lie will feel gratified to keep in readiness for
the acrnmniod.Uton of customers.
lie has also made arrangements for carrying pas
sengers from Bblouisburg to Mtuicy, and from
Bloomsburg to Buckalew on tho Onega turnpike,-
Leaves ,liloomburg for Muncy every Saturday
nt 7 o'clock in thq moming and arrive at Muncy'
the snmo evening. Leave .Muncy every Saturday
morning at 8 o'clock and arrive at Bloomsburg thfl'
same, evening,
Leaves Blopmslmrg cVcy Wednesday morninj.
for Buckalcn'4 nnd return the same day.
Personal application can I e made at (lis residence,,
yvh'cn every means will be used lo render cr.tiio eat.
isfacllon tothoue who may give him a call.
Bloomsburg, March 28, 1810. 48,
French, German, and Spanish directions can be
obtained on upplical'on at the oflilre, 375 Broad
way. All post paid letters will riccivc immediate atten
tion. Prepared and 'sold by William B, Moffat, 375
Broadway New York, A liberal reduction raado 'o
those who purchase to sell again.
Agents.--l'hc Life Medicines may oho be hadpf i of public palronafp,
1 1. 11 . ft . 1 1. 1 r. ti 1 .1 1 -r. i 1 b Tn a av.. In..,.. 1 1. ( . .1 1 .. ' D
.i.i,vi.m uut6. ,i, lunu tuiuulioui 100 I gll CtlfieS
lMnlln.1 Ml,, I ,Iia I'.nnJ.. A .1. t lfl..AT.., I
Life Pills and Phrnir Bitters; and be sure that a fao
timilo of John Mortal's signature ia upon the label
of'each bottle of bitters or box of pills. For ealo
at Tttoa's Health Emporium, Blwaisburg,
37o ISo HE)i229
W01IM riFpectftilly inform li is frienuV
nnd ihe ptiblit- gpneriilly.ilmt lie has remov.
ml hid simp into his ilvvellinp; a few doori
nhovo thpjllotcl kept by E. Howp, ai1(J
nearly onno,ite (ho tlwellitifr of (Jlinrlnd
j Kaler, where he may always he found re.v
uy to muKe up till garments intrusted to his
pare, Willi upalitf fs nnd derjiateli Thankful
for, past favor, to f iteli as Itavo e iifoiirpged
hun heretofoie. Antl by sltiei attention to
uiMiiiets. hopes till to meiit a Inrgpr l are1
A good fit Insured ja
N. II. A'.! kinds of cnttntrv nroduce tnlen
in exchange, for work. And the ircovJftij
never refused. .
Dltwtnsburg, April 11, 1840,