SEVJS.V MtE.tSOA'S WStf DR. I.EIDY$ ."Mv&tPKLLi ul6od P1LIM, gtHOULD receive oprcfcrenco over nil Pills now 'fl existence: e'irst -ilecauso they ore composed of Vegetable nxtrrwu, frco from minerals; anil may I taken Ht nil timea with perfect safety by young nnd old, with" tool rest mint from occupation, temperate living, ot tour of taking colli. Bocnnd. Because they arc composed of such medicinal cttracti. as liave liern employed liy all Ui J tn st celebrated and respectable Physicians for more thin n century past, in purifying the lllood nml A.ii'iial (lu'nl of tin body. ThirJ Becauso they may lie employed ns a milJ or active purgative, according to the quantity taken, and their operation will not lie attended with griping of the bowels, sickness at tlio stomach, prostration of the system, die., is are produced liy other nilU. Fourth Because they possess a combined action, not toe.nrd by any othvr pilk niixtuioor prepar ation whatever. Their first effect is in correcting all impurities witli which the blood and fluids of the liudy may le H!l'ctcl. and by their gently opera tive effoct, removing tmU impurities Irom we sys tem. fifth Because they nre the terror of Quacks anil Importer, for most persons nro obliged in lak the Sarsaparilla Blood Pills. a?ter taking their vile nd dostruc.ivo nostrums, to counteract and prevent their mischievous and baneful effects. Sixth Because they nretho only pills in which Fhvsicuns hive sumi lent conlulenee to recommend to "their patients, and employ in their practice, as tney Know luey nre Aim iuac. anu muiuiw. Ami Hiltious a well-aa a cood and safe purgative I end purifier of the Blood and Animal PluiJs. naventli ami lal uuinoi mo icasi important, be borause they arc prepared liy a regular A pome- ears nod PI Plusum, ntte.te.l nv un, I'liysic, arr ner. Chapnuu. Dewees. James, Gibson, Jackson Caxe. Hare itcSse., which alone is bufiicient to entitle them to great confidence. fJartilieates all 1 Itocom ncuil itinns from Phyrd' f inn! an 1 othcra accompany the directions around each box. tCJ" Price Twtnly Five Cents a lhxA Prepared only and sokl Wholesale and Retail at Dr. LBIUY'S Health Kmporium, No. 191 Noith Hivond st, a few dojrs below mo street, I'iulailel nhia. also, sold bv J. Gilbert & Co., North Third street above Vine. G.8. i'Ac ncilf. do 3J do da Wood st. J. R. Smith & Co. d.t 2.1 do next tho Red Lion, and all respectablo Wholcjalo and Hctnil Druggist'ii in Philadelphia. They are alsa sold by: J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Rohrcr. do do W. Eberman I.itir. J. W. Oakly, Reading. J. B. MoierAIIentown. I. Pomp. Illstoii. At I x ia-jirvip'atiMitchintj anJ Drujisui in the UniiedStates..-" For sale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg by I), ts. TUUIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1839. II. iOMMONIC VT.rON How feivthey are that happen to bo afili'cted with Coughs or Colds pay attention to them. How many thousands from such neglect shorten their days, and hasten their it hil dini-ilutinn. Parents neglect them in their chil dren, anil thm form tho foundation lor Comunip- lian, an 1 hundreds of parents annually follow t'leir own children t.i the crave, having dieJ from some affections of the Ureal ami Lungs, which wcic neg lected in their first atages. Ooiighiau.lColda, whether existing among young or o!d,otight at all times be attended to early, and not su'l'red to continue any length nf time, fur the Lungs once dueuled.tuseasesoon makes rapid strides. cndi-ig in the most fatal of all diseases, namely Lon- sumpuon. Ux. BKCHTER'S PULMONARY PRESER VATIVE for Couzhs. C'oUs. CaUirh, Influenzas. BhirtiieWot Breath, Vhop!ng Couah, Pain in the 13 realtor iUc, all alfectinn of the Breast and Lungs, and arrcat of approachiiug (Jonsumption, i the rajjt pinular