The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 04, 1840, Image 4

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    &BVK.V JtiMSOA'S UVfi'
iCJJHOULD recctvo a preference over all PilU'now
)C$ in existence: - 9
Kirst Decaino they are composed bf Vegetable
extracts, frco from minerals; ariil may tie taken at
nil umcs Willi petted safety by young anil old, with
out restraint from occupation, tSropcrale living, or
fear or lakmg cold.
Sccdnd-Bccauso thoy aro composed of'sUch
medicinal extracts, as have liccii employed liy all
tho litdst Celebrated and respectable Physicians for
more man n century past, in purifying tlio Wood
mid Animal (laid of the body.
Third so they may be employed as a
mild or active purgatlvo, according to tho quantity
taken, and their operation will not bo attended tvith
griping of the bowels, sickness at tho stomach,
prostration of tho system, itc., as aro produced by
otter pills.
Fourth Because they pessess 4 combined action,
not possessed by any other dills, riiixturoor prepar
ation whatovcr. Their first effect is in correcting
nil Impurities with which tho blood And fluids of
tho body may bo allVctcd, and by their gently opera
tive effect, removing such impurities from the sys1
Fifth Because they arc tho "terror of Quacks
rind Impostcrs, for most persons aro obliged to take
tho SarSaparilla Dlood Pills, after taking their vile
and ibstruc.ivo nostrums, to counteract and prevent
their mischicvons and baneful effectsi
Sixth Because they arc tho only pills in which
Physicians have sufficient confidence to recommend
to their patients, and employ in their practice, as
they know they are Anti Quack, Anti Mcrcural,
Anti Billious as well as a good and safe purgative
and purifier of the Blood and Animal Fluids.
Sevonth and last But not tho least important,
be because they aro prepared by a regular Apothe
cary and Physician, attested oy Drs. Physic, Hor
ner, Chapman, Dewces, Jilntcs, Gibson, Jackson,
Coic, Hare, etc., die, which alone 13 huliicicnt to
tntitle them to great confidence.
Certificates and Recommendations from Physi
cians and others accompany tho directions around
each box,
tO Price Twenty Fivt Cents a BoxJUi
Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at
Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 101 North
Second st., a few doors below Vine street, Philadel
phia, also, sold by'
J. Gilbert &. Co., North Third street above Vine.
G. S, Clemens, do 3d do do Wood Bt,
J. It. Smith & Co. do Sd do next the Red
Lion, and all respectable. Wholesale and Retail
Druggist's in Philadelphia.
They aro also sold byJ
J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J. W, Rohrcr, do do
W. Eberman Litis.
J. W. Oakly, Reading.
J. B. Merer, Allcntown
P. Temp, Easton.
And tho principal Merchants and Dtugiels in tho
Uniied States.
For sale at tho Health Emporium Bloomsburg
by D. 8. TOBIAS, Agenfif
Bldornshufg July, 13, 1839. ilf
OOMMUNIC ! Vf IONT How few they are tftat
happen to bo afflicted with Coughs or Colds
pay attention td them. How many thousands from
such neglect shorten their days, and hasten their fi
nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their eliil
dren, anrl thus form tho foundation for Consump
tion, nnd hundreds of parents annually follow their
own children to the grave, having died from some
affections of the Breat and Lungs, which weic neg
lected in their first stages.
Coughs and Colds, whether existing among young
or old, ought at all times bo attended to early, and
not suffered to continue any length of time, for the
Lungs once affectcd,discasesoon makes rapid strides,
ending in the most fatal of all diseases, namely Con
VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catairhs, Influenzas,
Uhortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in
the Breast or Side, ull affection of tho Breast and
Lungs, and arrest of approachinsg Consumption, is
tho most popular medicine used throughout all Ger
manyis becoming1 equally popular in the United
(States, and has established fof itself a reputation
liot possessed by any other medicine for tho same
class of diseases. (Sec certificates and recommen
dations from Parents, Physicians, and others, accom
paning the directions.) It is a preparation perfect
ly safe aud harmless, pleasant to the taste, and may
ho given to the youngest infant. It is warranted
frco from mercury and tho minerals, and Is a prepar
ation of a regular Apothecary and Physician, attes
ted by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Gibson. Jackson,
Horner, Dcwees, Coxe, James, &c. a circumstance
alone sufficient to induce a trial of it
Dr. N. 1J. Leidy, Proprietor of tho above medi
cine, confidently Recommends it to all, and assures
all most pon.Uively.that it is an invaluable medicine
and would not himself recommend it, but for it,
known efficacy.
