The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 18, 1840, Image 2

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    Fioin the .Reporter.
Tho appropriation 11I, has passed by llic
cwnmujcc m ure wnoie in trio House or rep
resentmtves, for continuing the internal im.
provemciils df the state, seems to hicct with
jjenernl favor. It was not reached vestet
day on second read,np. previous ordcro liar
Ing occupied tho whole morning 5 but it is
oelioved it will pass both houses this week
by a largo majority, and without any mate
ml alteration.
... The policy of suspending the works for
.time, ami limning appropriations to repairs
merely, has been seiioosly urged both by a
portion of the pross and the legislature.
ue naro umiormlv dissented from this
proposition. Wo have gone and still no
for a speedy completion of tha lines, as thu
oest system of economy and finance. It i
true the market for the sale of stocks is dull
but that disadvantage is counterbalanced hv.
the abundance of provisions, and consequent
aneapness 01 laiior. Uesides Pennsylvania
. never failed to obtain the means tc carry on
ef inipfotaments, although every adminis
,tjon, siilce (hat of, Joseph Hieptdi.scemed
times to have reached a fatal crisis in an
vlwasted treasury and credit. She will
not now fail.if sho is not abandoned to. des
pondency by her statesmen. Her real es
tateis worth $000,000,000 at the lowest ea
tiraata. We believe it is worth double that
snm, taking into account her minerals, her
valuable timber, hsr salt, her water-falls.
her numerous towns, her magnficent cities,
and more magnificent internal improve
ments. Stic therefore furnishes a basis for
public credit, that entitles her to any a
mount of loans sho may reauire. And her
character far good faith and punctual com
pliance with engagements never violated
heretofore in a single Instance is a securi
ty to her loan holders, that in the nature of
things, must insure her the full confidence
of capitalists in every country. If she has
a fault, it is too bravo a spirit of enterprise
inher population. That may load Iter to
undertake too much at once, to trade beyond
hsr present means, relying on her abundant
resources to meet all" emergencies which
m jy not clearly havo been forsccn. Bui if
this be her fault, if accompanied by inflexi'
ble integrity, and a courage that meets diffi
culties when they occur, and never leaves
till they etc overcome. t-Tho consequence
is temporary embarrassment occasionally,
but the.nd is clearly seen to be permanent
prosperity, and power.
. TJ,ere " no absolute necessity for halting
in, the progress of execution in the linos of
public, wprjis, on account of embarrassment
in' tho money market, and in such case tho
pojjcyk of doing so is ill founded, when it is
aW.arn 1Hl a diiBr.l loss to the common
wealth must follow, both on the unfinished
actions, and the interest on their cost.
We Una that the objection to the work is
made thaUhe tolls are less than the interest
orMhe public debt, and from this tho argu
ments deduced that Sho whole scheme is
but a source of indebtedness. But the
prajniet and argument arc fallacious since
a Ijjrge potion of canals on the North and
Wf,st.branchcs and the Erie Extension sns
wnfiniahed and unproductive whilst their
esst isjncluded in the public debt. The
Delaware Division is said to nay six
... ri.. a 1 , '
ui. x nai is a nnisuea worK.
The New York Canals are raid officially
to pay, nine- per cent. They aro finished
works. New York although successful in
s great a degree is not content, but deter
mined to onlaro her canals at a vciy heavy
expenditure1, showing not only their utility
but productiveness to tho treas.urv. Ours
have already enhanced the real property of
the State one hundred per cent. They
have effected this advance on proporty
whilst iu an unfinished state, stopping short
of the Lakes; the New York line, and our
own sea port as a water communication.
.... uk uo uj.pucieu 01 mem bom as
source ot rov.cnue and public prosperity
when they shall penetrate Iho regions on
the western waters, the States South and
North of us, and tho fields of coal and iron
in our own interior. What when we shall
have opened up our mineral wealth, and as freight upon our canals destin
ed to the markets, anxious to give us value
for it, tfnrlh, East and South of us ? What
then will bo their influenro on real estate
and on the condition of the people ; and
what llirn will be tho state debt compared
witli such ability to pay it without inconvo
nieuce,; Me.n who have looked over our
jlorious Pennsylvania and found near one
half fraught with. bituminous coal andiron
ore, tRfc moiiiitaius K3ei of tho Susquehau
113, full of anthracite, and iron, with abun
dance of wood and limestone, and all the
valleys fertile in agricultural products, do
not hesitate about their answer. To finish
the improvcmeni's without delay is the lead
ing policy of the state in their judgment.
