bit. LEIUY'S SARSAPAltlLLA ULOOD PILLS, H0UL9 receive a preference over all Pills ridw Hi existence: "First Becaue they aro cntttrioscJ of Veectsbte Mtracla, Tree from mineral; and may bo taken at all times witllpeifect safety by young and old, with at restraint from occupation, temperate living, or ' fear of taking cold. Sccoml--lJeeauso they are composed of such medioinal extracts, as have been employed by all "Uo most celebrated and rcspoctablo Physicians for raoro thin a century past, in purifying tile lllood end Animal fluid of the body. Third Uccauso they may bo employed as a toild or aetive purgative, according to the quantity taken, and their operation will riot be attended with piping of tho bowels, sickness at the stomach, prostration of tho system, &&, as are produced by other pills. Fourth Because they Possess a conibitrfd action, bUt possessed by itny other pills, mixturo or prepar ation whatever. Their first effect is irk correcting 'fell impurities with which tho btood and fluids of the body may bo all-cted, and by their gently opera tive effect, removing silch impurities from the sys term Fifth Because lhy are the terror of Quacks and Imposters, for most persons arn obliged to take the Sarsaparilla Dlood Pills, after taking their vile and destructive nostrums, to counteract and prevent their mischievous and banclul cllccts. Sixth Because they arc tho only pills in which Physicians have sufficient confidence to recommend to their patients, and employ in their practice, as they know they aro Anti (juack, Ann Mcrcurai, Anti Billious as well as a good end safe purgative and purifier of the Blood and Animal Fluids. Seventh and last But not the least important, "be bocauso they aro prepared by a regular Apdthc eary and Physician, attested oy Drs. Physic, Hor ner, Chapman, Dewccs, James, Gibson, Jackson, Ctxe, Hare, &c, &c., which alone is sufficient to entitle them to great confidence. Certificates and Recommendations from Physi .elans and others accompany the directions around each box. HOT Price Twenty Five Cents a BoxJl Prepared only and sold Wholesalo and Retail at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, Noi 101 Noith Second st., a few doors bolow Vina street, Philadel phia, also, sold br 1. Gilbert & Co., North Third street above Vine. O.S. Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next the Red1 Lion, and all respectablo Wholosals and Retail Druggist's in Philadelphia. They are also sold by: J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. t. W. Rohrcr. da d W: Eberrnan I.ittz. t. Wi Oakly, Reading. , -J. Hi Mozef, Allcntown. P; Pomp1, Easton. And the principal Merchants and Drugists In tho I'niied States. For sale at the Health Emporium Bloomshurg by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. 8Ioomsbutg July) la, 1839. 11. C'OMMtTKlCVflON. How few they are that happen to be afflicted with CoUghs or Colds pay attention to them. How many thousands from such neglect shorten their days, and hasten their fi nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their ehil-1 dren, and thus form tho foundation for Consump tion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their own children to the grave, having died from some 'affections of the Breat and Lungs, which weio neg lected in their first stages. Coughs and Colds, whether existing among young or bid, ought at all times bo attended to early, and sot suffered to Continue any length of time, for the Lungs once affected,disease soon makes rapid strides, ending in the nost fatal of ail diseases, namely Con sumption. . Da. BECHTER'S PULMONARY PRESER VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catairh, Influenzas, -(Shortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in the Breast or Side, all affection of the Breast and Langs, and arrest of approachinsg Consumption, is tho most popular medicine used throughout all Ger manyis becoming equally populaf in the United States, and has established for itself a reputation not possessed by any other medicine for the same clasi of diseases. (See certificates and recommen dations from Parents, Physicians, and others, accom baning tho directions.) It h a preparation perfect ly safe sad harmless, pleasant to the taste, and may to given to the youngest iufinL It is warranted free from mercury and tho minerals, and is a prepar ation of a regular Apothecary and Physician, attes ted