The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 11, 1840, Image 4
Till. LEIDY'S SAliSAVAMLLA BLOOD PILLS, JJIIOULD receive a preference over all 1'ilU now 3 existence: first Dccausa they are composcJ of Vegetable extract, freo from minerals; and may lie taken at till times with peifect (safety by young and old, with out restraint from occupation, tcmpcrato living, or fear of taking cold. Second Uccause they ore composed of such medicinal extract, as lmo bcon employed by all tlic.iiiost celebrated and respectably Physicians for inoro man a contury past, in punlying tne liioou end Animal fluid of the body. Third llccauso they may ho employed as a mild or active purgative, according to the qunntity taken, and their operation will not bo attended with gnping ot tlio boivels, sickness at the stomach prostration of the system, &c., as arc produced by otiinr pills, ' Fourth Uecauso they possess a combined action rot possessed by any other pills, mixture or prepar ation whatever. '1'iicir first cll'ect is in correcting all impurities with which the blood and fluids of the uoily may be all-ctod, and by thoir gently opera' tivc effect, removing such impurities from tho sys tem. Fifth llccauso they arc the terror of Quacks and Impostors, for most persons arc obliged to take the Sarsnparilla Blood Pills, after taking their vile and dettrne,ivc nostrums, to counteract and prevent their iniscmcvoni and baneful effects. Sixth Bccauso they arc the only pills in which riiysicians have sulfi'cicnt confidence to recommend to fh-ir patients, and employ in their practice, as they Know tucy aro Anti Uuack, Ami .Wcrcural, Anti Billioui as well as a good and safe purgative cnl purifier of the Blood and Animal Fluids. Seventh and lat But not tho least important Lo because they aro prepared by n regular Apoltic. car,- and 1'hvr.ician, attested ny T)rs. Physic, Hop tier, Clnipmin, Donees, James, Gibson, Jackson, Coxe. II.uo. &c, &c uhili ulonc is buincicnl to entitle them to great confidence. Ce.tificatcs and IkCcommcndjlinns from Fhyfci c:an3 aud others accompany the directions around each box. tC7 Price Twenty Five Cents a Eoxrji Prepared onlv and sold Wholesale and Kctnil at Dr. l.L'IDY'd'Healtli Emporium, No. 191 North Second st.,a few doors below Vine street, Philadel phia, alo, sold by J. Gilbert & Co., North Third street abovo Vine G, S. Clemens, do Ud do do Wood st. J. H. Smith it Co. do 2d do next tho Ucd J.icil, and nil respectable Wholesale and Rytail Drugget s iti Philadelphia. They aro also sold liy: J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. liohrcr, ilo do "V. Chcraian Litiz. J. W. Oikly, Heading J. B. Miner, Allentoivu. J Pomp, Huston. And tlio principal Merchants and Drugists in the Uniied States. For sale at tho Health Emporium Bloomsburg by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1839. 11. COMMUNIO YTION. How lew they aro that happen to lie afflicted with Coughs or Colds p.r, att ntion to tiieni. How many llrousands froth such neglect shorten their days, and hasten their fi nal dis'olutinii. i'areits neglect them in their chil dren, nn J thus form the foundation for Consump lion, mid hundreds of parents annually fallow their own cliildren to tho grave, having died from some nfl"tc'ioin of tliellroaljind I.uuga, ululi vtie nog TsrteJTi'thefr first stages. Coi g'wanJ Cold j, whether existing among young or old, oujht at all times bo attended to early, and not su'I'.rml to continue any length of time, fur the Lungs oncoaTeclod.ducase noon makes rapid strides, ending in the most fatal of all diseases, namely Con sumption. Da. IjECHTER'S PULMONARY P15ESEP. VATfVE for Coughs, Colds, Cutairh, Influenzas, Shortnoss ot Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in the Bro.ut or Side, all affection of the Breast and Lungs, and arrest of approaching Consumption, is the most popular medicine ued throughout all Ger many is becoming equally popular in tho United 6'tates, and has established for lUelf a reputation not possessed by any