i-tlV UK. LKIDV'S XVWkVAUlLLA Dl.OOb 1'IT.LU. fcjJUOl.LD receive n preference oer all 1111 flow l''irjl Uecauso they ore composed of Vegetable nrtracu, free-fnim minerals; ttnl may ho lakcu at ulltimcu withpctfcct&tVty by young iuid old, whit uut restraint from.occunaliorif tcmiicfato living, or leitrortoUng'coM, Second Uccfecso they arc, composed of such '"in.il extracts, as have lccn employed by all the mof equated atid rcipcctahlrt Physicians for moid than a century past, in purifying ttio ltlood mm .kiiuuui Hum 01 IOC IIOUV. mi.- , J . nuld or nrtivo purgativo, according to tho quantity mmii, uini uinr operation win not is attended with griping of the bowels, alrkucsa at tho atoaiach, prostration of tho aystcm, &c., na arc prodnccd by other pills. , i dilrth--Dccatno Ihey poasos a combined action, iuf-nnKu uy imy oinrr pniA, mixiuieor pri'par- hilAM taliltnvni' Tit.,!.. 11'.... I .. .: i'i.vn.M Mil, 11.9. Villi,! 13 ill VUllUl llllg ill impurities with which tho Hood and fluids of lnnl.. .., i.. ..n" A i... iu: ..... ...... j ii-i ii u, piiu muir uiiuy uncia Uto effect, removing such impurities from the sys tem. Fifth BccauEO they arc tho terror of Quacks mm luipusiurs, ior most persons arc obliged lo tako tho S.rsaiarilla Blood Pills, after taking their vile and destructive nostrums, to counteract and prevent uirir miscuicvon3 anu li.mciul cllccts. Sixth DcoauaO they nro tho only pills in which Thysiciana have fsufficientcoiifidcnco to recommend tn their patie'nts, and ctnploy in their practice, as un-y rhow nicy uro vnu tuacK, AMI Mcrcural, Ahti Itillieus as welt as n good and safe purgativo uiiu iurnier oi mo woou and Animal I luids. Scventlyind last Put not the least important, be bcfangn fbnv nrA Tnrii,l Ivi. n Mml A ..ill... carV and Plivsician. nlfiritml nv Dm lliv;,. ur npr, Chapman, Dcwccb, James, Gibson, Jackson, vr, jimu, ,c, c, which uionc is uuuicicm to .1.1 .1 . A I . ciiuue mem 10 grcai connucncc. CartllxMtfilt and -Kwnmtii " vwNiMivduilVIVIIH .117111 J cians and others accompany tho directions around tCFPrtct Twenty Five Cents a BoxTjA Prepared only and Bold Wholesale- and Itctnil at Tr I.RmV'a 1T..1II. V : HT- in, r. .i jutunu u,u icw uoors uciow vino Btrcci, l liilaucl plan, nlsp, sold by J. Gilbert & Co., North Third street above Vino 0. 8, Clemens, do 3d do do Wood si J, Rt Smith & Co. do 2d do next tho Ked lion, and all respectable Wholesale and" Retail 1ruggiat in I'hiladrlplna. They, a.-a also eold by; J. f. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. ' J. W.Rohrcr, do do W. Eberman J.ith. J J. W. Oakly, Reading. V ' ' ' J. U. Mozer, Allcntown. .' , ' v , ' T. Pomp, Easton. And tho principal Merchants and Dragis(in the TJniicd States. , For salo at the Health Emporium Dloohtsburg "y l a( TOUIAH, Agent. Btoombiirg July, 13, 1830. II. OMMONICVnON; COMMONrCTION.-loy few they are that happen to bo afllictcd with Coughs or Colds pay attention to them. How many thousands from such neglect shorten their days, and liastcn their fi. nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil dren, nnil lima fnrm O.n I .i1n f ' J ----- ..' .Willi iiii IWH1IUUUUU 1U1 WUlltUUIJl tion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their uvvu uuuuren 10 uic grave, Having died trom aOme nflcctions of tho Brcat and Lungs, which wcjc neg lected in their first stages. Coughs and Colds, whether existing amongyoung or old, ought at all times