jji'gu-''"- ..--r. 1 I, , -i ,; ,,; rrrr; ,,i,,M i . . . I have sworn upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomas Jefferson PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY II. WEBB. Volume CII. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Oppositk St. Paul's Church, Main-st. The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published evert Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. jr&o'Xffiytri'plion will be taken for a shorter period than six months ; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are discharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a .iruare will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nscrtlon. lCJd liberal discount made to those, who advertise by the year. LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. THE 1IO MR Ol.' THE FAItMEK. Still let tnc live among the hills, The rocks, the trees, the flowers, Where I have passed Miy early years, My childhood's happy hours. How oft beneath the aged oak, Near to my father's dwelling, IIa"c 1 reposed with kindred youth, Some playful, stoiy telling. The bird3 above would plume their wings, And raise their happy voices; Oh, sure it is a pleasant place Where every thing rejoices. Surrounded by the friends I love, And free from every fetter; I am an independent man, And a wish for nothing better. My little children round mc'spnrt,' So blooming, bright, and healthy, I often think that nature's gifts Have made me very wealthy. My wife is all that she should be Kind, gentle, prepossessing; I'm sure, if ever man was blest, Mine is the greatest blessing. TO A HANK NOTE. I will not take thee ragged elf, In payment for my labor Your villany's revealed itself,1 You're robbed myself and neighbor. Your very face is all a lie, Your promise but a bubble; You raise the price on all I buy, And plunge mankind in trouble. And when wo ask you for the cash How well the matter's mended! We find yonr Dank " is broke to smash," Or, hang you! you're suspended I For banks the farmer grows his corn The laborer gives his earning; The student, like a sheep, is shorn, In spile of all his learning. " Don't tread on my toes." From the .days of Franklin to the present lime, news paper publishers have found that they could tTiot keep in the palh of duty without ligur ;ately treading on the toes of somebody : "Draw any character, and some will find Their natures with your drawings to agree; iCuree any sin discovered m mankind, Your naighbor utters ' that was meant for ' It often happe-a that general remarks are appropriated by some individual whom the cap happens ,to fit closely, and who imine- , j diately begins to fume at the supposed per aonality, whilo the plain truth may bo that the publisher has never heard of the sensi tive being, or having heard of him, consid. era him fat below tha dignity of a para graph. When a man has barely enough sense to catch a glimpse of hi own failings, he is apt to thir.k these failing peculiar to himself, and vainly imagines that he ia of MLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA sufficient importance to make his imbecili a matter of public record. The conductors of newspapers seldom think it worth their while to rebuke the vices or follies which are confined to a lew individuals, unless the situation of those individuals is such as may enable them to do extensive mischief by their own example or influence. If this ob vious truth was well understock by many a shallow, blustering trivial and unworthy person, he might save hiinsef from much ridicule and from many real mortifications, by simply bearing in mind the matter of fact that he is too contemptible figure in a newspaper unless he should necidently ap pear there under the head of "Police Re ports." For our part when we have a par ticular allusion to any person, wo generally express ourselves with sufficient perspicuity to take away all uncertainty respecting our true meaning. Hut when our general re marks appear to have a particular applica tion, we feel highly gratified to find that we have observed human nature to some purpose and that our pictures of life are re alized and verified by living examples. Ledger. Winter in Russia. In Russia the wea ther is very cold during the winter. At Petersburg, persons in the open air fre quently perish by the severity of the cli mate. It is not uncommon to hear two people conversing in the following man ner, on meeting in the street : 'I beg leave to acquaint you that your nose is freezing, to which the other probably answers, 'I was just going to observe to you that yours is already frozen.' On sur.h occasions, both the snffercrs stop, and rub each other's nose, either with a piece of flannel or with a handful of snow, in order to restore the circulation of the blood. After this service mutually ren dered, the parlies separate with the usual ceremonial bows and salutations. One day, an Italian arrived in Peters burg for ihe first timo in the month ofDe-" cembcr. He wrlkcd hut a short distance from the house before his nose became completely fiozen. A good natuied peas ant seeing his mishap, took up a handful of enow, and without saying 'by your leave' instantly commenced rubbing the stranger's nose in the most liberal man ner. The Italian, far from being grateful for the peasant's application, mistook his hu mane but somewhat blunt procedure for an insult and began to beat him severely, A crowd soon collected round them, and at last the Italian was made to compre hend the motive of the peasant's opera tions. The Italian now lamented his hasty se verity, and giving the poor nose rubber some money. they were soon good friends. The Italian was rejoiced at the preserva tion of his nose, the loss of which would have subjected him to some iaconvenicnee. He retreated homewards, holding that