The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 01, 1840, Image 2

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    jCM, by reason of construction of puVRc
works, as well na where the canal commis
sioners nd engineers have estimated ilia a
mount of work done by contractors. Upon
these, as wrll os upon nil oilier subjects,
steadiness of legislation is very dcsirablo,
ami cciietal rules nnd general system should
not be made to yiuld, unless under vcrv ne-
culnr circumstances indeed, to the exparto
statements or representations ol intcreatci
individuals. There is necessarily much c
vj), and great want of security in. much spe
cial legislation. The increased population
and business oT tire commonwealth, and the
late period in tho winter at which the legis
lature assembles,' will, it 13 hoped, lead to
lire auopuon 01 sucn general rules on the
subject, as will save the legislature from be
ing continually occupied with minor mat
The expenditures of tho administration
of tho government of tho state have been
much increased of late years, and in no de
partment so much as that of the legislative.
Whilo tho increase of busiues and popula
tion furnish a sufficient reason for a gradual
corresponding addition to the expenses of
me ujccuiih;, juuiuury anu treasury depart
ments, it is hard to account for the expenses
of the legislature, which liavo advanced
since November, 1835, in a ratio unparal
leled in the history of the government. It
will be found upon reference to the reports
of the treasurer and auditor general, that
the expenses of this department, for a num
ber of years prior to November, 1835,
were about one bundled thousand dollars,
and are now upwards of one hundred and
Bixty thousand dollars annually. The pub
lic good requires a rigid system of retrench
ment and reform, which, while it will allow
lo faithful public servants an adequate com
pensation for the time nnd talents devoted
to the public, will lop off oil wasteful'and
unnecessary expenditures in every depart
ment. 1 throw out these suggestions from
no wish to dictate to the legislature, but in
a sincere desire to have all alleged abuses
investigated in a spirit of candor and patri
otic devotion to the public good, with a view
to correction, wherever correction shall be
found necessary.
On a candid review of the entire condi
tion of this commonwealth, although we
find her laboring under the pressure of an
enormous state debt, heightened by all the
incidental "mbarras3ments arising from the
payment of the interest upon it, and the
monetary derangement; attending it, that
have shaken tho credit of this slate, and of
the sister states, to its foundation, yet there
is no cauiso for despondency or fear. Pru
dence, discretion and economy, on the part
of her legislature, her executive, and her
citizens in a few years replace her on the
solid footing of pecuniary independence.
The industry and energy of her people
leaping wealth from her rich fields of ag
riculture, disemboweling it from her hills
and mountains, and transporting it to mar
ket on he:' rail roads and canals, cannot be
shackled with any pecuniary responsibili
ties that can, for any considerable period,
mar her prosperity or retard her march on
ward to greatness We have fallen, it is
true, on one of those temporary reverses,
that come upon all nations in the progress
of advancement, when delusive systems of
t pubHc prosperity explode nuiler tue test of
ineir -soundness, anu trom the consequen
ces they pioduce, leave men in wonder
that they lasted so long. It requires, how
ever, but the exercise ofn reasonable de
gree of wisdom, firmness and honesty, in
the present crisis to rescue the affairs of the
commonwealth from tho difficulties by-
which they arc at present beset, however
lormidable these untoward circumstances
have made them appear. Let ell who look
upon her with a jealous or a friendlv eve
bo told that her ability 'is ample to meet all
her engagements; that tho determination of
Jier citizens to do so, corresponds with her
ability, and that happen what may, the in
tegrity and fidelity of the people of Penn
sylvania, are pledged tomako good her con
tracts with those whose money has con
structed her stupendous public improve
ments, and that the pledge so mado shall be
scrupulously redeemed.
I cannot close this communication, with
out expression the full reliance which I
fdace in the wisdom and intelligence of tho
egislatuie and the great pleasure which it
will afford me, lo be able to approve and
execute those enactments which you will
find it necessary to make for advancing the
Interests and prosperity of onr free, beloved
jsuu patriotic commonwealth :
Harrisburo, January 8, 18-10.