by Drs. Physic, Chapman, tiiUon. Jackson, Horner, Dewees, Coxc, James, &c, a circumstance done sufficient to induce a trial of it Dr. N. S. Leidy, Proprietor of the above medi cine, confidently (ccommcnds it to all, and assures til most positively that it is an invaluable medicine and would not himself recommend it, but for it, known efficacy. Prepared only end for saleWfiolcsalc and Retail at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North Bocond street tf few doors below Vine street.'Phila Atklpliia tUo, sold by J. Gilgert & Co., North Thi-d stret abov oVine O. S. Clemens, do Sd do do Woo' st J. R. Smith & Co do Sd do next the Red lion, and by all respectable Wholesale and Retal Druggists In Philadelphia! Thoy are sold byi J. V. Long, Lancaster, Psrtnsylrams. J. W. Rohrer, do do, V. Eberrnan Litiz. J. W. Oakley, Reading1. , Vox sola at the Health Emporium" rtloonnfmrg ty V, S. TOBIAS, Agent. DK. FHELPlrS Compound Tomato Entirely VegeiabU, . A new and invaluable Medians for all dlecc&scs frinlng from impurities of the blood morbid aeere rion of tho liver and stomach. Also, a substitute fr KslomeVas chathartrcin fever and all billious aUeasea, Thert popular" pilU combining a newly discov rJ Alkaline substance extracted from tho TOMA. T.O PLANT, with other vegetable snbstaticcs which nave been found to modify and diffuse it ef fects, are octieveu to ne ma nest Alterative and Ua (hurtle Modicina ever discovered. For ordinary fondly physic they are uni- 7rally approved, as tha beet ervef offered. A lull acroout oi Una Medicine, and nu fnerous certificates from physicians and ether accompany each bos. Just received and for salo at tho new , Vrag Store by J' MOYER, dgb filfc nEStltUEtTWN" OR, JcpEniotio Tnr.HTfir.AX,BnAwntTii's,ErAn'4 litmxy PirnoATiyn, tha Matciiiebs' (priced) Saxativk, or any other pills or compound before) tno public, as ccrtiucd to by Physicians and others. Let none condemn Ihem until they have tried thcra, and then wo aro certain they will hot. It is now a settled poifit with nil who have used the Vegctablo Persian Pills that they aro pre-eminently the best and nlost efficacious Family Medi cine that has yet been used irt America. If every family could become acquainted with their Sover cign power over disease, they would keep tlicm and bo prepared with a sure remedy to apply on tho firs appearance of disease, and then how much distress would be avoided and money saved, as well as tho lives of thousands who aro hurried out of time by neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not being In possession of a rtthedy which thoy can place de pendence upon. The Resurrection or Persian Pithi Tile nairie of these pills orginated from tho cir' cUmstanttj of the medicine being found only in tho cemetaries of Persia. This vegctablo production being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to itn medicinal qualities and virtues. In half n cen tury it became an established medicine for tho dis eases of that countryi The oxtract of this singu lar production was introduced into some parts of Eu rope, in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated Physicians in curing certain diseases, where all oth er medicine has been used in vain. Early in Jho yciar 1792, the extract was combined with a certain Vegetable medicine imported from Dura Baca, in the Ea.t Indies, and formed into Pills. Thb admir able effect of this compound upon tho human sys tem, led physiicans and families into its general use. Their long established character their univer sal and healing virtues, tho detergent and cleansing qualities of their specific action upon the glandular part of tho system, aro Buch as will sustain their re putation and general use in the American Repub lic! CERTIFICATES; I certify that I have, by way ol experirtient, nscd tho Hygcan, and most of the rarious kinds ol Pills, in my practice, which have borne the highest repute in tho public estimation, that have been offered for salo in this vicinity for tha last fivcyents, including those called the Resurrection or Pcrsain Pills; and the public may rest assured that nono among tho whole catalogue has answered a better purpose, as an easy and effectual remedy, than the Resurrection or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease. Charlkb Uach.ii, M. D, Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1937. " 4 TO MOTHERS. E. Chade fe Co.Gents. Hwiiia: much said about tho extraordinary efi'ccU of the Resurrection or Persian J'ills, upon those about to become mothers, we were induced tomako a trial of them. My wife was at that time tha mother of five children, and had suffeied the mot tedious and ex cruciating pains during and after her confinement oi each. he had tried every means and taken much medicine, but found little or no relief: She commenced taking the i'ersian 'ills about threo months before her confiitempiit (her health being ve ry poor about this length of time previous and in a short timo she was enabled by iheir use to attend to tnc cares oi a mother to tur family until her con finement. At tho time she commenced taking the rersuin nils, and tor several weeks pi cvious, she was afflicted with a diy hard couch, and frequent ec veto cramps, which the use of the Pills entirely removed before using half a box. It is with tho greatest confidence, that we adviso all those about to becomo mother's td mttko ute of tho Persian Pills. All those that have taken them in our neighbor- hood have got along in the same easy manner, and are aDOut me nouse in a lew days, t here docs not appear to be half the danger of other danger setting in after confinement, where these Pills arc taken. Wo uniledlyl say.Ict none nezlcct takinz them, for they are in the reach of tho poor as well as the rich. We are truly thankful that there is a remedy which females can easily procure which tends to Iciwcn the world ot sullermg, which many of them have to bear. and perhaps save the lives of thoUEandarthich would olncrnuc be lost. Rochester, May 11, 1838: comer of Callidoidan square, Edinburg street1, for further particulars see subscribers. 8, J!o HERTS, Aax O. RuatCTsj RociiKSTKn. Sent. 24. 1836. Messrs. E. Chase Co. 1 think it my duty to let you know what a rrreat euro your Pills have performed on mo I had been sick about 7 years about 2 years and a half con fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurable, with Consumption, by twelve physicians of the first standing; my lungs were seriously affected; I bad 3 ulcers gather and break) my cough was dry and harsh most of the time; my liver was much swollen, and my stomach very dyspeptic I had chills, fever, suu myui uL-ai, utcuiiipauicu wan extreme iruta blencss of tho nervous system, and other difficulties which I forbear to mention. After I was given over, I tried almoat all medicines which were advertised, numi uiiiijiju, uiiui a iricti your vegetable i-rrsian ruis. i uegan to gain in a shot, time after I commenced taking them; and. to be brief, before-1 took 3 boxes, I was ablo to ride out and to take con nlderable exercise, and at this timo I enjoy good health, and aro abla to do good day's work. If any uoa numcs mure pauicmar jjusiory or my guuvr ings, he may call on me, at the corner of Main 8r.d Clinton-streets, Rochester. nUBY ADAMS. Fit's Conto The nndersigned hcrebv ecrtifv. that wo aro the Parents of two children who hnva eeen afflicted with fits more or less from their infen- cy.and tbat wo nave spared no pains or exnenso tn endeavoring to effect a cure, but without any bene ficial effect, unil hearing of the Resurrection or Per sian Pill?, when four boxes were immediately Ijiwuicu, mm uu,uid ujfcu uoxes were taken, tno titi had abated in frequency, and eveiy sym loin much imuroved, and now n r li state that our childjcii by the use of the Pcrwait Pills, with tho blessing of God, aro entirely cured, ami nave no syimonr or appearance of tit3, will find n uie l'ersiau rills a sure and perfect cure. JOHN & MARTHA JOHNSONt Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1837. The" above pllti rosy be" had of the following a gonts John Moyer, Bfoomsburgj H. Miller, Ber wick; J. Uooper 6c Hons, Hazclton; C. Hortman, Cspeytownf John Sharpless, Cattawisea; Lyman onoics, uanyiue. Ezra Tavl'or, agent for ho Stat of Pennsvlva. nia residing at Rochester N, Y. to whom all orders eon bo &ajrese4 The lift of thtjhlh is in the to with ihtscripturel. Levitieus b. ivn rii. DR. LEIDY'S BLOOD PILLS. What Utor than scripture tcstinony can We have of the ite of the flesh ddpendifig upon the condition of the blood i If impure or diseased, tlic flesh must of course be diseased thereby, and tho whole sys tem partako of ouch disease. If the doctrlno be true,' and there ta not a doubt of it (for it is a fact occee ded to by all, that tho scriptures, aro