or gan fast with his hand, and resolved nover to expose il to a similar danger. The peas ant he well repaid for his timely application as well as for the beating which he received in consequence. Political gabble. Most of our country exchanges have ceased to bo newspapers, and turned to political placards; (don't inist.ike and call it blackguards) every page is filled wiih such flummery as "Freemen, to ihe polls" "Citizens, do your duty" "Timothy Tumblebug, the people's caddi dato !" "Inhabitants of Frogtown.awake" "Friends of Obeduh Pumpkinskull, be ware!" with fifty other ad caplandum head for paragraphs, which the publishers of these barren sheets suppose will atope for the lack of intelligence, and everything else for which newspapers were orginally designed A pig swimming down a stream cut its own throat vrith its fore paws ; in like manner these editors, swimming down the stream of polities, do execution upon themselves, and that is the only good ob ject they generally accomplish. By conver ting their publications into reservoirs for COTOTY, PA. SATUKDAY, DECEMBER 14, personal -.nil party abuse, they make them selves haled as enemies by their opponents and despised by their own partisans who look upon them as beasts of burden, to be maintained scantily while their labor is use ful, and turned out to perish when there is no more occasion for their services. After having the very seats of their pantaloons worn out by repealed (tickings, their noses pulled till the elasticity of that organ has become exhausted, and their backs slashed lill their coats resemble the skin of the ze bra these poor wretches arc discarded, their subscribers drop oil', and their adver tisements are discontinued because the election is over and their "friends" can do without them Ledger. MAJESTY OP LAW. The following beautiful cnlngy on " the law," is extracted fiom an article in tho Southern Literary messenger: "The spirit of the law is all equity and justice. Ina government based on true principles, the law is the sole sovereign of a nation. It watches over its subjects in their business, in their recreation, and in their sleep. It guards their fortunes, their lives, and their honors. In the broad noon day and the dark midnight, it ministers to their security. It watches over the ship of the merchant, though a thousand leagues intervene ; over the seed of the husbanman ahandoncd for a season to the caith; over the studies of the student, the labois of the mechanic, the opinions of every man. None are high enough to offend with impunity : none so low that it scorns to protect them. It is throned with tho king, and sits in the seat of the republican magistrate ; but it al so hovers over the couch of the lovely, and stands sentinel at the prison, i crupuiouslv preserving to the felon whatever rights he has not forfeited. Tho light-of the law il lumines the palaeo and tho hovel, and sur rounds the cradln and the bier. The strength of the law laughs wickedness to scorn and spurns the iplienchmcnts of iniquity. The power of lite law crushes the power of man and strips wealth of unrighteous immunity. It is the thread of Dandalus, to guide us through the labyrinth of Running. Il is the spear of Ithuried, to delect falsehood snd deceit. It u the face of the martyr, to shield us from ihe fires of persecution ; it is the good man's reliance : the wicked one's dread, tho bulwaik of piety, the upholder of morality the guardian of tight, the distribu tor of justice. lis power is irresislable ; its dominion indisputable. It is above and a- round us, within us ; we cannot fly fiom its protection ; wc cannot avert its venge ance. "oucn is the law in its essence : such it should be in its enactments ; such, too, it would be, if none aspired to its administra tion but those with puie hearts, enlarged views, and cultivated minds." DIALOGUE. Broaching matters by degrees. Mr. II. 11a ! Steward, how are you my old boy. How do things go on at home ! Steward. Had enough, your honor the magpie's dead. Mr. II Poor mag ? so he's gone. How came he to die ? Slew. Over-ate himself, sir. Mr. II. Did he, faith ? a greedy dog, why what did he gel he liked so well ? Stew. Horse-flesh, sir; he died of eat ing horse-flesh. Mr. II. How came ho to get so much hor3c-flesh ? Slew. All your father's horses, sir. Mr. II. What ! are they dead too t Stew. Ay, sir; ihey died of over-work. Mr. H. And why were they over-worked, pray ? Stew. To carry water sir. Mr II. To carry water, land what were thoy carrying water for ? Slew. Sure sir, to put out the fire. Mr. II. Fire ! what fire ? Slew. Oh, sir, your father's house is burned down to the ground. Mr. II. My father's house burned down ! tnd how carac it apt on fire ? Slew. I think sir it must have been torches. Mr. II. Torches ! what torehei T Stew. At your mother's funeral, Mr. II. My mother dead ! Slew. Ah poor lady, she never looked up after it. Mr. II. After whet I Slew. The loss of your father. Mr. II. My lather gone too ? Slew. Yes poor gentleman, he took to his bed as soon as he heard of it. Mr. H. Heard of what? Stew. Ihe bad news, Sir, and please your honor. H f T 1ft 1 . mr. u. wnau more miseries, more bad ncws4? Stew. Yes sir, your bank has failed, i f. i . iiuu your crcan is lost, and you are not worth one shilling in this world. I made bold sir, to come and wail on you about it, for I thought you would like to hear the news. A marriage at first sight.'Yhc Mil- ledgcville Journal states that a marriage took place recently in that city, under the following circumstances . "A lady from an adjoining county made her appearance in the morning in our city, for the purpose of selling chickens, bulter and eggs, when she was accosted by a "jolly swain," "brim full of love, with the pleasing interrogato ry, "Dear madam, will you marry me ? Astonished, but not displeased, the fair la. dy blushingly answered in the afiimalive. A license was immediately procured, par son or justice employed, and the happy couple were buckled to each other for life." SelfAbsoJulion.