other medicine far the mine class of discifcs. (See certificates and recommen dations from Parents, Physicians, and otliw, accom pining the directions.) It is a preparation perfect ly safe and harmless, plcisant to the taste, and may be given .to the youngest infant. It is warranted free from mercury and the mineral, and is a prepar ation of a regular Apothecary and Physician, altos ted by Drs. Phytic, Chapman, Gibson. Jackson, Horner, Bewces, Case, James, &c. a circumstance alone sufficient ti induce a trial of it Dr. S. It, Proprietor of the above medi cine, confidently recommends it to all, mid assures nil niMt positively that itU an invaluable medicine xind would not liimiclf recommend it, but for it, j.ii-jwn oinency, Prepared orily and for saleVi'liolonalo and Retail ot Dr. LEIDV'S lXealth Emporium, No. 101 North Bocond street a few doors below Vino Ureel.Philu cdclphi.i aUi, told by J. Giljert fc Co., North Tlii-d street abovo Vine. G. S. Clemens, do 3d do doWooi' st. J. K. Smith & Co. do 2d do next the P.od I.lon, and by all respectable Wholesale and lictuil Druggists in I'hiladelphia. They are sold by:. J. F Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. V. Itohrcr, do do. W. I3brmun Litiz. J. W. Oakley, Reading. For salo at the lloulth Kmporium Bloomsburg 'y D, S. TOBIAS, Agent. DR. PHELPII'S Ctomvound Tomato Entirely Vegetable, A new and invaluable .Medicine fur all dioscasea iriiing froqi impurities of the blood moibid seere Jiori of the livor and &tonmeh. AUo, a tmhttiiute f-r calomel, as a chatliartio iu Fevers aud all billious dirt-nxo. Tbeie popular pllb combining n newly discov ere 1 Atkiline ub-tance extracted from llie TOMA TO PLANT, v.itli other vegetable substances which Ji.ive been found to modify and diffusa its ef f.vts. are believed to be the Ixt Alterative aud Co tli.t to Modietne over diwureivd, For ordiiiHry I'ainjly physio tlioy are uni versally approved, as tlio best ever offered. A full account of tliio Metliuir.0, nnd nu merous afrtiiicntes from physicians and othors, aecompnny oooli box. Just received and. for snlo at the now Drug Store by J AIOYBB, Agent, Aug. 17. TIIE RESURRECTION Oil, PERSIAN PlliliS. CPEMOnTO TnElIinEAlV.BllAXDKTll's.EvAa's Indian PunuATtVK, the Matchless (priced) Sanatite, or any other pills or compound before tho public, as certified to ty Physicians and others. Let none condemn them until they have tried them, nnd then wo aro certain they will not. It is now a settled point with all who have used tho Vegetable Persian t ills that they are pre-emi' iicntly tho best and most efficacious Family Modi cine that has yet been used in America. If o cry familv could become acquainted with their bover cign power over disease, they would keep tlicm and be prepared with a suio remedy to apply on tho first appearance of disease, and then how much distress would be avoided and money saved, as well as tho lives of thousands who are huriied out of time by neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not being in possession ot a remedy which they can place ue pendence upon. The Jlesurrcclion, or Persian Pills. The name of these pills orginatcd from tho cir cumstancoof the medicine being found only iu the ccmetanes of Persia. This vegetable production being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to ita medicinal qualities and virtues, in halt a cciv lury it became an established mcdicino for tho lis- cases of that country. Tho extract of this eingU' larnroduction was introduced into some parts of Lu rope !n the year 1783, and used by many celebrated Physicians in curing certain diseases, where allom cr medicine has been used in vain. Early in tho year 1702, the extract was combined with a ccrtnin vegetable medicine imported lrom Uura llaca, in tho Eat,t Indies, and formed into Pills. The admir able effect of this compound upon the human nys- tem, led pliysncans and lamilics into its general use. Their long established character their limvcr sal and healing virtue, the detergent and cleansing qualities of their specific action upon tho gl-indulnr part of the system, are sucli as will sustain their re putation and general use in the American JtcpuU' lie. CERTIFICATES. I certify that I hare, by way ot experiment, used tho Hygcan, and' most of the carious kinds ol Pills, in my practice, which have borne the hislicst repute in the public estimation, that hive been offered for sale in ibis vicinity for the last live yeais, including those called the Kcsu.