The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 14, 1839, Image 3

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S.1TUR1K1V, DECVJIJITllt 11, 1830.
Presidential election 184.0.
Fon President,
For. Vicr. President,
The Olh Conference District of the E
vangclicul Lutheran Synod of Pennsylva
nia, will meet in Cattawissa, on the 1st
day of January next. Service in the Eng
lish language may be expected on New
Year's Eve, and also on the two precediug
Dec. H. 1830.
At tho last accounts the house had not
fully organized, the difficulty with regard to
the New Jersey members not being settled,
On Thursday of last week, they succeeded
in temporaly organizing, by placing John
Q. Adams in the chair. Since then, the
house has been occupied in discussing varl
ous propositions to enable them to get out
of the difficulty in which the folly or wick
edness of Governor Pennington of New
Jersey, had placed, them without coming to
any decision. When or how it will end,
can only be conjectured.
Did you ever sec a Toad Fish ? If you
have not fancy a short, thick bodied, thick
skinned animal, stuffed so full with its nat
ural propensity to swell, and with its self-
importance, that it is in danger of bursting,
sitting at a table writing the following dig
nified article, and you have a very good pic
ture of one having, by some means, left his
natural clement and turned scribler.
Mn. Best. The editor of "The Co
lumbia Democrat" appears solicitous to be
noticca. I cannot however indulge his
env'inc for notoriety, by wasting ammuni
tion on such small game, and therefore bid
him adieu, in the language of my Uncle To
by to the fly " Get thee gone, poor Devil
there is room enough in this wide world
for thee and me too.
Chairman or the committee
To he serious the " Chairman of the
Committee" is much mistaken, if he thinks
ve " crave notoriety" at his hands. We
have heard too mnch of his " notoriety" to
" crave" one iota of that which he possess
es, or any he can bestow. JNor shall we
condescend to aid him in obtaining that
kindot " notoriety" to which he has of late
so anxiously aspired. The resolutions
which he introduced into tho Danville meet
ing, are, ot themselves, sulncicnt to give
him a quantem of "notoriety" that would
gratify tho most unbounded wishes of any
other but ono who is not a native
Federal Nomination. In the Conven
tion held last week at Ilarrisburg, it appears
Gen. Harrison, was taken up us a candidate
for President, to be supported by the feder-
party. 1 he voto stands as follows :
Gen. Harrison, 148 votes.
Gen. Clay, 90
Gen. Scott, 10
Wc opino before " all the decency," get
Harrison into the presidential chair they
will have occasion to call lor more rope,
A bill has been presented to the Rhode
Island Legislature, the provisions ot which
make the banks refusing to redeem their
notes in specie liable to twelve per cent, in
terest till paid : the cashier to enter the timo
.of the demand on the bill, and if not paidin
sixty days, the charter of the bank to be
A lad by tho namo of Thomas Laytnn
was verv seriously injured yesterday morn
ing in tho rope manufactory of Banner
Thomas in Front street, below the Navy
Yard, Philadelphia. His hand were caught
in some part at the machinery, and ono of
his fingers torn off, The poor fellow was
taken to the Hospital.
A wretch named John Legar, living on
the road between St. Louis, (Mc.) and Al
ton, deliberately shot his wife on the 15th
mIi. He was immediately apprehended.
3f Ufcuwtoc, . i r.t-r,rf--w'itaiK
Dutchman's defence hroh oh indict
ment lor bigamy, ia now going the rounds
of tho papers' We do not know whether
it is anew story.but certainly it is a most in
genius defence.
You say," aaid tho judge, " that the
squire who married you to the first wife,
authorized you to take sixteen ? What do
you mean by that V
" Well," said Hans, ' he dold mo that 1
should haf four peller four vorsor, four
iKiivvjuiir poorer am in my country ,jour
dimes four always make sixteen,
The Haiti more Patriatsays, the dwelling
house of Mr. Joseph Friend, in Deep Creek
unities, Alleghany county, Aid., took fire
on tne nigin 01 tne aotli ult., and, with its
contents, was totally destroyed : The two
youngest sons of Mr. Friend perished in
the (lames. I lie fire was discovered by
the daughter of Mr. F. soon after the family
nau rctircu to rest ; sne immediately ptO'
cccded to the chamber of her father and
Iarnied turn : she then repaired to that oc
cupied by hct little brothers, and with the
assistance of the elder one or the three.
made great exerfions to rescue the younger
ones, auu was so lar suucesslul, m the
midst of heat and smske, as to roach witii
them the head of the stairs, Here her re
treat was cut ofi by the staircase being
wrapped in flames ! With a desperate res
minion sue nung nerseit troni the window
but tho two little children nerished. We
have never been called upon to record i
more distressing tale of death than this
1 he life ol tiic sister, by imurics sustained
in the tall, is greatly in danger.
