For the f otTMBtv Di-.Mocp.'vf, To the Ctltstm of Columbia county. 1 , U in now about 30 year since the crec j un of Columbia counly out of a part of : Northumberland, and mmco which time the 'tti'uiityhas nearly thribled in population. Portions' of the county which were then a .Jivildermws have now berdrae thickly pop vlatell and doing au extensive Farming, Mechanical and Merchantilo business, and -ofveourse the court and county business hat increased, at least, in like ptoportton. The greatest inctcasc of inhabitants haa been in -tliai portion of the county, the furthcrsst Israoved from the county seat, which ren tiers Hi present location more and more un just and inconvenient.' It i alike detriman yjfter'to the interest of all classes of the com- auiiily, thousands, yea, lens of thousands "of'tfollars have already been ,paid in ex Rinses attending coult, more thar. there would have been, had the courts been loca-t-fad originally, near the centre of the coun ty, instead of Danville, and this extra ex-'jimse-is annually increasing as the popula tion anil business or the counly increases. Tlio dianuier of the county, is about thiity miles, as Danville is situated upon one extreme edg:, many of our citizens have How to travel 30 miles the whole width of the county, tit attend to business, when if tie cpunly seal was removed to the centre, tbt? (ravel would bo divided, and the further ist would have about'fifteun miles to travel. Under the circumstances, who can doubt the injustice of the present lucation of the seat of justice. And as the public build ings are in a dilipaled situation, and new ones will soon be required to be built, or at least a heavy expense must be incurred in repairs, what better time can there, be than the present to effect- their removal t i jJclieving that now is the lime tv make an ' effectual exertion; I shall, from time, to time, as my duties on my farm will permit, give' my reasons, more at full, fur urging a united action upon the subject, at the pies ent time. .i Citizen of Columbia county. A Mr. Dabney, a Teller in tho Bank of Vffgtaia'has fjeon discovered to be a dcfaul ter'to the amount of 580,000 dollars, He - has left the country. A 'Ml has passed the Legislature authori sing t.ho Governor to appoinl Notaries Pub lic, for tho term of three years,. At a lato trial before a Justice of the Peace in Mount Vernon, Ky a lawyer, who was concerned in the case, bad the temerity to cill'the Juetico a meddlesome fellow and a mijl iinun which tho dicnilarv arose. and .. ? - o . taking up the bench upon which ho had been sitting, with a singlo sweep brought it in contact with the sido of the lawyet's hea,d, with such judioial forco that the learn ed counsel was prostrated and the trial clos ed. When thoy fight duels in Mississippi, it appears that a general invitation is given to. tlio public to he present to witness ine rport. One was fought recently opposite Yicksbursr, between Mr. J. A, Richardson and Mr. Murray, both of Louisville. A -shot was givsn without effect, when the affair was suspended. A large number of the citizens were on the ground. Another meeting, between two political parlizans ..from, Jackson, is in contemplation. The Anli Slavery Nominations:- AV "learn from Albany that the National Ami - alamy Couvpnlion at that place have mint- ipated an independent Abolition Ticket, wilh Janles G. Dirney as their candidate for the Presidency, and Thomas Earle, nf Philadelphia, as their candidate for the Vice Presidency of the United States. In quirer'. 