meJuinc used throughout nil uer ma v is bcmini em illy popular in the I'nitcd States, And hn esUblislied fur ltsolf a reputation not posteised by any other medicine for the same claas of diseases. (Sec ccrtthcalcs nml rccomnien dations from Parents. Phvsicians, and others, accom n iniui the directions.) It is a preparation perfect ly aafo an J hirmlcsa, pleasant to the taste, and may be given tJ the vounscst inf'iit. It U warranted free from mercury and the minerals, and U a prepar. itinn of a regular Apothecary and Physician, atlef' ted by Dra. Phvsie, Chjp.nan, Gibson. Jackson Horner. Uewees. Coxc, Janiei, &e. a circumstance alone fuflL-ieiit tn indutc a trial of it Dr. N. U. Leidy, Proprietor of the above mcdi cine, confidently recommends it to all, and assures all most positively that it is an invaluable n edicine nnd would not himself recommend it, but for it, known cflicacv Prepared only and for naleWholcialc anil Retail at Dr. LEIDY Health llmponutv, fto. lai iNortn tiocoiid street a few doors below lt:o street, l'lulo odelnhiii also, sold bv J. Gilcert & Co.. North Thi'd street abov oVinc G. S. Clemens, do 3d dj do Worn' kt J. R'. Smith & Co. do 3d do next the ltcd Linn, and by all respectable Whu!fsale and Ketui Uruggists in 'hiiaiicijimu. Thoy are sold by: J. F Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Rohrcr, tlq da. W. Elwrman Litiz. J. W. Oaklry, Reading. For sale at tho Health Emporium Bloomshurg by I), a. TUUIA8, Agent. DR. PFIRLIMI'S Compound Tomato Entirely FegtiaMe, A ne v and inviluablc Medicine foi all iliercafcs iiing fro n iinpitnties of Hie Wood moron! secre tion nflha liver and stomach. Also, a Niibstitute for ci'lomcl, as acluthnrtlciu Fevera and all billjyus disea'flt. The) popular pHU combining a newly diseor rret A'kallne substance extracted from thu '1 0.M A TO PLANT, wilh other vesetalile substances which havo been found to modify and iliffusn ilt ef- fo.-t ', aro iHilicved to bo the bett AHcrallvo and Ca. thartio M Uieino ever dmcoveied. lrr orilitniry family p!iyic lliry nrn utii cr:illy npjuove.I, its tlio heat ever ofiViril. A full aivoiiiit ril liw Aleuicur, nml nit nirrntii c-rtiliualcs frnm physicians nml other, ur.iwiitp.any well box. Just receircd and fur nam nt tha new Drug Store by J; iMOY-EK, 4gcnt. Aug. if. THE IlKSUUllECTiON Oft,. PERSIAN PSiLlLS. Irrcnton to Tnr.HrniU!r,CniSiiiTii's,ErVs It.tnUM PcnoATlvs. the Matcuwss (priced) Mvhativk, or any other pills or compound before (ho public, as certified to by Physicians and others. Let none condemn them until they have tried tlicm, and then we are certain Ihcv will not, It is now a settled point wltti all who have used Hit! cgctalile Persian rills that they are ptc-eml. ne.itly the hct and most cAtcni-ioua Family ftleilt cine thitt has vet lieen used In America. If every family could I rcomo acquainted with thrp Soer cign power over disease, they would keep tl.em and lis prepariM with a sure rrmedv to apply on Wo lira appearance of disease, and then how much distress would be avoided uitd money Ktved, as well as the lues tit thousands who are liurnnl out ot tunc ny neglecting disease in its first Ma sop, or by not being in possession of a remedy which they can place uc pcuucncu upon. The Resurrection, or Persian Pills. The name of these pills orginnted from the cir cumstance of the medicine being found only in tho cemetanes of Persia. J his vegetable pinduction being of a pcculiai kind, led tn experiments as to ita medicinal qualities and virtues, . in hall n ccn tilrv it became an established medicine for the dis eases of that countrj". The extract of this singU' lar production whs introduced into some parts of Lu rope in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated Physicians in curing ivitain disrajes. where nil nth- er inedicinM lus