News fvom Wasiraglon. Fiom tho Keystone. IMPORTANT PROCEEDINGS AT TIIC OPKNINO OF CONGRESS. By iho Baltimore American of last ovo iring, the reports of the "first gun" from Vnshington have reached us. It appears, that bill orte member of the 241 claimants frasnb'sflni, viz: Mr. Kcmpshall, a fede Tal member, from Now York. Tho Clerk. Mr. Garland, at 12 o'clock, nailed tho House to order. He said that if it Was the pleasure of the House he would read the names of the Members of the 'Twenty-sixth Congress from a list which lie had prepared for the occasion." There was a moment's pnnse, and no objection be .ing made, the Clerk proceedod to read the names from tho written list before him, be. 'ffinnitiff with the Maine delegation. "When the State of New Jersey was nam- ed, the Clerk toad tho name or Mr. Ran dolph. Uo then said that there wcro five contested seals in tho New Jersey delega tion, which, if it wan tho pleasure of the IIouss, he would pass over, leaving the sub Meet to tho future action of llio Housu. The first named of the-Pennsylvania del egation was then read, when the Clerk was interrunlad bv Mr. Maxwell, one of the New .TersevdeleMtion. Mr.JMaxwell cal led for the reading of the certificate of elco lion of tho five members. Goc'iior Pen ninirtnn's certificate! announcing iti? elec tion of the six Members, Messrs. Aycn:g Maxwell, Halsten, Stratton, Yorlce and Ran dolph, was then read. A debate made up of suggestions merely sprang up between Messrs. Maxwell of N"cw Jersey, Rives, Mercer and Wise of Virginia, Vanderpocl of New York, and several other Members. Mr. Mercer of Va. called for the reading of tho law of New Jersey. Mr. Rives of Va. calle'd for the reading of the names of the remaining members for (ho purpose of forming a quorum. ' Messrs. Hoffman of New York, Halsted, of New Jersey, Vanderpoel, of Now York, Mercer, of Virginia, Johnson, of Maryland, Biddle and Sergeant, of Pennsylvania, re monstrated in storng terms against the dis position to compel the disputed claimant from New Jersey to stand back until after I the organization, and contended, that as they wore in possession of the Governor's certificate they were entitled to their seats in the first instance, leaving it incumbent on those ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE to contest as a matter of course, leaving the fraudulant claimants, first decide the e lection of Speaker Ec 1 ! Mr. Bynum, of North Carolina, spoke nt length in reply to Mr. Ilalstead, in de fence of the conduct of Mr Garland, the clerk, in regard to the claim of the five Van Buren members from New Jersey who have not got . tho certificates of election. The Clerk, he hoped, would hold fast to his pres ent position. The Administialion members were but defending the people of New Jer sey in opposing their Governor. Ho had assumed a power over an act of the people of New Jersey who were here represented as well as the Governor. Mr. Galbraith, of Pennsylvania, defen ded in a masterly speech the same positions as those advanced by Mr. Bynum, and was followed by Mr. Craig, and others on the other side. Tius matters stood by the last accounts at the seat of government. The denoue ment of this singular state of things, brought on by federal FRAUD and USURPA TION of the deepest dye time must devcl ope. The hope's of millions of Freemen, however, rest upon the firmness and un flinching energy of the daraocralic mem bers. ORGANIZATION OF THE HOUSE. When we left the House to put our pa per to press, tho organization of tho body had been arrested by the Whigs. 