-rection or I'ersam l'llis: anil the public may rest assured that none among the whole catalogue has answered a better purpose, 33 an easy and effectual remedy, than tho Kesurrcction or Persian Pills, in most cacs ot disease. ClIAIILl'S B (CKUS, M. D. Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837. TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. Chaio & Co. Gents. Hearing much caid about the extraordinary effects of the Resurrection or Persian Pills, upon thoe about to become mothers, we were induced to make n trial of tlio.m. Mv wife was ut that time tho mother of luo children, aud had suffered the most tedious and cx cruciatirin; pains duiinr; and after her confinement of each. She had tried cv cry means and taken much medicine, but found little or no relief, fchc commenced takinc the .Persian Pills about three inonthsM'jreher confinement (her health being ve ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a ehort time idto wa3 enabled by their usoto attend to the cares of a mother to lur tamily until her con finement. At tho tiint she commenced taking the i'ersiun Pills, and for several weeks p:cviou3, she was afflicted with a (by hard cough, and freauent sevctc cramps, which the uso of the .Pills entirely removed before using half a box. It is with the greatest confidence that we advise all those about U become mothers to make use of the Persian PilU All thoso that have taken them in our neighbor hood have got along in the same easy mmner, and arc about the Iichim; in a few days. There docs not appear to be half the danger of other dangers setting iu after confinement, whcie these Pills are taken. Wo unitedly say.lct none neglect taking them, lur they arc iu the reach of the poor as well as the rich. We are truly thaiiktul that there is c remcuy waich female can rady procure which tends to lessen the world of suiferiiig, which many of them have to bear, and perhaps save tho livcj of thousands which would otherwise bo lot. Rochester, May M, 1838: corner of Callidonian square, Edinburg street; for further particulars see bUbscriucrs, S. RollEHTS, A.v.y O. Kouki'.ts. RocriKSTEii, Sent. 24. 1830. Messrs. E. Chase f Co. I think it m7 duty to let you know what a great cure your Pills have performed on me I had been sicl; about 7 years about 5! vcars and a half con fined to my bed. I had been yiun ner as incurable, with Consumption, by twelve phjiciaps of the first standing; my lungs were affected; I had J ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and harsh most of the time; my liver was much swollen, and my itomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever, and night sweat, accompanied with extreme inita blenes of the nervous system, and other difficulties which I foibear lo mention. After I was given over, I tried almost all medicines which were advertised, but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable Persian Pills. I began to gain in a short timo after I commenced taking them; nnd, to be brief, before I took 3 boxes, I was able to ride out and to take con siderable oxcrcisc, and at this tfmo I enjoy good health, and am able to do good day's woik. If any noo wishes a inoro particular history of iny suffer ings, he may call on mo, at tho comer of Main and Clinton-streets, Rochester. RUBY ADAMS. Fits Cdhed The undersigned hereby certify, that we are the Parents of two children who hate ceen cfliicted with fits more or less from their infan cy, and that we have spared no pains or expense in endeavoring to effect a cure, but without any bene