been used in vain. Early in the ymr i n, uie eiiran mu romninBi wun a renin vegetable medicine' imported from Dura Bacn, in tho Hast Indies, and formed into Pills, Tho admir ante cueci ot mis compound upon iiiontiman ys- tem, led physiicans nod families into its genera ujc. Their lung established character their univer sal and healing virtues, tho detergent and cleansing qualities of their specific action upon the glandular part of tho system, nre such as will sustain their re putation and general use in tho American Repub lic. CERTIFICATES. I certify that I have, by way ol experiment, used the liygean, and mojlnf the rarious kinds ol Pills in my practice, which have borne the highest repute rn the public estimation, that have liccu otlereil lor sale in this vicinity fur the last live years, including those called the Resurrection or Persain Pills; and the public may rest assured that none among the whole catalogue has answered a better purpose, as an easy and clfectuul remedy, thin the Resurrection or Persian Pills, in must cases of disease. Ciuklfs Baches, M. D. Rochester, N. V. Sept. 21, 1837. TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. Chaje & Co. Gents. Hearing much said about the extraordinary efltcts of the Resurrection or Peruiau J'ills, upon those nbcut to become mothers, wc were induced to uitke a trial of Ihcm. My wife was at that time the mother of five children, and had oufleied the moat tedious and ex cruciating pains during and after her conlinemcnt of each. She had tried every means and taken much medicine, but found little or no relief. She commenced taking the Persian 'ills about three mouths befiro her confinement (her health being ve ry poor ubout this length nf time previous) and in a sh irt time sho was enabled by their use to uttend to the cares of a mother to h ;r family until her con finement. At the tiln. she commenced taking the 'crsliin Pills, nnd for several weeks picvious, she was afflicted witn a ibv h.irJ couzh, and f.-equent fcveio cramps, which tho use of the 'ilia entirely removed before using hnll a liox. It is with the rrcatest confidence that wo advise nil those about to hccnmo mothers lo make use of tho Persian Pills. All those that h-ive taken them in nnr neighbor hood have got along in the same easy manner, and are about the house in a few days. There docs not appear to be half the danger of oilier dangers setting in after confinement, where theso Tills are taken. We unitedly say ,let none neglect taking th-rni, for they are in tiie reach of the p or ns well as the rich. Wo are truly lhankliu that there ta a remedy which females can r.-uily procure which tends to lessen the world of suffering, which many of them h ive to bear, and perhaps save thclivca uf thousands which won) J otherwise bo Inst. Roihestcr, May 14, 1833; corner of Cullidonian square. Uilinburg street; lor lurthcr particulars sec sub.-criucrs. 8, RoBStlTS, Ays O. ltour.riTS. RncilESTsn, Sept. 21, 1838. Messrs. E. Chase & Co. I think it my duty -to let yon know what a great cure vour pjU have performed on me I had been s'rk about 7 ves about 8 years nnd n half con fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurable, with Consumption, by twelve physician of tho first standing; my lungs were seriously nlfectctl; I had 3 ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry mid harsh most of the time; my liver was much swollen, and my ttomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever, and night sweat, nruompanieil with ovtrcme irntn hlencii of the ncrvouj system, and othei difficultica whWi I f jrbear to m intion. After I was given over, I tried alinut all medicine.) which were advettined, liuttono advantage, until I tried your Vegetable Persian 1'ilu. 1 began to gain in a shor'. tune niter I commenced taking