The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 08, 1840, Image 2
!ifaee. I wan nlnrmed ; but oh ! I wn near y Etunned, when on iho floor, as if acci dentally dropped, I found tlits glove' He field out a lady's glove, so tlf liunto in its shape and size, and so almost certainly lifrs, that my ejes began to grow misty , i i wi n norm.. Arc you mad V I vlii-pered, for I conld not speak : 'why '.id you not ride instantly . to Miss Mcrion . Alas .' if my suspicions 19 true, I were four hours too iatc. 1 was riding there, and thought it better to call on you by iho way. My horse is at the door.' Your whip! your whipl' I shouted; 'fol low mc 011 foot.' And ten seconds mo.c saw mc mounted, end heard the horse's hoof us 1 d.ished into the darkness. Arrived at Morion Lodc, 1 tore past the servant who opened tho door, anil rushed into the drawing 100m. Tlie Inmlly were assembled, all but Aura, whom I fiercely dcmai.ded to see. Every thing was consternation ; my loo! s, my stream ing haif, (for I had brought 110 hat w lilt me) and myiollow voice, made all shudder. Aura had (ell uitwrll.ihcy said, and had retir ed to rest tamo hours before. As vou value your soul's salvation,' 1 exclaimed, then for thd fust tim3 weeping nttiio sight of that happy family, 'show mo Tier room.' None stirred nor spoke hilt her liitlc sis er, who look my hand silently, and led mc up the staircase ; tho rst billowed behind. 1 smote the door with my douched fist, and shouted her name unanswered : 1 3inute a rain, and 'no souad canto from within : I usslieu linseii against 11 wmi mo mtpuisu M ... 1 of despair, snd the bolt giving way, uo : tiuo 01 1.11 1 nnKiiitt ill ill room lull I can COIlltiru U! now as vividly as at that awful moment. Aura Meriou was setting near the lire cbtl i.i a diesriug gown, her elbow resting on a table, on burnt a caudic. Her back . -was toward us, and in her left hand, which vas on the table, was a miniature ; in her "right a china cup An open desk was near nr. ,ii).i,.li u' .T. 1 liii-mi-i'il :i liui' old Icticis and a songthe latter 1 recognised as mine. Stcwkirigs, slippets, and other articles of dress, were a.onnd the room ; and a faint o dour, aa if some drug, -oppressed the ait. 1 passed round so as to see hm luce : she ' 'seemed steadfastly lookiny on vacancy, and her eye was unusually full and brilliant; Iter countenance was melancholy, and of a gray paleness. I knew and felt it she was dead 1 Mr. Jones, who had scarcely half a mile to follow me, now entered the Toom breathless, he look from the bible a black tin ease and an empty vial, which lie seemed even to touch with fear. 'Save sxve her 1 and me!' was my exclamation. ' Come away, man come away 1' he caid ; ' this is no place for you.' 'That vial ! what has it contained ' 1 Vli'rep'fietnti alow wimpi-r, 0 cid.' I looked all round the room fo: some fice '.0 tell mo be lied, but there- was none; so i fell senseless on the floor. t Thus fell Aura Merion, whose fain it was after shamefully trilling with the all'eetioin of those who ha;J loved her, to be bereft of the whom she held most dear by that very trifling. That she rejlly lov.