UAtlf fcVrtrh hUnti Hits Altar oftrotU fcllt-HiaA hostility to tsvter-J- form tof Tytaliiijr bter the Wad ' M'""-i-ThmQ8 Jeflcruon. PKINTEl) AND PUBLISHED BY Ili WEBB office or Tin: democrat, OrMstTE St. Paul's ClitiRCUiM.Vtfrfa'Et BaooMsttaia OijaTMisA ootftfY tA &as?&day, aei. ii, i&&6 ygaOgTKVaaa itilfX .J...,,.. !, r...J.fa-jggBJil, - rr g V'. , . , , . g jtjfjjtr f , .. .,; 1 . TI,e COLUMIIIA DEMOCRAT vM hi jntblislml evcty SaiutJny morning at TWO 1)0!. 1, JlUS per artittlni, jittyttblt half icarh inuJvancuor Tttf) Daitat) Wn Cents if not paid within Aetfcrif, 'jYo subscription will bttuhnfor it st0r7er iirrioi tVian six mPiKui nor" tint tftscoit tiimitce permitted unlit nil ttrmtvges are disrharscd 'Jlill'EIlTlSE MUSTS not PJCMKrtrtg 8 j7rte mil be conmcuomht insttltd (U One Dollar for the first time inmftions nnd TwenUj-fwe cents for cVcribubse nscrlion 6C7" Memr (iscotrn ,)ifi7e 'o thane who a wcrtue bxi Hit mar, t.RTTEHS luUruvcd an bmiims nxUit be post paid & Notf-l'ONMlTTAi Ono of the moot curious methods or litis banding a candidate tlint we have yet liratt! of, is narrated in the following itituln lrom tho N. Y. Evening Post relative to Gener nl Harrifim. U seems tlint J Committee hold watrli and ward over him i-PmI;i'i An extraordinary course ii:tn lately been Initrn with General Harrison hy lit friends in Ohio, They have raised commitlrc, to whom lliey have given liim in fhargo ps aii idiot is committed In the train of trtis tecs. The cnmmiilcc receive and read his pol'niral teller?, and determine lipnn llio an swer to he given, leaving the poor old sen tVnian without any dtscrelinr, or agency in Ihe nutter. Gcnrgn the Thin), of Eltp I n ', in tin; d;iy of his old ago and insani ty, deprived of all power in his own got cm ucnl, was a kmc after much thosinie favh'on that Harmonic nnW it rnildidajr. The Oinveso' I'lillndltiui, of Wednesday. rnnt.iins n correspondence between the Os wemi Union Assoeiation nnd the cominitlei' vho liavo taken possession of Harrison. "V?tt ronv the letters, wldeh we have the positive assurance ol the Oswego print are tenuinr : .Tan. Ul, 1810. To the Hon. William II. Harrisntt. Dear Sir In accordance w'lli a resn!u tion of iliu Union Annallon of OsWcjjo, 1 am inntriifiied in propoto inree qucslions lto you. in relation ti) snbji-r! that a large portion of this ecciioit of the rnuniry feel a deep interest in. The fir,it u. Are. you in favor of rrreiving and referfin petitions for the immediate i.liolition of shue ry in the Distriel of Colu'.nhiu ' Seeond Are you in favor of n United Slates, or foinc iiiMiliilinn eimilar to lliftt, for the safu keepini; and dMmrsing f the public moneys, and forgiving mini :fnrm currency ihtougliout ihe UniieH tst:te? ? And lastlyWould ymi Tavor Ihe pussngn of a (toneral llankvupi Iriw, hy Congress- po that its opei.ilions might he equal in all the States of the Union t 1 have only to say, sir, lllnt llm nlmve inq'iiries are made in iieeordance with tlie unanimous wishes of this afooruitnn, the membtrs of whifh, I am iiinrueted to sry, rntprlain the liihfst repaid for vniir past .'ferviecs. and hope, should you ho elected Ha llio Iiil'Ii offu-u for which von arc nomi' tinted, that nothing may occur to Icn.'en you Sn lliv'estimaiiiiir of a great and free peo $le. I nm, sir, Kc?nrrtfti!ly. vnur.lit srtv't. ' MILES HOTCHltlSS, Corresponding Secretary i .Cincinnati, Fob'. 28, 1$I0. lOswego Uuiuii A-ooi'intion, r. r .... P .1.- Hi.. uentienicn' . i out leiirr in wic oui u. .sdilresscil (o Oeneral'Harrisoii, hits Ihtii placed in our io9e?iiir)t with a vmwtnenr )y alinrion. This u u.iavoidable, in coll ficqnenro of tho very niimenm Ij-tters te .TcitTtl hy ihe General, and to which his re ply in percon la rendered ahsuluioly im As from In coululentiai cum let Should lint meet vouf appfttlvaimlh .you Will uttrihnte Ihe trttir rather to ourselves ahd hi lintnwllatb ndvUcrs, iluitj tu General Harrison, Tin pulicy it thai the liener l make nu further deelahitlun of his prin- eiple?