be attended lo early, and not suffered to continue any length of time, for the Xungsoncc aflectcd,discasesoon makes rapid strides, ending in the niostfatal of alt diseases, haracly Con sumption. Dn. BECHTER'S PULMONARY PRESER VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catairhs, Influenzas, bhorlness of Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in tho Breast or "Side, all affection of the Breast and Lungs, and arrest of approaehinsg Consumption, is tho most popular medicine used throughout ull Ger v many is becoming equally popular in tho United States, and has established for itself a reputation HUwscsscd by any other medicino for tho same clasii, of diseases. (See certificates and recommen dations from Parents, Physicians, and others, accom pan'mg the directions.) It is u preparation perfect ly safe and harmless, pleasant to tho taste, and may be given to tho youngest infant. It is warranted freo from mercury and the mineral, and is n prepar ation of a regular Apothecary and Physician, attes ted by Bra. Physic, Chapman, Gibson. Jackson, Horner, Dewcea, Coxe, James, fee. a circumstance filone sufficient to induco a trial of it Dr. N. 1), Lcldy, Proprietor of flic above mcdi nhc, confidently recommend it to all, and assures ttll most positively that it is an invaluable medicino andsvouldnot himself recommend it, but forlt, known efficacy. Prepared only and for saleWholesalCand Retail at Ur.LEinV'S Health Emporium, No. 10 1 North Horond street a few doors below Viub street, Phlia adrlphia also, sold by J. Gilgert cc Co,, North Thi-d street above Vine. G. S. Clemens, do 3d do doWooi tt. J. R. Smith & Co, do '2d do next tho lied J jon, and by ail respectable Vholesale and Retai Dmgcists in Philadelphia. They nro sold by: . i, V Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Rohrcr, do do. W. Eberman Litiz. - J. W. Oakk-y. Reading. ' . For salo at ilia Health Emporium Bloomxburg U- . TOBIAS, Agent. DR. PHELPII'S Compound Tomato, JUnlircj Vegetable; A new atl1 invaluable Medicine for al diescases siuing from impurities of the Wood mptl.id socrc- uon oi mo iivcr and ttomarli. Also, a substitute for calomel, as achathartioiu Foyers and all biilious dlsease-i, TiiesopopulsV pills combining a newjy diKcov. srrd Alkalino sulitanco cxtiactcd from tho TOMA J O PLANT, with other vegctablo snbstances Tvhich have been found to modify and diffuse iu ef forts, ate In lievrd to be tho bent Aflctalivo and Ca llmrtic Modieins ever diwoverod. For ordinary family physic tlicy nro uiti V"Maly approved, as (lie beat over offered. A full ntroiint of this Medicine, anil n"-Pil-rnus cprtilinte.s from, physicians anil otiier, accompany enrli liny. JiUt rncuived and for salo at the now Vwg Smre .y J- MQ.YEK, AxmU Awg. 11. TllE ItESrilREClION Oil, rrftnion to TiifiIttnfcAX,BnAxi)KTn's,EvA's tyixmix runoATivr., tnc Matchless (iitired) WaxatiVk, or any otlier pills or compound be'fdro llirt niiliti .i ill 1 i . ii i t "i""lllli uo i-tiiinca 10 iiy rnysiciaiiB and others. Let none condemn them until they have tried iiii-in, mm uini ivc nro certain tncy will not. It ij now n settled point With all who havo used mi , iwwuio i-crsian this mat they aro pre-eini nently tho best and most efficacious Family Mcdl cino ttiat has yet been used in America. If every family could become acquainted vt ith thejr Sover cign power over dboasc, they would kerp them and bo prepared With a suro remedy to apply on tho firs ..1T!......ii,u ui uipcasc, aim men now mucli distress would bo avoided and monoy saveih as well as tho litrna .iC 1.i. t.. . f . 