A man named Anthnnv Mif!nnnfll foil
dead h Race-Sheet, Philadelphia, a .few
weeks since. He lnfi an putsiln i-nlnmt hi
from 850,000 lo 075,000, and it is not
Known mat there are any hens m this coin
try. There are seven applicants for the
office of Administrator of tlin psi-.iio 'I'lm
No th American elates llm in case no heirs
ore discovered. tlio oroncr will be entitled
to one-third nf the estate. nr.pnrflinir .in ilm
law of-escheats, he being the first person
taai iciormca tne uovcrnor ol las ue
Governor Bopgs, of Missouri, has issued
a proclamation dissenting from the euspon
noa of hostilities between the Slate and lo
wa, and cans upon the civil and military
uni'crs 01 tho state to exercise their re
jspenive dmifs to their full extent, wain
roity villi the laws of Jbo Stile,
January 2, 1810.
Tho Columbia County Tcmperanco So
ciety, met pursuant to adjournment, in the
Methodist .Meeting House ut Mooresburg,
The meeting was called to order vnl.lir
ganiscd by the President, JAMES O.
bl'JkUUli, and dedicated with prayer by
the Secretary, A Valli'.iiciiajip.
Tho delegates from the auxiliary socie
ties were requested to take their seals the
reports called for read and adopted.
Danville Temperance Socichi. M. G.
drier, Win. Ilariman, Rev. R. T. Nixon,
Eli Wilson, John Pation.
Liberty and Cliillisnuaaur. T. S. W
Durham, John Claike, Richard Wilson,
W. R. McMahon, J. R. Walker, Samuel
IFashingionvillc T. S. Rev. D. Bar
bcr, Tims. Robertson, Stephen Brearley,
Jas. Hutchinson.
Williamsburg T. S. Peter Ent, John
Wnrdin, A. Valleichainp.
Jerseytown T. S. Wm. Richart, Dr.
R. Parke, Joseph Sheep, Tcter Shi.iltz,
Wm. Shultz, Samuel RusscI, J.imcs Mc
Vickcn, S. W. Lowty, Thornns Barber.
Berwick, Bloomsburg, Fishing Creek,
and Mahoning Tcmperanco Societies, not
Business was then suspended nnd an ad
dress delivered bclore tho society on tho c
vils of intemperance, by A. Vallcrehamp.
On motion, Resolved That this Conven
tion deem it inror.anl for the interests of
tho Temperance reformation and the good
of the county, to appoint the Rev. Daniel
Barber, Samuel B. Wilson, and Richard
Wilson, as a committee, whose business it
shall be lo procuro a Temperance Agent for
two months, to promote tho cause through
out tho county.
Resolved That this society pledge them
solies to patronise a good Temperance Tav
ern in the town of Danville.
Resolved Thai a committee of three bo
appointed to prepare and circulate petitions,
earnestly asking our Legislature to repeal
all laws licensing (he retail of intoxicating
drinks, and also asking for the enaction of
laws lo prohibit the sale of intoxicating
drinks r-.s a beverage. James McMahon,
Al. C CJrier and bit Wilson, were appoin
ted as th H committee.
Resolved That this convention carnest
y recommend lo the officers and members
of all our auxiliaries to adopt such plans
and measures as shall give, if possible, to
every friend of virtue and order in the
county of Columbia, an opportunity of me-
moralising our legislature on Hie subject ol
the traffic in ardent spirits.
Resolved 1 hat there bo a committee
appointed by this society whoso business it
shall be to collect all the information availa
ble with regard to the amount of pauperism
within the bounds ol tho county, chargea
ble to intoxicating drink's, and what amount
of revenue accrues .yearly to tho county,
by licensing the sale of the same, end re
port lo the society at its next annual meet
ing. J. U. Sproul, A valierchainp, M. u.
Gricr, Rev. Daniel Barber, Richard Wil
son, Jesse Bowman, Philip Dodder, and
John Parke, were appointed as that com
Delegates appointed to moot the Slate
Temperance Delegation at Harrishurg, pro
vided such a delegation shall convene.
James C. Sproul, Azima Valleichainp
alternates, M. C. Giier, Richard WiUon.
The following officers were appointed for
the ensuing year:
Rov. DANIEL BARBER, President.
Jlzima I ullcrcluunp, Samuel York,
and Jesse Bowman, Vice Presidents.