them; and, to le brief, before I took 3 boxes, I was able to ride out and to take con- sidcrablo exercise, and at this timo I enjoy good health, and am able to do good day's work. If nny noo wiihfH a more particular history nf my suiter ings, ho may call on me, at the corner of Main at d Clinton-streets, Rochester. RUBY ADAMS. Fits Conrn The undersigned herebv certify. that we are the Parenta of two children who havo icon afiiictcd with fits more or leas from their infan cy, and that we havo spared no pains or expense in endeavoring tn effect n cure, but without any bene ficial elleet, unjil hearing ol the Insurrection or Per ijii Pills when four lioxia were immediately procured, and before three luxes were take.i, fie fits had abated iu frequency, and cvciy sym-! loin inii'li improved, and now wc are luppy tu I ,tato that our ehildjeu by the uso of the Persian , Pills, with tho blcssiug of Cod, are entirely cured, ) and have no symtom or appearance or tits, will find tl the Persian rills a suro and perfect cure. JOHN & MARTHA JOHNSONt Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1837. The above pills may bo had of tho following a- gents John Moycr, Bloomshurg; II. Miller, Uer- wick; J. Uooper & bons, llazclton; u. ilortman, Espeytown; John Shirplcaa, Uuttawlssa; l.ynian riholisr, Danville. Ezra Taylor, agert for he Stato of Pennsylya. niu residing at Kociyxitar N. Y. tu whom all ordcrj can bu nddroweJ " The life of lltrjlesh is in the blood,' so sttith the scriptures. Leviticus c. xv ti vii. R. LEIDY'8 BLOOD PILLS. What Utter (hail scripture testimony can Wc have of the ile of the flrah depending upon the condition of the Wood ! u impure or diseased, the llesh must of course be diseased thereby, and tho whole sys tem partake of such dircase if the doctrine l.e true, and there is Hot n doubt of it (for it Is n fact acree. ded to by all, that thu scrlj turns, are true beyond a doubt,) then it behooves us to guard against the consequences of such impurities, uuJ ihus ptffCtve the flesh In lillhy. Iflhefeih I c l eollliv, ci uslj tu'in,g us it does the principal portion of the human jody then must the whole body be healthy. In vegetables imhj rtn wc tinu the mrdiciuc where by all liupurilies ot tho blood may be removed. I pwards of one hundred years experience of the mot celebtnted. the. wisest and best physicians have proved c-cituiu vcgetablea to jkisscss purifitig proi crties. 'J'liiwo vegetables will nut here be named, and Di, Leidy wishes tu remunerate himself, and profit by the long, laborious, and costly experiments necessary to be made, that the active principled of those vegetables might retracted and reduced to such firm as makcj ihcm easy, safe and pleasant to be taken. Thee vegetable arc contained in the Justly cel ebrated Blood Pills, uiiiiiufaiitiircd only by Dr N. Leidy, a regular Diuggut mid Physician, attested by Drs. Physic, Chapman, laihso' , Horner, Gibaoa Dcwrcs, James, Hare, Cox, Ac. Tho above Pills may be employed as n mild or active purgutive. 'Their action is easy, nnd may bo employed by nil persons under all circumstance. 'They will at all times be found serviceable, when the least sickness is present. They require no change, of die , restraint from occupation, or fear of taking cold from their ur.e. They aro daily prescrib ed by numerous physicians; certificates of the fnct accompany the directions. They are the most nil'ec live purifier nf the blood and other fluids of tho hu man body ever discovered. Persons having nnce used, will ever aftct, as occasion may acquire, have rcsotirso to them. Price Twenty Five Cents a box. Sold by all respectable Druggists and Mcrihsnst throughout the Union, and in this city only at Dr. Lcidy's Health Emporium, Second btrcct be low Vine. J. I!. Smith & Co.'a 2d st. near the Red