( tut the public eye, whilst occupying Its ptese'H ptitnlnn. Stielt course has m ai)iptell, twt fur ptifpoics of eom-ealnirtit, nor to avoid all proper responsibiltu l but under ihe impres sion Ihut iht? GeuerulV licw?, in regard to nil the important and e.xciiing ineiiotiB of the iUV have herctoiore been given lo ihe public, I'lititiccieil Willi constitutional or mh" er rjueuilolis of Very genertd interest, have undergone tin change. The committee are sltengthdned In re gald to ihe proprieiy of ibis polieyi iltat no new tcBtie he made to the public, fiom the t onsidcrlitttitit that ihe national mnveulion deemed il impolitic ut Ihe then vriain, io pub lish any gelieiid detlurntion of the iews of llic great opposition party, and eenaitdy the polit y Ut the prrcrut rrmains unaltered. In tltc ineait litrio v o ratuiot help e.prrstleg the hone, lhatout friends, etrrv where, will receive the Humiliation of General Harrison with something akui to geiietal confidence Wheii we relied iiprtlt the tlislliigukhrd lit. trlligeiire of the nominating oouvention how ably all Interest were tlprcseitted in that body, ve certainly havo !i high guar .iliiy, that Bholdd General Hnrtittm be ihe snct esKfnl rendidate for the piestdeiicy, thai office Will he happily and eon8iiiuiioiiid!y iiihiiiuisiereu, tinuer eUlilance ol Hie same prlneiplcs which direrted our Washington Jefferson, and Madison, Helieving you will concur with us in the popriet,of the policy adopted, we have pleasure insubecrib tng uurselvcsi Your friends, DAVID GWYN'NE, J. G. WRIGHT. 0. M, SI'ENOER, II. It. Spcneelf, Cor. Sec'ry. The committee arc now oublifhing In painihlt form many of the former expres scd opii.inns of the Gnueral, and facts and iurldents connected witii h;a past life, which will be forwarded lo you at an eurly m meat. " Thus," says the Oswego pnprr, " Sen eral Hanison has passed into the hand of a committee, without the formalitv of a wiii dc Itttmtico quimulot He is intcrro- gaed on three questioiie of high importance, and by the dirtciiou of the committee he stands mute, Thov acknowledge thai ntik tnerous letters daily arrive, aildressed lo the whig candidate for ihe presidency, and we inftr from the language of the committee that these letters contain Inquiries in regard lo his political otiintotvs. These letters are answered only w iih a denial of the informa tion which their numerous writers solirit1, they are told (hat die candidate of the whig parly, of rather tho committee widt h has him in charge, has adopletl the jmliey of those who nominated hini,--lhatof making no declaration id' his opinions, allowing no expression of his views in regard in ihe gte..t contested menseres of ihe present mo ment to escape him, but demanding that the people shall put the helm of sute into his hands without knowing whither lie is to steer the vessel, We havo heard ruin II of nnii'commiilalism in our lime, but this it. non-committalism will) a vengeance. After nil, the fiiemls of Harrison are per baps', right to surround hiln with a cabinet. while he is yet a candidate, lie would make as wild work without n Regency as tho poor crazy old grandfather of tho prcs cm Qncen of England. If he were to ati swer at his nwn discretion the lelteis ho re' cciU's, he would, unquestionably, givu an swets thai would embarrass his party, an 6wers sometimes extravagant, sometimes a tnlo from tho purpose, sometimes mcrel foolish, and sniuB(lmes perhaps right hy c- cideil, which wo suppose would provu to his friends- the iratest embarrassment ol a!'