-d Pmitt'eru, inconsistent though it ma; semii, I am fully convinced ; she never lookt"! up after his angry parting, and his picture was in her hand when she tlied. That one cif hiah in tellectual endowment should thus bt'Movv her affections on a man of excellent heart Lut unciillitaied mind, is nut probably in congruous, nor inconsistent with tho usual anomalies of the female character. A doom fell on all the neighborhood where this tra gedy took place ; none who bore a heart could refuse sympathy lo the unbounded glief of her bereaved paieuts ; and I, whom the speclBele, with a thousand old assori.i tions, would have killed, left the pkoo then and forever. My grief was not left mt. "This narration has been nbrupt, dpsiitule of art, and ill-written it would diigrace the pen of n modern novelist. H-it over iU fietxms it ha the sad and melancholy kujiniiutuy ui iruill, W'OICil win cive H 111- trrt iii your oyes, and in great nee to thoao into whose hands it may fill. If consideration approves my design, at some future 1 may give you another of those ex periences which havo made me what you style crraneouidy a Woman-hater. Population of Eimt. Thn estimates nf tho population of hgypi have been ex tTsmely various; nor are wc awars that it lias been iho subject of any accurate reu sus; but hn most careful recent estimalr-i . fix it about '2,500,000. The most detailed one, which teems to have been made with diienr;e, makes, of Copts, 100.0CO; Arjb Feihmn. 2,230,000; Ucdouiu Arabs, 101. 000; Arabian Greekr; 250,000;Jews 20,000; 8ervian.20,000;ArmftniHiis lO.OOOjr'ranks, or Eupfian Chrisiians, 4,000 Mamelukes, 000; Ethiopians, 7,000. Itifi stated thai suiting the papers of Ste phen Price, lately deceaFcd, iheru wtsre fpund cortifieatea or evidences of stock in Jbe En'lidh funds to the amount of $300, 080. tsaessaastxt! A correspondent of the New Yo:J; Ex press, estimates that in tho year 1000, that ohy -will hato t popohliou of upwkids of 6-,000,OCK), Frofn At Ilarrislurg Kcporfcr. ENGLISH IKON TRADE We have seen snveial notices in newspa pers of the report of Joseph Johnson, Esq. iron mutter, in Liverpool, on tho iron trade in ocothmd ami Wales, but jiroeurcil Hie re- .,rt itself onlv a foxy davs since, it would Ji(r j s sali8fliaiun( if we ,1Bl, ,.e m . ., . ,. 0..r room, to nlaiu it entire before our readers. We will, however, endeavor to make an abstract of the facts lu 1710, thtro were 59 blast furnaces in England, making nnttualy, IV.JloO loin cast iron, 01 201 for each furnace, or r4 tons each per week. In 17S8, the number lurnaecs were reduced m 2J,antl the product to l.t.000 ton. Several at tempts had then been made lo reduce the ores with coked coal ; nod by means ol this fuel, am' the substitution of eUiuler blowing machine. j woiked wiih pistons", for the wooden bellow.-, 00 fnrnices fired wiih coke made 13,800 tons per year, being a weekly product lor each of 17j tons, and the whole manufacture that jcar being 01, 000, with coke and charcoal. In 1700, the charcoal process was almost out of use, and 1'2 1 coke furnace in blast, producing 121,- '37!) tons per ainmiii, 01 l.OU'itoms lor each lu 1802, 103 blast turmwts making 17(. 000 tons, in 1000, inrrcitsed lo 230,000 ions there being 227 coke liirnacen, but on ly 150 in active use at once. In 1S20. the product was 400,000 ions. in 1S2U. it was 000,000 tons, 'and in 1 90S. upwards of 1, 000,000 tons. The hoi blast ivasintrodiii! ed by .Mr. Neilsnn of Glasgow, and formed a now ert in the iron trade, especially m it Il'jxr -i HI Hiv. nvii ' s tl .. 