4 It will be seen from the abovo that so far as nominations go, honors have fallen upon our townsman Thomas Earle.who has been remarkable in Pennsylvania polites.for h number, of years past, and who was the drier cause'of the call of the Convention to anBnd the constitution, of which hody he d a I I. 1 "was a memner. e count, nnwever, wlmtlivr tlin aforesaid nomination is likely Ho raise him to the Vice Premdency. -Penn .tijlvaniah. Tfoyr exhiditixo, exhibited, or "being txhbittd.', in New Orleans, two portraits, one of Adam and tho other of Eve; the jonly torrid likenesses ever shown in this coun iry. Adam is represented in the act of mending a wheel-barrow, and Eve is Enga ged in grinding coffee and frying rouple of moccasins for the old gentleman's break- f flie Dublin Ueiiister slate's that, the tia- tiol church of Gieat Hittain and lreland pro- -duces a revenue of jG8,800,00O. . The-rev. enues ot all other ostahluhcd -churches, in rKuronu and South Amrrica-is J?8,!i2;000 ! f. ,u .t,, .!, r r"nnlmil PTrnndinir all nth- W CM pul tosclher by &l i,00D a year. . l u mcnuun ilut there ' will h Preaching in this towrt to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon at 4 o'clock, by one of tbo Circut Preach- cm. ''SGIS&XPSc Frost, the chnrtisf,has a family-or-a wife,: a sou, and five daughters. .": t A decree has been' proposed in tbo Mex ican Congress, to prohibit, on penalty of confiscation,- tho importation of cabinet fur niture. The Cumanche Indians, according to an official report, have committed ht-rrible dep redations in the State of Zacatccas. It is said that emigration to Canada from the Highlands of Scotland, will saoii lake place upon a largo scale. It is stated that thfrty-lwo persons have been appointed Aids-de-Camp of the Gov ernor of Georgia, wilh the rank of Colo nel. Gbvomor Mortou of Massachusetts, has refuted his signature to the Abolition reso lutions puei by both Houses. New York city has been divided into 73 election districts, under the new Registry Law. Young potatoes were offered for sale in ihc Cincmnati market, several days ago. The Dritish Queen took over thb largest quantity of luiters over sont from this coun try by one vessel. Messrs. Gilpin & Halo received 33,232 in postage. Fifty-five thousand barrels of flour reach ed the Ltallimore Market, by way of the Washington rail road, during the month of March. The value of cattle imported into Liver pool from Ireland in ih'e first eleven monihs of last year amounted to 2,900,000; and the value of the insignificant article of feath ers, imported into. England from that coun try is estimated to amount annually to 500, 000. Wild pigeons are selling in tbo Buffalo marset at 00 cents a dozen, .Strawberries were selling in Now Orleans market on the 17th ull. at twelvo utd a-lulf emits a piece. A comic singer at the Natchez theatre, is singing a song called, " Brandeth's Pills.". V under how many boxes will be taken for his benefit. We kara from Bangor, (Me.) that the ice evacuated the Penobscot on the first inst., being a fortnight earlier lhan usual. 1 he navigation to that city is therefore now unobstructed. Tlio National Intelligencer says, 'We learn, by letters from the West, that we may expoctby every mail to hear of the decease of the venerable Judge White. A young man named Hiram Warner, says tho Dover (O.) Democrat, fell Irom the belfry of tho Presbyterian church, on Wednesday last, and but for the passing of a person on whom he fell, would have been instantly killed; as it was, ho was much in jured. The Westmoreland "Pennsylvania Ar gus," has changed owners. Mr. Steck, the former vigilant editor has disposed of it to Mr. J. M. Bunnur.1., by whom it will hereafter be conducted. Here is a good wellerism, from the Buf falonian : 'I'm working hard for you,' a? the new cider said to Gen. Harrison. MARRIED On the IGlh inst., by the Rev. William J. Eyer. Mr. SAMUEL HUIJER, nf Danville, to Miss ELLEN STILL, of Mahoning. OBITUAItY. DIED On Sunday the 5th of April, in Briercreek. Mr. JAMES SLOAN, a re spectable and very exemplary citizen, aged about GO years. His remains were interred in tho Pres byterian burying ground at Bloom, on the following Tuesday, when and where his fu neral termon was preached by tho Rev. J, Ewiuj. Tkxt: Well done sood and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of thy