'IMS RESURRECTION OR, ' PERSIA! FIlLIiS. Scpstnon to TriRllTnEAX,Dru:oiK'rn,s)ErA:v's Indian PcnoATivr., theMATcntt9 (pticcil) Basativk, or any other pills or compound before tiro public, as certified to by Physicians and other. Let none condemn them until they have, tried them, and then wcaro certain they will not. It is now a settled point with nit who have used the Vegetable Persian Pills that they aro pre-eminently the beat nnd most efficacious Family Medi cine that lias yet been used in America. If every family could become ncnuaititcd with their Sover eign power over disease, they would keep them and he prepared with a suro remedy to apply on thq first appearance of disease, mid then how much distress would bo avoided and money saved, as well as the lives of thousands who are hunted out of time by neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not being in possession of a remedy which they can placo de pendence upon. The Resurrection, or Persian Pills. Tho name of these pills orcinatcd from the cir- eumstance of the medicine being found only in the ecmctariea of Persia. This vcgctablo production being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to ita medicinal qualities and virtues, in halt a ccn- tury it became an established mcdicino for the dis eases of that country. The extract of this singu- lar production was introduced into some pafts of Lu rope in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated Physicians in curing cci tain diseases, whero nil oth cr medicine has 'been used in vain. Early in the year 1792, the extract was combined with a certain vegetable mcdicino imported from Dura Baca, in the East Indies, and formed into Pills, The admir able effect of this compound upon the human sys tem, led physiicans and families into its general use. Their long established character their univer sal and healing virtues, tho detergent and cleansing qualities of their specific action upon tho glandular part of the system, arc such as will sustain their re putation and general use in the American Repub lic CERTIFICATES. ' I certify that IJiavc, by way ol experiment, ucd the Hygcan, and most of tho various kinds of Pills, in my practice, which have borne the highest repute in the public estimation, that have been offered for cale in this vicinity fur tho last five yeais, including those called tho Resurrection or Persain Pills; and the public may rest assured that none among the whole catalogue has answered a better purpose, as in easy and effectual remedy, than the Resurrection or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease. CiMnLts Backus, M. D. Rochester, IN. Y.Sept. 21, 1837. TO MOTHERS, ' Messrs. E. .Chase & Co. Gents. Hearing much said about the extraordinary effects of the Resurrection or Persian Pills, upon those about to become mothers, wo were induced to make a trial of them. My wife was at that time the mother of five children, and had Ruffeied the most tedious and ex cruciating pains during and after her confinement of each. Sho had tried every means and taken much medicine, but found littlo or no relief.. She commenced taking the Pertian Pills about three months before her confinement (her health being ve ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a short timo she was enabled by their use to attend to the cares of a mother to h ir family until her con finement. At the tima she commenced taking the Persian Pills, and for several weeks pievious, she was afflicted with a dy hard cough, and frequent sevetc cramps, which tho use of the Pills entirely removed before using half a box. It is with the greatest confidence that we advise all those about to become mothers to mako use of the Persian Pills. All those that havo taken them in our neighbor hood have got along in the same easy manner, and arc about the houso in a few days., There Joes not appear to bo half the danger of other dangers setting in after confinement, whore these Pills are taken. "We unitedly say,tct none neglect taking them, for' ' they are in tho reach ol the poor as well as the