. Thoy are tight, doubtless, in standing gtmrd over llio old man, lesl the muzzle " HAtrlrtn tt John Miinxs Fedttdb ' tiiat the tiiilitia 'til' tho United States tan on txtV asks a distingtiised friend in Lincol.t j ly he rctldered flllcieni by atmingt vqihp' counlj i Wo answer, by quoting a nan of oin ',dnd iliH-itirniliiir rt select bodv, Il an CSen, Ilaifrisim's reply to the charge of be iug such a Federalist, pteforretl against hint by John HjiuIoIoIu Gen, Ilatrison'a own admiKsiouB ought ut he reliable evidence. j We eopy from the Nashville lJauuor, of ihe 3th iusti "In the l-rtuVse ut tills debate, Mr. Harri son said that Ii.; coll d nut refrain front ma king bio acknowledgements to the gentle men from Virginia, Mr. Randolph) Tor the notice iu had bticit pleased lo take of him. He has been pleased to say, that, in (he ad ministration of Mr. Adams, I was a Feder alist, and becomes to this conclusion from Ihe course pursued by me in the session of 1701M800. Ai that session, the geuilc men ami myself met fur the first iime--lie id the siation of Representative for Virginia nd I in the more humble one of delegate fr.nn the North Western Territory, llav ing IHi vole,l did mil think it proper 10 take part in lite discussion ot any ol tho great iiulilieal questions which divided the two Itirties. My business was id procure the passage Of the bills, which 1 had introduced for ihe benefit of the people I represented Flie gentleman had no means of knowing my political principles, unless ho obtained them in private conversation. As I wak upon terms of iniiili.vy with ihe gentleman, it is very probable that be might have heard ttie exprcMS sentiments favonble to the ad ministration. I cKiiTAiNiA ri:ir tituji so l.n t ni least, as to the course pnisued in islation to the Government of Francei Nor, said Mr. ti, was I unsupported io thin opinion by those who h id pears to Us that thu present Socrclaty l' Wat hae done nd mor'e ihalt -udopt those suggesii. ns drill digest llio necessary dctailo to carry the plan into practical eflecu So far Irom the scheme ol proposing a lory ol regular troops, it is calculated, us it seems, lo prevent the necessity of large standing armies cien in time of wart and it will be satisfactory to those who hate exhibited &d much tduraiv to be informed thai the batta lions are to be assembled within ihe limits of the State where thu militia belongs ! and to be officered iii precisely the Bamc man ner as the militia are now officered s ds likew iset that tho period Of llicir being Call ed x ut for drill is to be fixed bt) law: An I morentert that the mass of the militia, more than a million and tt half of intelligent free men, are to be armed and equ'ped as here tofore. After this development, we hope to hear no more of this unwarranted ottcry a- gainst a plan so eminently calculated to rcn der efficient the permanent defences of lire country. IVt.fchJjer GO. ) ta'r and feathers," said Ditson, setting hi teelh firmly together. ' Corite on, arid yoti shall nee sport.' my actions if not my opinions! a right tu lo no pan nfilie country were those mearliteo more decidedly approbated thnli by lny coliaiiiu euts the Legislature of llio Norlh Wcs Territory r as ihe address of that body lo (he President, during that session, w ill show. For Mr. Adams (said Mr, II.) I entertained at that time, and have ever siurr. enteitained, Ttrli om:ati:st rkspkct. I beliovc him to be nit honest man and a pure patriot, and his conduct during that session proved him to be such." iYtfi.tiVc Union Practicable. tnillee, you will uptilt this raspnlisr. j hujt! flip .from his inmnh and lie should oiwl if tho policy ouservtu uy tun comiilit-1 ueiray iniiisen oy uucung nonsense. THE ougamz.vtiox tiie mi litia. The Globe publishes tho detail of i!ie plan proposed by the Secretary of War lor rc-org.iuizuig the imliiia of (ho United Si itcs. It is accompanied by tin explana tory statement, which fully refutes the billy slang about Executive recommendations of a standing army ol two hundred