It is clearly ao in ours, and therefore aio re
joiced at the prospect of passing the bill be
fore the Legislature,
One thousand .bushels of wheal were sold
at Bridgeport, Ohio, opposite WhnelinMhe
other day. for twenty-five rents per bushel!
Amidst all the accounts which come from
the west.rcspeciing ,,u (M in prices of flour
and gram, wo do not perceivn any great
diuiinuiion in tho prices here. And in the
general depression of business, we in this
quarter wonld lika to receive some rf the
benefit of the.ducline in prices, if wo are
Obliged to-hear-eo much, on the subject.
Morton 'Hinm, '
1 lie Office of Clerk df the (Jottrt, nt Cin
cinnatti.producing a yearly income of $10,
uiiu, is in bo conilitiohally disposed of for
lour years, tuo present incumbent bthitf
promised a superior office, after the 4th .of
ftiaten next, worth 25,000 a year, bosldes
perquisites The conditions uppn which
the clerkship will be disposed of are, first,
that in fourjoars from tho said 4th of March
next, tho office shall be surrendered back to
the present holder ; and, second, that if he
shall not obtain the new office promised
him, at the time aforesaid, which it expend.
ingly doubtful, then tho proposed sale of the
sbiu cierKsuip slum be considered void and
ot no clloct.
l. IS. As tho expected office has hero
.uiulc uorn irjicaiL-uiy promieeu to ono
Henry Clay, and said promise has nover
been fulfilled, it is but too ovident. thai liuln
reiianco can be placed upon such promises
1 hu iruuauuiiy wercioro is, tnai tlio en-
eagement, in tho present case, will not bo
complied with.
l'or puce, terms of sale, and other narlin.
ulais, apply to William II- Ilarrisnn.-at hi
office in Cincinnati!, sign of the pedicoat.or
1110 -log nouse," laisely so called, on hi
farm al North -Bend. All letters, to him
must be sent post paid, or franked,
advertiser is very poor. The Alias and
commercial Gazette aro renueaiRi! to rnnv
this.and to sond in their bills to old Nick,
ine lowii-piimp, or the chairman of the
Committee of Public Safety, Boston
IN. a. IN ono need apply, execot thor
ough mudcrn whirrs. Dusncnilanix nf ii.n
old revolutionary tones will be preferred,
jooaion i 031.
Whalis the Democratic Prinrinh?
iv in a principle munueu in humanitv. innd.
Ta : ; 1 r 1
ed by benevolence, and looking to the oth
er progressive improvement and happiness
of the wholo human family a minainlr.
which ever seeks to protect the weak, m
elevate the depressed, and til secure the
just and equal rights of all a principle,
which is 111 harmony with pure religion,
that establishes the cf God as the first
aw of morality a principle.which bv lis-
tening to tho voice of icason as it breathes
through the people, bows reverently beforo
tho dictatos-of justice, while it'snurns at Kin
despotism of man a principh?, which gives
the highest security to property, by giving
security also to labor; in tho injoyment cT
the fruits of his own industry a principle,
which is free from envy and nairnw jcnl-
ousy, and cheerfully acknowledges the
encfitof cultivated intellifffnce and of
experience, while it respects, as the para
mount fountain of freedom and order, the
collective will that includes all tho mtalli.
gence of th$ community the wjlt of the
people. Governor Morton of Mauachu.
A fire broke out between 1 and 2 o'cloc k
is mornintr, in the build! Ill' ocROnlnil hv
Messrs. Lanotree and O'Stir.i.ivw. ami
Thomas Allen, as printing offices for the
uemocranc ueview and tho Madisonian.