7 . w m H1UU.-JU11U3 w,m are uurrira out ot time bv nni.ln..t: .1:. i . . . . ThfUrr. of i),p rf-th i it., t.tr..t i on jumi utv avrijmtres.iicvilicua c. xvii vii. R. LEIhV'S tu.nnn pit. i s rin.A ..... . - - - - w ..... ,, j,Ui uVlltf limn SCrintlirn l,..lln.nnW Mr, ....I i-. .i- i t iv-oiiiimi.j nii inv llilVC Jl VIJC i , o "cssli ilcpcntling upon tho condition- of HlO blood? If imilllrn i i1ieiii0o.1 ll. 1 I. iii r I ,i 1'". V...I..OI.U, ,,i,i IU.-BII 11JUS1 ol courso be diseased thereby, and the whohi -system nnrtnkn nf Biirli If .1.1.:..- i ..... vhuhiuk,, ulu uuuuiiiu iic iruc, and (horn la tint n ilnnl.i f It ft.- it : - r... .... ------ - -----Kvni-t wi i. iui it in u iiici nccce- ilcd to bv nil. that Ibn dmil t,) then it behooves us to guard against the ronsequcnecs ol such impurities, and thus prcscno tho flesh hrnlflif. If flm (l.l, i, liit... .: - - ..v.... MM llvtlllllj, i.i.'iinii tilting as it docs the principal portion of the human tllllTll ln. V ...1 1. . 1.1 , . ... ,nvii niubi uio wuoic imiiy no ncaiuiy. In v rcctablcs onh er.n ivnl'mdiln.iniMl " ar .........viiiiiiiiwiiu HULli: by all impurities of tho blood may bo removed. Upwards of one hundred years experience of tho most celebrated, the wisest and best physician have OP FOR THE ttSAH 1839. . .. ,. , . A ' ". "j i - ? -vo. ii u vr., iiu veiLiuun jiuvu neglecting disease in iU first stages, or by not being prpvgl certain vegetables to possess purifying proi- o fa. crtics. I iicso vegetables will not hero bo named, in possession of a remedy which they can place JBriER!Kl FPLh'ltm Trca'" 'otlnt with the ctimty of Cohthbia from the first dan ofJatwarv. until thp ni ,,. ..... na , day inclusive. " ' " " --.ry r,i,wlMl ' ' ' I ' ' , E The Ucsttrrcction, or Persian Pills. The name of theso pills orginatcd from the cir- wiiiiiiiviiiii-u ui liiu iiiuiiiniin niin(T innnii nn n mi m ccmctarira of Prrsin. 'l'M being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as lo in. iiicuiuiiiu ijuaiuics anu virtues, in half a cen turv it became on nstnliliolmil mn.llo'inn r. ,1.. .1:.. - 1111U11.111U in, mu uia- eases ot mat country. Tho extract of this singti. Inr production was inf rmlnr-Kil inn i-nmn .. 1.1.. ropo in tho year 1783, and Used by many celebrated Physicians in curing certain diseases, whero all oth er medicine has hum llurvl in vnin T.'.l., :., .1.. year 1702, tho exlract was combined with a certain vegetable medicino imported from Dura Baca, in 1110 nasi inuics, and lormcd into Pills. Tho admir able effect of this comnouna ution Ihn human ,.. tcm, led physiicans and families into its general u.-..-. 1 iicir ioiig csiauusnca cnaraclcr their univer sal and hcalimr virli r. thn ilMxrirrnt nn,i i:., -f - .bvi.. .mi. i,ii.aiii-iiiy qualities of their specula action upon tho glandular j.uii, vi mu siuui, uro sucn as win sustain their re putation and cciirrnl . u - ivtvuii xivjfui CERTIFICATES. I certify that I have, bv tvnv nf nvriM-miM).. ma.1 mu iiYLTU i. ami nintim tun vnriiMia i.