4 TILE C0LUM1U SATURDAY, .Tt.1V 0, 1810. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 1840. Fon Prksidknt, MARTIN VAN BUREN. Fon VicK.l'nusiDENT, iftCHA&D 31. JOIINSOX. AND Tlin 'CONSTITUTIONAL TREASURY. ELECTORAL TICKET. James CLAtiicn, of Indiana, LAtiicn, of Imliana, , . , .Lr.iPBR,of Delaware, Senatorial 'Gr.o. G. Col. John Thompson '2 Benjamin Mifflin Frederick S-tecvcr 8 Mm. II. Smith " 4 John' P. Sleinnm- John Dowlin ', Henry Myers -B Daniel Jacoby C.Jesse Johnson 7 Jacob Ablo 8 Oflo. Chrlstman " '9 Wm. Shoener 10 Hcnrj- DehufT 1 1 Hetuy Logan 12 Frcilcrick Smith I!) Charles M'Clure 14 J. M. Gemmell 15 G. M. Hollenback ID Leonard J'outz 17 John llortonjr. 18 William Philson 13 John Morrison BO Wcstly Frost SI Bcni. Anderson 23 William Wilkins 23 A. K. Wright 24 John Findlcy 25 Stephen Barlow. ' ,. Our last niinibor (52) completed two 3'ears ef our proprietorship of this paper, Many have been punctual, in their pay nic'nts, but we have yet several hundred -dollars due us for paperst aflvettising and job work, which must be settled, to. enable us to satisfy the pressing demands against tis. We wish that all our subscribers would remember, that although the sum due from each is small, yet from tueh small sums wo .Irave to meet large ones. Come then, one and all, and square irp, arid let ua go cheer Hj 011 our joutney son Wo haro received the past week, two 'numbers of a paper entitled the "Signs of 'the Times, relating to trus second coming of t-hnst," published semi monthly.at Botrton tias, at one dollar a yo3r. This paper is 'established to disseminate the doctrine of "William Miller, that the second coniingof Christ or the Mjllehium is to take place in 1843. The: Editor says: "We prpo(?e to make the "Signs of, the Times," a medium of intelligence in relation io ins conuuion 01 the chureli and the world at the prasenuimo, in reference to the Sec ond Coming of Christ. And in view of the near approach of the Son of Man in the -douds of heaven, (0 aid professors of reli gion in preparing for that day, and to ex lioit, entreat, and prav sinners in Christ's -lead, to.be reconciled to God; and bo pre jiared to receive the Sarior with joy." Muuomifjiiuns ruiciTtu ai Z11S 01I1CO. VIRGINIA. Tht following remarks of the New York -Evening Post relative to Virginia, are of a very interesting character lust now " If the whigs, as is now probable,8hould fcucp (iujsoshioii mr anoincr year 01 the le gislature of Virginia, this 'cannot be consid- ed 38 a test of tho nnlitienl eliarar.tnr slate. In voting (dr members of the, House ol Jdelegates, the lines of parly politics are mot so definitely drawn in that state us in many others. Besides, in the state elec tions, a frecholde'r can rote in ll the differ ent counties in which he owns farms, which gives tho whigj a considerable advantage, a majority of landholders hemar nf (lint nartv In. tke election of President, however, each Citizen votes but once. To show that n failure to elect a majority of the House of Delegato,, is no proof that tlio democratic party has not a majority in , Virginia, wo need only refer tq the elections ,ef 1833. ' In April of 18.12, the election of members tr the House of Delegates resulted in the j'lhe choico of fifty-live members friendly to iGeneral Jarkson, and seventy-nine of tho opposition, a large majority of tho latter ipartyj sufficient, if theso local elections in Virginia formed any test, to do away all jinpo of obtaining tho vote of the state for Svencrai Jacivson. Yet when the time for the autumnol elcc ion arrived; when the contest w.n between Jackson and Clay, and parly distinctions frere strictly observed, Virginia gave an im mense majority for the democratic candidate.. Ao vote for Jackson was 33, GOD; that for V'ay 11,451, making a majority of more Vh-in twenty1 two thousand in favor of ijie former, After this, no man can say l9t the success of the whig in electing a Minority in tho House of Delegates, de cides the political character of Virginia. A D.EtoOCMT. Z-wJLjiLiz:zzJizi-'' "is:"" -r -----r- - -y.