rich. Wo are truly thankful that there is a remedy which females can easily procure which tends to lessen tho world of suffering, which many of thorn have to bear, and perhaps save tho lives of thousands v. hlclia would otherwise be lost. Rochester, May 14, 1838: corner of Callidonian square, Edinburg street; for further particulars see subscribers. S, Rouehts, Axx 0. Roiir.ii.TS. . RociiERTun, Supt. 24, 1830, Messrs. E. Chase Co. I think it my duty to let you know what a great cure your Pills have performed on mo I had been eick about 7 years - about 2 years and a half con fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurablo, with Consumption, by twelvo physicians of the first standinir. mv Junes wcro seriously affected; I Iiad 3 ulcers gather and break; my cough wa-dry and harsh most of the time; my liver was much swollen, nnd mv stomach very dyspeptic. I had chill, fever. and night sweat, accompanied with extreme iriita- blcness of tho nervous system, and other dilhcultics which I forbear to mention. After I was given over, I tried almost all medicines which wcro advertised, but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable Persian Pills. I began to gain in a short time after I commenced taking them; and, to Ik brief, before I took 3 boxes, I was able to ride out and to tako con siderable exercise, and at this tirno I enjoy good health, nnd am able to do good day's work. If any noo wishes a mnro particular history of my suflcr ings, he may call on me, at the corner of Alain ar.d Clinton-streets, Rochester. RUBY ADAMS, Fits Oynr.D Tho undorsignod hereby certify, that we arc the Parents of two children who have DB2ii afflicted with fits more or Icsnfrom thiriiifan cy, and that we have spared no pains or expense in endo avonng to oueci a cure, nut wunoui nny ueuu ficial eil'oct. until hearing of the Resurrection or Per sian Pill, .when four hoxog wcx6 immediately procured, and before thrco boxes wore taken, tho lits had abated in frequency, and eviiy gym torn much improved, and now wo aro happy to state that our childien by the use of the Persian Pills, with the blessing of God, are entirely curl, and havo no symtom or appearance of fits, will Kind in the Persian J'Uls a nuro ami perieci cure. JOHN & MARTHA JOHNSONt Canton N. Y. Dec.. 10, 1837. Thn aWn tilltn mv be had of the. following a grub John Moyer, lMoomburfi; H. Miller, Ber wick; J. cooper C nons, jiireoiiuii, v, ..v.......... Espeytounj John Sharplcss, Cattawibsa; Lyman liuoloi, Danville. Ezra Taylor, ogert for ho BttXe of Pennsylva nia residing at Rocheetci W- Y- to whom oil wdera coa I (ddrewod, ...DR. LEIDY'S . 8AIiSAP4MLLA- ULOOD PIMM, SHOULD receive a preference over all Pills now 3 in existence: First Bccauso they arc composed of Vcgctablo extracts, free from minerals; and may bo taken ut nil times with perfect safety by young and old, with out restraint from occupation, tcinpcrato living, or fear of taking cold. Second Utcauso they nro composed ot such medicinal extracts, as havo been employed by all the most celebrated and respectable-Physicians lor more than a century past, in puruyuig me moou nnd Animal fluid of tut body. Third Because they may bo employed as a mild or active purgative, according to tho quantity take!!, and their operation will not be attended with griping of tho bowels, sickness at tho stomach, prostration of tho system, &c, as arc produced by other pills. Fourth Because thry possess a combined action, not possessed by any other pills, mixture or prepar ation whatever. Their first effect is in correcting all impurities with which the blood and fluids of the body may bcuu"Ctcd,ond by their gently opera tive effect, removing such impurities from tho sys tem. Fifth Because they are tho terror of Quacks and Impostors, for most persons aro obliged to take the Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, after taking their vile nnd destruc.ive nostrums, to counteract and prevent their mischievons and baneful effects. . Sixth Bccauso they arc the only pills in which Physicians have sufficient