Lion. J. Gilbert & Co.'a 3d ilbovo Vine. C. Clemens' Ntitlh 3d nbove Wood. F. Klett'8 2d and Cnllowhlll. For i ale at the Health Emporium Bloomshurg by D. M, TOBIAS Agent. Bloomshurg July, 13, 1S3U. U. MARSH'S SUPERIOR PATENT f CjlHIvStl Tliwscs nre inminy particulars, on no entirely new plan, and their advantages over nil other Trusses, have been attested not only the most respectable of the medical I'.irultv, but by the actual experiment of llioc atllictcd with the disease which they are intended to alleviate. The mist eminent Physicians upon nu examination nf tl:h 'Truss, arc so derided as to its super! iritv. that they havo cheerfully and voluntarily given certificates tn the proprietors to be laid More public. For sale by D. S. Tobias J gent Health HmjJO'iuiu MILES' COMPOUND EXTRACT OF TOMATO, A vnlunhle Mr iliriitc. fur which the suh-w-rilnT liiia just trrriveil thn nccticy. A small Mipplv for sale nl Ina cstitlilisliiiu'iil. JOHN U. MO YElt. Dec. 7. TTOIIN R. MOVER hai received; in addition to Cy his former o-lcimive supply of Medicine UK. JAYNliS EXPECTORANT u euro for Coughs, CohD, Consumption, llrnnrhitcj, Spitting of bldoJ, Asthma, Whojping Cough, and all other pulmonary nfli'dions: DR. JA'NES HAIR TONIC, for the pveser vntion. growth and restoration of the Hair, When properly applieJ, it never fail to pro..uceNi;u' Haiu on Bald heads. ALSO A Celebrated Medicated Vegetable Cough Syriip, f ir the cure of Cuu,-lu, Inflatnation of the Chest. iSce. &r. Fresh fruit, Orancc, Raisins, Pruns he, just received and ofl'jred for sale very low, enmpareu with former prices. Blannisburg Manh 14, 1840. JEW AV2B'S on HEBREW PJLASTER AN oxirnnriliiiiirv rnntfily fur LimmI itifl.i. iTtiiliini, srliroll'iilntis siflVt'titiiin, Kin-eil. liiilamniiirv nnd Ohriuiic Hlieuui.ititiiii Ciont, llenil-iiehf, ticrifiim tii(iili-!irlii,1 pain in the Hih'. hip, hark nml limbs. Wciih. Whim swfllina, tumuurs, siilf juinis ftu, Sii'.&r. The snhsi-riher lias just rrrrived a small supply of the nlinvc Mriliuini', with iiiinipr tms reriificati's of runt prrfur'Ufil, with t!i rcTiioiis lor nsini; tho saipp. JOHN li. .MOVER, Agent. Dloninsbiirg Feb., 20 1840 24 hnxrs hiincli RHisnns. hnjsi's cliisters lini- jirit e Raisons. 2 hnxef EnrtippHti Onrrnnis. 12 boxes hunch Itnisoits expressly fur fam- ini!!i lorsi.rjj per box. 12 hnxes Ili'iriitL'. 500 il'f soft shf II Almonds. 1100 do. Kill.nrts. SOU lb. lOtiL'li.h WalnulB. E d... Unrk Onnily. 24: J'fiiiieB hi'si'and chenp. 21 haps (iriMiml Nuts, Snpnr stick of nil kinds. Sluvinj! Imxes. Shiivinj; hrusliss. U tlifTi-rtstit kinds of shaving soaps. All lur aie at Tobia Htallh Emporium. FURTHEH CXDOUBTED R0bF5 THAT THE LIFD PiLLS AND PHE Nia; BIT! DRS are cxi client fan i y Mcdlcinej. Tho proprietor of these Mcdirints cannot too deep ly iu press upon the public mind the high iui) or tanco of nu early or timely attention Id sound health There nre vcrj many in this roinmhnity whodi not appreciate good health, until attittked by aorni violent disease, when they think they must inimcdr atcly send for a ph sician, and In coiiccqtience, they are perhaps confined to their beds foi wi. k, or evil months. Almost every one is lialilolb bo unwell a,, times, and by neglect of proper treatment of ihcm-' selves, on such occasions, it is very often the" ease that n sevcro attack of disease Is the consequence. Such results may be easily avoided, uud chuuld Le; and it is in n great measure the ol jeet of Mr, MOl- (AT, that his publirntiim should continually re mind Mich persona of their danger. The following IctlFM go to show that the Life Pills and Phenix Bitters arc not only excellent family medicines, but that they will, in very many instances, supercede the necessity of calling a phisiciati. The principal office is at U7 BronilwiiY. w.crcthotisnhds of