Eli Wilson, and M. C. Grier, Secreta
ries. Resolved That the proceedings of this
inccting be published in all the papers of the
county friendly to the cause of Temper
ance. On 'notion, Resolved That this meeting
adjourn to meet again on the fust Thursday
of January, A.'D. 1811, in the Presbyteri
an Lecture Room in Danville,
Eli Wilson,
M. C. Gricr
How vcrv Ctmsidcrate.-One of the sil
liest arguments that has yet been brought
forward by the leuer;d presses in their en
deavors to entrap the support of the people
in favor of the Hero of Tippecanoe, is the
publication of a letter purporting to have
been received from Gen. Harrison, in which
this Modern Cincinuatus is mado to say,
that IF ELECTED, lie will serve Out one
term! Not-quitoso fast, gentlemen, the
pooplo arc not so gullible as you imagine.
When a candidate is placed before them, in
whom they have confidence, mid whoso ca
pacities suit htm for the office, they will
cheerfully elect him for two terms, without
asking him, prior, upon what conditions
ho seeks their suffrages. If he is unfilled
to -serve two terms as the arguments of
the opposition make Gen. Harrison out to
bo he is certainly unfilled for oiic. We
advise his friends to procure another letter
in which they must inako him express u
willingness to serve for half a. term.
This is Uie only chance they have of elec
ting him and cvci then it will be a tight
squeeze. Stale Cap. Gaz.
Col. Wm II. McCarty (whig) has been
elected to'Congresa from Virginia, to sup
ply the -vacancy occasioned by tho resigna
tion of the II011. Charles E. Mercer. Air.
iMcIlhaucy wan elected to the state fcnaie,
to fill the vacmicy occasioned by Mr. Mc
Party's resignation of a seal iu that body.
From the N Orleans Couricf, Jitiiuartjp
Tho celebration of tho 8lh of jariuaty,
which .took place yestordnv. will riot bo
forgotten whilo memory holds good niiiong
1110 tnousanus anutens ol thousands who
witnessed it; 'It whs not a. triumphal entry
stfch as the Romans celebrated: tho arr.iv
and glittering ann3 of our citizen soldiers.
it is trur, might havo compared with any of
uie cohorts 01 old JCniuo, hut then thero
were 1I0 prisoners led in chains yesipiday,
or other .captives to lie seen hut such as
we,rc moved by gratitude. Nor could the
celebration of ycslerday he ' likened to a
modern.fele in Europe, where the sover
eign has to CU80 iii3 hody in defensive ar
mor, or shut himself up in a hall-proof car
riage. No the whole scene was one be
fitting a l'rco people, and worthy of the ve
teran who is fust in the hearts of his coun
trymen. It was a grand and pleasant thing to be
held the manifestations of public gratitude,
made 011 all hands, and by both aexoc, old
and vounsr. Tho radiant and beaming'
countenances of the Indies in the thronged
galleries of the houses in front of which the
procession moved the waving of handker
chiefs tho complementary missiles and,
above all, the fponlaueous shout of the mul
titude, which ever and anon, as the old
Chief approached, mado even the brazen
trumpet inaudible all theso demonstrated
in a manner not to be misunderslood,that no
parly combinations can banish reverence
and gratitude from a people like our own.
Well might the looker on exclaim, vox ro-
puli vox Dei, and none can prevail against
A little before 12 o'clock, General Jack
son lauded on the Levee, in the second mu
nicipality, where more than u thousand of
our volunteers, in splendid uniforms and
beautiful array, awaited his arrival. Plac
ed in an open barouche his feeble state of
health not permitting him to walk to any
great distance ho was followed by some
sixty of our citizens who had been his com
panions in arms on tho plains of Lacoste
and Chavcnct. Among theso vcteraii3 there
was one who had been it soldier of the Ilav-
olmiort, nnd had fought uiiderRochambeau,
nnd assisted at the taking; of Coinwallis
bowed down bv the .frosts ol ninotv win
ter", still his desire to see tho preserver of1
New Orleans, made him forccl his infirmi
ties, and lake his place in the process
ion. From the Lovco the process. on proceed-.
cd down the north side of Canal to Burgun
dy street, where it wheeled to the left until
it airivcd opposite the Stale House. I Jierc
the venerable chief alighted, and was con
ducted into the hall of tho Representatives,
when the olhcers of the army and militia,
and the heads of tho State and Treasury
Ucprrtmeuts, nidges, members of the the
Legislature, &o, were introduced to him.
l'rom the State House tho proccsrivn
next moved up the south sido of Cutin!
street, until it rcichcd the corner of Camp
street, when it wheeled to tho left, and mo
ved down Charties to tho old Place d'Ar
mcs, attended by as great a multitude an
that which assembled to meet Lafavultc.
