. ,..-,;.'..-.;'lt. V I ' '! THIS t hara f worn upo'n. tho Altarof Ootl, eternal noslltffy 14 every form of Tyranny over tho Mind of MW Thomaa Jcffonson. Printed and published by it webb. yoliliaie-'ilff. . ISlLOOMgESUMG, COIiTOSB2A COUOTTf, FA, SATHIXtjDrAY, AFMIIi IS, 1840. Nuzhbcr 51. Nik OPFl'CB Or THE DEMoCRATi i 5'frssiTit St. Pauih Cnvncii, Maih-bt. Vie COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published eben Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable '" yearly in'adi'ante, or Two Dollari Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year: "fi"6 subscription will be taken fdr 'a shorter period than six inonths.norany.dis'coh linuancc permitted, un'til all arrearages -are discharged. SD VERTI SEME NTS not exceeding a square will be cdftspuuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, end Twenltfive cents for c'uery subse quent mr.rtlon: IC7A liberal discount made to those! who wlvcr'tiie by the year. LETTERS addressld on business, must be post paid. A. VEN1TIAN STORY. It was tho carnival In Venice, and gayie y was at its height. Thfe Hdgc was giving his last ball, at the close of the merry sea son, aud the beauty and nobility of the " Isl- twd-throned-city" wero gathered in his princely halls. The masked crowd tlirong Ing tho splendid apartblen'.s, presented a singular appearance to the cubital spectator. Look beneath the gorgeous curtains of yon golden tall and powerful looking Turk, vo ry much as if ho were endeavoring to wean from heaved tho affections bf the sylph-like nun at his side T Or, mark yon holy fath er whispering spirtual comfort into the ear of the stalely duenna, bending to his words. And that harlequin dressed fortune tellci prophesying tho destiny of the full, volup tuous figuro whoso hand he holds. Why he must bo near sighted; or perhaps cannot see well tlirotigh his mask; for Jbcjk I ho bends lower add lower, and uow his mask 'is pushed to ono sidu fot a moment, as his lip presses the snowy little hand that trem bles within his own. Aha '. cull you that palmistry, seignor ? Apart from the motley crowd, in the em brasure of one of the windows, stood two maskers, both apparently! female; the taller was evidently ou the shady sidu of " sweet sixteen," if one might judgs from a rather largo and yellow wrinkled hand, which was exposed with an elegant carelessness that would have gone far to win the heart of an antiquary. Tho perfectly erect hack, and the curbcd-likc position of tho head, plainly ttlarked duenna. The other, a shorter and slighter figure, 'wrapped tn a plain domino, which served to coneeal.(as a dew drop conceals the blush of a rose) a full and rounded bust, tho gen eral outline of a most exquisite form, aitll 'from bonealh tho ibbu peeped forth, 0, such a foot ! It could Imvl- trod upcrt a violet, -' h'or bruised tlio beauty of its iierfumtd petals; And what lips rails t those hslve been 'which gave birth to tliose mellow Mined that murmured from behind tho mask 1 " Bsuedctta ! dos thou kuow yon gallant in the black doublet) leaning agaiust the porphyry pillar I See how the dark plume bf his hat is blended with those long jelly ringlets lint cluster over his shoulder. Is . lie not of a noblo presenco V " Holy Mother ! signorina," replied Ben Tedetia, my eyed would need td be as "young jjnd oven sharpor thai! thine,td pieixe sypn mask; nor neither do 1 see aught In tho $lain looking dress that might mafk a great ' liobility. Look to yon proud BruncHI, with all tho diamonds of his house glitter ing on his velvet trappings, looks he1 not ijravely!. See, tori JJIcsaed St. Cath- Vi'ino 1" cried she interrupting hor own el oquence, pne might as Well ho talking to ihe ugly old statute of San Marco there; It would give as much attention t least. Come, sjgnorinn, it is time wo wero depart ing, the ball will soon break up. They left tho window; but a the younger fiigurs glided along,, ore she vanished .entirely, she cut one. luoU at 'the pillajyiut It 'was.unpc , .".- ' 'a -- , 1 cupied, and With a half sigh she followed the duenna. The mask over, the- palace of tho doge was deserled,and the Lagoon thronged with gondolas. Italy showed bs dark a day as over Greenland boasted; Cynthia had taken this night to play Hecate, and probably tho stars were attending her, for not one of " tho angel lit lamps of Even," shed its tremb ling radiance on tho earth Tho dai waVfsof tho.Adriattc rolled, on, with a deep gushing sound, their course just show.i by the faint phosphorescent light of their foam ciowned tops, and night wore a veil of in tense darkness that was oppressive) to tho heart. The Lagoon was disturbed b'y tha ceaseless dash of bars, and the cutting sound of the prows, 1 s they moved through tho curling waves. narK mat crash ! e ganuoia his beer, crushed by .mother. A