-m,i ni h;ii in my prariico, whifch havo borne the highest repute ill tbn nnblif nci.ritirMi lt.n l..i .n , r. , . j 1 , --1..UU1H.111 .mi. mi, u uc-uu oiicTcu lur aiu in mis Y,ciniiy ior me last live years, including thoso called tho Hcsurrwi.nn n, ivr.;n p:ii. o.i the public may rest assured that nono among the wuoie catalogue nas answered a better purpose, as mi ...lojr mm i-iu-ciuai remedy, tnan uio KCsurrection n. T). : 11:1, " ciamii i-jus, in niosi cases oi disease. -iIIA11I.M HACKUS, M. D. Jtoclfcster, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837. - - -n ....1 iiviw uu iiaiiitu, and Jr. JjClnV WIKhpa In rnmnnnml.. lii.nnll ! I .1.11HI11I..U11I (illllrl.-l, liuu profit by tho long, laborious, and costly experiments necessary to be made, that the active principles of muitl? Yl'llCLniiinH imrrnr lm rnlrni.tri.1 nn.l vn.Iiin.l ... -o n .v..wvfci nun hiiuluu iu such form as makes them easy, safe and pleasant to WJ IHKI'II. ThrsC vciret!ilibfl . -O - - " vviituilli u III mxk ju 1 j Cbrnlcd UIoOll Pilll. miiTinrnnlnpoJ nnlu I... H- TV Lcidy, n regular Druppist am! riiysician. attested UV if. l ilVRir.. L,ilJininnn. Inrlcm nnmr Ucwrcs, Jamep, Hare, Cox, &c Tho libovti I'ilU inav Iw cmnlovrd nq n mild nr ftCtiVU IlUriTMtivO. Tflf'ir nrlinn la n.wl KA employed by U persons under all circumstiWicda. uj, mi unica uo lounu scrviccahlc, when UlU least RirirrtPQa ia nrnsrvttt 'l'lln j'it-fmn m tiny VU1IU iiu chango of diet, restraint from occupation, or fear of luttiiigcuiu ,rom uicir use. i ncy arc daily prescrib ed bv numerous nbvslrinna- inrt;!i.ilnu nf llin ful un.uniun mo directions, i nny arc the most allec- liun .ii..!... -PiL-ll.-l .1 . . - . 'u t'uuuur ui mu uionu anuotucr Hums ot tnc liu- iiiiiu uoav nvrr i urnvnriv I'vcmi hn, n- ........ - - - ........ a .idviio .iu.iii unit; used, will ever after, as occasion may ucquirc,hav ..Vice Twenlh Five Cents a box. Sold bv 611 resnppfnliln T) w . wHttJn, unu t'ltiLuauri throuchonl tho Union, nn.1 In (W Ux, ,,1,- Dr. Lcidv'd Health llmnnrinm ,.,1 t r -- w. iuiii) wiiiuiw BUVVt Uli- iu rv riiic. J. R. Smitii & Co.'s 2d J. llliUCrt iV Uo.'b 3il nhnvK Viiin 0. Clemens' North nil nlvwo WmJ P. Klett's 2d and Cnllmibilt. For sale at the IL-nlth - . ...,.i .nil, luiiiiiruuii. In' Ti . . ........ ... i Blooiniburg July, 13,1830. 11. TO MOTHERS. Chaio & Co Rents. Hearing Messrn. E. much said about the extraordinary effects of tho 1fi4iirrfi.f inn tr P.Tal.n 7,:il- ........ .1..-. 1 .... . ---- - - -, ........ ilium umiu, iu I ' " - v.iij luw becomo mothers, we wero induced to make a trial of nlost rcBPccfanlo of the medical faculty, but by the I llfTTi- niu ivlln xtfya c tl. 4,.n.. 41I r l uviuti uaiii;iiii:'III ni ill nan nliltnl si. i: .T lw tiua 4. Illttk fcllllU LilU rilllLllIT f II MARSH'S SUPERIOR PATENT TimSSSSS. THESL I iuhscs aro in many particulars, on an entirely new plan, and their advantages over all other J russcs, Iiayo been attested not only the children, and had suffeied the most tedious and ex cruciating pains durinc and after her confinement C I. .,. 1 1 . i ui uacii. ouo iiau incii cverv ine.mn nm inknn much medicine, but found little nr nn rollnf commenci'd taking the i'crsian J'ills about three months before her confinement (her health being ve rV tlOOr about thislenirth nf lininntAi-ln,i..l n.l in . - ' - o --- H.i..iviiUii.y uiiu tn a fchort tirao sho was enabled by their usoto attend to uiu t-arcs 01 a motner to lur lamily until tier con fincmcnt. At tha i'iiiih sbn , r,. v"vvu wasll mo I crsian Pills, and for several weeks picvioua, she "iiuiticu iTiui a uiy naru cougn, and lrcqucnt tiuvciu cruiiius. which inn llsn nl ihn f'i in nn removed before usine half a box. It is rviili dm greatest conlidcnco that wo advise all those about to U(;1.II111U 111ULI11TH LI, lliniffl ,1CI n, ,,lll A-eirtii 1,111. 