confidence to recommend to their patients, and employ in their practico, as they know they aro Anti Quack, Anti Mcrcural. Anti Billious as well as a good and safe purgative and purifier of the Blood.and Animal Fluids. .Scvcnth.and last But not the least important, bo because they aro prepared by a regular Apothe cary and Musician, attested ny Drs. Physic, Hor ner, Chapman, Dewces, James, Gibson, Jackson, Coxc, Hare, &c, &c, which olonp is sufficient to entitle them to great confidence. Certificates and' Recommendations from Physi cians and other accompany tho directions around each box. ICrPrice Twenty Five Cents a ?o.tJS Prcnaicd only and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, ISo. 191 iNorth Second st.,a few doors below Vine street, Philadel phia, also, sold by J. Gilbert & Co., North Third street nbovo Vine G.S.Clemens, do 3d do dp Woojlbt. J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next tho Red Lion, and all respectable Wholesale and Retail Druggist's in Philadelphia. They arc also sold'by: J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Rolirer. do do W. Eberman Liliz. J. W, Oakly, Reading. J. B. Mozcr, Allcntown. P. Pomp, Easton. And the principal Merchants and Drugisls in the L'niied States. For sale 'at tho Health Emporium Bloomsburg l,y . D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1839. n. OMMUNIC TION. now few they are that !J happen to bo afflicted with Coughs or Colds pay attention to them. H ow many thousands from such neglect shorten their days, nnd hasten their fi nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil dren, and thus.form the foundation for Consump tion, and hundreds of parents annually toliow tneir own children to tho grave, having died from some affections of tho Brt-at nnd Lungs, which wcic neg lected in theu- first stages. Coughs nnd Coldn, whether existing among young or old, ought at all times bo attended to carly,and "... . . . , .i. ..e .: -... not sutitreu to continue any lengui ui --, mi wu Lunes once affccted.diseaso soon makes rapid stiides, ending iiuthe most fatal of all diseases, namely Con sumption. . Du. UECllJ Ulta J'UIjMUiNAUX riu.otat VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catairhs, Influenzas, Shortness ot Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in the Breast or 3idc, all affection of tho.Brcnst and Lungs, and arrest of approachinsg Consumption, is the most popular meuicmc uscu tnrouguoui an uw many is becoming equally popular in tlje United States, and has eetauiisneu lor iisuu a repuiauun not possessed by any other mcdicino for tho same claw of direnscs. (See certificates and recommen dations from Parents, Physicians, and others, nccom- paning the directions.)- it is a preparation pcriect Iv safe and harmless, pleasant to the taste, and may lie (riven tu the vounccst infant. It is warranted free from mercury and tho minerals, anu is a prepar ation of a regular Apothecary ond Physician, attes ted by Drs. 1'hysle, Uhapman, uiuson. .lacKson, Horner, Dewees, Coxe, James, ficc.a circumstanco mono suiucicni io inuuio u um Dr. N. 11. Loidv. Proprietor of tho above medi cine, confidently recommends it to all, and assures nil most nositivdv that it Is an lnvaiuaDio meuicine and would not himself recommend it, but for it, known efficacy. l'renareil only and tor sale w iioiesaic aim neinii ai Dr. LEIDY-'S Health F.mporium, No. 191 North Socond street a fewdoora below Vino street, riuia nilrlnliiti also, sold bv J, Uilgert Uo., iXortn i nru street uuuvo v inc. G. S. Clemens, do 3d do doWoor1 st. J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next tho ltcd Lion, and by all respcctablo Wholesale- and Retail Druggists in niiladclphia. They are sold by: J. F fiong, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J.W.Rohrer, do do. W. Eberman Litiz. J. W. Oakley, Reading. For sale at tho Health Emporium Bloomsburg by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. N puruanco of tho Constitution of the Com monweelth of Pennsylvania Notice is herein tiven bv llw subscribers, citizens