ficial effect, hearing of tho ttciurrcctiou or Per. I siau Pill, when four boxis wrre immediately ! procured, and beforo three boxos were taken, the uu nan auatCHi in ireouency, and cvciy ayni lom much improved, and now we aro happy lo stuto that our childjon by the uso of the Persian Pills, with tho blessing of God, are entirely cured, ami have no symtoin or appearance of fits, will find in the Persian Pills a sure and perfect cure. JOHN & MARTHA JOHN&ONt - Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1637. Tho abovo pills may bp had of tho following a gents John Moyor, Bloomsburg; H, Miller, Ber wick) J, Cooper & Sons, Hozeltonj C. Horlniap, Gpytowt John Shurpless, Cattawissa; Lyman Sholos, Danville. Ezra Tuylor, ogect for die Stats of Pennsylva nia residing at Rochester N, Y, lo whom all orders cau be addressed. TO THE rrjBLic. LE G IS Ml Tl VEKE YS TONE. During tho approaching session of the Icirish turc, the Keisto.nk will, as usual, be published & itiva jl w ! iv, uuu tumuiii iuji rcjiuiis oi inc pro cccdhigs in both branches of the Irrrislaturc. iuclu ding the speeches of members, legislativa reports Jt.- V .1 !!. .'Mi mi. A'uruns jJuiyuse, mu eunurs will nave com petent reporters ill both houses of our lcaiolaturc. aJ well as at Washington city, thus enabling them to lurnisli not only a complete report of the proceed ings oi our own legislature, but also ot tho ap' preaching session of Congress. Having made ani' pie arraugemcnts tor tho bestowal ol iMcncAsun attention to tho legislative department of their newspaper, they cherish the conviction, that they will render entire satisfadtion iu this respect not only to the members of tho legislature, but to tho reading community generally. As it is moro than probable, that tho all-engross. nig subject ol the derangement of the currency un dor which the community snow laboring, and tho condition ol the several banking institutions of out state, will constitute topics of speedy legislaliv action, the proceedings of tlio approaching session will be trauglitwith unusual interest, and render paper published at tho scat government, which be. stows upon them constant Attention, a vehicle of intelligence "moat devoutly wished!" Wo would also call to, tho minds of our readers that the great Presidential contest of 18 10 is ap proaching with sapid stride, which is to decide, whether our National Government shall continue to be administered upon tho truly republican prin ciplcs of its present illustrious head, Martin Van Burcn, or whether the reigns of power shall bo committed to tho hands of ultra Federalists and friends of a great and blighting monopoly in.Jhe shape cf a Notional Bank. Tho Keystone, being indissolubly wedded to tho support ot the rcpubli can cause, will in this momcntuous conflict, batlh manfally on tho side of Van Burcn and a Con. stitutional Treasury, and contribute its mi to to tho advancement and ultimate triumph of the demo cratic cause. Wo shall continue unceasingly to expose the dangerous heresies of tho Federalists and udvocatos of an overpowering monied monopo ly, and spare no exertions, to render tho "Key stone" an iflcctivo weapon in tho hands of the Democracy of the State and Union. Grateful for the liberal patronage hitherto bcs. towed upon them by the community a patronage. which has given tho "Keystouo" a circulation tic. yond that of any other paper at the seat ot govern menl they look forvvard with contidenco lo its continuance, and will sparo neither lime nor labor to maUo it dcscrvcJ. TERMS. For the Keystone yearly, twice a week, during die Bcssion of the Legislature, and once a week for the remainder of the year $3,00 During tho Session of the Legislature twice a week 2,00 All Postmasters, and other Democratic citizens aro requested to recieve and forward subscriptions to U3. "The life of the flesh is in the blood," so saith the scriptures. I,e vttictis c. xvn VII. R. LEIDY'S BLOOD PILLS. What better than scripture testimony can wo have of the life of the flesh