Before tho fire companies reached there.the
re nau maue such as to leave no
ope of savinjr the buildinp. or anv i-nvA.
rable portion of the nrintiiiir material in ii
Messrs. Laxctuee and O'S
most of tho stereotype plates of the Madison
papers, and about 1,000 copies of the first
volumo of the work; the other
we believe, were entirely destroyed. The
edition was 1,800 copies, three volumes to
each, valued at from 910,000 to $12,000
They were insursed for 80,000; and their
property destroyed is estimated at from
615,000 to $18,000. The materials of the
Maihsoniap offico were all destroyed, and
no insurance on them. They were worih,
wo suppose, from $0,000 to $8,000. The
roof and the upper floor of the Medical Col
lege wcio burnt ; insured for $3,000 ; and
11 win require that sum, it is supposed to
repair it. The Baptist Church was injured
10 uib amount 01 souo or 8000. A- frame
soap lactory was entirely destroyed, worth,
jimuauiy, Deiwcen vauo and 51000.
It is not afcertiined Sow the fire origina
ted. Some of the hands in the Madisonian
omco were at work until after 12 o'clock ;
and the fue had made great progress when
uiscovcreu, about hall aiier 1 o'clock. But
wio prevailing opinion is, that it occurred
111 i-viessrs. Jmnctuke and O'Sullivan's
omce. ftammglon Globe
Hard Ctde It is true that Harrison
never lived in a log cabin. Ho never did
rrom his birth he has been nursed in the
lap of ease and aflluence born of ono tho
most wealthy and most princely families,
soiis and son-in-law have ever fattened in
office, and at this lime Harrison is in one
of the most profitable offices in tho State
owner of one of the most princely estates
in the West, extending for miles along the
banks of tho beautiful Ohio. As to his liv
ing, thero nover has been a day in his house
when his cellars were not only slocked with
well racked cider.but with the best of bran
dies and old wines. As to log cabins, the
only ones he has never been familiar with,
are those of his tenantry, of whom he has a
goodly number." Adv. and Journal.
Law The N, Y. Evaning Signal is
very severe on law and lawyer ; the first
they consider a species of gamblingand the
last a species of pick-pockets. One of the
principle editors is a lawyer, natural
inference, may not havo formed his opinion
from mere observation. Ledger..
A b((
- , corning mteimsrriafees b'etvcen
blacks, being beoro tVo Wasoaclutsetts
Legislature, ono ofthc mfmbcrs. rose and
delivered himself as follows
"Mr. Spuakcr-I fliaJ rote, ia favor of
this bill, simply because! do not .wish to
rlagc i
iwrxii persons 01 uinerenJ" color, it is
purely n matter of taste, aWiP nvy' fiierid
irom waniucuet ivisjias to marry a black,
blue or green wife, I am content that hd
should have full liberty in ni'diilgo' his pref
erence for cither colrfr. All I request of
him is, that when I happen to pay him a
friendly visit; at the' island, ho will not
ask mo to kiss hit milk and molastes thil-
More Steamboat 'fiiaaiteh-rThd steam
boat'Selma, Capt. .Ulqbd, vas recently
snagcd oii her way from New Oloans t'o
St. i;ouisl The piiiscngcrs and crew weie
savedj but tho iargq and .all" Jho baggage
was lost. Tho scene wasono ofgrcat dis
tress and peril ; and, many of tho famalcs
eio compollcd to leave tho wrockeu'vesscl
only half clothed. Several gentlemen
wero still worse off. The party remained
up to their knees in water all night, aud
were taken off in a steamboat next morning
The Itavel family were on "board and lost
111 cash.and dresses $20,000. 1 A Miss Car.
cus lost all her oarninas for the sndson. n n
aantcuse, by the disaster. Cargo estimat-
eu nt iuu.uuu tyinV of the J imes,
From tho'Tallahassie Star, 28th ult.
J he Jndtans at work, Theie would
seem to be ho end. t6' tiio'- incursions and
lepredations of our savage, foe. Lot iho
troops start a scout in Middle Florida, and
'.he enemy at once takes fool for the West,
and with a quickness ahnoat illusory, thev
are scalping and butchering on the banks of
me Jij-siacnicoia. Anon, mey return to
the very etronc-fiolifs of our army, and in-
vaucine sanctuary ol the cam o and lent!