Wo were particularly pleased with the mag
nanimity of several 'English merchants in
the balconies of tho houses who, one and
ail, took off their hnls, and .bowed to the
conqueror, of the elite of their own brave
battaluons. '
Arrived at the Place d'Armcs, the Gener
al found all the volunteers, cavalry, and in-
lantry, displayed 111 lines 011 three sides.
In front of. theso lipcsf he passed, receiving
the salutes iisual on great occasions, ami
finally entered tho old Parish Church of
St. l.ltuis, where ale dcuni was chanted by
theurgy, and tlte. rei'prjpil Abbe- Anelus
delivered a thrilling or.uiun,' first in English
anil then iu French.
We ipgret that we did not receive a co
py of the Reverend Abbe's address in time
to lay it befoio our readers. We have been
more fortunate, however, in obtaining a co
py of tho oration pronounced by Judge
Watt:, which we annex.
Notwithstanding the sanctity of the place
there were passages iu this speech which
called forth the strongest bursts of applauen
indeed, wo bclievo 110 American could listened unmoved to similar language
on such an occasion.
From the church and tho square, the
General and the military proceeded oppo
site tho Exchange in St. Louis street,
where the General alighted, anil was con
ducted to tho apartments prepared for him.
On reaching tho saloon in tho Hotel, tho
veterans of 1814M5 pressed forward to
shake hauiU with the man, who had a quar
ter of a century before, showed them thai
the path of honor was also tho path of safe
ly. Here," J. B. Blanche, who comman
ded the Orleans battalion during the four
engagements it had with tho British, ad
dressed the old chief in a few short but
thrilling words, l', tho General res
led the soldiers and the citizens retir
ed. P. S. Since tho above was put in type.
wo have been informed that a great con
course ot pcopio were on tho battle eround
early in the day, expecting the arrival of
ueneralJacuepii and Ins cscoit to lay the
cornr r stone 01 ine , monument. J ho cero
monies in Ihc city not having terminated
before 3 o'clock, and the, General's health
being indiffcront, it wa judged proper to
defer his vis't. Had this been known ear
lier, thero would have ben somo thousand
added to the crowd in the city.
Mr. fipeakur Hooter's namo is Robert
Muecoe Taliaferro Hunter
Washington Advertiser, (Extra.)
January 17, 18-10.
With a heavy heart wo sit down to tho
task of making a brief record of one of llie
most disastrous fires with which our devot
ed town has ever been visited.
At about two o'clock this morning the a
larm sounded, and proved to proceed from
tho store occupied by John Dawson, nl the
. . . I . . . f . ....
norm east corner 01 tne iourt House. I he
Court House itself was soon on lire, na
were also tho buildings adjoining Mr. Daw
sonV. Tho Haines progressed thence, with
tcrrifie fnrv. in an I'liHtimi unit nmm,. re
direction of the square iu which Ihc fire o-
nginated, and 111 a lew minutes caught the
liniltllli ire Sn TtVmi I Li t- tint It n.. .1 . I i:
wuiming in l luilk oiiwt IN ft YVUBIUIIV UI
reciion. The progress ol the fire was then
in Cicrv direction l'rom n riimmiiti nnnirn
r - ,
south, however, nothing was burnt but 1I10
uotirt House, in other directions indicated
1)0 barriers could In" fiMcrniif.nit until tin.
two squares immediately north west and
...t . t .1 . . . .
norm east 01 iiioooun Mouse were entirely
lesiroyeu, with the exception ol Uie IJank
if Cane Fear and two evauW Iuhimh m.ri
north of it, on the foimcr square, and three
brick buildincs on the northwest
the latter. Tho whole number of buildimrs
lestroyed is about, ono hundred ond fifty,
ncludiui! the offices of ilm A'i!,- .,.,,1
Chionicle, the Custom House, and the Cla
rendon anu Jicston s Hotels.