A portion of the bridge, building, over the
Alleghany river at Warren, Pa. fell down
on the 18th. I ho loss is estimated at
The recent rains near Pittsburgh have
swelled the river considerably, but the se
vere cold ot Monday evening mado ice an
inch thicR, and the closing of the channels
was anticipated if the weather did not mod
erate. On Tuesday the Alleghany was
filled with large cakes of floating ice.
The citizens of Reading are getting up a
series of Lectures, on the plan of the Athe
nian Institue ot Philadelphia.
The elegant mansion of the late Col. J.
P. Taylor, near Elizabethton, Tennessee.
with all its costly and splendid lumiture,
was consumed on Sundav the 10th ult.
The number of prisoners at Siog Sing, on
Saturday, was 815.
There are twenty-four steam engines in
operation in Schuykill county.
The Secretary of Stato at Goa was assas
sinated in December last', Whilst dauuing
at a ball, an as3assin shot him through the
heart, and in tho subsequent contusion cs
Prince Louis Napoleon is suspected by
the English papers, to be ripening a plot in
franco, in which Marshal Olausel, dissatis
fied with Louis Philippe, is supposed to be
Louis Philippe, it is said, looks forward
to making a kingdom for one of his sons on
tho African coast, stretching from Morocco
inclusive, to the ultimate eastern confines of
MARRIED On Thursday last, by the
Rev. G. 0. Drake in Bloomsburg, Mr. DA
VID B. WAGNER, of Hemlock to Miss
SARAH ANN daughter of Mr. Jacob Gir-
DIED On Monday the 2d inst., JO
SEPH, infant son of Bernard Rupert Esq.
of this place, aged about three months.
On Saturday last, an infant child of Josh
ua Mendcnhall of Hemloch township, aged
about livo weeks.
For Jauuary Term 1810.
Nancy Rohr vs. Nicholas Kindt
Alexander Montgomery vs. Jonathan
C. A. Urobst vs. David Williams
Geo. Gilbert vs. Joseph Gilbert
John Jones vs. Daniel Musselman's Admr's
Jacob Jones ct al vs. Joseph Uobins
John Rhodes vs. James M. Jonca
William Miller vs Micheal Oruer ct al
Win. McCarter vs. Robt. Montgomery
Archibald McCall vs. A Gouldcr et al
A. McCall vs. Samuel Mcllenry ct al
Thomas Shore vs. Henry Ritteuhouse
Samuel Ilcadley's Admr's vs. J. Cooper
LudwigLeight vs. Geo. Muchler
Caroline Weidle vs. John Krider
Same vs. Same
Joseph II. Seal et al vs. A F. Russel et al
E.. D. Cooper vs. J. Cooper et al
Peter Miller vs. Adam Deitrick
Charles Craig vs. Wm, Dale
James Cornelison vs. S P. Kase
Henry Jonson vs. Diinmick AlcBrido
Same el al vs. Same
C. B. Fisher et al vs. B. W. Wapplcs
Samo vs. Same
John Mcllenry vs. Robert E3ger
Jacob Gotling vs. Peter Miller
Daniel Frazcr vs A. Cummings
Philip Kline vs. John Ale
Daniel Mostcllcr vn. Geo. Longabcrger
Wm. Learch ct al vs. James Fntk ct al
SEVERAL thousand first quality of
Brick for sale at the old establishment in
Nov. 30 1839.
Estate of ANDREW SEYBERT, laic
of JJloom townsitp, Columbia county,
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters
testamentary have been granted to the sub
scriber upon the above estate, All persons
indebted to said estate are required to make
immediato payment, and those having
claims or demands against the same, to
present them for settlement, duly authenti
cated according to law, to
Dec. 14, 1830. 33
WILL bo exposed to PUBLIC SALE,
at the late dwelling house of WILLIAM
CRIVLING, deceased, in Bloom towns
ship, Columbia county, on THURSDAY,
the i9t inst., at 9 o'clock. A. M. the fol
lowing articles, viz : Such as
ISforscs, CowSj Young Cattle,
SliCCJJ and Hogs,
ono Wagon, Ploughs, Harrow and Sled,
Rye in tho ground, Wheat in the ground,
also, Wheat and Rye by the bushel, Buck
wheat and Corn by the bushel, Hay by the
ton, Stoves and Pipe, Beds and Beding,
Fables and Chairs, besides a variety of
farming utensials too tedious to mention.
Conditions will be made known on the
day of sale by the subscriber.
Bloom township, Dec. 7, 1839.
School Teachers Wanted.