I.ara, rakXTARir NOTICE. pmllK Ul Battallioii of tin 71st Urgimout are JJ. notitird to meet at Orangeville on Thurmlay, tlio 3 If I day of May next, and tho Volunteer Com panies attacliotl thereto, to meet at the nino lima and (dace. Tlio 2d Battallion of the 71st Hcgiment, with tlio Volunteer Coninante attached, wilt meet at UattanisM, n Friday, the 22d day of May. The htuliimi will met fir parade and Inspection with nniiK nud aceoutiCMicnts in good orderat 10 o' dot k, A.M. ' Aa there H a proapect'of War, the Colonel hopes a military iltit will pervade both officers and men, and ahofild their counlry require it, tliey will ba rea lly and willing to serve her with promptiludo and honor. It taejiecte: that ono or both of tho Oenerali will lie present. M; M'DOWILL Col. 7lr 1st Brig. 8th D;P. M. -aiti nf ur pral will bo held on tho second Mon: A,k- f .limn, for tha lit ilattallion at Oraneeiillo. aod for ibc-5-1 Wittaljlon at Roaring t'rwk, Vb .re reduced to mcnuun lliut fl, SCfrJOOlL ELECTION. lion wilt beihelrJw 'at the housd of Robert Hagenbucli, ont-' t ' ' rHesda;pViem day'bf May f"ext, rXr" " iiTli WJ,e,lier ,hc tJommon Schbbl Sysloft sll be.continued in thq dis (nct 'of Illpdfor'ihe ehsuiug three years. ckornWBS'nZhhiwee&, one and two o' clock in theijifusr.noon, 1 ' CHARLES KAIILER, Sec. B. Directors. Bloom, April. 18, 1840. New Store. rilHK Subscribe 'would 'respectfully inform the ft public generally,-Mat he has purchased the Dtick. Houveon thscomerof the Market auare in tbo tovyn.of Jllcouuburg, latctlie estate; of Henry Giger,ucccasedt TO WlllCH ilE HAS REMOVED HIS &TQMU0, and thus permanently, as he hopes, established him Belf in thii placo. He has on hand a neat and general assortment of ffi E)&9' Groceries, liquors, Marduye, luccnsware, which ho olfdrs foV to' sell at very Reasonable rates, for cash or county p'rodnce; 'and intends slid'rtlv to ndd to hia general-assortment by 'new supplies from He tendere h'ii, tlwiAks, for. tl -Jibcral tncournc. ment he has received nco his'establisbinent in Bloombnrg, and r&peclfutly solicits "u continuance ot public lavur. v ' . ,! JOHN HORTMAN.. Bloomsburg, April ll.1840; 60 6t FUBLI'.-yEN'BUE. ILL' be exposed to Public Sale, on Monday the 7lh of Jlnril inst. at the house of Henry Wanick in Mount Pleasant township, at 10 o'clock A. M. 9 of well TIMBERED TjAND belonging to the estate of Mathias feliipmnn, (ate of Mount I feasant township, deceased. 1 ho above described property is situated on the west side of t islung creek, on a stream called Grindstone-run, about one mile and a half from M. M'Dowcll's Mill. Due attendance and terms made known on the day ot bale, by the subscriber, EDWARD M'HENRY, Executor. April 11, 1810. PUBLIC VENDUE. ILL be exposed to Public Sale, on Monday the 27A of .Ipril inst. at the house of Joseph" 'Culp Ih Mount Pleasant township, at 3 o'clock In ibe afternoon, 0110 lot of ana containing about .o-'vtin - -. and allowance, unimproved, adioinirifr land's of An drew Melick, jun. Joseph Culp and others, and the road leading from Greenwood to Bloomburg passes tnrougli it. AUo, another small lot containing about 1 1-2 AeeFes, part cleared with a number of beating p APPLE TREES, All belongingto'the estate of Michael Hittlclate of .Mount Pleasant towmlup, deceabcu. Duo attenu and and terms made known on the day of sale, by the subscriber. EDWARD M'HENRY, Executor, April 11, 1840. S&OOO PKIBIB PIOKIiES,' For sale, or in smalr quantities. Gnv lien Seeds from a lOTATOE down to a MUSTARD SEED. Also, Two MALLS, with IKON and WOODEN WEDGES besides a' few Cabbage iieaus : ELI THORNTON. Hemlock township, April 4. M9la Sometime last wixlernear "Cloomsburg lasin( a ' r '! " liOR Chains . The finder shall .V? r'so'riauly. rewarded by giving information' to Uti'a ipffie where li niajuo ioijiiu. U .l)st '- iM! Bloomsbtifg Artillery A" 'tB hercuy'cooimanded to'mett at BLOOMS .. 