im liar letters to Mr., may ho examined. The follow ing letter M rrttived from a gentle man who. a fevV mouths rsilice, purchased some ol the Life Medicines for the ute u; his family, and a few of his friend, t Naprli, N. Y.. July 27, 1378. ' Mr. V, B. MolTil Dear hir The'l.ife Pills nnd Phcnix Bitters burpass every medicine 1 have been acquainted with. In every instance where it 1ms been usv'J, a benefit has been derived, and every person is ratisficd. Ol) man, troubled with n scrol ulous humor, has been all hut raised from the dead. Another crson, n femnlo who has been unable to leave her roum for the last two years, has been re etoied to health. Another troubled with mire throat for more than a year, and also a hunting Ecusstiau iu her stomach and bimls, win completely cured by Ihrec doses of your Pills. Another, troubled with a eevere nervous alTcclion, attend with dyspepsia ami cun tinned hcad-achc, nnd was so icduced as to be unable to leave her bed, whs, by the ijeo of one box of Pill nnd bottle of Hitlers, o for restored us lo l able 1 1 attend to he,' domestic concerns, And lastly, nn ncquaintaiire of mine, has by the use of a lioltteot liiltcraauil two hoxesof I ills, hecnmetla n perfectly si mid nnd healthy man. Ho had lx'tn laboring under a complication nl dieuoi for the last five y airs. I could mention numerous other intt ancen, I ut these nre sufficient to show the clfrcts of the modicins upouji tew of my neighbors and friends. Your obedient servant, Crftvs TiiActiKn. The following is part of a loiter written by a ri n- tlsman in the country tj Iin brother in this city, frnm whom he had received a bos of Life Tills uud Phcnix Bitters: Thompionville, Conn.-, Juno 20, 1838. Dear Brother I embrace the present opportunity of writing you a few lines. I receiveil the Life rills nnd I henix timers vou sent me for which I can never thank you enough, as they havo proved, I hope, a (effect cute to inr. I had for two years' lieen troubled with a tevcic rum in inv ride. I im plied to all tho doctors iu ibis neighborhood, but got no relief until I took the Pills uud Bitteri you sent me. Since I have tcUcn them I have been as well as cvef 1 was iu my life. 1 otira allectiu atelv. lHvrn McUill. The following in a copy of a letter from Terrc name Indiana Mr. W. BiMoilat Dear Sir I wroto vou a few lays siucn slatlug, briefly, tho quantity of Life Pill una rneuix miterr, i siiotiiii uunt tin; coining pc:i son. When I accepted the agency of this Medi tuiotnJune list, (ullhough your upplieatio.i w.iti accompanied by documents, attesting llie great ben efit nf this mediiine,) ! lud no e wtiiuoii that it wrul I equal the demotion ghfn of it, or Riu such ietifrnl HntisLirliriri 114 1)11, nt r.lrir,i,nt .1! I". n inoiishs lias proved. I can only nny that all v. hoi have ucd it bear testimony of its i;reat vah.e uud ! ' rfiincu.'y. I know of no intlaiico vsheru il Inn been thought iu the allghteM degree injurious, and, even thoso nho nreufilieed beyond lnq o of euro, bear testimony of its salutary influence upon tin ir general health. The great and iiieroasing demand fir this article is the hot assurance of its Usefulness, mid I would not wUh'tu bu without it for u niuglo day. Iles 01 tfully, youiu, J. F. Ki.vo. 1 he following is a copy of a letter from u Inly nt Eat Lyuir, Connecticut, to Mr. Muffus agent: has. l.ymc. Uotin., May fit It. lai'J. Mr. Bradford Sir In regard to Lrr. W. U. Mof nlV Lilo PilU und Phcnix llitteis, I can trulv sav from experiemc, fiey aro the le.t medicine I havo any kiioledi;i' of. Ineii'iliblc as it may appear, I have fur eight inunths earrrly Ikth able to walk a- rna n room, one month could not feed myself, had he attendance of the best of physicians for months, nice mid twice a day have taken Patent Medicino is fir ns direc tions