A (ireat deal C)f rt)lltls -mil fnrmtnrn v.,c
J p-'- "'I.W.U llllj
got out of the houses and stores, althou-h
.1... I ..r ... p.. ... . .0
hiu iuss ui piupt-riy 01 uiese Kinds is im
mense. Manvoftho buildim m. ti I II C It
two squares were among the most valuable
in town, anu on these two was done pro
bably threu fourths of tho business of the
place. We havo hoard nn ue
- w.wm. f?tuiiaii;;
of the aggregate loss, but are inclined to
think it will sum up to neatly five hundred
thousand dollars. What po.tion is
is unascertained.
Thus has Wihn
blow to her prosperity, that inanv vm
will not serve to recover her from.
A vounrrmnn. John AndiTsnn , .!.
recently 111 Lexington, Ky. by another nam
ed Harrison Jeter. Tho affray happened
at a house of ill-fame. Audcison. between
whom and Jeter there
lings, attempted to enter a room where tho
t 1 - -w . .
laner wan m ueu- tie uroltu open the door
mid entered, immediately nnnn wliinii
ehot him through the breast with r pistol,
causing instant death. Anderson was arm-
cd Willi a nistol and brinkh.-it. A
examination ordered Jeter to be discharg
Tho Nashville fTcim-l Whir? nf itm lr.ih
in3t., says-A letter received in this city last
eveninrr from Jnckion. i 1 idi cinin. ultUnc
that a gentlemen had just arriv.-d at that
place, direct from Texas, with the
that General Samuel Houston had bojii
shot, in a personal rccontre, bv the Speaker
01 1110 1 uxas uousp 01 lioprescntativcs
no hope is entertained of 1 1 1 3 recovery.
Houston was a member from St. Augustine
Wo learn bv the Huntinnilon fPnA .Tnr.
nal ol the 8lh. that :it Sliirlnvsl.nnr
2 o'clock on Thurfday night, the 2d iust. a
hrO was discovered hurstinc the
roof of the house occupied by Air. jfUreii-
ler. As HOOn OS the alarm was .ii'fn. ri'n.
ry possible cfiort was made lo save its in
mates, but such xvns the lirni!u-;iv nf llu.
devouring clement that three of the family
- . I 1 : . .1 t. .... y
perisncu 111 1110 names, tho individuals
were Mrs. Margaret BrewatLT. nhnnt -rn
years of age, mid a grand son about siv, and
II'. 1 .xs..
ins3 iuargaret muuiieii, about 28 veais of
rum-mi us whjb
The young woman who killed Floor, tho
butcher at Catherine Aliirket, a short time
since by leaving poisoned cake on hi stall,
and wtio declares that she was married to
him, has given birth lo a daughter. She
had heen removed lo the Asylum al Blnck
Wull'd island, whero she was well taken
care of and comfortable. Alas for tho child!
a good-natured world will probably often
rcmiuu ner, oy ami uye, that her aire per
ished by the hands of her mother, and the
latter atoned for it by that tcirible expiation
the murderer's doom !
The Detroit Advertiser, January 1 4th,
says: We learn there are several hundred
Indians, innstly Winnebagoc.i, now en
camped in tho woods bordering on llin Si.
Clair River. It is snppused thqy intend to
pass into Canada, as their leaders are in
iroaty with the authorities on the other
side. They prefer her Majesty's domin
ions to a western emigration.
Poisoning. Mrs, Randolph, wife of a
naval officer at Brooklyn, who had been
married but six weeks, was poisoned this
week by receiving arsenic instead of mag
liesia, from an apothecary's. Tho apoth'e
cary. afterwards, to shew' ihat tho medicine
given was really magnesia, took a dose
himself, nnd was with difficulty saved
from following tho victim of his carelessness
to the tomb.
Tho body of Henry J. Finn, the como
dian, of Newport, ond of the passengers on
board tho Lexington, had been piol.ed up
tuar that place. U was supported by a life
preserver and had floated over ono hundred
and thirty miles from tin piece of tho catastrophe.
A slight shock of an eatthqnsVe tr3i feh;
nl Utica, Decrtiehl, Trenton, suit) the ad.
joining towns in Herkimer county on'fucsl
dny January 10th, about 7 o'clock.
Lake Jackson, a body of water of several
miles in extent, near Tullahn$sci, Florida,
is said to have. entirely disappeared.
i ne Montreal n.incrs mentmn ihi t.. .