11 - - - r
Ourdatcst intellfcenca hs'Ahvi a tram of j;'ov
crnmentwagonconsKnng'jjTTixTwas'can. mreu uy iwuive inuiaus, uetwcen Ports Mu
comb aqd Baker,- a fgw days ago, and one
sergeant mortally wounded.' A sergeant
was fired on near Fort the neigh
borhood of Colonel Davenport's? camp, and
Reaped barely with his Jifc; and also, that
In Indian camp had been discovered witfiin
nooutlotir milds of Colonel Robert Gam
m'.. -m ... : . - . .
wit; icauiL-uL-c, wiicio mey uau leu tnsir
fires burning, and appearances which indir
cated that some four or five cattle had been
laugMered. These depredations havo all
of where ihe troops are most thicklv station.
ui-en CQUimiliea 111 l ie itntncr'lato. virinilir
od in that portion of country which is con-
siuereu as most securely guarded I How
are those vagabonds, whippedjaTtfd sub
dired !.'VVW ask for inforraaiiofrTOV " -
Hip Philadelphia .National G.i'zulln of
v f i -
w eancsuay ovenimr ?avs. a woman errtolov.
. . . ' . - " -
en as nurse in a cnlomil futnilvTiimnil
G aines, nsidincr in Exchanie Place, is in
wu?iuujr mr iui9oning uircc oi tue cniiuren.
'I'lin ...I., ... -f ! 'I .
r. i i .. . .; .
,,iu Hiiminj ni mc lanuiy is ill, anu the
woman yesterday brought her a custard, de
siring that she would eal of it, which the
mother declined. Afterwards the custard
was taken to the children who ate of it
One of thorn, an'iufant two years old is now
lead, and a post mortem examination bus
been made. It is believed that arsenic was
put in the custard. Two other of the chil-
uren are dangerously ilj,
An xlra front the Austin (Texas) Ga-
zeltu, recetved at N,eV Pflaaus, contains a
letter written tq.liq,t;4jtf!r'.or tho Gazette
by an American in Mexico, stalinn that he
flow T)-,w.fl !M m wiumniniiii; in h nunc j aiCX'
ico. i ue circurnstauce CCtai ed rtven nn
air of plausibility td'theliffeirients.nnd ren
der it not improbable that the ito of the
Alamo is stil.aive. At -any rate the tnrv
mu:i iiuvu icci-ivcu cretin at muslin, or it
I !..-.! H. ' . i
would not have been published- as a coarse
jest or hoax on tho .very .spot almost where
thek heroic backwoodsman is supposed to
nave iuiicii. , -
A letter Irom New Orleans to the Hah.
Patriot says: "There is some excitement
about a curious transaction of our largest
commercial nouses, it seems that on Fri.
day Ust their notes laid over for the first
time, and on that day ono of the members
of the firm purchased about $50,000 worth
of cotton, whiclrhe was to payforin a dav
or two aficrwds;.ahd( as soon as the pur
chase was made, the cotton was again trans-
ierren ioj,anonier, at a low rate, for cash,
and Iho money from tha broken firm to the
orignal holder was not forthcoming. The
report is that tho case will b brought before
tue Criminal court.
JMsut Iature,--Tha last Alton nn
Telegraph gives an accounl of a couple of
monsters, which were produced on the 2-1 th
ult., by a sow belonging to a geht!cman of
innipiace. u no was a curiously formed
pig, with twd heads, the rest of ihn hn,U-
beiug perfectly natural internally and exter
nally. The other wa; a pig with ,ono head
and two bodies, still mpHlrjousTy form-ed.-
I he editor oflho Telegraph says he
has seen them, and Jl.yv.-.wic. -.the greatest j
""""," wniti, nave ever fallen under his
unly two member of ilii Mi..i,!n,r .j..
see a taw on tho statue, BuoIt;jygjilaipg. a
more mailer of aje,' (WafichJ consider to
bo the wholo qiiesllgn 'oY ihlermarriar'e he-
i3la.ure are uilim lo :
"TttOTH iTHbrr run ''
S.'jTUltD.IY, .11' ft IX, 18, 184(1.
Fon Prksidentv
Fort Vice President,
. AND Till!
Jameh CrUKi;, of Indiana, ?