woulJ permit. Also, u cclebra.' led Doctor's prescriptions nil of which lua been a nurse of the grcr.tesl perseverance I was capable of. Vet I have received no morn than privrnt ic lief; to give a similitude ot my aull'eilngi is index- Winnie, t et I will wmIo the syinlniiis of my ilia ae. For ten years 1 hao uullVii'd witli n nervous iiriTlmn in my head and fare; .1 place ns large as a 'land in the left side of my back, connecting the dinulderdesoribiil; a Kcnwition of soreness, firquent 'y brramn in cold as if life li'id depaited. In July, IH30, in cnnsripiencr of overdoing, taking a hard old, I was seized with n liumbne.i in the nvstnm. Iiiiiiness, flatuleiii'v, pain in the head, voracious nn. .elite, and nt timet deficient apprtlie, great l"fs of nuscuiar on er.paiiiin the let; side also in the shoul der and arm to the greatest extent, palpitation of mi- man, Hai lll-ircss ill 1110 liai'K gll IWIIlg in I lie lornach when empty. presm re aftermcals. amount, ing almost to aulfiKMtiiui.strieture aerosa th breant, sore ttirntt; also n tickling, nttendod with n coin-iil. ivecnugh, spitting of puililent matter, nisht sweats. cold feet nnd hands, foct.-d breath, rnstivuiiMs, piles, 01 memory, oii,-ciiou ni (.igiit nml hearing, diz inesa. deafuesd, tho mind bocnniB tliMgreeabJes not nictitioned, which ranred great wrikiiefs, kc. i nappuy, ami can tnilv say, that by tha blessing of Heaven, and thn roslniativo proper ties or the Lifo PilU and Phcnix Bitter4, I nm re. smred to health', which no other medicine could do. Your, Ac, Isabella A. Rogers. East Lyme. Conn. For additional particulars of tho nbove medicines see Moffat a "Good Samaritan." a ropy of which accompanies tho medicines! a enpv can bo obtained of the different Agenta who hate'the medicines for sal?. French. Cermin, and Spanish directions can ts usiamcu on uppiicai on at 1110 oihice, 370 Broad way. All post paid lctiora will r reive immedialo a(tn lion. Prepared nnd sold by William B, MniT.t. 375 Broadway New York. A liberal reduction maJo uiuso wno purcnaie to sell again Agents. the Life Medicines may also b8 )3dof mo principal uuggtits in evrry town Ihrnuilioutthe 1 ,1 ' n..7l ate" aml 11,0 nadm. Asls fir'MoirmV ,Llto PiIJs and Phcnix Bitters; and be urr that n fac simile nf John Moffitlbignaluro la upon the al.rl m Qirn nntuo or Miters or box of pilk p0f wle at fobia a Health Ecinorium. B!oouu.!inr. GREAT ARRIVAL FROM N. YORK PETERS" VEGETADLE PlU.f. ' ORD then nln millions of boxes of thtwj eelebrntcd pills have been told in tho Unl- eu oimra since Januury 1E30. Hundred nnd thousands birrs the (lav tliry 1. ome a.quaintcd with Prters' Vegetable pills, Vfhle, n eoii'cqurnro of their cxtraordinaty goodncss.hava ittninc I n opulatity unprecedented In the histotv if medicine. When taken according lo the directions accom ranying them, they nre highly bencfiirisl in tht privlntion mnJ euro of bilious fever, fever and a. .tuc, djfpejula, Turr com) Ininls, tick head-ache, juunUii c, nkllimn. tl.rtitnatirm. erdargemeiit of the spleen, piles colic, ft male obMiuctiunn, hcailbum, urred tongue, unticen, dhtcirloii of the ttcmith' ind bowels, Incipient dinrrhrcs, flatulence, habltust Hislivcnesi, loss of Hpjctile, blotihedor thnllow eomplcxioti, and in oil tascs bf torpor of the bow.' els, where n cathnrt'c or an aperient is ntcx'ed. They nre exceedingly mild in iheir opeiation, rW, ducing neither nitisf a, griping, nor dibility, and tiS ronseqti.'iico of their ANTDUILlUbS QUALI- 'TIES, nre tho liostof nlf remedies in pcsrlet fever, f.vcr afid rgue, bilious fever, mid ttl! dlsenies whicht , hive tlPlrof rn it nciuini Ution of BILE: lo a oid Dr. y'cter' pills ere the pieal bi.ioua antidote,' antl with a supply of them all bi!iou3 .