1 he Clerk was permitted to call the roll, as is the usualcourse, until after he had called the name of tho undisputed member from "New Jersy. He then stated that, in regard to the other claimants of seals from that .State, thcro was a contest as to the validity of the different returns of members, which he could not decide, and concerning which after callincr through tho roll, and formin'' the House, ho would submit the state of facts, together with l5o documents, to the body. One of the Whig members imme diately demanded tho reading of tho com mission of the Governor, appointing the .minority members. This wa3 done. Mr. .Mercer then palled for the reading of a law in regard to the duty of iho Governor, with out permitting the certificates and proof on the other side to be road. Calls were made sfor the reading of all tho documents sent (o .the Executive olfico under the Slato seal, 'but tho Whigs precluded this by keeping ,up the argument of the case on the cxparte. evidence which tlioy had' drawn nut, and thus suppressing the' clear proof of fraud, coming in ihe most authentic form from the very ofilco and record from which the Whig claimants derived the false certificates, sought to make tho discussion turn on one sided view of the case. Nothing shows the weakness of tho cnuso of the Governor's appointees, nioro than this unfair mode of procedure. It shows that they cannot ven ture to have the whole transaction determin ed on its merits that they dare not subject tho validity of their own certificate to he tested by tho records of the Governor's office, of which it forms a part. They seek to intercept the case bv luwyer-likn chicane iuj aJl'iH oo .'ting to bo shon but what they show Ihcmoselvcs. Before tho House is half made, or the! issuo moro than half presented, the whole body of Whig orators deliver speeches ; and while they argue to convince tho House how it ought to decide, Mr. Halstead, ono of the Whig claimants, tells the body ho addresses, that "he will not consult to the decision of gentlemen here" &c. &c. This is nothing moro nor less than tho admission of a design on the part of Mr. Halstead, and the rest of the minority candidates, to force themselves on tho House in defiance of the majority of the body, precisely as they have attempted to compel the majority of tho people of New Jersy to recognize them as Represen tatives, although they Jiave recorded their suffrages against them. The broad seal of Governor Penninuton, according to Mr. Hai.3TEad, is to put down the will of the people of New Jersy as well as that of the Houso. A. broad seal will be found, wo trust, of as little effect when it certifies a falsehood, as when it is forged to make one. Globe. James Cameron, Esq. supcrintendant of the motive power, on the Columbia Rail Road, was shot with a pistol on Saturday last, at Lancaster, by a Mr. Middlcton, the editor of an Antimasonic newspaper pub lished at that place. Mr. Cameron having been libelled in tho columns of tho Antima sonic paper, ho went to the editor to obtain ro.'lress, when Middlcton drew a pistol and shot Mr. Cameron in the Abdomen. The wo'und it ?s hoped s not mortal, iliddlc- ton hafl been arrested and committed. The Canai Commissioners met at Ham burg ou Monday last, and the Board or Ap praisers on Wednesday. Mr. Grundy elected to ihe U. S. Sen- ale.We learn from the Nas'iHo Wing Extra that tho two Houses of tht" General Assembly met ii: Convention for th." Pur pose ol electing a U. S. Senator, to fill .'nc vacancy ocasiuued by Mr. Foster's resigna tion. Tho Hon. Felix Grundy and the Hon. E. H. Foster were nominated, and the former was elected on the first ballot by a strictly party vote. In the Senate the vole stood Grundv M, Foster 11 and in the House, Grundy 42, Foster 33. MISSISSIPPI ELECTION. The editors of the N. 0. Louisianian say in their paper of the lGlli inst. " We have conveiscd with a friend who has just arriv ed here from Jackson, the capital of Mis sissippi, who informs us that official returns were received at tho secretary of state's of fice from 21 counties, which give a majori ty of 2800 to Governor McNutt and tho de mocratic candidates of congress, an a gain of democratic members of the legislature." Value of a Vote. Tho Massachusetts Spy says that David Ilenshaw of Leicester voted for himself and was elected a Repre sentative to tho Legislature by a majority of one vole. 33 Countcrfir t fives of tho Farmers' Bank of Reading, of the old plate are said to bo in circulation, signed by Isaac Eckert Presi dent, and Bennevillc Kiem Cashier ; of this plate, there are but few genuine notes out, and none signed by Mr. Eckert, Presi- dent. Specie. The York Express says $200, 000 in specie