truo beyond a doubt,) then jt behooves us to guard against the consequences of such impurities, and thus preserve the flesh healthy. If the tlesh bo healthy, censti tullil.g as it does tho principal portion of thohUman rody then must the whole body bo healthy. In vegetables only ctn. we ti nd the medicine where by all impurities of the blood may be removed. Upwards of one hundred years experience of the most celebrated, the wisest And best physicians have proved certain yegetablea to possess purifying prop erties. These vegetables will not hero be named, and Dr. Leidy wishes to remunerate himself, and profit by the long, laborious, and costly experiments necessary to be made, that the active principles of those vegetables minht bo retracted and reduced to such form as makes liiciu easy, safe and pleasant to bo taken. These vegetables are containt-d in the justly cel ebrated Blood Pills, mandfahturcd only by Dr. N. Leidy, a regular Druggist and Physician, attested by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Jacksoi , Homer, Gibson Dewees, Jamrf, Hare, Cox, &c. Tho above Pills may bo employed as a mild or active purgative. Their action is easy, and may be employed by all persons under all circumstances. They will at all times be found serviceable, when tho least sickness is present. J hoy require no change of diet, restraint from occupation, or fear of taking cold from their use. I hey are daily prescrib ed by numerous physicians; certificates of the fact accompany the directions. They ate the most uffec tivo purifier of the blood and other fluids of tho hu man body ever discovered. Persons having once used, will evdr after, as occasion may acquire, have rcsourse to them. Price Twenty Five Cents a box. Sold by all respectable DruffristS and Mcrchanst throughout the Union, and in this city only at Dr. Lcidy'fl Health Emporium, Second street he- low Vine. J. R. Smith & Co.'s 2d st. near the Red Lion. J. Gilbert & Co.'s 3d ubdvo Vine. C. Clemens' Nottli 3d above Wood. F. Klett'4 3d Mid;Cal!owhill. For ealo at the Health Emporium Bloomsburr; by D. S. TOBIAS Agent. IJIoomsbufg July, 13; 183!). 11. LtST OF LETTERS Remaining tn the Post Office at Bloomsburg at the end ol tlio quarter ending on the 31st day of iJaich, 1840. Uoalig Christian Uiddleman Valentino Burnett John Moore John M'Murtrio Margaret Moyer Angelina Nungesser Jacob Ncwhard Solomon Philips Rebecca Philips Ann Roan Samuel Ree8 Thomas Staufcr Joseph Snyder Daniel 3 Slates William Sutler Christina Shannon Jesso Springer Man Sqttiro Ebin Totrnaend Sampson Wren Thomas 2 Daker Malanston Boon Betu ' Caby Jacob bvert Peter Echert Jacdb Fuliner Daniel Fry, sen. John Qilraore Andrew Gigcr Solomon Henrio Polly Henrie Mary Hardy Mrs. Herring Christ Harvey Marhors Hartman Thoinaa W. Ink Emry tyahlfarlh Doct. T. R. Jacoby John Wetzler-Elizabeth Webb Joshua 2 "Wice1 Joseph Wran Gorg Wellit-er Jarob Yoke Sebastian Yost George Robinson William 2 Kalilor bsq. Kaffman Moses hilly George Alcleck Andrew Aackalvin Jo Itn Jl'Laughlin (Jharles ileyer,Doct M. liiller Peter D. RUPERT, P. M. Jan. 1, 1840. ' Those inquiring for any of the above let ters will please say it is advertised. HEREAS, the honorable ELLIS LEWIS President of the Courts of Over and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery. Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, m the eighth Judicial District, composed of the counties if Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Lycoming ; and tho Hon, William MoxTOOMKnr and Lhqxaud Rufgiit, Esquires, associate Judges in Columbia county, have issued their precept beaiing date the 25th day of January in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty, and to mo directed for holding Jl Court of Oyer and Terminer mid Cr. il eal Jail JJctivery, Ueneral Quurter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas, anil Orphan's Court, iN DANVILLE, in tho county of Columbia, nn the third Monday of March next, (being the 20th day and to continue two week. jyuJWJj ts therefore hereby niteri to tbn C.r. oner, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables of mo nam urauij m VUIUHIUIU, Ulai llicy DO tllCn anil there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inmiisit inns and other remembrances to do those things which to their offices appertain to bo dono. And thoso wno are uounu by recognizances to prosccuto against the prisoners that are or inav bo in thn iail of said county of Columbia, are to be then and there to protecuto agalntt them as shall bo just. Jurors aro ecqucstcdto bo punctual ill their attendance", a greeably to their notices.