The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 08, 1840, Image 4

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giHOf I.D rrcrivo npref a-iicoovrf ull I'ills How
"I exiMi'lirr:
f ir-,t Urcniwc they arc composed of VrgrtuMe
oxtrarts, free from minerals; anil way be token at
nil times with perfect (rty by young urnl old, viiii
out restraint from occupation, tmrrato living, tjt
teat ui lading coiu.
Second IJiouo they oro composed of mioll
medicinal oxtracUi, 03 have been employed by all
the mo,t celebrstod and respectuble 1'liyiiciann for
iiio.o man n century past, in puriiying tho lllood
nnd Anitiml fluid of the body.
Third Because they may be employed, ns a
mild or netivo purgative, according to the quantity
taken, nnd their operation will not ho attended with
gripinf? of the bowel, sieknaw at the atomnch,
prostration of the system, &c, ra are produced by
other pills.
Fourth Because they po?ri a combined action,
not possessed by any other pills, mistmcorprepar
otion whatever. Their firot effect is in correcting
nil impurities with which tho blood ami fluids of
the body may he uflctod, and by their Rcntly opera
tive clfcct, removing such imnutitica from the sya
tcm. Fifth Because they are the terror of Quacks
and Importer, for most persons are obliged to txke
tho Sartaparilla Dlood Pills, after taking their vile
and desttucive noMrums, to counteract and prevent
their misehievorw and baneful effects.
Sixth BecnuM they are tho only pills in which
Physicians have tufiirient confidence to recommend
to tnejr palwnN, nd employ in their practice,
tney know tlicy .0 Anti quick, Anti Murenral
Ann JUillmua as well a a goud nnd safe tmnntiv
I ' r .1 nt . . ......
anu jiuiiuri oi uic union arm Anneal 1- lui.Ii.
ocvcnm and lit-t Uut not tho imnortant
he because they are prepared by it regular Apothe
cary and Phwicun, atlctoj uy Drs. Phyic, Hor
ner, vwmpnian, ucuccs, James, Unison, JackMin
Oox, Jure, &c., &c, which alone is bufitcienl to
entitle tliem to great confidence.
Certificates and lU'cannncndationa from T'livi
ciant and other accompany thu directions around
cacn box.
tiTPricc Twenty Five Cents a Iinx.Ji
Prepared only nnd sold Wholesale and Itetail at
ur. i,L,lUi'a Health Emporium, No. 131 North
oecona ., lew clours below Vino Urcet, PhilaJeL
yuia, aio, loiu by
J. Uilhcrt fc Vo., JSorth Third street above Vine.
u.e. Clemens, do 3d do da Woodnt
J. H. bmilh & Co. do 2d do next tho ltod
Lion, and all repectable Wholesale and Kctail
uniHgM in J'tuladeipina.
They are al sold by:
J. F. Lou;, Lancaster, Pennsylvania,
J. W. Rohrer, do Ju
"V. Carman I.itir.
J. W. Oakly, lading.
J.B. Jfoicr, AllciHonn.
P. I'omn, EiMon.
A.nj Ims l'rincipa! Mcrchtnls arul Drugists in tho
For silo at the riealth Emporium Bloomslmrg
X, , 1). V. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloonwlwrg July, 13, 1833. n.
ifpsOMMUMC mONt'ow "few they arc that
happen to I afflicted with Couihs or Cold
pay attention to thorn. Howituny tliousmdsfrom
such neglect horten their days, and hasten their fi
nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil
dren, and thus farm tho foundation for Consump
tion, and hundred of parents annually follow their
own children to th grave, having died from same
affections of the Hreat and Lungn, which wcje neg
lected in their first stages.
Coughs and Cold, whether exiting amongyoung
or old, ought at all times lo attended to eirly, and
not aaS'trcd to continue nnv Ipm-tli nf dmo f. .r i.
Lungs one alieted,diie ,,0n m nk rrid strides. 4"
cndinjitIu,nioUfUlof alldWocuraeLly Con-, a
BumptioM. r vx t . :1. lv
j Q" ....., . vit-
Dn. BECnTEPfi.antW'-. for like favors
ViTJV"-'" MlL tJLm
Wm. F. Packib, Esq. lias withdrawn from tho
iKeystono establishment, on account of his arduous
duties as Canal Commissioner engrossing tho whole
of his attention.