--Sfoh ithe power in the human mind bf adopting itself to cir cumstances, that we can reconcile ouraeJves at leasl; partially, to our own crimes. . The slings of conscience would be intolerable, could we not lay some flattering unction to our souls, and teal relief from self-delusion. It may be doubled whether the grea test villain in the woild over thought him self much worse lhan some of his neighbors, or was ever without his share of those ex tenuating pleas, suhteifuges, and shufllings in which the mind is so subtle a casuist. An amusing instance of the extenuating pro cess is aflorded in the case of a poor woman who was brought bufore a justice for apply ing a name, that shall be nameless, to a fe male neighbor. 'You arc the last person,' observed the worthy magistrate, who should have used this apporbrioiis word ; 'for if I have been rightly informed, you, yourself had a natural child two or three years ago.' 'Yes your worship,' whimper ed the culprit,' 'but mine was a very Utile one,' Mothers and Daughters. It was a judi cious resolution of a father, as well as a most pleasing compliment to his wife, when on being asked by a friend what he intended to do with his girls, he replied I intend to apprcnlice them to their mother, mai incy may learn tno art ot improv ing time, and be fitted to become like her wives, mothers, heads of families, and useful members of society.' Equally just but bitterly painful, was the remark of the unhappy husband of a vain thoughtlces, dressy slattern. 'It is hard to say il, but if my girls aro to have a chanre of growing up good for any thing, they must be sent out of the way of their mother's ex ample.' Care for Inflamed eyes, Pour boiling water on some elder flowers, and steep them like tea ; when cold, put three or four drops of laudanum into a small glass of elder flowers, and let the mixture run into the eyes three or four times a day, which will become perfectly strong in the course of a week, if this remody is constantly applied. An exchange paper says that among the various species of lying, that of lying in bed too late is too common. 1839. Niimlicr S3. Married to aZary.-Of all tho "strong1 or "thick" bloods in Ireland, none is thick eror more fiery and proud than that which s the veins of the numerous decayed scioiit of the royal raco of tho "O'Sulli- vans." An old gentleman, who lived near Ardgill, is out author's authority for tho following capital illustration of a sort of pride by no means peculiar to Ireland. We have seen in equally rampant, and nearly as ridiculous, in certain parts of our own country. When new roads were forming near Bearhavtn, the old gentleman, who tells the talc, happened to pass by t small party or labourers, just at the dinner hour all were silting sociably together, con suming iheir humble but warm meal, which their wives and families had broug.it but one was silling apart and alone disconsolate on a rock. "How comeo it, my honest fellow that you are not as well provided as your neigh bours, have you no wife to brine you Tour dinner?" "Troth, then, it is I tint have a wife, and that's the rase ai why ray dinner is not af ter coming.'1 "0 poor woman ! I suppose the is lyinj in, or she is sick ?" "Arra mushi, not at all, your Honour; troth she is neither sick, nor sore, nor sor ryI'll be bound, master, ahe is as big and as brave a body at any rnan'e wife from Bear to Banlry : but I'll tell you. master, whal'a the matter she's a lady," "A lady why, what do yo tmn by a. lady?" "Arra now don't you know sure, she's of thick blood, ahe cornea of tho O'Sulli vans." "Weilrbut lady as she if, the O'Si&i vans must eat she's not above dining she has mouth tad teeth like ether peo ple.' 'Oh ! then il is she that has. Ate och then, let Biddy O'Sullivan alone for that; a better man than ever I was, she wmild me out of house mid home ; and then, sir, she would break the bank in drinking lay. But though, sir, ahe will ale dinner with me aye, and after me she is not the one to bring il to a poor body that's after working all the day that would be bringing down her quality stomich loo much, your hon ourby this pipe I tumid in my fiat, she would as soon carry Sugar Loaf on her head, Hungry Hill in her hand, as bring lo me (and I have been a good man to her) my dinner.' 'This is a strange story friend." "Strange is it? why it'e as true as yon are there.' ' Well, hut if she don't work or g o a bresd, she is surely a gooi wife at home she knits your stockings, tike mends, she makes for you." " Och, the sorrow one stich knit my stockings, wash, mend, make for me ! .May I never sit under Father Mahnny'a knee, or ever see mass, if one hele in my stockings she ever darned, or even one need leful of thread did she ever fill in wending or making for me." "It would appear, then, lhatyou have a heavy bargain of this lady-wife of yours." " Why, what signifies complaining ?ur she's mine, and it's the will of God, and that's enough. But barken your honor, (and here the poor fellow lowered his voice to a whisper and inclined his head towards my ear, lest any of the royal O'Sullivans ahould overhear,) by the powers, if it wert to be done over again, I'd sooner go on board a man-of-war, and live under a cat-o'-ninetails, than be married to a i.adt." ETBSBBEESE X At a shop window in the Strand, there appears the following notice ' Wanted too apprentices who shall bs treated as one ef the family.' Picture-room. An Irish gentleman naT. ing a small picture-room, several persons desired to see it at the same time. " Faith, gentlemen," aaid he, " if you all go in, it will not hold you," is