- Dated at Danville,, the 20th day of March in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight liun died and forty and in the Glth year of the independence of tho United States of Amer ica. .WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff-. Sheriff's Office, Danville, ? March 20th 1810. 5 JFRO.V the Subscriber two last fall boar Pigs. Who ever will, give information wuero they may be found shall be reasona bly rewarded. , DANIEL GROSS.- ujoomsburg, April 4, 1840 "Mr.nTiuift crJnnf'Hrt.u -prnnfri THAT THE L1I E PILLS A.ND PHL ' is IX BITTERS ate excellent family Medicines.- j The proprietor of these Medicinej cannot too deep- J ly impress upon we puimc raina uie nign impor- j tah'cbdf au early or tltfiely attention to sound health. There arb very mmty in this community who do not appreciate good health, until attacked by some violent disease, when they think they must immedi ately send for a physician, and In consequence, they are perhaps confined to their beds foi weeks, or even months. Almost every one is liable to bo unwell at times, and by neglect of proper treatment of them srlvcs, on such occasions, it is very often the case that a severe attack of disease is tho consequence. Such results may be easily avoided, and should bo; and it is in a great measure the object of Mr. MOF FAT, that his publication should continually te mind etich persons of their danger. The following letters go to show that the Life Pills and Phehix Bitters arc not only excellent family medicines, but that they will, in very many instances, supercede tlte necessity of calling a phisician. The principal office is at 375 Broadway, where thousands of sim ilar letters to Mr. Moffat, may be examined. . Tho followihir letter was received from n nrntt. man who, a few months since, purchased come of the Life Medicines for tlio use ot his family, and a few of his friends i . Nupoli, N Y.i-July 27, 1809. Mr; Wi B. Moffat Dear Sir TheLifo Pills and Phenix Bitters surpass every medicine I hate been acquainted with. In every iiutanco where it has been used, a benefit has been derived, and every person is satisfied. Otib man, troubled with a scrof ulous humor, has been alt but raised from the dead. Another person, a female who has been unable to leave her room for the last two years, has been re stored to health. Another troubled with sore throat for more than a year, mid also a burning sensatian in her stomach and bowls', was completely cured by three doses of your Pills. Another, troubled with a cvere nervous affection, attend withdyspepsia and continued head-ache, and was to reduced as to be unable to leave her bed, was, by tho use of one box of PilU and bottle of Bitters, so far restored as to bo able to attend to her domestic concerns. And lastly, an acquaintance of mine, has by the use ot a bottle of Bitters and two boxes of Pills, been made a perfectly sound and healthy man. Ho had been laboring under a complication of diseases lor th last five years. I could mention numerous other instances, but these fire sufficient to fchow the effects of the medicine uoona tow of my neighbors and menus, r our obedient servant, Crnus Tiucunn. The following is part of a letter written bv a et n- lleman in the country to his brother in thii city, irom whom bo bail received a box of J, ire Pills and Phenix Bitters: Thompsonvillc, Conn., Juno 2C, 1838. Dear Brother I embrace the present opuortuiiilt of writing you a few lines. I received the Life Pills and Phenix Bitters you sent mo, for which I can never thank you endugh, as they have proved. 