-r ,t,f IanBv T6 T.fm point. 'I'he following one of "Got. "MckutYi nuu inc ijegisiaiuro 01 Mississippi : To the House of Representatives. I re turn, to the House for further action, a bill entitled " an act to amend an act to confer the power of justices and notaries on the president of tho board of police, and for other purposes, with the following objee- First: It is unenhstitutional. Second, It is inexpedient. Third. It is unnecessary. A. G. M'NUTT. , Exer.utivo Department City of Jackron Feb. 23. . VIRGINIA. " 7 it Old Dominion still true to her Principles. We are rjroud to be enabled to announce, by a letter received last evening from Wash ington, bv a fentlemnn nf this nitv thai ih aggregate vote of Virginia, notwithstadding the British Whigs have contrived to hold on to the Legislature'.exhibits a DEMOCRAT- ivvHiAJUKlll Ul' SKVtSN TKUU SAND! This majority will be trebled when the lines are drawn between the par ty without principles and their- Abolition candidate, and tho party tho creed df which is the legacy of Jefferson, nnd their candi date the Farmer's Boy of Kindethook, Heads up, friends ! a-glorious destiny a wsits Hie people and their principles. Lan. Intel. wsssssssasssst ANSWER THESE 1 If Harrison was such a valiant General in tho last war as the whigs represent, why did not Conirress orcsent him witlr snmn tribute of respect as it did his subordinate officers, Croghan, Duncan, &c? Why did 1 actually refuse to present him with a iword when such a motion wns maito? VVhv did Harrison, resign before the close of war? If Harrison is a nnor nun. wlnt lm h dono with tlw salaries of the different offices lie has held for the last forty pcaw I Ohio Patriot. "HARD CIDER." ' AH the Georeia Whic memhura offlnn greiis six in number have come out pub liclv III favor of Van Huron ! Cli-nralr, novo .., ., , V. 7 6"'w 11 eiecinnai vote against Van liuren in '30 I he Kichmond Enquirer offers to bet $250,00 that Virginia will co for Van Bu- ren the popular vote, at the last electiont snowing a uomocratic majority ol 4000. Duff Green, of the Baltimore Pilot, a fie ry Harrison paper, has avowed himself in favor of the Independent T rnanrf. Tho in dependent Treasury is aboul the only objec- ! I , . -tr J" r' . mm wo near uaeu againsi van uuren, and Here is a leading- ODDonent takinir it nnil,.r ins wing, uuy cio an the Ktch men op l; ; .. pose mis measurer is t not because it do ses tneaoot upon their speculations? tl ho is the Soldier Gen. TTnrri inn carries his pockets full of paper certificates vindicating him from the charge of being tot nriulcnl: but bears no hmlil 01 having oeen witiitn gunshot of the ene- mv. Col. Johnson, tha ltngRKIiminrr nliilnn thropist, and the democratic candidate for me vice rresiaeney, carries no paper testi monials of his services : but bears unnn Uia .1 ir tt 1 iramp, anil win taise with him to the grave SEVENTEEN SOAKS, the enduring memorials 01 ms rator and Dravery in the front of his command, and in tho thickest and deadliest of the fight. 0, Paliiot. Aewsnancrs. The celebrated writer. "Junius," thus speaks of newspaners : 'I hey who conceive- our newspapers are no restraint upon bad men, or impedi ment to the execution of bad maasures, know nothing of this rnnntrv. Our m!n. islers and inai'inlr.