The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 01, 1840, Image 4

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    SCtVi.V 3SEj3SftAH uvrv
THO(.JLD receive a profereuco over ull Pills now
Ifi existence:
i'iii!t-l)pc(Hno they are composed of. Vegetable
rtr.irl,iivo from rtiiiirra'.fi ami may. Iks Liken nt
nil lime with perfect nafuty by young and old, wilh
out nutraiuf ffoni occupation, tcmpcrata living, or
fear1 of taking cult!. .
Sworn! lirediMO tlioy ore comppsfd r,f such
inrlkinal cximcte, at huvn been employed liy ull
the niit celebrated and respectable I'lij ulrisna tor
wore than n rmturyjvut, in purifying the Blood
t-.iid Animal fluid of tht body.
(ThirJ Uccauie they may ba employed n a
null or active purgative, occordiKgto tlie ipuuititv
taken, end their operation will not lc attended with
griping ef the hawoU, tfeknees at tho etomach,
proatration cf the system, &.C., re arc produced by
other pill.
rourth Because they posses a comblrrad action,
not ppwcsaod by nny other pilbj, nuxtutoorptepnr
ntiim whatever, Their firnt'dlVrt is in correcting
nit impurities with which the blood and fluids of
the tiody may be tiiT-cted.nnd by their gently opera
live eft'ect, icaioing kuch impurities from the sys
tem. Tiflh Because they are the (error cf Quacks
and Impostors, for moil persona arc obliged to take
the Sarsap.irilJ.v Blo.iJ I'illj, after taking their vile
and dcttruc.ive nostrum, to counteract and prevent
their miehi,v'oin nod IdncTuI clfcets.
Sixth Uceauso thrv nic the o:ily nills in which
Physicians have Miflicicnt confidence to recommend
to their patients, and employ in their practice, as
they know tliey am Anil IJuiek, Anu Aicrcural
Anti Billion ni well as a good and feafc purgative
and purifier of the Blood and Animal f luida.
Seventh and lat Hut not the least important,
be because they arts prcpircd by a regular Apothe
cary arid rintician, ny ut. rnysic, nor-
jier, Ciipmau, llcwces, James, uiIkoii, Jackson,
Coxc, Hare, Vc, A.c, which alone is wuflicicnt to
entitle them to great confidence.
Ccrliflcates and Uoconiriicitd.itioni from Physi
cians and others accompany tho directions around
each box.
tCpPrhc Twenty Five Cents, a RoxjDl
Prepared onlv and sold Wholesale and Itetnil nt
Dr. LUrUYVMIcahh Emporium, No. 101 North
.Second st., a few doors below Vine itrccl,- Philadel
phia, tlto, sold by
J. Gilbert & Co., North Third utrcci above Vine.
G.S. Clemen, do 3d do do Wood nr.
J. It. Smith & Co. do Sd do ticxt the Bed
Lion, and all rcspectablo Who!ciaic and Ketail
DrujgUt's in Philadelphia. (
They arc al mid by:
J. F. Lon;, I.mcuter, Pennsylvania.
J..W. Itohrcr, do da
V.Eliet:n in Litis,
J. W. Oakly, ncaJinj.
J. I). Mozcr, Alletitoivn.
P. Pomp, Kiton.
And tht principal Merchants tnd DrtjstJti in the
Uniied Sulci.
For i!c at the Health Emporium Bloemsburg
ly D. H. TOBIAS, Agent. .
Bloomsburrj July, 13, 1333. 11.
OMMUXICTION. How few they arc that
happen t l allHcted with Coughs or Colds
pay attention to them. How tntny thousands from
uch neglect shorten their d.iy, and hasten their fi
nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil
dren, and thus form tho foundation for Consump
tion, and hundreds of parents cnnuvlly follow their
own children to th? grac, having died from ome
affections of the Itrcat and Lungs, which weic neg
lected in their firtt tlapcs.
Coughs and Cokh, whether exiilin among young
or old, ought at all times be attended to early, and
not su&Ted to continue any length of time, for the
Xungs ouce :T:lcJ,H wise i,oon miVrs rapid rtrides,
ending in the mostfatal of all diseaiea, namely Colt
VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catarrhs, InOuenras,
Shortness of Ilreath, Whoopinjj Cou'h, Pain in
the Breast or Side, all silcrlion e.f the Bre.iftnnd
Lunjs, and arrejt of apriroieliiuss Consumption, it
the most popular melicine usjJ throughout all Ger
many ia 1-womiu; er,uiil!y (xipnUr in the (Tnited
tatc3, and hai esUblithcd for it'.olf a reputation
not possessed by any other medicine for the sjiiio
!ass of diteasea. (Seo certiticatcs and reeomnien
dations from Parents, Pbycicians, and others, accom
panying thrt directions.) It is a preparation perfect
ly .cafe and harmless, pleasant to the taste, and may
be given to the youngest infant. It is warranted
free from mercury amllhoinii.oraK and is a prepir
tion pf a regulir Apothecary ond Physician, attes
ted by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Gibson. Jaclison,
Jlorncr, llewcfs, Core, Jauics, &c. a circuuistatice
alone tulTicient to induce a trial of it
Dr. K. U. IiCidy, Proprietor of the above medi
cine, confidently recommends it to all, and assures
all most pou'.ivdy that it is an invaluable medicine
and would not himself recommend it, but for it,
known eiiieacy
Prepared onl7 and for saleWholesalc and Retail 6t
Dr.LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 101 North
Socond street a few doors blaw Vino frtrect,Pliia
adelphia alio, told by
J. Gilgert fc Co., North Thi-d ftrcct above Vine.
(. S. Clemens, do ad do doWoot' Bt.
J. R. Smith &.C0. do HJ do ncyt the lte.1
Lion, and by all respectable Wholesale cud Relai
Druggists ill Philadelphia.
They ara sold by:
J, F Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania,
J.W.Rohrcr, do do.
W. Ebermsn Litiz.
J. W. Oakley, Roadinij.
Tor sale at tho Health Emporium BInomsburg
y D. 8. TOBIAS, Agent.
mi. phelph's
Cozapotind Tomato
Entirely Vegetable,
K new nnd invaluable Medicino for all dieseasci
arisin? from , impurities of tho blood morbid secro
tian of the liver ond stomauh. AUo, a Kultitute
for calomel, as achatharticiu Pevera and all billious
These popular pilli combining a newly discov
'red Alkaline substance extracted from the TOMA
TO PLANT, with- other vegetable enlwtances
v?bich have been found to modify and diffuse its cf
f !!, are believed to bo the best Alterative and Ca
lhartx Modicine ever discoverod.
For ordinary family physic lliey are uiii
Tersally approved, as the best ever offered.
A full account of this Medicine, and nu
merous certificates from physicians and
ethers, arcornpnny caelt box,
Jim received and for ale at the new
Drug Store by J- MOYER,. Jlgtnt.
JLaj. 17.
CJcrnnton to TnBltinr.txnATnrTn's.EvAs's
l.v:iiy J'unoATivi!, the MATcnifsi fnrlccd)
," iTiyg, or any other pills or compound before
uir (inline, ns ccriiucu w ny rnyracians ana olliers
Let nono' condemn them until they have tried,
thonj, and then we ore certain Ihev will not.
It is inw n Kclt!tl point vitti nil who have used
tno cfetfllile rcmnn rills that they nro pre-enn
nently the bost and most etneacious Family Mcdi
cine that ha jet been used in America. If every
jamuy couiu ueconic nrqualuleu with ihctr, oover
eign power over ditcafc, they Would keep lliom and
bc'iTermretl with anurc remtdv to amdv on thofira
appwirnnce of,.nud then how much distrciin
would bo nxoidou njiil money jKived, as well as tho
Ihe of tliousrtinls who are hurried out of lime by
nclecliuj diseaso in ita first Btngcs, or by not beiin;
in posasian ot n rcfticdy winch they can placo dc
pendence upon. '
The Hcsurreclion, or PcYsian IHlls.
The name of theso fcilh ortrinatrd from the cir
ciimsUni-e of tho medicine being fpund only in tho
cum"Uncs ot l'crsia. I his vegetable production
being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to
ita meuicinal qualities and virtue", in hall a cen
tury it became n:i established medicine fur the dis'
ontes of that counlry. The extract of this sinm
lar production was introdurcd into some parts of Eir
ropo in the year 17S3, and Ufed by many .celebrated
J 'nysictsiis 111 curing crrta:ii-liraics, where nil oth
er medicine bus been used in vain. Enily' in the
year itxi, mo extract was coinMiiciJ with a certain
vegetable medicine imported from Dur.t Baca, in
the. Indict, and formed into Pil!i. The admir
able eil'ect of thia compound upon tho human ny
tcm, led physiicans and families) into its general
use. I heir long established character their univcr and healing virtues, the di'tcrgcnt and cleansing
qualities of their specific action upon tho glandular
part of the systcinnre buc!i as will sustain their re
putation aAd general uso in the American Repub
I certify that I have, by way of experiment, urcd
the Ilygcan, and most of the rarious kinds ot Pills,
in my praclice, which have borne the Inchest repute
in the public estimation, that have been ollcrcd for.
mlo 111 this vicinity for the lat livoycats, including
thoso called the Resurrection or Persain Pill.j ni.d
the public may rest assured that none among the
whole catalogue has answered a better purpose, js
an easy anil oiroctual remedy, than the Resurrection
or Persian Pills, iii most casca of disease
CiiAittKA Backus!, M, D.
Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837.
Mes.-rF. 15. 'Chaje 6: 'o. Gents. Hearing
rnuch said about the cAtranidinnry eflecls of tho
Kcurrectiou or Pcrusn i'lll, upon those about lo
Itecomc mothers, we wcic induced to make n trial of
them. My wife was at that time tho mother of five
children, and had fu.Teicd t'.ic most tedious am! ex
cruciating piins during and after her confinement
of each, fchc had tried every moans and taken
much medicine, but fouitd little or no relief. Sho
commeiiccd taking the i'cr-.ian yills about three
months before hsr conliliemcnt (her health boini ve
ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a
lio;t time shu was enabled by their use to attend to
the cares of a mother to ll tr family until her con
finement. At the time ska commenced taking the
-"crtir.i Pills, and for several weeks pi cviouu, sho
was atliicted with n dy hard couqh, and frequent
ivc:o cramp", which tho iiae of the I'ills entirely
removed beforo using half a box. It is rriili the
nreatctt confidence thut wc advise all those about to
become mothcra to mako uso of tlie Persian Pills.
All those that have taken them in our neighbor
hood have got along in the Fame easy manner, and
are about the hou'c in n few days, i'hers does not
appear to be half the danger of other dangers setting
in after confinement, where thcto Tills are taken.
We unitedly' say.lct none neglect taking them, for
they are in the reach of tha poor as well 113 the rich.
Wc ire truly thankful that there i: a remedy which
females can easily procure which tends to lessen the
world of Buttering, which many of them lu e to bear,
and perhaps save the lives of thousands which would
otherwise be lost,
Rochester, May H, 1838; corner of Callidonian
square, Edinburg ctrcct; for further pjrticulari seo
ft. RiiHEnTR,
Ax.v O. Ron raw.
HociinsTEn, Sept. 5-1, 183 J.
Messrs. 12. CUase S,' Co.
I think it my duty to let yoit know a groat
cure your Pills have performed on rnc I had been
sick about 7 jcar a!out 'i yearn and a half con
fined to my bed, I had been given oer as incurable,
with Consumption, by twelve physician of tho first
stinding; my lungs were seriously affected; I had
3 ulcers gather and break; rny cough as dry and
harsh most of tho time; my liver was much swollen,
and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever,
and night sweat, accompanied with extreme inita
blenesu of the nerrous byotcm, and other difficulties
which I forbear to mention. After I waa given over,
I tried almost all medicines which were advertised,
but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable
Persian PilU. I began lo gain in n short time after
I commenced taking them; and, to be brief, beforo I
took tt boxes, I was able to ride cut and to take con
siderable exercise, nnd at this time I enjoy good
health, and am ablo to do good day's work. If any
noo wifhes a more particular hittory of my buffer
ings, he may call on me, at the corner of .Iain and
Ciiuton-fctrects, Rochester.
Fits Conin The undersigned hereby certify,
that we are the Parent of two children who have
teen afflicted with fits morccr lensfrom their infon
cy.and that wo havo spared no pains or expense in
endeavoring to effect a cure, but without any bene
ficial effect, until hearing of tho Resurrection or Per
sian Pills, when four boxes wero immediately
procured, and before three boxes wcro taken, tho
tits had abated in frequency, and evciy sym
lom much improved, and now we are happy to
state that our childien by the uso of the Persian
Pills, with tho blessing of God, aro entirely cured,
nnd have no symtom or appearance of fits, will find
in the Persian Pills a suro and perfect cure,
Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1837.
The abovo pills may bo had of tho following a
genu John Moyer, Bloomsburg; H. Miller, Ber
wick; J. Cooper Si Sons, Hazelton; C, Hortman,
Espcytown; John Sharplcss, Cattawissa; Lyman
Sholcs, Danville.
Ezra Taylor, ngect for die State of Pennsylva
nia residing at Rncbrsttr N. Y, t whom all orders
During the approaching fcsion of tho lcglsli
ture, tho Kf.tstunk will, as usual, bo published
twice a yt.t.k, and contain full reports of the pro
ceedings in both branches of tho legislature, inclu
ding the speeches of member, Icgielativa reports
&c. For this purpose, tho editor will have com
petent repottcrs in both housea of our legislature,
rwell as at Washington city, thus enabling them
to furnish lint only a complete report of the proceed
ing of our own leWalure, but nlo of tlie op
proiching session ofCongrevs. Having mado nm
plc arraugements for tho bestowal of ixcuzarkii
attention lo lha legislative "department of their
newspaper, they cherish the conviction, that they
will render entire ualisfadlion in this reelect not
only to the members of tho legislature, but to tho
reading community generally.
Aa it is more than probable, that tho all-engrossing
subject of the derangement of tho cuircney un
der which the community 1 now laboring, and tho
condition of the r.ovcral banking institutions of our
state, will constitute topics of speedy legislative
action, the proc eedings of tho nppioaehing cession
will be fraught with unutual interest, nnd render n
paper published at the scat government, which be
stows upon them constant ttlcntion, a vehicle of
intelligence "most devoutly wished!"
We would also call to the minds of our readers
that tho great Pretiijcntial conlct of 1810 is ap
pioiching with ktpid stride, which is to decide,
whether our National Government- shall continue
to ho Administered upnn the truly lepublicau prin
ciples of its present illu&trious head, Martin Van
l!uren, or whether tho reigns of power shall be
committed to tho hands of ultra Federalists and
fi lends of a great and blighting monopoly in the
shnpc cf a National Bank. The Keystone, being
indWsolubly wedded to the EUpport of tho republi
can caute, will in this momentuom conflict, battle
manfully on tho tide of Van Bur,en mid a Con
stitutional Treasury, and contribute ib who to tho
advancement and ultimate triumph of tho demo
cratic cause. Wo shall continue unceasingly to
expose tho dangerous heresiea of tho Federalists
and odvoratcs of an overpowering molded monopo
ly, and fpiru no exertions, to render tho Key
stone" un iffectivo weapon in tho hutidj cf tho
Democracy cf tho Statu nnd Union.
Grateful for the liberal patronage hitherto bes
towcd'tipon them by the community n patronage,
which lias given tho "Keystone" n circulation be
yond thst of any oth?r paper at tho scat of govern
ment they Ipoit 'forward with conndenco to in
continuance, and .will spare neither timo nor labo'
to make it deserved.
.For thcKcyftor.e ycnrly.Jwice a week, duiing the
ression of tho Legislature, and onco n week for
tho rcmsinder Of tho'year 13,00
During tho Session of the Legislature
tvvico n week 2,00
All Postmasters, and other Democratic citizens
are requested to recievc and forward subscriptions
to us.
"The life of the ficsh is in the blood,"
so sailh the scriplures.'-Lcvn'usua c. xvii.
UiVthan Kcripturo testimony cr.11 wc havo of the
lilo of t'uo Ccv"h depending uron the coiu'ition of
me wooj 1 it impure or diseased, tho flesh must
01 couro bo diseased thereby, nnd the w hole eys
tem part:,ko of such disease. If the doctrina be true,
and there ia not a daubl of it ffor it ii a fact accce.
ded to by all, that the scriptureu, are true beyond
doubt.) then it behooves us to guard wpiinrt the
consequence,! of tucli impuiitici, r.ud thus prescrvo
tne ursii Healthy, it tlie ileh, lie healthy, consti
tuting as it docs the principal Kirtion of the human
yody, then must tho whole bodv bo IimIiIi".
In vegctabl-soiilj can wo find the medicine where
by all impurities of the blood may bo removed.
Upwards of ono hundred yeura experience of the
most celebrated, tbcr.iscot and best physicians hnvc
proved certain vegetables to possess purifying prop
erties. Theso vegetables will not here b? named,
and D. LciJy wishes tn remunerate himself, nnd
profit by the long, laborious, and couly experiments
necessary to be made, that the active principles of
those vegetables might ha retracted and reduced to
such form as imkca them easy, safe und pleasant to
bo taken.
There vegetables arc contained in the justly cel
ebrated Blood ,1'ills, manufanturcd onlv by Dr. N.
Leid, n regular Drurgist m-d Physician, attested
Ivy Dm. Physic, Chapman, lacksoi , Horner, Cibcon
fJewees, Jnmep, Hare, Cos, &c.
Tim uhove Pills may bo employed ns a mild or
active purgative. Their action is easy, and may be
employed by all persons under all circumstances.
They will at all times be found serviceable, when
th least Fickncs3 is present. They rcquiro no
chango of die , restraint from occupation, or fear of
taking cold from their ukc. Tlvey are drily prc3crili
cd by numerous phyciciansj ccrtificaten of the fact
accompany the directions. They aro tho most affec
tive purifier of lha blood and other fluids of the hu
man body over discovered. Persons having once
used, will ever after, as occasion may acquire, have
rcsourso to them.
Price Twcnh, Five Cents a bos.
Sold by nil respectable Druggists and Merehanst
throughout tho Lnion, and in tins city only at
Dr. Leidy'a Health Etnporiuri, Second street be
low Vino.
J. R. Smith & Co.'s 2d st. near the Red Lion.
J. Gilbert & Co.'s 3d above Vine.
C. Clemens' Noilh 3d above Wood.
V. Klctt's 2d and Calloxvbill.
For tala at thd Health Emporium Bloomsburg
by D. S. T0BIA3 Agent.
Bloomsburg July, 13, 1633. 11.
PtpHESB Tiusscs arc in many particulars, on an
,M. entirely new plan, and their advantages over
all other Trusses, havo been attested not only the
most respectable of tho medical faculty, but by tho
actual experiment of thoso nfllictcd with tho disease
which they nro intended to alleviate. Tho moit
eminent Physicians upon- an examination of this
Truss, aro bo decided as to its superiority, that they
have chserfully and voluntarily given certificates to
the proprietors to bo laid before public. For salo by
I). S. Tobias Agent Health Emporium.
A valuable Medicine, for which tho sub
ecriber lias just received the agency. A
small supply for sale at his establishment.
TO TtlE ptfuMO.
BentUvcekly Stat CoiMol tSnzcUM
Tho proprietors of the Slate Capitol Gnzctto cm
brace this opportnnity to return their sincere thanks
lo their friends nnd the public, for tho very ibcral
patronage which thev nro pleaded to havo it in their
jiowcr to ay, has thus far been extended towards
them, nnd r-pectfully nnnounco that tho future
course of their journal shall bo such ns they trust
will continue to receive tho confidence nnd support
of tho Democratic party. They assure tho public
that no exertion on their part shall bo wanting to
effect this object, and they flatter themselves that
they will be able to render their paper such n
do of usefulness and information, na will not fail to
(,ivo entire satisfaction to every friend of republican
Tho approaching session of the Legislature, will
unquestionably, be one of grcst and uniwual inter
est. There has not, perhaps, been a litre before,,
when the attention of the public was so much en
gaged upon any one subject ni it is at proecnt upon
thnOerangCmcntof tho currency, arrising from tlie
abuses cf banking; and as the deliberation of tho
ensuing LegWaturc, will in all probabiliiy benuin
ly directed to this important subject, it cannot ba
otherwise than that every thing which tramphes at
tno scat ot government 111 relation tncreto, will be
eagerly Bought nflcr. With iIicmi considerations in
view, tho undcKigied havo made amnio arrange
ments for laying before their readew full rcparta of
tho proceedings iu both branches uf the State Le
gislature, together with the of members,
reports, nnd other mailer whit It they think will be
interesting. In addition 10 this it is the intention
of the undersigned to employ able correspondent at
tho sett of tho general government,!)1 which means,
thoy will be able, alo, to placo in their send-weekly
hhect early reports of the deliberation of Con-grosv.
J he presidential content of 1340 is rapidly ap
proaching. 1 ho ling ct our mast-head indicates
fully tho course we intend to pursue in tho rulatii
to this great question; n11tl.1s.wc hive alrcadv givi
our cpin on at length, on this subject, in u former
prospectus, wc deem in needless at present to tire
otirrcadero, by gnini: over the Eamo creund. Suf
fice it to suy, that we shall givi our united support
.and encrjica towards llio rc-election"of present ablo
wind Magif trate ot tiio union, and our bumble oid
111 behalf ol establishing a Constitutional Treasu
rTTOIE Subscribers take fhhmclhod of informing
J tber irienils, that they continue Manuluetur
ing Vhreshiiia .Uuchinca nnd J'oriaUU Hone
2"atvtm, on the most improved plans, made of the
ijctv. rnuoi iftls anu in the mott worumanlikc man
ttcr, which they -will waricnt lo stand with f.iro
ussier, and not injure the gram by breaking it.'
Tb.y have surpassed all others where thoy lme
been lutroi.ueei), 111 rchnsyhumu, Virginia aud
iortli Carolina. t
SfstixtVr, Patent Snisrt,
Improved. An article of great utility to Millers
far cleansm;; the grain for preparing it for flouring.
These machines arc ot cast and
wrought Iron, nnd arc supposed to Inst an hundred
years. They ore in general use in tho statu of New
oili and in paitoireipisylvauia.
and nil kinds cf JJachtnen', cast and fitted up.and
all forts ot
MQXjWW ware
kept on hand, end sold by wholesale. All of which
will bo sold 0:1 the most reasonable terms, by
Bloomsburg, May 25, 1S2'J. Sui t
V V mil
f land lying jn Fishing cieek township, Co
lumbia county, the estate of William Park,
lalo ot mown county, Utito, uceeaseil, will be rold
at privato bale. Any person whhing to purchase
will enquire of the cubicriber, in Madison township,
who ia duly constituted agent of tho heirs of said
deceased, for tho purpose of making ealo of the
same. Also,
Adjoining tho obovc, is offered for sale, to gcther
with the above, ur separatc,aa may suit. Iudikputa
ble deeds will be made.
Jcrsevlown, Oct. 0 1839. 23
Will bo constantly kept on hand, and so'.tl at
Kctail. JOHN J. MOYEll
Forhoalitiir horsa ilnsb. ilm loot nmJ
over come before tho public fur swollingg,
onuses, anu boiciicss ol Horses anu cows
&R. lAir nln nt
Remaining in thd Post Offico at UloonjaW
ot the cntl of thb qnarjlcr ending oa tM
oisiuay 01 icccmocr, IHJUi
flicArlney Daniel,
Maus Samuel 0.
Merrill Bcnjimin,
Nungesser Jacob,
1 aimer uanici,
l'aimcr Margaret,
Pincr Isaac,
Reedy Simon,
Milpmrtn Jacoltj
Slater Williami
Snow Willard,
Smith Horace,
Slicker Michel,'
Snyder Daniel,
(Thornton Plied.!,
Thornton Saving;
"Williams David,
Worner Jacob, V
Wartca Aaron,
Weir Thomas,
Wildower Susannah, jfi
Willils Martha,
Wclli Sedgwick,
Winder John,
Wright William,
WertloChrl. '
B. RITPKRT. P. it.
.Tan. I, 1810.
Tlinio inquiring- fur any of tho above ht
tors will pluuso say it i3 a'dvertiscd.
For Sale at
Allen John.
lllockeledgoJnhn '
Biddciibaiitcr Jchn,
Bcvre Uciijnniin,
Corniliann Isaac,
Criviling Andrew 2,
Coffmnn Mocs,
Cornclisnn Mary E.
Colo Elisha,
Clyincr Benjamin II
Doan Jane,
Fry John,
Hnrtman George,
Hindbock Henry,
Hes'ct Adam C.
Hnrtman Joseph,
Krcag Augustus,
Krootz John,
Kahler Chnrles Esq.
ICeller Mary,
Kuhn l3aae Capt.
Krcslcr tyaspcr,
Lcight Mr.
Leiby Jacob,
Moyer Stiscann,
McCluro Joseph,
Tobias'' Health Eiporiufn
.Ist Keccivcd at the
THE SuWribrrs rpsppatfnlly nnnounca
to thfir friends nnd the puliliu gencially,
that they have received and aro now open
ing, a splendid and extensive assortment of
Fall & Winter (goods,
which with a stock on hand, embraces a va
riety of soAsoiiiihlo Merchandize for tho ac
commodation (if iown and (Jounty.
fn the Dry Good line, they hate nil tho
varieties of course, fine fc superfine Cloths,
Caxhncrs, Siitinclts, Merinoes, Silh, Cal-
icoes, Sijawh, Ribbands, Laces. Linim,
j'jouxcime c mm, Mvmns, J eslinqs,
Stocks, Cmbrcllas, Lady's Ronnets,
Hannet Siifo, Trimmings: Purr, r.lnih
and Seal Jdn Cops; Roots and Shoes,
Sochs, fyc. ij-c. iyc.
Sugar, Coffee, Tens, f-'pircs, Mofasisej,
JJrandy, Gin, Rum, Wine, fcc. &. assorted
in pnru and quality. HarJuarf, Saddlerv,
Iron, Steel, Nails, Stoves, Stove pipe, Tin
Ware, Cedar Ware;
CrocIccn'TTare, Salt, Fish, Oils, Dye
Slvffs, Paints, $-c. iyc. S-c.
nnd almost evcrv Other nrliidn ihnt rnn bit
called for in a country store all of which
having been carefully selected and obtained
at tho lowest prices, "will be offered at f mall
profits in oxehange for cash or country produce.
Dlonmsbtirg Nov. 23, 1829. 30 if,
S4 boxes bunch Unisons.
is -A llOXCS duaters low irirr Tr:iimn.
2G boxes Eutopean Currants.
i;j uoxes uuiicii ICaisons expressly for fm-
ilies for SI, 12$ per box. '
23 boxes limine.
SOrt do- Fnft shell Almonda,
I MO an. I' lllierls.
800 do. English Walntitsi
3 45 do. Ruck Candv.
25 bacs Ground Nuts.
Sugar slide of all kinds.
Shiivintr boxes.
Shnvinu brushes.
tl diflVront kinds of shavinir A.n. All
for salo at
Tobias' ILcalth Emporium. -
Important to Farmers,
Sehm Grove, Union County, Pa.,
WILL bo kept conslantly on hand, for sale br
CHARr.Ko .130EBLER, Rhoml,urg.
'I'lin uliiiVO MilU alO a tuncrlnr nrtil nt ,1,. Hn,l
and no farmer honld bo without one, Several far
mers in Bloom townidilp will lojtifv in tbeu- favor
(ram actual use,
August 9,
Christmas" Grift.
STORY ROOKS for a Gift at Christ-
mat, for sale at
Tobias1 Health Empsrhm
To Hat' Health Ztrfirhn in4iwr