nf fcaid Common, waalth. that they and others, will mako application to the next Legislature, for the creation of a corpo- trate Body with Banking and discounting privileges. of the nanicil onu.siyio oi uie Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Colttm bin County, to bo located at such jrito or placo within said Coun tv of Columbia, as shall bo fixed upon by Com missioners appointed in such manner as tho Legis lature shall direct for fixing tho location of said Bank, nnd with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars. Said corp'Hutc body to bo created for the object of securing to tho citizens ol me t;ommon wealth, and of the County of Columbia, the bene. fits of a banking Intitution, with tho rights, pow n and privilege of tho Bank of Northumlierland A. B. SUUMAM, fl. B, 0I1AI0. "TTie, life, bf the Jlcth is in the bloody ' , io saith the scriptittes,-Lavictt s .c. xyTt v..ii. . ' f-hjIJ. LEIDY'S BLOOD PILLS. "What bolto j7thau scripture testimony can we have of tho ile of the flesh depending upon tho condition o tho blood 1 If impuro or diseased, tho flesh mus of course bo diseased thereby, and the whola sys tem parlako of Btichdisease. If tho doctrine bo true, tend there is not a doubt of it (for it is a fact acccc- ded to by all, that the scriptures, aro true beyond a doubt,) then it behooves us to guard against tho consequences of such impurities, and thus prcscrvo tho flesh healthy. If the flesh be healthy, consti tuting as it does the principal portion ol the human yody, then must the whole bodv be healthy. In vegetables onl) ct.il wo find tiie medicine where by all impurities of tho blood may bo removed. Upwards of one hundred years experience of tile most celebrated, tho witcst and best physicians have proved ccitain vegetables to possess purifying prop erties. Thcso vegetables will not here bo named, nnd Dr. Lciily wishes to remunerate himself, and profit by the long, laborious, and costly experiment necessary to be made, that the active principles of those vegetables might bo retracted and reduced to such form as makes them easy, safe and pleasant to bo taken. Thrso vegetables aro contained in the justly eel cbratcd Blood Pills, niunufantured only by Dr. N Lcidv, n regular Diuggist and Physician, nttcstcd by Urs. l'hysic, Uhapman, Jacksoi , Horner, (Jibson Dcwccs, James, Hare, Cox, &c. The above Pills may be employed as n mild or active purgative. Thciraction is easy, and niay be employed by all persons under all circumstances. They will at all times bo found serviceable, wjicn tno least sickness is present. J hey require- no changc'of die., restraint from occupation, or fear of taking cold from their use. i hoy ate daily prescrib ed by iHimcftius physicians; certificates of the fact accompany tho directions. They nro tho most affec tive purifier of the hlood'und other fluids of the hu man body ever discovered. Persons having once used, will ever aftei, as occasion may acquire, have resource to them. Price Twenty Five Cents a box. Sold by all respectable Druggists and Merchanst throughout the Union, nnd in this city only at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, Second street be low Vine. J. 1!. -Smith &. Co.lfl 2d st, near the Red Lion. J. Gilbert &, Co.'3d above Viae. C. Clemens' North 3d nbovo Wood. F. Klett's 2d and Callowhill. For ralo at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg by U. H. TUBIA8 Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1839. 11. IKON AND Threwljisis I72ac3une, AND OItTAJSi;E HORSE POWER MANUFACTORY. rCnilE Subscribcra tako this method of informing J2 their menus, that they continue Manufactur ing ThnshUiz .Haclilr.ci and J'ortable Horxt. 