1 M.ler0 tmt! .,r(! Mnv 52 furnaces jn b 4 -ml o,-M.u ? (JW umf! lmtliw. .Hid 21 contemplated: which, supposing all in operation by 1812, will then produce in Scotland alone -107,01)0, allowing uie aver age product, wh'uh U common in Tlnlaud, of 100 tons per wee's to each furnace. The report says, it was for a lung mnc considered . doubtful whether the tScoich i-asi iron, (i it ii with raw bitumi nous coai. a:;u iii:.vii:d aiu, would answer for malleable iron,' but experiments ni.ule to test the mailer have l.ccn allended with most ,atisl'acioiy nf-nlu ; -1 cwt. 2 qrs. of pig iron, yielding, by the proceed of bailing instead ni puddiiug, blooms of -1 cwt. 1 qr. 0 lbs. each, the quality equal to any made with cold air. The account given of the establishments in Mouth Wales is exceedingly inierciing. Wo extract fioin tliem the most important fjc.t3, .iiiice it is not ti.isv to condense what j is itself a very biief but yet loo long a de tail of the d.fl'erent concerns. The avenge yield of the f.iru.ioes is about 100 tout per w eek ; most of (hum aro blown cold aift instead of hot as it is generally un derstood. A fiitinl of Mi. Johnson say?, mo make 100 tons of ir iron weekly re quires about 4000 persons of every da sviiptioii ; ibu i"JiS3 of wages for men, from 12"." to OO.t., for women Gs. to 10s.,uud for bi)J.wtpo vr wci'l:, .. 1'roporiioiis of the materials used in cncli prone, and waste of the iron, W. : Fifieen furnu '' averaj'iu 00 tons .,n..t.. u,.if 1 11 future i.:i.rii) tons nf : ...' ....,,,! of 50 ew.. oi coal oer tun of iron, iuel.'isive ol calcminH : . s.iy a.;J7o tons ol ooa! to i.-iruaces ami cal cining, and to blowing engiiiiN 10 (iw!. of per ton of iron, or 075 ton?. If the lurnaecs nuke J.J150 tons of eaJt-i.''OU,"10'J tons may be deducted fur the ballast ii'o.u. Then refining 1,230 nuts, at 12 cwt. I qr. ol pig to tho ton ol relined iron, lull pio ihicc 1,110 tniu refined metal, with a con fa'.imptiou ol 0 cwt. per ton, or about 500 tons ol coal weekly fur the refineries; I,-' J10 icliimd mefil will yield of puddled iron in 21 cwt per inn of the metal, and ti cwt. of coal pe: ton of iron, 1,015 tons, will 010 tons (it ; ami then the lolling milts it 22i ewl of puJdlcd iron, mid 2d owl of coai ;ie.' ton, will pioibicu 015 tons cf merchant bars, or what i called No. 2 iron, with rt coiwimpiioii of 015 tons of coal.' lu speaking of tho works of Crawshay & Sims, iho report says : 'Amongst other' interesting objects for your attention, you may ft cm see the lar ucsl iitimn I ever heard of. The diameter of lbs woikiiig barrel is six ft'vl, and ihe length of the lift in iho barrel is four feet. It pu.nps up ihe whnlo of tbu river Tall', and thu Water, al'it r turning all tho w heels about the works, is discharged into the l.' d of Ihe liver. This muv, appear, at first vieiv, an expensive way of o.,i.iii,ing pov er, but rxpc.