depending upon tliu condition of the blood 7 II impuro or diseased, the flesh must ot course bo diseased thereby, nnd the whole sys. tern partar.o ol cuchdi&case. It the doctrine be true, and there ii not a doubl of it (tor it is n feet acctc. led to by all, that the scriptures, are true beyond a doubt,) then it behooves us to guard against the consequences ot such impurities, and tliun preserve the flesh healthy. If the llc-.h be healthy, consti tuting as it docs the principal portion ol the human yody, then must tho whole body be healthy. in vegetables onlt ctr. we iind the medicine where y nil impurities ot tho blood may be removed. Upwards of ono hundred years experience of the most celebrated, the wisest and best physicians have proved certain vegetables to po?bet-s purifying prop- rtics. J nose cgetab!es will not here be named, and Dr. Leidy wishes to remunerate himself, and proht by ttic long, l.iliorious, and costly experiment necessary to be made, that tho iiclivo principles of those vegetables might be retracted and rcdincd to such form as makes ihcui easy, safe and pleasant to be taken. These vegetables aro contained in the justly cel ebrated Blood Pills, maiiufanlurcd only by Dr. N. Leidy, n regular Druggist and Physician,' attested byDrs. Physic, Chapman, lacksoi .Hotncr.Gibson iiewecs, Jamc?, Hare, Cox, &c. I ho above P1II.1 may bo employed as n mild or active purgative. I heir action is easy, and may bo employed by all persons under all circumstances. They will at all times bo found serviceable, when tho lcat sickness is present. They require no rh.mgo of dio , restraint from occupation, or fear of talcing cold lrom their use. Tucy arc daily prescrib ed by numerous physicians; certificates of the fact accompany the directions. They nrc the most affec tive puiilicr of the blood nnd other fluids of the hu man body ever discovered. Persons having once used, will ever after, as occasion may acquire, have rcsourso to them. Price Twcnli, Five Cents a box. Sold by all respectable Druzcists nnd Merchanst throughout tho Union, and in thw city only at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, Second street be low Vine. J. It. Smith & Co.'s 2d st. near tho Red Lion. J. Gilbert & Co.'s 3d abovo Vine. C. Clemens' North 3d abovo Wood. F.Klett's 2d and Callowhill. For ealo at tho Health Emporium Bloomsbiirt! by D. S. TOBIAS Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1839. 11. MARSH'S SUPERIOR PATENT TRUSSES. rlHESB Ti USSCS 010 ininnnv isrtinilnro rm in .la. entirely new plan, nnd their advantages over all other Trusses, have been nttcstcd not only tho mo3t respectable of the medical faculty, but by tho actual oxperimcntof thoe afflicted with the disease which they aro intended to alleviate. Tho most eminent Physicians upon an examination of this Truss, arc so decided as to its simrriiriii il.m il, havo cheerfully and voluntarily given certificates to the proprietors to be laid beforo public. For ealo by u. ti. J ooias Jlgent Health Emporium. MILES' COMPOUND EXTRACT OF TOMATO, A valuable Medicine, fnr ivtlinll tb (anil. scriber lias just received the agency. A mall supply for salo ut his establishment. JOHN H. MOVER. Pec, 7, TO THE PUBLIC. ScniMVccltly Stato CnpHol tiuzcilci The proprietors of tho State Copitol Gazette era' brace this opportunity to return their sincere thanks to their friends nnd the public, for tho very ibcrnl patronago which thev are pleased to have it in their power to say, has thus tar been extended towards them, and respectfully announco that tho future course of their journal shall bo such as they trust will continue to receive the confidence and support of the Democratic party. They assure the public that no exertion on their part shall bo wanting lo effect this object, nnd they (latter themselves that they will be nblo to render their paper nuch a vehi cle of usefulness mid information, as will not full to givu entire satislaction to ccry friend of republican principles. The approaching cession of (he Legislature, will