thousand mcini bodies of armed men to be matched from Stale lo Stale lo intlucnco the elcr lions ; increase of patronage by the power to be given lo Ihe IV.usidkkt to appoint as well as cnmmUkiuii the officers t ami, a- hove all, the immeasurablu expemn arising from the unlimited period for which thin body of militia is lo be kept in service! We actually shuddered when we saw this atrav of dngers which threatened the liber- tie. ol the Republic although somewhat at a Ions to understand why the alarm was Sounded so long after the publication of the Secretary' report t for thai at first, com plimentary notices of the plan it proposed appearcil in llic papers of both parlies. The explanation and details line given have dispelled all our fears. The plan ill elf has little in it that is new oxcept in its practical application, General W.BiiiNatoi( first proposed lo discipline a k'elecl body o( the militia i Mr. JKi'i'r.nsoN urged the classification of the .uilitia ol thu Unitetl Males, ami mat n tr ied hudy of three hundred ihoiuand men should he sM apart as ihe active class, to sarve for" a ceriain Icrm of years. The hoard of officers, regulars and militia, (hat assembled in WHshiugion by order of Mr. UARnoutt. wiieit aecreiary-oi t ar, rccom mended thai the miliiii of the United Stales should he divided into classes t and all the communications from the most experienced officers, elicited hy tho interrogatories of that functionary, contained the assertion TAll AND FEATHERS-REVENGE Just before Ihe breaking out of the revo Union, a mail by the name of Diison,beloti ging to Billerii a Mass., was tarred and fea thered. by lhu Uriiish soldier, under ihe orders of liicutenati.t Ncabit. The Uiii officers wtslicd lo pretenl the Americans from pitrelusiog gnus, and in order lo Tor n'.sh an oppurtuutiy to hillict punishment nnd lo f.iUo occasion fur a serious quarrc a soldier Was ordered to offer Me old conn trttuan an old rusty musket. DnSou catigh at the b.i'u, mid ptnehased the gun for litre dollars, He was thereupon seized and af ter he'rutj confined in lint guarddioliso all niirhl. was stritnel ftittfriv naKCih - ami cotercd with lar and featiiets and in lhat condiiion paraded ihrough tho streets Huston. The Yankees, however, began to Collect III great numbers, and tho military fearing fur their own safely; dismissed the man and retreated to their own bar racks, Thtls far thc.inciilehl is related by rt crih tenipurjry historian. What follows we have fiom the lips of llic old continental himself. Many a time and oft have we heard him relate the story, with clenched hands, and ejes Hashing fire, and always with this ending "liul 1 had my re venge r When lie Wa dismissed by the Biiiish, hii called for his gun, which during the ope ration of tarring ami feathering had been la ken from him, "Take thu got! nnd be ll ill" said the oflicer who had command ed tho tarring and feathering 'you'll be the Yankee, I'll be sworn who will come here to purchase a mtuket." 'tUut nut the last lhat w ill tts& nub,0 said Ditsoti, as he grasped the weapon, " and mark me, Sir, I'll have my revenge." 'The eock.w clear game," said the offi cer, turning to his companions with n laugh but ho had better rufitdhis feathers On his own dunghill I'1 Di son, by ihe aid ilf soap ami w'drm wa rid of his feathery coat J but the idea of lhu insult clung to his mind burning deep er like ihe shirt of Nessus, He hinged for an opportunity of revenge, tt was the iheme of 'tis ilioughts waking or 3leepingt He dreanil of it by night ho putiderul on the means of accomplishing it by day. But how wa.'ho lo accomplish it t An opportunity was not long Wattling for lhat purpose. His cuuniry Hew to rcdiess its ptiblio grievances t and ho to re venge his private ones. As soon as ho heard Ihai the Uritish had inarched for Coni cord, he seized hit rusly musket, anJ ran to tho scene of action i What are you going hi do t" said his neighbor, as they saw him unyoking his team in the middle ol thu fitdd, and at an unteasonahlu hour of the day. 