Wanted immediately in Madison School
Distuct, 4 or 5 School Teachers. Good
wages will be given to good Teachers, up
on application to
Madison, Dec. 7, 1S39.
A valuable Medicine, for which tho sub
scriber has just received the agency. A
small supply for sale at his establishment
Dec. 7-
Rev. D. S, Tobias. Importer and com
poser ol Health in Bloomsbnrg, Coltnubi
county at mo lower enu ot the town, on
Main street. Please read the following.and
keep it in your mind.
" 1 certify hereby, that I have had two
sick children, with a very painful complaint
one exactly like tho other. Wo tried med
icines prescribed by a verv good physician
but without any use or benefit at all, and
the two children died. The third child
took sick with the very same complaint
and then we took refuge to I). S. Tobias
Health Emporium, in Bloomsburg, and as'
tonishing it is to say, in a few days the
child was better. All and every one who
see the child, thought it was out of the
question for the clulds recovering, but by
getting medicines out of this highly praised
and with that suitable name, Health Empo
nam, the child got well, and as well as eve
Deioro. I would advise all and every one
who i3 in need of medicines, to go to tins
Health Emporium and not suffer anv Ion
ger. Witness my hand
Orangcville, Columbia co. Pa."
24 boxes bunch Raisons.
ti'jl boxes clusters low price Raisons.
20 boxes European Currants.
liS boxes bunch Raisons expressly for fara
nies iorSl,12 per box.
12 boxes Herring.
.SO do- soft shell Almonds.
100 do. Filberts.
800 do. English Walnuts.
Hi do. Rock Candy.
'I0, Prunes best and cheap,
bags Ground Nuts.
Sugar slick of all kinds.
bhaving boxes.
Shaving brushes.
H different kinds of shaving soaps. All
for sale at
Tobias1 Health Emporium.
Window, Clock and picture glass of all
kinds and sorts; also, vials and.bolllcs of all
descriptions; and best earthen jugs, for sale
cheap, at the Health Emporium by
D, S. Tobias in Bloomsburg.
For healing horse flesh, tho best remedy
ever come beforo the public for swellings,
bruises, and soicness of horses and cows
fec. For sale at
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg.
THE Subscriber offers for sale tho
r.C nirrnr r hti rt-Ai ti tt M
and lot on which he resides, situated in
Market street in Bloomsburg. There is a
small barn on the premises, Possession
given the firat of April next.
Bloomsbnrg, Nov. 30 1830. 31 tf
China single and double birds on trees,
China flower pots, China ladies &c, rattles
for children, German smoke pipes, Mon
keys on trees, mouth organs in apples, pin
cushions, celicle capes, screw cushions, gees
and fish in the waict, largo and small dolls,
conversation cards, Wood and other comb3,
ladies work boxes, salt spoons, silver tooth
picks, emery bags lor Bliarping needles.
1' or sale at
Tobias' Health Emporium,
JTnst Received at the
THE Subscribers respectfully announce
to their Iriends and the public geneially,
that they have received and arc now open-
ng, n spicnuiu anu extensive assortment ot
Fall & Winter Goods,
which with a slock on hand, embraces a va
riety of seasonable Merchandize for the ac
cornmodation of town and County.
in the Dry uooa line, they have all tho
varieties of course, fine & superfine Cloths,
Casimers, Salinclls, Merlnoes, Silks, Cal
icoes, Shawls, Ribbands, Laces, Lining,
Mouselinc de Lain, Muslins, Vestings
Stocks, Umbrellas, Ladu's Bonnets
Bonnet Silks, Trimmings; Furr, Cloth
ana beat slan Caps Boots and Shoes
Socks, $"C. $:. .$":.
Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Spices, Molasses.
Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wine, &c. &. assorted
in price and quality. Hardware, Saddlery,
Iron, Steel, Nails,' Stoves, Stove pipe, Tin
Ware, Cedar Ware;
Crockcry-Warc, Salt, Fish, Oils, Dye
Stuffs, Paints, -c. fyc. i$c.
and almost every other article that can be
called for in a country store all of which
having been carefully selected and obtained
at the lowest prices, will be offered at small
profits in exchange for cash or country pro
Bloomsburg Nov. 23, 1839. 30 tf.
SSoolcs ! Books ! Eloolks !
From Philadelphia and Baltimore.
Expositors; Emerson Readerf; Geogra
phies and Atlass; Cobbs Books of all kinds,
Grammers; Exercises; Conversation on nat
ural Philosopv; Emcrsons Books; Bonycas-
tle Mensuration; Map3 of all kinds; Letter
Paper and others, ruled and unruled, colored
and uncobred; Bibles, small and large; Tes
taments; Quills of all sorts and kinds; Ink
stands; Ink and Ink Powders, Black, Red
and Blue.