unquestionably, be one of great und unusual inter cut. 1 here has not, perhaps, been a time before, when the attention of the public was so much en gaged upon any ono subject as it is at present upon the derangement of the currency, arrising from tho abuses of banking; and as tho deliberation of the ensuing Legislature, will in all probability be main, ly directed to this important subicct. it cannot b. otherwise than that every thing which transpires nt mo scat oi government in relation thereto, will bo eagerly sought after. With these considerations in view, tho undersigned have made ample arrancc- ments for laying beforo their readers full reports of trie proceedings iu batti branches ol tho Stato Le gislature, together with tho speeches of members. reports, and other matter which they think will bo interesting. In addition to this, it is tho intention of tho undersigned to employ able correspondent at tne scat oi the general government, by which means, Itiey will bo able, also, to placo in their scmi-wcck ly sheet caily reports of the deliberation of Con. gress. The presidential contest of 1810 is rapidly ap proaching. I he flag at our mast-head indicates fully tho course wo intend to pursue in the relation to this gicat question; and as we lnvo already given our opm on at length, on tins subject, m a farme prospectus, wo deem in needless nt present to tho our readers, by t'ouig over the same ground. Suf fice it to nay, that we shall give our united support .and energies towards tho rc-etcclionof present ablo oiuci Magistrate ol the union, and our humble aid iu behalf of establishing a Constitutional Treasn AND Tlircsninsr Machine, AND PORTABLE IIGRSE POVER ntnilE Subscribers take thismelhod of informing ji their friends, that they continue Manufactur ing Tlrcslitnff tVaclitjira and Jt'wlable lerxc inwera, on the most improved plans, made of tho best material? and in tho most workmanlike man ner, and which they will warrent to stand with faro uenre, and not inturc tho grain by breaking it. They have surpassed nil others where they have been introduced, in Pennsylvania, Virginia and Piorth Carolina. PvnWa Anient Sstmi, OR, GHAW nUJjZ,TNG MACHINE, Improved. An article of great utility to Milters for cleansing tho grain for preparing it for flouring. J neso machines are mnnulac.urrd ot cast and wrought Iron, and arc supposed to last an hundred years. They arc in genenil use iu the state of New Voir and in part of Pennsylvania. and nil kinds ot machinery, cast and fitted up.and all sorts of HOLLOW WAKE kept on hand, and sold by wholesale. All of which will be sold on tho most reasonable term., by LEWIS II. MAUS&Co. Bloomsburg, May 25, 1829. 3ml WHEREAS, the honorable ELLIS LEWIS resident of tlio Cmirfx nt Mi- o,l 'l'r miner and General Jnil Dnlivprv f!mirt i i(oWn Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Picas, and urphau s Uourt.iu the eighth Judicial District, roiiipoM d of the counties nfNurtlimnbcrland, Union, Columbia and Lycoming ; nnd the Hon. Wi i.uam and Lr.oxAiin R-jimjiit, Esquires, associate Judges in Columbia county, have issued their precept hsaiing date the 23th day of November n the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred. uu iiiiriy-iuuc, anuio me uirccten lor holding .1 Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gn- , r , y ,. rt . cat ,au jjeiivery, ucneral quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Fleas, and Ornhaix's Court. IN DAN fLT.E. in llin rniinlw of r!nl..n.l.l. , - - . . 