-ites havn renllv IInTn mm. ; : . . . . .v ...... leniTieni io,cpnten(i with beyond the censure of the press and the spirit of resistance it exmtes itrnontr the nebnle. Whiln thi rpn. soiial power is maintained, to speak in the woms 01 n most ingenious loreigner, uoth minist'rtf iihiI mairistrnles nrn rnmnnllpil in almost every instance to choose between his duty and hi reputation. A dilemma of this kind perpetually before him, will not indeed work, miracles on his heart, but will assuredly operate in some degree upon, his conduct." From the Philadelphia Spirit of the Timca. The Shunlell irifa.'i'hr.r was a irrnat 4 u - a meetmjr on Ttisday niirht in this city of the Female Abolition Snrirtv. Nn males are permitted to be present at these conven ticles; but on this occasion tho husband of one of the women being of a jealous tem perament, was determined to be there. The feininines wete terribly distressed for a while by his presence, and finally one jumped up, and after particularizing the rules, demanded ot the presiding petticoat that tho intruder be romoved. Here was a dilemma, that led to a .perfect storm nf words. It was settled at last by, the gen tlfman's.wife, who (like all wives, unwill ing 10 jet outers aousc her husband, howev er she micht indulge in that luxury herself.) remarked with some tartness, that for her part she could not see why men had not as I'dnd a rioht In altnnrl tlin mpMinua nf wo. o n - o - men as the women had to attend tho meet ings of tho men. This short straw tickled the fancy of tho assembly, and the man was n0iftlltti.1l tn rninuln Hiiwa I t".it I Ua nrn. meiij t i-MTijritfnr i nirp. .i lit a tilt r , r n M - tu 1 - tj;i rm i. . t rr t . . w.t . t jl z. - - jr.'i . iS 1 t T J "i , 5"-'v"S'7 . tiyji' t-KK.ii is siaie.il' t lartlrbson i-iiuaiucrus FOR7 THE vnnnrr Hlv ill that her ra rents hail been iint fnr At the fust alarm of fire he repaired to the spot, anu alter an anxious search found her in an out building, 200 yards from the house, to which she had lied in her fright, una oiuy eveioped in a counterpane. She was immediately removed to her father's lodgings, where it was soon ascertained that tho fright had entirely removed tho dis ease Under which she had been laboring. nnu sue una since arrived at liallimore in a perfect state' 0 health. A Novel Affair. A few days since a iratitlematl ridinn- in ttia went nart nf town reined his horse up to a boy who was sianuwg in iront 01 a house, and oilcrod him a pocket book. The boy not under standing the design of the stranger, and ta ken by sin prise, refused to accept it; when Ike stranger threw it into the street by the boy and rode off. Tho tpocket book" was taken into the houso, opened and examined, and was found to dohtairt two hundred and three dollars in bills or tho Hartford Bank. There was also a slip of paper attached to the roll of money, on which was written with a pencil : " Give this money to Miss ." The name was that of a young lady who has been for some years partially deranged,- and who has lived in dependent circumstances. The whole affair is singu lar and a part very foolish; for if the donor wished to make this present without expos ing his generosity, he might have adopted some more sure method of a safe convev- ance.ariybr llcview It is stated that the wheat and rye fields throughout Pennsylvania, present the most flattering appearance, and it is calculated by some th it tho coming harvest will even ex ceed that of 1839. If this should be the ca3e, and the largo quantity of produce raiseu uc tiucii as to cause prices to.be low er, we SUDnnse ilia uftlitra will rnntinnn in blamo the Administration for thn low iinr-nn Oh, ye are a beautiful set of patriots, and L-UUIIUIIUSIS. The Mavsvillo Eudo sar ; W Ip from a gentleman just froai Greenup coun- iy, iimi wiiiio a iur. norns and his ncpl w, a Mr. Hannah, were engaged in hunt mg turkeys on Wednesday- tho latter, hearing tiis uncle calling turkeys, and hav ing but a partial glimpse of himt supposed the noise to proceed