'owrrg, on the most improved pluns, mado of tho est materials and in the most workmanlike man ner, nnd which they will warrent to stand with fare usage, and not injure the grain by breaking it. They hnvo surpassed all others whero they have been introduced, in Pennsylvania, Virginia and Aortu Carolina. Pratt's Patent Saimii, OR, UVTAXSG MACHINE, Improved. An orticlo of great utility to Millers for cleaning the grain for preparing it for flouring. These machines are manufac.ured of cast and wrought Iron, and are supj-ofed to last nn hundred yeais. iney are in general ueem tho slate ol.Ncvv 1 oiK and in part ot I cnnsylvama. AND and all kinds of Machinery, cast and fitted up,and all sorts ol kept on hand, and sold by wholesale. All of which will be sold on tho most reasonable terms, by LEWIS II. MAUS &Co. llloomsbure, May 25, 1829. 3m 1 Important to Farmers BRYAN'S PATENT F'AlTHZfcTG MILLS MANUFACTURED BY AUSTIN fc MYERS, Sclins Grove, Union County, Pa., WILL bo kept constantly on hand, for sale by UUAItMiS UVVAUA'Ai, jstoomsbur The above Mills are a superior article of tho kind and no farmer should bn without one, ' Several far mers in Bloom township will testify in their favor from actual u-e, August 3, DOT. CADEJSrc MOYER, French I!cjiata1i3ja )octor, From Reading, Informs tho public that lie has returned to Bloom- burg, after on absence since April last, and can be found at the Hotel of Daniel Bnydor.whero ho will bo at all times ready to attend to patients who are aintcted with Uhvumatic pains In the limbs or body uioomsuurg Aug. a, ikuu, 14 .Igainsl the World for good Mil-Stones ana Jiollmg Cloths. w IT T " II ,1 ... . ... iiiia.uo wisnins tno nuovo articles, are requested to call and examine my Stock at Danville, Columbia Comft Utowu.on the Juniatta. l'i.. or at Lew Danville, May M, 1833. lift MAOTFACTOSfcY. Ji NEW EST.flBTASUMF.NT, UPON AN OLD FOUNDATION, 11213 Subscriber hereby announces tu Ins menus anu tlio public, thnt no lias purchased that old ami welt known COACH AND DEAIWOuN WAGON MANUFACTORY, lately owned and occupied by STOUFEIl $ IMUTMJlNi situated in Bloomsburg, Columbia iJotinly, where lie has com menced the business, and intends to carry it on in all Us liratiohcs. lie will shortly have a number of elecant liHlit BUGGIES and DEARBORNS, of various patterns, finished for sale; and will make Stave Coaches, Coaches, Coachces,Gigg3, Sulkies, Huggies, Dearborn Wagons, Sleighs, i$c ij'c. ij-c, of everv variety ol pattern to order, on short notice. XCP Repairs of all hinds will be prompt hj attended to Ho also manufactures ELIFTIC and other CARRIAGE SPRINGS, and. will warrant them to bo equal to any made in this country. As lie has made arrangements for pro curing the best material, and will employ none but first rate workmen, he hopes to be able to turn out good work, and thereby obtain the commence ol those who may lurnish themselves lrom his shop. Orders from a distance respectfully soli cited. YAK RUGGLES. .Bloomsburg, June 4, 18.19. 0 if. MAUSU'S SUPllJilOR rnilKSC Tiusscsare in many particulars, on an Ja entirely nqw plan, and their advantages over all other Trusses, have been attested not only tho most respectable of the medical faculty, but by the actual experiment of tho?o afflicted with the iliscn.'o which they arc intended to alleviate. Tho most eminent Physicians upon an examination of thn J rua, uro so. decided as to its superiority, that they have cheerfully and voluntarily given certificates to the proprietors to bo laid before public, r or sale by if. o. Jol'ius Jlgcnl Jleatth Jumporium DOCT. VICKER'S EMBROCATION, RHEUMATISM. An almost certain Cure. Also, a quantity of Just received and for salu by - J. MOYER. August 24." TO TIIE PUBLIC. Semi-Weekly State Capitol Gazette. The proprietors of the State Capitol Gazette cm- brace this opportunity to return their sincere thunka to their, friends nnd the public, for the very iberal palronago which thev are plcaxcd to havo it in their power to say, has thus far been extended towards them, and respectfully announce that the future course of their journal shall be such as they trust will continuo to receive the confidence and support of tho Democratic- party. Thev as3Uro the nublic thnt no exertion on their part shall bo wanting to effect this object, and they flatUr themseh-cs that they will Le able to render their paper such a vehi cle of usefulness and information, as will not fail to give entire