13UKG,n Monday , the Athof May liext, at ten o'clock, in the forenoon, fir company drill. By order of tho Commandant. E. AftMSTRONO, Oi ti, April 18, 1840. - BlvOOMSBURG RANGEItS ARB hereby commanded to meet at the hoUse of Mrs. WORMEN, in Eepytown, on Saturday, the 18th of April next. at 10 o'clock, A. M. lawfully equlpt for drill) with arms and accoutrements in good order. 15 j order or the Captain. D.HOAT.O. S. March 2l, 1810. PUBLIC HOUSE, THE Subscriber informs the public that lie has tatcen the well known lately occupied by Daniel Gross, in Blooms burg, Columbia county, and solicits a shaie ot puunc patronage. His UAK and LAU DER will always be sunnlied with the best. and having good stabling and attentive host lers, lie flatters himself that he shall bonhln to give satisfaction to all who may call on im. E. HOWEL. Bloomsburg, April 11, 1840. 1TSW Ll.lTDLOP.D, Orangeville, Columbia County, Pa. THE subscriber informs the nnblic. that lie has taken the above well known stand lately kept by Samuel Richer, and invites his friends and the public generally to give him a call. Hia BAR shall at all times be supplied with the beat -j.r i . tt i anu cnoicesi oi juitquors, anu ins whh all the choicest delicaccs of the season. With good attention in the house, and at tcntive hostlers, and good stabling, hopes to merit and receive a share of public patron age. GEORGE SEIPLE. April 11, 1840. INDEPENDENCE. THE celebrated and Well bred horse INDEPENDENCE, will be kept forser vice at tha stable of the Subscriber, in Bloomsburg, the ensuing season, to eom mence on the first of April and end on the nrst day of July next, on moderate terms INDEPENDENCE, is a beautiful bright liay, having a black list along Ins back, and black legs, mane, and tail. lie stands us ing sixteen hands high; and for symetry and movement, he can have but very tew sit penors on this continent, it is tormer own er kept him for the turf, on which he nev er lost a race, for six hundred yards, and a quarter of a mife. He is well known in this neighborhood to be a sure horse; and his stock of more value, than that of any other horse that has been, kept in the county lor many years past. The Sire of INDEPENDENCE, was the celebrated imported horse, Printer, the swiftest horse, at that time, in the United States. His Dam was got by the imported horse Whip; Grand Dam, by the imported horse Quicksilver; all first rate horses; that were the noble progenitors of what is now considered, the best blood, and most valua ble stock in Kentucky. . NOAH S. PRENTIS. Bloomsburg, April 7th, 1840. CAUTION. THE pcbltc are hereby cautioned against purchasing a certain house and lot ot ground situate in Bloomsburg, advertised to be sold by the Shcriifof Columbia county at Danville, on the 20th day of April next, as the properly of Philip Jstetler and George Lilly. A? tho title, of the said House and lot is in the Subscriber and not in the said Stetler or Gcorgo Lilly, the right of a pur chaser will uo contested. CATHARINE LILLY. .Bloomsburg April 4, 1840. WANTED A JOURNEYMAN COOPER. THE Subscriber wishes to hire a Jour neymau Cooper, to whom good wages and steady employ ment will be given,' ALSO An apprentice to the Coopering business is wanted immediately. A emart active lad will receive good encouragement upon ap plication to , WILLIAM KELLY. Uloomsburg, March aa,. 1B10. Fresh Garden Seeds THE subscriber has just received a sup ply of Fresh Gardeu Seeds, from the United Seciely ofbhakers in the state of New York, which are considered the best and cheapest offered to the public. JOHN R. MOYER. March 21. HE subscru!e?hfJrfatt CANAL BOAT of about 0. tons" furtben lnrt been In UJ onyear,jnd would be sold tm reasonable terms asf iu price ana payments, or wouiu ia.c puv ui wiujiu Coal or in freighting produce to Balthflofffor Phil adelphia. Address tho subscriber. , m. McDowell. McDowell's Mills, (Bloom,) Col. ctf, Mri?ch'14. The Wilkesbarrc Republican Farmer wift pleasrf publish the above three times, and fowrd