were received in that citv, on Saturday from Philadelphia, 150,000 of which were for the United States in New York. MARRIED Ax Milton, on tho Mih ult. by James Tharp. Esq. Mr. Isaac ICr.s ter, of Mount Pleasant, to MissMaryJVin- ner, ot llepVurn. Incoming county. OBITUARY- DIED In Sugarloaf township, in this county on Thursday the 28ih ult. JOSI All HESS, son of Mr. HenrV Hess of that township aged about 10 years WILL be exposed to PUBLIC SALE, at the lato dwelling house of WILLIAM CItlVLING, deceased, in Bloom towns shin, Columbia county, on THURSDAY, the 19th inst., at 9 o'clock. A. M. the fol lowing articles, viz : Such as Worses, Cows, Tonsil Cattle. Sheep and SEogs, one Wagon, Ploughs, .Harrow and Sled, Rvo in the ground, Wheat in tho ground, also. Wheat arid Rve by the bushel, iiuck whoatand Corn by the biahel, Hay by the ton. Stoves and Pipe, Beds and licding, Tables and Chairs, besides a variety of farminir ulensials too teutons lo mention. Conditions will be made known on the day of sale by the subscriber. 1SMAII SALMON, Adm'r. Bl'iom 1'iwnsbip, Dec. 7, 1830. School Tcacliei's Wawtcd. Wanted immediately in Madison School Disliict, 4 or 5 School Teachers. Good wages will bo given to good Teachers, up on application to SAMUEL KISNER, Secretary. Madison, Dec. 7, 1839. MlLESrCOMPOUND EXTRACT OF TOMATO, A valuable Medicine, for which the sub scriber has just received the agency. A small supply for sale at his establishment. JOHN II. MOYER. Dec. 7. WHY WILL YOU DIE. IF YOU CAN GET CURED? Rev. D. S. Tobias. Importer and com poser of Health in Bloomsburg, Columbia county at the lower end of the town, on Main street. Please read the following,and keep it in your mind. " I certify hereby, that I have had two sick children, with a very painful f. omplaint, one exactly like the other. We' tried med icines prescribed by a very good physician, but without any use or benefit at all, and tho two children died. Tho third child took sick wilh the very same complaint, and then wo look refuge to D. S. Tobias' Health Empoiium, in Bloomsburg, and as tonishing it is to say, in a few days the child was better. All and every one who see tho child, thought it was out of the question for the childs recovering, but by getting medicines out of this highly praised and with that suitable name, Health Empo riam, the child got well, and as well as ever before. I would advise all and every ono, who is in need of medicines, to go to this Health Emporium and not suffer any lon ger. Witness my hand DAVID HERRING. Orangevillc, Columbia co. Pa." 24 boxes bunch liaisons. 3d- boxes clusters low price Raisons. 20 boxes European Currants. 12 boxes bunch Raisons expressly for fam ilies for$l,12j- per box. 9 boxes Herring. 50V "0 50lt sne11 Almonds. 100 do. 1' aborts. do. En.?1'9" Walnuts; Hi do. Rock u-mdy. do. Prunes best pnd cheap. tfflfl bags U round Nuts. Sugar stick of all kinds. Shaving boxes. Shaving brushes. T? 1 different kinds of shaving soans. All for bale at Tobias' Health Emporium GLASS. Window, Clock, and picture class of all kinds and sorts; also, vials and,bottlcs of all descriptions; and best earthen jugs, for sale cheap, at the Health Emporium by J), a. Jobias in JJloomsuurg. STURGEON OIL. For healing horse flesh, tho best remedy ever come before the public for swellings, bruises, and soieness of horses and cows &c. For sale at Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg. ISs 9 SEVERAL thousand first quality of Brick for sale at the old establishment in Bloomsburg. Nov. 30 1839. THE Subscriber offers for sale tho TWO STORY FRAME lliM DWELLING HOUSE and lot on which ho reside, situated in Market street m Bloomsburg. 1 Hero is a small barn on the premises. Possession given the first of April next. JOSEPH STOUFFER. Bloomsburg, Nov. 30 1830. 