'I'm going to pay the ted coats for tho "Uiu Voii arc ttnt ftoinrr lo take lliat old Iflisiy plct et" eaid one, 4lUut t am though, eaitl Ditsin , "l shall Like none tho wtirst tiiglil, fur its being rus- ''Hrvhaslcrteti io iiii: ttetti oPfigliii fillii tit neighbors went with hint Having select ed tho boughs of a thick ireei by Ihe way side, whither the Dt'ui.ih Were oil their re treat, he climbed into ihcrh, :lnd there j se curely ensconced and taking belibcrate aim! every shot from the old ttisty musket told one! I aimed," said tjitson, "particularly it thb officersi and the first man I dropped wai the commander of the taj kettle-. That did me untie good than die best dinner I ever me in my life. "There I" I eould'rit help exclaiming "1 told ou I'd have my re venge I" Half a dozen shots were fired in to tho tree bin ihuy weru fired at random tor I was well sscured in llic boiiglis arid only tWO bullets went ihlutigli my hal. ,ly bosom fell lighted as soorf as llio offi cer fell. The lar tectuedi as it Wcrci to loosnn fVoin mx'bxiin anil 1 felt fifty per rut. bettei. Dm Still 1 had not completed my revengei 1 he tar hail not yet all drop ped off. It way there aiitli in imagination; -tnd the fcfjier clung to it; The Uritish would make a fighting cuck of me and I was determined they should feel the full length of my spurs." Ditson was again prcserit hi Into battle of Hunkers hill', where ho had an opportuni ty of using the old musket to greater 'advan tage than at the battle of Lcxingloti, ( He sen in'g his lire agreeably to ihe mode en joined by l'utm-Jii Until he could see tho enemies' c.yest he brought down his man at everv i-hoi and several more; whdsb coim- lenaufCs lie recollected as having belonged to those engaged in Ihe larrinc and feather fell victims to the slrength of his memory, ihe accuracy of his atih, and the sure lire of his rustv old piece. Ut was (lie last to leave the ditch; and when his piiwder and ball was expended, he fought like a tiger with the butt of bis mus ket! and as lie dashed it into tho skull of two or three of the " regulars" in quick suc cession hri exclaimed, "That's to pay yotl for the tar and feathers t" He was at last wounded and Was with difiiciillV brought off by hU companions. He suffered much in consequence; ' but," as he used lo exclaim iii afier years. " I didit't mind lhat for 1 had in v revenge I" HcrrcoU'rcd from his wtiund; and fought through the wui; and although halurally itate and attached to his country; his cour age and his patriotism Weie Hot a little stint olatcd by the. letticiubr'anee of tar iitttl feath ers. No single arm rent a greater tilntiber to their final account. He at length saw his country Tree. Her injuries Were redres sed and so were ids own. Ho lived to be an old matii Poverty vis ited his hut, Every thing that could bo spared was sold, except the old musket. lid would shoulder thai, " And how lltiw ficlJa we're1 won.'' as his eye gleamed at tho recollec tion of the insult, ho1 would exclaim, " It was all owing In ihe taf; atld feather, Hut Jf litid mi rcvenze .'" JMlimon tllipptr. i?ytlitflcji.-Yhrii Qnin was ohe day lamenting his growing old, tt pert young fellow asked him what he Would now giro to be as young as he I t could almost eon! tent," replied Qutn,."lo' bo as foolislu" Democracy. Democracy is tiie" child of light atld adopn every enfranchising truth lhat itmu and genius and tho public mind may developb. Tho rtiasses of iveallh, wc admit, are against il. Can (lie same bo said of intelligence t ftaVo the gifted minds of our nation been tile adversaries of thtj Democracy I Salem Advtrtiief, Rewardi and puiiishuieuu arti iho basij of good government!