Mth. was the coldest day of the scuson-
tho thermometer at 8 A M, was 22' bcloV
zero, and continued the same duiing tho
day. On Fiiday it was nt 20.
Wc learn from the Providcnrc Journal ihat
several suits have boon commenced against
t ie owners or the Lexington, by pcrxous i
that city who had goods on board.
Ilnly a young American ariil. has bee'rf
engaged to paint the portrait of Louis Phil-"
J03 Smith, the Mcir.nnn nr, i. u.t
dmg forth at, ald j wBCyV
nih iiiir niinil,,,,, 1,. 1.:. .1:. . v
o iu ma uiai'ipiu.
The citv of WheYl illir. in' tlM
sold rerontly, it is said, for a dollar, to pay
its taxes. r '
Dnrincr ihc
totally wrecked, and 037 lives lost, be
sides 37 vessels reported ns inissiuif, the
crows of which are nla.i
Jl nronitiouifact. The nntl
lutes of iho general government for 1839,
arc about ix millions les-nhan in 1338
and the estimates for 1H.10 -.r.. i;n 1..,., i...-
- - . ...... .i. a j uj
about five millions.
Ilandccmc nrrscnt. Wn barn l.n.i M.-
K, tt iruu IMU
ACT' lirnoiil.
ed lo Governor Portkis. bv Mr. Xn..,.
o. of tho Senate, iiibeha'lfto Miss Jasc
I'ortTMit of Philadelphia. It i, without
t'XCOIilioil. lln: lii-hnni -tin I iii..f .!o.,,.i ,.!.
t . ...... i .iii , ;,,
lection arrangement or shells that o
l. ir ..... ...
irttu K'.cn. o unucrsiand that it is tho
work or Misj Porter's own limiilc i.wl i..
it engaged her attention for I wo full monilw.
i nu present must ue peculiarly arecplablo
to Governor Porter, and '13 rrfeilii.tlitn ., ii.
highest degree to her who made it.
It is one worthy of both tho donee aud
donor. Reporter.
A I102 residini' near Frednrink. n-ns tmri.
ed 22 days iu the smow, and bein disiu
icrrcd, walked home as lively as pis usu
ally are. 0
TIlC Boston Evcnmir C.-rpl1r alitn. il..t
iMr. ivhodes. the navnl rnitnnirir,r I,-,,;.,..
resigned his employment under the Turk
isn govcrnmei, intends rcturnin-r lb the "U
nilrd Slates with his family. He has been
uiglu years cng.iaed in copstruciing vessels
ofwarforthe Turkish navy.
THE Partnerxhtn ! . VnTTXnnV
RUSiyESB. al rilnm.islntr. l,Prplr.en,t
conducted under the firm of L. II. MsJUS
If Co-, 13 this day dinolvt.l bri mutual
consent. .Ill debt, rfitri
gainst said firm will be raid hi Lewis II-
t... ,....1 1..:.. I I ...... . I. . I . . ,
...i.., cum ,j5 j.Kicrt(y iiaiiwrizcu 10 C0ti
lect all debts due In the said firm.
J.KWlfj H. M,UJS,
Jan 2, 18-10
The business at the P.LOOMSBURO
FOUNDRY will be hereafter conducted
by thciubscribcrs under the firm nf L. If.
J. R. Maus. .'Ill orders punctually
executed in their line-af business.
Bloomsburg, Ja.u 2, 1810.
ALL persons indebted to Woci.C.QHEPT
lOI'7Mthcuninlii-PliyMihn from Read
ing,& nsident at I) Snyder's. for profession
r.l iittendance bet wren May, 1838 nnd May
1 839, are notified that iu ''niiicqiicncc of his
being compelled to bo absent, he has left
his accounts with Charles Kahler, Esq. for
collection, with whom they can be sculcd
within four weeks from date without ex
pense, after which time they may must ex
pect lo pay cost.
January 25, 1810.
School Tcaches's
Wnlltml iltlltlflllAlal in Mtfwltastn OaIiamI
Distuct, A or 5 School Teachers. G
""Mm inittiutntitui 1 111 iuaiiisijji uLiivui
wages will bo given to good Teachers
on application to
1 f
S A M 1J EL K ISNER,' Secretary
Madison, Dec. 7, 1030.
SEVERAL thousand first quality of
Brick for salo at tho old caUbliebineal iti
Nor.aO 1833.