Prepared only ond for saloWholesalc and Retail at
Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 101 North
Bocond street a few doors below Vine street, Phila
sdeltmla also, sold by
J. Gilprert & Co., North Third street ahovo Vino
J. S. Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st
J, R. Smith & Co, do Sd do next tho Itcd
Lion, and by all respectable Wholesale and Rctai
iruggisia in rnuaueipma.
They are sold byl
J. F Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J, W. Rohrer, do do,
W. Eberman Litis.
J. W. Oaklev. Reading.
For salts at the Health Emporium Dloomshurg
by U. S. TOBIAS, Agent,
du. riiELFirs
Compound Tomato
Entirely VegeiabV,
A new and invaluable .Medicine for all dleseoses
sibling from impurities of tho blood morbid secre
tion of tho liver and stomach. Also, a substitute
for calomel as Achafharticin Fevers and all billious
Theso popular pill combining a newly discov
ere! Alkaline substance extracted from tho TO MA,
TO PLANT, with othtr vegetable snb.tancea
which hnvo been found to modify and diffuse its ef
fects, are believed to be the best Alterative and Ca
tbartic Medicine ever discovered.
For srdinary family physic thoy are mil
rcrsallv approved, as the best over ollereu
A full acronnt of this Medicicc, and nit
wcrous certificates from pbysiaiaus and
others, accompany cacli uox
Just received ad for sale nt tho new
J)rrK Slpre by J; MOYER, Agent.
Aug. IT.
l'llfi ttfiStttRECTiOtf on,
the public, as certified to by Physicians and others.
Let none condemn them until they havo tried
them, and then we are certain they will not.
It is now a settled point with all who have used
the Vegetable Persian Pills that they aro pre-eminently
the best and most efficacious Family Medi
cine that has yet been Used in America. If every
family could becomo acquainted with their Sovcr
cign power over disease, they would keep tlicm and
bo prcpaied With a sure remedy to apply on the firs
appearance of disease, and then how much distress
would bo avoided and money saved, as well as tho
lives of thousands' whd tiro hurried, out of time by
neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not being
in possession of a remedy which they can placo de
pendence upon.
The Resurrection, or Persian Pills
Tho name of those nlll nrrritififfSil frnm flirt Mr.
ctimatance of tho medicine bcinc found only in the
i . r Ti - t. tin " ... .
uuu.uiaru'H ui rersm. una vegetable produclioii
licinc of Ilrrlilinr lriml. 1r.1 (n nvr,;n,ni'n. t..
Ita medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a ecu
tury it became an established medicine for the dis
eases of that countryi The extract of this singu
lar production was introduced into gomo parts of E u
ropo in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated
Physicians in curing certain diseases, where all oth
er medicine has lrten lldnl in vnlti Fori,, I,. .1,
year 1702, tho extract was combined with a certain
.uyi-uiuiu iiicuiciiio imported iroin uurn lJaca, in
tlio Eart Indies, and formed into Pills. Tho admir
able effect of this comnound unon tlirtlmmnn b
tcm, led physiicans and families into its general
une. i uvir iong csianiisncu cliatacter their univer
sal and hcaling virtLcs, the detergent ond cleansing
nualities of thpir nti,v!np. nrtinn nnm. ,!. nlA...i..t.
I - -( ujiuu vuv- laimuiat
part of tho system, are such as will sustain their re
putation anu general use m tno American Repub-
I certify that I have, br wav ol exnerimeht. used
tho Hygeari, and most of the farious kinds ol Pills.
In my practice, which have borno the highest repute
in the public estimation, that have been Uflercd for
sale in this vicinity for the last livoycais, including
those called tho Resurrection or PcrsaiU Pills; and
the public may rest assured that none among the
whole cataloguo hai answered a better purpose, as
an casy and effectual remedy, than the Resurrection
or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease.
Cuaiilxs Bvckus, M. D,
Rochester, N. Yi Sept. 21, 1837
Messrs. E. Chajc & Od Gcnti. Hearing
much said about the extraordinary effects of the
Kcsurtcction or i'ersian upon those about to
becomo mothers, we were induced to make a trial of
them. My wife was at that time tho mother of fivo
children, and hod suffered the most tedious and ex
cruciating pains during and after her confinement
of each, oho had tnCd every means and taken
much medicine, but found little dr no relief. Sho
Commenced taking tho J'ereian i'ills about three
months before her confinement (her health being Ve
ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a
short time she was enabled by their use to attend to
the cares ot a mother to fur family until her con
finement. At the time she commdriccid taking tho
i'ersian Pills, find for several weeks pievious, she
was afflicted with a diy hard cough, and frequent
scveio cramps, which tho use of the -Pills entirely
removed before using half a box. It is with the
greatest confidence that we advise all those about to
become mothers to make use of tho Persian Pills.
All those that havo taken them in our neighbor
hood have-got along in the samo easy manner, and
arc about the house in a few days. There does not
appear to be half the danger of oilier dangers setting
in oner conuncmciu, wuere incsc fills are taken.
We unitedly' say,let none neglect taking them, for
they are in the reach of tho poor as well as tho rich.
Wo are truly thankful that there is a remedy which
females can easily procure which tends, to lessen the
world of suffering, which many of them havo to bear,
and perhaps save tlio lives of thousandswhieji would
otherwise be lost. "
Rochester. Mav 14. 1838: corner nf nnlliXir,;...,
square, Edlnburg strcct for further particulars see
8. .RoilEKTS,
Ar 0. IloBEllTS.
RnciiESTin. ftpnJ. "t Ifl3(!
Messrs, . Chase Go
I think it my duty to let vnu know -what a preat
euro your Pills have perfonnod on me I had been
sick about 7 years about S years and a half con
fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurable,
with Consumption, by twelve physicians of the first
standing) my lungs were seriously affected) I had
J ulcers gamer ana break; my cough was dry and
harsh most of the time; my liver was much swollen,
and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever,
and night sweat, accompanied with cxtrcmo inita-
bleness ot tlio nervous system, and othor difficulties
which I forbear to mention. After I was given over,
I tried almost all medicines which were advertised,
but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable
Persian Tills. I began to gain in a short timt after
1 commenced taking them; and, to bo brief, befuio I
took 3 boxes, I was able to rido out and to tako eon
siderablc exercise, and at this time I enjoy good
health, nnd am able to do good day's work. If any
noe wish u ni'iru particular History ol my sutler
ings, he may call on me, at the corner of Main and
Uliuton-streets, Jtoclioiter.
Fits Cuncn The undersicned hereby certify.
that we are the Parents of two children who have
uecn afflicted with fits more or less from (heirinfen
cy, and that wo have spared no nalns or cxnenso in
endeovoring to effect a cure, but without ony bene'
-IT . !lL. !. e ..
liciai eueti, uiiju Hearing 01 me Kcsurrecttou or f cr
siait Pills, when four boxes wero immediately
procureu, anu ucioro inrco noxes were taken, tno
fits had abated In frequency, and evciy sym
tom much improved, and now we aro happy to
state that our childicn by tho uso of the I'ersian
i i . . .i . .
Pills, with the blessing of God, aro entirely cured,
anu nave no symtoin or appearance ot lits, will Una
n tuo rcrstan J'llls a sure and perfect euro.
Canton N. Y. Dec, 10, 1837.
Tho above pills may be had of tlio following a
gents John Moyer, Dloomsburg; H. Miller, Ber
wick; J. Cooper & Sons, Hazelton; O, llortman,
Espeytown; John Sharpies,, Cattawissaj Lyman
tiholo, Danville.
Euro Taylor, agent for 'ho Stats of Pcnsylva
nia ifisidlng p RosJiwh N. Y. to vjdiom all orders.
can o eaarcsiea
' Th. lift of, is in the blood,'
so saith the scriptures. I.t'titicus c. xvii.
than scrlpturo testimony can Wo have of the
Ho of tho llesh depending upta tho condition of
tlio blood I If impure or diseased, tho 11 call must
of courso bo diseased thereby, and the whole sys
tem partake of such disease. 1 f the doctrino be true,
and there Is not a doubt of it (for it is a fact accec
ded 10 by all, that the scriptures, are true beyond a
doubt,) then it behooves us to guard against the
consequences of such Impuritrcs, and thus preserve
the flesh healthy. If tho flesh bb healthy, cctisti
tutin,g as it does the principal portion of thohuhmh
yody then must the whole body bo healthy.
In vegetables only can. wo find tlio medicine where
by all impurities of the blood may bo removed.
Upwards of ono hundred years experience of the
most celebrated, thowifest and best physicians have
proved certain vcgetabltg to possess purifying proji
crties. Theso vegetables will nqt hero bo named,
ond Dr. Leidy wishes to rcmunrato himself, mid
profit by tho long, laborious, and costly experiments
necessary to bo made, that the active principles of
those vegetables might be retracted otid reduced to
sucli form as makes them easy, safe and pleasant to
bo taxcm
These vegetables aro contained in tho iustlv cel
ebrated Blood Pills, manufaiiturcd only by Dr. N.
Leidy, a regular Dnijtgist and Physician, attested
by Drs, Physic, Chapman, Jacksoj , Horner, Gibson
licwecs, Jalnes, Hare, Cox, etc.
Tho ubovo Pills may bo employed as n mild or
active purgative. Their action is easy, and hiay bo
employed by all persons under all circumstances.
They will at all times bo found serviceable, whin
the least sickness is present. Thoy require no
change of diet, restraint from occupation, or fear of
taking cold from their use. They are dally prescrib
ed by numerous physicians; certificates of tho fact
accompany tho directions. Thtiy are the most affec
tive purifier of tho blood and other fluids of tho hu
man body ever discovered. Persons having once
Used, will ever after, as occasion may acquire, have
rcsour&c to them.
Price Twenty Five Cents a box.
Sold by all respectable Druggists and Mcrchanst
throughout tho Union, and in tins city only ut
Dr. Lcidy's Health Emporium, Second street be
low Vine,
J. II. Smith & Co.'s Sd st. near tho Red Lion.
J. Gilbert & Co.'s 3d above Vine.
C. Clemens' North 3d above Wdod.
F.KIctt's 2d and Cnllowhili.
For tale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg
ttf D. S. TOBIAS Agent.
Bloomsburg July, 13i.l630, 11.
rTnilESE Tiusscsaro in many particular, on an
H entirely new plan, and their advantages over
another Trusses, have been attested not only the
most respectable of the tncdical faculty, but by tlio
actual experiment of thoso afflicted with tho disease
which they are intended to alleviate. The most
eminent Phvsiciaris unnn nil pTntmnhtinfi r,r tliia
TrUss", arc ro decided as to its superiority, that tliey
nuvo cneeriuny aim voluntarily given ccrlllicntes to
the proprietors to bo laid befdro publici For sale by
D. S. Tobiiis Agent Health Emporium.'
A valuable Medicine, for which the sub
scriber has just received tho agency. A
small supply for sale at his establishment.
Dec. t,
TTOlIN R. MOYER has received; in addition to
Qjy his former extensive supply of Medicine
JdxiMuo jiA-rjiuiUKAHT a cure for
Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Bronchite, Spitting
of blood, Asthma, Whooping Cough, und ahother
nnlmnnnrv .flVdiAno ' ' '
DU. JAYNES HAIR TONIC, for tho prcscr
atlon. tf row 111 nnd resfcirntlnnVif tin, 1ir U'l,..
properly applied, it never fail to produco New Haiu
on Bald hcadsi
A Celebrated Medicated Vegetable
for tho euro of Coughs, Inllamation of tho Chest,
Fresh fruit. Or.inrrea. Hnis'in. Prima
received and offered for sale very low, compared
.vnu lurwer prices.
Bloomsburg March 14, 1840.-
AN exlraordinary remedy for Local infla-
mation, schroffuloua affections, Kinns-evil.
iiiuuiiiaiory anu unronic Ktieuinatism,
Gout, Head-ache, nervous tooth-ache, pain
hi uiu mue, nip, Dacic anu limbs, Weils,
Whito swellings, tumours, stiff mints ter
ete. tc.
The subscriber has lust received a small
supply of the nbovo Medicine, with numer
ous certificates of cure performed, with di-
iwk-uuiiu mr usinu uie same.
JJIoomsburg Feb., 29 1840
24 boxes bunch Raisons.
9I: boxes clusters Ipw price Raisono.
20 boxes European Currants.
2 boxes bunoh Raisons expressly for fam
ilies for8I,12 rer box.
12 boxes Heirintf.
500 do- soft shell Almonds,
100 do. Filberts',
800 do. English Walnuts.
1 0 do. Rock Candy,
24: d0, Prunes best and cheap
21 hags Ground Nuts
Sugar stick of all kinds
Shaving boxes, '
Shaving brushes,
H different kiuds of shaving" soaps All
for sale at
Tobias1 Health Emporium.
H Til A'l TttM r.II.'l-' ilvii urn..
ll. HIT" :i!H urnevrr put fiiftllv .f,l !...- .
Tho proprietor of theso Medicines cannot too deep
ly impress upon tho public mind the high Impor
tance of an early or timely attention to sound health.
Thcro aro Very mdny in this community who do
not appreciate good health, until attacked by somo
violent disease, when they think thoy must immedi
ately send for a physician, and in consequence, they
are perhaps confined to their beds fot weeks, or even
months. Almost overy one Is liablo to bo unwell at
times, und by neglect of proper treatment of thcni
selves, on such occasions, it is Very often the brtso
that a sovcro attack of disease is tho consequence.
Such results may bo easily avoided, ond should be;
and it is in a great mcasoro the object of Mr. MOF
FAT, that his publication should continually re
mind Buch persons of their danger. The following
letters go to show that tho Life Pi Bnd PhonU
Bitters arc not only excellent family medicines, but
that they will, in very many instances, superccdo
the nerrdhitv nf rnllinu a nhisician. 'I'lm .
j - i, , - 1 1 j fJiaiiiijrui
olllco is at 375 Broadway, whero thousands of sim
ilar letters to Mh Motlat, may be examined,
Tlio following letter was received fmm n ,i-
man who, a few months since, purchased somo of
tho Lifo Medicines for tho use of his family, and a
lew oi ins irienus :
Napoll,N. Y., July 27, 183S.
Mr. W.BiMoflat Dear sir Tim l.ifi. fill, m.l
Phcnix Bitters surpass cvCry medicine I havo been
acquainted with. In every instance where it has
been useih a benefit lias l,..mi Inmpil nml ni'.m
ncrson is satisfied. One mnn imnliliol vitl, .r..i'
ulous humor, has been all but raised from tho dead.
inoincr person, a icmaie who has been unable to
Icavo hct room for tho last two years, has been re
stored to health. Another troubled wilhsqrc throat
jor morn man a year, and also a burning sensatian
in her stomach and bowls, was completely curbd by
threo doses of your Pills. Another, troubled with
a sovcro nervous affection, attend withdyspepsia und
continued head-ache, and was so reduced as to bo
unable to leave her bed, was, by tho use of one box
of Pills and bottle of Bitters, so ri'stnrnl n in
bo able td attend to her domestic concerns. And
lastly, an acquaintance of mine, has by tlio uso of
a bottle of Bitters and two boxes of Pills, been made
a perfectly sound and heahhv man. Tfn tinil
laboring under a complication of diseases for tho
last live years, i could mention numerous other
instances, but thce afcsufilcicnt to show tho effects
of the mcdicino uponka low of ray neighbors and
friends. Your obedient servant,
Crnus Tnicusii.
The following is nart of n letter tvritlnn K rt irn;
tleman in the country to his brother in (hi. fiio
from whqm ho had received a box of Lifo I'ills und
rnenix Ulttcrs:
Thompsonvillc, Conn., Juno 20, 1838.
D&ar Brother I emlinir.n llin Til nennt fiiitinrfiinit v
of writing you a few lines. I received the Life
Pills and Phcnix Bitters you Bent mo, for which I
can never thank you enough, as they have proved.
I hope, a perfect cute to me. I had for two years
been troubled with a severe pain in my side, I ap
plied to ull tho doctors In this neighborhood) but got
no relief until I took the Pills and Bitters you sent
me. omco I have tAkcn them I have bumi ns iv,ll
as ever I was in my life.
Youro affectionately, David Media.
Tho following is a conv Of a letter from '1'
Haute Indiana:
Mr. W. B. Moffat Dear Sir I wrote you a few
days since stating, briefly, tho quantity of Life Pills
and Phcjilx Bilters, I should wanl the coining ben
son, When I accented tho aircnev of this Meiti.
cino in Juno last, (although your application was
accomnanicd bv doeninp.tibi. nttpttlinrr flit, m-rw, t.r.
cfit of this medicine, I lud no eiticctaiion that it
would equal tho description given of it, or givo such
general sausiacuon as mo experiment ot a few
.i. - i t , .
iiiuiiuis iias provcu, i can omy say mat all who
have used it bear tectimonv nf iu i.rcni vnlnn
eIicicncyi I know of no instance where it has
been thought in tho slightest degree Injurious, and,
oven thoo who are afflicted,, beyond hope of cure,
bear testimony of its salutary influence upon their
general health. Thd great and increasing demand
for this article is tho best iissuraucc of its usefulness,
and 1 would not wish to bo without it fVir n .in,.!
day. Kcspectfully, yours, J, F. Kixo.