"Tits doeuraant,. which we published in
out last, created considerable sensation up
on Ha first eripearancB, ana it was pounced
wiin P.rr.ernefcS. bv a feio WHO
bean watching for an opportunity t show
lieir teeth. thinLine that tho people could
notun'dcrstand their own interesl.and might
d! hnt thev have found
that thev have caueht a tartar this time. cutrency, aim me UiumavU ..,... -uat
wit-y 6 ... , i:. r -;i,ta wh r h thn Constitution
Tho house of representatives naa P
a bill renuirintfthe banks to resume on the
45th Feb.. while tho loan of $870,000, au-
thorised by tke legislature to pay the
est on the state debt due tho first instant
Tint rt taken, the banks havinir declared
ill -their inability to tako it, if they were com-
polled to resume at the time, uuless they
coerced payment from their debtors, who
tbeir engage-
uduwi. , ..w
were,generally .unable to meet
menls without a sacrifice
r nrnnnriv
of property,
and bring lui.i and dittrcss on the people.
Under these circumstances, tho governor
would havo been reoreant to his duty, nail
hm nt informed the leirislature of these facts
lie not informed tne legislature oi i.icsc i-ci
nd placed the natter in its true light be-
fore them. Tho uith of the stato was to
. . . .
l- u...ira. oiid ita rrpdit abroad materially
" u""l-"i
injured if this interest was not immediately
-vu. With that fearlessness
paid. The governor, with mat tear ene
nnrHndeDendcticv of character wiucn ne bo
eminently displayed in his annual message,
etept forth, regardless of denunciation!
from any and every quarter," n detonce
uuiimnj iiu .
the people, and not of tho banks, as some
JftKirmnsr noltticians would fain make us
I- r t w i,-.t:t o nn thrt
W .
UBil "
question, out permanent rcaumpnuit
. . A M am l
thi about, Ihe governor proposes that tne
banks'" should have a reasonable time to
collect in their debts, and preparo for a re
uinption. It is no matter whether the
lim&is' the- first of March or the first of
VI ty, if, wl'n it does takes place, it is a
permanent ono. It is a matter of oxpedi-
not only asked for, but demanded by tin response tnd support given m iv i
peoplefand this should bo Reeled with a. JIZ,
Htllefinjury to them s possible. Io bring ik 'ohurcli. Hcggius and Hoge,
(SprEnionTo TiirHTniir,T)iuiTnr.Tn,8.F,v.Ur
Kl.intin l'l noTivr, ihi AUrcmraa rtiriei
ixativk, or any other iilU or compound before
tho public, as certified to by Physicians und others
Let none condemn them until they have tried
them, ami then w o are certain they will not.
It is now n settled point with nil who havo used
the egetaUo Persian PM that they nro prc-cmi-nontly
the best and most efficacious Family Medi
cine that lint vet been iie,l in A
family conld become acquainted with their Mover
ragu power over disease, they would keep tliem and
be prepared with a sure remedv to nmilv on ihn fir
appenrance of disease, nnd then how much distress
would be avoided and money snved, as well tin the
lives of thousands who are hurried nut nf fimi In 1
jieffleoting disease in it first stiw, or by not being
in poMcBiior. of a rmedj which they can place de-
7'he Hcsvrrcclion, or Persian Pills.
Tlio name of thoan pilla orginnted from tho tir.
cunwUncc of the medicine heimr found nnlv in thn
cemetaries of Persia. This verptnhli, ,n.h,i;n,.
being of a peculiar kind, led
ita medicinal qualities and vutues. In half a ecu
tury it liecnme an established meil irinn fur ihn Ala.
