j P. T.lifi COLUMBIA. DEMOCRAT. fs.iTusn.i kr.hnu.wvs, l& io. "PRESIDENTIAL r.LKCTION 18'iO. Fou Pr.siD:;r, rMARTISf VAN BUItEIf. Fou Vicb Pri:sidi:nt, illCHARD M. JOHNSON. m AN! flit. 'tONSTITUTtONAL TREASURY. Tlio absence nf the editor must account or errors iuthi- week? paper. Tlio Berwick tool may nay what ho pleas es of lis, wo shall hereafter treat him with fcilcnt contempt, as he deserves, haicly re marking that' Mr. Bobison i3 perfectly cu 'pablo of dolendihg himself, without any ol "our astistance; LETTER FROM THE EDITOR. Harrishurg, I'Vi. 5 IS 10. Tho governor's Message in relaiiou to the loans, and the resuinp'ion ol fpceie pay ments by the bank a. -We almost universal iatisfaetmn. I hero are ow. it ss true, wmo cxprcps disapprobation; hut it is mainly those who cannot use the govern men t to advance their own private good to t!ie inju ry of the general interest. I have no don';!, from what I tan learn, that he will hi sti?- 'uinftd by die. L,rijlitiKu j .old there' is too much good sense in the ccmrmu.hy not lo approve of hi.-! course when they feci satin, lied that it is dictated by a wish to faithfully 'discharge his duties towards thenl as l.'uir agent. The $950,000 loan hr.s been taken by the United States R ink, (iirard Dank, and Rank of Pennsylvania. No other news of importance. of a slate convention lofllliL,l"illPj'jy!P!ft,J ranging- our slate representation in said Na tional convention, and to place in noniiiia tion an Electoral Ticket. Resolved That in pursuance thereof this convontion will eppoint a representative delegate lo represent Columbia county and a delegate to represent this Senatorial dis trict, in a state convention to bo held at Hat- rUburg on the 4th of March; next, to ap point delegates to the National convention to be held at Baltimore in May nest, and to place in nomination a Picsldcntial Elec toral Ticket. Ilcsulotd Thai bo.lioving Martin Van Burcn to be eminently qualified to admini ler tho duties of tho highest nfllco in tho mil ol a tree am! nowcriul icntiultc, asc- vcntD havo only served lo deepen our at tachment lo him, and convince us that his ofiitial course is well calculated to preserve our liberties and establish out pd wrr & pros perity, our delegates arc instructed to advo cate anil, sustain all honorable measures nl the convention; that shall lend lo adva'uc his re-election. RwtulocA That in Richard M. Johnson; the present Vice President of tho U. '3. wo tceounisa the patriot and statesman and die friend of tlio people; as we have once tiicd him :1ml found him faithful and true, wo CGX-U31BIA. COUNTY DELEGATE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. In pursuance of imII of ilo Democratic Standing Committee of Columbia County, delegates fiom die several election districts in the county, met at the hotiso of Daniel Gross, in Bioomsburj, on .Monday, the 3d day of February, 1810, for the purpose of 'appointing delegates to the Haui-burg 1th of March Convention. Upon motion, lite list of election disiricts va3 called ovcr.and l!ie following delegates Hppcared and presented Credentials. licuMi Henry Webb, Solomon Newlnrd Drier Creek Levi L- Tate, J- V. Lining Callawitsa Stephen Baldy, JacobUensel. D:rry, Grtmunod Hemlock John K. Crirlon, J.McRoynohis. Fishing Creek John Lajrus,A.W. Kline. Jaekion Joseph Cole, John Mellenry jr. Limestone Henry Fulmar, John Shilwe, Liberty Richard Wilson, Joseph Wilson. Mahoning B. K; Rhodes, John S.WiUon, Mrnltut Elias Kruin, Henry KisheL Madiion Mifflin Jedediah ItWi, John Keller jr. Orangevlllelv&ia Kline, J. Aclie'nbauch. Mount Pleasant Isaac W. MusgrovcSal. onion Buvlurt. Paxlon Conrad Bredbcndcr, C. F. Mann. Hearing Crtek Sugar Loaf 'Valley Win. Bodmin, Jiimes Ghilds. On motion, ISAAC KJjINE, Esq. was appointed President, and J. W. LANINO, 'Esq. nppointed Secretary. On motion of II. Webb, tho following 'preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted. IVhtnas, Tha period has arrived, when it becomes necessary for tho Democratic party.in excrmsa of that vigile.i.e.by which their principled c.an sloau bo sustained, and the liberties of tho poplc preserved, lo once more mako preparation, ami arrange tho preliminaries fur iho commencement of tho nex( Presidential campaign. Thfireforo Rtsolu:l'Vhi tho Deras cralie party of Columbia county, approve of nominating n candidate for the Presiden cy by means of a National convention, and MARRIED By tho Rev. I). S. Tobias, on Tup.srl.iy ihe 28th lilt., Mi. DAVID STltOUP of tlemhvk, to Miss ESTER ANN EOK.MAN uf Mount I'lcasunt. Oil Tuesday the 4ili inst. by tho Rev. Wni. J. Ever, Mr JAMES K., EYEltnr Bloom township, to Misa ELM IRA HOL LlNGSIIEAl) ofliioomsburg. On ThuWtlav tho 23d of Jahuarv by Win. Kinitli Esq. Mr. JOHN R. PENN INGTON, io Mis SUSA N eld dauh tor of JamH Rogets all of Davidson iown bhip Lycoming county. On tho 3d in.-t. in Fishing Creek by El der John Sutton MOSES McIIENRY j.iji. lo Miss SARAH GIJASNER. Eituie. of PllF.niUUCK WWII, laic of Greenwood toivntfn'a, Columbiu county. ISOTICE iJ hereby given, that letters tfsl.oiienttiry Invc been' granted lo the sub scriber upon the above estate, All perons indebted to s.tid estatn are required lo inaku immediate payment, and ttioo ha!ng claims or demands against lliu same, lo presunt them for settlement, duly .authenti cated nrvrtrding to law, lo hEXJJMIS KEELEIU of Jackson; ,'iam r. iciti i'.e mil annexed. Fell. 8. 1841) N. 15. I will bo at the house of Iho de ceased, on the Tib and 14th of March ne:.t. cannot consent to his being thrtlst aside, for thu pin pose of seltliiig the accounts of without his consent, by designing indi id- 'aid deceased. ... I Il..,...ln nrr, ll..ri-1'nrn lllrf.'tl'll III ' BENJAMIN KEEIiER. use ilieir every exertion to procuro hi-i re nomination. Ilciolved That wo havo ontiro eonli- deuce in the interity and lirmiiPSJ of Dawd H. Porter, and highly ajipnivo of his re commcud.'ions with regjrd to Bailks, and ho nrmncr in chieb he has developed lbs iinanci-d difiieultitfs of our stale. On motion, the Convention proceeded to ballot for Delegate. Upon counting the voles il appeared that for Representative jJclcgalc OF POP TYE IT 3 AH I8d9i Jh) UN ML' II TVELLIVEIi, Treasurer, in account-with ths County rf PnlvrnMa, from ttpfinl day of unitary, until the 314; day rf Deeenhbir, .2. I). ISS'J, both uuyi inciuaiue. Henry Webb' had 10 Val-iiltini! Beit 12 John Lazuli 1 For Senatorial Delegate, Jedediah liish had 17 O. D. Leib 10 S. F. Deadly 1 Whereupon it va3 Resolved That Henry Webb be tho re presentative delegate to represent Columbia county in said 4th of March convention at Harrisburg, with power lo appoint Mibsti tntes. Resolved That Jedediah Irish be op pointed Senatorial Delegate, provided SrMiuylhill county concur therein. Resolved That this convention, recom mend a county meeting of the Democratic citizens of Columbia county to be held at tiic house of Daniel Cross, in Uioumsburg, on ihe 22d day of February, inst. for the purpose of taking into consideration, the :r?i'"ral a flaiis of the slate and of the De mocratic p?rty. Resnlved Thai the proceeding's of this meeting be signed by its oll'tccis and pub lished in thu democratic pjpns of Colum bia and Schuylkill enmities, and of Ilaftis- bUrD' ISAAC KLINE, President. j. W. Lwixo, Secretary . M U R n KR "FASHION A B LE; When I was in Kentucky, a man walked up to Mr. Prentice, the lalented editor of ihe Loiiisvilln Journal, and without u word passing, iircd a pistol at his head. Foriu iiaiidy the ball inicd hnn; no 'rjticc was, taken of his attempt to murder. But I have had many other example of iln-t i.in.l, I'm il on quarrel 'vitb a perou and ifiliualli is inn decided at once il is enntddrred per fecllv iustifiable to lake your revenge wher ovei you meet him, and inauy way you can. An Amerii'aii gentleman told me thai he happened lo arrive at a town in Gcorgi.i witlt a friend of his, who went with him lo the post iilhcu for letleri;. This man qiijir icled with another who resided in the town but they had not met with each oilier for coven years!. The town resident w.h look ing out of his window, when tlmy went i) the post ofiicc on tho opposite oiie of die t trce.i; ho lecognised hi? enemy and closing his shntiers that hu may not be scon, passed iho iniizzlo of Ida n'lo beiivpen tl.cm and shot him dead, as he waa with liis back lo him paying for Ins leltcie. Death of Commodore Chaunccy.TUv Washington pipers announce the death of Commodore h..ao Ch.vaueey, ouo of this seniur ollicers cf the Navy, and President of iho Board of Navy Coinmiwioncrs, who departed iliif iifi on Moudav last, bcUvceit 11 ami 12 o'clock. An Eoplish autiioress tells of a"gcntc man travelling in Michigan, who instead of a " waihdish," wan desired to go to tho spring, and when he requested a towel, re ceived for answer, Why, I bhould think you had a haukcrchen'' BLOOMSBURC RAIL ROAD PUBLIC Notice is hereby given, that ah election will he Iteid at the Podadelpbin Eiidionge, uo Vediicday Ihe 12th day id Fibni'iry 1810 .'. 10 o'clock A. M. for nine diteclors d the Bluomhiirg Rail Road I roti' Company, in pursuance of the charter of said Cuiiip ini ! JOSEPH PAXTON,' . ROBERT M. LEWIS; EBWARU MILLER, THOMAS HAYS, ELLIS LEWIS, . . , CHARLES C. UONNEL, WILLIAM MeKELVY. Coiiiiuissior.crs. BlioiTTsburg Jan.Ulih. 1810. A L-irgc Calf bkin Pdcket Book, (about S inches long,) containing letters and papera of iiu conseqeuee to any but the owner. Tlii'iP inliy liavi: been a f ahin plasters of the sihsrriben fotmcr issue cantained in the bmii; bin as lie has Wg since rcdeeol ed all hi.j biiiV, ifn.')' can hoof lib use to ihe finder or uthers. Any person who will return tha said Pocket Book, or givo siHi information as will enable tho owner to obtain it Willi ihe contents, will be suitably rewarded. v Wm. ROi'.ISON. Bloomsiiiirg Feb. 1, 180. 40. KiTowsaJslJijnj? JLviillcvy. THE M.-mbers uf this Company ero re quired to meet at tlio house of Charles Doeblcr; in Bloo'iisburg, on SATURDAY, tin' .2 I of February next, at 10 o'clock in thv fireiii,i.n, in complete uniform, for com pany cxem eand dull; Per orJi-r, ! P.. ARMS TRONG, 0; S- .jan- 23, 1310. N. B. Thu Bhiniinburg i uul is roqucslsil I'l turnout with tho Blooiusburg Artillery on tho 22d of l'Vhiuarv. 1532. 'To bidaiico received of laid 'TK-a&urcr MoWilliams as per last report, To c.nh lurched from tho several Collectors Hilling tin; first quarter; second do. third do. fourth (lo; To cah received of laid Treasuer not brought in on last Report, To cash received of James Donaldson late Prollj'y; as Jury funds mid lines; To cash received of Isaiah Salmon lis Jury fund, To cash received of V. Best, Balance in iho Treasurer's hand; botvi. era. OR. By rasli paid Tor Com mis . . , I fiouerc outer.', v 1520 75 By cash ald on School or- I ' ivrs' . i Bv error in overcharge ori 2123 40 I 'School inaMcr?; 1023 05 By cash for Fox fcalp; ,1(102 Bi By Tresiirer'u Coniinh 2T00 02 381 00 21 00 8 00 sicni DOLLS. CTSi Doer il GC3 23 202 47 113 103 Balance in the Treasury; i!503'.)5 50j 0517 63i C17 B2$i OlOOj Cm V h. tho undorsigned, Lommmisf lonerS of the county of Columpia, liavo pamiJ n'1 lllft n. 1lrr,M1ir fll!!1tl:tl'Atl tltrll) tl'illl ill. lilli..ltnr .i.i.l mi..I .1. 1.10, n... I n...F ntSi Witness our hands, tlfn ciglith day ol January, A. D. 1640, We further ecri'fy, .a tin; amonui ol orueu la citcuiation is tares liuuureit ititd mnCly-s-iIU ilollara and 1 y otic cciils; JOSEPH BROHST, JOHN DIE TERlf'H, EXPETfBITU Of Ihe county rf Columbiu, as per orders hsuccl by the Commissioners on t!i Treuutier thereif, during thcytar cnt thousand 'eight hundred andthir'y n'n: v5 S2. XiT Qtrlh'&ui RESPECTFULLY iiiloinis the r.nblie alio his Incnds gener.illy, that he h.ia just ifceiied the tl iillr.tsCf fJiiln E'.'i&h- (IUH rwirTAlLOU'M AltCllE TVI'KS. foio iihed bv Ward. Basf.nd an l Ward, lor fl muarv, Id 10, and i. prepared to make Genllvmen and Lady's Guuncnt.i, id' ev ery description, in the lici ami nio-t lash aide nivle, anil jt short notice, a be i.s de termined to' merit a shatc ot public patron age. J iiuiiry 23, 1810. THE Subscriber leapeeifully infurn:3 tho pnldio that he h.isieeently received '.hi! appoiiitoi'iul of aii Agcnev from tho pro prmor, for vending l)i. Willi in Evans justly cebliratcd Medicines, and that he has just received direct from him, tho tullowiug articles, to wit : Dr. Evan'.-i Camomile and Aperient Pills, for curt; of Dysprpoia, Consumption, Liver coO't'lainl I)t. Eran'd Soothing Syrup for Children ie'ething. Dr. Evan's Fever and Agual'illsi Dr. Hutu's Bfciojiie. Pill". Dr. GooJe'fi Fennlo 1'ilU, Baron Vim Hutcheler'a Herb Pilb. The Pubitc. am tmitioni'd to beware of Couoteifiits, as none are genuine but thofo obiotucd from the aut'ioried agi-uts of Dr. William Evans, of New York. JOHN It. MOVER. Blomnsburg, Jan. 25 ,lbU). 3D if. Window, Clock and picture glass of til kindB and sorts; also, tials and bottles of all descriptions; and best earthen Jus, for sale cheap, at thu I leal lit Emporium by iJl a, J voias xn vieommirg A'iessnrd wages, Siaii.-iLMl assessment, Jurors wagi.3 and mileage; Constabiea attending Court, CcustnMca utk.iit ic virus &c; ocuoul Fund, Commissioners & Clerks vvneef Viewers of Roads anil Bridges, rilalo Costa, Election Ceueral, Couiini;ent expenses including rupmrs of t;ourt House :j. Priming and Stationary; Carried up, -Ob, ,0 DOLLS. CIS. 20li 5J 25 112'J 47 Oil 00 05 CO I'M 554 r, 437 50 , 214 00 201 :n 404 25 4G7 82 4530 43 I ' - mnlini bioti"ht iip! Bridge building and repairing; tuiliiora vvages, Proih'v mid Clerks wagc3; v!oroneia fees. Jailiir and SherifT fees! Court crier, Fo:: scalps; sa3 .it;' b?uo o:l JJ 5 &3 02 2SJ B2 4 2 3 li WE, the undersigned; Auditors, duly elected io soldo and adjust the accounts Ti county of Columbia, do r.eri'fy, that ie hava caitlir.ctl Ihe l'oreoing ac-iiuntu, and do rc-,jort a balance in favor o the coiiuty, in the Treasury, in ihe amount of Iho hi tired and sevcnieen dollar and cighty-mo at:tl one half cools. We a!3o cer 'y t we liud Shorill' Kitchen accountable for tweniy-eight dollars Jury funds. I a lind Sherill' Kiienun accountable lor lbs sum of liftv doll.u'i. tines eiac.ed bv tbr. i, in criminal cases; , ' j GEORGE II. WILLI rS SEBASTIAN HOVVER, 3 AMES DE WITP, ' VUnlili .. . : ' ,n To CJoimly S.acs and evios for the yea fiV 2" Collector 18115 Jhn Mover jr. 18.7 David Philips, " John Ruckel, 1633 'I iiKin.ts Baib'cr, " Charles I'ives, " Chatles Hartman, " John Kline, " Fold Ueiiler, " Elijah Piico " Doinel Peeler, " Henry Dei rich, " JoliuAlcW illiams, Ben jamin A I ware S&9 due Tuiunhhipt Derry; Mahoning, Ml. Piea.ant M.idiou, IS reeii wood; Heiulock, Snar Loaf; Mitil n, Roaring Creek; Fishing-Crcck, Bnar Creek, , Libuiv,. ill bauds ol Sheriinvitcheii, Mahoning; 1S3U Jesse Sliannoii; " Sainilel Slialfer, ' Jesse Yoi.iiin, " James C. Spioul, " Suuiic! Crivliug, " Jacob Eiaii!', " Churls Hartman,' " 'John Fritze, " Win. Wilton, " John Mnrihall ' John Johnson, Jamca M. June., Elea.er IJimhvvell, J.iiin-rt Vauhoriie, David M. Clark, John Huge." sen. Philip i'ritze, Bloom, Briar Creek; Cattauusa, J)eiry, Fishing Creek; (fieen wou'tl, llciido.d;; Jaekfiou, Libeiiy, Lime-tone, ladisoi), Mahoning, Mifflin, Mi. Pleasant; Mourner. Roaring Creek, Sugar Loaf; from Ar.mtr.i Ihip. 00 L 52 1000 1)0 200 73 471 57 411 12 783 07 210 14 513 50 410 07 212 00 i20l 75 o73 77 027 40 11IB 00 1 1C0 87 (557 00 005 52 276 40 425 43, 472 ',0 101 71 424 05 Gifi Of) 538 33 1007 01 (102 00 2'J0 85 420 63 . 497 70 217 24 , Hectors. Paid. 425 15" B32 02 237 53 411 27 313 00 07 0 17 iOR 23 450 50 378 0:J 200 20 020 00 277 17 m 77 281 82 030 00 144 S3 201 s0 50 00 ISO 00 31 50 ..'10 CJ 111 00 215 OJ 203 52 137 75 02 00 23 1S5 00 1U2 60 00 Cj 470 i 107 2J , Ml 18 J "1 5QJ J Lol c 5Lj V ! I i. 1 1 ' WE, tho uiiderslgurd Commissioner?, lwivo aece.:t.iineil from tl " J" f Trearuier and Commissioners, that tho balances' above mooiionrd, r., If1 gainst the Collnclors abovo uanieil, (eomiuiisions and DNlionrratici w d .' amounts in the tiggregalo to the sum of iiiuo ihotisnnd loiiy-eight do'la-i ctnu duo the county. Witness our hands this uinih da v of Janc rv. 1 t . JOSEPH i, ,o. , JOHN bi:,iu i ' ri -"7- - fk r'- vVK.' V t