The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 11, 1840, Image 3

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    MB. MXLWEIi AM) m. JiEUlXS.!
A most disgraceful tramadol occurred
in the houso of Representatives' bn Satur
day last between Mr. M'Elwee of Bedford
end Mr. Ilcgins of Northumberland. Mr.
M'Elwco nlade somo remarks reflecting up
on Mr. Ile'gin. Kir. iiegina retorting
ebarply in hi reply, Mr. M'Elwee imme
diately went to the seat of Mr. Ilegins and.
called him a d -d puppy. Mr. ilegins
replied, that if ho said so he was ad d
scoundrel. Upon which Mr. M'Elwco spit
In bis fade. Great oxcitemciit wzi created
In the house in consequence. As soon as
it could bo quieted, h resolution was intro
duced appointing a committee) to onquiro
lnto the facts of tlie case. Tho committee
, repotted the cidencc, but defined recdm
j mending any action. Mr. Flsruir of iMilla
'deldhia, however, immediately offered n
Vesolution expelling Mr. M'Elwee from the.
hoUBe, which, after considerable discussion,
was adopted by a rote of 08 to 0. This
is a plain Malemerlt of the facta as ivo -gather
from the Harrisburg papers, and we re
peat, that it was a most disgraceful transac
tion on the part of Mr. M'Elwee, and wd
cannot see how the houso could have done
less than tako the step they did, and pre
serve the dignity of tiic Legislature.
We are ndtonc of thoSo who often praise
patent rights, for tho most of litem, aro mere
catch penny concerns, calculated to swindle
the credulous, and impose upon the commu:
nity, but wa yesterday witnessed theopora'
tion of a patent brick oven, with which wo
were highly pleased, and what is better still;
Tre feel confident it will plcaso the wbmen,
which is a great desideratum now a days:
It is so constructed that the heat surrounds
the part occupied by the bread and can bo
constantly kept at any degree of heat ybu
please, so that when ono oven full ia taken
but, another can be immediately put in his
place, without waiting to reheat the oven:
"Every family should be p'dssessed of ond
of lhem as they arc a great saving of wood
and time,, and will keep the wbnitn good
of thb Hilary of "Political Portraits with
fen ami Pencil."
"France, its Kine. CotitU tad Gov,.
merit." will, shortly after the appearance of
the Review, be published in a separate vol-ume.
Washington, March" 34, 1640;
The VlUnno Record states ihat Sswnl
cases of hydrophobia have recently occurred
uiuung me oogs oi mat county.
The New York Cnmmerpinl
orders Have been received from Washinir-
.... I.. i! .V ...
nn io prepare ior sea an the vessels of war
uow lltider cover at the Navy Yard, Brook
lyn. Tho Manchester petition for the repeal
f the Corrf Laws was signed by 50,d55
The number of freo schools in South
Carolina is 832, containing 8,807 pupils.
Expenses $4fJ,320: A few parishes not
heard from.
It j,,jj'a,eti hl of the one million coverts
to thb Temperance cause, recently made in
Ireland, i casb of relapse is rarely if ever
met with;
For l'f ho Columbia Democrat.'1
A merchant has four gross of button?,
which, for distinction, I will call no. 1, 2,
3 and 1. The price of 12 buttbris; from
the pack no- 4, is equal to the price of 20
from the pack no. 2. The price of 0, no.
3 equals 10 no. 1. The price of G no. 2,
equals'the price, of 9, rio. 1. And the price
I'j of 12, no. 1, equals the price of 8, no. 1.
If tho price of 1 doz. no. 1 besubstrae
ted from the price of 9 doz. no. 2, enough
will remain to pay for 3 doz. no. 3, or -1
doz, no. 4. And if till) pr'nc of 4 doz. no:
' 4, bo substractcd from the the price of 0
doz. no. 3, enough will remain Id pay for
10 doz. no. 1. Tho price of G doz. no. 2,
equals thu price of 9 doz. no. 1. And tho
-price of 4 doz. rio. 4, equals the prico of 5
tioz. no. 3. The price of no. 1, is 8-05 of
the sum of the prices; that of no. 2, 12-G5
and that of no 4, 0-13. What is the price
"of each pack.