etw of that country. The extract of this niniru-tin.-.!....;
!xv i. . . "
nuu ir.ironuccn mio some iarts of i;u
rojH) in the year 178a, and ud by nlay crltbinted
cr medicine lias been used in vain. L'arlv in thi
. ... -..u..., ail uiiijli cerium uiseasej. wnprA u n v
jear 1793, tho eUruft ws combined wilii a rcrUin
vegpuiuie mcuicine imported from Bum Baca,
me indie, and formed into Pillx. Tho admir-
a,o euect oi tins compound upon tholiuman nv
.ii, hi. jiu.tnucdii mm lanmiea into lt.f cencrj
. . mi JNS tiuiiiisiieu cuawcter uieir univer
sal arm iicalmg virtues, the detergent and cleausin
dualities of their specific action unnn thn'
part of tho ky.tem, arc mch as will sustain their re-
liuisuou ami general use in the American Kepub
I certify that I have, hr wnv
uic jiyccan. unit moglot tha tfArinn k iivl. r II
in my practice, which have borne tho highest repute
in the public estimation, that have been ntlirnti I'm
salo in ihis vicinity for the lat five years, including
the public may ret assured that none among the
wholu catalogue has answered a better mining.
...w. viu iuu ivuburreciion nr i'l'rs.iin i'i ! o.i.i
V u iiieciuai remedy, tinn ttio Itejurrcctinn
or Persian Pills, in most caw of disease.
, Cininrs IUckcs, M. D,
Iiochestcr, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837.
...vcc.r. u, iv. oo. uenifl. HpnnnfT
mum, auum me cMraoriunary eili.cts of the
resurrection or 'ersin Villi, upon those about to
m... I. ...1.1 . -l. ... i -
Iiccoiim mother, wo were imbired Inm.iln .. .r!.r .,r
meni. .uy wile was nt lint limn thn iimil,..- of e.
hildrcn, and had suffered t:o most tedious and er-
cruci.uing pains during and after her confinement
' c-:u. a.ic iuil tried everv means nml int-..n
much medicine, but found littlo or no relief. Sf...
cinnmeiieed taking the 'ersiau i'ills about three
months In fore her confinement flier health l.eimr .....
ry poor about tins length ot tunc previous) and in a
short lime h3 wa, enabled by their use to attend to
tho fares of a mother to h -r familv until l.n.
fincnicnt. M the time she commenced taking the
i'ctuan Pit: and for tcveral weeks pluvious, she
..iraivu uy nardcouii. ami fremiftii
i.u . imn,., vwm-n uic use oi llic i'ills entirely
moved lef ore ni-ing half a boi. It ii with the
- 4 "fidenje C?TrtV e a.l i.o nil thoe about hi I
l'""'!. 0'' oWa -- .uliauW
passed tho resolutions below. As they
express our views and feelings in me tuitesi
manner, we copy them with pleasure.
Resolved That Anti-Bank Democrats
desire to eradicato all exclusive banking
privileges as speedily as prudence and the
t r .i. will nermit:
exigencies oi mc .nim... i
but they have no wish to bring unnecessary
distrr-s and-disasterous consequences upon
it, f!nmmnnweahh. or individual citizens,
bv any ill considered, total and sudden dis-
ruption ol nn extenueu syBiuiu iunj ;3iiu
lished and intimately iuterwovon with the
business of the country, but they are wil
lhe howe-er to endure with cheerfulness
vnMahtv nrlso from correct measures found
such losses ana inconvcnmnt u au uiay una-
nr pasnrv for the establishment of n sound
i .t. tititYinti nl flint
;?; '"-,,. whs.h -ii bank monopo
f . violated.
i?n That Fthe decided, manly and
i ' . " . .i r
patriotic tone of tlio lalo annual .message u.
Gov. David R. Porter, lias fully confirmed
and established his claims to the respect ana
ennfidenco of the true Democracy oi mis
Commonwealth, and to all liberal minueu been ha3tiy thrown up to suppiy imyi8
.. . ma . u bnt m roitair throunhout tne
i jic.uiubi.
Resolved I hat tne more recent w-
. .... . i . ..
sage of Governor Porter to thej two
es o tne legislature n:iu..B . ....
cond?tion of lh(J public fi aqd
tJlQ cr;tjcai Btale 0f ti,e public credit, cmi-
nently entitles him to tho respect oi overy
good citizen, wno noius as. saurcu .
guuu uiimwH . .t
ty ol tno government, anu wcum
,ntarni!1t,R, he ite!?rilv and honor of
i -
political institutions
I r.enic,i Tlmi whiln a firm, indenend-
I n."t - .- -.
ent and munly conduct is always a subject
of just admiuiion, It becomep peculiarly ,o
.,.. " -r-: r f
iwiidri it n n n if 'i r l
p Ua nMnf nwu.