satisfacttqji to every friend of republican principles. I4io approaching session of the Legislature, will unquestionably, he one ot great and unucual inter est. There has not, perhaps, been a timo before., when the attention of tho public was so much en gaged upon any one' subject as it is at present unon the derangement of the currency, arrising fram the abuses of banking; and as the'dcllberntion of the ensuing Legislature, will in all probability be main ly directed to this important subject, it cannot bo otlicrwire man mat every thing which trantpu-os at mo scat oi government ig reiution tiiercto, will bo I l . ur-.t .. .. c-ugcriy sougnt auer. v nn mee considerations in view, tho undersigned havo mado ample arrange nieiiis mr laying oeioro ineir rcauers lull reports o! e - i. -r .1 . ft. - uie pfocceumgs iu uotn uranchos ot the State Le gislature, togetiier with tho speeches of members, reports, find other mutter which they think will bp interesting. In addition to this, it is tho intention of the undersigned to employ able.correspondent at mo seat oi tno general government, by which moans, uiey win oo uuic, aiso, io place in their temi-weck- ly sheet early reports or tho deliberation of Con gross. The presidential contost of 18-10 is rapidly ap- lirouehincr. tho llau at nur m.it.bonil inil!-,tis fully tho course we intend to pursuo in the relation to this gieat question; and as we hive already uiven our opin on at length, on this subject, in a former prospectus, we deem iu needle at present to tire our readers, by going over tho amo ground. Suf fice it to say, that we shall gtvo our nnitcl support and energies towards tho rc-elcction'of present ublo 'Chief Magistrate of tho Union, and our' humble ai J in behalf of establishing u Constitutional Treasu ry. TERMU: Tho STATE CAPITOL GAZETTE will I published twice a week during the sittings of the Legislature, and once a week for the remainder of of tho year, at the following prices t The wholo year, ?3 00 The soioij only, ftwice n week,) 2 00 Postmasters ond others friendly, to the Democrat ic cause are respectfully requested to teccjvu and forward subscriptions to this paper; Any person sending us live good subscribers, shall be entitled to the sixth copy gratis. HOLBnoOK.'HENLOfK A- BRATTON. UarriOmr.j, October 30, lt38. f.EGISLATrt'EKEVSVONE. Durinc the anproaehins Session of the lcitinlv litre, the Kftstom: ivill, n iisUtd, be published twicc i wr.EK, rlhd contain full rcporte of the pro. cccdingd in both branches' bf the legislature, inclu ding the speeches bf members, legislative rcporU ci I' or this purpose, tho editors will fiato com petent reporters In both houses of our legislature, a well as at Washington city, thus enabling thetn to furnish not only a complete report of tho proceed ings of our own legislature, but aUo of the ap proaching session of Congress. Having mado arrv; pie arrangement for the bestowal of Isctieaslh attention to tho legislative )dcpartmcnt of their newspaper, they cherish tho conviction, that they will render entire satisladuon in this respect not only to the members of the legislature, but lq thd reading community generally. As it is more than probable, that tho all-cngros-ing subject of the derangement of the currency un der which the community tnow laboring, and th condition of tho several banking institutions of our state, will constitute tonics of speedy legislativii action, the proceedings of the approaching cession will bs fraught with unusual interest, ond render a paper published at tho scat rrovcrnmcnf, which be-'. stows upon 'them constant jttcnlion, a vehicle of intelligence "most devoutly wished' Wo would also call to tho minds of our reader that the great Presidential contest of 13 10 is ap proaching with sapid stride, which is to decidey whether our National Government shall continus to bo administered upon tho truly republican prin ciples of its present illustrious head, Martin Van uurcn, or whether the reigns of power shall bo committed to tho hands of ultra Federalists and friends'ofa great nnd blighting