1 I , . i"v v.aitwi j. ilia All thoso that have tul.-pn ilmm in nnr .,:i,i. hood have got along in tho same easy manner, and arc about the !in'!p in n fv .l.,,.- i'i,. i. - ... - - . un.ci .ui.il; LULltnillH appear to bo half the danger of other dangers hotting in mit-i i-uumifiHciu, wiicra meso fins aro taKcn. Wo unitedly' sav.Iet nnn nnnlnpt tuVi,, il..., ,i, . ' " , , ,:b . '"' hiuj uio in uiu irucu in mo poor as wen as tlie rich. We are truly thankful Mint ill - - 'I'K Wjr huhu lenm OriCAll ciisilv TirniMirn TIiili fon.lo n U.,. .1. . - j .tiio vw iinouu uiu world of suffering, which many ot them havo to bear, nn.ln..l,.n .11.-11 P., i .... . I uui. .iuutii mvi; uiu ufa oi tnousanus niucli would otherwise he. Inst- Rochester. Mav 14. IMS? square, Edmburg street; for further particulars seo UVDtl I Uti lit . S. HonnnTfl. A.n.v O. iioiiaiiTS. TtnrifvuTF.ii. ftunf ?A tonn Messrs. E. Chase & Co. I tliink it my dutv to let von tmnur mlm, n .... wn.'i. , . - b vuiv vuui jl uia iiiivu iii-riiiriiii'ii nn m n i nmi inn eick about 7 vcars about 2 vears ami n bnlf ran. fined to my bed, I had been given over as incurable, wuu uuiisumpunn, oy tweivo pnysiciaps of tho first standingt my lungs were seriously affected; I had 3 ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and harsh most of tho time; my liver was much swollen. and my stomach Very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever,' aim nigiu sweat, accompanied with extreme iriita blencss of tho nervous svutpm. nml ntl.n. ,i;r.....i.: ----- "ini.1 uiinvuilti'J which I forbear to mention. After I was given over, I tried almost all medicine which wero advertised but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable Persian PilU. I began lo gain in a short time after I commenced taking them; and, to be brief, before I took 3 boxes, I was able to ride out and to tako con siderable exercise, and at this time I enjoy good healllij and aili alio, to do good day's work. If any noo wishes a more particular history of my suffer ings, ha may call on mc, at tho corner of .Main and Clintcn-strvets, Rochester, RUBY ADAMS. Fits Ouni:p Thp undersigned hifrcby certify, that wo arc tho Parents of two children who havo cccn afliictod with fits moroor less from their infan cy, and that wo have spared no pains or oxpenso in endeavoring to effect a cure, but without any bene ficial f flVct, un(ll hearing of tho Resurrection or Per sian Pills, wicn four boxes were immediately procured, and before three boxes wero taken, tho liU had abated in frequency, and eVciy sytu lorn much improved, and now we aro happy to ttato that our childjcn by tho uso of the Persian Pills, with tho blessing of God, aro entirely cured, and have no symtom ornppcaranco of fits, will find in the Persian PilU a sure and perfect cure. JOHN & MARTHA JOHNSONt Cantdn N. Y, Dec. 10, 1837. The abovo pills may bo had of tho following a gents John Moycr, Blooimbur; 1L Miller, Ber wick; J, Cooper & Sons, Hazclton; 0. Horlman, iJspfjtdwn; John Sharpies, Oallawissa; Lyman Slwlea, Danville. - Ezra Taylor, agbrt for he Siato of Pennsylva nia residing at Rochester N. Y. to whou ail orders can be addressed ' ' , - ............ ..... ilu, ny UIC actual experiment of thoso afflicted with the disease Which thev am intrn.lp.l ll:,. hm. ,11 .ni.ian;, i uu must eminent Physicians upon nn examination of ibis m, mi: no ucciuoi as to its superiority, that they have cheerfully nml tfnlimin-ii.. -i.. .!i... '. -j biin CflllllfUU'S 10 iV 1 o 1 .it , " I'cioro puuuc. I' or Mlo by j. ui-ius sigciu iieaun Emporium. MILES' COMPOUND EXTJiJtn'r OF TOMATO, A valuable Medicine, for which tl.o ai.h. scriiicr lias mat mreivpil iln. a j " V. I II. l 8inall supply for salo at his cslablishmont. junn it. IVlOYElt, LC0. 7 LIST 01? r.P.TTJ?no - - " a A.4 1VJ unu oi uio quarter cntliriff on tbn , Olnl.l... I" T .. U ' oioiuuy oi uecomoci, ib.fU. Allen John. Dloclielnlirn .fnlin Biddcnbantcr John, uovrc IJcnjamin, Cornilison Is.mc. Criviling Andrew 8. Coffman Moca, Cornclison Manr P.. Colo Elisha, Llymcr Benjamin II Doan Jans. Pry John, ilartman George, Hindbock Henry, Hcslct Adam C. Ilartman Joseph, Krcag Augustus, Krootz John, Kahlcr Chatles 1 Keller Marv. Kuhn Isaac Capt, urcsier uaspor, Lclaht Mr. Leiby Jacob, JMoycr Suseann, McCluro Joseph, sq. McArtney Daniel, aiaus bainnd CJ. Merrill Bciijimin, Nungcsser Jamb, Palmer Danit l, . .Palmer Margaret, Pincr Laac, Reedy Simon, Shipman Jacob, i Slater William, Snow Willard, Smith Horaco, Sticker Michel, Snyder Danitl, J Thornton Phebe, Thoniloij Saviua, Williams David, Worncr Jacob, Wartcrs Aaron, Wj.it Thomas. Widower Susannah 8, vvimts Martha, Wells Sedgwick, , Winner John, Wright William, Wcrtlo Chri. T , B. RUPERT, P, Tan. 1, 1840. Those inquiring for any of tho afeoro fca, (nra II . i . m piuaaoBay u 13 auverliscu. 2'i boxCS bunch Haienno L0xes clustc" low price Raigons. SO boxes Eurnnpnn fliimni. 13 boxes bunch liaisons cxiiresaly for fara 1 1 1 1 u r.. - ci i ii i i J ..vo iui n,i2 per dox, 12 boxes Herring. .100 do- soft shell Almonds. 100 do. Filberts. 800 do. English Walnuts; Hi do. Hock Candy. 24: do. Prunes best and cheap, til bags Ground Nuts. Sugar slick of all Kinds. Shaving boxes. Shaving brushes. 11 different hinds of shaving soans. for sale at Tobias' Health Emporium. M. AH To balance received of. late J rcasurcr Mc Williams as ncr last ronorL To cash tccoiveil from tho several Collectors durinir the first quarter, second do. third do. fourlli do. To cash received of-lain Treasuer not brought in on lastllenort. To cash received of James Donaldson late Proth'v. as Jury funds and fines. To cash received of Isaiah Salmon ns.Jurv fund. To cash received of V. Beet, i dom.s. era. 4Nlvm Uy cash paid for Commit sioners orders. ; Uy uash.paid on School or- 4 (icrs, Uy error in over charge ou 1025 OfU Uycash fqr Fox scalps, 1002 57d Uy Troiurer's Coimiiaalbn," oiid 'oil , F 381 ,00 1520 75i 2123 18 21 00 8 00 DBLL'S, CTS, i - OOfi n ' 308123 " 202 -17 1 IQ 28 Ualanco i'r.'the Treasury, . 517 $10395, 501. 810395,50,1 82k V MILES COMPOUND EXTRACT TOMATO. PILLS, For Sale at . Tobias' Health Fsoporluw Ualanco in the Treasurer's 1 "and. t5!7 92-ii WR. tbn llndnroiivnfiil r..M ... .r.i - - .....o.s..vu, v-uiuiiiiincaioiicrsni Hic county o Uo umn a. have examine ed he above accosts comparedhen. witlr the vouchers and find hZjWa rS2 Witness our hands, this eighth day of January, A. D, 1810, Wo further fhai uio amouut ol .orueis in circulation is three h tindred ami nlnm.i.!l,i ' i ,t one cents. v-o'" anu imy- joskpii imonsT, JOHN DIETliHICII, , C'ommisiioner; EXPENBITUliE uj the county of Columbia, as per order, issued by the Commissioner nn-'A rcasurer inercoj, aurmg the year one thousand eigid hundred and thirty nine. Assessors wapes. Skatisiical assessment. Jurors wages and mileage, Uonstables attending Court, Constables ma School Fund, Commissioners & Clerks wages, Viewers of Roads anil llridirPB. State Costs, Election General. Contingent expenses including repairs of Court House &c. Priming and Stationary, DOLLS. CTS. 20G 50 309 25 1129 -17 50 (10 95 (50 111'! 