from a turkey, fired anu iniianuy Riueu air, Morris, hie neck having been broken by tho shot. In riltsburp' Gcnernl 1 1 :i ted as the great friend of the Tariff, and in ui-urgiz ui ineuus avow mm us uecided cneiny I Heal Estate in St. T. ono hundred thousand dollars, was lecentlv l.l . ol :m . . euiu ai oiicnu s saie lor lour tuousand dol lars. A Intterv ilealpr in Nkiit nUinii,tii..i!. J . . ... . v wiiv.ll.aufVIH.. es his office as the " Road .to Ruin Lottery uince. i ins piece ot lienesty will give mm iois oi customers. The Mississippi Legislature,, has passed a law requiring the banks to resumn snenin payments. This shows that the people of uini oiaie nave seen enough ol bank hum bus's, and at tho next Pnrmii!fnii:il lr.iin1. .1 . .!ll .1 .V . r . . .. uioy wm ucmuuairaiu me laci, .oeyond ai cavil.- Mr. John Ayrention lately led to the al tar. in Philadelnhia. Miss lihndn Kingnn ,4 ' , I fifl(r a rniirt.vhin nf tliirtv.rM'.. .anr. I 'l1!.: v. ...... b.19 i i ma n lii. ...a ntltnl ....... 1 .1 . . . ! C I . ... I. wwnD tviiu, uiAy ud UU1IU II WU UUiy BUCK iV II. The hrin-ht of thr rWiWniii l?.r1rol uunuies ia ruiuuu sinus, aim sine stockings holdin? conventions in loir culiim' ami uiiuiwiiig - nam Qiuer.' ,i.:..i.: . i i -i 1 hirlv-nine divorces wrrn AerrnnA .lnr. ing the recent session of tho Maryland Le gioiaiuic. Unwards of gixlenn-lnmilrpil ami 1 W " IV(rfJ - ' . I . Y . T r I f I O wwawMMU rope, during three days of last week. uaofluiipcrs arrived ai ovr y nrir lrnm : Strawborries and asparagus made their first appearance in Boston market an Weil nesJay last. Jl lacl. I hero IS nothmcr whtr.h r keenly, womds a little mind, as to witness tho objects of its jealousy calmv nursuih? .i.-i. ..... mcir uwu tuiiucins, wiiiioHi me least no tice of its puny vaporing. The Celestial Jlrmti Thn P.hinp.i. nr. my consists of l.OOO.OOOinfanlrv.and 800.- 000 cavalry. They aie good soldiers when opposed to bad ones, but bad ones when opposed to good. The Enclish have 1 line of kittle shin. 0 friortflfl nilfl Ifl nlfinnft nf war. no nr npfir our coasia making a total of 022 guns, and fr m nn uauu men. Tm nrionnltlfln finr ifnlit VtoH linnn ilintlali edby both branches of tho New York Le gislatune. A new post oflico has been established at New Castle, Schuylkill county, and Doct. Benjamin C. Morris appointed post master. Rev. Isaac Braham, says the Salem'Ga- T.Attfl. fi ha afllniatftil an naRtnr nf irm ilnn. gregational Sopiely in Georgetown, in this . r .i . . . "it, coupiy, loriy-mreo years, xiis siiary nas ever been 9300 and twelve rords of wood iii' p ; r"" 'Y J V,clte'-. la rnemper ot Uongress 1 n.ppUblici on of th E town. Ha. wj n vnnnir liiiv n M h J I.0..1 1 r.U p..J..li : , i 1 .-r!,r, r per annum, iulu 1 null riniiHKrR. nan ..nniirna ......hm i-im mpnm nckvit. in u.. . .1 I,,.: , - t N - -v miiuiiubhiu niuuuni" inni 10 no levn tint I ti t-nnnri .. relatioti to his father being in ond . bf t'io jninea 01 Mexico, is correct. Steps will be immediately taken to ascertain; its truth, and procure his liberation". Can this be possible I A Mr. James Sartin cut his brother Sam' uel s throi near Mount Pleasant, Miss on tho 11th inst., and then dashed out the brains of the deceased. They had been disputing. A 1av ti I...