-ienec mowb iIhk it u cheaper than erecting a number of small enginus, ot transmitting power ihrcugh complicutod inaebiiiciy.' In teferenccto Mr. Crane's anthrariio funuces die report says' : ' Mr. Crano ruceiveu uie in the most gen tlemanly manner, and accompanied mc o ver ihe whole o hid works, to all'ord mc an opportunity of scdng lo the full extent his mode of operation, lie had three fur nacei in blast, all blown uiiii heutuil an, and bo is about to erect two more. To convince me of the superior eurngih of iron madd with anthracite coal alone, ho request ed one of his men to break a pig for my inspection. Tho man look the first pig he could lay hold of, and plating it flat on tin ground shuck ii iiuy-iiiree mows wun u sledx hammer, about twenty to twenty-two pounue in wcigHt, but w ai not alls to break it. The strongest pigs of iron made in tho otdinary way may be broken by from three tot-it blows. The iron of Mr. Crane's I found lu be so rich and soft, as well at strong, that it flattened or rather plated nn dor tba actjou of the haruaier, end shelled off in pieces nhnut thb sla of a sliilling, such ns 1 nmv show you. Ueforo the iig could be broken, it had to be cut with a chisel, the marks of which you may pen on the piece ol iron I have brought for your in sneetioiii Mr. Crane has two furnaces at work and it is really astonishing to seo the anthracite coal coining out of them quite unmjorcd, even after hating been exposed for five days lo the intense beat required fur the smel ting of iron, Thco two pieces I picked up from the sconrtc, as Iho fluid ran from llic furnace, when ihcy werj red hot, and hud been five days in pisfdng through. Mr, Crane has yd only one small eupo. a furnace in which ho iim-s anibraeiic ex clusive! ) for firing the other two, he imps tu'o-llurds of atiihiaeite to one third of coke .iml by using anthracite in tYi" compara tively small proportion he ( fleets a saving of 12s to I. '13. per ion in tho cost of makin iron, and very inaieii.illy impruves lis qual ity His furnace nU-o jields a belter pro duce, in proportions of 05 lo 50 percent. His small cupola furnace, No, 2, from w Inch when using cold air and uike, he eniitd obtain only twenty to twenty-two Ions of oast iron per week, by being liied with aulhraeitu cual alone, and blow n will: hot air has prodm:cd,nu an average of many months, thirty-live tons per w eek, and the larger tutuac's in which bo Uses in propor tions I h.ivo before sl.tted, have increased, tho No. 1 Irom tinny-four to tons up from fmty-li.eio forty-nine iwii,atid the No. !), Irom niiy to fifty-live up 10 s x-ty-fivc t j eighty tons tier week. All hi liiinaccs arc very (iiuall, and his blowing machinery not so goad as 11 ought to be hence his very limited prodiice. The quality of tin's iron is very highly spoken of Mr. Crane has received as.Mir mcus from ovt 1 it a.uites who have urn! ii fur various purpottis that, 'for bars it bail given great satisfuejiou;' for foundiy vvoil. it was admirable; , that ' in rem, Iliii'-, it was found very thjd, and at the aniu time very strong' a uifiou of qualities most de sirable, but rarelyto be met wiih. Willi respect ii the econoinv of litis pro cess, Mr. Crane Stay, " 'he aver.igu nf scl eral months. pr'JIuccd the o 1 of cusi iron wiih the hefiircuiilieard of smail (ua!iliiy of 27 cwt. of ial, and he eniciaius with gieal coiiiidenc that be will in; able to re duce the o.i.iui'K still furilier, sav 22, cwt. win mam uca ui I I r 1 . , V . 1 . - 1 . milhrjciie coal is t ibieci: feel thick. I roibice a sample ol it as ob- tamed fiom th mine c are una lo l resist the temptation of ueitt conclusion of this in , viz: ' adiliug lint elu terusiiug reporl 1 lie aggugatc immocr 01 iurnacc3 in blast in S.mill Wales we have found 10 be. 122, onto! blast, 7; building 31; and con teuiplalcd, 9; ami, alloivntg for twelve woiUs that Mr. ('uie alludes to, as being likely to bo erccteo aoon, only five fnrnaees each, orsia.iy A all, we thus find liiat piob ably vviihin tl'-'nej.t live years the uu.uhci of liirnaces m fcioutii Wales w ill be doubled, and iiuaiVcr2'41. Allowing an aver.igu pro- tiuce o eigluy tons per week for eac, ye have iho s'-nouiidiiig qu.inti h tut "ace, jo nave mo i.iioiiiiui.ig quantity to l 1,015510, or, in round m.mhcrs. 1 ,000.000 i .... 10111 ul cast-iron proi!uci.U in this (li-'iriet uiouc I .... I i miaiuuv equal (o that nro.liiccd last viltr in the whole of Ihitaiu 1 Ii icy I bear sou'tti of you remarking that w -shall cert. .inly have lion very cheap coon; ml doubtless the easily increased produ :nm wid have it- effect on the mar ket. Out I have not the most liiant ap prehei -ion of production oiitstriping eon sumpi hi to any great extent. Wo mav have, .4 .we havo hbherlo had, ileprt's ions ami fluctuations, but there will a! way. be found tint powerlul and very sensiV c goienior.sclf-iniercsi,, with ill flelphiss eye, will not fail narrowly to watch, land uliiui ueiy In reguhue. ihe pro ponioiVj between our wants and their sup jlies. iWheii we look at the in.'reaed eon. siiiifpiiaii of ihe last ten ears, and i'i mind die innltif.tnous puroi'se in which this inati' is now used, and to vvhirli it has only vt?ry recently been lound to ho a tlapied, vvu caivioibta ihiuk licit !:c mu-tb a bohl man. who would place limns to iu deinaiitl any imp ?lian lo ils prmluciion. Eighiy-etgnt yiir ao there were scarcely one blast turn'ict in fj.mih Wnle; mid w hat lonceivahlo reason can be .".saigned why the requireitU'iiis of diis cciiiury shall not in crease in a ratio ul leau equal lo that of tho past. As a people, I (rust wc aro growing wis er and better, nml that wo shall ncvci again mai'ly indulga in tho wicked folly of wnst i,ig Hut Mrer.gih mul we dih of ihe naiioii in infl c'iu;j the (lova'taiii'iis, the hoirors, the complicated mental Idigl. taints and physteal miseries of vvai; liiti that, on the contrary, our utit-atiou siig.l eoniinuo lo be turned to tho prommnm ol uselul works, such as riilwavs w.'.iU'.cam-boats, and oilier! unproved means o' intercouive between man and man, ami n.oion mid naiion; and that! when our own eotintrv shall have reanud require all our materials and i.denla fur ihete really benefit iii Hiruil wo utiall be it, una rvi' v i,,ii,,z v ,,ttu,ii, uti.tpi. . I'... ...a 1 ..I .ill.... Ia nvhinil tlia.. humaiii7iiiiir inlliieiicfH to every quarter the elo'je, and find Chriiianiiy, phtianthro nv. and seienco travcr.iuar Iheir wtuiosl liounds. Mini dilTasiug thiir blefsingH over ibu wlnde human rue. Strange as ii may appear to some of those vv ho hear me, thetu rlov atiny iniicip!eB and purUiU have a mof t iw.verlnl influeiico on the commerce of our country, and tm none ol its Unmctics is tins iiiiiueticc. morn inline- oi mo prcsom sbhiuh, uir my. viewa hi uo dlulely .or moio directly fell than ou the iron tail ; and tiwaro of Hie rpum ibility 1 have trado. ' Vhelher rn chooo to transport onrset ocean, in vessels miule of wood or of iron, ves, or cur prci'uciioi'a across the nvglov and wafied over tlibir bosom by the wi.-.tls of the heaven, or in others might by ettam to" 1 walk their surface like a thing rit life.' we. are still dependent, more or less, for a (supply of this most valuable metal; and; c ven vvlien wo eiimo lo require locomotion on land, ii niatlcra not however rude of however finished the means of transit wo' a, -ail ouisclvcs of, wo inuot siill havo iron; and it l8s no( unfretpicnily occurred to me, thill in proportion to our mcieacd wants of this very nncetsary materia!, have hCen our increasing weans of ohtain'mg it; and I think we may rest satisfied, that so long as llrit skiil, and efi'eigy, mid weulib, add en lerprise shall exist) we shall never lie at h losa either for uiiudii lo devise, or hands In execute suheuies thai will enable lis In iui piovc, to their full extent, the inexhaiisti bio stores of elementary', with which a bountiful proviilcuee has miii roun ded n?; and, by converting them iiitu the aeiitc inutiumeuts of social comforts, pro mote the happiness of all our feilow-rrca-Kites, anil thu. fully cany out his wise ami beneficent purposes.' MESSAGE l-UOM THE GOVERNOK; 'J i) the huutti and Home of Hspmitttu- liven of the Contmonwcdllh of Pcnmyl- VUniil. Gun'Tx.oian : I3y tho provinoions o! the act approved ihe 23d nil., eiili'.ittl "an at t to unthoriic a loan,' the Cou'i'iior is au ihoiised lo iicgot'i.ito a jri ili.tnciit luai, lor the sum of SS7G,O'J0. lie is also aoihor iscd to nrgo.iatu a icmpoiary loan for the tav.v: sum in aiittcijuittuit of the taid per m.uicul loan. A t 50 JO, 000 of the cum uuiIioiNtiI to he borrowed is required to supply a di'ieit in (be intern. ii lund for the pav uienioV tnlfiesi this d.iv due, 1 directed ihr scerci.irv of the commoiiw eaith, imiiit diaie ty upon the approval of the aid art on ihe 231 mit. to utile in ibc banks id ihe t Hv and tll.ilii' ts ol I'bihulciphia ami tin; II ii risbtirg Hank, inquiring of each of tliem w bother the) wounl agree lo nuke :i pernn -neiii or lempor.iry loan to the common wealth of tluD.OOti ilnllais.oraiiy part theiu ol, upon (he terms speiineil lit Hie said aci, the .i!iiii to be phi i il in ber eietlil in thu litnkof i'cuiuv Iv.iiii'i on ibis day. Answers have been iccited ft oil) alt the banks. The Dan'; of I'i-iiiim Ivania pro pose: lo lend on lunpntary loan lOU.i'Ui). ioioe of the others oiler in take propoi iioiiate p.uu on i t-riam coiiiingeiK ic", ant! olbers appear lo manifest a disir,: to nicci ihe cincrgt-iicy, bat bavt: not the abili ly. Copiei ol the corifspoiidence upon ibis su'ijccl, uie herewnb tiai.t:u,iiietl. ll vvul he pt.iccivctl that not baviu,' (lie means so lo do, the inteicsi ibis day tine by the comin'on wealth it her ureihiors is uiipiitii, a i-licuiiiManco w hicb tho exccuiii c, auMoits aa he has been for muiniamiiiL' uu .ulhi U iltu credit ami I', Kb ol Int.' eoiinuoii wcalih has been uiiahly lo avert. I caoiioi loo often, or too impre.-M ely, urge tipoti ihe legislature, the purainoiini duiy of m.iiu taiumg, al all li,riJiJ, tbc puuiic laiil, credit. '. hiist urging upon ihcm the adnpiion ol such w ise jihI judicious ciueiiiienla, ua may p.eicnt the reeiii rent e of an evrnl ren'tlert'tl nievitaalu ttom the revtosioii gtuwiiig out of lliv ui'iialoral and exhausted system nl crctii!, with vvhi'-hnur biisinesn cjinnmnity bail been inflated, I beg leave lo recommend, s ihe best altcrii.iir.e, which now presents itself, lhi!'ge forthwith" of a joint teso tu ion, auiboiizmg the issuing of sta.esioek lor liie iuirrcst f.dluig due ibis day lo be delivesoil ;o tlie lioUleu of slock, for a mouni due them. rcpcnively, as an earncsi of our determination lo make provision, a the necessary legislation can be had, to meet ihe exigency and redeem the credit of the common, i oulth. 1 n list I may be excused in this commu nication, for saying lo tbis Representative!: of the people in ihe legislature, that while they owe a dmy lo tins wauls mul wishes of iheir iiiiuii dime enusiiiuents, there is it pjiati'ouiil iluiv to tbu i oiumoiiw e..lih al large to maintain iu ctedit, lo meet its eu gageiuenis mid to pteveiit its character fur good faith In) in being sullied. No ins'.i, were be eoii.oihrt.d aione, ai an individiul would go lurther to lis an early day for the riiuiopuon of specio payments by tbt banks iheii I would, if by so divn;, Ihe tic sirable result would be protluccd. Dot. placet! as I am, t.s tho Executive of the cominoiiwealdt .o preside over the I fed bound to say, ntgardless of any de iiunci.itioiin which may he poured from any quarter, that I ueliuve if loo rigorous a m s tem of me.WUre hu adupied to coerce the paymJui ol me lituiiities of tiic biuks im- methatclv, thu cretin ot the alatc inu-t au! will be seriously ami disastrously aliecied. Let nhu:unec do given to tbc public tliat at a certuint mid fiscd day, within a rca- m sonable lime, uc!i resurnpiiou will take place, and that il will then be permanent. Let (hem mulcrsianil that this iiululgmcn to ' i. ...t .. : . a l . i.. .. limit tieoiurs, tor ijur., is rt-i.i:t;reii iiuio- of I luU'ly ncecssary, by ibt: exitiiiii' ortsmire - 1 mid the mimbroii? pubiic debt wnlt Winch doubt the stale I-. loutled, anil no one r,m ! but thai, in a spirit of paiiioiic liberality, ''' u'" waive ihu inimndinte exercino of , u poiiiivo right, for thu tnoru certain and tdiinie aceomplUhintmt of w hat w e all so ! much dtwire. I refer lo the mMsage com- municaled to you t the eommeucomoiit.of I aibumed leivo the oubisct to the calm cnul icflcetinr; consIdTal'in cf Iheltrij. turc. Whtn I Irt.k upon mo tlmttjiirg 0f l)e otalion assijT'i: d me, I orurnfd all 3 ,p, sponsibilitin d'sn; end having nr.-er filmmi from the performance, of any dutv, I liT6 felt myself imieftitivcly cdled' opui't, make thu coniintiiiinittimi (o you, in 'jj,, fuilest cnnfidaiico nml belief lhal ti.e (atri- oiisui iiuti ooitjens ot our coinim,fi ron. sliliicnta will hiJar'ns out iii nu'i- liom-Ji anil itiixionit entleavors lo cxtricato the tM fiom the financial tlifliculiies and Pialuraij. ments encounirreti on entering upon ifo tiicuargt! ui our piinuc tiuin-j. DWll) )i. l'ORTEB. February 1, ia-10. fe'."ATK SKNaTORS. Tho suhjoiiied list shows when J'IC ltW of the several Senatrn wiil expire. joutioi-i wiioatienn ixph-c i,t lor1 S.'lttlllt Siiii'i k.m Pit. !...(..!. t.: . . ,. iiiiii-iiiii.) ; Mvres. l)el:nv:tif: U it,'. "I' I?.',,.,.- ir .loim AJHIer. Herks ; James A. t MvteA . - , .... .. .v. I,, i.pki iiimrnsier; J aitu'H V I . IJell, ti'inun.' Imi (Jloirlfj T'r,il..v JS..I II-. M . Vt ... ",. . V - ' ) i 111 I Hi. i:iui;t!, liutier ; junii li. si neie. M,, gouieiy ; Thomas C. Corhraii, Yt.rk; Abj Sloitt'.'. if,rlli.iii,,Oi.t 'iciitt'or.t whosrtirms erf ire in T 8 I .viictiai i rteytiei', n,i; Uclpbi.' tim, : j; enezi r !v.iu(.'bi-.rv. Jj-., Wtrwi ; V vy.tte, i,ri r.,ur:t ; ;amucl ftj. Uan 1 , , 1', f,,,,! " "l.i,.,,i,. it i , . ..... w,,..,,.- ... t rimw, v,uc.llt-rl,Hl i liOinas k,. sMiiitr, A'lams ; Joun .1. p0J snn, .iccct ; .loft-pii :M. Nii'rr..i, fir: Henry i-. ;.pcnuiiiu, i,l,iliii!f.'i',!,,;; Tkl' W.n: itt..t , Ti;;, r.iteguuuy; riien.y l',itii.'fso AinislroiiL'. oiiHiiocs trimsc Irrnn f.rp-rr .iiiJ I reilenck brnley. rbi'aJt l lira , f'i,,,. l.rown, l'liilailelplii.t nur.;i ; ,,.,r llroiike. Chesit r; John rStrdini. T. ,r. mi John Kil'niL'eri Lebanon; Uo'iCri i'. Union i Unbert Flcmica;, I.vcori: .,..; J0 11. 1-Jvving Washington- Wm. l ('. !. I'av file; Samuel llaytt. Venatiji.j Jca , I'lumeri estmoreljuil. mfct-.-rmu,.." hi ot. ..1 .'. I - ., .. i tic. t.'ici'iiDu tor ,t nsiii t"; ni mc reyj will be held on the third Tridav m Mur The Legislature of Michigan hive A'taiisttis . Porter, lisq. lo ihe I Stales .Semite, for six year fiom n,e 1,: .March last, A lute cxploratioh of Panuin cnnn'vTlj is, bas ibsoivereii nil iinmeii"! (niam peirilied reptiles belonging to the class & tuttu. The rpirit .hops in (il.tcgovv amru; it the las, census, to one in evty m !, es throughout tho city. The pri-pn'iii of couric, grtater in the low dtstr t .. Mr. Romania fsYymour, of H i (Ci.) but. hcretl a hog !...t i.c!;, Hi i. (dd, that weiclittl. when ilresstd. t"-t rireil indforhj mnc ound,i. Mr. it n i! lisinti-,' tii i!,e san'e size can bo produc'td. The snow in all ihe North, from Y to Mississippi, appear lo f ile"'' iiipiecedec'etl ui.iform liiq.i'i of !'.' I THE Pnrfntr.hi! in the rOi' IWSLXJlSii. ot ilfiowrrr, cm-htrlvtf vmhr Ihr firm of L. . ,' i in l.'t H" It roniitnt. (k'it',1, h:cs oi. griimt MiiJ firm tvitl l.e j.oiJ ';! Mult, and he is htnUu nu:horl;t ; I'i tret nil debts dun la .'' unlit in:'. I.KW IS lj.' MAI? V, WID PETRI' J JACUU 11. MAl'y, Jan 2, 1810 The InmnCHi at the BtnO.VSL FOUNDRY u HI he hereof a- .. hj lite aubicribtn vntlcr t'f firm " li J: ). Mans. .'Ill orkfi cutailcd in their line '':.h:hi LEU IS II. M.M JAT.OH !l. MAI'S. Ulcmnsbtirg, Jan 2, 18 Li. ALL prnus indebted m Dort (' ;C; J'A'i'.HhBiim.iiiel'hysici hi mg.Jj r sidcnt at 1) Snyder . ,inr I""1' al aiiendaiice between May, IMJ." IfiSO, erejintilied tliM in eenst'U1"'" beiiii' Couijic'lti! Itt bo ab'ci.i. I.f his m-eouius wiih Chmies Kali!"-' colloi.iioii, u ith whom they can U wiiiim four weeks from d. te wia. petite, aficr time they uiay peel lo py enf-t. i Jaii!iarv25, 1810. ' atiSMMK its i era Wanted iuimetiiaijlv in Mai!'' ) Utitrl. 4 or 5 School ( ' t "1 ' . wages will be given to good J' nn anolictitinn tn 1 ., , I I i l Kl 1 l.ili "I' Madison. )vc. 1, 1S3'J. ..... F. ' ' . SEVERAL thouyand Qripk for sale at tho old IMoomsburg. Nov. 30 IG39. rtr .it c csuljli