31 tf. HEALTH' Era&'ORBOT FOR SALE. THE subscriber offersiat private sale, his Apothecary and Drugstore, called " Health Emporium," situated in Bloomsburg, Co lumbia county, Pa. The Drugs and Medi cines can either bo bought alone, or the Shop, Drugs and Medicines together. It is tho only complete Apothecary in Blooms burg, and the subscriber is ready, to give full satisfaction to the purchaser, that it is one of the most profitable establishment of the kind in a great distance. On account of great sickness, the subscriber is forced to give up the business. Tho Health Em porium is appointed agent for tho most and best Patented Medicines now offered to tho public in America, which Agencies will, of course, go with tho Apothecary. If any person wants to buy the establishment, and has uo knowledge of tho business, the sub scriber is willing lo givo all information ne cessary, Possession pan be given at any time. D. S. TOBIAS, Bloomsburg, Nov. 30 1839. dr7 swayne's Compound Syrup of Prunes' Virgini anna, or Wild Cherry, for Coughs, Colds, Aslhm, CoHSumpttons.itc, for sale at ther Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. 1 China single rnd double birds on trees, China (lower pots, China ladies Ac, rattles for children, German-smoke pipes, Mon keys on trees, mouth organs in npplc3, pin cushions, ecliele capes, screw cushions, gees and fish in the water, largo and small dolls, conversation cards, Wood and other combs, ladies work boxes, salt spoons, silver tooth picks, emery bags for sharping needles. For sale at Tobias' Health Emporium. Sew GS-oocIs: Just Received at the BliOOMSBURG ARCADE- THE Subscribers respectfully announce to their friends and the public generally, that they have received and are now open ing, a splendid and extensive assortment of Pall & Winter Goods, which with a stock on hand.cmbraces a va riety of seasonable Merchandize for the ac commodation of town and County. In the Dry Good line, they have all tho varieties of course, fine h superfine Cloths, Casimcrs, Salinetts, Merinoes, Silks, Cal icoes, Shawls, Ribbands, Laces, Linins, Mouseline de Lain, Muslins, Vestings, Stocks, Umbrellas, Lady's Bonnets, Bonnet Silks, Trimmings; Furr, Cloth and Seal skin Caps; Boots and Shoes, Socks, fyc. .S'c. ..y-c. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF AND MOTORS, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Spices, Molasses, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wine, &c. &. assorted in price and quality. Hardware, Saddlery, Iron, Steel, Nails,' Stoves, Stove pipe, Tin Ware, Cedar Ware; CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WARE, Crockcry-h pre. Salt, J'tsh, Uds, Dye Stuffs, P(tints, S,-c. tyc. fyc and almost every other a"'de that can bo called for in a country sfou" all of which L ........ I..-., .,, n.-lf? flbtnillPfl IJilVJIJ UCCII 1UICIUUJ OUILIVU U I. at the lowest prices, will be offered at small profits in exchange for cash or country pro duce. RUPERT & BARTON. Bloomsburg Nov. 23, 1839. 30 tf. BooUs ! Keoks ! IEooIiS t From Philadelphia and Baltimore. Expositors; Emerson Reader;; Geogra phies and Atlass; Cobbs Books of all kinds, Grammers; Exercises; Conversation on nat ural Philosopy; Emersons Books; Bonycas tle Mensuration; Maps of all kinds; Letter Paper and others, ruled and unruled, colored and uncolored; Bibles, small and large; Tes taments; Quills of all sorts and kinds; Ink stands; Ink and Ink Powders, Black, Red and Blue. And hundreds and thousand and again thousands other articles which can not be mentioned, because it would fill twenty three newspapers. Don't doubt to get th's or that in the Health Emporium, because lit tle of every thing is to be had, equal almost to every shop in Philadelphia or New York. Also, all kinds of Patent Medicines can be obtained for which the Importer of Health assures the Public to bo genuine, and for the most and best of them the undersigned is apppinted Agant. The Importer of Health has received again the appointment of Agen cy for several Medicines from Now York of which the public shall get notice in a short time in our Newspapers. D. S.TOBIAS AND ;wheat AND Will be constantly kept on hand, and soul at Retail. JOHN It. MOYER October 20 MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AND PHEO- NIX BITTERS. THE subscriber having been appointed agent for the sale of the above valuable med icines, has just received from the proprietor a fresh supply at his Drug and Medicine Store in Bloomsburg. J. R. MOYER. Nor. 53, 1830, TO) Mow CrMdh THE" subscriber has jtisf received, and is now opening, a largo and extensive as sortment of Fall and Winief Goods, CONSISTING OF Crockery and C!tit:;t Ware, FISH, LAMP OIL, Sic. &c. ALSO k quantity of blaster and. Stonedbal, All of which will be sold upon as reasonable terms as can be purchased in the county. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Nov. 10, 1830. Fi'csitEli'isgSjl7Ictliciajcs,1aijil9 THE subscriber has received by tho last arrival from the city, at his establishment in Centre-Square, in addition to Insformer stock of Drugs, Paints, Fruits, Nuts, Con. fectionary, Toys, &c. a new supply of a tides in his line, among which aretha fol-r lowing: Solution of Tin, Pure Sulphuric Ether, Spatulas assorted sizjs, Pearl Barley Ar row Root, Oat Meal, Rose Water, Sarsapa iilla Root and Syrrup, Chomic Green, Roso Pink, Chamomile Flowers, rlourSuiphur Coculus Indicus, British Lustre, Albion Corn Plaster, Brandreth'sPills, Hive Syr rup, White Lead dry and in oil, AlchohoL Spirits Turpentine, Raisons, Figs, &c. J. Hawleys vegetable Anti Billious Plls, and. J. Hawleys Vegetable Salve for culs, soars, burns, rheumatism, &c. All of which he offers for sale at low prl ces. JUllix n. wuitiit. Nov. 10. 9 f land lying in Fishing creek township, Co ' lumbia county, the estate of Williath Park, late of Browrl county, Ohio, deceased, will be sold at private sale. Any person wishing to purchase will enquire of the subscriber, In Madison township, who is duly constituted agent of the heirs of said deceased, for the purpose of making salo of tha same. Also, Adjoining the above, is ollercd for sale, to gether with the above, or separators may sun. inaispuia ble deeds will be made. ItfJSSEL PARK. Jerseytown, Oct. 6 1839. 23 PENNSYLVANIA REPORTER. It Is customary for papers at tho Seat of Govern--ment to put out an annual prospectus at the approach of the Lcg'slaturc. promising renewed exertion in tho cause of their respective parties, and faithful r ports of Legislative proceedings. Wo do not feel the necessity of recounting tho articles of our political credd before the mass of jho Democratic party. Wo have ever been faithful to tho principles mid patriotic objects of the Democrat cy of ihe State and Union, and shall remain so, cams what will in the thlo of time. Our best a bilitics have been devoted to its success ami general welfare. Asa central organ and exponent of ita views, wc shall not relax our efforts m Us behalf, nor our adherence to its principles. But we desire to say to the public, that wn lino msdo arrangements to give our readers tho earliest . .in r nr.n.vAccinii!i1 nnil lrtTislativo nrocecd- iniciugi'ucu'" j.uin,".'.".'. o ---- - ings during tho ensuing sessions, and also the ear liest accounts of transactions in our principal cities We have mado provision, lor kccim-iuh iuu of legislative action, in reference to the important subjects which must engage us auemiuu. n nnniiiMipnrn nf the flattcrinff rcspecuuujr duuhi. vw. -- ----- f - jpatronage wo havo uniformly received heretoforo roal niisoiaic uuu cunwi.. Terms or the IUroriTEit. For the session twice a week, in advance, S3 For tho wholo year, 3 Postjiasteks, and others of our friend throughout the State will be kind enough to forward subscribers, and for every Uvo subscribers paid for, they shall have a copy of the Reporter free. BOAS & COPLAN. Estate of ESAU GIRTON, laic of Mad ison township, Columbia county, uc ceased. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters testamentary, have been granted to the su' scriber, upon the above estate All net sons indo'oted to said esta e arc required f make immediate paymen and those bavin, claims or denjands agaiust.tho same, to pro sent them for settlement, duly authenticated according to law, to JAMES GIRTON, Admr. Nov. 10, 1839. miHB Vcnduo Notes of John Wertman ars - S my hands, and can ba nettled wilh mo c time before the first of November noxt. nt wr time all that remain unfcttled, will be left wi H Justice of the. Peace for collection. Bloom, Oct. 5 1839
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers