TJIE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. "tiiutii fiTHOFT run " &3 TURD.1 I, Jt.1R CJt 1 1 , 1 MO. iw.'j 1 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 1840. Foil PllESlDENTj kAUTIJT VAN Btllitetf. Fon Vice PnusincNT, fclCHAUI M. JOIINSOft. And the fcONSTlTUflONAL TREASURY. ELECTORAL TICKET u AMES UI.ARKE, oi inaiana, g.natorlal Gko. G. Lr.ii'En, of Delaware ire, 3 1 Col. John Thompson S Bcniamin Mifflin , Frederick Stocvcr 3 11 m. II. Smith 4 John F. Stcinihan John Dowlin Henry Myers B Daniel Jacoby C Jesse Johnson 7 Jacob Able 8 Geo. Christmart 9 Wm. Shoencr '10 Henry DehuiT 11 Henry Logan 12 Frederick Smitli 13 Charles M'Cluro 14 J. Mi Gcm.moll 15 G. M. Hollenback 1G Lcdnafd J'foutz 17 John Hoftonjr. 18 William Philaon 18 John Morrison 20 Wcstly Frost 21 llcnj. Andcrsdn 22 William Wilkins 21! A. K. Knight 24 John Findlcy 25 Stephen Barlow1 It will bo r'crnemboreit thai at thfe dele gate meeting held at this place oil tho 3d of February, Jcddiah Irish was appointed sen atonal delegate to tho 4th of March Con vention, under an understanding with .Schuylkill County that Columbia iliould have the delegate as long as. that cotlnty had llhe Senator. But it seems the appointment f Mr Irish'did not suit tho feelings "of the Danvillo Juntoi he1 Was not a mart of their Vidney, they therefore, regardless of 'the Voice of the county) expressed through their legates; started their old game of trickery lot defeat the wishes of tho majority, and disfranchise tho county. To carry out their I "anT plans, tney got up a secret meeting m xonr iiillt of some three or four individuals, and appointed a spurious sett of confrees with t.i. m. aa, ,, .u ,mnM -nn. A..-, r.--, s.U.i.iwin ..kiM, t.aJ LMri ,n. icicua ....... - - i pointed unbeknouin to the friends 01 Mr. Irish. By this means they effected their .hir.r-.tbv annoiriiihr Nsthan Nathans, of t,-......:m" i.i ta ..., u . eommiileo upon contested seats at the 4th "of March Convention From Columbia and Schuylkill two Sen "atonal delegates appeared, Jedediah Irish and Nathan Nathans, and the district being 'entitled only to one each contested the seat of tho other. Is was perfectly clear that Mr. Irish Was elected by a meeting ot democrats ot Oo vlumbia : but m his election there was a 'provision that the demociata of Schuylkill 'confirming his election, not was there any 'conference between tho two counties con 'ternins him. It was alleged by him, and is by no means improbable that Columbia was entitled to tho delegate, and that it was well understood and conceded, that beluiyi kill would airree to any nomination made hv Cjlun!)ia. But there was no proof of 'itch neui'ment. On the other hand Mr, exhibited the proceedings of appa rently regular democratic meetings in the 'i.ntintii.ii thft a t nnin I m pnt nT fipnalnrinl runferccn from eaeh ; and the joint meeting and action of tho confereus clocthg him the senatorial dclosate. The committee, therefore, decided that Nathan Nathans, bo admitted to his seat, as cnatonal delegate from this district They thus succeeded iit not only again defeating the expressed voice of the county, but in disfranchising her of her rightful re ipreMntation in the convention. How much longer will the democracy of Columbia xoMnty permit themselves to be insulted and rabuied by theso Danville disorganizes, who nave uniformly, when they could not con rtrol the county conventions, raised an op position against the regular nominations to distract and divide the party, regardless of v 'bo consequences, provided their own el T fish ends could thereby bo advanced, a short lime will determine, Insult upon insult has so often been heaped upon them, that wo trust that submission will no lunger t be considered a virtue, and that they will peak to the junto with the indignant voices ef freemen, and teach them that others have rights and that they know how to maintain them. Peaceably if they cn. but forcibly If they w w must. The fact of the Dahviilo junto having by their usual game of trickery and deception defeated tho wishes of the Germans and prevented them from being represented on the bench of this bounty, hai created, as we expected, quite a sensation among that numerous arid worthy class of our citizens. From the fact of their being' seginany Ger mans in tho county, it has always been a conceded point, that ono of the associate judges should be a mail capable of speak ing both languages, and it has been left for the present Danville faction, in addition to their numerous encroachments on the rights of the peoplo bf the county, to now rend asunder the last link in'the chain of for bearance, by depriving the Gcrmon popu lation of ait associate judge, vhbmlhey cduld approach without being compelled to employ an intorpsrter. But this treatment is in entiro unison with all their former acts and opinions.expressed by word, as well as by acts, that, as was publicly proclaimed by a prominent member of the junto, " they arc all a sett of ignorant Dutch hogs," and of course are not to bb consul ted! jodiscos mttrriagetht. .I Bodisco the ton, whose Russian Minister at Washin contemplated marriage has set the elite of that city all aotr, is an oddity. His inten ded is a charming little girl of sixteen, and the daughter of a clerk in one of the Audi tor s offices. Bodisco himself is nearly seventy is bald on his head, While his bo dy is covered al, over With hair two inches long has ono glass eye and owing to some affection of the throat, breathes thrdUgh a silver tube, inserted in his neck Oh 1 what a lovely couple ! How she will be able to fondle on him ! Ills income is $30,000 per anouim A yoUnij widow of very polite address whose husband had lately died, was visited soon after by tho minister of the parish, who enquired as usdal about her husband's health when sho replied With a peculiar smllet He is dead, I thank yotit' A Queer" Character. Among thb do ings at tho court of common pleas for Rock ingham cot N. II., the Exeter News Let ter states that Alfred Tetherly, of Charles- town, N. II. was indicted for stealing horse, the property of Josiah Woodman of Nottingham. On being asked if " ruilty or not guilty," he said they might set hi in down as guilty i for he Went into the barn to lodge Jfor the: nlghti and finding no hay there for him to lio on) or thu horse to eat, he far hift l0 lio or)j or ,riu horse to eat, took ihc beast out of pithh rode up the countryt where there was hay enough, and sold him W a man who would feed him well, a,,d no allow h.mto starve. lie thought some about riding the horsn back to its own er but the jade travelled so hard that he would rather go to the State Prison for a doxen years than ride him again a down miles. Thd coUrt sentenced him to three tnutiddthfi.-The Vicksburg Sentinel of the 20th of February, says that the city of Cairo, nt tho mouth ut the Utuo, is en tirely inundated. An ambitious vounir eentleman from New Vork' wishing to liecomo a great ope rator in tho west lately purchased a thou sand dollars worth of Brandreth's pills and brought them on to work out an opening for him I A traveller from this city stepping at an inn down cast asked how the business me in New York were getting along. 'iOh,' answered the traveller, "many of them have rot upon their lags aeain," "How so haa trade became more brisk?" "No no 1 I mean that many who formely rode in their coaches, are now obligted to walk." The committee of conference, appointed P" e subject ol banks, had not repbrted at the latest dates from Harrisburg. The'Canal Commissioners havo reduced the loll on flour between Pittsburg and Phi: adelphia, twenty cents net barrel. The toll is now fifty-six cents instead of seven ty-six as formerly. A cry having been raised, by tho whigs of great changes iu Fayette county in favor of Harrison, a democratic meeting was held at Uniontown on the 14th inst. at whic more than thirty five hundred democrats at tended. The procession reached about three miles, all riding in wagons or on hor sps. uiu l'dyctto will give an increased Van Boron mnjoriiy of more than five hun drt-d. MARRIED On the 13th inst. by h Rev. William J. Eyer, Mr. PETER TRUMP, of Bloom township, to Miss SA K it u Alum, ot Koaringcieek, By the Rev. D. 8, Tobias, on the lOtlt inst. M Abraham Uoleman to Miss Leah Mean. On tho kuiiio day, by tho same, Mr. Benjamin v oit'iiu:! Kirth Evans, sllol Orsgci BLOOMSBURG RANGERS ARE hereby commanded to meet at the house of Mrs. WORMEN, in Espytown, on Saturday, the 18A of Anrilncxt, at 10 o'clock, A. M. lawfully cnuipt for drill; with arms and accoutrements in good order. By order of tho Captain, , D.ROAT, 0.8. Mffich 21, 1840. Bloomsburg Artillery A RE hereby commanded to meet at tho JJUCK- jOL HORN, in Hemlock, on Saturday, the -ith of April riexl, atone o clock, in tho afternoon, for company drill. By order of the Commandant. E. ARMSTRONG, O. S. March 21, 1840. Fresh Garden Seeds. THE subscriber has just received a sun- ply of Fresh Garden Seeds, from the United Society of Shakers in the stato of New- York, which are considered the best and heapest offered to the public. JOHN K. MUYEK. March 21. MDI2 SlBLklBEP 8 8 THINK AND ACT QUICK! rSIIE subscriber intending to dose, his business I in llloomsbure and miivn out of town, on the first day of Apail, calls upon all persons indebted to him to come forward nndcloso their accounts before that time, or they will lie- left with a justice to settle uecorumg 10 law. ItJiUBtiJ.N UUA1UUX. March 21, 1840. Vendue. TllE Subscriber having rented his tav cm aianuj anu iiiienuing to remove to a farm, will offer the following property to be sold by Public Vendue at the Tavern stand aforesaid id Blooms- burg, Columbia, on Tutsdaxj the 31af day of March inst. to wit s Chairs, Tables.Cupboards.Stoves, uesks, uedsteads and Betiding; and a varie ty of Household and kitchen furniture; one set of Blacksmith tools, Bellows, &c. also will be offered at the same time, Wagons, uorses, Harness and two TROY COACHES, , neatly tiew; with a great variety of other articles, which can sot bo enumerated in an advertisementi bale to commence at 10 o'clodk A. M. on said day, and be continued from dav to day, until the property is sold Conditions will be made khbWH on the day of sale and aue attendance given, by 'Vrai HOBISON. Bloomsburg, March 21, 18i0. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. THE COLLECTORS of County Tax- cs are hereby informed, that there is large slims of money wanted to pay off debts al ready incurred in building county bridges going up in the serine, and that dilatory collectors who coma forward at the April cuuri wun excuses msicau ei money must expect nothing short of the most prompt and rigid compulsory measures to enforce the payment ot the county taxes, JEREMIAH WELLIVER, Treasurer of Columbia coi March b, ih-iu. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. TO all legatees, creditors end other per sons interested in the estates of the tesnec live decedents and minors, that the admin istration accounts of the said estates have been filed iu the Office of the Register of county ol Columbia, and will be pscsentcd for confirmation and allowance to the Or- phan's Court, to be held at Danville, in and lor me county aiorcsaici, on i ucsuay, me z 181 oi April next, at a o ciock. r. ftl. 1 The account of George Hidley and Levi Aikman, jr. Administrators of the es tate of JoXn Yi Aikman, late of Bloom township, deceased 2 The account of John Fruit, Adminis trator of the estate df Catharine Watson, late of iMadison township deceased. 3 The second supplementary account of Jacob Miller, administrator ol George Mil ler, late of Caltawissa township, deceased. -1 The account ol William Clayton, Ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Thomas Clayton, late of Caltawissa town ship, deceased. a i lie account oi Jotin Jtnodes, admin- ... my. . . istrator of the estate of Caster Rhodes, late of Roaringcroek township, deceased. PHILIP BILLMYER, Register. Register's OFricn, Danville, March 13, 1839- $ OHN R. MOYER has received; in addition to his former extensive supply of Mcdicin DR. JAYNES EXPECTORANT a cure for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Bronchltes, Spitting of blood, Asthma, Whooping Cough, and alt other pulmonary allections, DR. JAYNES HAIR TONIC, for tho prescr. vation. growth and restoration of the Hair. When properly never fail to produce New Hin on uaid iicaus. ALSO A Celebrated Medicated Veselablt oua;1i Syrup, for the cure of Coughs, Inllamation of tho Chest, &c. &.C Fresh fruit, Oranges, Raisins, Pruns ice, just received and offered for sale very Un, compared iniormer prices. UUouuburif March 14, 1840, UKEAi AKKIVAL, tKUM 11. lUJirv.l PETERS' VEGETABLE PILLS. ' I MORE than six million, of boxes of these celebrated pi Ha have been sold in the Uni- ted states since January 1835. Hundreds and thousands bless the dav they be- came acquainted with Peters' Vegetable pills, which, in consequence of their extraordinary goodnc8s,uave i attained a popularity Unprecedented in tho history of medicine. Whcri taken Hccordina to tho directions accom panying them, they are highly bcnefiicial in the prevention and euro of bilious fever, fever and a cuc, dyspepsia, liver complaints, sick hcad-achc, jaundice, asthma, rheumatism, enlargement of the spleen, piles, colic, female obstructions; Heartburn, furred tongue, nausea, distension of the stomach and bowels, incipient diarrhoea, flatulence, habitual costivencss, loss of appetite, blotched or shallow complexion, ana in all cases or torpor ot tno bow els, where a cathartic or an aperient is needed.- They are exceedingly mild in their operation, pro ducing neither nausea, griping, nor. debility, and in consequence of their ANTI-BILIOUS QUALI TIES, are the best of all remedies in Scarlet fever, fever and ague, bilious fever, and all diseases which havo their origin in accumulation of BILE : in a word Dr. i'eters' pills arc the great bilious antidote, and with a supply of them all bilious affections can be kept at a distance. HEAC-ACHE, SICK AND NERVOUS. Those who havo suffered and are weiry of suffer mg troin tlicso dcstioying complaints, will find in j'cters v cgutable puis a remedy at once certain and immediate in its cllcct. In DYSPEPSIA They stand unrivalled. Many have been cured in a lew weeks, alter having sullcrcu under this dread ful complaint for years. The world Is vastly out of tune, And seems beyond correction; But I've a spell, that very soon Will make it all perfection: Will soon expel disease end pain, So none shall bo afflicted; And then shall cure all ills amain, To which men are addicted. O would you know this scourge of ills, , So various and so glorious 1 They are tho VEGETABLE PILLS Of PETERS, so victorious. O yes, they aro those pills of pride, Which all the world are praising, For never did the gods piovido A med'einc so amazing. Tho Spleen or Chol'ra rack you thraugbi 'With this you need not fear them; If Gout afllict, and Colic too, A box or too will clear them: And if your liver's out of tune; If wild your head is aching; If jaundice dies you like the moon; Or ague sets you shak ngj If grim dyspepsia thins your chyle; If devils blue are grinding; If you aro plagued with gripe or bilj Or fevers loose or binding; O tell no doctor of y bur ills, Nor trust to baths or lanrinr Dut face the rogues with PETERS' tfitiLS And soon you'll send them prancing; These valuable pills are Superior to Lce's.Brsn drcth's, MolTctt's, Evans, Hunts, the Persian or in fact to any other pill ever brought before the public, une 25 vent juox win prove their virtue in this county, as their surprising virtues are establish ed all over the United Mates, Canadas, Texas, Mei. ico and the West Indies, Or"Ennuiro for Petcr'a Vegetable Anti Billious PiUsk3) They can be obtained of D. S. Tobias and J. R. Moyer, Bloomshurg, Wm. Biddle & Co. Danville, and at all tho principle stores in the state, 8m47 CASTAS BOAT Tor Sale. rjIIE subscriber has fursaiea CANAL BOAT of about 50 tons burthen has been muse one year, arid would bo sold on reasonable tctms as td price and payments, or would tako pay iri Stono A.: r-n:i.i! i ti,.f n . ui iu iciguuiig iruuuco 10 uammoro or I nil- adelphia. Address the subscriber. m. Mcdowell. McDowell's Mills, (Bloom,) Col. co. March 14. Tho Wilkcsbarro Republican Farmer will nleaso publish tho abovo threo times, and forward their uhi to tins ollicc. A PUBLIC VENDUE ILL bo held at the houso of the subscriber, in Hemlock, township, near Bloomsburg, on JPednesday, the 25th of March, inst., mmmcnc nrr at 10 o'eloelt. A. M.. nt whirl, lim will bo exposed for sale, Cojos, Young Cattle, fldg's, Sheep, Geese, a trmamiu, nought, Jlarro,wa, and other furmirig utensils, Barrels, Tubs, and aqttantity offlousc hold and Kitchen Furniture. Conditions made known on the' day of sale. JOHN HOWER. March 14, 1840. ALL persons indebted to Uoct.CAHEN .a(Jj.&7Mtlieumaticl'nysican Irora Read- ing,& resident at D Snyder's.for profession' i a a 1 1 ,nii:iiiiT? nniivrrn ii:iv. man i.iiii ni'iv -l ... J l ..... ivt imo l r.. " r ' y, 1839, are notified that in consequence of his being compelled to be absent, ho has left his accounts with Charles Kahler, EsQf for collection, with whom they can be settled within four weeks from date without ox- pense, after which lime they may must i es'- pect to pay cost. Jautiary 2D, 1840 J. K. EDGAR, RESPECTFULLY informs the public and bis friends generally, that he has just rreceivea tne l'liiiauciDIiia ':iHl ions and TAILOR'S ARCHETYPES. published by Ward. Basford and,Ward, for January, 1810, and is prepared (o make ucntcemcn s ana iaay s uarments. ot ev- erv descriotion. in tke best and bimi f.L. able style, and at short notice, as ko is it- - rm,aari r I . .1-,. .r ..Lll. .. I Jaiusry r UU 9AJLiCi4 a HOUSE. AND LOT OF GROUNlfc THE ubscriber otTers to geU hi Rous , . , , , ... ( ,. r LV situated in tho flourishing town .f Bloomsburg, in the ceuiity tf Columbia. J Tho buildings consist of a Wall finished two gtory frara house and kitchen, a worK Shop, anj a 00( stable, alii in rood order. K4 this property is well known, a further de scription is deemed unnecessary. If not sold at private sale by thb 21 si Bayof March next, it will drt thatoay, bo exposed ai public sale, on the premises. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. An indisputable title will be made, and pos session delivered to the purchaser oh or bo- fore the fifth of April next. I? or terms, ap ply io the sUbsctlbel- dn the premises. Bloomsburg, Feb. 29, ISiO. JEW DAVID'S OR AN extraordinary remedy for Local infla mation, schrofiulous affections, Kings-evil; lnllamatory and Uhronic Uheumalism; Gout, Head-ache, nervous tbolh-abhe, paid in the side, hip, back and limbs, Wens; While swellings, tumours; stiff joirits &b; &c. ice: , , The subscriber has just received a small supply of the above Medicine, with numer- ' l..:e . r r .1 ...:.u .li' ous curunuaica ui cure periurmcu, wnu ui- rcctions for using the same. J U 11 IN K. MUX Kit, Agent. Bloomsburg Feb., 29 1840 BOAT BUILDING. I stew issiiiBniiisJiisiass AT BLOOMSBURG BASWi COLUMBIA Cot Pa; THE subscriber Informs the publla that he has just completed a new es tablishment, at me uioomsourg nasin. Col. Co. Pa. on tho North Branch Canal for BUILDING all kinds and descriptions, of Packet, Freight aixd car Boats; covered or uncovered, of any loigtH or slio on the shortest notice) and of tho best of material. , . , fc-j-He Is also' Biepafed r REPAIR ING BOATS of all kinds. . All orders will be thankfully rectived and punctually attended to on the shortest no tice posiiblo to complete, them - J AUU15 KlSiStVlUtt. Feb. 22 1840 6t43 The Advocate, Wilkesbarfe, and SpyV Columbia, will please publish tko abovo u times and forward their bills to this cCics for payment. Canal Boats For Sale; SEVERAL new Canal Boats, built the last sea son, for sale. Enquire as above. Valuable' Medicines. THE Subscriber respectfully informs"' the public that he has recently received the! appointment of an Agency frorfi i (ho pro nrttor. for vendihtr Dr.' Willirm Evanst justly celebrated Medicines, aiid that he hai just received direct from him, the following articles, to w : . . Dr. Evan s Camomile and Aperient Pills: for cure of Dyspepsia, Consumption, Livef complaint &c. Ut, Evan s booming byrup tor UhildrsH teediinpr, Dr. Evan's Fever arid Ague FilIsJ Dr. Hunt's Botanic Pills. Dr. Goqde's Female Pills; . . tfaron Vori Uutcheler's Herb Pills. ( The Pttblio are cautioned to beware of Counterfeits, ad none are genuine but thoso obtained from the authorized agents of Dfi William Evans, of Now York. JOHN R. MOYKR; Bloomsburg, Jan. 25 ,1840. 39 tf; NOTICE, IS hereby given,, that I havo bought of Jacob Bar iger, the following property, to wit: three acre of Wheat in trie ground, sixteen acres of Rye in tho . ... L '1 L. I ' t . grounu, one piougu, one narrow, ono Day mare, ana two hogs', and havo left the samo in his possession for my use, and disposal, arid worn alt pc'rkio'&s not to purchase or mdest thetfi in any way. . . . UUKKAU UKEDUENNER. March, 7 1840. Notice. A ALL persons are warned against purchasing a cxL NOTE of hand given by me to JusErnSTaur rtil, tot sixty eight dullars twenty-five cents, dated niarcn iu, oiu, payauio in iour montns iroti date? s the Note was given for & ho'rsb warranted sound that proves Unsound, I tefase to pay It Unless com pelled Uy law. JUSEi'il ROHN, marcll t;i, IH10. NOTICE. LL peisons are hereby forwamci Vchaeo or take an assignment of seal, givnt by Daniel histlcr and I made payable to Mary Moyer, or At 1 , r .lnTlf.ra M.ltl, Internal ft dited September, 7th A. D. 1835i 'n years alter date, ineund darwers of slid Note; aro "t"i ' "ip,ru I !, V.I. . f II. .1 u' '" isssssssssssnMpK dcterBsHBnHBtnttBi mmam CaUTfi, FV. mm A