- j- i ... Friedland. Va..affedllO. H v.,.',u , ' " capacity. f a teamster at the ieige of York- town, and also saw Genaral Braddock as he passed on tb thd west. it is reported that the dlflle.,1,1,. Uh rr . . Indians in Missouri have been checked tho tribes having consented to deliver up the perpetrators of the outrages 7Vie Turban. The autVinr r u.n Franco." save : " 1 Iiavr nlwava v,.ortJ - . , ,- wu.ua IOU, mat your doiu uasinng women, ure fond of I T I . u luiuau, anu i uo not remember that 1 ever met with a modest, retirim? woman, witi. - i i i ,, ' uiib uii ii ur iicau. The Postmaster at New-Orleans has iriv on iiuiivu iu uruuers. anu Ilttiem whn rn 111 the habit Of sendlUC newsriannra In Tol as, throtlgh the mail, that their labor, is in vain, untuss the postage is ptid when the papers are mailed, the Texian Arnt rfn i. ,' 7 " " o ' '"8 " iae mem irom that oliice Col Pierce, the lllslinaniolir.,1 tier of the first retnmpnt nr iniiL ed at Beston oil Wednesday morningj with uuiMiiiuii oi- ms regiment, in.eight days march from Plattsbum. IV. V.. r.n to (he Maine ftontler. Ooh Pierce is one oi the best onicers in the service. I he sum avflrdratrn iv Tl W. O...... Irom the Uank of Virainia Is ascer ainpd t ......... , , . vricciiu apiuum iu 90Ui,uuu, .rrr, ... r. LAimiu.u-y me uev, u. a. i ob.afl ort the Oth inst. Mr. ALEXANDER MEARS to Miss PHEBY both of Cattawissa. AAJiUUSE, By the same on the same day, Mr, GEORGE KAUFMAN, from the state of Michigan, to Mrs. JACOBY, of .Blooms- burg. TlBTT 1 npHE bubscnberresptctfully informs tho public m mat no nas taken tho large and commodii Tavern Sf.n.nrJ. formcrlv kent bv William Itnl!an in that ho is fitting it out in good style; and intends to sparo no pains, in enueavoring to render it in all re snccta. a comfortable, house nf travellers and guests, who may favor him with a call. His larder will always bo suppliedwith the best nrodtictinflq of the mnrtof. nn.l hl I. choico wines and liquors. The stables arc ample for the accommodation of a l&rire number of horMu;. nni f.rrnt netAr. ...:tl always be in attendance. Tho Subscriber, by a strict attention to business, . - --. J w.wu. v.tlVI, Vll to men. aim uuuiiu a snare oi puunc patronago. fltlminfi ... . .. utuuuriw.AiiiEii', llloomsburg May 9th 1840. GRAIN" Of al kirtds. A so 1UITTP.R ami WOOD. received iin navment for Daner at .i,i ri V ' mimTMitt NOTICE. THE 1st Battal notified In nil ojf tho 7tst Reeiment are 'I Orunirevilln on Thnralnv tho 21st dav of M', MXt n.l inn Vnl..ntn.. r'... panies attached tli . . . . i ' ' .Milt MUUI- fic meet at the same timn and nlace'. 1 The 2d Battalli.' V tho 71st Reirimcnt. with the Volunteer v Uattawissa, oy' , ICS attached, will meet at !ho 22d dv of Mav. The liattallions r?."1' for uarado and Iusneclion with arms' and a ments in good orucrat 10 o clock. A. M. As there is a pfyplzt of War, tho Colonel' hop is imiiinrv snim " nnrvnitn mi i n honra ami &nd shoulil thirTnHntrv rmmirA it 41ia will 1 dy and willing to serve her with promptitude and honor.. It Is expected that cms or both nf thn Cpnrm M. M DOWELli Col. 7 1 St Ties?. st Urisr. Rth T). IK M J- . - - - . I nuits of anneal will be held on the second Mnn. uajr in juhu, iur inn iti jjouumioh bi urangcviue, r t . ... t .. ii . .... ana tor mo X'd Ifuttallion at Koaring Uroek NOTICE on., o l -t. l i . , I ho Subscriber has this ilaw lnono1 Sedcewick Wells, of BloomhUrB : rZ lowinfT nronertv. vix : 12 r.hnim. ;in vnrrU carpetting, 1 copper kettle, 1 wash stand, 1 Uranhfnot IaUI. O - . 1 . . . t - I ., u.o.iniuot, tuuic, mining unairs, ana saiu S. Wells holds them on s laa from m ana m no other way. THEODORE WELLS. April 21, 1810. CANAL. BOAT THE subscriber has for sdle a CANAL BOAT" of about 50 tons burthen h l.t.r. I,. one year, and would bo sold on reasonable terms as iu i'iko uiiu imjiutiina, or wouiu lane nay in Btons wv. uriii irviumiiiir unjuuee in lis nmnrn np ii.;i suvipiii-. .iuuicss mo suDscriaer. M. VnTinwpT.i McDowell'- Mills, (Bloom,) Col. co. March 14. Tho Wilkesbarra Ttennhlieiin P - -.v. ii.caou nuhiifth Ha tthi.v it-.-... tior.-i e 1 .1 .....v. ..in iii.il-o I v UUU 1 U IIUVU times, and forward their HOTEL. bill to tkis office, EXTRA GLQBH IXT.JIA GtQDli" Wllf !, i nlrtntll.. TlRTu.. in ... .... r 1" "yui.