Tho following is a copy of a letter from a lady in
JJast Lyme, Connecticut, to Mr. Moffat's agent:
.ast i.ymc, uonn., jiay lilli, J83U,
Mr. Bradford Sir In regard to Dr. W. B. Mof
at's Life Prills and Phcnix Bitters, I can truly say
from experience, they are tho best medicine I havo
aiiyknowledso of. Incredible oifitmnv nnnnr. I
Wave for eight mouths scarcely been able to walk a-
cross a room, ono month could not feed myself, had
the attendance of the best of physicians for months,
onco and twice a day havo taken Patent .Medicine
as far as directions would permit. Aluo, a celebra
lcJ Doctor's prescriptions, all of which has been a
course-of tho greatest perseverance I was capable
of. Yet I.havc receded no more than present re
lief; to give a similitude of my sufferingr is indes
cribable Yet I will write tho.symtoms of my dis
ease. For tcti veurs I havo mifTrrp,! will, .. ........
- . - ' -... . 11 uuo
affection in my hoad and face; a place as largo as a
nanu in uie wn siuo oi my uacx. connecting the
fchoulderdescribcd; accusation of soreness, frequent
ly became as cold as if lifo had departed. In July,
183U, in consequence of oierdoing, talcing it hard
cold, 1 Was seized with a numbiiewi in the system,
fainmcss, flatulency, pain in tjio head, voracious ap
netite. and at time. i!pfiiiiiit nnnniiiA t e
muscular power.painin the leftbido.also intheshnul
uer anu arm m uie greatest extent, paltutation of
tho heart, great distress in tho back, gnawing in the
stomach when einntv. nressure after mp.ilu n,,,.,,.
ing almost to suffocation, stricture across tho brcBdt,
soro uiroai, uiso a iicaiing, attcnuod with a convul
sive cough, spitting of purulent matter, night sweats,
cold feet and hands, footed breath, costiveness, piles!
loss of memory, affection of sight and hearing, diz
iness, deafness, tho mind became desponding, other
disagreeables not mentioned, which caused great
weakness, &c. I happily, and can truly say, that by
the blessing of Heaven, and the rwtorativo proper
ties of tlio Lifo Pills and Phenix Bitters, I art re
stored to health, which no ether mcdicino could do
Yours, &c.
Isabella A. Bogcrs. East Lyme, Conm
For additional particulars of the above medicines
see Moffat's " Good Samaritan," a copy of which
accompanies tho medicines; a copy can bo obtained
of the different Agents who havo the medicine for
French, German, and 8panish directions can be
obtained on application ot tho offiice, 375 Broad
way, AH post paid Icttors will riccivo immediate aftcn
tion 1'renared and sold ty William B. Moffat, 37fi
Broadway New York. A liberal reduction ruado 'o
thoso who purchase to Boll again.
Agents. -I'lie Lifo Medicines may also be had of
tho nrincinal dumrists in nverv Inutn il,. ,,!...
United, Statos and tho Canaijas, A6k for Moffat's
iLiCo Pills and Phcnix Bitterslatid be sure that afao
slmilac-f John Aliifllil's fcinmJur,, t.
o-r- uj,uii nil) laiK'l
of eah bottlo of bitters or lox of pis. I'or sale
at Tobia's Health Eiunorluil. lltnnm.l,,,,.
1a'OHF than six millions of boxes of the'.,,
XxJL celebrated pills have been told in tho I id.
ted States since Jnnuary 1835.
Hundreds and thousuhds bless the day they lc
came aequaintcd With Peters' Vegetable pill,, yrhicJn
in consequence of their extraordinary goodness haH
attained n popularity unprecedented in tlio history
of medicine,
When taken according to tho directions accom
panying them, they are highly benefiicial in tin
prevention and cure of bilious fovcr, fever and a
guo, dyspkpsia, liicr complaints, sick hcaJ-acha
jaundice, hsthma, rhcilmatitin, enlargement of tha
stddcn, piles, colic, female obstructions, hcaitburn,
furred tongue, nausea, distension of the Homoeli
and bowels, ihcipibnt d'arrhen, flatulence, habitual
cusllvcncss, loss of (lnuctiie. blnMi
conijilbxion, and in all cases of torpor of the bow
els, whero a cathartic or an aperient is needed
They aro exceedingly rfflld in their oheratiorj, prab,
ducmg ncithor nausea, griping, nor debility, and in''
consequence of their ANT1-BILI0US QUALI
TIES, aro the b6st of all remedies in scarlet tlver
fever and ague, bilious fetcr, and all diseases which.' fi
have their origin in accuinula tion of BILE : in if
oru liu i ciers- puts are the great bilious antidote:
and with a supply of them all bilious affections caif
bo kept at a distance.