1 nope, a pcrlect euro to me. 1 bad for two years been troubled with a severe pain in my side. I ap plied to all tho doctors in this neighborhood, liutgot no relief until I took the Pills and Bitters you sent me. nince 1 Iiava taken-them 1 have been as well ail over I was in my life. Yours affectioLately, David McGiu. . The following h a copy of a letter fftm Terre Haute Indiana: Mr. W. 15. Moffat Dear Sir I wrotd tou a few days since stating) briefly, tho quantity of Life Pills ana riieiitx ilittew, 1 should want tho coming sea son. When I accepted the agency of this Medi cine in June hst, (although your application vas accompanied by documents, attesting the great ben efit of this medicine, I lud no expectation that it would equal the description given of it, or give such general satisfaction as tho experiment of a few months has proved. I can only say that all who have ucd it bear testimony of its great value end efficiency. I know of no instance where it has been thought in the slightest degree injurious, and, oven thoee who aro afflicted beyond hope of cure, bear testimony of its ealbtary influence upon their general health. The great and increasing demand for tliis articlo is thu best assurance of its usefulness, and I would not wish to bo without it for a single day! Rcppcclfully, yours, J. F. Kisrn The following is a copy of a letter from a laJy in East Lyme, Connecticut, to Mr. Moffat's agent: East Lymt, Conn., May Oth, 1933. Mr. Bradford Sir-In regard to Dr. W. D.Mof at 'h Life Pills and Phenix: Hitters, I can truly say from experience, they are the best medicine I have any Knowledge of. Incredible as it may appear, I have for eight mouths Bcarccly been ablo to walk a- cross a room, one month could not feed myself, had the attendance of the best of physiciansfbr months. mice and twice a day have taken Patent .Medicine as far as directions would permit. Also, a celebra ted UoctorH prescriptions, all of which has been a course of the greatest perseverance I was capuble of. Yet I havo.tcccived nn moro than present re lief, to give a tirnilitudo of my sufl'cringj is indes cribable Yet I will write tho symtoms of my dis ease. For ten years I have suffeied with a nervous affection in my head and faci; a place as large as a hand in tlie left side of my back; connecting the shoulderdescribed; a sensation of sorcnc&i.ficqucnL ly nrcame as cold as u tile Uau departed. In July. 1830, in consequence of overdoing, taking u hard cold, I was seized with a numbness in the system, faininess, flatulency, pain n tho head, voracious.ap petite, and at limes deficient appetite, great loss of muscular potver.painin thd left side.also in tho sliouN der and arm to the greatest extent, palpitation of the heart, great distress in tho back, gnawing in the stomach when empty, pressure after meals, amount ing almost to" suffocation, stricture across tho breajt, sore throat; also a tickling, attended with a convul sj ve cough, spitting of putulent matter, night sweats, cold feet and handi, foetid breath, costlvencss, piles, loss of memory, affection of sight and hearing diz incss, deafness, the mind became desponding, other disagreeables not mentioned, which censed great weakness, Vc. I happily, and can truly Bay, that by tho blessing of Heaven, and tho restorative proper ties of the Life Pills and Phenix Bitters, I am" te. stored to health, which no other raedicino could do, i ours, etc. Isabella A. Rogers, East Lyme, Corirt. For additional particulars of the above medicines seo Moffat's Good Samaritan," a copy of which accompanies the rtiedicincs; a cenv can be nliinlno,! of the different Agents who have the medicines for French, Oerma'ii. and-SnaiiUi At,hUhi i, obtained on application at the.offuco, 37G Broad- way. f All post paid letters will nceive immediate alien Uen. Prepared and sold by William II, Moffat, 375 Broadway New York. A liberal reduction made 'o those who purchase to sell again. Agents,! ho I.ifo Medicines may also be had of mo principal uuggisis in every town throughout the United States and the Canadas. Ask for Moffat's Life Pills and Phenix Dilter.j and be sure that afao simile of John Moffat's signature is upon the labrl of each bottle of bitters or bor of r.illj. Ta. ...1. 1 1 Tobii'i HreUh Emporium, Uloomjburip tJliCAT ARRIVAL l'h'OM N. YORK PETERS? VEGETABLE Plu.S,' TOSTORE than six milliolu or bows n'f ' WW celebrated r.llls Imv, l.n.i. 'u7. ..f ,P n tstutcs since January 1635. w uunurcus nnu UioustmUs bless the dav llicv It.' me scnuailited with Peters' V.itiii,1 :h. J. . . in consequence of their extraordinury goftdneM.havl 7 H"!""""" unprecedented in the hUtou When taken th th AttM - a -'ivvuuiiw 8CcOfn panying them, they aro highly bciiefiicial in th :,-., "T, :., icvrr and a- u,, .ucum.iraii, enlargement of th luccii, piit-acoiic, icmaie Obstructions, hoartburn. furred tnttmi. nnnem. r .!. ,7 and bowels, incipient diarrhea, flatulence, habitual uwuvrncBs, loss oi appciuc, uiotehcd or tballow comnlftiioh. nnd I ri nil mafia nf rAm.. ,.r i . ''l'vi ui nic gon, els, wiicre a cathart c Or an apcricilk is ntetlod, They aro exceedingly mild in their operation, pro. ducing neither nausea, grining, nor dcbilitv. n,1 i.' consequence of their ANT1-BILIOUS OU) i i.d, are the best ot all remedies in scarlet It?? icver anu ague, unious lover, and all diseases which nave uieir origin in accumulation ofUILD: la word Dr. J'ctcrs' pills ore the ereat bilious antidoul anu mm a snoniv oi t iini nn hi (mm irnnii... -rj 1m buhl a n i rl.... HEAC-AUIIE, SICK AND NERVOUS. Thniio Who havu siifferndnnrl ..