Uie)t bill to this jffflce'. ' THINK AND ACT .aiJICK! r iUti subscriber intending to close bis business B in Bloomsbura and move out of town, orl-ttie first day of Aprtil, calls upon all persons indebted to him to come forward and close their accounts before) that time, or they will be left with n justice to ecttio' according to law, . REUBEN BOMBOY. March 21, 1840. NOTICE. THIS is to Certify. IIirI t have hired to Silvanus Stephens tliftfollowing.prbpsrty: one bav Maid and one white Horse, ana two Horse Waggrin, alsoone sett of, .har ness anu gearing lor two norses, .dining rr' pleasure, df which ihe public will .ple take notice. THO. W4 YOUNG. Sugarloaf, itarch 28, 1840. ' 'r f; " ' IS HEREBY GIVEN. TO all lecatees. creditors nnd other ner. sons interested in the estates of the teepee- live decedents and minors, that, the admin' istration accounts of the said estate's, havei been filed in the Office of the Register o( county .oi uoiumuia, and will be psesented for confirmation and allowance to the Or-1 phan's Court, to be held at Danville, in and for the county aforesaid, on Tuesday, th6 21st of April next, at 2 o'clock. P. M,' tnt - ..... i i lie account ot Ucorge Hidley arid Levi Aikman, jr. Administrators of the cg- tate oi Joan W. Amman, late of Hlooirt township, deceased. i he account of .lohrt Fruit, Adminis-t , trator of the estate of Catharine Vni late of Madison township deceased 3 The second stinnlementr.rv ahnotfnt of' Jacob Millor, administrator .of George Mifi" ler, late of Cattawissa- trwnsKipTdeceased. 4 Ihe account of William Clayton, Ex- . ccufor of the last will and testament or ' Thomas Clayton. late of Cattawissa to why ship, deceased. 5 The account of John Rhodes, admin-', istratorof the estate of Caster Rhnrl?sriatk of Roaringcreek township, deceased! " o ine account ol William Welliver and John Gilaspio, administrators of tlie 'es'taiff'" of Francis Rote late of Madlson-lownsliioi deceaspd. ' a 7 The account of Jacob Demolt anil Jo'rirP Manninrr. administrntnrs nf ihn a.t-iio nt. Francis Rote, late of Madison township, de ceased. ' 8 Tho account of fliVlmril ni.m'n ttA'- Nancv Kitchen. HVi-ciilnr nf thn lui Will and.testamentof John Kitchen, late "of Ma3 isnn townshm. deR3tpil. - - U The account ol Jacob and MicHeal S:( Rishel, administrators of the estate df Jacofj, Kishet, late of Hemlock township, deceaV- ed. . . ' f PHILIP BILLMYER. l?et?iattr. REoisTEn's Office, Danville, March 13, 1839- $ TKAVERSU JURORS For April 2'erm, 1840. Bloom Benjamin Boone. Rnbnrt HV. genbuch, Charles Kaler, Samuel Lttdwigi Lewis Maus, John R, Mover. Samuel Me lich. 7narce;.--Jolin Snvder Josefeh Pin. kerton, John Martz, Jacob Hilt, John P. r Freage, Lewis Deitrich. Cattawissa. Joel E. Brndlev. Dsvirt Clark, Daniel Keefler, 0. D. Leib, John Ziglar. zcrrv. Georee Bi Imever. William Brailey, John Craig. Greenwood. John R. Alberson. Jlcmlock. Robert Russel. : Jackson Thomas Hess. Limestone. Joseph Gibson. ' Liberty. William Campbell. Madison, Richard Fruit, Reuben Wit son. Mahoninr. Geonre B. Brown. John Dean, Samuel Gulicli, Jacob Sechler.David Stuart, John Wilson. Mtffitn. Robert B. Brown. Josenh Kir- kendall, Nathan Snyder. Mount 1'lcasant. George Applemsn. William Kitchen, John H. Vanderslice..i'a Monteur. Mathias Girion. Thomai Harftnan, David Kissel. Roaring Creek. Jonas Benningcrtgaxa Rhodes. Sugarloaf. Elexander Colley, Bonja min Keclcr, Tunis Kerns. GRAND JURY For April 'Perm, 1840. Briarcreek. Samuel Adams. Cattawissa. Philip Seasholtz, Georgs Hughes. Berry. John Bleo,Solomon Gise.Evaa Hendershot. Fishing Creek. John Garraan. Zifieri.John M' Williams. Mifftin. David Davis, Charles Hci. William Savage, Jacob Yohe, Madison. John P. Eves, William Hen-: derhot. Mahoning Peter Briglit.David Philips jlfonur.-John Richards, Mt. Pleasant. John. Ale, Isaac Mu-' grove. Roaring Creek. 'Peter Herbeia -, -Henry Melz, Jacob Harner. Sugarloaf. CotntYtts Colem3n,Ezek'f el Cole. " " A ft