The following card will explain to "the
"public the cause of tho delay of the April
"kumber of the Democratic Review which
n will ue issued in May in a aouuio pom-
The Etlilor of the Democratic' Review
lias received an article of great length and
'tnuch interest, from a friend in Paris, enti
iled "Franco, its King, Court, and Govern
ment." It is the production of ah Ameri
can gentleman, whose literary character
ihroughn'ilt the Union is n sufficient guaran
ty for the ability and authenticity of his
latementR, while his ofllcial position at the
"fcnurt of Prance has given him access to in
formation and materials beyond tho reach
"of other individuals, which have bfceti free
ly used in the treatrrient of his subject.
1,Mueh of it is tho result of information re
ceived from tho King in repeated conversa
tions, and this part relates to the United
TJtaie. ami contains an account of his ad
Ventures ihoro" adventure which have
Jtevcr b'ofore been made public, and which
from the subsequent fortunes and present
Elevation of Louis Philippe, present some
Vif the 6ironget contrasts of History and
tfersonal romance.' As this paper will oc
cupy tho entire! space ol a single number of
the Keviuw, and could not be limited witli
jiropricty, in order to accompany It with
tv'e usual variety of articlen, the number fur
April now ready, will not bo issued, and a
double number will be published in May,
oontaining.ln addition to the article referred
to, the usual amount of political and mis-
cellaneous matter (hat is given in the Don
bcarilo Rcvicw A portrait of Louis Phil
ippe when in tho United States, will accom
pany the number, and also, a ponrait of an
American Statesman, forming Nu XVIII
THE Subscriber informs the public that
he has taken the well known
atclv occupied bv Daniel Gross, in Blooms-
burg, Columbia cotinty, and. solicits a share
oi public patronage. His HAK and LAU
DER will always be supplied with the best,
and having good stabling arid attentive host
lers, he flatters himself that he shall bo ablo
to give satisfaction! to all who bay call on
hlra. .
Bloomsburg, April ll, 1840.
MARRIED On the 0th inst. bv trie
Rev. William J. Ever. Mr. WlI.f.TAM
KELLY, to Miss SARAH RUCH both of
bl Uloomaburg.
rP Sub3Criber W0M icspectfully inform the
Ji Public generally, that he lias purchased the
Brick House on the corner of the Market !,nn,rH in
the town of Woomsburg, laic tho cjtate of Henry
and thus permanently, as lie hopes, e?tal)lihed hiln
self in Imsiriess in this place. He has bit hiiifd a
ncai ami general assortment of
G-roceries, Xsiqnorsj
Hard ware, uccuswarc,
&C1 ifcCJ
rtblich hri offers for to Ml At i-.-m
for cah or county proddce; and intends shortly l6
add to his general assortment, by new supplies froai
VI1U Wll t
Hp tenders liia thanks for tlie liberal encourage:
ment lie lias reccucd since his establishment Iri
Hloomlinrc, and tcspcctfully solicits a contlnuaricb
o: puouc uvor;
, , , . , io'BN hortman.
Uloomsburg, April 11, 1840. 50 Ct
TILIi "Pcdtol'ubllcSale, ln
Mdnday the 27A of April irut.
it trie house of Henry Wanick in Mount Pleasant
tnwnshm. nt in nMn A
1 j " Muvn ... ....
of well
beloneine to the estate of Ktatliias Shipma'n, late of
Mount 'lcasant township, deceased. Tlie above
described property is situated on the west side of
f ishing creek, on a stream called urinustonc-run
about ono mile and a half from M.M'Oowell's Mill.
Duo attendance and terms made kuoirn on the day
of Sale, by tho hubsenber,
EDWARD M'UBNItf, Executor.
Aptil U, 1840J
flLi ba ejp'b'sed to 1'ublic Sale, on
Monday the 27A of April inst,
at tbo house of Joseph Culp in Moudt Pleasant
townihip, at 2 o'clock in tho aftcrnoou, on'b tot of
laud containing about
4:1 Acres.
and allowance, unimproved, adjoining lands of An
drew Mclick, inn. Joseph Culp and others, and the
road leading from Greenwood to Bloomburg passes
thrnuijli it.