shriek rih through the stillness of the night; the clouds, as if pierced by its sound, suddenly severed a buvc, and the moon looked diruty down1 up on the datk waters, A gondola was swim iiiing dmid a confused mass of wreck. Up on its bide stood a tall manly form;the slight plank quivered as he sprang from its sid aud sunk into tlio dark flood; ho rose again and bearing sdmeihing, swam towards the bark; tho faint light of heaven served to show his burden; a young add fair gill was placed in tho gendbla, a pale, rigid, but ex quhntely lovely face; when placed Upon the cushions inside, the lamp showed thb form aud features of the lady; a long and flowing dress, saturated with the water, displayed the symmetrical proportions of tho former, and tho small snowy hand, and tho face 'shaddoweli by long wild tresses of i dark hue, although apparently insensate, pbtses scd that beautiful Ufa with which a clautc glows. , ' Blessed St.CathbriBe 1" sputtered some body iti the water, at. the side of tlio boat, " will he not help me 1" aud our old ac quaiutance Benedetto was assisted on board still (irmly grasping tho top of tho cabin that form the interior of tile Venitian boats After fnlly comprehending that she was safu, she began to look about, and after another invocation to St. Catherine, sh turned towards the interior of the bark, saw tlio apparently lifeless form of her lady and sprung to rovivo her. She was quickly restored, and soon, in her father's palazzo, dreamed of the faco of hihi who lad Saved herj for he had kncl beside her while assisting tho duenna, and as the life current began to tinco the lip of the maiden, he stooped and did something, I would not tell for tho world, but it re stored tho blood of that pals oheek to a miracle. ' About three or four weeks after tho com menccment of our story, in tho window of ah old castle, sat a beautiful girl, clustering tresses of tho dya of a rich, ripo chcsnilt parted simply over her beautiful brow, fell in wavy silken1 curls over Jier shoulder, shad owing one of these faces which wc seldom surf nut of sunny Italy; rather oval in shape with features cast in a beautiful, althoug not a perfectly regular mould, glowing with such an expression as Raphael must have dreamed of in imagining his Madonna. Her cheek had that delicate blush which th sfctting sun gives 16 a Snowy cloud) on her soft and perfumed lip, love mli;lit havo pi lowed his brow; and thought it his own birth-rose; but the brightest charm of that glorious faco was tho eye, d.-lrk; Soft, and in tensely bewitching, for her sotll beame from it. The purest spUlt might havo gar ed tlpon those orbs, as they melted into th softnmi fir ipariUed with joyous light, and worshipped them without sin. The heart on which ono glance fell, became that mo inent hers; and with that look would arise those dreams that mako tho bosom of al poetry, thoec hopes that glow wilh softness that piiitioii b'nly knows (hoaa spells tha) could taka 7" The imprisoned dout, A ml lap it in Elj tium." ! ' Behiijd h'erstood an od lady, wlios withered faco, twisted into a most deter'ain- j ato fault-finding look, when joined to the prim, old maidish air of the Whole body, plainly intro'duced Mrs. Benedetta A don't know who. " If I saw correctly', signorina," iai'd .be duenna, " they wero like mine, of a golden color." " For shame," cried the lady, " thine are red 1 and his were as dark as the plumage f the raven, and soft; and silken, for they drooped .'Upon my cheek when tho seijiv or " aud tho , maiden hesitated aud blush' ed. "Pressed his lips to lhinc,'rinishad Ben cdetta, ''a Bold undertaking truly 1 to data to kiss a eignotina ' Virginia Cotavallo. Blessed St. Catharine ! hail ha. attempted to do the like with me," added she', draw' iug up her prim form, still more primly and pursing up her mouth es if she were ea ting a crab-appte. "What wliulJst ihoU have dene ?" asked the lady. 'SerVed him as I did my lord's servant on the higllt of tlio eruption, when the pea santry were running all to the villa ; and 1 had Pone down fur a moment to speak to them, wten ilils Luigt- r-" Hush," interrupted the lady; ' as ihe chorda df a euitdr wero struck under the w'indow Scarcely was ttf'o song finished when, assisted by tha ielliswdrk placed near the house, a form', in alt probability that of the singer, sprang upon the balcony and coon, with its plilmed bdrinet doffed knell at the foot gf the lady i His figure seossed perfectly symmetrica! Lon tresses, " black as night," hng clus tering oh his shoulder, and warm and very dark: eyes looked into tliose ot uie maiden and ss her check sumiseu beneath his in tense gaze, he appeared like tho Persian kneeling tij-worship the.lst tosy blush of the settles sun. He attempted to taka her liandjwbsri sh arose .and looked about