Gr.o. G. Leipkr, of Delaware, 5
1 Col. John Thompson
IS Prcden'ck Smith
2 llcimmm Mifllin
13 Uhnrlc. M'Cluro
14 J. M Gcmmell
15 G. M. Hollenbnrk
10 Leonard i'foutz
17 John Morton jr.
18 William J'hilaon
18 John Morrison
20 Wcftly Froht
21 3cnj. Anderson
2 William Wilkini
FrcJerlcl: .h'tocver
Mm. II. Smith .
John V. Stclnman
John Donlin
Henry My era
Daniel Jacnby
Jesso Jolinon
Jncob Able
8 Goo. Cliristman
Wm. Shoener
23 A. K. Wiinht
21 Jolin Fimllry
25 Stcplicii'Lturlow
10 Hcriry OchiilT
11 Ilciuy Logan I
It is so seldom liiat wo meet in tho Dan
ville Intelligencer, with an article giving
praiso to any improvement out of that im
mediate ricinity, that we: copy with pleas
urot'the folfowing just and merited cooipli
ment to our neighbor of tho Roaring creek
Furnace. Although Mr. Best, in this case,
does not refuse to .pay duo deference ta
" lVaer Power" yet ho forgets to mention
the fact, that tho ore used in this furnace is
trausported from Bloom, nine miles, when
the works are located within four miles of
tho Danville ore, because our ore is so mucl
richer that it will bear tho additional land
On Monday last wo had the pleasure of
a visit to this improvement on Big Roaring
Creek, near the North Branch of the Sus
quehanna liver, in Cattawissa township,
The Furnace ;s to be drove by water, "and
a better scito lor the application of water
power could nowhere bo selected. The
slack is tho most substantial and beautiful
ono wo ever seen; it is founded on a solid
rock, and the tail race is cut through rock.
Tho buildings for the reception of ore, fuel,
&c. are spacious, and well arranged for the
comfort and convenience of tho workmen
when engaged in feeding the Furnace. It
is designed for thn uso of Anthracite as a
fuel nnd is just ready for b!ast;Jit will there
fore in all probability; bo the first Anthra
cite Furnace in blast, in Columbia county.
Thomas Bovlo & Co. aro the proprietors
of this promising enterprise, and the works
have been creeled under the Superintend
ence and direction of E. Y. Farquahr, Esq.
uiiu n .i uw aniiviiiy ungagcu in comple
ting the final arrangemonu-for business op--
Has was expected it.yrould,
in favor of the whigs, by a small majority.
Tim last Legislature of that state, passed a
" Registry Law," and it is said that about
5000 democrats refused to Register their
names and, of course were not allowed to
The Hon. Thaddiies Betls, United Slates
Senator, from Connecticut, died at Wash-
ington City a few days since, ,
A disastrous flood occurred at Johnstown
R. I. a few days since. A stream passin"
through town, upon which were situated
seveial Factories, Having becomo swollen'
by a heavy rain, a dam to a largo reset voir
gave way, carrying with it two or three
Factories, and several dwelling houses, and
drowning about 30 persons. Twenty of
the bodies have been recovered.
Up to Wednesday had not passed an up-
propnalion Bill. Every proposition having
been voted down. No action in the house
had been had upon the small bill law, none
upon tho apportionment bill. The Legis
lature were to adjourn m Thursday last, as
they had passed a resolution appropriating
money toioav thcniEAlt'Rn. ? iinn -1 .
Lih nnlv ii.,, l . . '- ; v
Irimr ho !
V-ufl bhXK PO0.&
J'h, tthtti on iho (va nf
fh clcciion, are very clwrnorous in thc.r Pro
fusslon of friendship for tic poorf d M.
tnhch of equality. They aie ready to take
a poor man by tho l.and-asSl)ti8,0 with
him fenst with him at . tho same table
they do not oiler him. the fragments," for
noihing is loo good for the dear p0r
They work for .i good', aud for his ao'no
But their whole course show that their pro
fess.ons aro hypocritical, like the Croca.:
u.,e s.iears, sued only to draw their victim
within their grasp, as their acts..hnr,.,,r,..' .
speak the language of the, ''slamf
hy, I am holier than Jljo.u." At any other
time, they arc not worthy to ,i.i. .I.-.
ruffle shirt gentry, when thev hav :,!,.
ed the meat, the poor may pick the bon-,T
um tragments" arc good enough for theirs
We havo been led into these remarks. I- i
jading the following accounts of theVnn.,
atation for a whisr festival.