Also, another small lot containing about
patt rleaied with a number of bean'ug
Airrolonginst"'''0 estate of Michael Hittlcjate of
Mount Pleasant towuthlp, ucceascu. Due attend
and and terms mado known on the day of tale, by
the Subscriber.
EDWARD M'llENRV, Executor,
Aj I! !l, 1S10,
Omngcville, Columbia County, Pa.
THE subscriber inlormi the public, that
ho has taken the above well known stand
atoly kept by Samuel Richer, and invites
his friends and the public generally to give
mm a can. xiis
shall at all times be supplied with the best
and cnolcest o! liquors, arid his
With all the choipest delicaces of the season.
With cond attention in the house, and at
tentive hostlers, and good stabling, hopes to
!. I ? I i .
mem ana receive a snare oi puunc patronage.
April 11, 1840:
37o So H5Sil9
WOULD respectfully inform his friend
and the public generally, that he has remov
ed his shop into his dwelling a , few doors
above the Hotel kept by E. Howe, and
nearly opposite the dwelling of Charles
IV alar, where he may always be found rea
dy to make up all garments intrusted to his
care, with ricatness and despatch. Thankful
lor past tavora, to such as have encouraged
huh heretofore. And by strict attention to
business, hopes still to.meiit a larger share
of public patronage. A good fit insured in
all cases:
N. B. All kinds of country produce taken
in exchange fur work. And tlie heedful
never refused.
Bloomsburg, April 11, 1840.
'PHE public are hereby cautioned egaiust
purchasing a certain house arid lot of ground
situate in Bloomsburg, advertised to be
sold by the Sheriff of Columbia county at
Danville, on tho 20th day of April nest, as
the property of Philip Steller and George
Lilly. As the title, of the s.aid Houso and
lpt is in the Subscriber and not in the said
Stotler or George Lilly, the right of a pur
chaser will bo contested.,. ,
Bloomsburg April 4, 1840.
Remaining in the Post Ofilcp aiBlooiiisburg
at tho end of ,tbc quarter ending bn the
31st day ot liaich, 1840
..THE celebrated and well bred horse
INDEPENDENCE, will be kept for ser
vice at -tho stable of tho Subscriber, in
Bloomsburg, the ensuing season, to com
mence on the first of April and ond on the
first day of July next, on moderate terms.
. INDEPENDENCE, is a beautiful bright
Bay, having a black list along his back, and
black legs, riiane, and tail. He stands us
ing sixteen hands high and for syrnetry
and movement, he can have but very few su
periors on this Continent. His former own
er kept him for the turf, on which ho nov
er lost a race, for six hundred yards, and a
quarter of a mife. He is well known in
this neighborhood to bo a sure horse; and
his stock of more value, than that of any
other horse that has been kept iu the county
for many years past. ,
The Sire of INDEPENDENCE; was
the celebrated imported horse, Printer, the
swiftest horse, at that time, in the United
States. His Dam was got by the imported
horse Whip; (rand Dam, by tho imported
horse Quicksilver; all first rate horses; that
were tho noble procenitors of what is now
considered, the best blood, and most valua
ble stock in Kentucky.
BloomsbUrg, April Till, 1840.
Sometime last winttr, noar Blb'ordsbufg
Basin, a
Log CHain.
The finder shall bo reasonably rewarded
by giving information to this office whero
it may bo found.
For sale, or in smaller quantities. CSar
dcil Seeds from a POTATOE down
to a MUSTARD SEED. Alio, Two
WEDGES besides a few Cabbage
menus :
Hemlock township, April 4.
FROM tho Subscriber two last fall boar
Pigs. Who ever will gtvo information
where they may bo found shall bo reasona
bly rewarded; DANIEL GROSS.
Bloomsburg, April 4, 1840.
Mooro John
M'Murtrio Margaret
Moyer Angelina
Nungosser Jacob
Nowhard Solomon
Philips Rebecca
PiJlipa Ann
Roan Samuel
flees Tho.nlas
fstaiifcr Joseph
Snyder Daniel 2
Slates Wllliain
Setter Christina
Shannon Jesso
Springer Man
Squire Ebin
Townsend Sampson
Wren Thomas 2
Wahlfarth Doct. T. R.