Thoso who havo suffered and are welry of suffes
ing from theso destaoying complaints, will find in
1 eters' Vegetable pills a remedy at onco certain euii
immediate in its effect. In
They stand unrivalled'. Many have been cured in
a few weeks, after having suffered under this drsad
ful complaint for years.
The world Is vastly out of tuno,
And seems beyond correction;
But I've a spell, that very soon
VVI1I make it all perfection:
Will soon oxpcl disease and pain
So none shall bo afflicted;
And then shall cure all ills amain,
To which men are addicted.
0 would you know this scourge of ills,
So various and so glorious 1
They arc tho VEGETABLE J'lLLS
Of J'ETERS, so victorious.
O yes, thoy are thosopilN of pride,
Which all the world are pruising,
For never did the gods provide
A incd'einc so amazing.
Tho' Spleen or Chol'ra rack you through;
With this you need not fear thcrn;
If Gout afflict, and Colic too,
A lox or tod will clear them;
And if your liver's out of tunc;
If wild your head is aching;
If jaundice dies you like the moon;
Or ague sets you shak ug;
If grim dyspepsia thins your chyle;
If devils blue arc grinding;
If you are plagued with gripe or bile,
Orfctcre looscor binding;
0 tell no doctor of your ills,
Nor trust to baths or lancine;
But fuco tho rogues with I'UTEItS' VtLtM
And soon you'll send diem prancing.
These valuable pills Arc Superior to Lco's.Brtn'
drcth's, Moffett'a, Evans, Hunts, tho Persian or in
fact to nny other pill ever brought before the public.
One 25 Cent llox Aflll prove their virtue hi
this county, us their surprising virtues are establish,
ed all otcrthe United States, Canadas, Texas, Mex
ico and the West Indies.
dj'Eiiquirc for 'eter's Vegetable Anti Billious
pillf-JpO They can bo obtained ofD. S. Tobias
anu j. h. ,iioyer, iiioomsnurg, win. Miuuio ec uo. a
Danville, and at nil ibn nrinrinli Ktnrpd in llm atnta.
THAT I have applied id tho Judges of
the Court 6f Common Pleas of Columbia
county, for tho benefit of tho insolvent laws
of the Commonwealth, and that thoy hare
appointed Monday, the 20lh dy of April
next for tho hearing of me and m'y credi
tors, when and whoro you nan attend if voa
think proper. JOSEPH MILLER.
Feb. 29, 1610
Estate of FREDERICK RHOR, late of
Greenwood township, Columbia county',
NOTICE M hereby given, that letters
testamentary have been granted io the sub
scriber upon tlio above estate, All persons
indebted to said estato aro required to maks
immediate payment, and thoso having
claims or demands against tho same, to
present them for settlement, duly tiutheati.
cated according to law, to
Adm'r. with the will annexed.
Feb. 8, 1840
N. B. I will bd at the houso of the de
ceased, on the Tthand 14ihof March next,
for the purpose of settling tho accounts of
said deceased.
"rjT O.ST, on Wednesday last, between Blooou
Ji.ijburg, and Yeagcr's Tavern in Roaring Creak i
largo MOROCCO POCKET BOOK, in whifb?
were sundry papers of no use to nny person but th"
owner. Tho finder shall bo suitable rewarded by"
leaving it at this ollko or giving information nheie
it may be had.
. Feb. 22, 1810.
RESPECTFULLY informs tho public
and his friends gnnnr-llyr that ho bus inst
xi'Mivnii ii, n -Bui. ...-,.-. - J. .
published by Ward, Basford nnd Wnrd, for
January, 1810, and is prepared to makju
Oentlemen's and Lady's Garments, of ev
ery description, in the best and most fash
able style, and at short notice, as he is de J
tormined to merit a shaic of publio patroiv-
January 25, 1810
. , r i . ....wu.t