monopoly in thd shape cf a National Bonk. The Keystone, being indiseolubly wedded to tho support of tho republi. can cause, will in this momentuous conllict, battlo manfully on the side of Van Durcn and a Con- fititutional Treasury, and contribute its mite to tho dvnncemcnt and ultimate triumph of the demo cratic cause. We shall continue unceasingly to expose the dangerous hircsics of the Federalist and advocates of an overpowering monied monopo- Iy, nnd spare no rscrtioim, to render the "Key stone" an effective weapon in the hands of the Democracy of tho Stale and Union. Uratcful for the liberal patrnnair.0 hitherto bes towed upon them by tho community n putronago, which has given the "Kcy6tono" circulation be yond that of any other paper nt the scat of govern ment they look forward widi confidence to its continuance, arid will epare neither timo nor labor to make it deserved. TERMS. For the Keystone yearly, twice n weekduring dia session of the Legislature, and once a week for the remainder of the year S3.Ctt During ttic fcscision of the Legislature twice a week 2,00 All Postmaster, and other Democratic citizens are rcqucblcd to rccicvc and forward subscripting to us. dr. niELPirs Compound Tomato PSMaS, Entirely Vcgciabc, A new and invaluable Medicine for all dicscstw arising from impurities of tho blood morbid kecn tion of the liver and stomach. A Is o, a substitute for calomel, as achafharficin Fevers and all billioiu diseases. These popular pills combining a ncnly discov crcd Alkaline substance extracted from tho TOMA TO PLANT, with other vegetable snbstancej which have been found to modify and diffuio its ef fects, are believed to be the best Alterative and Ca thartic Medicine ever discovered. For ordinary family physic llicy aro uni versally approved, as the best ever offered. A full account ol tins JMcuictr.c, and nu merous certificates lrom physicians nuu others, accompany each box. Just received anil Inr sale at the new Drug Store by J- MOYER, Agent. Aug. 17. China Soap, fOR removing spots from Woolen, Linen and Cotton Cloths, of every description of good, excellent for washing fine linens, and also to cure nil sorts of wounds, contusions, burns, chil blains, ringworms, and tetters, particularly wound on horses, It erases frecklce, gives a fino and smooth skin, preserves the hair and makes it grow, and is excellent lor shaving. iUanulacturcu uy JA COB LENTZ. Forealoby J. R. MOYER. Bloomsburg, Juno 22, 1833. 8 READER If youdont believe that Doct, LEI DY'S SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PI t-LS are no the best Pills that ever camo before the public, I d vlso you to ask tho-o persons who have tried thenr and such you will finl hundreds and hundreds in this neighborhood, who havo tried for many years all kinds of medicines, and could get no relief untilt they got tho Blood Pills. Tho subscriber since ho was appointed Agent for the Pills, ho has sold ,900 uoxes, and that is in less than two years, uui ucar friends, bo careful what you buy. The world i full of counterfeits ocpccially of the Blood Pills. None are genuiuo that aro offered for sale, witjiout a certificate of appointmen as Agent from N. Bs Loidy. Porsuls in Bloomsbuig by 1). S. Tobias Jlgent Health Emporium.. TIIE subscriber has received by the last arrival from the city, at his establishment in Centre-Squaro, in addition to his former stock of Drugs, Paints, Fruits, Nuts.Con feclioiiary, Toys, &c. a new supply of ar tides in liu line, among which are the fol lowing: Solution of Tin, Pure Sulphuric Ether, Spatulas assorted sizes, Pearl Barley Ar row Root, Oat Meal, Rose Water, Sarsapx i ilia Root and Syrrup.Cliomic Green, Rose Pink, Chamomile Flowers, FlourSulphur, Coculus Indicus, British Luslre, Albion Corn Plaster, Brandretli's Pills, Hive Syr rup, White Lead dry nnd in oil, Aleholiol, Spirits Turpentine, Rajsnns, Figs, itc. J. Ilawleys vegetable Anti Billious Plb, and J. Ilawleys Vegetable Salve for cuts, soars, 'burns, rheumatism, &c. All of which lie oilers for pale at low pr -cts. JOHN R. MUM-U, Nor, IG,