And hundreds and thousand and again
thousands other articles which can not be
mentioned, because it would fill twenty three
newspapers. Don t uoubt to get tlrs or
that in the Health Emporium, because lit
lie of every thing is to be had, equal almost
to every shop in Philadelphia or New York
Also, all kinds of Patent Medicines can be
obtained for which the Importer of Health
assures the Public to be genuine, and for the
most and best of them tho undersigned is
appointed Agent. Tho Importer of Health
has received again the appointment of Agen
cy for several Medicines from New York
ot which the public shall get notice in a
short lime in our Newspapers.
jmvm Jfflem&9
Will be constantly kept on haud.nnd Ro'd at
Retail. JOHN It. MOYER
October 2G
9 fly
Tlffi subscriber has just received, ami
is now opening a large and extensive a
sortment of
Sail and Winiefc &oas,
Crocicevy tmd China Warcfj
FISH, LAMP OIL, &c. foe
A quantity of
blaster and Sfcon&baaL
11 of which will be sold upon as reasonable
rms as call be purchased in the county.
Bloomsbnrg, Nov. 1G, 1835
THE subscriber ha3 received by the last
arrival from the city, at his establishment in
Centre-Square, in addition to htsformer
stock of Drugs, Paints, Fruits, Nuts, Corf.'
fectionary, Toys, Sic, a new supply of a
tides in hi: line, among which arcthe fol
lowing: solution of Tin, Pure Sulphuric Ether
Spatulas assorted sizes, Pearl Barley Ar
row Root, Oat Meal, Rose Water, Sarsapi
i ilia Root and Syrrup, Chomic Green, Roso
Pink, Chamomile Flowers, Tlouroulphur,
Uoculus lndicus, British Lustre, Albion
Corn Plaster, Brandrelh'sPills, Hive Syr
rup, White ljcaci ury ana in on, Atchohou
Spirits Turpentine, Raisons, Figs, &c, J.
llawlevs vegetable Anli Bullous PUs, and
J. Hawleys Vegetable Salve for cuts, aoars
burns, rheumatism, &c.
All of which he offers for sale at low pr.
Nov. 10.
f land lying in Fishing creek townsliip, Co
lumbia county, the estate of William I'arlc,
late of Brown county, Ohio, deceased, will be sold
at private sale. Any person wishing to purchasd
will enquire of the subscriber, in Madison townsliip,
who is duly constituted agent of the heirs of said
deceased, for the purpose of making salo of thd
same. Also,
Adjoining tho above, to ofTcicd for sale, to gether
with the above, or may suit. Indisputa
lie deeds will be made.
Jerscvtown, Oct. 5 1839. 23
It is customary fur papers at the Seat of Govern'
mcnt to put out an annual prospectus at the approach'
of tho Legislature, promising renewed exertion in
the cause of their respective parties, and faithful r
potts of Legislative proceedings.
Wo do not feel tho necessity of recounting thd
articles of our political creed before the mass of jho
Democratic party. We have ever been faithful to
the principles anil patriotic objects of the Democra
cy of die State and Union, and shall remain so,
como what will in the tide of time. Our best a
bilities have been devoted to its success and general
welfare. Asa central organ and exponent of it
views, we shall not relax our efforts in its behalf,
nor our adherence: to it principles.
But wo desire to say to tho public, that we hava
made arrangements to give our readers the earliest
intelligence of congressional and legislative proceed
ings during the ensuing sessions, and also the ear
liest accounts of transactions in our principal cities
Wo have made provision, for securing full report
of legislative action, in referenco to the important
subjects which must engage its attention. And w
respectfully solicit a conlinuence of the flattering
jpatronage we have uniformly received heretofcr
rom this Stato and elsewhere.
Terms or the Rnrorrrnn.
For the session twice a week, in advance, $5
Tor tho whole year, 3
Postmasters, and others of our friends
throughout tho State will be kind enoug'i
to forward subscribers, and for every fiva
subscribers paid for, they shall have a copy
of the ReronTEr. free.
Estate of ESAU GIRTON, laic of Ma J
isoii township, Columbia county, dc
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters
testamentary, have been granted to the sub
scriber, upon the above estate- All per
sons indebted to said esta e are required ti
make immediate pay men and those having
claims or demands against.the same, to pro
sent them for settlement, duly authenticated
according to law, to
Nov. 10, 1830.
ngiHE Vendue Notes of John Wertman are m
H, my hands, and can bo settled with me anr
timo beforo the first of November next, t nliieh
time all that remain unsettled, will be left with a
Justico of the Peace for collection.
Bloom, Oct. 5 1833 23