the room for het attendant; "but the duenna had vanished and when the handsome seignor murmured "Lady 1 dear Lady 1" and looked so iraplo nngly upon her, and wben she called an unusual frown to her fair brow: and then looked down into his dark eyes and frit that fading most rapidly away; what could she do 1 Why, sho did what any sensibl maiden would do in such a case, she smiled and sal down again. But scarcely had he sirain inurmured "Lady Vx when, witli such a jh'em" as waiting-maids and duennas alone can give Bqnedottii opened ihe door, aud puihing n side the hangings, ushered in an old gen demon, with a diamond top snuff bqx in his left hand, and a diamend hilled, dnshea Hied sword id his right. Tho maiden and lover started to their feet ; the old gentleman placed himself in fencing attitude and requested the youth to draw , he laid his hand upon his aword but demanded a moment' , parley, which advance his adversary politely answered by Shouting "bno." The youlh draw his sword in time to receive tho "Thice," ehb'uteil he of the diamonds, arid made a desperate plunge at his opponent who cadght the thrust in his guard. Whip went the' sword to the ccilling,' and the vie tor springing to the balcony, was coon like the gay young knight of the song; "Away, away, nwy," I'll Conte Contavalle,for it was no less personage than (he father of our heroins with a rather heightened contonr, helped himself first (o a pinch of snuff,and then to hid aword, that lay on the floor before him and thcri placing it under his arm with most significant "humph, ho idrneu to gaze upon his daughter. I ie lady stood with erect form, gazln with curling lip and flashing oye; on th duenna ; for the soul af woman was roused at the betray '; and the beautiful Italian with all ihe pride of her noble hne.stood 1 the proud uails ot nor lather, ihe verr ira personation of beautiful scorn. The attendant cowered beneath the eye of the insulted lady, and obeyed her htugl ly motion as aha waved towards the door carccly had she departed, whsn the raai-1 don; tho hill idea commi at onco npdu her. that sho of the line that had given mon- archa to Italy, the rep:eentalive of tho mir. nnalloved blood of the noolest familv fl 1! I... J L . I lier Clime, rus uciraycu, uiauitbu vj a i Ave : eivini way to Iho softer , feelinge of woman, sought i woman a refuge tears. The father waited patiently until ehe had . . 1 .1 , 1-1 - 1 " 1 become caira, aim men acmanueu an cpia- nation, The lady then describsd to her lamer. who had already heard it from his vaist, 1 who in turn had received it from the duen- mi. tvhn wn nnt Ihn best authority imairin- I able for arty thing' tho scene upon the j I lagoon , the crushlilg bf the gondola; sink I into ihe deep quiet waters, the sensations he experienced as they closed over her Ifead, the dreadful agony, the whole pain of death which can be known short of ac- tual dissolution, the call an Heaven, and Iho feeling that was all oter and then her anguago became milder and less si'sned, as sho spoke of her rescue from tho wave, of Iho gondola, of the fsrm bending over her; endeavoring to bring her back to ifo and liffht. and of her IianDV creims. -U- -, - IW ' 1 when restored to consciousness, and con- veyed to her home ; and then she told of the music and the eong, tad tho seignor springing on the balcony"and then you know, my dear father," added sho, putting and other places, in consequence .of .lha ex tier hands upon his shoulders, "and then ,ermiaaling warfare ,they are' constantly wag you Know, you lougni anu wero msarraeu, nil u4 i'Geioutr'lhtertupted her father, and departed muttering. "Uiavola ! tha young Pupkt I how daro he save my daughter ? and piolTer love to her, and disarm met which is the worst ef all." Tho road leading to the villa of Ciunt Co'ntavaUo, passed about a mile from tho dwelling, through a thick forest much in fested by banditti, This hoi-ftca'ded old count had summoned all his retainers, to endeavour to route them from the fastnesses ofthe wood; they had not proceeded vejy deep into the foiest, when a volley of three nr fm.r mutteti was heard.and the Count's v. . treops, with the characteristic 'bravery of the Italian pcisahtfy fled. The old nob e would havo scorfted to fly from a thousand banditti, and therefore of five men who advanced towards him : thev evidently expected an easy Tictory, and weie. therefore, somowhat surprised when the foremost received a thrust from the delicate rapier of the Count, which laid nm mi ! t on ihn irrnss ileail : tha re - .. .. ... mainiug four immediately set upen the old man, who defended himself stoutly ; but in vain; it was coin? hard with nun, when a voice behind exclaimed "Corpi di Baccho ! four upon ono ! arid he an old man ? cow ardsl" A pistol phot accompanying this, sent a second