- inn from ttlCU drstjovmrf rnmntii,a ...III V.J : . ,1. , 1 ""V, Tit,, ,.iU J elurs Vegetable pills a remedy at onco certain ant uuuicuiaie in ua eneci. in Dl'SPEPSlA They ptend unrivalled. Many hove been cur4 i a ibw weens, aner Having suuered under thu dru4- iui cumpi.-uni tor yenrs. Tho world Is vastly out of tuns, And seems beyond correction; But I've a spell, that very sdon Will make it all perfection: Will M)on expef disease end pain, So none shall bo afflicted; And then shall euro all ills amain. 1 o which men ere eddictod. O would you know this scoiirgo U So various and eo glorious I They are the VEGETABLE J'lLLS. Of PETE Its, so victorious. 0 yes, thoy are thoso pills of pride, Which all th world are praising For nerr did thegods piovide A tued'eine so amazing. Th'i .Spleen or Chol'ra rack you thracjh. With thii you nefd not fear thsm; , If Gout afflict, Atii Colic too, A box or too trill clear them; Arid if your livri'a out of tune; If wild your head is aching; If jaundice dies you like the moon; Or ague sets you ehakmg; If grim dyspepsia thins your chyle; If devils blue are grinding; If you arc plagued with gripe or lilt, , Or fevers loose of binding; 0 tell no doctor of your ills, Nor lrut to baths or lancing BtJt face tho rogues with PI1TURS' PfLW And soon you'll send flicm prancing. These valuablo pill.) are Puporlor to Lre's.Brw dreth's, Moffctt's, Evans, Hunts, the Pertian cr bi fact to any other pill ever brought before the pullit. Olio 25 Ccut Uox tilll prove their virtue b this county, as their surprising "virtues are eitabliah ed all ocr(tlio United States, Canadas, Texas, Max ico and the West Indies. (QfEnquire for JVtcr' Vegetable Anti Billions They can be obtained of D. S. Tobii and J. R. Mover, Bloomshurg, Win. Diddle & C Danville, and at all tho principle 6tores in tho staU 6mn CREDITORS TAKE NOTICET ' THAT I have applied to tho Judges of the Court of Common Pleas cf Columbii county, for ths benefit of the insolvent latfi of the Commonwealth, and that they han appointed Monday, the 20th dy of April next for the hearing of mo and my credi tors, when and whoro vou can attend if you think proper, JOlSEl'H MILLER. A 15 UAH AM STEARNEIt Feb. 29, 1810 AND b EXCHANGE, csi "tjTERY respectfully informs his friends and tb) f public, that he has alivpyg on hand, at the Li very Stablo lit Bloomsburg, for the purposo of Hir or Exchange, a vatlety ot WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS, which he will feel gratified to keep in readiiicsi( the accommodation of customers. He ha also made arrangements for carrying pat sciigers from Bioornsburg to Muncy, and from Bloomshurg to Buckaleivs on the Oweiro tumtdke Leaves Bloomiiburg fbr Muncy every SaturJij at 7 o'clock in the morning and arrivo at Muntj the katno evening. Leavo Muncy every Salunhj morning at 8 o'clock and arrivb' at Bloomshurg tM same evening. Leaves Bloemsburg evey Wednesday mornir lor. UucKalews and return the same day. Personal application can be made at his resident: when every means ill ho used to render entire iat istaction to those itlio may give linn a call. NOAH 8. PRENTIS. Bloomshurg, March 23, 1816. 43. 01 n l?r. TSTfiYfrAra,, fgWOULl) respectfully inform his frienil and the ptiblio generally.that he has teinor-fl od lim shop into his dwelling a' few dron aboo tlif jlJo'.el kept by K. Howel. aji" iiiiir y opjiuiiie ma uwcuing 6f Knler, where ho may always be found fe- dv tn mnko un nil rarmpntt inlrnstnil tit hit dare, with noatnfets and despatch. Thonfcfyl for past favors, to such as have emviv?c4l Inm li...iftrnr. I...I LM .i.:.i ...:.' tn in. i iiwib.tiiiJic. itin uy ouiui iiitrii'vIyi business, hopes still to met it a larger sh of public natronaifo. A puod fit1 insured in! n u - u--cases, N,. B. AM kinds of country produce tnUi in exchange for work. And tho neeow never refused. Blooiri'sb,urg, April HfiaiQj