Wetzler Elizabeth
Webb Joshua 2
Wice Joseph
Wran Gorg
Welliver Jacob
Yoke Sebastian
Yost George
Robinson William 2
Bealig Christian
Biddleman Valentino
Burnett John
Baiier Malangtoa
Boon Beri.
Caby Jacob
Ever! ; Peter
Echert Jacob
Fnimer Daniel
Fry, sen, John
Gilmore Andrew
Gigcr Solomon
Henrie Polly
Henrie Mary
Hardy Mrs.
Herring Christ.
Harvey Mathers
Hartman ThornUs W,
Ink Einry
Jacoby John
Kalilnr Esq.
KafTman Moses
Lilly Georgo
Meleck Andrew
Mackalvin John
JM'Laughlin Charles
Meyer Doct. M.
itfiller Peter
$an. i, 18i0.
Those inquiring for any of the above let
ters will please say it is advertised.
Tor Sale.
THE subWrlberhas for sale a CANAL BOAT
of about 50 tons burthen lias been in use
one year, and would be sold on reasonable terms as
to price and payments, or would take pny,in t?Mi
Coal or in freighting produce td ftaltiiusre or i'liil-.
adelphia. Address the subjeriirf.
McDowell's Mills, (Dioom,) Col. co. March 14.
The Wilkcsbarro Republican Farmer will please
publish the above three times, arid forward their
bill to this office
TljnHE subscriber intending to close his business
JB. in Itloomsburg and movn out oftown, on tbo
fir.t day of Apail,. calls upon 11 persons Indebted to
him to come forward and close their accounts before
that time, or they will be left with a justice to settle
according to law; REUBEN BOMBOY.
March 21, 1840.
THIS is to certify, that I have hired to'
Silvanus Stephens the following property!
one bay Mara, and one while Horse, ono
two Horse Waggon, also one sett of har
ness and gearing for two Horses, dining ray
pleasure, of which the public will plorse
valve nonce. . ...
Sugatloaf, Aarch 28, 1840.
RE hereby commanded to meet at the houso
ol Mrs. OKMEN, m Espytown, on
Saturday. the 18t of Anrilnext.
at 10 o'clock, A. M. lawfully cquipt for drill; with
arms and accoutrements-in good order.
Uy order or the Captain,
. March 21, 18401
a Journeyman" cooper.
I HE Subscriber wishes to hire a Jour
neyman Cooper; to whom cood wa?es and
sieauy employment win oe given.
Art apprentice to the Cooperidg business
is wanted immediately. A smart active lad
will receive good encouragement upon ap
plic.atiod to WILLIAM KELLY.
Bloomsburg, March 28, 1840.
HEREAS, tho honorable ELLIS LEWIS
President of tho Courts of Oyer and Ter
miner and General Jail Delivery. Court of Quarter
Sessions of tho Peace, and Court of Common Pleas,
and Orphan's Court, in the eighth Judicial District,
composed of tho counties nf NorthufnbcrlWid,Union,
Columbia and Lycoming : and tho Hon. WitMAM
Mo.TooMEitr and Leoxaiid Rupert, Esquires,
associato Judges in Columbia county, have issued
their precept bearing date the 25th day of January
in uie year 01 our uuru unu mousanu cigui nunureu
and forty, and to me directed lor holding
A Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gtn
eal Jail Uehvery, ueneral Quarter
Sessions ojT the Peace', Common
Pleas, and Orphan's Court',
tN DAN ILLE, in the county of Columbia, on
tho third Monday of March next, (being the 20th
day and to continue two week.
JUIW1S is therefore hereby given to tho Cor
oner, the Justice of tho Trace, and Constables of
the said County of Columbia, that they bo then and
thcro in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in, the
forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions
and other remembrances, to do those things which
to their olliccs appertain to be done. And those
who aro bound, by recognizances to prosecute
anrainst the urlsonera that nro or innv 1m in tliH inil
of said county of Columbia, are to bo then and there
to prosecute against them as shall be just. Jurors
arc ccquestcd to bo punctual in their attendance, a-
greeably to their notices.
Dated at Danville, tho 20th day of March in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun'
dred and forty and in the C4th year of
the independence of tho Umxd states of Amor
ica. ..
Sheriff's Office, Danville,
March 20th 1840. J
For April Term, 1840.
JJridrcreek. Samuel Adams.
Cattawissa. Philip Seasholtz, George
Deny. John Bleo.Solomon Gise.Evan
Fithing Creek. John Garraan.
Liberty. John M' Williams.
Mifflin. David Davis, Charles Hess
William Savage, Jacob Yohe.,
Madison. John P. Eves, William Hen
Mahoning. Peter Bright, David Philips
Aiontcur. Jonn Hictiarus.
Ml. Pleasant, John Ale, Isaac Mus
Roaring Creek. Peter Herbein Henry
Metz, Jacob llarner.
Sugarloaf Cornelias Coleman.Ezekl'
el uole.
Fresh. Garden Seeds.
THE subscriber has just received a sup
ply of Fresh Garden Seeds, from the United
Society of Shakers in the state of New
l ork, which aro considered the best arid
cheapest offered to the public.
March 21,
TO all legatees, creditors end other per
sons interested in the estates of the respec
tive (leceucnls and minors, tdajt the admin
istration accounts of the said estate's have
been filed in the Office of the Register of
county of Columbia, and will he psesentetl
lor confirmation and allowance to the Or
phan's Court, to be held at Danville, in and
for the countv aforesaid. .on Tuosdar. the
21st of April next, at 2 o'clock; P. M.
l 1 he account or George Hiuey and
Levi Aikman, jr. Administrators of the es
tate of John W. Aikman, late of Blooid
township, deceased.
2 the account of John. Fruit, Adminis
trator of the estate of Catharine Watson,
at of Madison township decdaseu.
3 The second aupplementarv account of
Jacob Miller, administrator of George Mil
ler, late ot Ualtawissa township, deceased.
4 1 he account of William Ulayton, Ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of
Thomas Clayton, laic of Cattawissa town
ship, deceased. ,
5 The account of John Rhodes, admin
istrator of the estate of Caster Rhodes, lata
of Roaringcreek township, deceased.
6 The accountof William Welliver and
John Gilaspio, administrators of the cstata
of rrancis liote late of Madison township,
7 The account of Jacob Demolt and John
Manning, administrators of the estate of
Francis Rote, late of Madison township, de
ceased. 8 Tho account of Richard Demott and
Nancy Kitchen, executors br tho laSt will
and testament of John Kitchen, lata of Mad
ison township, deceased.
0 The account of Jacob and Micheal S.
Rishel, administrators of the estate of .Jacob
Rishel, lato of Hemlock lownsliip, deceas-
KEoisTxn a UFricE. Danville,
March 13, 1839-
For April Term, 1840.
Bloom Benjamin Boone, Robort Ha
genbuch, Charles Kalcrr Samuel Ludvvig,
Lewis Maus, John R. Mbyer, SamUel Me
lich. Jlriarcreek. John Snyder Joseph Pin
kerton, John Martz, Jacob Hill, John P.
Frease, Lewis Deitrich.
Cattawissa, Joel E. Bradley, David
Clark, Daniel Kccffcr,' O. D. Leib, John
Deny. George Billmeyer, Williaw
Brailey, John Craig.
Grefnwpot.-r-John R. Albersoa.
Hemlock'. Robert Russel.
Jackson Thomas Hess.
Limestone. Josoph Gibson..
Liberty. William Campbell'.' tj1
Madison. Richard Fruit, Reuben Wil
son. ..
Mahoning. George B. Brown, John
Dean, Samuel Ouliuh; Jacob Sechlor.David.
Stuart, John "Wilebu. w
Mifflin. Robert B. Brown, Joseph Kir
kendal", Nathan Snyder.
Aiount Pleasant. George Appleman,
William. Kitchen, John ll, Vandcrslice.
Mont eur. !SUihs Girlon. Thomas
Hartman, David Rissol.
lloaring CrccH. -Jonas Bcnningcr,lsaao:
Rhodes. ,
Sugarloaf, Elexandcr Colloy,' Benja
min Kceler, Tunis Kerci.
18 hereby given, that I have bought Jacob Oar
iger, the following property, to wit: three acre,
of Wheat in tho grcund, sixteen acres of Jlyo in the
ground, Ono plough, one harrow, ono bay mare, and
two hogs, and havo left tho same in his possession
for my use, and disposal, and worn all persons not'
to purchase or molest them in any way,
March, 7 1610.