1 ww.u.tll'IU, U the third Monday of Jan. next, (being tho 20th day) and to continue two week. NOTICK is therefore hereby given to tho Cor oner, tho Justices of tho Peace, and Constables of the said County of Columbia, that they bo then nil there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions and otber remnmbrnnnna tn itn ilinn il,!nnc, ...i.:ni. ...nii 1MIU to their ofiices appertain to bo done. And thoso who are bound by rccognizancos to prosecuto against tho prisoners that aro or may bo iu tho jail ofwid county of Columbia, aro to be then and there to pro.ecute against them as shall bo just. Jurors aro cequcsieuto no punctual in their attendance, o crccabiv to their notices. Dated ut Danville, the 20th dav'De cembfir nf In the year of our Lord ono Ihousnnd eight hun dred and thirty-nine, and iu the U3d year of the independence of tho Unilcd States of Amer ica. WILLIAM KITfillP.N. .v,;r Sheriff's Office, Danville, ? JJoc. 20th 1830. J STURGEON OIL! For licalinp horse flesh, the leri over come beforo tlio jiublio for swellings, bruises, and soieness of horsei nml mxrm &zc. For a! at Tobiat' Health Emporium Eloomtbur g. For Jduuary Term 1810. Nancy Itohr vs, Nicholas Kindt a...... j .01 dOHH O. A. IJroust vs. David Willtama Geo. Gilbert vs. Joseph Gilbert John Jones vs. Daniel rVlusaelinan's Ada Jacob Jones et al vs. Joseph Robins John Rhodes vs. James M. Jones William Miller vs Micheal Ornerehf Wm. McCartcr vs. Robt. Mbnlnomcrv .w...m.i iij.,t,i ,o. ii. itiiuiucr el al A. MeCall vs. Samuel Mollenry ct al Thomas Shore vs. Henry Uilteiihr-uii oamucl lleadley's Admr's vs. J. CJK iiuu iy jjciyui va. ucu, niucmer Garoline Wcidlo vs. John Krider Same vs. Samo A Joseph II. Seal et al vs. A F. Russl i.,,i..t. .... r . ., .' tt. u. ijoopcrvs. J. Uooperetal Peler Miller vs. Adam Deilrick Charles Craig vs. Wm, Dale James Cornelison vs. S P. Kaso Henry Jonson vs. Ditnmick McBridY Samo et al vs. Same C. I). Fialier et al vs. B. W. Wappler Same vs. Samo John Mollenry vs. Robert Eager Jacob Getling vs. Peter Miller Daniel Frazor vs A. Cumruings Philip Kline vs. John Ale Daniel Mostoller vs. Geo. Longaberger Wm. Learch et al vs. James Frick et al Cavcner vs Musgrovo's Admr Just ESeceavcd at (he THE Subscribers respectfully annnunei to their friends and the public gcnciallj that lliey have received and are now opej ing, a splendid and extensive assortment E'all & Winter Goods, which with a slock on hand.embraces a n rietV 01 seasonal) O AIorehnndi-o fn- it, .. uoiiiiiiuuaiioii oi town and Uountv. .)-. ... . In tho Drv Good linp. ihnv limn !! ,v. varieties of course, fine & superfine Cloths, tasnners, battnetts, Merinocs, Silks, Cd icocs, Aftawls, IlMunds, Laces, Links, Mouselinc dc Lain, Muslins, Vcslingt, Stocks, Umbrellas, Lady's Honntli, Jionnct Silks, Trimmings; Fttrr, Cloth and Seal skin Cans: Jians mul Mhn L, Socks, .$-c. tj-c. S-c. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF AND ijiQjiro&g, Sll!?ar. CoitllO. Tnns. finiprn. Mnlmcai ttr.indv. Gin. If II 11. Winn Art Ar neenvtai - i ""(! iiiu vik v jw ncovi itU in nrice and nualitv. ILirdienrp. S.ntdUrv. Iron, Sleel, Nail?,' Stoves, Stove pipe, ware, ueuar Ware; CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WARE, Crockery-TVarc, Salt, Fish, Oils, fiyt aiujs, I'amla, yc. ij-c. yc. and almost every other article that can b called for in a country slorc all of which bavin" been carefully selected and oblainei at the lowest prices, will bo offered at sma'.f profits in exchange for cash or country pro duce. RUPERT & BARTON. Bloomsburg Nov. 23, 1839. 30 tf. 24 boxes bunch Raisons. 2'i boxes clusters low nrice Raigons. SSO boxes European Currants. lit boxes hunch Raisons expressly for fam ilies for SI, 121 per box. AS boxes Ilcrritiff. SOO do soft shell Almonds. 100 do. Filberts. 800 do. English Walnuts: HO do. Rock Candv. 24: do. Prunes best and cheap. 28 hacs Ground Nuts. Sugar stick of all kinds. oimving uoxes. SJImvinrr lirtiRtipff. 1 1 different kinds of shavinrr coins. Alt for sale at Tobias1 Health Emporium. Important to Farmers- BRYAN'S PATENT FAlTlTIISTGr MILLS, M AN Ul''AOT UHK D 11Y AUSTIN & MYERS, Selins Grove, Union County, Pu- WILL bo kent constantly on hand, for sala by CHARLES DOEHLER. Bloomsburg. The abovo Mills are a superior article of tho kind and no fanner should bo without ono, Several far mcrs in llloom township will testify in their favor from actual use, August a, Christmas Gift. STORY BOOKS for a Gift at Chriih mas, for sale at Tobias' Health Emporium Mew wi. .liiililillti