-inactions coif t.ckepl nt a d HEAC-ACHD, SICK AND NERVOUS. Those who have suffered and nto weuy of snflV." ing from these dt-gljoylng complaints, will find a 'etcrv' VegetaMe pilla a remedy at Onco certain ami lmiucdlatc In its effect. In imi'EpaiA They stand unrivalled. Many linve liccn cured in' a few weeki, ifier havin.i sulfered Under this dread ful complaint fr years. '1'ho world Is vastly out of tuns, And seems beyond corrcctimi; But I'ea apsllthat very roon Will make it till perfection: Will fooii exp'l disease tnd pain, Hp none (hall Lc afflicted; And then ulrtllrurc all ills amain, To whiih men arc uddittcd. 0 would you knew this tceurge of ill), So various nnd ro glorious 1 They nretho VEGETABLE PILLS Of 'KTERS, o victorious. O yes, they nrn those pille of pride, Which all the world are prnUing, Tor never did (he gods p ovido A tued'eincio umszuig. Tim' Spleen or Cltol'ra wck vcu throujh With ihii you need not frar themj If (lout afihcl, and Culic too, A box or too will clear thinw And if your liver's out of tunc; If wild your head ii aching; If jjundice dies v on like the moon Or a,-;ue ecu you shak :ig; If grim dyepoin thins yout ihylc; If devita bh;c nre grinding; If you nre plagued with gripe or bile', Or fevera loose or bimlliii;; O tell no doctor of your ills, Nor trust to hothsor laming; But foeo the rogues with IMiTIJBS' P 1X15 And soon you'll send lliein prancing, These valuable pills nro Pupsrlor to Lee'a.Brnn' dr.'lh'e, MofUtl's, Evans, Hunts, tho Persian crin f.iet to any other pill ever Inought before tho public. One 25 Cent liox tvlll prove tliclr virtue in this cniiutv. as their surprising iitiu""arec(tablifh' f " "'" cw. -a..auas, l exas, m- (tjEiiqiiirc for 'i tcr's Vrgelable Anli Billious ills. O) 'I hev ran be obtntnnl cf D. S. 'Tobiss I nml .1. R. Move , ll!tom.hurg, Wm. Uiddlo it Co. . Danville, and nlall thu principle cores iu the state. " 8m47 CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE, THAT 1 have applied to the Judors of tit" ('unit uf Coiiiinni) I'lcas i.f Unhiinhis rniiutv. fur tin brni'lil ol tin! insnlu'iit laws nf tin- (hiiiiiiirinupalili. anil that tltcy liave nppiiintod iMoudny. thu 20. Ii d?y of Apnl nrxt lor he hcariuc of mu and my rrrdi tnrst vtlmn ami whcrrt vou ran iiiirnd if you tliink proprr. JOSEPH MILLER. A RR A HAM yi'EARNER Feh. 29, 1 840 lalTEUY "H7"EHY respectfully informs itis friends ond tho $ public, that he has nhvaya on hand, at the Li very Stable in 11! joimbiirg, Tor the purpose of Hiro or Exehiiige, a vmiety uf WAOONS, AND SLEICHS, which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness fof the accommodation of customers. Ho has nbwi made arrangements for car'ying pas sengers from Blomnshu'g t. Muiicy, und from Bloonuburg Id Buck ilewa on the Ow'ego turnpike. Leaves Blooinsburg for Muury cvciy Saturday at 7 o'clock in thn morning and arrive at Minify the same evening. Lcavo Muncy every Saturday inuming nt 8 o'clock and urrivo ut Bloonuburg tho same evening. Leaves Ulnemthurg ovoy Wednesday morning for lluckaltwa and return thu same day. Personal application ran be made at his residence, when every means will be icd to reader entire sjt 'isfaction to those who may give him n call. NOAH a. PltUNTIS: Bloomslmrg, March 28, 1840. 48. RESPECTniLF.Y infmnis tlio ptihlts and his friends gt'iirMllv, hu has jtitt n-rcived tho U'hi3nlc6)!ua IFnah ioisa nnrTAll-Oirs AUvJllETYl'ES, pub islu-d by Ward IJasfnnl nml Ward, for isiii'u ny it urn DiiFinrij iittii want, lor i.iry, 1840. and i prepared to nujtf tlemen'x and Lady's Garmentx, mif di'srripiion, in tho hctt mid mot fasl.r .lutiti Gentlemen' erv di hIiIo style, and at thort notice, as ho is de temiitied to nmrit a &iatc uf public patruit .igp. Janu.try 20. 1810. il 'ilf just ro'eived ami for silo si Tooius' llculth Emporium Eloomtburg,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers