The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 01, 1840, Image 3

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"tftV'Th without tun "
Foil PnusiDii.vr,
) l ! : I'ilUSIDKNT,
the ndvjnUgtfl that we h and thall pos 1
8083 ovor other portions for fail road and cv
nal transportation and last, though not by
any means the least, tho immenso water
power available in this section, as giving
us advantages possessed but by few. It is
truo we intended to carry the impression
that water power, when il could bo used in
the ncighbothoodof railroad or canal trans
portation, Was superior to steam, in every
sense of tho word, being both safer and
cheaper. If this bo undenting the ad
vantages of that vicinity," so be it. That
it is placing Fishing Creek region, if true,
far ubovo them,' every ono will acknowl
edge. Bui we contend thatit is only placing
ilio true value on al!, without undcraling
the advantages" of any. Wo shall pnrsuu
this subject hereafter and show the actual
advantage water power has over steam.
THE Democratic citizens of Columbia county,
friendly to tho measures of tho Administratbn of
the Genera! and State Government, ai at present
ndminislcrcd, arc requested to meet at tho placed of
holding tlto General Elections in each Election Dis
trict, and lor the new towiifhip cf " Valley" at the
School House, at the forks roads, on Saturday the
first day of Ft'uuiry next,bctvec:i tlio houw of otic
o'clock and five 6'clock, in t!u afternoon, of said
day, to chco.10 two Delegates to meet at the House
of Daniel Gros--, in Bloomsuursont'ie Monday next
following, Fel. 3d, nt one o'clock 1'. M. for the pur
pose of chovin; Delegates tfi represent ihh county
in General Stale Convention to bo held at Harris
burg, on tho 4th day of March next, to nominate
suitable persons as candidate!) to bo supported by the
Democratic party for Electors for President and
Vico President, of the United States, nnd to cliocsc
Delegate! to represent tho Democratic party of Uim
State in'Gcncral National Convention at Uall'ncoo
on the 5th d.iy of May nr.t, or such other time as
may be named.
Democratic Standing Committee.
Jan. 25d, 1810.
"Wiicn we penned the article in our pa
per some two or three weeks since, under
the above caption, we little thought of bring
V ing down upon us the ire of our neighbor
in Danville, or of being accused of exercis
ing a spirit of "envy," never dreaming but
that we had as goud a right to set forth the
transcendent advantages" of cur town
and vicinity, as our friends in neighboring
Tillages; and wc have yd to ham that il
displays something very much like envy'
to dit so. Our remarks were made in per
fect good feeling, and in perfect truth, and
we think ho who could tako exceptions to
thorn must have corns on his toes, or at
least be a liltte goaty, nnd possessed of a
f feeling, not only " very much like," but in
l fact, of "envy" and jealousy too For out---
eelves, wc care not how much Dattvillu is
extolled by those interested, or how many
i furnaces are in anticipation of being built
- there, the moio tho merrier, as it wiill add
' to the business of our lumber friends in the
townships of Greenwood, Fishing Creek;
8ugarloaf and Jackson, bordering on Fish
ing creek and its tributaries, 33 from that
flection, most of their lumber is obtained;
but, wc at the same lime, claim the right of
showing the real advantages possessed in
the vicinity of Fishing CreeV, for manufac
turing iron, without being accused of dis
playing envioti? feelings. The Danville
people succeeded bv putting, in procuring
tho location of tho Courts of the county in
that placo " very much" to the injury of the
public; and if they can now puff and steam"
their town into a manufacturing village, by
making capitalists believe that they are in
the centre of tho iron region, they will un
doubtedly do so; but unless we arc much
,nist:il:r'n in tho sinus of the times, the Wa-
iter power of the rtal centre, t-j wit;
..of Fishing Creek, and its tributaries, will
rfnon cool their stosm, put out their fires,
.and draw tl;e business of tho county to its
k proper and natural location J lit paper
in Danville is therefore " very much" mis
tukon in supposing our article was "design
ed to underato tho advantages of that vi
cinity." So far from it, they were calcula-
i ted to gi.vo them their true value. What
ore the facts ? We spoke of the advanta
ges Bloora3burg aud vicinity lud over oth
er portions of tho iron regions for the man
ufBCturo of iron from the abundance ond
food quality of iron orethe facility with
wilch materials ir building n bo obtained
On the 10th ui January, James M. Porter
was nominated to the Senate for tho Presi
dent Judgeship of the counties of Dauphin,
Lsbanon andSehuyllill; and, notwithstand
ing tho whig members resorted to all the
means in their power to defeat the ratifica
tion of the nomination, it was confirmed on
tho 24th, by seventeen votes. The yeas
and nays were as follows :
Veus. Messrs. Brown, Caldwell, Case,
Coplan, Fleming,' Frailcy, (Sch.) Hays,
Kingsbury, Miller, (Adams) Miller,(Berks)
Myers, Pallcrson, Plumer, Shoilz, Steii-
gere, Stevenson, Rogers, Spr. 17.
Nays Cochran, Fraley, (city) Purvi-
ance, Strohm 4
Mr- Snyder of the county of Philadelphia
had been called home.
The whig members, with the exception
of Mr. Case, left their scats upon tho call
of the question to prevent a quoroum, but
the independence cf Mr. Case frustrating
their disorganizing attempt, four of them
returned and vole d.
wyfwAji ij1 yigyt
Ov Tiir. Columbia. "Democrat."
Jlarrisburg, January 28, 1840.
Mr. Wucil,
The House havd boBri several days en
gaged upon a resolution inlffltlitccd by the
commilico on banks, requiring the ba8 '
resume ececie payments. Amendments
upon amendmsnts have been offered, de
bated, and voted down, and there appears
to bo not co much prospect now of the
house agreeing upon an early resumption,
as there was at the commencement of the
debate. Some arc for a full and immediate
resumption others fur giving tho banks
months to prepare others for a gradual re
sumption, commencing with five dollar bills,
and then tens, &c. another clas3 still ap
pear to have iither no settled policy, or act
to prevent any thing whatever, being done
upon tho subject. This diversity of opinion
I am afraid, will prevent any definite action
upon tho subject. As to any restrictions
being placed upon tho present banks that
will guard tho rights of tho people against
their mercenary operations, I have but little
hopc.lhcre being too manymombers who arc
so deeply interested in banks dint they will
not allow any measure of the kind to pass
that will tend to conflict with their own in
terest, I hope I may be mistaken, but time
however, will determine. No other sub
ject of importance lias been acted on in the
house but what you have already announced.
Tho senate, during the past week, have
confirmed several nominations made by the
Governor, of President and Associate Judg
es, thcio being no opposition to any other
than Judge Porter; and tho opposition in
his case arose from a determination on the
part of Penrose anil company, to revenge
upon him for his independent and unflinch
ing course in the riot cases, nnd during the
buck shot war." Hut it was no go.
Their bitter invectives fell harmless at his
feet, and he passed through tho ordeal un
scathed. Yours, &u.
P. R. Gince writing the above, the bill
requiring the banks to resume specie pay
ments on the 15lh February, lias passed to
a third reading in tho hoiistu. It is general
ly supposed that it will pass upon its third
reading to-morrow.
it Wil) doubtless be gratifying o the-De
mocracy of Pennsylvania to. learn j guys tho
Keystone, that litis iliclingulsed champion
of her cause on tho floor of the United
Stales Senate, lias again won for himself
' golden opinions" from all mciij in his re
cent encounter with Mr.OLAYt oh the mer
its of the bill for the establishment of an
Independent National Treasury. Mr. Bu
chanan has again s)iown himself liioro
than a match for the Kentucky oratot, whoso
Itansccndaut abilities none will picsumo to
question, nnd in this instance came off de
cidedly tho conqueror. For a full descrip
tion of Mr. Buchanan's splendid effbf tj wc
refer to tho letter of our Washington cof
respondent, whose views are fully confirm
by numerous oilier letter-writers of both
parties. The correspondent of tho Balti
more American, whose opinions generally
arc distinguished fur candor aud fairness,
pronounces it, without exception, " tho -blest
defence of the Sub-Tieasury system,
which has been made by any administra
tion member." Pennsylvania lias indeed
abundant reason to be proud of a son, wio
sheds such lustre on the cause to which
she is attached, in .the councils of the na
tion, and who has attained a place on the
piniclc of fame, to which but few may just
ly aspire.
jluon company.,
PUBLIC Notice is hereby given, that
an election will be held at the Philadelphia
Cxehang?, on Wednesday tho 12lh day of
i'coiuary 1810 at 10 o'clock A. M. iorninu
directors ol tho Bloomsburg Kail Uoail 1
ran Company, in pursuance of tho charter
of said Company.
' . Commissioners
Bloomsburg Jan. 2 lib, 1840.
A Largo Calf skin Pocket Book, (about
8 inches long,) containing letters and papers
of no conssneiicc. to any but the owner,
There may have been a low ohin plasters of
the Eubacribers former issue coutained in
h ili but as lie has lung since redeem
od all his u.:"3 le' ca" t f no use to the
finder or others.
Any person, who will relurr! lc 6a'
Pocket Book, or give such lnlormatioil JB
will enable the owner to obtain it with the
contents, will bo suitably rewarded.
Bloomsburg Feb. 1, 1810. 40.
oeiCiibia raw
foil ttiiss i?3.aa
JEItEMLHt TFLWM, trcdolim, hi ticcoitnl with the doUritiJ of Coluriihldt
jrom the first auy oj Januaryt ttntil the uisi day ( JJecembtr, Jh 1). 18U, both
days inclusive. , .
tootu. Cis';j CSS . botLd. krdt
iBy cash paid for Commia'
cionrrs orders, 6o&$ 11
' 1820 7G By cash paid on Setibat 6fJ
dew, ; C08 23
To balance received of lata
Treasurer McWilliams as
tier last renort.
To casll leceived from thd
Several lOlltclors during
the liist qutir'ttr
second dd.
third do.
fourth do.
To cash received- of laid
Treasucr not brought in
on last Renort, .
To cash received of James
Donaldson late Proth'y,
as Jury funds and fines,
To cash received of Isaiah
Salmon as Jury fund,
To cash received cf V. Best,
Balance in the Treasurer's
By rrror In 6tct- chargfi on
2123 U ! School raaV-orS,
1025 0.r3 By cash for Fox scalps,
1932 &7J By Trcsurcr's Commissiorii
" 384 00
21 00
8 00
S10305 59
517 82
Balanco injhe Treasury,
517 82i
$10305 59
AVE. the undersigned, Comminissinncrs'of the county of Colnmpia, have cxarnln
cd the above nccounts,compired them with the vouchers and find them just aud corrfcti
Witness our hands, this eighth day of January, A. 1). 1840, We further certify, that
the amount of ordeis in circulation n three hundred and ninety-eight dollars and fifty
one cents.
Of the county of Columbia, as per orders' issued by the Commissioners tin (hi
Treasurer thereof, during the year bne thousand eight hundred and thirty nine.
ESioorusfoHitg Artillery.
THE Members of this Company are re
quired to meet at the iiousc of Charles
Doebler; in Bloomsburg, on SATURDAY,
the 22d of February next, at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon, in conlplete uniform, for com
pany cxcrcLo and drill.
Per order,
RESPECTFULLY informs tho pnblic
aud his friends generally, that he has just
received tho PhilndcJifJiin iFnsij?
published by Ward, Basfurd and Ward, for
January, 1840, and is prepared to make
Gentlemen'1 s and I.adys Garments, of ev
ery description, m the bcsl and mo3t fash
able style, and at short notice, as he is de
termined to merit a shatc of public patron
age. January 25, 1810.
Fatal Affray. We understand that on
Friday afternoon the 24th ult., at the house
of John Yeagnr.Roaring Creek, that a quar
rel aroso between Mr. Solomon Howcr,
and a stranger by the name of Iscnhower,
which resulted in the death of tho latter.
Mr. Hower has been bound over to court in
a bond of ten thousand dollar. As tho af
fair is to undergo a judicial investigation,
wu deem it improper to give the rumored
Valuable ESedicinos.
THE Subscriber respectfully informs
tho public that he has recently leceived the
appointment of mi Agency from the pro
pr olor, for vending Dr. Willi m Evans
justly eelttbratud Medicines, and that he lias
just received direct from him, the following
articles, to wit :
Dr. Evan's Camomile and Aperient Pills,
for cure of Dyspepsia, Consumption, Liver
complaint &c.
Dr. Evan's Soothing Syrup for Children
Dr. Evan's Fever and Ague Pills,
Dr. Hunt's Botanic Pills.
Dr. Goode's Female Pills,
Baron Von Huicholer's Herb Pills.
The Public; am cautioned to beware of
Counterfeits, as none are genuine hut those
obtained from tuu nutnorizcu agents oi Dr.
William Evans, of New York.
Bloomsburg, Jan. 25 ,1840. 39 if.
Window, Clock and picture class of all
kinds and sorts; also, vials and bottles of all
descriptions; aud best earthen jugs, fur sale
cheap, al the llealtlt i.mpotnun by
Assessors wages,
Statistical assessment,
Jurors wages and mileage,
Constables attending Court,
Constable!) making re'lurns ice.
School Fund,
Commissioners t Clerks wages,
Viewers of Roads and Bridges,
State Costs,
Election General,
Contingent expenses including
repairs oi vouri xtousc ecc.
Printing ?nd Stationary,
Carried up,
200 50 Amount brought ttp,
StiO 25 Bridge building and repairing,
1429 47 Auditors wages,
50 00 Proth'y and Clerks wages,
95 00 Coroners fees,
193 55 Jailor and Sheriff fees,
457 50 Court crier,
244 00 Fox scalps,
204 31
334 17
404 23
487 Stf
dolls, cts.
.4530 48
37S0 07
13 50
' 83 40
02 62
289 21
C2 37
4530 48
$8852 08
WE. the undersigned. Auditors, duly elected to settles and adjust tho accounts.of tlto
county of Columbia, do certify, that we have examined tho foregoing'accounts, and wo
do report a balance in favor of' the county, in the Treasury, to the amount of five hun-
dreu anil seventeen dollare anu eigiity-two aim one nan cems. nu uisu ceruiy mai
we find Sheriff Kitchen accouutablo for twenty-eight dollars Jury funds. Wc also
find Sheriff Kitcnen accountable for the sum of fifty dollars, fines exacted by the Court
in criminal cases.
To County Hates and levies for tho years
due from Collectors.
Collector Township.
1835 John Mover jr. Derry,
1837 David Philips, Mahoning,
" John Ruckcl, Mt. Pleasant,
1833 Thomas Burber, Madison,
41 Charles Eves, Greenwood,
Charles llarlman, Hemlock.
John Kline, Sujrar Loaf,
Petei Hctllcr, Mifflin,
Elijah Price Roaring Creek,
Daniel Peeler, Fishing Creek,
Henry Deitricb, Briar Creek,
John McWilliams, Liberty,
Benjamin Alward in
hands of SliuriffKitchcn, Mahoning,
1839 Jesso Shannon,
" Samuel Shaffer,
" Jcsso Yoaum,
" James C. Sproul,
" Samuel Crivling,
Jarob Evans,
" Charls Hartman,
John Friizc,
Wm. Wilson,
John Marshall,
John Johnson,
James M. Jones,
Eleazer Brnthwcll,
James Vanhornc,
David M. Clark,
John Hugcs sen.
Philip Fritze,
Briar Creek,
Fishing Creek,
Ml. Pleasant,
Roaring Creek,
Sugar Loaf;
Amount Dup, Paid. Due. -
901 52 425 15 470 46
1000 00 832 02 107 40
200 73 237 53 29 20
471 37 411 27 30 10
411 12 343 00 68 12
783 07 079 17 104 53
210 It 103 25 100 89
513 59 459 50 04 09
410 07 378 03 38 04
242 90 200 20 36 50
1201 75 C20 00 281 75
375 77 277 17 '93 00
927 49 401 77 465 73
1113 00 231 82 883 78
1400 87 530 00 861 87
057 99 144 30 513 Gl
095 52 204 80 430 72
278 40 50 00 228 40
425 45 180 00 239 45
472 70 31 50 440 26
101 71 30 00 71 71
424 05 141 00 282 05
010 98 215 00 371 9S
538 33 203 52 334 81
1037 01 137 75 959 90
G02 93 92 80 510 18
220 35 23 00 197 85
420 58 185 00 241 58
497 70 132 00 305 10
217 24 GO 02 150 71
69043 52
WE, the undorsigned Commissioners, have? nscetlalned from tlicBooris of tho
Treasurer nnd Commissioners, that tho balances above luculioned, sland charged u
gainst tho Collectors above named, (commissions and exhoneratinus not deducted) anil
amounts in tho aggregate to the sum of nine thousand foity-eiaht dollars and fifiy.two
ccuts duo the county. Wilncso our hands this uinih day of January. 1810.