-i mil cuuiain uie pro- ceedmes df the Democratic Convcnlion tp be held in Baltimore the first week In May, to nominate VU..U.UUII-H mi-1 rcsiucnt ana vice President of tlw United Stales. 1'ERMS: For 1 copy g j " 0 copied 5 it " And in proprotion for a greater nurnbe'r, PttVni'enta Innv tin lrnnmi(i,l l,w ,v,li .1 .' 1.. jposoge paid. The notes of any incorporated hank I in'.the United States, current in thn nnrlinn .r m.,n ',LC " "sides, will be received.-. tiui wnen suoscnDcis can nrocuia ih hn(c nt banks in thoNor.hem JSufftoto, I'lwo cnd them. ' , 0j"'o attention will lie paid to any order un TZJST: Pri" mj.vvhci. paper, nrecmats crtait to any person .for it. Therefore it is tint n,.h i.su 1 foJ aY person tosend dn o'rdcr to feihoUccompa- nied liv thn To insuro all the filirnbcf t, sukcrlptlo'h should bo hereby Uio 15th May rUxt, at farthest. . , . . lUAli: & RIVES'. Waglunston CtyJCth April, 1840. THI2TK AND ACT QUICK! TM1 roUstriber iriiehaing to close his business M. in Hloom'sburg and mnvn out oftown, on tho first uar of A nail, calls ution nil wrenn. is him tocomo forward and fclpse their ctclidunts befora that time, or thev will lir left with - i;,c . r , . ...... W f il V according to law. REUBfiN BOMDby. March 21, 1840. PUJBIiic HOUSE. THE Sishapriber informs Ilia - v fuwuv mil he has taken the well known Stake? lately occupied by Daniel Gross, (a Blooms'- r ,T" """v-uuuiy, uuu soiichs a snaro oT public patronage. His BAR and LAI DLR will alwavnhf nhnnliari-.iii. .u.i . BHUnaV and having good stabling arid attentive host- ef4. he nim,n,f -. -. - . . rr , cive saiisfaction To" all" '"STJ him ' . . v.. wcixvv.T. Bloomsburg, April i 1 1840. -trEV- LA1TDLOP.1D. Orangeville, Columbia County. Pa. THE subscriber infnrme tlin nnlilin il.o. he has taken tho above well known DtitT liltelv knot kir Rnmiml 1?iVIi. ,n.l !...,:.-r ma uirnuR anu inn . i ii f- icnp'nn it t r niuA him a call, His hall at all times be supplied with tho best ana choicest ot JUiqnors, and Ins with all tho choicest delicaces of the season. With fbnd attention in thn lihtian. anil tntive hostlers, and gtod etablig, hopes' tl merit and receive a share of public J'tftfort- age. GEORGE SEIPLE. April 11, 1840. INBEPEDEICE. 'rup .ntoi,iii .,! -,n i INDEPENDENCE, will bo kept for seN vice at tne statue ot the subscriber, in Bloomsburg, the ensuing season, to com mence on the first of April and end oil the first day ;of July next, ori moderate tef ms. fMnnti rv-i mr . . ...... ii ucr lun u&n uia, is a Beautttul bright lav, havintr a black list alon? his brick, anil I I " black legs, mane, and tail. He stands us ing sixteen hands high; arid for symetrr and movement, he can havfc butverV fewsu. oerlors on thia Onnlincnt." 11U fnrmnr er kect him fnr ihn turf, nri ivkioh ha cr lost a raco, for six hundred yards, and a quaner oi a mile, lie is well Known m this neighborhood Is ho a sura linrsn! iiil his steck of raoro vahie, than that of nay other horse that ha9 been kpnt In ttt ehu'niv for many years past. The Sire of INDEPENDENCE, was the celebrated imported horse, Printer, tho swiftest horse, at that tinio. in tl.n ITnlti.it States. Hit Darri was got by the importsd horse Whin: (J horse. Quicksilver; all first rate iiBrses; that wore tlje noblc'progenitors of what is now 'considered, the best bloodj and most valua- cnnsiuered, the best bli , .' -"" 8l0JK ,n "Wl nmau nripwrto Blodmsburg, April 7ih, 1840. Fresh Garden Seeds. THE ply of Fresh Garden Seeds, from lheUtlet1 e at. 1 . . . uuciciy 01 pnaners in tho state or Vew- York. which nrn irn.niiUrprl (L kn.i -.( cheapest offered to the public. duiiw 11. MOYD.R. March 2l. Sometime last winter. n.A t- ..l... B . " "luumaourtf asm, i fi Thn finiloi- ulinff I... -.- ui . . n hy giving information to this ;-. wMu. wu ic-aunauiv rpiirFiia u way 08 tounilf