1838,whichwo have clipped from a whh r.
per publibhed in this county, that year. Af
ter reading it, who can.dpubljtho regard the
whigs have for the poor, when they' ttr8Vo
willing that the bones left at choir foM.t
should be picked by them.
' The Ifhisr Festival nt nrr.,u
Wednesday must have been a m.Ur,.i!.i .r
fair. The arrangcmpnls for the i-nUW,,.!,,.
were of thu most expensive character.-i
The feasting and drinking also was to be up
on a grand scale. The following is aoartof
the Bill of Fjic:
1 Ox roasted whole: 1
Black Bear. do.
30 roasted Pi
do.; 2 ' Whole ho est"
100' do. Turftcya; 200 do. Chick, on ,it
Goesc; 30 Rounds Beef, 1200 pounds; 20
Rumps do-; 30 Boiled Hams; 100 Ue"ef
Tongue?; 100 pounds of Sausages; 200 do
Head Ohceac 2000 Loaves of Bread- 40
Barrels-Beer, 30 do. Cider; Butler; Choa'sc.
fee. in proportion. -
Minute Guns were fired during iho time
occupid in moving from the churches to tlio
Al evening, there was to be a general illu
mination of the houses, hotels, and stores
of such citizens as pleased.
Tho remains of the dinner were lobe re-
moved to tho Whig Committee room to be
bestowed upon the poor.
.."..uuiiiouia, i ue ucrnncraiie coq--vention
of this stale, have placed in nomi-'
nation For President, Manin Van Buron;'
Vice Presidont, James JC. folk ; Governor,-
Marcus Morton ; Lieut. Governor, Nulhan
WII1I3. .
Virginia, Tennessee
hare nomiuuted Messrs.
Polk. s- . ,
and Mississippi,
Van Buren and
Pennsylvania, New-York, Ohio, Ken
tucky, New Hampshire, Arkansas, Illinois,
Indiana and Missouri, have nominated
Messrs. Van Bnien und Johnson.
Al,viiama. Messrs. Van Buren .aud iting.
Gkokoia. Messrs. Van Bu.en and For-,
All these noninations aro to be submitted
to the Democratic National Convention,
which meets at Baltimore on the fourth of
May next.
In a suit to recover damages for ininrv.
done to a pair of horses hired to a party oi,
young men on the Sabbath, which was re
nenlly brought beforo tho District Court,,
Judge Siroud, Philadelphia, ordered a non-
suit to be entered oq the ground that con-
irans maue lor labor to be performed on, thev
Sabbath w'e'ro illegal.
T7r,i'n iMimwiPri
The IlARRisnuna Chroniclk. has Hiss
ed from the ownership of E. Guier, into .
the hands of Henry". Montoomcrv. Mr
Guycr has our hest wishes for his future
good lurk, in any occupation he chooses to
engage in.
British Squadron. .There aro now on-
the West India and North America station,
one lino of haltlo ship, n'mo frigates and. -nineteen
sloops, mounting fire hundred' and.
twenty-two guns, and manned by five thou
sand four hundred and ninely-six men.
More Specks of IJ'ar.'Vho Buffalo AN
vertiser stales "That instructions hasbeV ii-
given for the immediate erection of a lino
of black housep, extending from Fort Erie.,
oppoiite to that city; to Chippewa, dia
tatice of about 20 miles.
Definition. 'Lo2 Cnhin." A Ihrcei"
elegant whits, framed honso, from 80" iV
100 feet in front with numerous otii-lionse
in the midst of one of tho most beautiful
farms in thu Stale of Ohfo. Phil. Stated ;
Banks aro lo the commercial community
What drains are to ' the individual. 'They
sometimes may prevent a sudden failure ;
bul, if frequently resorted to, and lonr per
sisted in, they siimulate business only to
hasten its destruction. -
At s srile in Beaver .county, some days
since, a lot of Oats was hold at fourconts
per bushel ! Hay , at 50 cejiita per, ton Land (
Potatoes ot six. cent ner.Xusflei T-his,
hoM'ov wo