5.-.I I 'l 1 n. . - uif .i.ii jiuiur anu oncrill tecs 4J)7 00 lUotirt crfer. 1 Fox scalps, Amount brouijht up, Uriilcc buililintr and rpnnirlitir. Auditors wages, Proth'y and Clerks wages, ioroners ices, 211 2(51 334 00 31 17 401 25 487 82 Carried up, 4530 481 Dor.r.8. 4530 3780 13 83 , . 92 289 r,o CTS 1)71 5rt, 40 02 2r 87 4 J2 68852 Otff AVE. the undersigned. Anilltnrij ,ii.t,, oi.i,.i ,.i . .. . i- i-. . . . . 1 n 1-n.i.n.n iu suiiiuuinu niiiusi ieo accounts ni iiiw county ol Uolunilua, do certify, that we have examined the forefroinrr uo report a balance in favor o the county, in the Treasury, to tfio amount of five I t m- dred and seventeei, dollars and eighty.two and one half cents. We I also ce fv llat wo find Sheriff Kim hrn nnmnnhi.i. r .....!.. , i. , . . . 7 fil,,i .,r tri, ; . V luumy-L-igiii tionars jury tint s. Wo a so . , ' ' ' i ' uuitUli 11. TVJIiMTS, SEHASTIAN HOWJCH, JAMES DE WITT, Auditors-. To Countv sini 1835-7-8&9 due from GolIectoiPR. Amount Dup. 901 52 1000 90 200 73 Collector 1835 John Moyer jr. loj uavui milips, " John Kuckol. 1838 Thomas Barber, Charles Eves, Charles Harlman. John Kline, Pctct Hettlor. Elijah Price Dauiel Peeler, Henry Deitrich. John McWilliams, Ueni n til ill Alwnrti m hands of ShoriiTKi tclinil.Tnb Township. Derrv. Mahoning, Mt. Pleasant, Madison, Greenwood, Hemlock. Sugar Loaf, Mifllin, Roaring Creek, Fishing Creek, Uriar Creek, Liberty, 471 411 783 210 513 410 07 37 12 07 14 59 242 1201 375 90 75 77 Paid. 425 15 832 237 411 343 070 103 459 378 03 200 920 277 1839 Jesso Shannon. Samuel Shaffer, Jesse Yocum, James C. Sproul, Samuel Crivlinc. Jacob Evans, Charls Ilartman, John Frilze, Win. Wilson, John Marshall. John Johnson, James M. Jones. Eloazer Urnthwell. James Vanhorne, David M. Clark. John Hums sen. Philip Fritzc, :i, Bloom, Uriar Creek Cattawissa, Heiry, Fishing Creok . GicfcnwQfld, Hemlock, Jackson, Iiberty, Iiiinestone, Madison, ftlahoning, Mifllin, Mt. Pleasant, Montuer, i RoaringCreek, Sugar Loaf; 027 49 U18 GO 87 1400 "057 09 095 52 278 40 425 45 7 02 53 27 00 17 25 50 20 00 17 77 82. 00 38 80 Due. '470 40i 1C7 40 29 20 10 no TiS 104 100 51 00 38 01 30 281 l,'8 12- 50 81) 50 76 00 472 . 101 424 v 01 G 538 1007 002 220 . 420 . 497 70 217 24 71, 05 98 33 01 98 35 58 401 234 530 144 204 50 00 . 180 31 30 00 141 245 203 137 92 23 185 132 00 00 50 00 00 52 75 80 00 00 GO 02i 405 883 801 513 '430. ,228 230 46 440 282 371 331 959 IMJ OlO-'lS ,197 Hii 241 '305 . .150 73 n 01 10 20 71 Rl f8 try Til S9018 53. hnvu ascertained from tlioUooks of the WE. thc'lltiilnrainnml nr.:.-! , . . vuiiiuiissinnorB. i rcasutcr ana Uomm a ii... . . . v" ""' u minus ui iiib gainst the Collectors ah;: V J "80V? """ned, staiut nl.al a- amounts in tho ag2reirato to the s. ,n nf n . P", ""on" ons not deducted autl cents du tho CS6 4 w?fJle.'n. ? " 1 ' 'ou?a"' forty-eight dollars and fiftV-two nm... ui nanus mis iiiiitn uay of January, 1840, Ji'SISI'lI IJROIST. JOHN' DIETER CH. J Comynisrioncrs,