bandit to accompany his friend,, and a young man springing to the Count's side cut down anoilier ; the remain- ing two fled, and tho old man tutnsd to thank his deliverer. "Seigrior, you havo given me timely aid Corpo di Dio !" cried he, as io started at the handsome vb'u'lh by his side, "why I think wo've met before but it is not at all t my credit td remember the Tecontra ; you Havo shown good spirit to-dav ; come io ray villa, where I will giro you a good glass of old raontepuleideno that might warm the heart of an anchorite arid f.aik ye ! I like you ; and.you shall, if so please you, have my daughter, weae you tha poorest Sir in Christendom. That you are noble your bearing plainly shows." "But will the lady be quite willing 1" asked the cavalier. "Thoro is no doubt of It," answered the father, "who oonld resist one who sings such songs, if he has more over saved the life of the listenes. For thai too I have to thank you, but come a long." Thoy reached the villa, and ero long the beautiful valley was gladdened by the nup tials of the signorina Virginia Contaville and the young Priuce Pampili Borghese. 1 " ' f " " Birds, Canktr Worms. I see it slated in your paper of Friday, that tho probablg reason why thocsnker worm commits small ravages in Floh, is found in the care witli which ihe birds are protected. . I was re-. .fi. !. t).l.i.'.' t ;C nf utiuuuu ui t ivuiatb m jl & auuij a hm w Wilson : "Ho enters into a deliberate calculation i ... .... of tho exact valuo ot tho services ot tne rea- winged blackbird, which certainly bears good reputation on mo iarm, enawin A ' . .. 4 . .' i allowing a single oiru liny iubccis a which would be a ehort allowance, glo pair would consume 12,000 l fow months, and if there are a million of pairs nr itii.cn Viirrtu in lUn TTnitnit Stitpn. tha s- ...pw - w.... , . mount cf insects is less by twelve thousand millior9, than if the red-wing were exterrni- nated." Loi any person during the brood-i jn- season of robins or other birds, fase byj break of day and count tho number of times 0u 0Qea return in one hour with worms and insect9, or, if he can, let him count ihrougli ,Ue jayf ind (he dumber will be foUii'd to bd impas-iaraost incredible. The practice of killing? uiuU ror mere amusement is not merely in- dicative of cruelty and want of feeling.bul B exceedingly detrimental to tha iulorssts of .i.. : VUU LUIIILUUIIUJ . J . 1 ,i I AruL now that I am upon tho subject of inseot5 an(1 worras,let me add that there is a very unreasonable preiudice aeainst toads. They are exceedinclv valuable in fiardine ;ng againsl bugs and woria, Anjr persoff I. a - t t i - . itvhnhiiihm in hia ryftrripn nns & ireasunn lher. . ,nd :'f ho walch ibem closelv.hel will find there accomplishing more in tho way of preserving his squash and en cumber vines and other vegetables than he does with all his troughs of liquid. Bot' w ton Courier, i - .i "fadMING THE! DELICATE. Yfe saw a cotipla of yellow daikies on Sumlay, a stout boy and his sweet .heart, and tho way they tortured the Queers Eng- lish would have given Dr. Johnson the hys- terics. They were returning from church, and as wo passed them, the " fair nigger," l , . . s. who was resting Ian;guishingly upen Sara bo's arm, exclaimed, : . . " V 0K fl : aai 8 nc De7 " I t J J.J S? wuar at gen iman uisiracicu one o my teef." " Whcoh ! you doesn't say bo, Misi tic-. sella I "Yes, but I does though." " Poor t"g ! Dib'nt pe operation gjb you uncommon scruciationl" I T4T-. i t r..:...l . - 1 " iioi ucrry. i oiny laiowu hcb wiuo, and the doctor gib me camGre and fotch mo too. You ebec had any ob you teef sacri ficed, Sambo 1" .t "lYes, dear, seberal I" " i . , "And did'nt you swoon like I did 1" "Neber, not tho fuss time." 'Da's bekos you belong to.de hard seek! If vou was soft, like I is, you would iiau' fainted, ohua." Oh, Miss Rosetta, I believes you speaks ihe truf. When I comes to disiraet your soft tenderness wul my hard disabilities.den 1 make stra.vagant spressions, iJit it you'l allow me de solicious pleasure ob prcsen- ting the painful subjeck on which we's becri taking for a more lubly, teem ?" We'cra off then. Picayune'. Slander. 'Agsinst slander there is no dofonce, Hell cannot boast so foul a friend nor man deploro so fell a foe. It slabs witli a word wilh a nod wilh a shrug willi a look with a smile. It is the pestilence1 walking in darkness spreading contagion far and wide, which' the most weary trav- clef cannot avoid it is the poisoned arrow whoso wound is incurable ? it is the mo: tat sting of tho deadly adder : murder its em ployment,' innocence its prey,' aud ruin t'tfl iport.' Passion is a sort of fever of tho rhindf, which ever leave us weaker ihan it found us, But, above all, observe it ;itt resentment,' for there passion li CBQBt esttttragaut. LjT M m V.