Uy0 of a,BUte( in t;raes 0f cicitement and
regard!ess of aU denunciations that may be
oi poureu jortu irom any quici, .. wVy
r , , . restnni nubllR confl-
- ruin and M whkh
. ,wii rtinH fmm thn cp.nirn to the
UCrtfcOVM - -
1 r . f tUn nrtmmnntua'M I.
Ultuillivivuv. w-
a I 11 fill. . it. . M ni
msoivea-mat mo hdt mm imuim
and other democratic members of the legis
l.l. ,1 Imnnrahln AS it Was IirOIBPt
.. 1. :!-. n. .uliiln Ihnir BlTitrtS to BUS
. . fi -, 1 iknm tn
S.WB lm Z, TZi: '"poltay - nlin (riron
yrinuiiiiu " Hi"i "
; r,tBU,eA rhiin tn t io resncct
r-mtitudo of their constituents.'
To the r t m ro.
LEG I V , 77 ; KE 1 'WOVE,
l'ulnj the o,. n V nt . n of t. o If" "i-
lUU, I," K .!" l'l. 8'- i. II I. tin .,.! 1
twki x wish, and containfult rcrlm nfti.r wn
I -cedMg, in both hr J " it V) u T, L
.?!ihn; the uperc-l,.., of neiX 1 L in rt
1 Ac.' For tla put Z I Z ti!"
pctont reporters in botii houses 0r our legislature,
a. well n at Vftshington city, thus umthling them
to rurnish not only n compluto report of the proceed
itigs ol our own legislature, but also of tho np
preaching session ofCongress. Having mado nm
plo arraagemonts for the bestowal of ischkaseii
attention to the legislative. Mepartment of their
newspaper, they chrtish the conviction, that they
will render entire satisfadlion in this rcsiBsct not
only to the members of the leaialatnrn. I.m in it,.
j'ui lusr. me i-unorH Will uavn rnm,
reading community gcncifilly.
As it 1 more than probable, tint tho oll-cttgross-mg
subject of tho derangement of the currency tin
dor which the community i now Iaho.liur, and the
vuiiuiiion ui mo several banking institutions of mil
state, will coiihliluto topics of speedy legifhiltve
action, tho proceedings of tho approaching scsion
will ba fraught with unusual intercut, and render n
paper published at tho sent government, which be
stows upon tliem constant mention, a vehicle of
intelligence "most devoutly wished!"
We would also call to the minda of our rcade:
mat mo great Presidential contest of lSlOis ni
proacning wiin sanid Fir de. u b r h is in .loi.ln
whethor our National Government shall continue
to bo administered upon the. trulv tem.bli.-sn mi,..
nriin it. ......... .ii... i. , xr .
........ .iiueuionw neau, rti.irun Van
Uurcn, or whether the reigns of power shall be
ii. fii. .11..... . . .
comnuiti-ii to tne Hands of ultra Federalist and
menu ol a grent unit blightm- monopoly in I ho
snape ci it .Notinnal Uank. Tho Keystoiie, bein"
inui.Piiibl wedded to tho support ot the repubii
.can cause, win in tins moineiituoui cnriilict, battle
immiiuy on Hie mdo ot an Bureti and a Cen
Cliflltinnl rP.n...... I .!. ...
. .u.isiiijr, mm loniriuiue iti? nine io tho
advancement and ultimato triumph of the demo-
iibiic cnuoc. wo shall continue unceasingly to
expoeo tlio dangerous heresies of tho Federalist!,
and udvorates of an overpowering monied mouopo.
i.v, unii spare no escrtiona, to nmdir tho "Key.
atone on Uirttive weapon in tho hands of tho
democracy ot tne htalc and Union.
uraielul tor the liberal natron.ue h Ibrrln l,n.
lowed upon tliem by the coinniuiiily a patronage, ki.uii mo "jvevfcionir n firrpinttn.i i.r..
.1.,. .. -.1 ' ., . ..
j w. ........ i ui uii uiuur paper ai iuo teat oi govern-
iin ui nicy iooh lot want with I confidence to it
continuance, and will spare neither time nor labor
io maitc it unserved.
l or ihc Jtcystono yoatly, twice I week, during the
M.-3iiuii oi ino i.cgislaiure, crll onco a week for
uie rem under ot the vear n nn
TV...: o. 1 . . ,-w,
ivuiimK mo oesiion oi uic J.rgiaturo
iw ico a vcejc l o 00
All Postmasters, and other Democratic ritiniia
are roouetted to rccievo and firward subscriptions
"Iheltft ff tlu flchh in the LIomI'
tn o. I.A ..... h-
- euuii uic 3LI IJHUrUH. UiCVUICUS C. XVII.
than scripture tentimon'
il.I.S. Wliat lettrr
cm we. havo of the
hie of the Hesh deiuiidiiiL'
upon the conditi.iu of
the blood ! If ini mi re or diseased, thn flfali mmi
of course be diseased thereby, and the w hole sv a.
tcinpartakoof such di. t a-e. '( the doctrine be true,
and there is not a doubi of it (for it in a fact accec-
ueu io ty all, that the Miriptuics, nre true leyond a
loubt,) tin ii it lehoovea us t'j iiuard niriinst the
rniifeipurucs of uuih impurilies, and thus preserve
the llenh healthy. If the llei-u' be hcaiihv. rDnsii.
tutuirf ns it dors the principajoriiuii of tho human
ouy, men mit Hie wiiolo imiy oe hfallhy.
iro'tJoceij 'c'iranc'o ot wirSniSii oi -iiu
. .i - iVin, for
am. and are of the opinion, that lor tne
purposo or introducing no wtwaaui a
. r,t w n..;n nnt hi? tuic.essarv to extend
Lackawanna a
the canal two miles up that stream, a
rood location occurs about ono third of u
mile above the old dam, which, lor ait tne
uses of a feeder should be adopted; but if
the legislature designed to tnrnisli to uie in
habitants of Lackawanna valley, who are
at present cut off from the pron" '
bytho .p.d. .in tha ,
which occur witiiin tne nrti tu m..,
then tho dam should bo constructed about
mile und seven-eights abovn the former
At that noiiit there is an exceu-
lUliHtlUIII J , 1
ent silo, requiring n little over two nunureu
feet wier, on lock bottom, anu dciwcuu ua
tural rock abutments of coarso sand otono
Fifty-eight feet of Lockage would be rcquir-
ed to descend from tho poo lormoa dy ui.
dam to tlio level oi mo pri
(tin dnm nnd locks are estimated to cost
$90,000,00. No appropriations navmg
been made by the legislature, for thcaccom
nlishmentof the proposed change.the board
j rcted the temporary uain, wim. u
i . . hj . ...i.inti 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 r
scaSon--anil posipoimu a
i duuoi'ii 1 - .i
thcr WMnJ
i auDjeci. ii me """'r , , ,,i
mi aMloM fecder are estimated
. nCl Al 1 .700.00
In addition to tno repairs now unuci
tract on this division, requiring! vory large
. . . i .
..-. ,,,, nid
sum l0 ue appropnuicu,
mm.nd that nsovision be made for con
r"""-"" (awiV nath bridco across the
o . . '
pooloftheNanticokodam-lor dee pen ng
mil nf tho lower end of the
nbnut five miles of tho
- - l,i, on.
first level oeiow me u..n fX
mile of protection wall below BerwioU,
- p- COIlBlructfl(1 of Umber.
r.p titur a ruard lock at
creek to protect tha canal below, m times oi
fl d
i noiuuU.s -
I nnired fnr runalTS. VIZ S
ene wJng eight locUs, $00,380 85
AtiPf!nr.iovor Lodge's run 7,970 7j
1 A mnilnnt ol Mill ITPnlC. UUUU UU
I 7 - . i l I I
IHI 1 rt frlMl rllllf 11 UIlllLUAU UUIII i wu
...c, 2 GG2 80
Kepalring shuto nt Nanticoko dam, 4,370 20
f InnstrnrMimr tnwin" Dam uiuuu io
nnol of Nanticote dam, os,duj
TJflhiiildino- and reDairinir CO bridg
" .. . 0 . 4 " o 1 nor: ift
nn ri.alvnnat .11.03U 1U
- (JastingS
. nr.n nn
hn I Rebuilding walls.
ii Hepairing-weigU lock at Northun,
and iveuevving wauiu m.n,
. . ,j.
Renewing water ways,
to the rtJDLia
Bcrnl-ncchly flafo Capitol G-zoitc.
I "rl"Pmli,ra M JW Cipdol l:? tc en-
7 " ''".'"'"""V r"um ll" " "in 1 10 ,,,a, lt'
( ,!" "" '"' ' ptMir, fir the v.rj .brml
'"""'"T f l--l to have il, ,hri.
I in prflpntb ra rf tho euto Ciiilol C,
power to say. lias t hut for imii aImi,!.I t,..l
mem, enu i;spocttully announce thnt tho future
course of their journal shall bo such as thry trust
will continue to receive tho confidence nnd snpnort
viiiul-i ana pany, incy assure t!ir public
mat no exertion on their port Miall bo wa
vJm tint
i a vchi-
... c.:i...
i nciuns onjeci, nnd tlicy flatter thenwb
they will be able to render their paper such
tie oi liselulnoiw nnd information, ai will not fail to
give entire sallsfucUon to every fiiend of rrpublicnn
ie approaching session of the Lmislnnirr.. tvi'l
. ., bo one of great and unusual inter-
est, Thnrobas not, perhaps, been it time before,,
wnon mo attention of the mil.lin n ,nn, ...
gagwi upon any one subject us it is at present unon
1 . . . ' " l"1"-'
tne derangement of the
abuses of banking; and ns the delilieralion of tho
ensuing jjenisialurc. rti in r.l nm .a !i l,
ly directed to this imnortant siiliiirt. it '
oinnrise man mat every thing which transpires nt
eagerly Bought after. With these consideintions in
lew, me undersigned have made ample arrange.
" ul "'g ociore ineir readers lull
: ,u T" u.ra',n' ."1 the Stale I.e-
xwaiure, loireincr wit l l ie .i.. i.. r,f ,.i
reports, olid other matter which' they think will be
.mciCTHiig. in auuiiion to tins, it is tho inlention
... iiuin-mpai io employ able correspondent at
me seal oi tne cencral travernmoni l.v n,l.i..l,
they will be able, aU, to place in their nemi-weck'
iv mievt cany reports ot tlio deliberation of Con.
The presidential contest of 1840 i
t .... . '-l't."J ui-
nnm n... I
proirimig. iiiu llou nt our in:iat.lw.,l i,.,ll.,...
imjr iuo courjc wn micml to pursue in the relation
to this gicatquostion: and as wc havo alremlv .m...
our opin ii at loiiglh; on this subject, in u former
iiiuriircius, we ucein in need ( nt tirnni i
..u. uy Ruing 0ver me same ground. Suf-
,rt If If. exn i. !, . . l .
. t '..u.lH lilt I
........ ... ,ui m Minn pve our united sunnort
.nriil nnnriinu ln......l. .L. .... I
i" Vi ro-eieniou,oi present able
. V J . l o "u U1U0". "d our humble aid
in oenau oi establishing a Constitutional Treasu.
TlarcsJiisig; MacSaans,
rjnilE Subscribers tako this method nf inrnrminn
Jj. their friends, that they continue Mmiuf.irtiirl
mg 'ihrrshtnz latlitiirs nnd i'orlablr SlartA
i uirtri, oil Uie nl:.n. mmln r,ril
......... ..ii. ii mm in me mosl workman ikn
ner.aud which they will wanent to Eland with f.ire ;
usa, and not iuiuro the
'J'hcv hao Mjrjmi'tt all olhcw whero tlicy have
urcn u.troii.cftJ, m 1'cnnsylvaiiia. Vircniia and
Ihi'Ai'B Fatciil Suits:,
Improved. All nrticto of erent ntiliiv to Af,ii.M
for cleausir;),' tho grain for prcpnr.'ns it for flourintr.
I Iipc ma hints nro maiiuf.uMirtd ot cnt nn,l
al Message naa receivuu num j ...-..
'...' . i ... ......... vnlirm.
al man in tho Uommonwcaun. in '""-
identically tho same
1""' "" ' . -
witn tnai,
;,t .lnfv the utmost incenuiiy io
nnint nut tho sliphtest slinuo anu
tw...- " o
When the Governor speaks ol a reasona.
hV timn for resumntton, he means
timeViS will enable the debtors of the Hanks
o..w. .
.u nv. ii.nmanlvnR. to dischariTe
,,,eir Bevcrai obligations with promptitude
!ind fidelity, wl have reason for believing
... . r . r T . for lhc
in" DavrncntS as mighl
bo found expedient on duo consideration.
We think it is the opinion of tho Governor
irii t nf n ot icr 1U01C10US
men, that to force an immediate resumption
..j i.- r ...ornm. nf hHn insti-
IO U WIW - f 1
- rfy o co80 lhdr donrs
heir-C0HCelM int0 U,e hands of com-
.'. . to ho woun(t un. t0 commence a
series oflaw suils and commotion,
mi,t end in wide snread ruin to all classes
fil,n enmmunitv. And to auctavate tno
int nf ihinos" thus tiroduccd it would
become necessary to send tho tax gatherer
to grind down still luriner auimpocriBiic
t . . . i i ...11. i1.nrn iVit tVi
i ii nrrninci Kuril nvna ub inuau. i..
Governol- his opposition. In so
do nn he has been si
Jjinj Ue nas oeen
sustained and will be
sustained by every man vrio looHs at tlio
permanent good ol tno oiate. no m.u
. . r ! t.. ..n.ln..lnn.1ii ftin
wit i nroncr iocunes. wno uiiubhwiiu
subject, win do iounui.1 v.?.p -:
Bubjcct, will bo found to carp
at and con
j m h Goveinor'a opinion. It is true,
- ueran n" , ' . ,., ,1V
very iuw ""t""ZS iMB.
i mnr. i i i n i cmuiviv -.
Jjonnn ai P h wiU BOon
'ns " wo mZ". u.
all discover mnr uiiBiaivoi -
coma men ol Uonesty,and Bound democratic
the rrtEsiiE'r.
Tho ice in tho Susquclunna river and fishing
creek, itoko up on Monday list, and both streams
are now nearly clear of lco, with a good rafting
fresh. Wo understand that considerable damage
has been dono up tho river to rafts and ark, several
of which have passed down tho river, with tho ice,
wiiVimit a man at the helm." We havo heard
no damaeo hoing done to bridges, except to the
hrideo across Fishinc crcelt, near this town, wlucii
is nearly rendered unless hy tlio falling of nna of
thepecre. This was ono of tho oldest bridgoa in
the county, having been built 3!l years. Our activa
Commissioners have advertised for proposals for ro-
hoiUing it immediately. In tho mean tnao,ve
understand that arrangements aro making to estab
lish a ferry near tha'brtdoo that there may be w in
terruption of travel.
Ronuinin,; in the Post Ofilco nt Kloomabof
n .ho cm) f tl.oqnnnrr eml mi ,H
alnliliiV of Deremlm, Minn B " l6
. H ... - I uuu.
liien jfiim.
McArtnoy Daniel,
Illoekfilidire Jnlm
Iliddenhntitcr John,
inu Samuel cj.
Metrill Bcnjimin,
Auugpsser Jacob,
Palmer Daniel,
uevro lienjamin,
Cornilison Isaac,
Crivlling Andrew
Palmer Margaret,
toiim.iu Mo?cs,
,. ' llJtl is;iiic,
' -Mary E. Ifecdy Simon,
);? EII;K. . fi Shipmau Jacob,
V''ni" "fnjamin II. Stater William
Uoftll Jane. H tn.
Bnow Wilhrd,
Fry John,
Hartman Ocortro.
"iimii itoracs,
Sticker Michel
Snyder Daniel,
Thornton Phebe,
Thornton Savina,
Williams David,
Werner Jacob,
Warters Aaron,
Weir Thomas,
Wildowcr Sm-anntk tL
M'illits Marlha,
Winner John,
Wright WiiliaB,
Wcrllo Chti.
it. -
" munnck Henry,
"e" " '"" C.
J'!,rl' Joseph,
vrcng .luirUstus.
I ir. V f ,
ICahlcr Charles Usij,
Keller Mary,
Kuhn Inane Card.
Krister barner.
I.eight Mr.
Leiby Jacob)
Mover Suseantl,
Aicuiuro Joseph,
Tnn. 1, J 8 10.
Those iiirjuiring for any of Ihc ttbora h
icrs will plcaso say it is advertised.
For Sale at
THE Subscrib ers rnsnnplfiilli-
Io their friendo anil ilm nnhlin l n
bat , hey bnro received .id b0w op.
ing, a splendid and extensive assortment of
S'all & Wiiroer Goods,
wliieh with a slock on, -
nety ot scasoiiiible Mernhnnd I7fl Ciy
coininoilalion of town and County.
In tho Dry Good line, they have all the
varieties of course, fino & superfine Cloths,
wraimcn u talmetta, Mcrinocs, Silks, CaL
nr.,,' r '".MH'. Laces, Linins,
Mocks, Umbrellas. T,l' n ?.'
Jionnct Silk,. Trimming Fun - Cloth
und beat ikm Caps; JJoots and Shoe,,
i....i, l i) c, tyc.
Ihe use or the bank. At all elections lor
directors or any other ofiicets, tho holders
of stock shall not be allowed to yote, except
: ,upir nrnner oersons : and that each and
every share of stock 3'aall entitle the bona
fulo owner thereor to a vote, ana no more ,
- - ,
provided that the sain snare snau uav, u
anA cJtiv (lava nrcvious to ine eiecuon ,
d j .Mowing slock holders to row
be als0 pwUw
,.nk or COrnoraiion, cxcuui,
' nnv.Uo n demand. It also provides
.i.a. on .t10 fiIEt Tuesday in February
. . , , . f c)l bm
to transmit to the Auditor usucra --
nr ilm nmnimt nf its catjllal BtOCl Pal"
helll by
" ' . ... . " s fln(
uj .
tho banks as its own; and wituin -
atthetimoofsuch statement, the highest
and lowest amount within its vaults at any
time, and an averago of the amount between
these periods and tho time of making such
statement ; nnd also the amount of liabilities
assets, and deppsitieS ; tho amount ot loans
. . .. .i .i.ii,n, (mlnwfiil intereit
I I. 1... iVinm urlinlher
i m-jun u .iiv.ii.. "
bccn ultcn, &c
There aro also many
other restrictions in tho bill, which wo aro
obliged to omit for want of room.
- Tnt; Portland Argus of Saturday ssy
incroruuuu , ,, n,.
a We learn from a gentleman who r""-f
0 ' . BnZ thnt Co . Golddicr, nl
c.a "7.," 1 " , f infantrv. had then
iimi iiu iuihim""- "
appointed commander of the Bniuh
"ee" 8 J. ,oleJ lemtorv. nnd that
urccs in vho t-v- j i. .v,
enforcement had been ordered to the tent
... 09 of rerular troops.ahd
ory 01 two v't. ; ,. . , or.n
a detachment of miners in
ait uuuu.
Gen. Harrison's Jge.-Gen. Hni
i. now in his 08th year-s.x yw older
r.oroi Tnnkson was w hen elected.
Tbitffs' ITfallh
man , .
in the act.
n-u. ri-niail fOhiol Herald says i
yet, according to his opponents, lie w
thon an ..0ld dotard." No Jieren"y"fg
federalism doss, it must show its naheuu
Sacs and Vinnebagoes agreed to hunt J bv Stab-
Sun states that tne oaua, y.- -. .
k ni,;Bf.nitaQl..d thu Winnebagocs ono
killed forty or fifty,
Two ofthe Sacs were